Bsb Broken Bonds

By John D

Published on Jun 20, 2001


------------------------------------------------------- **Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction and should not be taken any other way. Please feel free to email me, the author, with any of your critism, good or bad.

Again, this is a work of fiction, therefore the story does not reflect the lives of those parties involved. Please sit back and enjoy the "show".** -------------------------------------------------------

Broken Bonds Part 1 Warring Nations

Five young men, grown now from being boys, and a younger blond returned to their surrogate home from a succesful venture. Their enthusiasm ring through the empty halls of the elegant hotel as they pile into the elevator cab.

"That was awesome man!" Aaron Carter exclaimed entering the elevator cab. "There were so many people out there!"

"I think our best concert ever!" Howie Dorough climbed aboard and pushed the button to their floor.

"Well next to the one at home of course." Kevin Richardson smiled, holding the elevator doors open for Nick and Brian who had been lagging behind as usual.

"Yeah well, the sold out crowd was incredible!" Nick Carter jumped into the elevator, throwing an arm tightly around his younger brother. "Something you should get used to from now on, bro." Nick gave his brother a good rub on the head, casting his hair every which way possible.

"Well we can only have out Lord to thank for that. He has given us so much in our lives. We should be thankful for all our blessings." Brian Littrel, the softspoken one of the group, chimed in as he shoved past Nick, Aaron, and Kevin.

"So what's our itinerary for tonight guys?" Kevin released the doors to swish close behind him. The mechanical hum of the elevator echoed quietly through the energized cabin.

"We thought we should go clubbing tonight? It's the best time to celebrate!" AJ smacked Kevin hard on the shoulder. "What say you to that, old man?"

"Couldn't agree with you more, bro." Kevin took his heavy leather jacket off. "What about you Aaron? You wanna come?" Kevin made his usual "older brotherly" duty.

"Heck yeah, I wanna come. I still got some adrenaline to burn from the rush of the crowd!" Aaron yelped smiling up childishly at Kevin.

"But isn't it past your bed time, runt?" Aj taunted Aaron playfully.

"Har, har. In a few years, you'll be lookin' up to me." Aaron stuck his tongue out at Aj and stood his height.

They all piled out of the elevator and headed to their respective rooms.

"That's that then. But I wanna change into something more comfortable first." Kevin switched the TV on subconciously. As they entered the BSB suite.

[blip!] TV Reporter: "...talks with China have completely fallen apart. There are now talks of the possible danger of another Cold War. With Russia, Iraq, and China seeming to have form an alliance against the United States, the President's media staff have instructed for all citizens to be prepared for the worst...."

After a few minutes of changing and an extra few picking up Nick's little brother from his adjacent room, the boys were quickly out the door and into the bustling streets of the New York night life. ******************************************************* The boys hop into a large four door sedan and prepare to re-enter the world in a splash of silver moonlight and cool caressing night air.

"The streets seem strangely full tonight guys?" Kevin commented as he peered out the window.

"Nah, it's just New York, Kev." Aj crammed himself inbetween the front passenger seat and the driver's seat. "So which club we going to go to tonight guys?"

"Has to be one of those that allow kids. Remember, Aaron's with us too." Brian's sweet honeyed voice permeated the car.

"Don't worry, we'll get him in. We always manage to."

Aj turned and winked at Aaron who could only smile and shrug under Nick's and Brian's questioning looks.

"Oh how 'bout that one over there? The bouncer should be easy to talk to." Aj pointed past Kevin and Howie towards a chic looking night spot complete with a bulking bouncer up front.

"Looks good enough to me." Kevin swerved up infront of the establishment to the shrieks of some young female tourists. *******************************************************

After a few moments of ear piercing screams, Kevin and AJ were finally able to convince the big burly man beast at the door to let them in. Although the shrieks of the crowd and the hundred dollar bill sure was quite helpful too.

"That was fun!" Aj's eyes sparkled as he watched the strobe lights and the spot lights and the colourful atmosphere of the club. "Come on!" Aj hurled himself into the confines of the sweating, heaving, swaying, and gyrating body. ******************************************************* 'Whew!' Kevin chugged his cold club soda down after long minutes of dancing. "This place sure is rockin' tonight!" Kevin commented as he turned in his stool to admire the large partying crowd.

"Yeah, didn't you hear?" Another young man leaned over to him. "There are a lot of talk going around that martial law will be declared by Bush. Some sort of problem with China or something?"

"No, no. As I hear it, the US and China are on the brinks of a war. So anytime soon, Bush might re-issue the draft. That's why you see so many people in here partying tonight." The bar tender came over and offered Kevin another drink. "They say that a lot of our NATO allies are getting pissed at a lot of things Bush is doing with the military. When time comes for war, people are saying that the US might find ourselves alone out there..."

The conversation had become too strange to Kevin that he finally decided to walk back to find his the rest of his party.

"Hey guys, I think we should go somewhere else. There seems to be a lot of problems going around tonight." Just as Kevin finally put all the boys back around the table, the music suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am sorry to announce that this club is hereby closed for the evening. The local authorities have instructed that everyone is to be off the streets and back in their homes by 12:00 midnight.

Please try to maintain order, the police will make sure that no one will be harmed." A tall well kept man in a long trenchcoat addressed the crowd from the DJ's booth.

The crowd became hostile and started to voice their complaints. But eventually, everyone were headed out the door back to their cars when the cops started to show. While many were fearful of the current events and decided to follow as the man had instructed, a few still found the new set curfew as just another reason to break the law. *******************************************************

"Man, that totally blows!" Aj voiced his contempt. "How can New York be forced to close by 12? Are they f*cking nuts?!?" Aj slumped in his seat, still heated at what had happened in the club.

"Well, there must be something bad going on. I overheard some grumblings in there that we might end up with the draft soon." Kevin worriedly pulled out of the darkly lit parking lot. "I don't think any of us are ready for another one of those to come around. I guess that's why I didn't vote for Bush."

"F*ck that, Kev. That's just a bunch of bull just to get us all to go home. For all we now, they probably just got caught peddling drugs in that place." Aj growled, spitting his rage all over the tinted windows.

"Someone turn the radio on would ya? I think a little music will cheer us all up." Howie quietly added from the back as Aaron had fallen asleep beside him.

Brian acquiesed to Howie's suggestion, only too happy to be done with the arguement; not to mention thankful to God that he had switched seats with Howie for the ride home.


"...marshall law has apparently been declared by..." Brian tried to scan to another station.

"Tonight, the city of New York is quieted..." Again he tries, but doesn't seem to have much luck.

"Apparently, the U.S. is getting kinda nervous with this deal with China, guys...." Howard Stern's voice boomed out of the car's audio system.

"Dammit, Brian! Change that thing! Can't you find something better than the news?" Aj grudgingly pulled himself up right and back again inbetween the front two seats. "What's up with this crap?" Aj was losing his temper, and losing it fast!

"Aj, calm down. Let's hear this out, see what's going on right now." Kevin quieted Aj as a distinquishably strong and political voice came out the radio.

"All talks with China has dissolved. The Chinese refuses to return the U.S. spy plane they had commandeered earlier this week and late last along with the crew of 24. The Whitehouse and Congress are bustling through the halls of our government system trying desperately to resolve this problem before it escalates. However, just as a precautionary action, President Bush's advisers has made clear that a Marshall Law is in order..."


"That doesn't sound good..." Kevin's voice trailed into the darkness as they climbed the dark garage of the hotel with the thundering silence echoing all over them all. *******************************************************

5 minutes 'til Midnight....

Silence loomed over the members of the group and little brother Aaron. The news of possible war had been a shock to all the boys. Most of them now were in deep pondering of the possible resurgence of the draft. The questions about their futured danced ominously in their minds, when suddenly the most unlikely member spoke up to try and cheer up the group.

"Whew! That had to be one of the best damned clubs I've ever been to. Did you catch those chicks I got it on with on the floor? Swee-eeet!" Aj laughed as the elevator hummed to life, finally getting over the pressing news that has the nation on it's toes. "Sucks being married right about now huh, Kev?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, too bad the place was forced to close down for the night though. Feels kinda weird being home this early in New York." Howie checked his watch. As the number of the hotel floors flickered for the merest of heart beats. 10...11...12... "It's not even midnight yet!"

"Well, I think we should check on management first thing in the morning anyways about this whole threat from China, or whatever. We have that tour around the world in a couple months." Kevin said leaning back against the mirrored wall of the elevator cabin.

"Guys...I don't feel so...blurgh!" Nick doubled over and vomitted in the corner of the elevator. As a tremendous explosion rocked the foundations of the hotel.

"What the fuAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?!" the boyz screamed in unison as the elevator delved into darkness and plummeted the last 13 floors that it had climbed!

"oh shit! oh shit! oh shit! oh shit!" AJ panted as he held on for dear life, his body being lifted into the air by the speed of the plummeting steel coffin.

As sudden as the elevator had plummeted, it abruptly came to a stop, dropping all boyz to the floor in loud painful wet thuds.

'Gulp' "every...everybody okay?" Kevin tried to straighten himself up despite his rubbery legs.

The generator for the hotel had kicked in just in time for the boys and halted their drop in between the 4th and the 3rd floor.

"I...I think I shit my pants...." Aaron shakily joked.

The lights slowly blinked to life like the eyes of a groggy sleeper opening to the seeping sunlight. The cables started to pull up on the boyz' elevator cab. The cables began to creak painfully, the metal shrieking in dire agony until finally it could no longer stay taut and broke!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Once again the elevator cab reverberated with the death screams of the petrified Backstreet Boys....only this time, it wasn't long before the loud metallic and concrete explosion was heard!.

Sparks, smoke, flames, and steel erupted in a chaotic frenzy, flying this way and that like explosive shrapnels cutting the sudden thick green cloud that swept across the United States like a blanket. *******************************************************

Explosions rocked the entire nation as nuclear missles fell from the sky like heavy metallic eggs of doom. Building after building after building, each toppled under the wave of explosive power that rippled through the continent...ripples that sent the nations around the world quivering as a thick mushroom cloud blanketted the entire span of God's green earth with dust, dirt, and destruction...........

End of part 1

------------------------------------------------------- What new world of pain and suffering await the Backstreet Boys? What horrors has befallen the earth?

What will happen now? Only one way to find out. Stay tuned for more of the story. Email me if you have any comments, questions, bashings, curses, compliments, whatever that you want to send my way.

Next: Chapter 2

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