Bsb Broken Bonds

By John D

Published on Jun 30, 2001


Previously in Broken Bonds Part 3...

Arrival at The camp of the Rache Tribe.

"Splendid. Join us around the campfire. Our Tribal Elder and historian shall speak on the Genocide. I would assume that you need to be brought up to date with what has happened around the world." Rache led them to a huge makeshift table covered with food. "Please enjoy, the celebration of life." Dominicus bowed and excused himself and made his way to greet the other members of the tribe.

Miles away in the confines of the Vampyre Emperor's dinning hall...

"Well then, that is settled. A toast, to our Victor, and our volunteers." Zakaiyus raised his goblet of human blood and lustfully gulped it down.

"To our victor, and our volunteers." The other 12 Lords and ladies of the gorge echoed, drank, and proceeded with their dinner. A spitted man, and some wolf cubs.

End of Part 3

------------------------------------------------------- Broken Bonds Part 4 "Genocide and the Long Sleep"

The Rache Campfire and Celebration of Life

"Welcome, my brothers and friends. We have all lived in the shadow of the fearful vampyre lords for so long. Now, a few hours 'til the Sunlight, we shall take a break from our nomadic ways and enjoy our lives in this celebration." Dominicus' voice echoed in their clearing. "Tonight, we are joined by survivors of the Long Sleep. I would like you all to welcome them for they too are our brothers and friends." Dominicus motioned towards the boys were they sat together with Jace beside Nick and Ithica beside Kevin. "Tonight, I ask you all once again to welcome our historian, and elder, Brackus. He shall again tell us of our past and what our future holds for our band." *******************************************************

Miles away in the launching ports of Zakaiyus' Fortress.

'We mustn't allow for that bitch Brittania and her gay compatriot to beat us to these new comers.' Vera was virulent in her arguement.

'Quiet, Vera.' Radu's mental prowess was tremendous. His mental voice although quiet, still echoed in the minds of his allies. 'You forget that we are still in the house of our enemies. Maltus The Magus is a thought theif. Careful of what you say. I agree with what you have to say, but we will not speak of this again until we are in the safety of our own homes.' Radu mounted his monster and flew out to a huge gust of dust and wind into the open air that was beginning to brighten to the coming sunlit hours.

"Hmmm, what do you make of it, Maltus?" Zakaiyus stood watching over his departing guests. The reception dinner for Lord Radu's victory over Lord Lobos had lasted for only a few hours after the main portion of business was handled.

"I think that our dear colleagues are rapidly destroying most of their tithes. Who knows, maybe by the end of this redden tide (AN:seasonal cycle) only one will remain." Maltus joined his comrade on the balcony. "Truth be told, I was hoping Lobos would defeat Radu in their little scuffle." Maltus watched with slanted angry eyes as Radu and his allies made it into the shadows to their respective homes.

"Ah, but how many of us here in the gorge would really agree with you on that one though, my friend. Radu has become too powerful. When the time comes, I might just even throw my resources behind our darling Lady Brittania." Zakaiyus nodded in agreement and walked back into the safety of his home. "Should you now be making your way home as well, my friend? The light hours are almost upon us. The red clouds are already beginning to recede into the day."

"Indeed, you are right my Lord. The sun is indeed upon us. However, you forget that I would rather tread the shadows of the Valley's bowels than fly over the short distance between out two scrapers." Maltus cocked an eyebrow and gambled a sneer at his older more powerful long time ally. "But I thank you for your concern over your allies, my lord." The Magus ducked out of Zakaiyus's grand halls, accompanied by one of Zakaiyus' lieutenants, Maltus treaded down the height of Zakaiyus' fortress. "Zoran, your master, is beginning to worry me?"

"Sir, I...I do not understand?" The other stuttered afraid to give away anything that his master would find punishable.

"No, no. I know that you are loyal to your Lord, Ion.

But this last few wars, your lord has taken a resigned approach?" Maltus read the other's mind easily like a book despite his strong defenses.

"Oh, but he has always been resigned regarding the trouble of the younger lords, M'Lord?" Zoran was one of Zakaiyus' older senior men-at-arms.

"That's true. You are right." Maltus the Magus chuckled to his hidden joke and bid his farewells and made his way to his own Citadel. *******************************************************

Back at the Rache Camp...

Earlier before the dinner...

Two strangers meet in the dark. Their silhouettes merge together with the inky darkness of the forest canopy.

"So what do you have to tell me?" A hushed woman's voice inquired.

"The agreement was reached between his Lordship and I.

But there is still the matter of the new comers and Dominicus. We have to make them see it our way..."

"Fret not about our pretty new friends, my friend. They will see it our way. Their time has been known for their easily broken wills. As for Dominicus...well, I will see to him personally." Her cold cruel voice echoed in the silent darkness. "But let us join them around the camp fire, they are won't to look for us soon."

"As you see fit, m'Lady." The male shadow bowed and together they stepped into the light.

"Jase, I have noticed that you fancy the tall golden one yes?" Ithica stepped forth from her pitch prison.

"Ithica, I..."

"Hush, it doesn't take a fool to see how you two have eyed each other since you arrived. Use that to your advantage. I will work my own persuasions with the dark one." Ithica smiled and kissed Jase almost girlishly on the cheek. "C'mon."

Back at the Camp fire...

"...and here we are now, celebrating the love and the life we have been blessed with over the past decades of the Vampyre demons' reign." Dominicus stood imposingly over all his spectators. "I grant you all now give your attention to our Currandero, our medicine man, Shayem."

All attentions turned to the skinny old man who rose creakingly to his feet.

"Almost two hundred years ago, a great battle errupted all over the world. The long tension filled peace of our worldly nations had finally come to an end. It was just after a new Republican president took to office when foreign affairs quickly turned for the worst. After 6 days of dire deliberations over a small matter, the Ancient Dragon Nation of China drew first blood and cut the United States quickly down to its knees. In a swift moment, red buttons were punched all over the world and the green earth was quickly engulfed in the red, merciless tide of blood.

"As the world crumbled and creaked in their beds, a new race began to rise. From the ruins of the swampy regions of the now ruined Southeast, creatures of vile designs and desires crept upon unwary survivors of the massive genocide. The world had become a cruel world of blood, massacre, cannibalism, and vampyrism. The latter had only been noted after a survivor made his way out of old Florida some five years after t he initial explosion and sucked his rescuers dry of their blood. This first Vampyre is the one Emperor they have now. His name was and is Zakaiyus Marcus (pronounced Mar-sus). With the destruction of most of technology, and the rest quickly following, it was not until it was too late before Zakaiyus Marcus was found out. He had already risen from his 'low born' status of swamp land vampyre to a bloody and gluttenous vampyre Lord. By the time of the nation's consciousness was raised about this new home born threat, he had already commandeered many lives an corrupted them to become his own undead army. It was not long before Zakaiyus made his way into the ruins of Old New York and inhabit the petrified ruins of the old sky scrapers. With his army of near-immortal creatures, Lord Zakaiyus rebuilt the old Empire State Building. Using rocks, boulders, clay, and stone along with the cartilage, flesh, and bone of those poor creatures he captured, the Empire State Building quickly took shape as a rearing stack of nightmarish design. It's lofty spires boasted the new battle sigil for this deamonic creature. An outstreched talon of a hand blazed with the watchful eye and the imprinted image of the crucifix in the palm of the talon. With this blazon, he ravaged the many remaining communities and families in the surrounding area, driving the survivors into nomadic tribes such as the Rache today.

"It did not take long for more of Zakaiyus Marcus' kind to find their way into the ruins of old New York.

With the changing of the atmosphere and the thick clouds of the aftermath of destruction, it allowed for these vile creatures to be able to build their new homes out of the ruined spires and rearing scrapers. For fifty years, the Vampyres grew powerful in their newly appointed Vampyre Valley, while the nomadic remainder of the humankind did their best to avoid, fight, and live in the world we ourselves have created. Many tribes faltered in their convictions as begged for the mercy that the Vampyre Lords and Ladies do not have. Needless to say that many of them were massacred. After 70 years of this, the Vampyres grew smart, many of the older vampyres such as Zakaiyus, Titus Lockjaw, Vampus The Violent, Allura Fatale, and many other lesser vampyres took to creating supplicant tribes out of the weak, faltering tribes. Many of these continue to supply their respective lords with fruits, beasts, and many times their own babies. But while some tribes managed settlement with these older masters, many others were butchered continually by the likes of Haru The Handsome -- the Sire of the now prominent Radu the Handsome -- Dominique Detale, and others like them. As for the Rache Tribe, we first began from the first day of the raids. The great grandfather was the first tribal chief of the then small family. But over the course of the decades, the Rache quickly grew in numbers, assimilating the many other smaller families and tribes into its folds. Since then we have remained true and strong by our convictions and made any vampyre pay dearly for any assualts upon our settlements.

"For over a century and a half, the New World garnered new creatures. Bibeasts of two heads or bodies; The Lancers, large armoured creatures like the olden rhinocerus; Sleipniers the 8 legged horses that drag many of our carriages, and many more of their like. New creatures populated the many wastelands, except the surrounding territories of the Vampyres. These territories are devoid of life, warmth, and existence.

These are territories that only surivors of the Genocide and the Long Sleep only brave..." Shayem shrugged and creaked back down to his seat. Dust rose where he slumped to the ground, creating an illusion that Shayem himself was ancient as the Vampyre Lords and was there first hand at the events which he had just explained. He had done his part, now was time for the new introductions.

"Tonight, we celebrate a tremendous pleasure of rarity and miraculous design." Jase stood up to address the tribe. It was his role for tonight. "Tonight we are joined by excuse me, 6 survivors of the great sleep. They are here with me tonight to take part in this Celebration of Life. What better more appropriate means." Jase looked around at the anxious faces of his fellow Rachians. Jase looked down and smiled at Nick. "My friends, please welcome our new guests -- and members to Rache -- to my left, Nickolas Carter, his brother Aaron, next to him is Brian Littrel, Anthony 'Aj' - forgive me -- McLean, Howie Dorough, and beside Ithica is their eldest and leader Kevin Richardson." Each stood to the mention of their names to smile and greet the crowd as much to the occasion as they could. When finally the last of the introductions was made, Jase returned to his seat, and Dominicus was once again looming over his people.

"It is a great honour for me as the Chieftain, and leader of my people to have such guests join my tribe and family. I pray that you will find this all to your liking and teach us, the Rache Clan, the old ways of existence and life and the experience before and after the long sleep. For now, let us dine, and relax, and celebrate life!" Dominicus threw his arms up into the air and declared the continuance of the party. Music played and the clamour of voices filled the air greeting and welcoming the new comers into the fold. *******************************************************

"Nick, I have someone for you to meet." Jase whispered to Nick amidst all the chaotic partying of the tribe.

"Yeah?" Nick looked at Jase's delicate features. "This person as cute as you?" Nick smiled, thinking that the word cute no longer existed in this time era.

"Not in the least bit, no." Jase grinned back at him happily. "But I think you and your friends would like to meet him though. He's also from your time."

That last caught Nick by surprise. But heat crept up to his face, forcing a blush out of him as he has practically seem to have been caught red handed hitting on the guy. "I...I-I was just...just kidding around about that that cute comment that I made." Nick stuttered like a little school boy. He cursed himself for acting so childish.

Jase laughed a rich boyish laugh, and leaned in to Nick. "Don't worry about it, I think you're adorable too." Nick leaned back to see if the other was joking. Jase winked at him happily and said. "C'mon, grab your friends, let's go meet the other Sleeper."

Nick whispered over to the other guys and they were quickly off with Jase to meet the other guy from their time. ------------------------------------------------------- Meanwile back in the Vampyre Valley. In Maltus The Magus' Citadel.

"Hmmm, Malin, is it me or are some of our neighbors seem to be massing for a hunt?" Maltus walked out of his meditation chamber to gaze out the large balcony over to the other manses and spires of Radu, and his two haggish allies.

"Sire, they have been at this for the last few minutae cycles. It is far too close to dawn even for the Lord Radu to brave."

"I believe these three know something that we have missed. I have scried their minds, and all I see is chaos. I dared not venture deeper in caution of being caught." Maltus' frown deepened. "I must notify Lord Zakaiyus at once." He scampered off back to his launching ports to mount a dragon to his closest neighbor and ally's great ZakSpire.

End of Part 4

------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading. Send your thoughts to me at thank you.

Next: Chapter 5

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