Bsb Me

By Stupid Nerd

Published on Nov 15, 1998

Gay, u kno the drill.

i awoke shaking my head groggily. i looked at my surroundings and realized i was on the floor. huh? i thought. then i remembered what had happened. the person next to me was already up. he gave me another award-winning smile. i smiled back, basking in the glow of that smile from that person. i sighed.

"took u long enough," said Brian.

"yeah well," was all I could come up with. "how long have u been up?"

"a while. i've just been admiring u while u slept. u know, u snore a little."

"no i don't. but then again, i wouldn't know. no matter, i still think you lie."

"no actually, i like it. it's not a big annoying kind of snore. it's a cute one."


the reply i recieved was yet another gorgeous smile. i reached for his hands.

"i love u," i said, starting the endless cycle conversation we had when i first met him.

"ditto," he said, taking his cue.

"10 bucks says i love u more."

"ur on."

"how we going to prove this?"

"how about a little something like this..."

he started tickling me and i started laughing. soon, i was tickling him back and we were cracking up. my stomach started hurting and i tried to stop laughing. i brushed the tears from my eyes.

"is something wrong? y r u crying?"

"don't worry, they're tears of joy. just that i was thinking about u and laughing so hard," i smiled showing i was fine. then i attacked him.

we were already naked from the sex we had before. so i just skipped that part and began to kissg him, letting our tongues share each other. i straddled him and touched his face, feeling his eyes, his mouth, his nose. then he moved up a little and soon, he was back inside me where he belonged. as i let my hands roam across his chest and stomach, we got a beat going and soon i felt myself being filled with his juice. i moved up and touched my cock to his lips. he teased it with his tongue til finally sucking it in. after a few seconds, i filled him and he smiled still w/ my dick in his mouth. i started laughing at the sight. he looked like a baby sucking on a pacifier that just happened to be attached to me. it came out and i leaned down to kiss him again. i'm just a sucker for kissing and romance and that sorta crap i thought. i drank my own cum and we just stayed in that position for a while. then, i got up and put on my clothes. not an easy task considering the space. brian just laid there on the floor.

as i pulled him up, i said, "cmon, we gotta go back now. it''s 7:00. cmon cmon cmon."

"ok ok, just give me a minute. i was trying to stay in the moment."

"well, we've got a lot more moments to come. but for now, we've gotta ditch. the others r going to start worrying soon."


i snickered and moved into the drivers seat. as i pulled out of the parking out, he moved into the passenger seat. i glanced over and smiled at him. he pulled down the visor and checked his hair in the mirror. in a few, we were back at the hotel. going up the elevator, we just gave each these idiot grins. when the doors opened, we saw all the guys in the hallway.

"where the hell were u two?" asked kevin, sounding a little annoyed.

"yeah, we were worried," aj chimed in, always playing the peace maker.

"oh yeah, sorry, we got a little held up in...traffic...," brian said, stuttering.

of course, the guys knew exactly what geting stuck in traffic meant so they didn't push it any further.

"let's go get something to eat. i'm starved," howie said.

"ok, where?"

jon suddenly said, "i can't join u today, gota check last minute details for the trip tomorrow."

"oh yeah, well can't u do that after dinner?" i asked.

the other guys joined in and soon jon was with us in the elevator going to the lobby. when we arrived, we approached the front desk.

the clerk, smiling a welcoming smile, asked, "hello, how may i help u?"

"we wanna know where the best place to eat is," nick said, talking for the first time since me and brian got back.

"hmmmm...well, that's an easy one. it's the Royal Palace Restaurant. the food's excellent, with 5 star service."

"that's great, thanx," nick said.

"oh yeah, can u get us another limo," i requested, remembering last nite.

"no problem. it'll be here in a few minutes."

"thanx," i said.

we sat at the lounge across from the front desk. i sat in the 2 seater w/ brian and i picked up one of the magazines. it was a tv guide. on the cover was another of my infatuations, david boreanaz along w/ keri russell, star of felicity. i flipped through it, reading little bits here and there. soon, aj announced the limo was here. we went through the front doors and all of us looked around for any fans. thankfully, noone was running towards us. we got in and were on our way to the recommended restaurant.

it must've been the brightest place i've ever seen. there were so many chandliers that i was sure i was going to blind. this was through the tinted windows too. the car door was opened by a door opener (i forget what they're called) and then another person opened the front door. there were 3 podiums with only 1 maitre'd present. we asked for a table for 7 and we were immediately led to a huge round table. the menus were handed out. then, a waiter came, and asked if we would like a before meal drink. we all ordered one and put down the menus thinking we could decide later.

i looked around the room. it was very lively and the people there all looked very rich. very hi class place. there were many waiters and waitresses bustling around and the people all looked so happy, engrossed in conversations. the tinkling of glassware and the sounds of laughter could be heard every second, everywhere. towards the middle of the room at the front, opposite the door was a stage. i guessed they had many celebrities and entertainers.

our drinks came and we all enjoyed them, picking the menus back up. $500 for a bowl of soup?!?! i thought. damn, i'm glad i paid yesterday. after a long time, i finally settled on something, and when putting my menu back down, realized i was the last one. i blushed and brian (who was sitting next to me of course) patted my thigh and leaned over whispering it was okay. he left his hand there and started moving it up and up, very slowly, at a crawling pace. he reached what he was trying for and i could feel him trying to pull down my fly. i put my hand under and as much as i wanted him to continue, i moved his hand away. i turned toward him and mouthed not now.

jon began telling about the next day. he said we would get one of those tour buses and that the bus would be our "house" for the next few days. howie asked how many days, and jon said he didn't know. he also added that it contained a bathroom and would be very spacious, except for 1 problem. there were 6 bunks.

i joined in saying, "what's the problem? that's enough."

we all laughed and jon said he had just thought it mite've been a little tight.

"r there any separate rooms?" brian asked.

"y?" asked jon, not getting it yet.

"ummm...for...privacy...," brian said.

u could c the lite in jon's head go on when he comprehended what brian meant. "oh yeah, there's one spare room. it has a table and some couches. plenty of room for whatever u need to do."

we all laughed again and everyone just branched off talking about nothing in particular. our meal came then and we all started eating. the food was delicious just like the clerk had said. soon, we all finished and were just sitting back relaxing. i excused myself, going to the bathroom. while at the urinal, brian came in.

"hey, lover," he said.

"hey. not in public remember?"

"yeah yeah, i just couldn't resist."

"neither can i, but i don't want to destroy your career. how else u gonna support me?"

he grinned as he approached me, but i zipped up and went to the sink, trying to ignore him.

"u know u want it," he said.

"u know too. but like i said before, ur career. what'll the other guys think if i bomb their career after such a short time just because i had to have a quickie."

"fine fine fine mr. goody goody," brian said, a little sad.

"oh, goody goody eh? wait til we get back, then we'll c just how goody goody i am."

he brightened up at the thought of getting back and we left the bathroom. when we got back to the table, the others were discussing where to go after dinner. it was only 9.

"i really have to finish working," jon said.

"great, bri and me can go back to the hotel w/ u. the rest of u can club hopping or whatever," i said.

everyone, while smiling a knowing smile, agreed and we decided that we'd ask the driver to drop us off first. we paid the bill, leaving a generous tip.

the front doors of the hotel were a blur as was the lobby, elevator, and hallway. the door clicked shut behind me as i practically threw brian down onto the floor. we started removing the other's clothes, and soon we were rolling around on the floor, kissing, like 2 pigs in mud. he released his lips from mine and his mouth was on my cock. i repostioned myself and soon i was sucking his as well. i took my mouth off and started to just lick and poke at it with my tongue. i moved to his bush and just smelled the hair. then i reswallowed his dick and sucked at it as if i hadn't eaten anything thought i just did not half an hour ago. we both came at the same time, each lapping up the other's juice. i got up and when he tried, i pushed him back down gently. he got the idea and soon, i was all the way in him. i kissed his ears and neck as we moved in synchronization with each other. in and out, in and out. i tensed and shot into him. he moaned and i just turned him around to kiss him again.

we both lied down on the bed, resting, with the occasional kiss. he had a contented smile on his face, and his eyes were closed. damn, looking good as ever still, i thought. i turned and stared up at the ceiling. brian turned his head toward me.

"penny for ur thoughts," he said.

"it costs mor than that," i said. "but for u, i'll do it for free. i wus just thinking of that smash mouth song, "i can't get enough of u baby. oh and was that a good enough "moment" for u?"

he chuckled, and so did i, not knowing y. he got up and i asked him where he was going. he said he was going to shower and i told him not w/o me ur not.

i started by washing his hair. i poured some shampoo into my hand and lathered it into brian's head. after i washed it out, i began to soap him feeling every inch, every centimeter, every part of his body. then he started to do me. i just closed my eyes, relaxing, basking in the warmth of the water, letting him kiss my body while he washed me. we got out and dried each other off.

walking to the bed, brian started singing "as long as you love me."

"hold on, could u sing a little while later? i wanna call my folks since we're leaving tomorrow. i just wanna let them know we're leaving and how i'm doing."

"ok, but don't take too long. like u said before, i can't get enough of u baby."

"i'll try to be quick."

i picked up the fone and dialed my number. my dad picked up. when he recongnized it was me, he told my mom to pick up the extension, and then my sister to get the cordless. i told them exactly what i had told brian i would tell them. they wished me luck and i told them i loved them, and hung up. i could tell brian was about to sing again when i picked up the fone again. he looked at me questioningly.

"i'm calling a friend. i'm sure that my sis has been covering for me at school, but i'm going to explain myself. wish i had a computer though. could use AIM."

"well, there's a laptop in jon's room. i'm sure he wouldn't mind if u used it. i think he has the internet."

"r u sure?"

"yeah, cmon, let's throw on some clothes and we'll go."

"nah, i'll do it tomorrow. i don't wanna use his laptop w/o his permission. plus, i'm very comfortable right now w/o clothes."

he smiled and started singing again. this time i didn't stop him, and instead, pulled back the blankets and crawled under. i pulled him under too. he just held me with my head on his chest as he sang. i drifted off to sleep w/ his soothing serenading.

i woke up w/ my head on the pillow. brian was putting on clothes.

"what r u doing?" i asked.

"going to grab a bite."

"no, i meant y r u putting on clothes," i said as i grinned devilishly.

he got the point and came back to the bed, taking off the shirt, exposing his body to me once again. i sighed as i looked at it and reached up to feel it. it felt so smooth and nice under my hands. he laid down on top of me, our dicks pressing together. he removed his pants and boxers. now we were touching skin against skin again. i rubbed his ass, feeling it's roundness and firmness. i moved down slowly, w/ my tongue out, licking his body. i reached my target and started sucking it. he started to moan and i sucked harder, trying to coax out my prize. soon, my reward was given and i drank it down. i kept sucking though and he was hard once again. i was awarded once again w/ more cum. i drank this down as well. i moved back up to his face and kissed him. he got up and started putting on his clothes again.

" i should get up too but i'm too lazy to."

"here, give me ur hands. i'll pull u up."

"oh wait, we forgot to get my clothes yesterday."

"that's okay, we can get them today."

soon, i was dressed (in the clothes i had bought yesterday) and we walked out the door, down to the dining room w/ the food that seemed to replenish itself. only jon was there. how convenient.

"morning. have fun working last nite?" i asked jon.

"hey, it was fun," he said sarcastically.

"r the others still sleeping?"

"yeah. we've got to leave at 10 so remember to wake them if it gets too late."

i looked around for a clock and saw it was 8:30. huh? how could i be up this early i thought. but then i remembered what i wanted to ask him.

"hey, could i borrow ur laptop to go online?" i asked jon.

"yeah sure, the password's bsbme. checking mail or something?"

note: i couldn't think of a password. so i decided what the hell, y not?

"yeah, and i just wanna tell my friends were i am. of course, i have to tell them about me being gay too."

it felt right saying it. something felt different too. as if i was walking in the dark before, but now it was light.

i got a donut and asked brian if he wanted to join me. he said sure and got a donut too. i walked to jon's room and opened the door w/ the key he had given me. i saw the laptop, which was on the table, immediately. i whistled. not bad at all.

soon, i was online and downloading AIM. it was done quickly and i signed on using the sn maltaurus. only 2 people were on. then i remembered practically all my friends were nite owls and only went on at like 10 and 11. brian just sat in the seat next to me, eating his donuts. the 2 people on were rachel and allen. i decided to tell rachel.

note: rachel loves to keep typing lol. she is a real person. also, i haven't told anyone yet in real life, but i'm thinking of telling rachel soon. that's y i picked her.

"heyyo," i typed.

"hey. where have u been? sick? but that can't be it. u said u never get sick. lol."

"sorry, been busy. i have to tell u something."

"do ur parents know u haven't been at school? i asked ketty and she asked ur sis where u were, but all she said was he's elsewhere. oh, and what do u need to tell me?"

"it's okay. stop worrying."

i paused and looked at brian. he looked so damn good, even w/ powder around his mouth. i gazed into his eyes, gathering my courage/stalling to tell my secret.

"hello? kenny? u there?"

"yeah, sorry."

"so, what's the thing u need to tell me."

i typed "nevermi" when brian put his hand on mine. i looked at him and and he nodded. i looked into those deep blue eyes. i held his hands. no more stalling i thought.

"KENNY? r u ignoring me?"

"i'm gay," i typed. i pressed enter.


"that's what i had to tell u."

"that's it? u had me worried. i thought u were on drugs or something. lol."

"thanx rachel. ur a great friend."

"i know. lol, ur welcome. how long have u known?"

"a while, since...i guess 5th grade. but i've only decided to tell u recently because i've fallen in love."

"oh, is that y u've been 'busy?' lol."


"anyone i know?"

"hmmm, not personally."


i looked at brian again. another telepathic conversation. i had trust her enough to tell her my sexuality. he nodded again.

"brian litrell."

"doesn't ring a bell."

"oh yeah, u don't like them. backstreet boys."

"liar. lol."

"no lie. for real."

"damn, u scored big time."

"he's sitting right next to me."

"oh, oops. lol. hi mr. litrell."

i moved over so brian could type.

"hi rachel. it's okay about that comment."

"oh okay, sorry. lol. so r u ever coming back to school kenny?"

i moved back. and this went on, w/ me telling her about the job, the travelling, the man i loved, the past few days (minus the sex), the way i felt, my future. i also told her to tell the truth to anyone who asked. she promised me she would and i signed off w/ her wishing me luck and me thanking her again.

"that wasn't so bad. rachel sounds like a great friend."

"she is. she's the best."

we kissed. he was holding me in his arms when all of a sudden, the door opened.

"hey, r u done yet kenny? i need to use the comp...oh, oops."

"hey, my fault. it's okay, we weren't doing anything. thanx for letting me use it, i'm done."

"no prob. by the way, the other guys are in the dining room. they just started eating."


we walked out and entered the dining room again. the boys were talking about the nite before. i suddenly remembered my donut. i went to get it and when i came back, brian was eating again. a jelly donut this time. we just listened to them talk. as soon as i finished, i got up.

"cmon bri, we gotta pack."

"oh yeah," he said slyly.

"i really mean it."

"oh okay. but we have lots of time for...more stuff. it's only 9:15."

when we got back to the room, i helped brian pack.

"oh damn. i should've brought some cds and my disc and walkman."

"well, we can go back and get it and still be here on time. sex can wait."

"okay, cmon let's go. i need to bring back the 4x4 anyway."

i went to tell jon and soon after, we were on the road back to my house. when we got there, i saw that the garage door was open. i pulled into the driveway and walked into the garage.

"hello?" i called out.

my mom called back and came out of the basement. she walked briskly towards me and hugged me. i hugged back and introduced her to my love. they exchanged greetings and she told me in chinese that he was cute. i laughed and walked up the stairs. when we got to my room, i decided i needed more than just cds. so i brought my most recent yearbook, my letter opener shaped like a dagger that my cousin had given me and my kenny from south park doll. while i was picking out the cds, brian was looking around.

"this is nice."

"thanx," i said, "but i wish it was bigger. oh well. guess it doesn't matter anymore."

i picked out my blessid union, peach union, no doubt, selena, toni braxton, allure, natalie imbruglia, and marcy playground cds. my most favorites. then i got down my adidas bag and packed tees, pants, shorts, sweatshirts, socks, briefs and everything else into it. soon, it was full and we were ready to go.

"hey, how's about signing a poster for my sister. after all, w/o her, this would've never happened."


her room, which was right across from mine, was lilac purple. there was one poster of bsb, which i thought was a really good one. we took it down, trying not to rip it. he signed the poster and we left it on her desk so she could immediately c.

when we got back downstairs again, i asked my mom to give us a ride. she said sure and during the ride, she just asked about the past few days. i told her stuff vaguely until she finally decided she was satisfied.

at the hotel, they boys were in the lobby waiting. it was 9:55.

"cutting it pretty close there eh?" aj said.

"yeah well, we're here."

just then, the bus arrived, saving me and brian from further explaining.

we boarded as the driver put in the luggage. as soon as everyone was on, the bus pulled away and we started the journey.

Next: Chapter 4

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