Buddy Sleeve Trio

By Jack Santoro

Published on Apr 24, 2011


Buddy Sleeve Trio, Part 4 By Jack Santoro Jackinnm1@yahoo.com

I felt an intense hot tingle in my urethra, and I knew the unfamiliar sensation came from the "Sparkler" Fred had pushed into the first inch of my tube, right inside the glans. The other electrode was a loop of conductive rubber wrapped around the base of my shaft, and the pulses ran between the two. My prick was rock-hard, turgid with blood, and throbbing with sensation. I had Fred to thank for this unusual sensation......

Mike was due to fly out Wednesday evening on business. He was just about to leave when I got home, and then the phone rang. It was Fred, a mutual friend we hadn't seen in years.

"Hey, Jack, I'm going to be in town this week. Are you and Mike free this weekend?" I had the call on speakerphone so that Mike heard every word.

"Mike's going out of town but I'll be here," I replied. "I hardly get to travel on my job." Mike gave me a thumbs-up and dashed out the door.

"Too bad," Fred said. "I would have liked to see Mike too."

"Well, I'll be here," I told him. "Would Saturday about nine in the morning be okay? If you want to come for breakfast, be here at eight." He agreed to come at eight, and we hung up.

Saturday morning I was in the kitchen shortly before eight, having set up the coffee maker to brew a full carafe, and I had slices of bacon in the microwave between paper towels, as this cooks the bacon more evenly than when it ripples in a frying pan. I was putting the first slices of bread in the toaster when I heard a car pull up in the driveway, and I went to the door to greet Fred. He came in and we hugged before I led him to the kitchen. He'd brought a cardboard box with him. Fred was about my age, 27, about my height, six feet, and with a medium build. His hair and eyes were brown, like mine.

"It's been years," he said as he sat down. I buttered the toast that had just popped up and put a pat of butter in the frying pan for the eggs. As I put another couple of slices in the toaster, I said:

"Yes, years. Too long." We had met in college, and after graduation had found work in different cities. "How are Justin and Kyle?" These were two friends from college.

"They went down into Mexico last year and haven't been heard from since," he replied. "How is Mike?" he asked. I cracked four eggs into the pan and replied:

"He's doing well. We're sharing the expenses of this house, and generally enjoying ourselves. He'll be back Monday or Tuesday." I took the bacon out of the microwave and separated the slices from the paper towels.

"Well, sorry I missed him." Fred seemed genuinely disappointed that Mike was not here. I finished cooking the eggs and put two on each plate. I poured him a cup of coffee, brought over the toast and bacon plates, and sat down to eat.

"I know you'd have liked to see him, but maybe he'll be here next time you visit. Maybe we could come out to see you." We dug into the food and didn't speak until we'd finished. I cleaned off the table and washed the dishes, the noise of the water in the sink stifling conversation. I dried my hands and led him into the bedroom, as I knew this was the main reason he'd come. Both Mike and I had enjoyed sex with Fred in the past, and he seemed to like us a lot.

As it was summer, I'd been wearing only a bathing suit in the house. Fred had on a golf shirt and cargo shorts, which he quickly doffed, leaving him with only boxer shorts and sandals. He took these off giving me a view of the part of him that both Mike and I found most interesting. Unlike Mike and me, Fred still had his foreskin, as he had been born in England, having come to the States with his parents at age three.

"I know you like this," he said, smiling, as he fingered his foreskin, which bulged with the outline of his big helmet-shaped glans. Fred's glans was fully covered, the foreskin forming an open pucker at the end that just showed his slit. In the winter, it would tighten down and close, but the hot weather relaxed its muscle, as it relaxed our scrotums, which hung down loosely.

I reached for his prick and gently squeezed the big glans through the covering skin. Fred reciprocated, giving my big purple helmet gentle squeezes that made my cock-root throb. I felt the blood flowing into my penis, bringing it to erection, as I felt his prick enlarge between my fingers. I knew we both had about six inches erect, very average in size, and with straight shafts.

We were fully erect in less than a minute and I gently pushed his foreskin back to uncover his glans. Its shape was very much like mine, with blunt nose and high flaring rim. The coloring was darker purple than mine, as the mucous membrane of his glans was kept moist and protected by his hood. Mine was more pinkish-purple, and dry. Fred looked down at my prick.

"You still have that pouting pee-hole," he said. His, by contrast, was a slit that did not open up when he became erect. I slipped his hood forward again to cover the head.

"You're lucky," I said. "You've got enough length to cover the tip even when you're hard. Lots of guys have only enough to keep the head covered when they're soft, and some don't even have that much, even if they were never cut. Ever do any docking?"

"No Jack, I was never able to dock another guy. I've only got enough to cover my big tip, not another big tip. I've seen a couple of videos of guys who had enough skin to dock another guy's helmet, but I've never met any," he informed me.

"Mike and I saw some videos too, but we never met an uncut guy who could dock us either," I said. "That's why I got this buddy sleeve when I saw it on the Internet."

"What's that?" Fred asked, and I pulled the buddy sleeve out of the drawer. It was a transparent soft plastic sleeve with rows of small studs on the inside, about six inches long, and designed to fit over two pricks held head to head.

"We can dock with this," I said. "It's not really docking, like with a foreskin, but the sensations are terrific. These little studs on the inside give you more sensations than a smooth foreskin would."

"I'd really like to try that with you," Fred said. "After we do that, I've got something to show you." I squirted some Astroglide into the sleeve and we lay on the bed facing each other. I slipped the sleeve onto my erection and held it for him to introduce his glans into the other side.

"We go into this until we're head to head, and then I'll start sliding it to give us friction," I said as he eased his big glans into the sleeve. His foreskin slipped back and locked behind his high flaring ridge, and he sighed in satisfaction as he slipped another inch of his shaft into the sleeve until I felt the heat of his naked glans pressing against my front dome. Now I began a slow back-and-forth movement.

"Feel that?" I asked. "It's more intense than sliding your foreskin back and forth."

"Oh, do I ever feel it, Jack," he replied. He grew very serious. "I don't think I can hold off for long. I haven't had a come in a week and all that coffee I drank is really putting pressure on my bladder."

"Plus you're more sensitive because your prick is natural," I added. "It's okay if you come before I do, just as long as it feels good for you. Let yourself go and enjoy it." I stepped up my pace, stroking the sleeve faster now, knowing that the sensations were reaching deeply into Fred's prick, and that he'd go into uncontrollable orgasm within a minute.

"OH-OH-OH" he went as his muscles tightened, and I saw his scrotum draw up against his body. His engorged tip felt hot against mine, and now it felt firmer, having lost its slight sponginess as it went into its final swelling. The purple color darkened even more, and I knew he was on the dge. I just wondered if his jets would shoot into my meatus.

"HAAAHHHHH!" he cried out helplessly as I felt his big helmet throb hard against mine. A torrent of hot sperm poured over my glans as he released his juices, and I stroked us even faster, knowing that his orgasm would be long over before mine started. Another jet poured over my helmet as his prick throbbed again. He was looking at me with a fixed stare, unseeing as the spasms wracked his body.

Fred cried out again as his straining prick throbbed again and another hot jet washed over my prick. His next ejaculation was weaker, and I felt him pulling away from me. I knew that Fred's prick, already more sensitive than mine, became super-sensitive during orgasm, and that the sensations inside the buddy sleeve must have become too intense for him. His hand wrapped around his penis and he massaged it gently as the last of his cream seeped out, falling onto the towel that I'd placed on the bed.

His eyes closed for a few seconds as he recovered from the biological storm that had wracked his body, and then he grasped the buddy sleeve, pushing my fingers out of the way. I felt him begin to slide the sleeve along my prick.

"Now it's your turn," he said. "Just relax and let me do you." His hand moved faster now, and I felt the rows of studs rubbing and compressing my rim as they bumped over it. My bladder felt very full, yet I knew I wouldn't be able to pee while I still had the erection. Fred's other hand cupped my balls, which had tightened with excitement. I looked down and saw that his foreskin was still lodged behind the rim of his shrinking glans, and I gently pulled it forward to cover and protect hs precious head.

"Thanks," he said, and he increased his pace. "That felt really good for me, and I know it feels wonderful for you, with those little studs running over your tip. Just relax and let it happen." It felt like a deep massage all along my prick, because with only mine in the sleeve, he was able to take full strokes along my glans and shaft, right down to the base.

"Your balls are tight, and now your tip's getting darker," he observed. "You'll be blasting off very soon." I felt the increasing swelling and congestion as my shaft and glans went into their final swelling, the last plateau before my release, and my eyes closed involuntarily as I withdrew into myself. My entire world was my prick and the tickling feeling that was growing in my glans. Fred continued to stroke me hard, and now the tickle changed to a hot tingle.

"HO-HO-HO" I cried out as a sharp spasm gripped my cock-root and the first gush of hot sperm rushed up my tube. It felt burning hot, and I moaned as I felt it slam through the pouting lips of my pee-hole and erupt into the sleeve. The friction and pressure on my prick continued unabated, drawing another spasm of joyful agony from my body. Fred kept sliding the sleeve over my straining prick, and I cried out again as another rush of cream poured from my tip.

Now my last jet was weaker, and another just dribbled from my tip. Fred sensed this and stopped stroking, letting me come down off the orgasmic high. My body relaxed as I opened my eyes. Fred gently pulled the buddy sleeve from my prick, and a good part of my ejaculations dropped onto the towel. I felt his finger running up the underside of my shaft, milking the residue so that it seeped out of my pee-hole.

Unlike Fred, who recovered from an orgasm within seconds, I lay in a daze for a couple of minutes. Fred took the buddy sleeve into the bathroom and rinsed it in the sink. Then he came back for me, grabbed my arm, helped me up, and we went into the bathroom. We got the water running and stepped into the shower, where Fred quickly skinned back to get the full effect of the hot water on his sensitive glans. Within seconds we were draining ourselves, flushing out the last of our residues and pouring our yellow streams down the drain. We didn't bother to soap up because we weren't really dirty, just hot and sweaty.

"I just couldn't hold back," he said apologetically. "That was so intense that I couldn't help myself."

"No problem," I reassured him. "I felt every throb of your prick-tip against mine, and feeling your hot juice pouring over my helmet was very hot." I didn't mention that our holes had not aligned, and so I didn't feel his jet shooting down my urethra as had happened with Mike. We turned off the water and dried ourselves, Fred paying special attention to his glans and foreskin.

We got dressed and went out for Chinese food, finding a table far from other customers. Fred then told me about what he'd brought with him to demonstrate:

"You're into electro, I know," he began. "So am I. We probably experimented in different ways, and bought different electrodes. What I brought today is called a 'Sparkler.' It's a piece of conductive rubber that goes in your urethra. You can put it in up to four or five inches, depending on what feels good for you. I'll show it to you when we get back."

"Mike and I did a few things with electro, especially the last few weeks, but this is new to me. I'd like to try it today," I replied.

"I think you'll like it," Fred told me. "I've found that circumcised guys get more from electro than guys who still have their skins."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"You know that the circumcised penis is less sensitive because the nerve endings in the hood are gone forever when they remove it. Also, the nerve endings in the head dry out and become less sensitive. The electro works directly on the nerves deep inside the penis, so being cut doesn't degrade the sensations you feel." This sounded very logical, and I was eager to try the new electrode.

Back at the house we stripped down and sat on the edge of the bed. Even soft, the sight of Fred's prick was irresistible, and I leaned over the grasp it and work my tongue into his foreskin pucker. Fred moaned as my tongue-tip tickled his slit, and he lay back on the bed. We worked ourselves into a "69" position with him and now I felt his lips close around my big helmet, which was rapidly swelling. I pushed my tongue farther into his foreskin as I felt his tongue probe my meatus, and I caressed his flaring rim.

Despite my eagerness to try the new electrode, I found Fred's foreskinned prick enticing, and I wanted to work it to orgasm with my mouth. His scrotum, inches from my eyes, drew up tightly against his body, and I heard him say:

"WOW! I won't last long if you keep this up." I knew that his sensitive prick was especially vulnerable to oral sex, while mine was less sensitive and I doubted if I'd reach orgasm quickly this way. My tongue-tip worked down one side of his flaring corona tickled his thick frenulum, and then worked up the other side. Fred moaned again with my prick in his mouth, and I felt the vibrations in my turgid helmet.

Now I pushed his shaft-skin down to his base, pulling the foreskin off his swollen helmet, wrapping my lips around his corona while I probed his slit with my tongue. Fred moaned more loudly now, and I knew he was getting close. His prick felt hot in my mouth, and the big helmet lost its sponginess as it went into its final swelling. Fred was breathing hard, and when I twisted my head to give him sideways friction around his corona, he grunted loudly, releasing my prick from his mouth. I gave his corona another twist with my lips and felt his prick jerk in my mouth.

"AAAAAAWWWWW!" he grunted as his glans throbbed hard in my mouth and my fingers felt a pulse along the underside of his shaft. A gush of thick cream poured onto my tongue, tasting salty, and I swallowed hard. While his body was straining in the sweet agony of orgasm, I was deriving sublime pleasure from having his magnificent prick throbbing in my mouth.

His big helmet throbbed against my tongue and palate again as it disgorged another heavy salty stream into my mouth. As I was swallowing, his prick throbbed again, and another gush poured into my mouth. The fourth load wasn't as heavy or forceful and the fifth was weaker yet. Now his prick throbbed only slightly as it seeped the final drops and I ran my finger along the underside of his prick, milking the urethra to gather the residue.

"Oh, thanks, that was wonderful," he said as I gave his prick a final squeeze and pulled the foreskin forward to cover the softening helmet. "You made me come so fast."

"That's because you're not circumcised like Mike and Me," I offered. "Your prick's more sensitive than ours."

"No, it's more than that, Jack" he countered. "You and Mike really turn me on. When I felt your tongue pushing into my skin and then tickling my pee-hole, I forgot all about the sparkler and just wanted you to work on my cock and make me come."

"Well, you really came hard," I said. "I didn't expect you to shoot that much cream after this morning's workout."

"Now we've got to take care of your cock. It's still hard." As he spoke, he opened the box he'd brought with him that morning and pulled out a power unti and electrodes.

"First, let me put this blue belt around you," he said as he eased the blue band onto my prick, pushing it to the base of the shaft.

"That's just like the blue belts we have for our unit," I commented. Now he showed me a thin flexible black rubber rod.

"This is the sparkler. It goes into your urethra. Slipping it in won't be any problem, since your hole pouts. I'll just squirt some lube into you to make sure it's easy." As he explained this to me, he grasped my prick to hold it upright while he pressed the mouth of a squeeze bottle of lubricant against my meatus and forced some in. Then he gently slipped the thin black tube about two inches into my urethra.

"You've used this before, I'm sure," I said.

"Oh, yes, I've used it and the sensations are really different from the usual electro," he assured me "This sparkler fits right inside your cock and hits the deep nerves. It can go in up to maybe five inches, but I put only two inches inside you. I think that should be enough for you to feel the full sensations. Now I'll turn the power on." He flipped a switch on the power box and turned a knob. I felt a tingle deep inside my prick, centering around where the sparkler was in my urethra.

"I feel it now," I informed him.

"Want me to turn it a bit higher?" he asked. I nodded and he twisted the power knob clockwise a few degrees. The tingle increased and I sighed with pleasure. I saw that the power level was at 40, and I nodded for him to increase it. He turned the knob again, and I saw the readout edge upward slowly to 50.

"It's really different, just like you said," I told him. "This tingle is really deep."

"You were already hard when I started," he said. "I think you're going to get harder soon." He was referring to the final hardness our pricks took just before orgasm. "Your balls are starting to tighten already." I knew he was right, as I felt my scrotum contract with excitement.

"This is really nice," I muttered, wrapped up in the sensations. The tingling started in my urethra and flowed all through my prick.

"You probably could come this way, but I'd like to change to a pulse program on the box," he suggested.

"Oh, go ahead," I told him. "I like the feel of the pulses better than just a tingle. The pulses make my prick feel like it's throbbing. It's more intense."

"That happens to me too," he said as he changed the program setting on the box. The tingle was interrupted but than I felt a series of pulses that made my prick jerk.

"That made a difference," he said. "Now your cock's moving with each pulse. Let's see what happens when I raise the power to 55." He twisted the knob and the pulses became more intense, almost unpleasant. I moaned.

"I'm going to keep it at this level for a while to let yur nerves get used to it," he told me. "If I raise the power too fast it can be hard to take. Too intense." I was glad he had had enough experience with electro to have gained this insight. My prick was jerking hard with each pulse, and I knew I'd be creaming before very long.

"I feel some lube coming," I told him." A drop of natural lubricant began crawling up my urethra, and I wondered what would happen when it reached the sparkler. He seemed to anticipate my question, because he said:

"A drop of lube will just seep past the sparkler. When you start shooting, you'll force the sparkler out of your cock. When that happens, I'll shut off the power and finish you by hand." He squirted some Astroglide into his right hand and worked his fingers to spread it evenly.

"I think you can increase the power now," I suggested. The insistent pulse-pulse-pulse was really reaching me and now I craved more so that I could unload. Fred slowly increased the power to 60. My helmet was becoming congested, engorged with the increased blood flow, and Fred remarked:

"Your tip's turning darker. It was a sort of pink-purple, but it's more like purple now. The rim's more swollen too, and really flaring out." I knew my prick was in its final swelling, and that the hot pulses would launch my orgasm any second now.

"You've got really attractive cocks, both you and Mike," he said. "They're so much like mine, same shape, big heads, big rims, except for the skin." His voice was fading into the distance as I closed my eyes and withdrew into myself. The last thing I remember hearing was that he was increasing the power again.

My prick jerked hard with the stronger pulses and a hot tingle ran from my urethra right down to my cock-root. I cried out helplessly as the first strong spasm began deep inside me. I felt a rush of hot liquid burning its way up my tube and suddenly the pulses stopped. I felt strong lubricated fingers encircle my prick, squeezing and stroking the cream out of me. I grunted hard as another hot stream gushed up my prick, enjoying the sweet agony of orgasm. Fred's hand stroked my prick hard, and I shot again. His fist twisted around the rim of my glans, producing another stream.

Now my spasms were softer, and my ejaculations slowed as my orgasm began to fade. I felt Fred pressing a fingertip into the underside of my prick, probing for the urethra so that he could squeeze out the last drops of cream. I was still crying out softly at the intensity of the sensations, lost in my own little world. Finally, I took a deep breath and relaxed.

"You really shot a load," Fred told me when I was again able to hear. I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me as he wiped my prick with Kleenexes. My eyes dropped to his groin and I saw that his prick was half-hard, with a drop of clear fluid distending the lips of his slit. I looked up at him questioningly and he said:

"Just watching you got me hot again. It was terrific seeing your cock jerk and then shoot its loads. That first shot made the sparkler side right out of you. I felt it throbbing too as I was stroking you to finish you off. Both you and Mike shoot really big loads." I guessed what was coming next as I recovered from the after-shock of orgasm and I asked him:

"Think you're up to having a session with the sparkler? I know you just came a few minutes ago."

"Oh, I think I could manage another load. Using that sparkler is so intense." I saw him slip the blue band from my softening shaft and wrap it around the base of his, tightening the strap to constrict his veins and help his erection. Then he slipped the sparkler into his slit without using any Astroglide, and I remembered that he had already been secreting natural lube watching me. He lay back on the towel and turned the power level to zero.

"Two inches deep enough for you?" I asked.

"Oh, that's plenty. I've used it all the way in but it doesn't feel any better," he replied.

"Now?" I asked him, and when he nodded I flicked the power switch to ON. I eased the power level up slowly, and when it reached 30 he told me he could feel it.

"The box is still set to PULSE," I told him. "Want to keep it that way?"

"Oh, yes, keep it there," he replied. "I saw the way it made your cock jump with each pulse and I want mine to do the same." I turned the power up slightly and saw Fred's prick begin to twitch and come to full erection. The foreskin slipped back, revealing the sexy purple helmet. I eased the power up to 40 and heard him sigh with delight. When I increased it to 45 his prick bobbed in time with the pulses. I knew exactly what he was feeling because the same sensations had coursed through my body minutes before.

"A bit more?" I asked, and saw him nod in eager acknowledgement. I edged the power to 50, and heard him begin to grunt each time his prick bobbed.

"I really love this," he announced as I boosted the power to 55, watching his prick bobbing more forcefully.

"Your prick's really jumping now and your scrotum's tightening," I told him. "It won't be long until you're shooting your load, the way you're going." His helmet-shaped glans stood out proudly, fully engorged, the corona flaring out to its fullest, and I knew the hot pulses would force his orgasm any second. I pumped the power up to 60 without asking, confident that he was eager to receive the increased stimulation.

"Your tip's getting darker," I told him. "It's dark purple now, and really glossy." I saw a drop of natural lubricant seep out of his slit past the slim rubber rod. Now his eyes shut, and I guessed that the stimulation must be deep and extreme, as he usually did not close his eyes as orgasm approached. His prick bobbed even harder as I edged the power up a little more.

"AAAAHHHHH!" he cried out as the sparkler shot out of his prick followed by a gush of thick white cream. I flipped the power switch off and wrapped my hand around his shaft, driving the foreskin forward over the glossy throbbing glans. Now I pulled back as he cried out again, shooting another hot jet into the air to land on his abdomen. His prick throbbed between my encircling fingers and another gush poured from his distended slit to run over my encircling fingers. The odor of Clorox hit my nostrils, and as I gave him another fast stroke I felt another throb and saw another discharge, weaker this time. His sperm felt hot as it ran down my hand.

I pulled back hard on his foreskin to uncover the glans, putting tension on his gee-string that pulled the front of his glans down. Another gush poured from his prick, this time flowing down his shaft into his pubic hair. Now the gushes were over and although he was still gasping, the cream only seeped from his slit. I used a corner of the towel to wipe the sperm that had fallen onto his abdomen.

"You really blew a heavy load," I told him. "I'm surprised you were able to do it so quickly. That was your third today."

"That's mainly because I'm with you," he said as he opened his eyes. "You're really hot, Jack, and so is Mike."

"Well, you turn me on too," I said. "Mike finds you hot. I find you hot. We're a good match."

"Whatever we do, hand jobs, electro, or what, I always have a really good climax when I'm with you and Mike.

"Well, I know you enjoyed the buddy sleeve," I said. "Want to try it in a different way tomorrow?"

"I'm game," he replied. "Can you tell me about it in the shower? I'd like to wash off thei cream before it dries." We got up and went into the bathroom, placing the rolled-up towel in the hamper.

As the hot water coursed over us, we both let go our sphincters, and our distended bladders released their fluids. Fred hugged me hard as our streams mixed on the shower floor.

"What's this about another way to use the sleeve?" He asked as we soaped each other.

"Well, we've done "Princeton" before. Now we could try it using the sleeve."

"Princeton? You mean when we slip our cocks between the other guy's legs?" he asked.

"That's exactly what I mean. With the sleeve, the sensations should be sharper, and maybe we'll have hotter orgasms."

"Sounds good," he said. "You want me to stay overnight?"

"Sure. You're welcome to sleep with me," I answered as we rinsed ourselves.

We went out to dinner and returned to go to bed. We had had a tiring day, and we looked forward to a very active day tomorrow.

Continued in Part 5

Next: Chapter 5

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