Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Aug 12, 2021


This is the preliminary chapter of a multi part erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. There is both consensual and nonconsensual sex between characters in this story. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)


Part One

I thought of him as Buffalo Bob' or Beefcake Bob' because he was really enormous, obviously a bodybuilder who spent many an hour with the weights every day. Great big wide shoulders leading down to a slender waist, and biceps that were too big for the shirts he wore and were trying to tear their way out of the sleeves. And his pecs! His pecs! Covered only by a too tight wife beater and sticking out through his unbuttoned shirt, they were truly massive. You simply wouldn't believe how erotic it looked with those wife beaters nearly painted onto those bulging masses of pectoral muscle with the nipples clearly showing through. And what was really astonishing, since the sport shirt was often unbuttoned down to his belly button, you could sometimes see the ridges of his rippling abdominals.

He always wore jeans which could barely contain his massive thighs and showed a hefty bulge in his crotch tucked off to the left.

And here is the amazing part. He immediately attracted everyone's eyes as he walked by because of his size; I mean, you couldn't help but notice his wide shoulders. But after your first glance at his impressive body, your eyes would automatically go to his face and you'd see; well, the 'Marlboro Man' from the ads, a rugged outdoors man. A perfect match for his brawny body.

The girls were obviously attracted to him and the boys too of course and he was always surrounded when he entered class. However, he always made a point of separating himself from the group and setting alone in the front row.

I didn't know his name of course, at first anyway. Somehow, he just seemed to look like a Bob' to me, and Buffalo Bob' just seemed to fit. With sixty-five kids in my class and no seating chart, it wasn't worth the effort to try to match names with faces, so I just called on those who raised their hands. It was a lecture class anyway, so I didn't particularly care if the students participated. It was up to the grad students in the lab classes to handle the questions.

`Buffalo Bob' didn't participate. At least not in the way I would ordinarily expect from one of my students. He never raised his hand, but he kept that hand busy doing other things. It took me a while to figure it out, but I began to believe that he was deliberately trying to distract me. And turn me on.

And it worked.

So, here's the story. My name is Dr. William Baker and I'm an associate professor of history at the Eau Claire campus of the University of Wisconsin. This is my third year here and this year I have an `Early European History' lecture class. Thank God it's not open to freshmen but it's popular with upper classmen as a history credit. Hopefully, a few of them are actually interested in early European history.

My course starts with Pope Leo X in 1513, and the beginning of the protestant reformation and Martin Luther. I am a `so called' expert on the Catholic Church and the Popes of the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and of course the reformation. The class is held in a small lecture hall with the floor slanted up front to back and with me standing on a raised platform.

I'm twenty-four years old, and if I do say myself, I'm very handsome. I work out regularly, so I have a nice sleek body, and since I'm gay, it does wonders for my sex life. I'm careful, of course, since I'm in a college town, but I'm on Grinder regularly and do some occasional cruising. I'm not interested in any long-term relationship, not now anyway, so pickups and regular one-nighters are fine with me.

`Buffalo Bob' caught my eye the very first day of class even before he had set down. I was up on the platform talking to my three lab assistants when I saw him coming down the aisle. How could I not notice him; he was huge, maybe 250 pounds or so, and very handsome with slightly tussled dirty blond hair. It wasn't just me looking; the room almost got quiet as everybody's eyes seemed to be drawn to him. Claire, one of my lab assistants actually stopped in mid-sentence, apparently losing track of what she was saying.

So, yeah, he was that hot.

As he came in, he caught my eye, and I couldn't help but stare, and I'm sure he took note of it. Claire, standing next to me, seemed to actually swoon before she caught herself and got back on track. But the guy wasn't looking her in the eye; he was looking at me. I think he was. Maybe he noticed that I was attracted to him, but more likely, he was accustomed to most everyone being attracted to him.

I mean, he was beyond handsome. One of those people, depending on your own personal taste of course; one of those extremely manly men with rugged good looks. Dusty blond hair almost on the verge of being curly, and darker eyebrows. With a square jaw and barely visible red lips he was a perfect Marlboro Man. Really spectacular. And beyond that, he was built; really built, obviously an avid bodybuilder. Probably on scholarship as a football player or wrestler or something, or maybe they had scholarships for bodybuilding. I don't consider my class necessarily an easy credit, but I admit it's popular with the sports scholarship crowd. I like to think they take it because I'm a good teacher and my courses are popular within the college.

Buffalo Bob may or may not have known I was gay. I didn't carry around a sign advertising it, but I didn't hide it either, so I imagine it was known around campus.

On the second day of class, he was a couple minutes early and sat dead center in the front row. And he was wearing the same uniform he wore every day after that: snug jeans which showed a healthy bulge off to the left (yeah, I notice things like that), a tight wife beater, and a long sleeve sport shirt mostly unbuttoned and sometimes untucked, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. His impressive pectoral muscles pushed the shirt open so you could sometimes see the nipples through the tight shirt. With a small waist and enormous thighs, his jeans are skintight, and I don't know how he even gets into them.

It didn't take long for me to notice that his hands were always busy doing something. Sometimes taking notes, but other times feeling his muscled biceps or his round shoulders, tweaking his nipples, and often groping his crotch. At first, I thought He was one of those guys who fidget all the time and can't keep still, but by the second week as I was getting more and more turned on, I began to think he was doing it deliberately to distract me.

I mean, I didn't kid myself that he was interested in me. I'm a twenty-four-year-old college professor and he's a nineteen or twenty-year-old lady killer. He can have anybody he wants, and I have no doubts he has all the sex he can handle. But he is sexier than hell, and yes, an incredible turn on, although not my type. Okay, okay, so yes, he's everybody's type, but I weigh 175 and no way would I go with someone weighing over 250 pounds. In fact, I don't go with guys bigger than me at all since I consider myself a top and want to be in control. And, anyway, my gaydar tells me he is as straight as an arrow.

As can be expected, living in a small city like Eau Claire and being a University Professor, my sex life is not as active as I would like. I can't go to Scooters', the local gay bar because that's where my gay students go. Oh, I suppose I could go there, but I wouldn't feel comfortable hanging out with my students, and I'd probably be looking for trouble. The only place other than Scooters' is `The Lounge', which is a piano bar, and although there aren't many students there, it still wouldn't feel right to have them see me there. I have been seen at both bars a time or two over the past couple years, but it's not a regular thing for me. I'm right-handed, so that hand gets a certain amount of action.

Now, let me tell you about `Buffalo Bob's' right hand. Or, actually it's his left hand, I'm seeing him in reverse. It's usually in his crotch, and it's usually moving. Hell, he was in the front row. How could I not see it? Every time I looked down at my notes my eyes scanned over his face, his chest, his abs, his crotch, and his hand.

He wasn't the only attractive kid in class, but he stood out and I was beginning to think he was putting on a show for me. I don't know why he was doing it, but even when class was over and he was surrounded by a gang of admirers, he always faced me and kept glancing up, trying to catch my eye. I'm not really sure, but a couple times it seemed that he gave me a smirk before I was able to look away.

Although my lab instructors were to handle the day-to-day issues and all the grading so I could concentrate on my lectures, I did put aside one hour a week for conferences for any questions that a student might have. That allowed for four students with fifteen-minute slots each.

It wasn't until the fourth week that Jack (one of my assistants) requested a slot for Bob. Yes, I guessed it. That was his real name: Bob.

I wondered about meeting and talking to him since I was convinced he was trying to intimidate me, and I also knew it was going to be awkward because he turned me on. Hell yes, he did. I consider myself a top, but I could imagine him using me and tossing me around like a toy, and I must admit, I had a couple wet dreams imagining exactly that: Beefcake Bob abusing me and raping me. That tells you how much his looks and his intimidation turned me on.

In fact, I was so overwhelmed by his rugged good looks and actions, that I wasn't sure if I could handle being in a room alone with him. So, I asked Jack, his instructor, to join us. However, as luck would have it, Jack called at the last minute and cancelled, so I was on my own.

Bob didn't knock, he walked in. Can you imagine? A student going to a professor's office and just walking in? He stepped over to my desk and sat down. And just like in class, his left hand went to his crotch.

He was wearing his usual, very sexy, uniform: skintight jeans, skintight wife beater with unbuttoned shirt showing his pecs, and biceps bulging against the rolled-up sleeves.

I was startled at his actions, blatantly walking in and sitting down, and I probably should have been angry, but actually I was unnerved and on-edge. I gulped and started to sweat as I looked up at him. Yeah, he was well over six foot, so I had to look up. He looked back at me, looking me in the eye, but didn't say a word. There was silence and yes, I was intimidated. He had to be doing this on purpose, but I didn't know how to deal with it. I gave him a moment, but he didn't say anything.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked. He still didn't say anything but just kept staring with a bland look on his face and his left hand working his crotch.

"You made this appointment" I said, getting exasperated. "Did you want to ask me something?" There was still another long pause before he finally spoke. A very uncomfortable pause. And I could feel the sweat on my forehead.

"You know, things have been tough for me, teach" he said. Teach; calling me teach? What the hell. But now, again, there was a long pause and I almost asked him to go on.

But he finally spoke. "My rent's due on Friday." I didn't know how I was supposed to react to that, and he didn't say anything more, so I waited. And waited.

"Yes?" I finally said.

"I need to borrow forty bucks" he said.

I just sat there startled. I mean, how in the hell was I supposed to react to this? Of course, I was shocked.

"What? You? What?" I couldn't believe it.

"Actually, I gotta go" he said as he stood up and leaned forward, pushing his crotch against my desk. I couldn't help but notice the outline of his hard cock as he pushed against my desk. He stood there towering over me and looked down.

"Gimmy forty bucks."

I was still in shock and couldn't believe this was happening. I was supposed to give him money?

"I said, gimmy forty bucks" he growled. That was a demand. This huge man, it was hard to say student; this man who was glaring at me and who was twice my size was not only demanding, he was commanding. He stuck out his hand. "Forty bucks" he spat out.

Now, I'm no wimp, but .... But. Well. I gave him forty bucks.

He knocked the chair over as he stepped back, maybe accidently, and that's when I saw the smirk. Yeah, I know a smirk when I see one. I was humiliated. And then, then just to rub it in, he gave me a `most muscular' pose. I swear he did. You know, hands clasped in front of you and every muscle in your body flexing to the max. His pecs pushed the shirt wider open, and I don't understand how the shirt sleeves held out against his bulging biceps. He knew he was sexy, and he knew I was turned on to him, and he was just trying to humiliate me even more.

"You like?" he asked, keeping the smirk on his face. Then he deliberately reached down and groped his crotch. "Yes. I know you do."

He didn't close the door when he walked out.

I am no wimp, but, but, maybe I'm a wimp. I didn't know what to do. I considered talking to the administration and having him expelled from my class. But how could I explain it? What would I say? Do I admit he intimidated me, and I gave him money?

And something else. How do I say this? I was fuckin turned on. I'd never had anybody use me like that. Humiliate me, treat me like dirt, degrade me and demoralize me. God was I ever unnerved, even scared, not knowing where this was going to go, but I was of two minds. He was obviously playing a game, playing with me and I had no doubts this was not the end of it. But he turned me on so much I didn't really want it to end. He had me buffaloed and I knew I couldn't stand against him. He knew it too.

But, but, I was excited. I admit I jerked off before I left the office, and twice more when I got home. The truth is, I think I wanted to submit to this kid.

Class the next day was really awkward. He sat in front as usual and was sexy as always, but I forced myself to look everywhere but at him; above him and around him but never directly at him. I stayed behind my pedestal to keep away from him and also to hide my hard-on. Yeah, it didn't go down the whole period. I didn't say anything to him about my forty dollars, and he left the class as usual.

I still didn't know what to do, but since I made it through one class period, I figured I could just continue as normal. I thought it would be better if I just ignored the situation and pretend that it never happened.

However, in the back of my mind, I was sure he was not done with me. And, hidden in some corner of my mind, I wanted it, I wanted him to confront me again. Shit, yeah. Not for a minute did I think he was gay, but he was obviously a bully, perhaps a gay bully since he had to know I was gay. I don't know what his game is other than just being arrogant prick, but whatever his game was, it was exciting me. I was willing to play.

So, the following class period went okay but I still avoided looking in his direction and I still had a hard-on.

On Friday afternoon I was in my office with a student, Judy Stater. She was asking for support for the theme that I had assigned. In the middle of our conversation the door opened and in walked Bob, Buffalo Bob, every bit as sexy as always. He left the door open and just stood there in the middle of the office.

"Yes, Bob" I said as I looked up at him. He raised his right arm rubbing his fingers through his hair, and casually flexing his bicep, again damn near tearing his shirt. He also smiled at me, or was it still a smirk? Maybe it was a smirk.

There was a pause as he put his arm down but he didn't say anything.

"Ah, Bob. I'm meeting with Judy. Could you wait outside until we finish?"

"I'll wait here" he said, and his left hand went down to his crotch. I don't know what Claire thought but I was embarrassed for her. And as always with Bob, I was intimidated. But I was turned on and the thing in my pants really took off.

"Ahhh, Judy. Ah, why don't you work on what I gave you and check with me next week. Okay?"

"Sure Professor. I think I know what to do now." She gave me a smile and even winked at me, making me feel even more humiliated. She was no dummy, she knew he was the hottest thing on two legs and could see I was embarrassed. She stood up and gave Bob an up and down look and walked out. I wasn't the only one that was turned on. She closed the door as she left.

I was sweating and I was shaking. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I was excited. I knew he was going to do something to me, and I was terrified. Terrified and incredibly turned on. Rock hard and maybe dripping.

Bob stood there with that smirk on his face. Raising both arms, he gave me a double bicep pose which literally took my breath away. I'd not seen anybody like that outside of a bodybuilding magazine. He was spectacular.

Putting his arms down he sat down in front of my desk.

"Forty dollars wasn't enough." he said. "Gimmy another forty."

I was dumbfounded. Totally blown away. And temporarily speechless.

"You want ....? You want ....? You want more ....? I mumbled.

"Yeah. Another forty" he said. "Hurry up. I got to go." I just sat there in shock, looking at him in amazement.

"You want another forty dollars?" I asked.

He stood up and flexed his biceps again, still holding the smirk on his face. He knew I was turned on and about to come in my pants. I know he could see it in my face.

"You heard me. Now hurry up, I gotta go."

"Listen, Bob ..." I started to say. He reached across the desk and grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me out of the chair, up against the desk. This is the first time he touched me, and suddenly I was less excited and more scared.

"Hand over your wallet" he said, holding me there over the desk almost nose to nose. I was scared and shaking. "Be a good boy and hand it over." I was so shocked I couldn't even react. As he held me there, he gave me an air kiss. A real smack, right in my face, and smiled.

I mean, by God, was he ever degrading me.

"Your wallet" he repeated as he just stared at me. There was a pause as I began to see the determined look on his face.

Okay. So, yeah. I gave him my wallet.

He let go of my shirt and gave me a shove, pushing me back into my chair.

"What's this? You don't have forty? There's only twenty-six dollars here."

"Sorry. I didn't .... I haven't had time ...." Alright, so yeah, I was subjugated. And I was apologizing for not having enough money to give him.

"I told you forty. Now cough it up." He was angry. I could see it in his face. He reached over and grabbed me by the shirt again, jerking me to my feet once more and glaring into my face.

"I'm sorry Bob. I don't have it" I said, actually pleading with him. "I'm sorry." By the look on his face, I thought he was going to beat the shit out of me.

He gave me a good shake, rattling my brain and threw me back into my chair, almost knocking it over.

"I'll be back at five o'clock" he said as he turned and walked out, again leaving the door open.

I just sat there in shock, shaking violently. Jesus, this kid was volatile. He was so enormous and scary, and when angry, absolutely terrifying. What should I do? Should I call the police?

Instead of calling anyone, I rushed around the desk and closed the door. Pulling my cock out of my pants I went at it. After I cleaned up the mess on the floor I had to rush, because I didn't have much time to get to the bank. I had to get forty dollars, or maybe only fourteen since he already took the twenty-six.

I didn't even consider not getting him the money. I saw how angry he was, and I didn't know what he was capable of doing. I wasn't about to tell the police or anybody else how turned on I was from this kid. And besides, I wanted to try to talk to him, and see if I could get through to him. After all, a Greek God or not, he was still my student.

I checked my watch, and it was four-thirty, so I had to hurry. I had a student waiting but I sent him on his way and went like a bat out of hell to the bank. It was four minutes past five when I got back, so I sat at my desk taking deep breaths and trying to calm down.

It was a quarter past when the door opened, and Bob walked in. He closed the door this time. He walked up to my desk pushing his crotch against it again, and just stood there. And yes, the smirk was there. He just couldn't stop humiliating me, intimidating me.

He didn't say a word but just looked down at me as he started deliberately moving his hips back and forth, pushing his crotch against my desk.

"How m-m-much ...?" I stuttered as I pulled out my wallet. He didn't say anything but just stood there. I handed him forty dollars and he put it in his pocket.

He took a step back from my desk and spoke. "Come here."

I just stood there with a shocked, frightened look on my face.

"COME. HERE." he repeated pointing to the floor in front of him. As terrified as I was, I knew I had no choice but to do what he wanted, but I was so fucking turned on, I wanted to do what he wanted. My whole body was shaking, but it was mostly lust, not fear. I walked around my desk to stand in front of him. Reaching up to his shoulder he grabbed his shirt and pulled, tearing it apart at the seam, and ripping the sleeve off. Dropping it to the floor, he flexed the now bare arm. He flexed the damn thing right in front of my nose, and it had to be at least 21 inches and it looked like a mountain.

"You like?" he asked. "This turns you on?" I was sweating profusely and shaking, wondering if he was going to hurt me, and more than willing to accept it if he was. I was his willing servant, and he could do anything he wanted to me. I wanted it and he knew it and I knew that he knew it.

"Yes, you like it" he grinned. He reached and put his hand behind my neck, pulling me in.

"Kiss it" he said. "Kiss your master's bicep." My cock was throbbing, and I almost came in my pants as I started kissing his bicep.

So, yeah, I kissed his bicep. He pushed my nose against the big muscle, so I kissed it.

"Bob ...." I started to say as I pulled back.

"Go ahead, this is your chance. Keep it up. Enjoy it" he said.

"Bob ...." I started again.

"You hard of hearing?" he snapped. "I said, keep it up. Kiss it." He pulled my head in again, harder this time, banging my nose against the rock-hard muscle.

So, I kissed it, and kept kissing it as he held me there.

"That's better, but now you've got to worship it. You know you want to" he chuckled. "So, worship. Kiss it, lick it, make love to it." He laughed aloud as he gave me a slap on the back of my head and pushed me aggressively against the muscle. He kept laughing as I got busy worshiping, licking and sucking, and yes, making love to it.

That's when I came in my pants. I started groaning but he held my face there and I didn't stop licking.

"Oh, baby, that's good" Bob laughed. "You know how to appreciate a guy's body." He held me there for a couple minutes letting me go at it as I fired into my pants. Then jerking my head by my hair, he dragged me back so I was looking up at his grinning face. "You'll make a good slave."

Holding on to my hair and keeping that big grin on his face, no smirk now, he gave me a couple gentle slaps to the cheek. "Yeah, you'll work out fine."

He let go of me and I just stood there puffing and panting with a very wet crotch and saliva smeared all over my face as he walked to the door.

"You owe me for a new shirt" he laughed. "And you've got a mess in your pants". He gave me a wink and walked out. He didn't close the door.

to be continued

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkid stories'


Comments always appreciated

Next: Chapter 2

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