Buffalo Bob

By Gladiatorkid

Published on Jan 20, 2023


This is an erotic fiction story about gay men and boys with emphasis on muscle worship and domination. If this is not your thing or you are under legal age of consent, please stop now.

Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not practice safe sex, but keep in mind that this is fiction. In reality, safe sex should always be practiced. This story is entirely fictional and is not meant to depict any characters or places or actual events in real life. Any similarity to reality is entirely coincidental.

This story is for your personal use only. Any other use or transfer to another site is prohibited without the consent of the author. (gladiatorkid@hotmail.com)



When I woke up the next morning Bob was gone. I slept like the dead and felt wonderful, but I was surprised he hadn't awakened me. I knew he liked early morning workouts at the gym, so I had no doubts that was where he was.

I got dressed and went to work. I had the morning free, no classes till afternoon, so I just sat in my office trying to figure out what I was going to do.

It was becoming pretty clear that I wasn't going to be able to break with Bob. It was obvious that he wasn't going to let me, and also, I simply didn't have the aptitude nor the resolve to make it happen. Alright, so I'm still infatuated with him, and admittedly he confounds me each time I attempt to even talk to him.

It's clear that he's a lot smarter than I've given him credit for and I believe he is playing with me. Yes, he's manipulating me, pulling-my-strings and I'm incapable of stopping him. He knows I'm trying to get him to listen to me and that I want to change his behavior, and he's just exploiting my infatuation and using it against me. That's his style, he does that to everyone, and everyone, including me, lets him get away with it.

I'm also in a love/hate relationship with him. I love his power and dominance and beauty, and even his arrogance, but I hate his unpredictability and his insistence on complete control. So, I guess I love him for his dominating attitude, but I don't like the way he dominates. What I object to is his onerous insistence on total control, total domination. He leaves no possibility of anything less than complete obedience to him, not even allowing for a differing opinion.

All of that wouldn't be too terrible if he would behave himself and act rationally. But he can't. He is too brazen and outgoing and acts like he has no limitations. He thinks he can do anything he wants and act anyway he wants just because he is who he is: Mr. Body Beautiful, Beefcake Bob.

Along about nine-thirty there was a knock on the door which I was keeping locked now, so I had to get up to open it.

"Good morning, professor" Jerry said as I let him into the office.

"You just finished your class?" I asked.

"Yes, and it went very well. They were enthused about your last lecture, and we had a good discussion. But Bob, Bob Martin talked to me after class. He wanted me to talk to you."

"Bob Martin again. All we ever talk about is Bob Martin" I said. "Hell, all I can think about is Bob Martin."

"Bob says you don't want him living with you and he thinks you're unhappy with him. He seemed rather upset."

"Bob is upset with the way I feel?" I asked with incredulity. "He's actually noticed?"

"Come on, professor. You're being sarcastic. Bob's not blind, he knows what's going on."

"I'm not sure of that" I said. "I don't think Bob notices anything more than his own needs and wants, and not for a minute do I think he is aware of my needs and wants."

"You haven't talked to him like I have, professor. He's actually rather sensitive."

I started to laugh. "Jerry, listen to yourself. Bob is sensitive? Where is that coming from?" I was floored. Bob sensitive? That was absurd. "And, no, I haven't talked to him about anything substantive because he won't listen. He won't let me talk to him."

"You don't want him living with you?" he asked. "You're not happy with him there?"

"Of course not. He's taken over my life. And I still don't trust him not to disrupt the class."

"That's not fair, professor. He said he would behave in class, and he has. There's been no disturbance the last two sessions, and I don't believe there will be again. Bob doesn't lie."

"Are we talking about the same Bob Martin?" I spoke. "That can't be the same guy I know."

"There you go with your sarcasm again. You really need to talk to him and get to know him, rather than just fuck him."

"That's uncalled for, Jerry, and Bob has always been the instigator, not me. Bob doesn't consult, he simply does what he wants. I did not invite him to live with me, and I don't think you did either."

"Okay, yes, but that's beside the point. Greg and I were happy with him there and we're still willing to take him back. Larry and Judy are willing too. It's only you that doesn't want him."

"He didn't ask me or consult with me. He just moved in with no ground rules and has taken over my life. His controlling attitude has gotten out of hand. He's using me, he's using us for his own amusement and gratification.

"But that's his style, you know that. You don't like it?" He seemed to be surprised. "Of course, he's dominant and aggressive and a bit arrogant. Just look at him. How could he not be?"

"I don't like abuse."

"Bullshit. Just like all of us, you love his power and his swagger. He is a man's man, total masculinity like you've never seen before. Don't tell me you're not totally captivated by him, completely seduced to his machismo." There was no way I could refute that because it was obviously true, but I didn't like Jerry rubbing my face in it. I suppose I didn't want to admit it to myself that it was true. Yes, I did accept and even admire his selfishness and his conceit.

"Okay, okay, so here we are and I'm at a loss about what to do. All I know is that it cannot continue the way it has been going."

"The term is coming to an end in a few weeks" Jerry said. "Maybe that will take care of it."

"Maybe it will, maybe it won't" I responded. "I can tell you this, he already signed up for my `20th Century European History' class next term. That doesn't sound like he's planning to walk away anytime soon."

"He didn't tell me that" Jerry said. "But he really seemed to be upset about how you feel. I really thing now is the time to talk to him. Like right now, today. He noticed you were unhappy, so get to him before he decides to go off on a tangent."

"Okay I'll do it. I don't have any great hope but it's worth one more try. See if you can get in touch with him and ask him to come by at 3:30, right after my Western Civilization class."

"Okay, I'll do it. And I'll try talking to him again. I think he'll be receptive."

"I sure hope so" I said, almost in despair.

He was waiting at my office when I arrived. Not only waiting but sitting on the floor next to the door so he must have been there for a while.

As he stood up, I stopped in my tracks and stopped breathing. Bob would look great in a paper bag, but now he was wearing a skin-tight baby-blue shirt clearly showing the nubs of his tits as well as his rippling abs. It was a muscle shirt, so it barely covered his shoulders, showing off his bulging biceps and triceps. His short shorts, cut-offs slit up the side, were stretched to the max, showing his massively muscled thighs. He must have just come from the gym because his physique was beyond belief, muscles bulging everywhere, even more than usual. He was so gorgeous and sexy that he took my breath away. He was so startling in fact, that I actually had to look away, and I got instantly hard; I mean hard and bulging in my pants in about two seconds. He was sensational, breath-taking, phenomenal.

"S-s-s-sorry, am I l-l-late?" I stuttered, trying, but not able to cover my emotions. "I m-m-mean...."

"No. Not at all professor. I just got here early."

I fussed with my keys, not able to focus on them as I forced myself to look away from him. And then I dropped them on the floor.

"S-s-s-sorry" I said as I bent down to pick them up. I don't know why I was apologizing to Bob, but I was so flustered that I wasn't thinking straight. I realized immediately that this wasn't going to work. How could I talk to him, hell, how could I even look at him if I was on the verge of shooting in my pants. I dropped the keys a second time.

Bob stepped over and put an arm around me. I freaked; simply froze and came so close to cuming that I had to take gasping breaths to try to control it.

"It's alright professor. I'm sorry I make you nervous. I'm really sorry. Let me help." He bent down, picked up the keys and nudging me aside, unlocked the door. I entered the office walking up to my desk and just stood there next to it for a moment, not turning around, trying to get my emotions under control. Bob's phenomenal beauty has always affected me, giving me heart palpations, and driving me crazy with lust, but today it was affecting me even more than usual.

Deliberately dressing to look gorgeous and sexy, he knew how it would affect me. He did this on purpose, playing on my vulnerabilities and manipulating me even before we could begin to talk.

After taking a few deep breaths I finally got the nerve to turn around. What is that phrase: `blinded by beauty'? Well, yes, I was blinded by his beauty. Turning and looking at him again, I could simply gasp in amazement. He was simply extraordinary, the perfect image of every fantasy and desire that I had ever had. Even better than any image I could possibly come up with in my imagination.

"I need to talk to you professor. Jerry said we could talk." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and tried again to get myself under control, but as I opened them, I pretty much came up with the same result: his beauty was still blinding, and my very hard cock gave a shudder. I turned and sat down behind my desk and looked down as some papers, avoiding looking at him.

"I don't think this is going to work, Bob. Maybe you can come back later." I reached down and tried to re-adjust my cock in my pants.

"Professor," he said. "I know you like my body and I know you like having sex with me, but I want you to like me; I want you to like the real me. Please, let's talk about it."

"Why are you dressed that way? Are you trying to turn me on?" There was a long pause and as I glanced up, I saw that he was looking embarrassed.

"I'm sorry professor. I...., I...., yes, I wanted to look sexy. I didn't mean to.... I mean, I want you to like me professor. I want to look sexy for you. I want to know why you're unhappy so I can fix it."

Still looking down at my desk, I tried to be blunt. "You mean, with your arrogant attitude you don't know why I'm unhappy? Always being demanding and never listening to me, you don't know why that makes me unhappy? Really?" I steeled myself and looked up at him. God, he is beautiful, but that's okay. I can handle it. I can talk to him. Maybe.

There was an even longer pause this time. He kind of looked startled, like I told him something that had never occurred to him.

"Professor" he said and stopped, not knowing what to say.

"I refuse to believe that you don't know that your ego is totally out of control, and you've been manipulating me. You know very well you've been using me for your own pleasure and deliberately avoiding listening to me."

Again, there was a pause as I looked at him, seeing that strange-puzzled look on his face. But finally, he spoke. "I thought you liked it" he said softly.

I guffawed. "You've got to be kidding. I liked you ruling me, using me, manipulating me, basically raping me? You think I liked that?"

"But that's me" he said. "I've always been like that, and yes, everybody likes me that way. Alright, so I'm a hunk and everybody expects me to be in charge, so of course I am. And I thought you liked me controlling you. In fact, I know you did, you liked it, at first anyway."

Now I was the one who had to pause because he had a point. He was the aggressor from the beginning but there was no doubt that I was thrilled that he wanted me. I may call it rape now, but I loved it at the time. The most exciting sex I've ever had was the first time he had me suck him off.

"Okay, so yes, you have a point. You are beautiful and I loved having sex with you. At first. But now you get angry at the least little thing, and you make decisions forcing me to do things I don't want to do. I didn't ask you to move in with me." There, I'd said it. Let's see how he reacts.

Again, a long pause. "Do you want me to move out?" he said softly, almost a whisper. "I will if you want, but, but I hope not. I'm sorry if I haven't been a good guest. I didn't intend to be a problem, but I was just so happy to be there, to be with you."

"You need to listen to me, Bob. You need to consult with me before doing things. We need to agree on things."

"Okay, yes, I agree with you, and I can do that. Honestly, I can, I will."

"And your temper?"

"Okay, so I'll need your help on that. I know I can do better if you'll work with me. I promise I'll listen to you. I really want to stay with you professor. I know you want me, my cock anyway." He laughed as he groped himself. "I'll make you happy, I promise, and I'll behave in class too."

I had to realize that Bob's personality was not going to change overnight, but he sounded contrite. He says he'll listen and try to control his temper, and yes, I still wanted his cock. The most exciting sex I'd ever had was serving Bob's cock. I didn't need nor expect reciprocation from him but was perfectly satisfied getting my rocks off while worshiping him. He was still a God, and I was still a nerdy college professor.

Bob had been standing in the middle of the office this whole time as I sat behind my desk, but now he came forward around the desk and pulled me up out of my chair. "You are really special, professor. Ain't no college professors around as sexy as you." Putting both of his hands on my face and bending my head back so I was looking up at him, he leaned down and kissed me. Holding my head there he kept kissing me.

It was only a moment before I put my arms around him and pulled him in tight, pressing my hard-on into him and feeling his hard-on pressing into me. This went on for several minutes.

When he finally broke off the kiss, he grabbed one of my hands and pulled it into his crotch letting me grasp his hard-on. "This is for you" he whispered, and my lust (love) boiled over as I groped him. God, he was hot. I was ready to drop to my knees and do him right then and there, but he spoke. "May I have dinner with you tonight, professor? I can be there at seven."

"Yes. Seven o'clock" I answered. Any thought of him moving out was gone from my mind.

As he backed away I couldn't let go of his cock. It was fully hard and stretched down his leg on the left and I wanted it; I wanted him, right here and now. He finally had to pull my hand away and as he turned and left the office.

Alright, I have a problem. It's called sthenolagnia: sexual arousal from worshiping muscles. The combination of sthenolagnia plus Bob's arrogance and strength sends my heart fluttering and freezes my brain. I become weak and completely unglued and cannot even think rationally when I see him. I know this is happening to me, but like any phobia, I have no control over it.

So, unless Bob himself changes his attitude and agrees to listen to my suggestions, I'm stuck. I'm so wild about him it's clear I have no control over my emotions. Bob can do whatever he wants to me, and I'll probably accept it willingly and beg for more.

I was in the kitchen when Bob arrived and believe it or not, it was exactly seven o'clock. I was standing at the counter making a salad as he walked up and pressed himself against me and kissed my neck. I leaned back and pressed myself against him.

"Hello, you sexy thing" he said with a giggle. "My sexy professor."

"Why don't you call me William or Bill."

"I like calling you professor. Or maybe I should call you doctor. It's cool me having sex with a professor and a doctor." He reached around and feeling me up with one hand, started unbuttoning my shirt with the other while rubbing his crotch against my butt.

My cock took off and I moaned as he groped me and pressed against me.

"Dinner can wait" he said as he gently bit my ear.

"Hmmm" I murmured as I rubbed my ass against his growing hard-on. "Aren't we going to talk?"

"That can wait too" he said. "Until after I fuck you."

I moaned some more and pressed my butt even harder against him. He gripped my hair, pulling my head around and kissed me, a soft, gentle kiss. I was consumed with lust.

"But I want to feel those lips first" he murmured into my ear. Stepping back, he turned me around and pushed my unbuttoned shirt off my shoulders. Continuing the kiss, he took hold of my nipples with both hands and pinched them, sending sharp pleasure/pain signals to my brain. I moaned through the kiss and the pain.

"I know what you want, and I know what you need" he murmured as he pinched my nipples. I moaned aloud as the pain increased, turning me into a whimpering masochist. However, as the pain became more intense, it only increased my lust and I pressed myself against him, whispering please, please', not sure whether it was please stop' or `please more'.

He said he knew what I needed, but he'd never tortured me like this before, he'd never been a sadist. But maybe he was right, this was turning me on like never before. I kept whimpering and begging as the kiss and the pain continued. When he finally let go, the pain increased to unbearable extent for a split second and I screamed: `Yeeeaaaoooh'. As I felt him put his hands on my butt, pulling me in tight and up on my tiptoes, I put my arms around him and tried to crush him to me while moaning on his shoulder.

"You are so fucking sexy" he whispered in my ear. "I can't get enough of you." He squeezed my cheeks and gave one of them a slap, and then grabbed my arms, breaking my hold on him. "Now I want to feel those lips" he said as he pushed me to my knees.

I was almost out of my mind with lust as I looked up at this magnificent young demigod who was smiling down at me. I fumbled with his belt desperately trying to get it unbuckled, so frantic with desire that I couldn't manage it. I heard him chuckle as he pushed my hands away and did it for me, opening and unzipping his shorts. I grabbed them and pealed them down off his massive thighs allowing his very hard cock to pop out in my face.

As I leaned in to suck, he grabbed my hair holding me with his dripping cock inches from my face. I glanced up at his grinning face. "Tell me you want it" he said with a chuckle.

"Oh god.... please," I wailed as I looked at the monster in my face.

"Go to it" he said. As he released me, I dove in taking it in my mouth and tried to swallow it, actually pushing it into my throat for a second before pulling back and sucking on it. I was in heaven. I loved sucking cock and I loved sucking my Buffalo Bob's cock more than anything.

But he didn't let me suck him off. I was almost frantic with desire, so I wasn't giving him a slow easy suck, but was really going at it. I had my eyes closed and was concentrating on the suck as he let me continue for a couple minutes, but then he pushed me away, grabbed me by the arms and pulled me up to my feet.

He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and lifted me in his arms and carried me into the bedroom.

"It's your turn" he said as he lay me down on the bed and lay down next to me. I had no doubt what he wanted so I rolled over and sat on his legs. Setting there looking down at him I could only revel in his beauty. He was so spectacular, and I was so thrilled to be with him. Thrilled that the most glorious man in the universe wanted me. Thrilled that this magnificent creature was going to allow me to serve him. Yes, it was a thrill to give him pleasure. My cock actually shuddered from excitement as I just admired his perfection.

He had an amazing smile on his face as he looked into my eyes. "I want you professor" he said. "I want you so bad."

"Oh, yes" I said as I almost melted under his gaze. "Yes, yes, yes." I moved up onto his belly, reached behind me for his cock, and lined it up with my crack. Looking into his eyes, wanting to see his reaction, I gradually sat back, allowing his cock to ease into my ass.

I wasn't dry because I pretty much guessed that this was going to happen, (I hoped it would anyway), and I wanted to make it good for him, so I had prepared myself, getting my ass lubed and ready. Bob's grin got even bigger as I eased back, allowing his cock to slide in. Bob is enormous and no matter how much prep I do it isn't easy taking him, but I was determined to make this good.

Yes, it hurt, but I was thrilled to see the signs of pleasure in his face as I sat back, so I made every effort not to show it. My smile may have changed slightly to a grimace but not by much.

"Thank you, Bob. Thank you for letting me do this" I said softly. That tells you how far gone I was, thanking him for letting me give him pleasure.

"Thank you, professor" he said as he moaned softly in pleasure. "You feel so good. Your ass was made for my cock." I gave him a big grin, thinking, yes, my ass was made for his cock. I groaned in pleasure/pain as I pushed and finally sat on his crotch, all ten inches jammed up into me.

"Oh shit" I groaned as I stopped and gasped, trying to relieve the pain. After a moment I closed my eyes so I could concentrate on his cock, raised up just an inch or two, and slowly eased back down.

Pain? What pain? This was pure pleasure. I opened my eyes and seeing the look of delight on his face made the pleasure even greater. I raised up and eased back down again.

"Oh shit yes" he moaned. "It feels so good. Go to it, baby. Fuck me, fuck me."

We didn't make it to dinner, but just stayed in bed, kissing and snuggling for a couple hours while he fucked me twice, him on top the second time.

And we talked. Yes, we talked, and as far as I could tell, he actually listened. He actually listened to some of my concerns. But to tell the truth, at this point it didn't matter because I had already made up my mind. I wanted him, I had to have him, I wanted him here in my apartment every night. So whatever it took I was going to make it work.

All this going back and forth was nonsense, loving him one day and wanting him to go away the next. I don't quite know why it had been so difficult for me to make up my mind, particularly since I was mad for him, but that was over. He was mine and I wasn't going to let him get away.

to be continued, maybe

Duane (aka: gladiatorkid) `gladiatorkidstories'

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Next: Chapter 17

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