Bull Sessions

By Boyatt Hart

Published on May 23, 2016


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BULL SESSIONS by Boyatt Hart

Episode 3 - The Lifting Buddy (part 2)

I awoke around 9 the next morning to find Glen lying on his side with his head propped up on one hand and his other arm draped across his firm belly under the sheet. He was smiling at me as my eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, handsome," he softly greeted me as he reached out and gently ran a hand over my right arm and shoulder.

"Morning," I kind of croaked and then cleared my throat, "how long you been awake?"

"About twenty minutes," he said, "My first time waking up with someone else in the bed with me. It's nice...been listening to you snore. You have a very sexy snore...deep...but very soft...a man's snore."

I smiled and pushed the sheet down far enough to expose our chests. I reached over and ran a finger down the cleft between his fuzzy pecs and then traced the circumference of his left nipple with it. He sighed and his nipple quickly erected. Unlike mine his pecs had that pillow-like shape more akin to a bodybuilder's and, against the backdrop of his bulky build, I found them very handsome.

"I woke up with your leg draped over me," he said as he reached under the sheet and wrapped his hand around my morning wood, "and this thing poking me in the stomach. It was the nicest start to a day I've ever had."

"Good," I replied as I grabbed a handful of his hard dick and gently stroked it, "I love waking up to another man's morning hard-on, too."

I scooted closer to him until our bellies touched and then wrapped an arm around him and rolled onto my back, rolling him on top of me. He giggled at the ease with which I'd maneuvered him and pressed his lips to my neck in a boyish kiss as he kneaded my shoulders.

"Wow!" he gushed.

I took his head in both hands and planted a long, dry kiss on his lips.

"How's this little guy?" I asked slipping a finger between his meaty glutes and massaging his tiny pucker.

He lay his head on me and nuzzled my beard as he said, "No worse for the wear. You were a perfect gentleman."

He started humping my belly with his hard-on, grinding his butt back against my hand as I fingered him.

"Mmmmm...that feels good," I sighed as I withdrew my finger and grabbed a glute in each hand, pressing his groin to my paunch, "do it some more."

"Anything you say," he responded and complied.

I slid my arms up onto his broad back and took him in a tight bear hug.

"I love the way your arms feel around me," he sighed as he reached back and pressed the head of my hard dick into his parted crack, "Want me to suck you?"

"I'd love that," I said, "but I warn you it's going to taste like your butt sweat now."

"I don't care," he assured me as he scrambled down by my side.

"We'll see," I said with a smile and stood my wood up for him.

"What a beauty," he sighed as he leaned in to get a whiff of it before dutifully taking it into his mouth.

He slowly sank down until he could fit no more of me in and then pressed his right hand down on my pad while he began kneading my sagging balls in his left.

"How does it taste?" I asked watching him bob his head on me.

He pulled off and waggled my glistening timber in his face before smiling up at me and saying, "Like my butt crack."

"Told you," I said with a laugh as I lay my hand on the back of his head and pushed it back down on me, "Bon appetit."

He looked so cute testing himself on my length and stretching his lips on my girth trying to find an angle from which he could maintain eye contact with me. I was impressed with his instinct for giving me a good show.

"Such a handsome man," I sighed as I sank my fingers in his hair and massaged his scalp.

His eyes twinkled at my praise and he doubled down on me.

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h! Your mouth feels so good!" I encouraged him, cinching the hair of his bobbing head up in my fingers.

His eyes closed for a minute as he furiously labored on me. He was so determined so early on in his effort to get my load that I worried he might wear himself out first.

"This is going to take a lot longer than you probably think," I cautioned him, "You can ease up a bit and just enjoy it. My dick head responds real well to deep action. Just press your gullet to it and slow down, give those neck muscles a rest. I imagine they're feeling pretty sore by now."

He followed my instruction to the letter and I heaved a deep sigh as he fitted the back of his mouth onto my knob, gently bouncing on it.

"Perfect...just perfect!" I praised him, "Feel better?"

He raised his head up on my dick just enough to sound out an "Mmmm-hmmm."

"Good," I said, "Squeeze my nuts some more. Not sure why but it goes straight to my gland."

He followed that tip as well and I placed my free arm behind my head as I continued massaging his scalp with my other hand. I closed my eyes and let him coax moan after satisfied moan from deep down in my chest.

After a few minutes he sank down on me and stopped. I opened my eyes to see him looking up at me with a questioning expression.

"What is it?" I asked.

He pulled my dick from his mouth and asked, "You getting close yet?"

I looked at the clock and saw that not even ten minutes had elapsed. My belly shook as I broke out in a chuckle.

"It's more work to bring a man off in your mouth than you thought, huh, Boo-Boo?" I teased.

"My neck...traps...shoulders...they're all aching," he said looking a little amazed.

"If you could see how big they look right now you'd know what good exercise this is for them," I said ruffling his hair, "I can hardly believe this is your first time giving a man a full blow job. You have a lot of natural skill and you're doing a great job!"

"Thank you," he said, looking proud as he touched my cock head to his outstretched tongue and licked up the big glob of pre-cum that was beading up in my slit, "so are you close yet?"

I smiled down at him and slowly stroked my cock in his face as I explained, "Well, you're definitely getting me well on my way...but I wouldn't say I'm close yet, Glen. I'm used to a blow job lasting two or three times this long. Two if we're in a hurry, three and even more if I'm really getting the business from a man."

He looked a bit incredulous.

"Tell you what," I offered, "if you're too tired to finish me off then take me back in your mouth as deep as you can and I'll just fuck it for you. I promise I can do that without making you gag on me."

He considered my offer carefully, then pecked each of my balls with a kiss and said, "No, sir. When I finally get what those have waiting for me I want it to be because I earned it from you...but any coaching you can give me to speed things along will be more than welcome."

"You're a good man, Glen," I said as I watched him stuff his mouth on me again, "The best advice I can give you is to keep that deep action up...slow and steady...and keep squeezing my balls. Maybe rub my belly good and hard occasionally with your other hand...for some reason my gland responds to that, too. If you get impatient you can always slip a finger in my crack and massage my asshole...I wouldn't call that cheating."

Sensing that I had given him all the pointers I had to offer he set off once again to claim his reward. I was very proud of him.

"One more thing," I said as I watched his head bounce on my cock, "when I tell you I'm coming just start swallowing as fast as you can. That first taste of another man's seed is going to be a shock to your system and if you let it build up on your tongue it's bound to make you gag."

He paused and winked at me to let me know he understood and then soldiered on. I ruffled his hair again and decided to help him out by keeping my eyes glued to his show.

To this day it brings me off faster to watch a man struggle for that portion of my cock that he just can't make room for, unless he's experienced with deep throat blow jobs. At that time, however, Deep Throat was still a fairly current release, so the concept was still so new that neither I nor anybody who had blown me had yet accomplished it, much less a first timer like Glen.

He labored on me like a champ, eyes clamped tightly shut as his determination to earn my load overcame the discomfort he felt, his shoulders and traps bulging to stunningly magnificent dimensions. It was my first glimpse at what Luther had likely beheld countless times watching me work for his loads, and I had to admit that it was more stimulating than I ever imagined.

Soon I saw the hand he depressed my pad with creep up onto my belly, rubbing it so forcefully that it tugged painfully at the roots of my stomach hair. I laid my hand on his and pressed it to me as hard as I could. His eyes popped open to look and he reached deep down to somehow find a bit more energy to throw at my rock hard cock.

"Getting closer!" I urged him on, "More deep action!"

I heard him gag on me.

"Careful...careful!" I coached, "Let your throat teach you...you can control that gag reflex."

His hand slid back down on my pad to reveal my full length to me again. My balls began to tighten up as Glen rolled and squeezed them in his strong hand. The familiar tingle began to build up in my loins.

"Getting close! Very close! Keep it up! Don't stop!" I called to him.

I don't know where it came from, but he tapped some deep reserve of strength and started banging his gullet on my cock head like he'd been sucking dick for years...not a hint of a gag to be heard in his mighty onslaught. I couldn't take my eyes off him...his beautiful muscles swollen beyond anything I'd ever seen while being sucked.

Just when I thought I'd seen everything he had to put into it he began lifting his head up completely off my dick and powering back down over everything his mouth could hold. Streamers of his saliva mixed with my pre-cum stretched between the head of my fully exposed member and his lips at the top of each one. My mind was blown by his total commitment to me.

"OH-H-H-H-H-H...F-U-C-K!!!!! Here it comes!" I shouted as I succumbed to what I was sure was the most intense orgasm I'd ever felt, though truthfully I almost always felt that way in the throes of sexual bliss.

He dove down on my dick leaving just enough room to be able to breathe and freely swallow as he cinched his lips around it. I erupted like a volcano. No fewer than ten times my steel hard cock flexed against his well-depressed tongue as I shot spurt after copious spurt into the constant milking sensation of his repetitious swallowing.

I heard him fighting with his gag reflex as I continued emptying my balls in him and felt him start to retreat from my hard-on before I was done. Quickly taking his head in both hands I held him down on it for the final two or three eruptions.

Immediately releasing him when I was certain I wouldn't accidentally streak his handsome face with a stray spurt, I watched him reel up off me. I couldn't quite read his expression as he looked up at me, rivulets of his saliva mixed with my seed rolling down his chin, his nose running and his eyes watering.

He looked down at my dick for a few seconds and then gazed back up into my eyes, still seeming confused by it all. My heart raced...had I been too demanding or rough?

Suddenly he broke out in a huge grin and I heaved an enormous sigh of relief.

"I did it!" he proudly boasted, landing a swat on my belly, "I GOT your load, mister!"

"You sure as hell did!" I exclaimed as I leaned forward and hooked my forearms under his shoulders, dragging him up on top of me as I lay back.

I reached over and fished a couple of tissues from the box on my nightstand and handed them to him. He dug his elbows rather painfully into my pecs as he wiped his face clean. I managed to refrain from spoiling the moment for him with any show of discomfort.

When he was done and settled back down on me I pressed his youthful face to mine and drilled his mouth on my tongue to taste me in him.

"I loved seeing such a handsome, muscular man suck my cock!" I said after freeing him from my kiss and throwing my arms around him.

He broke my hug by using my chest to prop himself up and beamed down at me, brimming with pride.

"You know what? For the first time in my life that's exactly what I feel like...a man...not just some overgrown kid. Thank you!" he said and collapsed back down onto my bulk.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Glen," I said as I resumed my hug, "Thank you...I can't remember when I've seen a man work that hard for me."

"You sure were right," he sighed as he lay his head on my shoulder.

"About what?" I asked.

"My first mouthful of seed," he said with a giggle.

"Well? How was it?"

"It didn't taste so bad, really," he reported, seeming a little surprised, "It was more just the idea of your dick shooting off in my mouth...and I thought it was never going to stop, by the way."

I laughed and pressed his head to my shoulder with one hand while I patted his back with the other, "Yeah...that was definitely a big load...even by my standard. You can hardly blame me, though...you really were something to behold there toward the end."

He broke free of my embrace again and sat upright on me. His pecs, delts, traps and even his triceps were all still blown up like balloons.

"Thanks...hell of a lot of work making you come, though...my neck's never felt so sore!" he exclaimed.

"That so? Take a look at yourself and tell me it wasn't worth it," I said with a grin.

He twisted to look at his reflection in the mirror over my dresser.

"Look at that!" he excitedly exclaimed, running his hands over it all.

I laid my hands on his thick thighs and enjoyed watching him admire the results of his labors. He looked back down at me grinning like the Cheshire Cat.

"Right as rain again, Terry!" he said landing a playful punch with his right hand on my left pec, "This definitely stays in my routine from now on, big man!"

The words 'big man' rang in my ears as loud as church bells and I couldn't help laughing at the reflection I was seeing sitting on my lap.

He leaned back and noisily thumped his hard-on against my belly as he said, "My turn now!"

I gave his butt a pat and said, "Hop up so I can go to the john. I've got something else in mind for you."

He scrambled off me and fell onto his back with his handsome dick jutting up from his loins, "I can hardly wait!"

"Keep this thing good and hard for me," I said, giving his stiff member a squeeze before rising to my feet and heading to the bathroom.

I evacuated a firm stool that left no trace on the toilet paper and then took a long piss that emptied my urethra of all remnants of the huge load I'd shot into him. Next I dampened a wash rag and thoroughly wiped down all my private parts.

"What are you going to do?" he asked as I returned to the bedroom and sat beside him on the bed.

"Make you happiest man on earth," I calmly replied as I stood his member up and slowly sank my mouth down over all but that elusive final inch.

He watched intently as I salivated on his tool till it was flowing down onto the back of the hand I was using to depress his pad and bush.

I pulled up off it and rose to my feet again as I said, "That should do."

He looked confused until I spat into my hand and worked it into my hole a few times.

"I say any man who can deliver a blow job like the one you just gave me deserves my ass," I said as I straddled his hips on the bed and pressed the head of his hard cock to my exposed pucker.

His eyes rolled back in his head as I backed onto him hard enough to swallow his cock head in my rectum.

"I think it's high time you stop fucking boys and start fucking men," I said as I easily sank down until I felt his balls nestle into my butt crack.

"Oh, hell yeah!" he said, pie-eyed as I ground my butt on him, "It's a world of difference already!"

"Damn right it is," I said, setting my jaw as if I were about go for that last, painful rep and bouncing all 278 pounds of me to full attention for his enjoyment.

"Oh my God!" he exclaimed, reaching up with both hands to feel me, "You're beautiful...handsome, I mean!"

"I'm fine with beautiful," I said as I took one of his nice, dark brown nipples in each hand and gave them a tug that I intended him to find just short of painful, "They say it's in the eye of the beholder, after all."

"Then this beholder definitely finds you beautiful," he said with a wide smile.

I let go of his nipples and planted my right hand firmly in the middle of his wide chest. I reached back with my left and roughly pressed his scrotum to me. I heard a catch in his breath.

"Your balls feel good...nice and big," I told him.

"Yours, too," he sighed as he reached down and fished mine up from between my thighs onto his belly for my soft cock to rest on.

I let go of his balls and placed my hand on the pillow beside his head, my other hand still on his chest, and then started vigorously clamping my hole down on his hard-on.

"Don't come," I said, "Tell me before I make you come."

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h, GOD!" he cried as I took him into the stratosphere.

He lay beneath me with his eyes screwed shut while I milked his nice, thick cock in my asshole. His expression was blissful.

"Remember, don't come," I told him, "I like long rides."

"Okay...okay," he assured me, then a few seconds later his eyes flew open in a panic as he said, "Oh-h-h-h-h, stop! Stop!"

I laughed and ruffled his hair. He blushed as he sheepishly smiled up at me.

"Did that feel good?" I asked.

"You know it did, Terry," he said, "Why bother asking?"

"For fun," I replied with a laugh, "Tell me when you think you can handle some more."

I sank my butt back down on him and sat upright, perfectly still with my fists resting on my hips, waiting for his go ahead. After a couple of minutes his breathing returned to normal.

"Okay," he said.

"You sure?" I asked.

"No," he responded, "but I'm dying to find out what's next."

"Next I'm going to enjoy this nice length of yours," I replied, "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be, I guess," he said with a nervous laugh.

I planted both of my fists in his pillow on either side of his head. He looked up at me expectantly.

"Here goes," I told him, "remember...don't come."

I lifted my ass up till I felt his corona tug at my sphincter and then slowly sank back down balls deep on him.

"Can you handle more of that?" I asked.

"I'll sure try," he said, sounding a little exasperated.

I held still for him.

"It's so hard to concentrate on not coming with that beautiful belly and all these huge muscles right in my face," he confided.

"Try closing your eyes," I coached him, "Depriving myself of visual stimulation sometimes helps me fend off my orgasm when I'm in the state you're in. You've got a real nice dick and right now I need you to let me enjoy it...to help me enjoy it."

"I understand...and thank you," he said as he clenched his eyes shut for me.

"Tell me when to stop," I reminded him as I bore down on my hole to make it as loose as possible and began slowly working my butt up and down his fulfilling length.

I listened carefully to his breathing as I methodically massaged my prostate on him. When the thrill of his length began to subside I started cautiously incorporating his girth by rhythmically clamping my sphincter on it. In spite of the enormous load I'd just shot I could feel my cock trying to erect as I satisfied my lust on him. I began instinctively moaning as I probed my depths on him.

"Stop! Stop!" he suddenly interrupted me.

I smiled down at him as his eyes slowly opened.

"Do you have any earplugs? Your voice is so deep that those growling moans bring all the visuals back even with my eyes closed," he pleaded.

I sat upright on him and died laughing, teasing him by vigorously pinching at his luscious nipples.

"Ouch! OUCH! QUIT IT!" he pleaded, trying in vain to fend me off.

"Make me," I said, refusing to comply.

He tried to hold me by my wrists but to no avail.

"Shit! I can't get even my hands around your wrists, you big ox! Now QUIT!" he begged.

I complied amid our combined laughter and said, "You've done a great job of holding off long enough for me to get my thrill, Glen. I love your dick...big enough for a man, but made...for a man, I guess...or whatever it is they say in that commercial. You ready for me to bring you off, Boo-Boo?"

"Please! Please, Yogi!" he begged through his laughter, "I can't hold off much longer!"

"Then hold on to your hat," I warned him as I reached back and gave his plump scrotum another squeeze, "That spit dried up ages ago. I'm ready to find out just how painful this thing can get before you empty these."

He pantomimed gripping the brim of a hat and, planting my fists back on his pillow, I started bouncing my ass on him till I thought the metal frame of my bed might give way. Within a few seconds he exploded in one of the loudest orgasms I'd heard. It rang out in staccato bursts in perfect rhythm with my relentless bouncing.

His spurting cock throbbed like crazy inside me and, enjoying the painful reach of his hardness, I decided to keep bouncing on it long after it stopped flexing and he had finally softened beyond being able to provide me with any more of that special thrill. I placed my hands on his firm, modest belly and began gently massaging it while giving his dick one last hellacious squeeze that ultimately popped it out of my hole.

I then dove down with his head between my forearms and gave him the tongue fucking of his young life, my balls brushing his lower abdomen as they swayed above it. He threw his arms around my neck and hugged me for dear life till I was through.

"Your mouth still tastes of my seed," I proudly informed him as I pushed myself upright on his lap.

"Good," he sighed, looking completely spent, "I know you must be tired of hearing me say this but you are absolutely amazing!"

"Not the least bit," I shamelessly admitted as I climbed off him and looked at his half erect, ass-slimed dick resting on his hip.

I leaned down and popped his balls in my mouth, gently sucking them as he sighed and softly moaned in response.

"That can't smell very good down there," he observed as I suckled his spent nuts.

I let them fall from my mouth and moved up to lean across his belly, running my left hand over his still heaving chest.

"It's probably an acquired taste, too" I confided, "but I love the smell of a man's dick after it's been up my ass. In fact, buttfucking in general has an odor so distinctive that I find it comforting...whether it's the smell of my ass on another man's dick or the smell of his ass on mine."

He reached out and stroked my beard and sighed, "Absolutely amazing."

I leaned forward and started chewing and sucking on his right nipple before lifting my head and saying, "Not so bad yourself."

"Kiss me!" he demanded.

I pulled myself up to him and leaned in, delivering a kiss so tender it surprised even me.

"It'll be a bit of a tight fit but I think we can shower together if you'd like to clean up before breakfast," I said after withdrawing from it.

"Another first," he replied, his eyes twinkling in the morning light, "I'd love to. Got a spare toothbrush?"

"I do...brand new," I confirmed as I rose from the bed and watched him do the same.

"And you're sure I'll learn to like you sperming my mouth?" he asked.

I swatted his butt and said, "Get in the bathroom, already."

He exited my bedroom with a spring in his step and I quickly stripped the bed covers we'd soiled from our morning romp. When I got to the bathroom he was finishing up his morning piss. I smiled at the handsome figure he cut.

I emptied his load out into the toilet when he was done and then we brushed our teeth before I started the water for our shower. It was a fairly tight fit as I expected. Had it been Luther instead of Glen we would never have been able to manage it. But Glen being roughly a hundred pounds smaller, we were able to have all the intimate fun of soaping and rinsing each other that I'd enjoyed in Everett's roomier accommodations.

As we left the bathroom after toweling each other dry I turned right and Glen turned left.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"To get dressed," he replied.

"If I'm not lifting I'm usually naked," I told him.

"I like that!" he said with a grin, reversing his direction.

He was stunned by the amount of food I cooked up for us. I reminded him that he'd told me he wanted to bulk up like me and that if he was serious about it then he had to start eating enough to get the job done. Our bellies were tightly bloated when we finished and, after cleaning the kitchen, we went to my living room to give it time to settle before tackling the weights.

After about an hour and a half we felt ready and went to my bedroom to dress for our workout. I told him that only seven or eight months before I was about his size so I was sure I had a jock and some sweat pants that would fit him. He was both shocked and encouraged that I had added that much bulk in such a short amount of time.

He seemed to like the idea of putting his cock and balls in a jock that had already held mine. Also, his shoe size was only a half size smaller than mine so he was able to wear an older pair of my sneakers as well.

When we hit the garage he asked me to demonstrate my routine first and let him go second. I showed him my warm-up routine and he was a bit stunned by the weights I considered as warm-up. I let him remove as much weight as he thought necessary and watched him try to emulate me.

"You're tearing down muscle fiber," I cautioned him, "Save that for your lifting routine. A warm-up should only pump enough blood into them to prepare them for the real work."

He unloaded some more of the weight and resumed, giving my warm-up time to set in before tackling my exercises seriously. I was impressed by his dedication to getting the moves right and his willingness to let me coach him.

He eagerly assisted me in loading the weights on the bar for each exercise and studied my every move. Because I had already worked my heaviest lifts in my previous workout I concentrated on my standing presses and the few bodybuilding moves I included in my self-styled routine.

We loaded the bar with 175 pounds and I did three sets each of standing rows and French curls, ranging from 25 down to 18 reps .

"You really do concentrate on keeping the bar level," he observed, "Why did these movements make it into your routine?"

"Traps, delts and triceps are essential for acceleration in the cleans," I explained, "Up until about four years ago I never bothered with any movements grounded in bodybuilding. Then I read a story on Vasily Alexeev in Strength & Health that shed a little light on his training philosophy...not much, mind you...he won't share nearly all of his secrets...but he did share a few, including that one, with the guy who did this story on him. I'll find it for you when we're done. I figured if I was going to seriously pursue strength building then I might as well learn from the best, so I've saved every word of advice I've been able to get my hands on from him and Serge Reding."

"You're certainly taking on the kind of builds they have," he observed with a lusty grin, "makes sense now."

"Stay focused on technique, Boo-Boo," I reminded him.

"Sorry," he said adjusting his jock, "you're just bouncing out every which way...makes it a little difficult."

"I understand," I told him with a smile, "Help me load 70 more pounds on the bar for military press."

"You press 245?" he asked, "I'll never catch up to you!"

"Get the techniques down and the gains will come faster than you imagine," I assured him as we loaded on the extra weight.

He watched me clean it.

"Jeez! You made that look easy!" he exclaimed, "That's more than my usual bench press and you hardly even had to dip to catch it!"

"Acceleration," I reminded him.

I knocked out ten before struggling a bit for the eleventh one. The twelfth rep stuck for a few seconds in the middle before rising on up to full extension. Lowering it back onto my clavs I then set the bar down.

"Felt like that last one got a little out of parallel with the floor," I observed, "Did it?"

"Dipped just a hair to the left," he said.

"Since I have someone to help if I get in a jam today I'm trying for a little more than I normally do," I confessed, "Call me on it when that happens."

"Can do," he assured me.

"For this exercise to effectively work your tris and delts you have to keep your back straight and use only those muscles to drive the weight," I said while resting before the next set, "If you have to arch your back to complete it like the Olympic lifters then you're using too much weight. They're going for records, not exercise. As an exercise the goal is to do all the weight you possibly can without arching."

I then knocked out a second set of nine and a third of eight.

"Man! Your shoulders look unbelievably thick after that...and that belly....standing up perfectly round!" he commented in admiration, adjusting his jock yet again.

"Focus...focus...technique," I reminded him again.

"I know, I know. But if you could see yourself!" he protested.

"How did the bar look?" I asked.

"Perfectly level! But you arched your back just a little on the last two of your last set," he observed.

"Thanks...good eye. I need to hear that stuff," I told him, "You know, I haven't dared to try for eight on the bench at 315 without a spotter. If you don't mind I'd like to give that a try just to see if I've got it in me. Then we'll set up for you."

"Sure!" he enthused, "Love to see that!"

"It's going to be a quite a trick if I can pull it off after that round of militaries," I cautioned him, "but I've been dying to try and I don't know when I'll have another spotter around. I'm at the point now where my gains are starting to plateau for a lot longer than I'd like."

I rested for several more minutes and then we put the bar in the rests and loaded it up with seventy more pounds.

"Stand at the head of the bench and, if I call on you, give me just enough help to get it back into the rests," I explained, "And remember, I'll tell you when I'm in trouble. Don't jump in just because a repetition sticks in the middle. If I can tear it out myself that's what I want, but if I can't then believe me I'll be the first to let you know!"

He laughed and said, "Hell! 315? I reckon you will! What kind of grip you going to use?"

"As tired as my tris and delts are I need to get my pecs involved for some extra drive, so a wide grip I guess. What do you think?" I asked.

"I think I should just shut up and spot for you," he demurred, "You're in territory I've never even imagined...yet."

"That's the spirit," I said as I slid under the bar, "Always visualize yourself achieving your goals...even when they seem impossible."

I set my grip and then the mix of plastic discs and metal plates gave a dull thud as I hoisted the bar from the rests. The first four came pretty easily. Five and six came with some difficulty.

I paused at seven until I felt sure it was there for the taking and won it with a loud, growling exhale. The movement slowed and momentarily stuck about two-thirds of the way up but Glen did exactly as I'd asked him to, letting me fight my way through it.

"Perfectly level!" he affirmed.

I stared down the barrel of eight for a few seconds till I felt ready to try for it and then slowly lowered the bar, inhaling all the way down until it pressed on my pecs. I roared with effort and got it slowly rising back up. It stuck at about the half way point.

I heaved and fought for what seemed like forever and finally called for him to intervene. Again he perfectly gauged his assistance so that the majority of the burden of getting the bar back up and into the rests fell to me.

He quickly came around to the foot of the bench to help me up when I was ready to vacate it. I could tell he was fully erect in his jock and saw him fiddle with it trying in vain to relieve the pressure. I scooted out from under the bar and held a hand up for him to grab. He helped me to my feet.

"Damn!" he exclaimed, "Your whole upper body is absolutely massive right now! Arms nearly the size of my thighs and those shoulders...they must be a foot thick!"

I knew he was exaggerating, but I couldn't resist looking down to survey what he was seeing and even I was a bit surprised by its hyper-inflated condition. Rivulets of sweat were running down my pecs and then disappearing over the crest of my belly.

I slowly flexed them and took some pride in the way the muscles rolled like a wave up my chest to finally stand at full attention. When I looked up at Glen he was practically salivating.


"cus...I know!" he cut me off, completing my admonition with a laugh.

He reached out and ran his hands over my chest and shoulders and marveled, "Huge...fucking HUGE!"

"You did a great job, Glen....everything I needed you to do. Thank you!" I said as I pulled him in against my sweaty bulk for a quick kiss, "Now, let's set up for you."

"Yes, sir," he said with deference as he smeared my sweat over his body like it was some kind of magic potion.

I had spent nearly an hour on my routine. We spent about two on his including the time I invested in coaching him to properly clean the bar to commence his exercises, and also because of his numerous false starts due to his underestimation of the challenge free weights posed. As I suspected would happen, he began stubbornly insisting on trying to match his typical numbers and lapsing into such poor form that I became concerned an injury lay ahead for him.

"Listen, Glen," I sternly insisted, "I want you to forget about the pounds you've been pushing at your gym. Today it's better to sacrifice weight for technique. I promise that you'll gain a lot more ground by pushing only the maximum weight you can with perfect form and gradually increasing your loads than you will by gradually perfecting your form while sticking with the loads you're used to on those machines. This is the real deal. Free weights fight back and they can seriously injure you. Don't let foolish pride stand between you and success."

"You're right, of course," he conceded, "It just seems like a step backward."

"It isn't. This move to free weights is a big step forward," I encouraged him, "I just don't want to see you lose your footing while taking it."

I could see that he was disappointed, but he followed my direction without complaint for the remainder of his session. At the end of it his body was bulging like crazy and causing my own hard-on to strain inside my jock. I took him into my bedroom and let him admire his swollen, sweat-soaked build in my full length mirror.

He was very pleased with what he saw and acknowledged that the effort he'd exerted in maintaining form had muscles aching that he'd never even used doing the same exercises at his gym. The roundness of his belly, still somewhat distended from our huge breakfast, was a particular point of pride for him.

He then walked over to me and ran his hands over mine and on up over my chest and traps as he said, "Next to you I still look like some want-to-be bodybuilder, though. This is what I've always really wanted...to look insanely strong!"

"Then make that your goal...to become insanely strong...and lift...AND eat...to achieve it. The rest will take care of itself," I assured him.

He continued running his hands over me as he considered what I'd said, then looked into my eyes and proclaimed, "You teacher...me student."

"If you think I can help you get where you want to go then I'll be happy to give you any guidance I can. Besides, having a spotter today was a huge help for me. It felt a lot safer and gave me confidence to reach for more. That would definitely shorten my plateaus. I do this every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday night if you want to join me," I offered.

"Seriously?" he asked in disbelief.

"Seriously," I confirmed.

"Then good riddance to those stupid machines...free weights for me from now on! I swear I'll be here every single time!" he assured me with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Good...and you can pack a bag to stay the night afterward whenever you like," I said with a grin to match his as I groped the bulging lump in the crotch of his sweats.

"Oh, HELL yeah!" he beamed, hunching his hard meat into my firm grasp.

"We'll skip tomorrow and start up Tuesday," I suggested, "We should probably get going by six thirty to finish two routines at a reasonable hour."

"All good," he excitedly agreed.

We kicked our shoes off and peeled out of our sweats and jocks. Both our vein studded lifting hard-ons sprang up under our bellies in serious need of action and we paused for a minute to admire each other.

We then pulled our socks off and I walked up to him, grabbing a swollen, throbbing dick in each of my hands.

I firmly pressed my belly to his and started rubbing our cock heads together as I suggested, "What say we go see how much more fun it is to play with somebody else's hard-on in the shower after a workout."

"I'm definitely up for that!" he joked with an eager grin.

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