Bunk Beds and Gardens

By S H

Published on Apr 16, 2005



[The following story is true. The names, location, and some trivial details have all been changed for various reasons, mainly to protect those who might be involved in the story. This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual activities between two males. If this offends you, you are not of legal age, or it is illegal to view this type of material in your area please leave now.]

I was in my bisexual phase. My closeted bisexual phase that is, I think we all have them. That period in between secretly realizing that you'll never be a big fan of pussy and announcing to the world how much you like dick. So to yourself you admit that, yes, you wouldn't necessarily refuse sleeping with another guy. Fool around maybe. But women are still where it's at, thank you very much. Deep down you know it's all a farce, a charade, an act, but you need some time to adjust.

Anyways, that's where I was in coming to grips with my sexuality. And, being but 15 years old, this is quite common.

So, there I was. A standard-issue fifteen year old white boy in the suburban sprawl of sunny San Diego. Sandy-blonde hair, blue eyes, t-shirt and jeans attire. Around five feet ten, average weight. Maybe a little stocky, but I still had my baby fat. All the men in my family were late bloomers, and I was no exception. My voice could be deeper, armpits hairier, dick longer, ejaculations stronger, but that would all come a few years down the line. My father went through it, my brothers went through it, and I'm sure my sons (should I have them) will go through it too. Genetics can suck like that.

Of course, the part that never kicks in late is the dangerously rampant sex drive. Diamond-hard boners at the drop of a hat, fantasies flying at you a mile a minute, the uncontrollable urge to stick your dick into anything and everything that might end up pleasurable. Being covertly gay didn't help. Since nobody knows or suspects a thing you're given an all-access pass to the world of your fellow teenage boys, and all the sights that come with membership. The locker rooms, the sleepovers, the sex-fueled conversations. If word leaked out you'd promptly and violently be shown the door and told to not bother coming back for a while. This clearly can't happen.

I'm shy socially and aggressive sexually, it's always been that way. I learned to spend most of high school rooting out other curious guys and trying to get them to unzip their flies with me. And it all started with Nathan.

Nathan was in my grade, a few months younger than I, and fucking hot. He was tall, around six feet three inches, and built nice and solid. He was into punk and ska music, but didn't go all out for the punk lifestyle. He dressed a bit punk-ish, but never went for the whole thing. No safety pins or Mohawks, no anarchy symbols and talk of socialism. He was the only one like this at our private high school for rich Christians, so he was immediately given the title of cool within our grade. Being cool he was allowed to be a dick to whoever he wanted and get away with it, but that was cool. I didn't mind. If it wasn't for the fact that Nathan and I were on the same bus every day, and got on at the same stop, we would never have become friends. I wasn't cool you see, but I wasn't a loser. I just blended in and generally became nondescript.

I could tell Nathan might be vulnerable from the first time the topic of jacking off ever came up on our daily commute. Peter, the real horn-dog on our bus (he was straighter than straight, unfortunately) would often talk about it or bring it up. I would encourage him, but never participate too much. I enjoyed sitting there with a boner in my jeans and listening. But just looking at Nathan during those conversations was a dead giveaway. He too adjusted himself in his seat while looking out the window trying to be listening to something else. I decided to experiment and fiddle with him, so I made plans.

I organized a little get together with four or five guys at my house. My dad had recently got a big screen TV and he would let us stay up all night and play video games whenever my mom was out of town. I, for one, enjoyed playing video games all damn night, and so did Nathan. Around two in the morning, when our energy levels started to die down, I got up and left for another room, motioning Nathan to follow me.

"What is it," he asked as I shut the door of my bedroom behind us and locked it. "What do you want to show me?"

"I wanted you to check out this tape I got." I led him to my dresser and pulled out an unlabeled video tape from under the sea of tube socks.

"What is it?"

"It's a porno, what else would it be," I said flexing my eyebrows and smirking while walking towards my TV on the other side of my room. "You want to watch it?"

"Uhm...I don't know. Couldn't we get caught?" He said shifting where he stood. "What about your dad?"

"My dad sleeps through everything, don't worry about him."

"And what about Kevin and Jacob? Or Michael? They could come back here."

"They're not going anywhere. Have you ever played Xenogears? It'll be another hour before they notice we're gone. And besides, the door is locked." I popped the tape into the TV and it began to play as I turned the volume down nice and low. It was an old porno tape, some movie from the 70's with Ron Jeremy, Peter North, and a shaky premise. Some guy in an auto shop was getting his cock sucked through the fly in his jumpsuit uniform. My favorite scene because he was the only guy in the entire video that was actually hot. Of course I had sprung an erection before I even locked my door. I sat down on the bottom bunk of my bunk bed and pointed to the chair at my desk. "Sit down, stay a while." Nathan was transfixed by the action on the screen and took a second to sit down.

She sucked his cock, he fucked her over the hood of a car, he came all over her face. Standard straight porno fare. I tried to be discreet about rubbing my dick through my jeans, Nathan just sat and watched. My favorite scene was promptly followed by my least favorite of setups in the world of straight porn, the lesbian scene. "You mind if I fast-forward to the next scene? I hate lesbo scenes."

"Oh, no problem. I don't like them that much either," he said making some nervous eye contact with me. He was usually the tough guy at school, so this new attitude was interesting. Once the two women finished doing whatever it is they do I hit play again. This time the guy was enjoying some oral attention from a woman while leaning against his motorcycle. Being my first time watching a porno of any kind with another guy I was nervous as hell, but strangely aggressive. I danced around with the idea of asking him if he wanted to jack off, just whipping it out, rubbing it more obviously through my pants, bringing the subject up, whatever. Whenever I worry about asking something potentially controversial I run through it over and over in my head before it just comes out without me thinking about it. And this was no exception-

"You want to jack off," I blurted out looking nervously over towards him. "...or something." I quickly looked back at the screen.

"You want to jack off? But we're both here. I mean, I could go to the bathroom and-"

"No, you don't need to do that. We can just sit where we are, if that's alright," I proposed hoping he would comply.

"I dunno, I'm not really cool with doing that with you right there," he said uncomfortably. Shit, I was losing him.

"Just hop up on the top bunk then, I'll stay down here," I said as he eyed the top bunk, and then looked back at me.

"And you won't tell anyone?"

"Why would I," I asked as I lay down on my bed. He got up and started up the ladder. "I don't want anyone else to know either." The bed shifted back and forth as he lay down on the top bunk. I slipped my hand down into my boxers and started rubbing my dick a little bit. I heard Nathan pull his zipper down and fumble around. I did the same, lowering my pants down to my ankles, taking my shirt off and letting my dick poke out through the slot of my boxers. I stopped looking at the porn on TV and just watched the mattress above me. I watched and listened.

I could hear Nathan's breathing get heavier and heavier and feel the bed shift every time he moved. The more and more he got into it the faster I would stroke my cock. I had never been in the same room jacking off at the same time as someone else, and my dick felt harder than it ever had before.

"You doing alright down there," he asked out of nowhere. I slowed down my pace and opened my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm alright. You?"

"Good. I think I'm about to cum," he said chuckling. My dick twitched.

"Go right ahead, I'm ready to too." I picked up where I left off feeling the sensation of on an oncoming orgasm at the tip of my penis. I rubbed the head with my right hand and used my other hand to fool around with my balls. I could hear Nathan's breathing get heavier and heavier and the bed move forwards and backwards. He moaned a little bit and sucked air in through his teeth, which pushed me over the edge. I clenched my anus and felt my cum rushing up through my dick. I thrust my pelvis forward as the first shot lefy my dick and landed right above my pubes. I panted as three or four shots of cum came out and made a mess in my pubic hair. I could hear Nathan up above panting as well and suppressing moans. I let my breath out and dropped my hands to my sides. "Man, that was really good."

"You're telling me."

"You should've been down here for that, I've got cum all over me," I said laughing."

"Me too. Maybe next time though," he said chuckling. "You've got anything to clean up with?"

"I'm on it," I said leaning down under my bed and grabbing two hand towels I keep for when I jerk off. I tossed one of them up to him and used the other to wipe the jizz off of me.

"Yeah," Nate said after sighing. "Definitely next time." I stopped wiping up and immediately tried to think of when I could schedule a next time.

A week or so later I had noticed nothing between Nathan and I had changed. He acted like nothing had happened, which was a relief. You never want things to get weird. Problem was I couldn't think of a good chance for us to get together again. On a Thursday morning commute to school we were all talking about work we had to do and such. Now, I had everything taken care of, but Nathan mentioned he was going to stay late and get some work done.

Our bus system had two rounds in the afternoon. There was the after-school bus and the late bus that left school about two hours after the first bus. It was perfect for when you had to stay late for practice, or to work on a project. In this case, Nathan was my project, I was going to take the late bus too.

I spent most of the day racking my brain with ways to plan something, what to say, trying not to be obvious. I was becoming too nervous and, in the end, just decided to wing it. So right after school I headed to the library and found Nathan sitting at a table in the remote section of the library. Just like he always does.

"Hey, how's the project going," I asked setting my bag down and sitting down across the table from him.

"Actually, it's not as bad as I thought, I should be done in, like, a half hour or so."

"That's awesome. I thought I had a bunch of work to do too, but I realized this paper wasn't due until next week and not tomorrow, now I'm stuck here until the late bus leaves." I pulled out a book and pretended to read while he worked. Eventually I brought up the subject of girls, and he countered with talk of masturbation. I brought up the porno we watched and told him about this new one I got (which wasn't true, I just made it up). This concentrated sexual talk went on for about twenty minutes, and I could tell he was getting a bit antsy.

"Man, I am so fucking hard right now," he said dropping one hand below the desk. "I wish I could just jack off right now." Quickly, I ran through the catalog of places on campus where you could be secluded enough to do this.

"Dude, we could. What about the senior garden?"

"There? I dunno." He shook his head and brought his hand back up to the desk. "Someone could see us."

"No, I know this spot, and there's barely anyone on campus anyways. Come on, follow me." We packed up our bags and headed down into the senior garden. Our campus was pretty old and built on the side of a hill. There's a garden area, pretty thickly wooded, that used to only be for seniors but is kind of abandoned now. I spent a lot of time exploring out of boredom and found a few clearings near the edge of the garden that were good for privacy. I led Nathan down to a clearing under a huge tree and set my bag down. "See, no one ever comes here." I sat down on the ground and used my bag to prop me up.

"I guess, but what if someone came?"

"We'd hear them coming a mile away, we're fine. Just sit down." Nathan put down his bag and sat with his back up against the trunk of the tree. We were sort of sitting at a 45-degree angle from each other, close but not too close. We had our backs to the path we walked down, so no one could get a clear view if they came walking down. "So, um, how do you want to do this? I'm cool...I think."

"Yeah, I've never done this with someone else watching before," he said looking off into the distance. After a few seconds of awkward silence he looked back to me. "You promise you won't tell anyone.

"Yeah, definitely. I already told you that last time. Why would I want anyone to know either?" There was another bout of silence.

"So, how do you want to do this?"

"I dunno, how about at the same time," I suggested. "At the count of three we both take them out?"

"Um...ok, that sounds cool." I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans and he did the same. My dick was already rock hard, and I could see Nathan was already sporting some wood. "Ready? One...two...three." We both brought our dicks out from under our boxers and let them lay out in all their glory. I had never seen another hard dick in person before, and Nathan's dick looked absolutely perfect. About six and half inches, nice and thick and pointing up. He was circumcised just like I was and his pubes were just a little bit lighter and bushier than mine. "Wow, you're pretty big," was all I could manage to say. He chuckled and wrapped his fist around his meat.

"Thanks, I guess. You're not too bad, though a little smaller than I thought," he said staring at my dick while he started to stroke his own.

"Yeah, it's just a late bloomer thing. It'll get bigger eventually, or so I'm told." I wrapped my right hand around my dick and started to stroke a little bit as well. We both starting pumping our fists up and down our dicks in silence, constantly changing our speeds. I would try to watch him jerk off for a few seconds before he would notice I was watching and force me to look elsewhere. When I would look back he would be staring at my dick. My problem of just blurting out questions I wanted to ask reared its ugly head again. "You want me to try jacking you off a little bit," I blurted out before realizing it may have been too much. Nathan paused and I slowed down my pace, eventually letting my dick go to slap against my belly. "You don't have to if you don't want to, or you could just forget about it. Yeah, never mind, it's probably too much.

"No, it's alright. Nobody else has ever touched my dick before," he said letting go of his cock. Instead of slapping up against his belly it just kind of pointed straight up and out, waving around in the breeze. Almost as if the weight of it would drag it down forwards to his knees. I gulped and scooted over so I was sitting next to him. I slowly reached out for his dick, stopping before almost touching it. I knew my fingers finally reached it when he let out a quick gasp which caused me to quickly grab a tight hold. It didn't feel anything like my dick did to me. Warm to the touch, soft but rock-hard beneath the surface. The skin moved along a little bit with my fingers as they explored to the top where the head was. I ran my fingers all around the head, pinching a little here and there. Finally I started to move my hand up and down his dick and got into a groove.

"Is that alright," I asked nervously.

"Yeah, it's great," he said leaning his head back against the tree. I realized my dick was currently being ignored.

"You want to try jacking me off too?" He opened his eyes and looked towards my dick.

"Um...sure," he said hesitating. His hand slowly moved over to my crotch and he grabbed my dick just like I grabbed his. I let out the same little gasp. The feeling of someone else touching my dick was far different than I had expected. His hand was a bit cold at first, and I could feel the texture of his fingers explore my dick before settling into the same groove of pumping up and down on my cock. We both sat there, heads back, eyes closed, enjoying jerking each other off on a warm afternoon under a tree at school. I felt a sudden urge to take it to the next level, though I though Nathan would never agree to it. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He sat there with his head back and eyes closed enjoying the handjob I was giving him when, without really thinking, I leaned forward and put the head of his dick in my mouth. He let out a loud gasp while letting go of my dick. "What the hell are you doing," he asked as I plunged my head down further onto his dick. "Oh my God, don't stop."

I started to suck while moving my head up and down his cock. It didn't taste like anything, just skin. I would get the slightest salty taste when I ran my tongue around his head and realized it was probably pre-cum. I got off my back and onto my knees in front of him. I used my hand to feel his balls and jiggle them around a bit. They left my hand and moved in real close to his body as he began to pant.

"Oh God, I'm gonna cum, don't stop," he whispered and gasped. I took his dick out of my mouth and started stroking it with my hand. My saliva glistened on his cock and provided a great source of lube. He pushed forward a little bit and moaned as a shot of thick white cum flew out into the air and landed on his shirt. Two shots, three shots, four shots all came out and I pounded away on his dick. He was panting as he pushed my hand away. "Fuckin' A man, that felt amazing." I moved back to where I was sitting and looked down at my dick, still hard as a rock.

"You wanna help finish me off," I asked waving my dick around with my right hand. Nathan just shook his head.

"I don't think I'm cool with that yet, but go ahead and finish up. I'll stick around." I was a bit disappointed but knew the feeling after just cumming where you don't want to do anything and would rather just sit there. I shrugged my shoulders and laid back. I grabbed my dick again and started to pump away. I would alternate between fast and slow, occasionally go really fast and just stop with my hand at the base of my dick. I had my eyes closed while I did this, and I had been doing it for a few minutes. After stroking really fast I kept my hand at the base and, without warning, I felt this amazing warm and moist feeling around the head of my dick. I opened my eyes and saw my dick disappearing into Nathan's mouth as he slid his mouth down over the rest of my cock. I gasped and shuddered at the feeling and threw my head back again. I had no idea a blowjob felt so amazing, then he actually started to suck and move his tongue around. His teeth scraped a few times but he quickly solved that problem.

He blew me like crazy going up and down, sucking really hard at times. He took my dick out of his mouth and started stroking when I felt one of my balls share the same warm, moist sensation. It was absolutely incredible and I felt bad for not trying to suck on one of his balls. He wrapped his mouth around my dick again and moved his hand around just in front of it. I put my hand on the top of his head and guided his head, just like in the pornos. It was an amazing sense of control. He only moved up and down four or five times before I felt my orgasm coming on.

"I'm about to cum man," I gasped. He quickened his pace and sucked harder. "Seriously, it's about to," I started to blurt out before being cut off by crossing the line and starting to come. Nathan wasn't even phased as I pumped out three or four hot blasts of jizz into his mouth. I moaned out load and he just kept sucking during wave after wave of my orgasm. I looked down to see him looking up and me while sucking, no cum leaking out around his mouth. "Did you swallow it?" He nodded and pulled his head off my dick with one long, hard sucking pop that seemed to echo through the garden. "Oh my God, that was fucking amazing. What the hell possessed you to do that?"

"I dunno, just felt like doing it," he said wiping his mouth. We both got to putting our dicks away, buttoning up, and dusting off.

"You've got some jizz on your shirt, hope it doesn't stain." He looked down and saw the wet spot on his shirt and shook his head. He also looked at his watch.

"Oh shit, the late bus leaves in five minutes, we need to get our asses back." We threw our bags on our backs and started up the trail when he stopped and turned around. "Remember, don't you fucking tell anyone about this. I don't want people thinking I'm gay or something.

"Don't worry, neither do I. Nobody will know."

We made it to the bus, and went out separate ways. Amazingly, nothing ever got weird, though we never hooked up that often. Every couple of months we would just spontaneously be in the same place at the same time and give each other a good handjob or blowjob. Definitely the best relationship of any kind I had in high school.

[Yup, true story. You'll have to take my word on it. Feel free to send any feedback my way at multiplex84@yahoo.com and I'll greatly appreciate it.]

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