Bus Stop

By Robert Case

Published on May 8, 2017


My name is Tyler, and this is about me and Blade. I'm in 9th grade, and so every morning I have to walk about 2 blocks to this corner where I get on the bus for school. I suppose I'm pretty average for my age. I'm not really tall, about 5'10" I guess, and I'm not really skinny but I don't have any fat either at about 140 pounds. My hair is kinda light brown-ish to blond in the summer. I'm not very good at sports so I don't participate unless I have to. There's this other kid that picks up the bus there, too. He comes from a different direction. So anyway, this other kid's name is Blade, I guess he's in 10th grade.The first time I saw him was on the first day of school this year. He was sitting on this low wall by the bus stop. He looked like a really cool kid, but he wouldn't look at me, and I figured I was too young for him to talk to anyway. I mean, he looked really cool. He had his earbuds in listening to music and shit, and he had on these short baggy pants, and black skate shoes. He had on a black band tee, and wore a beanie. He had a mustache and a little goatee which I thought was also totally cool. I mean, I could tell he was only a little older than me, but, you know. Wow. His dark brown hair was kinda long, and curled around his wool cap. We got on the bus at the same time, he sat in the back, and I just sat in the middle somewhere wondering about him. I mean, he was just so mysterious, you know?

Turns out he was only about a year older than me, but we were worlds apart. I'm just a normal freshman, I guess. I'm not into socializing with anyone, really. I just play video games, do my homework, watch TV, you know. Just normal stuff, I guess. I spend a lot of time alone. My mom never got married to my dad, and he moved to a state over, so I don't see him much. Mom works a lot, but we get along pretty good. She says I should have more friends, or get involved in stuff at school, but I'd rather not. So anyway, for the first couple weeks of school, I'd walk to the bus stop, and Blade would be there already, or he'd show up whenever. One day, he pulled out his earbuds and asked me if I like punk or ska, and asked me if I knew a couple bands he mentioned. I was totally surprised he would talk to me! He must've thought I was decent though, because he kinda grunted when I said I knew the bands, and I mentioned I liked a song by a different punk band. After that, he wasn't much different, but at least I knew he thought I was OK. I saw him in the hall sometimes but he didn't really look at me.

About a week later, after school, the bus was packed, and I ended up having to sit by him after school on the ride to our bus stop. It's about a 30 minute trip, and I got to see him close up for the first time, really. He had shorts on as usual, and his legs were covered with black hair. He had his knees up on the seat in front of us. He had on an extra large shirt, and I could see a forest of armpit hair when he moved a certain way. "What are you looking at?" he asked me."Nothing." I lied. He looked at me with his blue eyes, and I could see he wanted to say something, but changed his mind.

"Well, knock it off. You're freakin' me out. Don't be a dork."

"Sorry. It's just that..." and I couldn't finish because I didn't really know what to say that wouldn't sound dumb.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes. I could just barely hear the music he was listening to. I could smell him, and it was a very manly smell. It was nice. Not like BO or anything, and it wasn't soap or cologne or anything it was... manly. One of my mom's former boyfriends smelled like that, and I really liked him.

When we got to our stop, I got off first and started heading home. Behind me, I heard him say "Hey! Tyler!"

I turned around. I didn't even know that he knew my name."What's up?" I replied."What are you doing right now?" he asked.

"Nothing. I guess I'm just going to go home and play some vids, maybe do some homework or something."

"Oh. Well, if you wanna come over, I got that album with that song on it you liked. Thought you might wanna hear the rest of it."

He was asking me over? Shit! Yeah! I couldn't believe that he would invite me over.

"Sure, I can come over. My mom doesn't get home for a couple hours." I said."My mom doesn't get home until after 11:00, so I got the house to myself for awhile."

"That's cool", I said, for lack of anything better. We headed to his house, which it turned out was a lot closer to the bus stop than my house. It was a cheap rental, and the door wasn't locked, as he just opened the door and walked right in. The living room was small, with a 32" flatscreen TV opposite the door, and an older sofa immediately to the left of the door. I saw a game console and a few games, including one of my favorites, GTA5. "You play much GTA5?" I asked him."Yeah, all the time. My mom likes to watch me play, so I usually play for awhile on-line when she gets home until she gets tired. It makes her laugh!" he smiled at the thought, and I realized it was the first time I'd seen him smile."I have a computer in my room, that's where my tunes are. Follow me."

I followed him down the hall, passed a small bathroom with a closed door opposite, I figured that was his mom's room. The next door was his room. There was a large biohazard' sign taped to the door, and police tape with the warning active investigation, keep out!' across the top of the door.

I raised my eyes, and he answered my unasked question.

"My mom found it on her way to work a while ago, and thought it would be funny to put on my door. The biohazard sign is from her work. She's a nurse." He rolled his eyes and we both laughed.His room was small, and kind of messy, but not bad. There were clothes on the floor, a guitar case, a couple skateboards, and a lot of CD cases next to his unmade bed. The room smelled manly, again, like him. I really liked it! Instead of sheets, there was just a wool sleeping bag unzipped, and a couple pillows. Next to the bed was a night stand with a small digital clock, and some other junk.

His computer desk was next to a closet, and I could see a full ashtray and a can of Mountain Dew to the left, and more CD cases, a rag.

The floor had blue carpet that had seen better days, and the walls had a few posters, one for the new Star Wars movie that came out last year, and one for some kind of fancy car I didn't recognize, and a concert poster. An old dresser to the right had a bunch of stuff on the top; an award for baseball, more CD cases, some mismatched socks, a few photos, one of a smiling kid in a baseball cap with two proud looking adults.

I looked at the photo. "Your mom and dad?" I inquired. I didn't want to seem too nosey, but at the same time I was kind curious about this guy that never talked to me until today.

"Well, that's my mom and my uncle Mike. I haven't see my father since I was little. He moved to California. Mom gets a check once in awhile, I guess." he looked at the photo but seemed far away."Your mom is pretty." I said, and meant it. "Thanks, I guess." He replied.

The photo showed Blade maybe three or four years ago. You could see he had a faint mustache already, while his mom was smiling in the photo, and had pretty dark hair pulled back, and his uncle Mike was tall and good looking with light blue eyes, dark five o'clock shadow, with a black mustache and goatee.

"Hey, I have to take a piss, I'll be right back, OK?" he said and left. I could hear the bathroom door open, but he didn't shut the door because I could hear a healthy stream of piss hitting the toilet. That made me have to go. While he was gone, I noticed there were used boxers on the floor, and for some reason I was tempted to pick them up, but decided that seemed too pervy and I didn't want to get caught being weird the first time I came over. I didn't hear the toilet flush, and he must not have washed his hands, because he was back in the room in a minute.

"You want to hear that album?" he asked me.

I could see a small wet spot on the front of his black shorts.I looked up quick and said "Sure!, but I have to pee too, is that OK?"

"No." he said with a straight face.

"I mean, I can go home if..." I started, but he interrupted me and started laughing and said "Don't be such a dork! Go!""OK, thanks. Do you want me to flush?"

"Fuck, I don't care, go ahead if you want to."

I went down the hall, and found the light in the bathroom. There were a few girly things, but for the most part, it was pretty plain. I took out my dick, and adjusted it and started pissing into the same water Blade had just pissed in, turning the water a darker yellow. There was a long black pube on the porcelain. I started getting a little boned up thinking about Blade with his dick out just a few moments before. Such an odd feeling! I'd never thought about another guy's junk before, really. I mean, I jacked off after school almost every day, I mean, who doesn't? But while I jacked, I didn't really think about dicks. I just really liked the feeling, and when I was done, I cleaned up and would do homework, or play a game or something. I could tell that Blade was a jacker, with all the evidence around in his room, and presumably his mom knew too. Wow! My mom and I never discussed stuff like that. I'm sure she knew that I jacked off, but she'd never caught me, and I was careful to clean up my messes, I hoped!

I shook off the last drop, and stuffed my dick back into my pants, zipped up and hoped my semi would go down in a minute. I flushed, and rinsed my hands quick, drying on a bath towel by the shower. I noticed a man's razor next to the sink.I returned to Blade's room.

"You were gone long enough! I thought you were taking a giant shit or something!" he snickered at me.

"I was not gone that long", I shot back, "and I would never take a shit at someone else's house!"We both started laughing, and I felt really comfortable being around him. I couldn't believe someone that was so cool was actually talking to me, let alone invite me over into his room!

He'd put the CD on his computer, and as it started to play he asked me if I minded if he smoked. I'd heard in a movie one time a line that I'd always wanted to use, but had never had the chance.

"I don't care if you burst into flames", I said, and he started to laugh.

"Oh shit, that's a good one. You are such a dork!" he said, as he lit a smoke with a Zippo. "You want one?" he asked.

"Well... I've never tried it. I don't have anything against it, but my mom doesn't smoke, and she'd probably be pissed if she knew I did.""That's OK, it's no big deal." he took a big drag and grabbed the ashtray and the old can of Mountain Dew and left the room. When he returned the ashtray was empty, and he had two cold cans of Mountain Dew.

"Here, I got you a Dew" he said as he handed me one.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him. "I mean, before today, you barely acknowledged that I existed. I'm just curious, is all.""You live nearby, and I don't really know anyone." he replied. "You seem pretty decent, even if you are a dork."

"I am not a dork!" I stated. "You're the dork for being all emo all the time!"

"I am not emo!" He laughed, and we both started laughing.Blade took the ashtray and put it next to the clock on his nightstand, and sat down on the bed. He kicked off his skate shoes, peeled off his socks, and sat with his back on the pillows. I could faintly smell his feet. "Grab my Dew, will ya?" he asked. "Here, have a seat," he said as he moved over so I could sit next to him, I handed him the soda.He took another drag of his Newport and tapped the ash. "Ahh, nothing better!" he sighed. "Well, almost nothing better." he looked me in the eye to see if I would pick up on what he was inferring.

"I can't imagine what you're talking about." I said, in pretended innocence.

"God, you're such a dork!" he smiled as he tapped his cigarette.

I started laughing, and he punched me in the arm. "Ow! Don't punch me!" I said, and he laughed and punched me again.

"Ow! Hey, knock it off", I said, "How do you like it?" I asked, as I punched him back."Hey!"

He grabbed me by the arm and flipped me over and sat on my chest. We were both laughing, and I couldn't say anything, while trying to push him off.

He got off, and lay down next to me with his arms behind his head, staring at the ceiling. He took one more long drag on his smoke, reached over me, then stubbed it out.

We both got kinda quiet. The quiet where you know you're comfortable with someone, and it's OK not to say anything. We listened to the music for a while without saying anything.

I looked at him, and could see his armpit hairs. I couldn't help it.

"What the fuck with my pits, dude?" he asked. "First, on the bus, now again here, what's up with that?" It wasn't in a mean way, it seemed he was just asking.

"You're so.... You've got so much hair. And grown up looking. It's ... I just, I don't know. I just was looking, I guess. I know we're not that far apart in age, but you seem so... sorry, I'm being a dork."

"It's cool." With that he raised his shirt up, and showed me his stomach. The hair went up in a thick black line about two inches wide up his stomach, where it thinned out to a point, then became a dark patch between his pecks. "See?", he said. "I'm getting hair everywhere."

"Wow!" I said. "That's amazing! Can I ..."

"Touch it? Go ahead." I reached out and felt along the line of fur. The whole time thinking how lucky he was.

"Here, I'll take my shirt off. That way you can get your fill, and won't stare at me on the bus anymore." he smiled and winked before he threw his shirt on the floor.

He smelled so good, and touching him, and seeing his manly body really got me hard. He may have noticed, I'm not sure."Why don't you take off your shirt?" he asked.

"But I don't have any hair at all! Nothing like you! I protested. "That's OK. It'll just make me feel more comfortable, if you don't mind."

"OK" I said. I took my shirt off and threw it on the floor next to his. He reached out and gently poked my arm."Lift up your arm. I want to see." he said quietly.

"OK" I did as asked, feeling slightly embarrassed. He took his finger and gently touched the hair in my pits.

"You've got plenty, and nothing to be ashamed of." he said as he examined my pit. He put his face close to my pit and took a whiff. "Look, you're getting a treasure trail." He said, as he pointed out the faint line of darker hair up to my belly button. "Mmm! You have any hair anywhere else?" Without waiting for an answer, he put his right hand down the front of my pants and into my boxers, and felt along until he found the top line of my pubes. I gasped, and raised up my ass a little to give him better access. His face was close to mine, I could smell the cigarette he'd just had. His hand continued feeling my pubes, and finally, he found my dick, which was pointing down uncomfortably, and throbbing.

"Let me fix this for you" he said, as he gently pulled my hard dick up in my pants. "That must feel a lot better!" he whispered.

"Oh fuck! Yes!" Is all I could say."Do you want to feel my pubes, too?" He asked, as he continued to feel my cock.


"Yeah, here, let me help you out a little" he said, as he put my left hand back onto his belly. "Now just feel anything you want. Go ahead."

I got closer to him, and it seemed once I'd started this, I couldn't get enough. It was amazing, I was turned on more than I'd ever been before. He smelled so good, he was so manly, I reached my hand under the band of his boxers, and felt his long silky pubes almost immediately. "Keep going" he urged me. "Keep going, find it."

I felt it. I felt his cock. It was warm and hard and soft, and like nothing I'd ever felt before. I could feel the pre-cum at the tip. Instantly, I was aware of something and even more curious, because I could tell his dick was different than mine.I gasped. "What?" He whispered.

"I don't know, nothing. I've never done anything like this before. This is so cool! You're so cool. Oh fuck!" I was overwhelmed with new thoughts and new feelings.

Blade unzipped my pants, and pulled down my boxers. I was exposed to another person for the first time.

"Fuck yeah, that's a nice one. Totally not a dork!" Blade smiled, as he rolled on top of me. I put my arms around him and we hugged. I put my face into his shoulder, and his scent just about made me cum. He ground into me.

"Can I see yours now?" I almost begged.Without replying, he unfastened his pants, and pulled them off, and whipped his boxers off, too.

He then lifted my ass with one hand, and pulled off my pants and boxers with the other.We were now both completely naked. We lay next to each other, and I felt him all over. I felt the hair on his face. I felt the hair on his ass. He closed his eyes and sighed again. I put my head on his chest, and got a really good look at his cock. It was a little longer than mine, but mine was a little wider, maybe. But whereas the head on my dick was exposed, his was half covered by a skin sheath, that pulled all the way up, then would go all the way back until his dick looked just like mine. I was fascinated, and he was breathing hard, every time I would stroke it, the head would disappear. We played with each other without speaking, enjoying the feeling and exploring touching another man for the first time. I felt the hair up his stomach to his small nipples and the patch of hair between them.

"Does that feel good?" He whispered, as he gently felt up and down my cock."Oh yes! Oh fuck yeah!" My cock seemed harder than it ever had been before, and I was leaking a lot more pre-cum than I ever had before.

"Have you ever done this?" He asked, without waiting for an answer, he got on top of me and put our cocks together. Our lips met. We kissed. Slow, exploratory at first, then deeper and more desperate. We rocked back and forth, and found an easy rhythm. His cock ground into me, I could feel his precum making a slick journey for his cock to follow. I too, was leaking, and thrusting up to meet him. I grabbed his ass and felt the hair there, which stopped at the small of his back. I was in ecstasy! He pulled away from my mouth long enough to say "I'm going to cum."

"Me too!"

With that, a few more hard thrusts, and I was cumming, harder than I ever had, or ever imagined. As my first shot came out, I gasped and moaned out loud. I could feel his cum shooting onto me. Thrusting, gasping, sweating, I pulled him tight, and felt my cum pulse into his silky pubes. He moaned and sighed into my ear. I never felt more connected to another person, plus I was thinking `this is what adults do. This was a thing that made me a man.' And then I laughed at myself for half a sec for being a dork.We lay still, breathing... I pulsed my cock next to his, and made him jump and sigh and pulse his too. We were drained.He rolled off of me, gently. It was kind of an awkward moment, but then Blade broke the silence and sighed. "That was the most amazing thing I have ever done. Come here!" he whispered. With that, he grabbed me and we hugged, a friendship, bonding hug. I closed my eyes, and put my head into his shoulder again.He lay next to me for a minute, and said "I need a cigarette", and got up to get the pack by the computer. When he returned to the bed, he handed me my soda, as he lit the smoke, inhaling deeply, then releasing the smoke in smoke rings.

"Thanks for the soda."

"Not a problem." he said, as he lay back into the pillows next to me. He smoked, lost in thought.

"How come your dick is different?" I asked, which brought him back.

"I'm uncut.""Uncut?"

"Yeah, uncut. Uncircumcised. When you were born, you were uncut too. My mom insisted that the doctor not have me circumcised. I escaped the cut, as it were. You my friend, were not so lucky."

"Lucky; what's so good about it?" I asked.

"What's so good about it?" he repeated as if aghast at the question. "Well brainless, for one thing, I can do this!" With that, Blade sat up on his knees and pulled his long foreskin all the way up on his now soft member, and stuck the end of his cigarette into the opening which held it there, quite amusingly for a few seconds, until he took it out, and put the cigarette back in his mouth.

"That's gross!" I laughed.

"It isn't! And someday I'm going to be on a TV show where people have fucking amazing talents, and I'm going to show everyone my fucking amazing smoking dick!" He said in mock seriousness, trying not to smile."Wait," I said. "You talked to your mom about your dick?" I couldn't believe it. "Well, she is a nurse, after all. We're pretty open with each other about stuff."I giggled."Is that all you can do with it?" I asked.

"Oh, you know it's not!" he said, and we both laughed, as he laid down next to me again.

After a few minutes, he finished his cigarette, and he looked at me. "When I first saw you, I didn't think you'd be very cool. I guess looks can be deceiving." He said.

"Thanks, I guess. I thought you were a stupid emo skater kid that would try to trip me or something."

He smiled. "I'm not mean like that. And I am not emo, but I am an awesome skater!" he laughed. "I just like to keep to myself. I don't usually talk much in the first place, and especially not to dorky kids like you!" he teased.

"I'm not dorky, and I'm not a kid!" I argued. I reached out and tickled his ribs for a second.

"Hey! None of that!" he squirmed away, and gently grabbed my soft cock. "You certainly aren't a kid with a dick that size! And you've got an amazing bush, too.

"You think so? I have nothing to compare it to, except you, I guess. Your dick is longer."

"Maybe a little, but you got some girth there. Look how big it's getting." he squeezed it gently and that wonderful feeling was coming back. "Damn dude, that's hot!"I reached out to his dick, and pulled the skin back, exposing the head. Then back, completely covering it again. The aroma from his crotch was intoxicating, unlike anything I'd ever experienced before. I reached down and touched his heavy balls, in their low hanging sac. He sighed "That feels good."I scooted down and put my nose in his crotch and inhaled deeply. The scent was a mixture of sweat and cum and something I couldn't pin-point, but definitely evoked all man. His dick was again fully hard, and I pulled the skin all the way up, then put the whole thing in my mouth.

Blade moaned and thrashed a little. "Oh fuck!" He whispered. I never imagined that I'd ever do anything like this before this very moment. Slowly at first and instinctually I just seemed to know what to do to make him feel good. I rolled the skin on his dick around my tongue and my lips, then pulled it all the way back and went down as far as I could. It felt as amazing to me as it must have for him, because I could taste his pre-cum in little bursts on my tongue. With my right hand I gently played with his balls, and felt the hair under them as it got thicker towards his ass. He lay back with his hands behind his head."Oh god that's good" he whispered. "Keep going. Keep going farther down. Feel the hair around my hole. Feel it!"

I couldn't get enough. I took his cock out of my mouth as I came up for air, then moved my tongue down to lick his balls. The scent was warm and manly as I went down farther with my tongue leading my nose, leaving a slippery trail under his balls. I jacked him slowly while I continued going farther down until I could feel with my tongue the entrance to his hole. Blade spread his legs slightly to give me better access, as he moaned "Oh fuck, dude that's amazing! I never imagined! Fuck... keep going!" I was afraid to put my tongue in, because I didn't want to get grossed out, but our lust and his urging kept me going as I inserted the tip of my tongue onto his rosebud, surrounded by silky black hair. It was wonderful, it smelled funky but not bad, and I got it all wet with my tongue."Fuck!" he growled.He bucked and panted as I stuck my tongue further into his hole, as I continued to jack him slowly. I could feel his cock get steely hard, when he put his hand on mine to stop me.

"Come back up here! I want you to feel as good as you're making me feel." He pulled me up, and inserted his tongue in my mouth. We kissed deeply for a minute. He flipped me over, so I was in the same position as he'd been in.

"Put your hands behind your head." he said, as he started to move down my chin with his tongue. When he got to my right nipple, he swirled his tongue around on it, giving me another feeling I'd never experienced before.

"Oh my god!" I moaned. He put his hand on my balls and started massaging and pulling gently, then moved up to my dick, and encircled it with his hand. Slowly, so slowly, he moved his head down until he was an inch from my cock. I could feel his warm breath on my leaking head, as he stuck out his tongue and licked up the pre-cum. He put my cock head in his mouth, and moved his hand down to below my balls. I could feel his finger slowly inching towards my hole. The feeling was incredible, and something I had never explored by myself. I groaned spontaneously, and then like an electric shock, I felt his finger gently touch my hole. My mind flashed quickly to the last time I took a shit, and hoped that I'd cleaned myself up adequately. He quickly wet his middle finger with spit, and immediately put it back on my hole and swirled it around. I was slightly afraid that he'd poke it in, but this feeling of him touching me there, and his bobbing on my cock almost had me cumming. I wanted more of him.I grabbed for his dick and gently played with his foreskin. He flipped around so that it was now pointing at my face, while my dick was still in his mouth. I now had full access to his entire hairy crotch and cock and balls, and I too, reached my hand behind, and found his still wet hole from when I had licked it. I took his hard cock deep down my throat as I felt the close black hair around his hole. As he put his finger into me gently, I could feel I was gonna cum, but I didn't want to get off his hot cock. I could taste his pre-cum, and I knew he was as ready as I was to cum. I slowly edged my finger just a little bit into his hole, and that was enough to set him off. I could feel his ass contact on my finger and taste his cum on my tongue, as he shot over and over. I couldn't take it anymore.

I shot into his mouth the most I think I'd ever cum before. We were both twitching and moaning and I just pulsed my load into his mouth, as he shot the last of his huge load into mine, swirling his cum around my mouth before swallowing. I took his cock out of my mouth and watched the last little bit of his cum ooze out as I pulled up the skin. I licked it up. He licked my dick from top to bottom, then took his finger out of my ass, hugged me tightly, pulling my crotch into his face as he sighed contentedly.Blade's dick stayed hard for awhile before finally going down. I played with it a while, and pulled on the extra skin. "You've got a neat cock." I said, absently.

"Neat?" He looked at me and made a face.

"Well, I don't know... hot? Is that better?" I said as a rearranged myself so I was back up next to him.

Blade sighed. "I guess. I never thought of my dick as "neat." But then, no one has ever really played with it much except me."

"I like you," I said. "You're really nice to me. I've never really had a friend like you before."

"Ha! You mean someone you could play with his dick?" Blade teased."Seriously! Just for a sec, OK?" I said.

"OK, OK. I know what you mean. Most kids... are kind of shallow? I mean, my skater friends, all they want to do is skate and smoke pot. I have more ambition than that. I don't have any friends from school really, `cept you, now. And I wasn't even sure about that until on the bus today. I took a chance, because... I don't know. Cuz I just wanted to have someone to talk to once in awhile, you know?"

"I know!" I agreed. "There's this kid Jake that lives by me, he goes to Catholic school... anyway, he talks about video games, and I can relate, but then he's always talking about girls and shit, and I'm like, dude, you're boring the fuck out of me."

"Jake? Is he the tall skinny kid with the buzz cut that's always playing basketball in his driveway?"

"Yeah, that's him." I said. "How do you know him?"

"Skated by his house a couple times. Said maybe hi once. He seems like a dork."

"You think everyone is a dork! You're a regular Holden Caulfield." I teased.

"Holden Caulfield called everyone a phony." He corrected me. "And, he was totally fucked in the head."

"True that!" I paused. "Anyway, my point is that I just never could be friends with Jake because he's so into sports and always talking about girls, plus his parents are rich...Sometimes, Jake comes over and invites me to their house for supper, because his mom knows my mom works a lot. It's so freakin' boring, I can't wait to get home."Blade asked "Did you ever see his dick?"

"Well..." I started, "I guess so. A few years ago I would stay at his house overnight sometimes. We were maybe twelve? We were playing in his room after school one day, and he asked me if I got hair down there, and I did, so I told him so. He didn't believe me, so he said prove it, so I did. Then he showed me his, but his dick was still little like a little boy, and it didn't look like he had any hair at all. He said he had hair too, and sure enough, there were a few sprouts on the top, and he was really proud of a few really long hairs on his balls that he showed me. His mom called us for supper and that was it. Never saw it again.""He's really tall now, what do you think, maybe six four? Bet he's got plenty of hair down there now!" laughed Blade."I suppose. Never really thought about it again until just now. He's kinda dumb if you ask me.""What about you? Did you ever do anything with another guy before?" I asked."Well, not really, but yeah, kinda."

"What? Not really but kinda?' what the fuck does that mean?" I asked."Not last summer, but the summer before when I was 13, I went to stay with my uncle Mike for a week. He lives in the City. He's really cool. Anyway, it was super hot out, and I got the sofa. He doesn't have air conditioning, so after we turned the lights off to go to bed, my uncle gave me a fan by the sofa, but it was still super fucking hot. I was also horny as fuck, and kept on playing with my dick. But anyway, I got up to pee, and I had to go by my uncle's bedroom to get to the bathroom. The way his room is set up, I could see he was on his computer, just sitting in his underwear, but he couldn't see me, and he had a fan going too, so he couldn't hear me, either. I noticed right away he was playing with his dick in his underwear. He'd grab it for a few seconds and pull on it, then stop... then, just when I thought maybe he was over it, he'd grab it again and again and start to jerk it in his underwear, but just for a few seconds each time. Dude, I was so fuckin' horny! I'm like, Do it! Do it! I want to see! Do it!' to myself. I'm getting so fucking turned on watching my uncle. So I'm watching my uncle Mike and almost cumming and I'm not even touching myself anymore because I'm so fucking horny, and I wanted to see what would happen.Finally, he takes it out, and starts jacking it, and I'm like fuck! that's huge, and he's jerking it, and I can tell he's talking to himself really low... I could hear him say Yeah, eat that cock! Yeah, fuck it! Fuck yeah, do it, shoot it! Shoot that fucker!"My heart was beating really fast, and I could hardly breathe or even swallow because my mouth was so dry.And then he shot this huge load all in front of himself onto the carpet! I totally came all over the carpet in front of his bedroom door at the same time, just watching him cum, it was the most amazing thing. I'd never thought of Mike being naked, and here he was shooting all over!""Shit! You're making this up!" I exclaimed."No dude, I'm totally serious. And then there was my cum all over the floor, so I quickly kinda rubbed it in with my foot real quick, then went to the bathroom to pee. I ran back to the sofa when I was done, and like 30 seconds later, my uncle walked out to the living room to look at me. I didn't even pretend I was asleep, he could tell I was awake anyway. He asked me if I was okay, and I just said yeah, I'm just kinda hot is all.' and he's like yeah, me too, I'm gonna try to get some sleep.' I said yeah, me too.' It seemed to take forever for me to come down from that. I kept playing it over and over in my mind, and even jacked off once more just thinking about it! Eventually I fell asleep. I don't know if he knew I was watching him or not. I still wonder that, sometimes.""Wow!" is all I could say."Yeah, I know, right? So anyway," Blade continued, "the next day we went to a major league baseball game. It was super fucking hot out. The game was going well, and like after the 4th or 5th inning, I was getting a little bored, plus I kinda had to pee, so I told my uncle I was going to find the bathroom. I walked in, there were a few guys in there, but no one was peeing. The urinals were the kind that come out of the wall like miniature toilets, know what I mean? There were like two dozen at least, with no privacy things between, so you could see anybody doing whatever... right?

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Gross."

"Right! So I take out my guy and I'm just starting to take a piss when this dude about 16 or 17 comes in and takes the one to my right, and he hauls out this big uncut cock. I'm kinda watching, because, wow, right? And he pulls the skin forward to start to pee, but he's playing with it, and it gets kinda hard, and he looks at me, pulls the skin all the way back, and he sees that I'm watching. I think to myself shit! I'm busted!' but he leaned over and said, hey, go into a stall and wait for me'. Like a dork, I'm just standing there watching him play with himself. Then some old dude walks in, and I woke up. So I went to a stall, and left the door open to see if he was coming or what. About 30 seconds later, he comes to the back, and he opens the stall door, and takes out his dick again. I took mine out too, and he put his hand on my dick, and I felt his too. Dude, it was fucking huge! We're both super turned on, and I was jacking my cock watching him work his foreskin up and down really slow... and I'm like, fuck I'm gonna cum! He starts breathing hard and shot a big load at the toilet. I shot my load at the toilet too, it was fucking amazing watching him shoot all that white cum. We both quickly grabbed for the the toilet paper to clean up a little. He scooted out and left super fast. When I opened the door to the stall, that old dude that came in before was standing there groping himself. Freaked me out totally! I washed up quick and left. My uncle didn't even say anything when I got back. You know what's funny?"

"No, what?" I asked."I had a big glob of cum on my shoe that I didn't know was there, for about an hour. I look down and noticed it just before we left. Ewww, right?" Blade laughed."Dude, fucking gross!" I laughed. "Look, you're hard again!"

"So are you. You want to do it again?""Yeah, I want to watch you cum. You smell so good, fuck, I suppose you think that's dorky." I said."Dude, I like my smell too. Sometimes after a whole day at school, I really stink, and I can smell my dick on the bus.""No way!"

"Fuck yeah, dude. Today, on the way home. Could you smell my dick?" Blade asked.

"I thought you just smelled like a man. My mom's old boyfriend smelled like that when I was little, and I really liked him." I said."Mmm. Bet he was uncut. That's what you were smelling, his funky cock, and you didn't even know it!""Jesus, look how hard you are. Go ahead, start jerking it for me."We both started jerking slowly, enjoying the moment. I wanted to make it last awhile this time. I usually jerk really fast, then stop until the feeling goes down a little, then start again. Blade was taking his time. At first he would roll the skin all the way over the head, then bring it all the way down, really slow. Then he started just working the head. He'd spit in his hand a little, then just rub the head, then start taking long slow strokes for awhile. He took his right hand and played with his balls a little, then traced the hair up to his pecs, then back down again, all the while stroking slowly, building up a steady rhythm. I tried slowing down a little, but used my regular technique, going fast for a while, then stopping and holding it real tight at the bottom. We both started twitching, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold off.Blade reached over to me, and felt my nipple. Very gently at first, then a little harder, making me moan spontaneously. I reached down and felt his balls, gently rolling them around in my hand. He arched his back and groaned, "Dude, that feels so fucking good!""Let's cum at the same time", I said. "I want to see you shoot your cum!""Oh fuck yeah, dude! I'm getting really close! You?""Yeah, go faster!", I said. "Shoot that fucking load. I want to see your cum! Do it!""Fuck yeah, here it comes! I'm gonna cum! Fuuuuck!""Me too!", I shouted.Blade started shooting his hot come all over his chest and stomach. The first shot was thick and white, and landed almost in the middle of his chest. The next few shots were not as thick, but still impressive. Blade was breathing hard, and as I watched him cum, I shot almost as far as he did. Afterwards, we sat there in our own mess for awhile. Blade reached over me to the floor and felt around until he found the boxers I'd seen when I first walked into his room. "Here", he said, offering me the boxers. "You can use these to clean up if you want."

This time, I didn't care if he thought I was a big perv or not, and took a big whiff of his underwear before cleaning myself up."Thanks", I said, and offered them back. "Jesus, you're a regular skanky perv, aren't ya?" he laughed, as he wiped himself down."No worse than you!" I interjecked. "Yeah, you're probably right about that".Blade smoked another smoke, and put on another CD. I probably dozed a little, just laying next to him. Before I realized it, it was getting dark in the room. "I should be getting home," I said. "My mom's gonna be home in like an hour, and I should probably make it look like I did something tonight after school.""You did do something after school!" Blade teased."Not something I could probably tell my mom about, though!"

"You want to take a shower with me before you go?" Blade asked."Sure! I've never done that before with anyone.""Well, today is a day of firsts for you, I guess." Blade said.

Blade stood up and started making sense of our discarded clothes. "Hey! Guess what?" he asked."What?" I answered.

Blade let out a really loud fart."Gross!" I laughed, "And to think I had my tongue in there! Eww!""C'mon, it wasn't that bad! I can do better, just wait!" he laughed. "Let's take a shower!""Alright. Lead the way. On second thought, I'll lead the way!""Ha! You're learning, ya dork!""Emo perv!"

More to come if you liked it. Let me know. End of part one.

Next: Chapter 2

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