Bus to Boston

By Clandestine .

Published on Dec 4, 2005


It definitely has been a while since I've gotten the opportunity to share a story of my college sexual exploration. In an effort to continue the tales I started in "Bus to Boston," I sincerely wanted the stories to remain true to how they occurred. And, truthfully, everything you've read has been pretty much identical to the actual events that happened to me. Sure, I may have added an inch or two here, an additional slippery stripe on the bathroom wall there. Otherwise, you have my word that Shay and Nate are as real and naughty as I've described.

Long story short, that is unfortunately the reason that you haven't heard from me in a while. School kicked my ass this semester and my visits to Nate's dorm had been less and less frequent until, one day, I lost touch completely. And while I struggled to keep my homework and mind exercised, my penis lay dormant and restless.

I boarded the Chinatown bus last month to visit my friend in Boston, praying to see Shay slumbering in the seat next to me, his hand carelessly falling on my aching lap. The trip, though restful and long-needed, didn't seem to have the same luster as when I shared a 10-minute break in the Roy Rogers bathroom the time before. Teeming with discontent, I dared to satisfy myself in the same stall as before, leaving my telltale marks on the wall, in honor of my last visit. Needless to say, it wasn't quite the same.

So I have to confess, dear readers, that my new story begins in a place you may not enjoy.

NYU's marketing program, of which I am now a junior, requires students to take 300 level electives to advance our mind and broaden our horizons. I signed up for a photography course, hoping for a fun and easy A, and nabbed my folks Bell and Howell from their basement when I went home this Labor Day. The course itself was pretty interesting as the professor focused on different photographic techniques like composition, focus and natural allur.

As the semester winded down, he announced that the last project would be a little different from nature excursions and still lifes. We were to find a model and shoot a roll to focus on an emotion. He articulated, clearly, that clothing was optional and this wouldn't hurt the grade.

After consistent rejections from my friends, I toyed with the notion of shooting myself. It didn't last long, however, as I got camera shy as soon as I uncapped the lens.

That's when my roommate, Tommy, walked in.

"Dude, you better not be looking at porn again," he said over his shoulder as he threw his books down and grabbed a beer from the dorm fridge.

"Nah, man, I'm trying to find pictures online that I can use for this project I'm working on."

"What of?"

I told him about the project. And, yes, the story at this point would be so much more interesting if I told you he volunteered. But: a) I told you I feel committed to telling you the truth about what happened, and b) I hinted that this doesn't begin as well as you might think.

"You want me to ask Sarah?" he replied.

I just stared at him. Tommy's girlfriend, Sarah, was gorgeous. She was about 5'9, 125lbs, blue eyes and brown hair. An unbelivably perfect smile and perfect figure (stay with me now, guys, please). Ordinarily, I like girls to have a bit of color to their skin, but Sara had milky white skin like an over-exposed Herb Ritts Madonna. An Adams birch. An Avedon Blanchett. (No, I'm not a photophile, but remember I'm up to my ears in slides from this semester.) Sarah's lips looked like they were constantly blood-red, her eyes an acetyline blue, her hair, raven-black. This odd appeal always sent shivvers down my spine to settle in the pelvic area as I'd been sexually repressed for months and would sprout erections at the slightest hint of sexuality. And, keep in mind, I've been with two guys in my life and about a dozen girls. My foray into homosexuality is still in its salad days.

"Yea, sure," he said. "But her clothes say on, okay?"


"I'm serious, Trent." He said coldly.

I hadn't even entertained the notion, but struggled to contain my erection at this moment. He stared at me, studying my face until I agreed.

Tommy is a jock. He and I rollerblade around Washington Square and have spent many nights dragging each other's drunk asses home from the bar. Let me take this moment to tell you that he's been the purveyor of hundreds of masturbatory fantasies. Picture a 6' sculpted 20-year-old with a boyish face and blond hair. He has the quintessential swimmer's build as I often stole hungry glances upon his return from the communal showers in a towel. He's the definition of a metrosexual in style and pays considerable attention to hygiene and grooming. And, according to his touts and Sarah's off-the-cuff remarks, about twice my length and width. Even now, as I recap last week's events, I'm hard and aching all over. (That, my friends, is what we call foreshadowing).

Tommy set it up for last Saturday and the week sped by until she knocked on the door. We sat and talked and I was amazed to learn that Tommy was drinking with friends and the two of us were alone.

"So, what do I have to do, Trent?" she asked politely, flipping her hair to the side. Her lips, pursed, were juicy and begging for attention, and I fought with ever fiber of my being to keep out of the gaze of her piercing blue eyes.

"Well, we have to pick an emotion, first. And, to lighten the mood, I got a sixer."

"Do you have any wine?" she asked.

I pulled a half-downed bottle of Gato Negro off my desk and rinsed out the bathroom swish cup for her to drink.

"Hope it doesn't taste minty," I laughed as she downed the first glass and held it out for a refill.

Before long, we were both feeling at ease. I downed a few myself and we returned to the project at hand.

"How about melancholy?" she offered. "Or jealousy?"

"Both good. Either. Take your pick. Just remember, whatever you choose, you need to make sure that it comes across in the pictures."

"Okay," she said, "Lets do jealousy." she paused. "Or envy."

I broke open the three-pack of film and loaded the camera as she made her self comfortable on Tommy's bed. She posed and reposed, trying to find a position that would work, until she settled on a clutched pillow and a distant, over-the-camera gaze.

"This is great," I said. "Hold it there." I snapped a few pictures from different angles and checked the light meter. "Three down, 21 to go."

As Sarah kept sipping her wine, she became more confident and adventurous. She art-directed the shorts as her shoulder strap fell precariously down her arm. She sat, ogling a framed picture (hidden from the camera), with her legs spread wide. She unbuttoned her jeans and ran her finger along her lips and smiled. The entire time I kept snapping pictures and making minor adjustments like "bend your knee a little toward me" or "toss your hair over your other shoulder."

The camera clicked and I noted that we were done. My heart plummeted as I manually rewound the film and turned my back to further hide the raging hard-on that had built up inside. Her tight jeans were burned in my mind and I thought, oddly, that I'd also fawned over that framed picture of Tommy and her. What a hornball, I thought. I'd fantasized about my roommate AND his girlfriend on countless occasions.

"You out of film, then?" Sarah said from behind.

"We took 24. I have two more rolls, but that's all I need...provided that they came out okay."

"I was just starting to get into this," she said. I turned around to see her laying on her stomach with her legs up behind her. Her t-shirt hang low and i started into the beautiful site of her cleavage, losing myself. "It looks like you were too." she giggled.

Snapping back to reality, I saw her staring at the tent in my khakis. Instanting, burning red, I whirred around to hide my manhood and hopefully change the subject.

"Thanks for all your help, Sarah. I'm sure i'll ace this one."

"Now you have to do something for me," she said, coolly.

"What's that?"

"I want you to take another roll, for me."

I turned a little to see her face but still protect my cock from being visible from her. "For you?"

"Yea, I told you I was enjoying this. I want you to take some sexy pictures of me." she said. "For Tommy."

"Uh, Tommy would probably like it if he took them himself." I cracked.

"I want to surprise him."

"He'd kill me," I said, and cursed myself for debating her.

"You owe me. I'll tell him it was my idea," she demanded. "Now load the camera."

As I loaded the film, Sarah slowly stripped to her bra and panties. Her tits pushed to perfect symmetry were equal competition for her tight ass and lucious thighs. She spread her legs wide on Tommy's bed, threw her head back and arched her back. "Now, shoot."

I shot a picture and she put her finger in her mouth. "Again." she said.


She slipped the finger into her panties and threw on a seductive grin. "Again."


She slid slowly down the bed and put her whole hand in as the other slipped under her bra. "Again."


"Now, I want some close-ups." she said.

Sarah unhooked her bra and lay over the bed with her head hanging off. "From here." She pointed to right in front of her.



I sheepishly walked over and crouched in front of her face. She followed my crotch down to the floor as I focused on her neck and chest. Her hands went over her head and rested on my bent knee and thigh.


"Now take one over me."

I slowly rose to my feet as her hands held firm. They slowly glided up my inner thighs and hooked my belt as I focused on her entire body, laying supine, on Tommy's bed.


She started pulling me closer to her and I gave in.


My zipper slid down and her hand went inside my khakis and found a throbbing, pre-cum dripping cock. My head was fuzzy and I felt tipsy from the wine and rough of blood. She slowly pulled me into her mouth, stopping only briefly to whisper. "Again."

I focused the camera down at her ruby lips as the wrapped my cock and consumed it to its root.


"What the fuck!?!" I spun around to see Tommy standing at the doorway and plummeted from cloud-nine.

"Tommy, I...I mean..."

Trent, you're fuckin' DEAD!" he yelled and bolted up to me. I froze on the spot as he reeled back and cracked my jaw with a seemingly iron fist.

I flipped backward, crashing into the book shelf and landed in a heap of books and pain.

"You want to fuck her, Trent? Huh?" He screamed.

"Tommy," Sarah interjected, "It was my..."

"Answer me you little shit," he hollared and pulled me up by the front of my shirt. I struggled to get my balance and turned my aching head to the side. Dizzy and broken, I mouthed the words "I'm sorry," but Tommy only threw me on the bed next to Sarah. I landed, with a bounce, and she stood up to protest.

Tommy pushed her down again next to me and said, "Fine, Trent. Do it. I want to see you, right now."

"What?" was all I could muster.

"Fuck her, Trent! Do it or I swear to God you're roadkill."

"You...want me....to..."


Sarah, obviously scared, backed up to the bed and looked at me. She was shaking badly and tears welled in her eyes. Deep inside her, however, I thought I sensed some kind of weird desire. It seemed that her fear was, in an instant, superficial. I looked over to Tommy and started to argue again, but before I could say anything he lunged forward and grabbed my belt. In one thrust, he had me off the bed and inches in front of him. I could smell the beer on his breath and see the beads of sweat on his upper lip. I looked down to see my flaccid cock still hanging out of my zipper.

Tommy moved his hand and, in seconds, had my belt undone and the button on my khakis open. He thrust my pants down to my ankles and came back up to grab me around the neck. He leaned in so that his lips almost touched my ear and whispered.

"You shove that little cock of yours deep into her pussy and fuck her hard. Do it or I promise you you'll wish you did."

From this angle I could see Sarah on the bed. I noticed that she was staring at my ass and half-remembered that I wasn't wearing boxers. Then i looked back at Tommy who was staring down at my limp dick.

"...that is if you can get that tiny prick of yours hard long enough."

Dear readers, I don't have to tell you that I'm not small. You may remember from previous stories that, for my height, I'm pretty decent size. But, under the circumstances, I was too scared to get hard.

I stepped cautiously out of my pants, only removing myself from Tommy's eyes long enough to pull my shirt over my head. Tossing it aside, I noted that I was for the first time fully naked before my roommate and his girlfriend. Two objects of my lust were taking in the sight of me naked. Suddenly, I felt my cock rise at the thought. Tommy grinned devlishly and pushed me on the bed. Sarah lay flat and looked, for the first time, at my cock.

"Better do as he says, Trent," she whispered almost excitedly.

"Kiss her!" Tommy demanded.

I lay missionary style, hovering over Sarah, and slowly brought my lips to hers. Her delicious lips were soft and sweet as our tongues reluctantly darted in and around each other's mouths.

"Good. Now squeeze her tits."

My hand found its way down to Sarah's perfect tits and gently massaged them as the nipples stood out erect. I saw from the corner of my eye, Sarah was working her way out of her panties underneath me.

"Do you like that?" Tommy yelled.

"Y-yea," I said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Put it in her!"

"But I don't have..."

"It's okay," Sarah whispered. "I'm on the pill."

"Trent-y doesn't have any diseases, do you Trent?" Tommy sang. I shook my head. "Ride her bareback. Shove it in hard!"

I looked at Sarah and she eased back and closed her eyes.

Looking down I reached out and positioned my cock over the lips of her pussy. Slowly, I started pushing it in. My heart was racing as I tried to comprehend what was happening.

Tommy, from behind put his foot on my bare ass and pushed me forward, thrusting it deep to the root. Sarah yelped and then moaned and I struggled to get my hands back under me.

"Now fuck her!"

Slowly at first, I undulated on top of her--thrusting it in and out at a calm, sensual pace.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Tommy laughed. "Fuck her fast! Hard! NOw!!!"

Scared, I thrust it in and out faster and faster, harder and harder. I looked over at Sarah's face and saw a smile creeping across her lips. Looking down, I saw my cock ramming her perfect pussy like a jackhammer. At that point, I started enjoying myself.

"How's that feel you fuckin' slut?" Tommy said leaning into Sarah.


Then he looked back at me and walked to my side. "You like that, bitch?" he said to her. "You like Trent fuckin' you, you fuckin' cunt?"

Tommy smacked my ass hard and I rammed faster yet. Then he rested his hand on my ass and guided my speed, pushing me in again and again.

"You like being fucked by my roommate?"

At this point, I didn't think the evening could get any better. My mind was tracing the events of the evening to try to make heads or tails of how I ended up with my dick inside the hottest girl I'd ever seen. When I say that I "thought" it couldn't get any better, you better believe that I was dead wrong.

Tommy kept pushing my ass with his hand as his finger found its way to my crack. I was startled to find him slowly caressing my asshole and looked over to his face which was studying my bobbing ass. I looked down to see a huge tent in his sweatpants and could trace the outline of a massive, hard cock. His other hand, as if willed by me, moved to his waistline and disappeared around the giant form.

The tip of Tommy's finger sunk into my puckering hole as Tommy rhythmically stroked his hard cock.

"I bet you want something bigger than that," Tommy said, as my heart took flight.

Sadly, he was talking to Sarah. He removed his finger, now deeply buried in my ass, and walked to our faces. Lowering his sweatpants and boxer briefs in one quick motion, I saw the biggest, most mouth-watering cock of my life. Shay (who was uncut but not gigantic) and Nate (who was cut and about my size) couldn't come close to comparing to this monster. It was easily 9 inches. And, to a guy unfamiliar to cocks of the world, it was the biggest cock that ever existed.

Tommy smacked Sarah in the face with his cock and she opened up wide. He made her deepthroat it and shoved it in hard. She gagged but her hand went up to his ass and forced him in deep, again and again.

Because of the position we were in, my head darted inches away from where she was sucking. My forehead hit his waist and my nose hit his pubes and I kept rocking closer and closer with my eyes locked on the perfect dick before me. My cock, inside Sarah, prayed for his attention. My ass felt the lingering touch of his finger.

"You like that, bitch. Don't you?" Tommy smiled.

"mmmmm...." Sarah moaned.

"You better learn to share," Tommy said, and grabbed my hair painfully. "You're gonna suck this cock, Trent. You're gonna swallow it whole!"

"Tommy, I don't..." I lied.

"Don't you fuckin' argue with me!" he screamed and tugged my head hard. A twinge of pain bolted through my body as he pulled me to his waist. My face lay flat on his belly button and I felt the warmth of his tummy. He smelled unbelievable and I breathed deeply to take him in.

"But, Tommy, please, I'm not..." I lied again.

"Suck it, you little faggot!" Tommy laughed.

He pulled back and his cock sprang out of Sarah's mouth and smacked me hard in the jaw. The pain from his punch returned as my face was covered with Sarah's spit and Tommy's pre-cum. He gripped my hair harder and pushed my lips to his dick.

"I fuckin' said SUCK!"

My lips slowly parted as the massive head of his cock entered and followed to the back of my throat. Sarah watched it disappear inside me and moaned. I stared into her eyes and found her to be 100% enjoying the view. She writhed below me and I subconsciously continued fuckin' her pussy and matching the motion to swallowing Tommy's cock.

...to be continued...

Questions or comments: nyukidtrent@gmail.com

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