
By dog

Published on Dec 14, 2000


Warning: It's kinda' boring.

Disclaimer: It's Fiction, nothing here is real.

Summary: A day in their live

Author's note: This is an extra piece for all you readers who had waited patiently for my story to be out. :D and to David for providing this space. thanks and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Busta 16

'Master.' I pouted looking at him, knowing that he's leaving. "Aww," said Joey looking down at me and rubbing my head. "Oh come on, don't be sad. I'll only be gone for a while, I need to go back and see mom. You're not fit enough to travel with me...I'll be back." Me Master tries to explain, lifting my body up so that I could be eye to eye with him. "But I wanna come too." I whined and whimpered. "And you got to stay here and keep JC and Lance out of trouble, you know how much trouble they get into right?" Me Master said, still trying to convince me with words. "But they don't know how to take care of me, they'll ignore me, they'll not feed me...I'll die from starvation cos' they're too busy fitting their dick into each other's tiny butt-hole." I tried to reason with him. "It's not working." Said Justin shaking his head at my whimpering. "Why don't you give him some food then just run away?" suggested Joey, which got a smack on his head from Justin. "He'll develop some kind of stress, that's not good." Said Justin, and just as I thought he's a good guy his suggestion was, "Why don't you drug him, there's still his medication that will make him droopy for a few hours, he wouldn't be able to recognize day and night anyways." Me Master scowls at the both of them, ignored them and continued talking to me. "Busta," he said in his 'I'm-your-master' tone, "Busta, you're a big dog now. You can't follow me around, especially when you're not well enough to travel. I promise you I'll be back in 24 hours." Then thinking for a moment he pointed to the sky, "When the moon sets and the sun rises again, I'll come back." I was quiet for a moment, then said, "Promised?" I pouted and my eyes casting down. "And I'll bring some of Mom's nice drumlets for you. How's that?" "Drumlets?" my eyes raised sparkled with the thoughts of drumlets. "Well, what are you waiting for. Go and come back quickly before my drumlets gets cold." "I think it's working, his tail is wagging." Said Joey, flicking my tail. Justin snorted and insulted me by calling me, "Pig." "Turnip!" I scold back. "Ok, it's settled." Said me Master happily, then he stuffed something under my collar and said, "Ok Busta when we leave I want you to go to Lance and JC's room and wake them up. Ok? Ok." With that I was placed on my bed and I watch me Master walked out of the door with Joey and Justin. 'Drumlets, must think of drumlets.' I told myself. But no matter how strong I am, I couldn't help but to walk to the entrance and scratch the surface of the door sadly. Unknown to me, me Master was also watching me from outside the window, he saw me walk back to my basket to curl up and cry, till Justin dragged him away. I cried for a while more, then sniffled and decided to be bitchy. I walked towards JC and Lance's door then frowns and barked loudly. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW! IF I CAN'T BE HAPPY, NEITHER CAN YOU BE ASLEEP SO WAKE UP AND FEED ME! WAKE UP!" I shouted and shouted. I turned and kicked the door with my back leg then returned to my shouting. The door eventually opened, I got in and then angrily kicked the person before me. "Fuck you too!" I grumbled. "What?" JC was the one opening the door, he looked down and scratch his head confusingly. He's wearing one of Lance's stupid pajamas, and basically looking stupid! [Author's explanation: Um, Busta's um...[shrug] very angry = very bitchy...hmm, son of a bitch? :b] JC picked me up then noted the thing that me Master stuffed under my collar. Holding me on his left arm, he took the thing out, then unwrapped it. It's a note that wrote:

Dear kids, :b You have the whole house to yourselves, till tomorrow morning. I had to take mom to a doctor, Justin and Joey went back to see their family. Take care of Busta cos' he can't travel, and guys, please do not leave any stain on my $300 carpet. See ya' CK PS: Look into the Basket. ;) [Joey]

JC sagged his tired body by the wall, his face formed a lazy smile as he re-reads the note. "S'up?" asked a deep voice from the bed. "Nothing YOU moron. Go back to bed!" I barked and narrowed my eyes irritatingly at him. JC walked back to the bed, placing me between them he reach over and kissed Lance on his cheeks before passing the note to him. "I hate you too." I said, stepping all over him. Lance, the moron, smiled moronically and pulled me to a hug, rubbing my head affectionately. "Aaww, you must be so upset." He kissed me on my forehead. "It's ok, Chris' coming back." "Moron." I mumbled into his chest, my face still scowling, and my legs kicking his tummy. "Aow." Said Lance, wincing from my kick and also smiling. Told you he's a moron. "He kicked me." "Can't have that." Said JC, removing me from Lance's arms and placing me on the side of the bed then moving to hug his precious cucumber. Lance snuggled in and breathed a sigh of contentment, generally enjoying the peace. I wanted to kick them, I wanted to curse at them, I wanted to bite them. But [sigh] I can't, not after knowing how long it had been since they had peace. I sigh again, and did three turns before settling down to a nap. When I finally woken up I found myself in the gentle hands of Lance who cooed when I stirred and carried me in his arms preciously. [AN: A sleeping Busta is a non-bitchy Busta. :)] I yawn and snuggled towards him, keeping half an eye open on where we're going. Lance carried me and sat me on his laps as he sat in his own moving-box [Car]. JC got into the box and with a smile to his lover he started the box moving. "It's nice of the guys to do this for us." Said Lance as he stroke my fur. "Yeah...Nice of Joey to make the picnic basket for us..." JC replied turning the wheel. "And Justin, for checking out the place." Added Lance. JC stopped for a moment, and I turned my head lazily to see that JC smiling at Lance and holding his hands. "I'm glad they're supportive of us." Lance took JC's hands and kisses the knuckles, then rubbed it and smiled to him. JC grins and said, "I love you too." I snored. ~~~~~ [........] [....mmm....] [......sniff, sniff....] [...sniff...grass...sniff...] [....flowers....] 'Flowers?' I jolted out of my sleep and placed my hands on the box and look through the window. "PARK!" I barked happily making Lance and JC both laughed at me, I ignored their laughing and started jumping up and down. "WANNA GO PARK! WANNA GO!" "Ok, ok. Calm down. We gotta park the car first before we let you out to play." Was Lance's reply as he strokes my head. Then carrying me in his arms with the view of the park clearly seen he teased me, "See, butterflies...and who knows, there maybe squirrels." Squirrels is a name for a four-legged busy tail, brown animal that eats nuts. I like them, they're as small as I am and they run very fast and smell like trees and grass. :D "Crazy little fellow." Said JC, rubbing my head. I ignored him and continued looking out to the nice grassy place. It's a very pretty park and it's very big, with lots of grass and trees and flowers and...oh, a bushy tail. :D The box stopped moving and I waited, not to patiently, "come on, come on." I barked impatiently to the slow humans and pounded my paws on the box. Finally the door opened and I dash out, ignoring the cries of, "Don't go too far." Silly humans, why would I run far when there's lots of flying flowers around. [Butterflies] Lance and JC set the cloth down on an empty patch of grass and watches pretty little me, crouching down and wagging my butt as I wait for the flying flower to land. "This is nice." Lance said softly, basking himself under the warm sun. JC smiled and pulled out the food and stuffs out. "Look, Joey's famous chicken sandwich." He said dramatically, waving the food around. 'Steady...ready...pounce' I thought and jumped towards the quiet flying flower and fall on my nose instead. I got back up and tried to hit it down, standing on my high legs. "You're silly." Said Lance, taking the sandwich from JC's waving. Then unwrapped them before passing back to JC, "No talking while you're eating." JC smiled and said, "Love you too hun." Making Lance blush. I stopped moving, looking right at my nose where the flying flower had landed. "Look," said JC pointing to me. "Where's the camera when you need one." Said Lance. I stared at it for a moment then a movement from far attracted me. "BUSHY TAIL!" I barked happily and started chasing it. ~~~~~~~~ [Munching]...[watching] Lance and JC had snuggled together with JC holding Lance and running his hand through Lance's hair, and occasionally kissing him on his head. Lance maintains his small smile then whispered, "Thank you." JC looked to him with an amused look, "For what?" Lance stared at him, smiling then reaching up to kiss him, "For loving me." JC kissed back, the gentle non-seducing kind of kiss that promised love and said, "The pleasure was mine." [Munching] "How come you guys get sandwich and I get doggy treat?" I asked on the unfair treatment. Lance and JC chuckled and say, "We love you too Busta." I rolled my eyes and returned to eating my beef treats. 'Prefer bone treat.' I grumbled in my head, then chew thoughtfully, 'But beef treat is nice too.' "Can I have an ice cream later?" Lance broke apart from his lip-lock with JC then giggled and said, "I think Busta's telling us to get a room." "Why should we listen? He never did it in any room before." JC replied then went back to kissing Lance's smiling face. I shook my head, "Humans do not know how..." I perked my ears up and heard the distant steps of humans. "Someone's coming!" I barked, and when I was ignored, I continued barking. Luckily, Lance and JC pulled away then turned in time to avoid the approaching figures' eyes. It's a bunch of people, families I think, with 5 teenage kids who screamed when they saw Lance and JC, much to the embarrassment of their parents. Anyways, my whole meal is ruined when I was roughly plucked and transferred from different kids who cooed at me. Lance and JC were bugged by girls with high pitch tone, and I could see Lance cringe every time the girl beside him gushes and went ballistic. But fortunately, the sun is setting and we quickly used this excuse to go home.

[Moon in the sky]

"James?" JC called out, moving cautiously into the semi-dark room.

I looked from the ground, then look up to the bed, "There he is. The naked one on bed...well, semi naked one if you consider the skimpy cloth that's hiding his cucumber" I frown trying to remember if it's summer already here. I mean, heck that's the only time humans will get naked...unless....Oh man! I quickly tried to rush out of the door that I've came from, but it was slammed in my face by the totally stunned looking Carrot.

"James? Why is it d-dark..." his voice sounds like a frog now, and I could feel the heat level increasing in the room. Then pulling the collar of his shirt and licking his dry lips as he approaches the bed.

"Someone's very overdressed." said Cucumber huskily as he reach towards the Carrot's pants, sitting up, looking at Carrot through his lashes then said, "Or do you prefer just watching me?" Coyly smiling at him whilst his hands ran across Carrot's pants.

Carrot let out a growl [or a groan] then strips his clothing so fast, I'm inclined to suspect that he's Superman.

[Sigh] What I never understand about this part of life is 'Why in hell, does the clothing always fall on top of me.' I shook my head, then struggle to get out of the pile of clothing. In time to hear JC growling.

"Mine, mine, mine." He said in a mantra form.

Now seriously, I don't blame him. He went from 'I-can't-stop-touching-Lance' to 'I-must-not-let-my-dick-rule-my-brain' for 3 weeks, I mean, even you must understand what he's going through.

"It's ok love, I'm not running away." Assured Lance between his panting as he surrender to the insisting hands.

[Groans in dispair] 'Oh no, if Master finds me here he's gonna think I'm a perverted dog again.' Rushing near the bed I called out. "Hey guuuyyyys, I know it's THE time of the day again. But can you let me out first."

And the answer is, "Oooooo Joshua, that's it Josh, more...Oh Jooossssh."

I smack the paw to my head [mimicking human action] thinking, 'this is getting me no where.'

And I was right because after, "Josh, Josssh, I'm cumminnnggg." It leads to, "Fuck me Josh, please baby, please fuck me." Which means, they went on to part two of their steps in fucking-Lance-who-cums-easily.

'Ok Busta, time to prove that you're a smart dog. Think! Think! What can I do.' Though you gotta understand it's difficult to think properly with noises like: "Slowly love, slowly, I need to stretch you out first." And "Hurry, I can't wait, hurry. Please Josh don't tease."

After thinking for a very long time and enduring lots of moaning...well, actually I ran under the bed and think for a while, it's quieter there you see, I came up with the idea. The thing is, they need to see me before they could let me out. So if I somehow got myself onto the bed and bite their body or something, they'll notice me. Yeah, I know, it sounded simply, but you try thinking properly with all those, "Oh God baby you're so tight." And "That's it Josh, That's it, more, please more." [shaking head] I have a tough job.

By the time I get out of the bed, it has already started shaking, I quickly jumped onto the chair beside the small lamp-table, then onto the lamp-table. Then look to the couple, frankly, they look beautiful, Carrot spooning Cucumber from behind. Glistering in human sweat, moving together in sync, and most importantly the gentle way Carrot [JC] wiped the sweat away from Cucumber's [Lance] eyebrow and kisses him on his ears and neck, that was sweet. :)

Anyways, back to my mission, I broke off from the beautiful picture before me and started barking at them. "Hey guys, you've got audience here, can you get me out first."

"Baby [pant] Baby, [pant] Busta [pant] is [pant] in [pant] the [pant] room [pant]." Said Carrot noticing me.

Cucumber looked at me then groans and said, "Josh [pant], I don't care [pant], but [pant] if you [pant] leave me [pant] like this [pant], I swear [pant] you'll not [pant] touch me [pant] again [pant] for [pant] 7 [pant] more [moans] days." Then growls and pushed his pelvic upwards.

Carrot raises his eyebrows at his beloved Cucumber, "Can't have that can I?" with that he lifted Cucumber's legs then pulled out and started pile-driving into him. Making the Cucumber howl louder than pregnant women when they are trying to push a baby out.

[Sigh] 'You made me do this.' I said, then proceed to jump onto the bed and was about to bite him when I heard two unionized sound of a "Ennnngggghhh" and then I felt like I was slapped on my side. "Hey! That hurts! Hey! Stop it! Stop it!" I was smacked three times backward before I moved far enough not to be hurt.

Lance drowsily opens his eyes, and was about to fall asleep when he snapped into attention, then started laughing loudly.

"What the..." stared JC then looking at me, "Oh my..." he burst and started laughing and laughing at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Think it's funny don't cha'. Wait till one day I piss on your hair-gel then you'll think it's funny." I barked back at them.

"Oh my God, Oh my God. Oh my God." Said Lance as he laughed and rolled on his tummy. Then pointing at me he continued to laugh.

JC points at Lance, trying to hold his laughter as he said, "You...Y-You shot Y-your..." and he couldn't help but laughing again.

"I-I didn't..." Lance falls on his back, laughing again.

"W-we better..." said JC then burst into laughter, rolling back on the bed with Lance by his side, both laughing their hearts out.

It took them both another 10 minutes before they got settled down and then started scrubbing my pretty fur that has been ruined by their attics.

'I'm gonna piss on their gel.' I promised myself as they scrubbed my back.

Cucumber giggled as he scrubbed, "We better not tell Chris what happened."

Carrot laughed, then controlled his laugher as he shook his head. "I don't know what to say to him."

'I will piss on their gel.' I promised myself further.

"You can start with: 'Dear Chris, sorry I ruined Busta's fur.'" Said Cucumber, his hands stopped scrubbing as he turned and hide his face in Carrot's chest.

Carrot giggled and said, "Yeah and end of with: 'I just didn't think that Busta would be a magnet to my boyfriend's cum.'" With that they both burst to another round of laughing, and eventually rolling to the floor as they laugh.

'ok, forget my plan, I'm gonna piss on you right NOW!'

;D The End...for now? :D

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