Buttboy Bobby

By Bobby Moreno

Published on May 19, 2003


Buttboy Bobby By Bobbyonall4s

Bobby had always been a buttboy, ever since he was little. You might think that he got to be that way because of his looks. He had a firm, muscular body, broad shoulders, defined chest and abs, but most important, the dimpled smile of a boyish blonde and a butt that positively begged to get fucked. It wasn't just a nice butt, it was flawless. Two large globes that stood up high and perky. You could balance a plate on top of his ass cheeks. Trust me, men had always noticed. Bobby's pediatrician had spent many long sessions pondering those perfect globes, while he pounded away. The lifeguard at the swimming pool had done the same thing, bending Bobby over in the bathroom. You couldn't blame the lifeguard, though. Those ripe cheeks barely fit into a swimsuit. Anyway, you would think that it was all of this attention that had turned Bobby into a buttboy. But, you'd be wrong. You see, Bobby was born a buttboy. It was like his brain and ass and cock were all wired together in such a way that he just needed to get fucked. He'd always sought out the attention of men, especially muscular, masculine men. As soon as he caught sight of his gym coach or his best friend's dad or the high school quarterback, he would get this tingly, itchy feeling deep inside his ass. This feeling would get so intense that Bobby would get all squirmy and start rubbing his ass with his hands and looking for excuses to bend over and spread his cheeks. It usually wasn't long before a man would take notice and Bobby would get exactly what he needed.

Our story takes place after Bobby's twenty-first birthday. He had recently moved to the big city and joined a gym. The gym was a very difficult place for Bobby. He was constantly surrounded by big muscular men in tank tops flexing their biceps. Bobby couldn't get enough. He started working out every day for hours and his dedication showed. It wasn't long before Bobby had figured out exactly how to get what he wanted. To begin with, he would wear very revealing clothes. He had a pair of white shorts that barely fit over his ample cheeks. When the sun caught them just right, his thong, disappearing deep into his crack, was perfectly visible. He would also wear a tank top that showed off his lean defined upper body. Then he would sit within sight of some hot stud and perform stretches. Bobby knew just how to stretch. He would touch his toes, perform deep squats or get down on all four to arch his back. Anything to attract attention to his desperate ass. Before long, the stud would give Bobby a wink and a nod of the head. Bobby would follow him to the bathroom, where he would soon find himself on his back, or with his face pressed against the floor, getting that nice deep dicking he craved so badly. Bobby would do this several times a day. He soon got a reputation for being a slut, but Bobby just couldn't help himself. He needed to get fucked.

Practically the only guy at the gym who hadn't helped himself to Bobby's ass was Brian, the gym's premiere physical trainer. He had a boyish smile set into a rugged square jaw. He also had a list of celebrity clients who were hoping to get a body nearly as cut and powerful as Brian's. His chest was broad and sculpted, his back narrowed to a trim waist and his arms threatened to bust the seams of his sleeves. The first time Bobby saw Brian his little hole began to involuntarily dilate and clench.

Bobby knew Brian was gay, not that it made much difference; straight guys couldn't keep their hands off his ass. And Bobby had tried everything in his power to get Brian's attention. But nothing seemed to work. One day when Brian strutted into the gym, Bobby moaned about it with his friend Eric.

"Look how hot he is," Bobby pouted resentfully.

"What are you complaining about?" Eric sighed. He had just fucked Bobby in the parking garage half an hour earlier. Bobby still had black tire marks across the side of his face from where Eric had pressed it onto the dirty floor.

"I'd do anything to get him to fuck me," Bobby said sullenly.

"Why don't you just hire him as your personal trainer?" Eric asked. "Even if he won't fuck you at least you'll get a chance to look at him up close."

Bobby's face lit up like a little boy with a new bike.

"What a good idea!" he shouted, clapping his hands.

Bobby wiggled his pretty ass to the counter, turning a few heads, and made an appointment for later that week.

What Bobby didn't know is that Brian had had his eye on him the whole time. He been intentionally ignoring Bobby because he enjoyed watching the little butt boy get all worked up. In fact, he had been teasing the poor faggot by making sure that Bobby always got a clear view of him pumping up his enormous arms and chest.

Bobby showed up for his session wearing his most slutty outfit, skin tight soft cotton short that hugged his ass like melons in a wet paper sack. Underneath he wore a pair of red silky bikini briefs.

When Brian saw him walking down the aisle, he smiled to himself at the sight of the pathetic little thing, so desperate for attention. But he showed no outward sign, maintaining a blank steely expression.

"Hey there," he said, squeezing Bobby's hand in a powerful grip.

"Hi," Bobby averted his eyes, intimidated into shyness.

Bobby spent the next few minutes talking about his work-out philosophy but Bobby didn't really follow it. He was too busy studying the vein crawling down Brian's bicep to his forearm and the impressive curve of his trapezius flowing from his neck to his shoulders. Brian had dressed especially for the occasion, wearing a tight polo style shirt and knee length cut-off sweat shorts.

"Some trainers recommend that you focus on your worst feature, to try to bring it up to par," Brian explained, confidently. "I think this is a waste of time. All it gives you is an average body. My strategy is to focus on the best feature, to make it really pop, to push it over the edge."

Brian circled Bobby, trying to determine his best feature. He had his powerful arms crossed over his massive chest, looking Bobby up and down with a smug expression.

He stopped behind Bobby and nodded his head.

"Your ass. Definitely your ass."

Bobby blushed.

"Don't be embarrassed," he gave a deep chuckle. "The butt is an important part of how a person looks. Studies have shown that women notice a good butt over every other body part."

For the next hour, Brian put Bobby through a rigorous butt work-out.

They started with barbell squats.

Brian placed his large hand on Bobby's narrow waist and guided him down.

"Lower, that's it. A little lower. Now arch your back"

Bobby came up, his legs aching from the deep squat.

"Your pretty good at this," Brian said, a gleem in his eye. "I can tell you've had practice squatting. This time spread your legs a little. Farther. C'mon farther, really spread em."

By this time Bobby was beginning to look pornographic. With his back arched and his legs spread his underwear and shorts had begun to ride up. His firm butt cheeks peeked out the bottom of his shorts with each squat. And his bikini was worked so far up his crack that his tender ass lips were protruding on either side.

And all the contact on his ass and watching Brian's body were making Bobby really excited. The front of his shorts were soaked with precum.

Brian savored every eyeful of it.

"Let me help you," Brian said, a little condescending.

He helped guide Bobby down and then at the lowest part of the squat, he casually and gently touched his finger against Bobby's swollen ass lips.

The touch was electric and Bobby involuntarily moaned.

"Everything okay?" Brian asked with mock concern, touching his ass again.

Bobby swallowed and nodded, too overwhelmed to speak.

Next Brian had Bobby lay down flat on a machine to do hamstring curls.

Bobby turned his head to the side, only inches away from Brian's package.

"Okay, three sets of twelve," Brian ordered.

For the first time Bobby could tell that Brian was not wearing any underwear.

His enormous semi-hard cock was clearly visible running down the leg of his shorts.

Bobby could make out the ridge of the head hangind down halfway to his knee and even a vein running down the top.

"C'mon Bobby, really go for it," Brain said, amused by Bobby's dazed fascination with his crotch.

"I'm trying," Bobby whispered.

"Try harder," Brian answered, giving his cock a little tug to further emphasize its length.

At this point, Bobby was pathetic. His face was beat red from excitement and a trail of drool was running out of the corner of his mouth. All he could do was watch with fascination Brian's cock as it moved with flexing of his thick legs.

Brian was really enjoying this. He smiled and swivelled his hips back and forth, watching Bobby's eyes follow the cock as though he were hypnotized.

Before completing the exercise, Brian walked up close to Bobby allowing his cock, barely concealed in his shorts to rub momentarily across Bobby's face. At the same time he casually gave Bobby's ample bottom a pat.

"C'mon now," he said cheerily.

It had the desired effect.

Bobby let out a gasp and a slight moan, unable to control himself.

Brian had Bobby right where he wanted him.

"Okay, Bobby, that's it. So I'll see you the same time next week?" Brian said. They were alone in the office.

"So, it's over," Bobby asked with dissappointment, staring pointedly at the long cock running down Brian's thigh.

"Why? Is there something else you wanted?" Brain put his hands on his waist, sticking out his broad chest and drawing further attention to his sizable member.

"Sort of," Bobby said, involuntarily licking his lips, not knowing what to do.

"Well, what is it, Bobby? What do you want?" He said the question in a husky whisper.

"Well, well," Bobby stammered, "I want to suck your cock." Bobby wasn't used to needing to ask, but he liked it.

"What?" Brian asked with mock surprise. "This?" He traced the length of the cock with his index finger.

"You want to suck this?"

Bobby nodded vigorously, his lips parted in anticipation.

"Really?" he answered skeptically. "How long have you wanted that?"

"A long time. Since I first saw you."

"Naw.." Brian said, casually lifting his shorts to reveal the tip of the swollen head.

"Oh yes," Bobby cooed.

"Well, why didn't you say so?"

Bobby shrugged, a little bit of drool running from the corner of his mouth.

Brian walked toward him and used his thumb to push the drool over Bobby's lips and into his mouth.

"Bobby, you have to learn how to tell people what you want. How was I supposed to know that?"

Bobby opened his mouth, allowing Brian to push his thumb across his tongue and back into his throat.

"If you want to suck my cock so bad, then you should probably get down on your knees and open your mouth."

Bobby fell to his knees and made a perfect cocksucking o.

"Now let's practice," Brian said. "Tell me exactly what you want."

"I want you to fuck me," Bobby cried, acutely aware of the desperate aching in his ass. Brian rolled his eyes.

"Jeesh. First you want to suck my cock. Now you want me to fuck you. You just can't make up your mind. I was going to let you suck it, but now I'm not so sure. You seem really confused to me."

Brian pulled up a rolling chair and sat in it, swinging one leg over an armrest, positioning his engorged and barely concealed member less than a foot from Bobby's open mouth.

"Look, Bobby, I think you've got a problem. I've seen you in here, getting fucked all the time. You want it all the time, but it doesn't really satisfy you does it? I mean if you were really satisfied then you wouldn't need it again a few hours later. Am I right?"

Bobby nodded his head mindlessly, focused on the cock.

"But I know what will really satisfy you, and make that awful aching go away. I can help you." As Brian spoke, he pulled aside the flimsy cotton of his shorts, unveiling inch after glorious inch of cock. Eventually, to Bobby's disbelief, he displayed nine astounding inches of incredible width. The width was really the most notable trait of the cock. The sides flaired like the neck of a cobra. Bobby would be lucky to fit his lips around it. Brian casually laid the cock against his leg, revealing its ridged, veined underside. As he did so, a tear of precum trickled down its length. With a flop, he removed his hefty balls.

"But if I'm going to help you, you have to promise to do whatever I say, no matter what." Bobby couldn't even hear him. His entire world consisted of that mouth-watering cock. Brian rolled his eyes. He could see that something would have to be done before he would be able to talk to Bobby.

"That's it. Turn around," he commanded, standing up and tugging at his throbbing cock. That part Bobby understood. He scrambled around eagerly, tilting his hips and angling his ass up.

Brian reached out and, with a powerful thrust, ripped the shorts away, revealing Bobby's smooth, caramel-covered skin.

The bikini was buried so deeply between his cheeks, he could hardly see it. With a second tear, he ripped it off too.

Bobby moaned with anticipation.

Brian could tell that Bobby had been fucked at least once today, as his hole was already well lubricated.

"What do you want Bobby?"

"Fuck me," he whimpered.

"What's the magic word?" Brian teased with a smile.

"Please," he cried.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me."

Before Bobby could finish, Brian drove his cock balls-deep into Bobby's velvetty ass. "Ooooo," Bobby said surprised, as the force of the insertion knocked him face down onto the cold tile.

The smooth, hot lining of Bobby's ass was spasming on the cock, literally milking every inch of it.

Brian could probably have cum just from the massage Bobby's ass was giving. But he had other plans.

"Now, Bobby I'm going to have to fuck you very hard in order for you to calm down enough to have a conversation. Are you ready, honey?"

"Oh yes, please." Although the intense ass-stretching felt good, it was not enough to put out the inferno in Bobby's ass.

Then Brian began to fuck in earnest, using every ounce of strength he had spent so many years developing.

Each thrust caused Bobby to slide, face first, across the tile, toward the wall, which he soon bumped up against. After that, each thrust was punctuated with a bang of his head against the wall.

But Bobby didn't notice the wall. He was completely wrapped up in the incessent cock pumping. As hard as he was getting it, he couldn't help but tilt his ass up and push it back, hoping to get another fraction of an inch of that impossible thickness.

Brian pounded Bobby for almost fifteen minutes before Bobby finally came without touching himself.

Brian closed his eyes and sighed, enjoying the tight hole biting down on his cock. Then he pulled out and stood up.

"Okay, Bobby. Do you think you can listen to me now?" he asked, a note of frustration in his voice.

Bobby nodded and struggled to his feet, trying to cover his exposed body with the shreds of his shorts.

"A quick fuck like that will help for a little while. But I think we both know that you need more, don't we?"

Bobby blushed like a scolded child.

"Now, I want you to thank me properly and then go home. Come back next week and we'll see what we can do. Okay, honey?"

"Thank you," Bobby replied meekly.

"Not like that, honey. Get down on your knees and kiss it."

Bobby dropped eagerly to his knees and stared at the still hard cock, dangling before him. He puckered up and kissed it like a teenager kissing for the first time.

He would have fallen into a make-out session with the cock, if Brian didn't push him away. "C'mon Bobby, we don't want to get you worked up again. Now get out."

"But, but, my clothes," Bobby stuttered

Brian gave Bobby a warning look and Bobby meekly complied. He made his way through the gym, his buttocks blushing red, barely covered by the scraps of clothe he held around his waist. Muscular men noticed and snickered. Brian stood in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, smiling.

To be continued...

This is semi-authobiographical. I'd love to hear comments. Especially from tops. You can write me at: bobbyonall4s@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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