Cabin for the Summer

By GF Writer

Published on Jul 3, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sexual acts between that of consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or persons depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Characters: Jason-21 Seth-20 and his boyfriend Casey-19 Shawn, Seth's brother-18 Alex and Brian, neighbors- 16

Jason continued to play each scenario over in his mind while Shawn patiently waited his answer. He knew whether he decided to become Shawn's lover he was screwed or if he decided to let Shawn be, he was screwed.

"Shawn, you are basically asking me to change my inner fabric," Jason said. "It's not that easy."

"Well, it sounds like to me I will be packing up soon," Shawn said.

"No, Shawn, my ass is leaving. It's not fair for you to leave on my account. Hell, dude, I brought this shit on myself anyway. We should've never fucked around in the first place," Jason said with his sad face. "Besides, this is your house and I am just a guest. I'll pack and leave now. Tell Seth and Casey I'm sorry I had to go. Shawn it was fun." Jason got up from the couch and walked up to his bedroom. He shut the door.

Shawn just sat on the couch and tears began flowing down his face. He knew that it would only be best to break it off now instead of dragging it out any longer. He sat still naked on the couch with his head in his hands. He felt a peck on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Jason standing there in front of him, naked.

"Why you mother^Å" Shawn said and felt Jason's lips touch his.

"Shawn, I got your ass. There's no way I can leave now. I'm like those bass we've been catching. My ass is hooked," Jason said. Shawn grabbed Jason's face and kissed him hard.

"Motherfucker, I ought to kill you. Shit, I was down here crying like a bitch," Shawn said. "Jason, I love you so much!"

"Shawn, I love you too," Jason said. Jason shook his head, "What the fuck did I just say?"

"You loved me."

"Yeah, I mean it too," Jason lifted Shawn up in his arms. They kissed the entire way to the bedroom off the gameroom/bar. Jason laid Shawn on the bed and the two made out like newlyweds for a few minutes. Jason licked and sucked every inch of Shawn's fit body until he made his way to Shawn's crotch. Jason licked each of Shawn's nuts and took it one in his mouth. Jason's 10 inch cock sprung to life while he played with Jason's growing dark hair. Jason licked slowly Shawn's inner thighs. Jason eyed Shawn's cock.

"Fuck it," Jason said and stuck Shawn's dick in his mouth. Shawn leaned back on his elbows and watched Jason's attempt to please his manhood. "Is it me or you taste so good?" Jason said, staring into Shawn's eyes.

Shawn kissed him. Jason broke the kiss and returned to Shawn's cock. He licked the head and got his first taste of pre-cum. "Fuck!" Jason said. He stuck Shawn's long cock back in his mouth. He tried not to gag but just couldn't help it. Jason's hand rubbed Shawn's washboard abs and continued sucking and licking Shawn's cock.

"Ohhhh, that feels so good," Shawn moaned and began running his hands down Jason's muscular back. Jason managed only a few inches but had his hand now firmly at the base of Shawn's cock.

Jason came up for air. Shawn grabbed Jason and the two began to make out again. Shawn laid Jason on his back and went to his defined pecs. Shawn's tongue circled Jason's nipples that were now hard. Shawn licked Jason's abs and down his treasure trail. Shawn dove right in and took most of Jason's 7 inches in his mouth.

"OOO, Fuck!" Jason moaned.

Shawn's hair was flying while he bobbed up and down vigorously on Jason's hot manhood. Shawn boldly inserted his index finger into Jason's ass.

"OOOO" Jason moaned then realized Shawn was fingering his ass. Jason smiled in approval.

"Your ass is so hot. Can I show you how good it feels for a guy to have his ass eaten out?" Shawn asked.

"Go for it," Jason said. He felt Shawn's wet tongue circling a region he never dreamed would be touched by a man's tongue. He moaned in great pleasure while Shawn inserted his tongue in Jason's hole.

"Oh fuck this feels so good," Jason moaned. Shawn lifted Jason's ass up higher and planted his face in Jason's hot hole. Jason continued to moan in pleasure. Jason felt 2 fingers in his ass with Shawn's tongue circling around them.

Shawn looked up and saw Jason loving every second of it. "Feels good huh?"

"Oh I have never felt anything better," Jason said. "Are you doing this to pop my cherry?"

Shawn smiled and grabbed the lube and condoms. "It's up to you," Shawn said.

"I might regret this later, but FUCK ME!" Jason screamed. "Just please go slow and you better take that big fucker out if I can't handle it."

"Oh shit this is fucking unreal!" Shawn screamed.

"Shawn what's the easiest way?" Jason said.

"On your knees," Shawn said and slid the condom on. Jason flipped over and felt the cold sensation of lube going on his ass. "You're so tight,"

"Fuck yeah!" Jason said looking back at Shawn.

"Push out. I warn you it will hurt a little but then the pleasure is so fucking incredible," Shawn said. Shawn lined his hard cock to Jason's virginal hole. He pushed in and felt a stone wall. "Relax!" Shawn put more lube on Jason's hole and fingered it good.

Jason grunted while Shawn pushed his cock to Jason's hole. Jason pushed out and felt Shawn's cockhead slip thru his muscular ring. Shawn heard a deep moan and slowly pushed in. Shawn pushed down Jason's back.

"OHHHH fuck!" Jason screamed. "Fuck it hurts!"

"I'll go slow. I'm barely in your ass. Relax."

"How the fuck can I relax with your dick in my ass?"

Jason grabbed the comforter on the bed with a tight grip. The muscles in his arms bulged out like never before. Shawn slowly inch by inch invaded the insides of Jason's tight ass. He could feel Jason's ass grip his cock each inch of the way.

"You okay?" Shawn said.

"OHHHH, I don't know," Jason said with his eyes closed firmly and feeling a pole in his ass that was Shawn's long dick. Jason felt Shawn's balls touch his ass. Shawn leaned up and kissed Jason's neck. Jason was breathing hard when he felt most of Shawn's 10 inches practically in his gut.

"I'm all the way in," Shawn whispered. Shawn turned Jason's head and kissed him. "You do love me."

"Oh Shawn, why else would I let you fuck me?" Jason said. Jason waited until he felt the slow rhythm of Shawn's cock moving in his ass. Jason tried not to scream and gritted his teeth. Shawn leaned back up and grabbed Jason by the waist. He slowly and gently worked his cock in Jason's tight ass.

Jason now felt his head spinning while Shawn took his time. "Fuck me Shawn!"

Shawn pulled his cock slowly back and felt it accidentally slip out of Jason's hole. He grabbed his long cock and feed it back in. "Fuck your ass is so hot and so fucking tight!"

Shawn slapped Jason on the ass and began working his cock in and out. Jason could feel each plunge and moaned and grunted each time. Shawn's hands massaged Jason's shoulders while he went a little harder.

"Oh fuck!" Jason screamed and felt a deep plunge in his ass.

"You okay?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah!" Jason said. Jason felt Shawn's hand reach under him and grab his cock. Jason adjusted his body a little while Shawn's dick worked his tight ass. Shawn jacked Jason's cock while he fucked him. Shawn worked his way up and started fucking Jason pretty steadily. "Fuck me! Fuck my ass!" Jason screamed.

"Fuck yeah!" Shawn said and pounded Jason's ass. Jason continue to moan but took each plunge. Jason felt relief when Shawn pulled out his long cock. Two quick tugs and cum went flying out of Shawn's big cock across Jason's back.

Shawn licked each drop of his cum off Jason's back. Jason flipped over and soon released his load across his chest and abs. Jason kissed Shawn while the two smeared Jason's load between them.

"Jason that was so intense," Shawn said.

"I know. I am glad it was you who popped my cherry. It hurt like a bitch though!" Jason said.

The two got under the covers. They kissed softly and petted each other. Jason looked over and saw Shawn sound asleep. He could still feel a small ache in his ass and finally dosed off.

The next morning, Seth came barging into their room. "Get your asses up if you want to go with me and Seth. We've decided Branson is better for shopping."

Shawn opened his eyes and saw Jason staring at him again. The two had a very passionate deep kiss before getting up and showering. Jason and Shawn hurried upstairs and got dressed. Shawn found a tight ass polo shirt and some cargo shorts that he wore low on his waist. Shawn fixed his growing mop while Jason just threw on a t-shirt and some shorts too.

"We staying the night?" Jason hollered down.

"We might. Casey and I have packed a small bag," Seth yelled.

Jason and Shawn threw some stuff in a bag. "Shawn, my ass is so fucking sore."

"Awesome, but wasn't it worth it?" Shawn smiled.

"Oh yeah it was!" Jason said. Jason and Shawn ran downstairs and found Seth and Casey in Seth's SUV raring to go.

"About time you guys got here," Casey said.

"Happy Birthday, Casey," Jason said.

"Thanks, one more until the big 2-1," Casey said. "So I take you guys hooked up again last night?"

"Yeah, I took his cherry," Shawn said.

Seth slammed on the brakes at the end of their dirt road. He looked back at Jason and Shawn, "No fucking way!"

"Drive motherfucker! Yeah, it hurt like a bitch!" Jason said.

"I bet it was worth it," Casey said. "So I take now you guys are a couple."

"Well, we hope so," Shawn said and began to tell his story. Jason just donned a sly grin the entire time. Seth and Casey sat up front in the SUV in pure amazement.

About half way down, Seth looked in his rear view mirror and saw Shawn sleeping against Jason, who was asleep too. Casey looked back too and noticed Shawn's shirt pulled up half way with Jason's hand down the front of his boxers.

"Seth, I guess Jason has fallen for Shawn," Casey said quietly.

Seth looked again and saw the same, "Yeah that is so hot though!"

They finally made it to Branson. The traffic that Saturday was unbelievable. They crept along until they finally came up the outlet mall they had wanted to find. The mall was the outside variety and jam packed with shoppers.

"Wow, this place is cool. I have never been here before," Casey said.

"Yeah, this bitch is packed too," Shawn said.

Seth waited and found a parking spot near a store they wanted to shop. They shopped a while with Shawn helping Jason pick out some hot looking clothes.

They headed to another store. "Those guys are such faggots," a teenage boy said passing them.

Jason spun around, "What the fuck you say?"

"You heard his ass, dude. You're all faggots," another boldly said before a look of fear came into his eyes when he saw Jason's body and his fist balled up.

"Jason, just let em be. They are assholes," Casey said.

Jason was fuming. "Come here you little punks." The two boys slowly walked their way. "Now apologize to my friends!"

They could tell Jason meant business. "We're sorry!"

"Fine, get the hell out of here," Jason said and pushed the two boys away.

They started running away. "Fucking queer cock suckers!" one yelled.

"That pisses me off something fierce. I could catch those shits," Jason said.

"Just let em go," Seth said. "Now you see our world a little."

"Yeah and it's not pretty either," Jason said.

"Thanks, Jason for taking up for us. I think you scared them shitless," Shawn said.

They continued to shop for clothes with Seth buying Casey a few things that Casey really wanted. They ate after shopping for a good 3 hours.

"I think this is way too crowded. Let's just drive home tonight," Casey said.

"Yeah, it is crowded. I don't know if we could find a place to spend the night if we wanted to," Seth said.

"Whatever you guys want is fine with us," Jason said.

"I guess we can always come during the week sometime when it is less crowded," Casey said.

"Yeah, we can," Seth said.

About half home, Seth and Casey could hear Jason and Shawn in the back seat. It wasn't the norm but could hear them now.

"Shawn, I told you to get your ass off me. I'm tired."

"Bitch you know you want me to suck you off."

"Fuck no. Not in the damn car I don't."

"Fine. See if I please your ass when we get to the cabin."

"Fine with me. You're the one who started it," Jason said and sat firmly against the door to sulk.

The cabin could not appear soon enough. They hauled in their purchases to their rooms. Seth and Casey were just about asleep when they heard Jason's door slam. "Oww, so much for their little paradise," Casey said.

"I know. I better go see what's going on," Seth said and went to the next room to find Jason just sitting on the bed in his boxers. "What's going on here?"

"Go ask your oversexed pervert little brother," Jason said and pointed downstairs to Shawn.

Seth headed down and found Shawn sulking on the couch. "You want talk about it."

"That fucking bitch now won't let me even touch him now. I don't know what the fuck is up now," Shawn said.

"Hmmm, I don't either," Seth said.

"All I did was stick my cock on his ass and he went fucking ballistic on me," Shawn said.

"I see why now. Shawn did he ask you to have sex."

"No, I just stuck it in when he rolled over."

"No wonder he got mad. You know not every guy is as sex crazed as you."

"I know that! I figured after the hot sex we had last night he wouldn't mind."

They continued to talk and finally called it a night. Seth headed up and found Casey sound asleep.

The next morning, Jason was working out to relive some of his tension from the night before. Shawn could hear him since he slept in the room nearby.

"Hey, care if join you," Shawn said.

"Fine with me," Jason said and barely batted an eye, but did talk to him quietly. After working out, Jason hit the nearby shower and saw Shawn coming in.

"You do have a nice ass, Jason." Shawn said and grabbed his ass.

"Fuck this shit. I have had all this gay shit I can handle. I am going upstairs and packing to leave you gay fucks here. Just because we had sex gives you no right to think you can have sex with me all the time!" Jason turned off the water and headed up. He passed Seth and Casey who heard the whole thing since they were incidentally spying on them to see what would happen.

He threw his stuff in his suitcase. Shawn came up and watched before deciding to help. He smiled at Shawn and winked, "If I wanted your fucking help I would have ask you. Get the fuck out you hear me!"

"Fine. FUCK YOU, JASON! You can't leave soon enough for me!" Shawn slammed the door and saw Seth and Casey peering up at him.

"Thanks, Seth and Casey, I really enjoyed it! Sorry but I know when I have overstayed my welcome. I'll see you guys in a few months!"

"Oh Jason, don't leave. I'll change I promise!" Shawn said and followed him out the door. Jason gave him a sly smile as he got in his car.

Jason revved up his engine and sped down the dirt road. Shawn went inside and just went to his room. Soon Seth came in to talk to him and console. "I really didn't think it would work between you and Jason."

"I know, I know. I guess it was just wishful thinking. I just let myself fall for him too hard. Why do I do that, Seth?"

"It happens to us all, Shawn. I'll leave you alone now," Seth said.

"Thanks bro. I need some time to think about a few things," Shawn said. He lay on the bed deep in his thoughts. He picked up his cell phone and put back down when he heard someone coming up the stairs in the cabin.

"Hey, Shawn we're going to go grab a few things we need to cook. Wanna come along?" Seth opened his door.

"Nah. I'm good." Shawn said. He heard them leave. He immediately called Jason on his cell phone.

"They fell for it hook, line and sinker, Jason," Shawn said on the phone.

"Awesome! I guess I'll have the last laugh on their asses. You were awesome you know? I don't think I could have planned it any better. I'll see you later, okay?" Jason said on the phone after Shawn had told him earlier how Seth and Casey tried their best to get him to have sex with them.

"For sure, I can't wait! They will think hard next they try to scheme up something and try to dupe your ass!" Shawn said.

"Yeah, I am glad you told me about their little plan. Thanks! You leaving soon too?" Jason said.

"Yeah, I'm going pack my shit up now and head your way," Shawn said.

"Awesome. Won't they be surprised this fall?" Jason said on the phone.

"Yeah, I want to be there when they find out, too!"

"Me too! I can't wait!" Jason said and hung up the phone. He had a good laugh to himself while he was driving.


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