Cairo Holiday

By John Venn

Published on Jan 25, 1999


This story contains scenes of consensual sex between teenage boys. If this offends you, or possession of which is illegal where you live, don't read on!

If you choose to do so, let me have your thoughts about the story.

Cairo 5 by Alexander

The two boys spent a somewhat uncomfortable evening in the company of Michael's mother and father. Thankfully, Michael's dad said nothing to his mother, and in fact went to great lengths to make the evening run as normal as possible. No mention at all was made of the earlier acutely embarrassing discovery that had been made, but both Tony and Michael were full of their own thoughts and didn't take part in the usual discussions about the days events: instead they watched a video sightlessly, avoiding eye contact as much as they possibly could.

It must have been about 7 o'clock when Michael broke the silence and asked his dad if he would come upstairs and help him sort a problem out on his computer. Neither Michael not his dad showed any signs that their was anything untoward in this: Michael's mother just turned and smiled at them as they left the room. I was by no means so calm. More than anything else in the world I wanted to be with them to hear what they were talking about, I was pretty sure that the last thing on either on their minds was computers. There was nothing I could do however except stay sat down and keep his mother company, no matter how restless and worried I felt.

About an hour later, Michael's dad came downstairs, and smiling kindly at me said that the computer problem had been sorted out and that I that Michael was playing some games on it, if I wanted to go and join him. Taking this as a sign that I was wanted upstairs, I gratefully escaped the living room and went to join my friend.

Once in our bedroom, I closed the door and anxiously went and sat next to Michael in front of the computer screen, which I noticed idly had only just been turned on. Michael's face was very red and it looked as if he had been crying, or at least he was trying his very best not to.

"Well!" I said, "What's happened?"

"Nothing, really," Michael said, infuriatingly tapping on the keyboard, "Dad and I had a talk, that's all."

"Oh!" was the only lame response I could make, confused and still worried.

For the sake of somewhere to look other than at Michael, I took a cursory glance at the screen to see what he was doing. On it, Michael, the bastard, had written "You can stay here if you want".

Not even beginning to understand what this meant, I angrily switched the damned thing off, grabbed Michael's hand and made him look at me.

"What the hell does that mean?" I demanded.

Michael flashed me a wide grin, walked across to the bed and sitting on it asked me to join him.

Once I had settled myself Michael told me what he had discussed with his dad. It turned out that he had told him that apart from the unfortunate incident that afternoon, we were really very good friends that we liked each other enormously. Michael had even said that I was the best friend he had ever had, especially living here in Cairo where the choice of boys his own age was to say the very least, limited.

"Right or wrong," Michael went on to say, "I told Dad that the sex thing between us was probably only a sort of boredom thing and would eventually stop. I don't really believe it," he added hastily, putting a hand on my inner thigh, " but I had to say something to please him and take a bit of pressure off".

He finished the story by saying that he had asked his dad to ask my father if I could stay here in Egypt and not go back to school in England.

"What?" I almost shouted with surprise, and not a little gladness. Stupid that I am, this possibility had never crossed my mind.

"Well, I had to think of something, didn't I?", he grinned, "After all, we couldn't separate now could we?" "Don't mind do you?" he added, looking a bit worried, obviously thinking that for some reason I might object.

"No, not in the slightest," I replied, giving him a squeeze round the waist, "What did he say?"

"He said that it was probably a good idea, for both of us. I've always been able to talk to dad about almost anything, but this thing was too much for me and I was terrified of what he was going to say. I was so nervous that I almost started to cry, which probably helped!" he grinned. "Anyway, he said if you left now and went back to England neither of us would be very happy and would never get over our 'crush' as he put it. It would be much better if we stayed together and sort of worked it through."

"Christ!" I said in amazement, "Is that true? I don't believe it!"

"Yep. For what it's worth. We've still got to talk to your dad though."

I'd forgotten this aspect of the situation for a few minutes, and the remembering of it brought me back to earth with a bang.

"Bollocks!" I said, "I'd forgotten that."

Michael went on to tell me that he and his dad had agreed not to tell anyone else about what had happened, provided that neither did we. "He also said that you should tell your dad about it, but that is up to you, my old man promised he wouldn't say anything about it to him." "Oh, and we try to behave ourselves and stop it!" he added mischievously, "Not that there's much chance of that - I hope!".

I sat, silent for a minute or two absorbing this new information and trying to think of all the complications it carried with it. I couldn't think of any real problems, at least none that couldn't be resolved. Apart that is, from what I told my father.

We sat together for about an hour or so, planning some of the things that we could do if I was allowed to stay here, each getting more and more excited at the prospect of not only going to school together, but actually living in the same house as well! Our discussions however, were brought to a halt when Michael's mum shouted to us that supper was ready, if we wanted any.

As I went into their living room, I was surprised to feel a bit embarrassed when I saw Michael's dad. It must have shown a bit because he gave me an enormous wink and smiled a bit.

"Everything all right?" he asked lightly.

"Yeah. Fine thanks," I responded as cheerfully as I could.

"Good. Listen, your dad's flight arrives at about eight in the morning; do you want to come with me to meet him? We'll probably come back here first before going on to work so it'll be OK if you want to wait here."

"I'll wait here, if you don't mind. I don't like the airport very much," I lied, my mind flashing back to the adventure in the toilets there for a second.

"Thought you might. You're just as bad as each other - don't like getting out of bed in the morning." This was said without any sort of malice, or even hidden meaning I am quite sure, and was grateful for it.

Grinning, I agreed with him and contentedly settled down to eat - this first proper meal that day I realised.

Making a determined effort to act as normal as possible, and failing miserably I am quite certain, I settled down to watch a video with the rest of my new surrogate family.

For once Michael and I weren't too anxious to go upstairs - neither of quite had the courage to say 'we're going to bed'. I suppose that he felt as I did, that the whole area of 'bed' and its implications were best left alone. Michael's father must have been thinking along similar lines because he didn't remind us that it was past our usual bedtime, he just said that they was going to bed and would we please not forget to turn the TV off when we went upstairs.

We sat watching the video for what must have been at least half an hour, neither speaking, each too concerned with his own thoughts to worry about small talk. I'm not sure what Michael was thinking about, but it was probably almost the same thing that I was - what tomorrow would bring. Today had been a pretty bad one on the whole, although it hadn't ended too badly in some respects. At least things were in the open with Michael's dad, although his mother and my father had yet to be told. And this is what was occupying my mind entirely. I wasn't too bothered on the whole about his mother - in some respects that was Michael's problem, not mine. I had enough to worry about with dad.

It was me who broke the silence eventually.

"Fuck it!" I said to the world in general, moved across the room to sit with Michael on the settee, and laying down on it put my head in Michael's lap. Looking up at him, half smiling, I took hold of his hand and held it lightly. "Now what?" I queried

"Dunno." was the unhelpful reply, "Christ knows." And there the conversation ended, grinding to an awkward stop.

I was pleasantly aware that Michael was playing with my hair, stroking it and idly twisting the long bits into strands whilst he was thinking. I can vaguely remember my mother doing much the same sort of thing when I was a kid, and then, just as now, I found it peculiarly relaxing. Making myself a bit more comfortable, I wriggled down the settee a bit and closed my eyes, deciding that tomorrow will bring what it does and there was very little I could do about it.

"Come on, let's go upstairs," I was aware of a voice saying in the distance, "We can't stay here all night."

Stirring myself to move, not without some difficult, I looked at Michael, and smiled agreement.

"OK, brother!" I said, "If you say so."

Once in our room we undressed in silence, dropping our clothes where we stood. Assuming that Michael wouldn't want my company tonight, I threw the thin cover off my bed and lay on top, enjoying the cool air breezing across my body. Idly glancing across to Michael's bed, I saw that he was reading a magazine he'd bought at the airport.

"What's that you're reading?"

"Nothing really. Just Newsweek."

Suddenly I felt lonely and desperate for his company, not for sex or anything like that, just a bit of physical contact from a friend. Sliding off the bed I crept across the room and lay behind Michael, putting an arm over him and looked at the magazine over his shoulder.

"OK?" I whispered, "Don't mind do you? I feel like a bit of company."

Dropping the journal to the floor, he turned over to face me and grinned.

"Thought you'd never ask!" he whispered, giving me a cuddle and a gentle kiss on the neck. "Fuck the world - at least for now!" and with that gave my balls a playful squeeze.

Reaching over Michael to turn the bedside light out, I lay back in his arms, returned the kiss and relaxed.

We didn't have anything in the way of physical sex that night, we were perfectly happy holding and taking comfort from each other, just the nearness and physical contact satisfying us.

We were still there when the sound of his parents moving about woke me up the following morning.

"Shit!" I said, loud enough to wake Michael. "I'd better get back to my own bed before anyone comes in." Hurrying across the room I hastily retrieved my cover from the floor and covered myself as I lay back on the cold, lonely bed and closed my eyes, hoping that if anyone did come in they would assume I was sleeping. I needn't have worried too much however because it was quite some time later that a knock on the door preceded Michael's father coming in the room to wake us.

"Morning boys! Time to get up." he said, looking from one to the other of us. I was sufficiently awake to realise that for the first time since I had been in the house he had actually knocked on the door before coming in. At least some sort of progress has been made I thought, and told Michael.

"Well, I don't suppose he wanted another fright like he had yesterday," Michael laughed.

Over breakfast we were discussing our plans for the day. Having decided not to go and meet dad, Michael and I had decided to go into downtown Cairo and do some shopping, part of the reason being that his mother was spending the day in the house getting ready for a dinner party they were to have that night.

"That's all right then," Michael's dad said, "If you get a move on, I've got just about enough time to drop you before I need to go to the airport." This was said in such a way that we both knew there was no choice in the matter. We were probably due for another 'man-to-man' talk on the way.

I was right. But not in quite the way I expected. Once we were in the car and making our way past the University, the slightly awkward silence was broken by Michael's dad saying that he had something important to say to us both. Looking straight ahead and not taking his eyes off the road for a moment, he explained that he had come to a decision, and before he met my father wanted to know what we thought. Picking his words carefully he went on to say that he agreed that it would probably be a good idea if I were able to stay in Cairo and go to school here, and although he didn't like or understand what we'd been doing, was prepared to accept that it had happened and provided that we never gave him any cause, wouldn't ever mention it again, not to anyone.

I was waiting for the time-honoured (and demeaning) phrase about 'it only being a phase' when both Michael and I were stunned into a shocked silence by the next sentence.

"If either one of you, or both for that matter, is gay, it's not my concern, and I couldn't change anything even if I wanted to. The only thing I will say to you both is that whatever you do, remember that there are other people around you who will be affected by whatever choices you make. I honestly believe that you will grow out of it and that there is therefore no need to upset anyone (and here he looked directly at Michael) for what is after all only a passing phase."

We sat staring out of the window at the passing traffic for a while, trying to take in what we had just been told. I for one was just thankful that I wouldn't have to tell my father what had happened. I don't think I could do that.

"Right" he said. "Subject closed. Now, where do you want me to drop you?"

"Just here will do. We'll go to Groppi's first," I said, the restaurant being the first place I could think of.

"OK then. Here take this," and he gave Michael a ten pound note. "Buy yourselves some lunch with it, and don't be late back. Remember we're having a dinner party tonight."

Thankfully we escaped from the car into the already hot and sticky air of central Cairo and made our way to the restaurant.

"Christ! Was that embarrassing or what!" I exploded as we sat down with our drinks, "Jesus!"

Michael, for once, said nothing. Not until he'd finished his drink anyway.

"Tony, what about your dad? He's not agreed to your staying here yet. What do you think he'll say?"

What with everything else that had happened the past couple of days, I'd clean forgotten about this little bit of our plans!

"Dunno," I replied pensively, "We'll have to think about that. But not now" I added, suddenly feeling excited and happy, having got at least one problem resolved and out of the way, "Let's go to the sauna again. I like it there."

Cheering himself up, Michael grinned and playfully kicked me under the table, "OK then, but this time we'll behave ourselves - if we're unlucky!"

The walk from Groppi to the Hilton is about fifteen minutes, which in the morning heat of Cairo is just about as far as you can go without collapsing with heatstoke - or so I felt. Michael and I were happy. It was a strange, good, feeling, knowing that someone knew about what we felt for each other and was prepared to accept us for what we were, at least for the time being.

We laughed and giggled out way across the midan and into the Hilton lobby, and once there looked around for the lady who had helped us out the last time we were here. Despite looking everywhere for her, and even spending some time sat in the coffee lounge, we couldn't see here anywhere. We were just about to give the idea up as a lost cue when I happened to glance across the lobby and saw Omar. Omar, if you remember, was the boy who we had met in the sauna the last time we were here and had given me, if not Michael, such a good time. I gave my friend a tap on his arm and nodded in Omar's direction, at the same time waving towards the distant Sauna attendant. Michael looked up to see what I wanted and saw our friend at the same time. Grinning at me Michael, simply said "Bastard! Not him again!"

Omar didn't see us at first, and I felt a bit stupid, apparently waving at no one in particular. Hurriedly, Michael left his seat and leaving me sat alone in the cafeteria dashed across the lobby and touched Omar on the shoulder. Turning round, to see what was wanted, it took a moment or two before he recognised Michael and made the connection. Giving his characteristic slight bow, he smiled at my friend and pointed towards the sauna room. I couldn't of course hear what Michael's reply was, but it must have been appropriate as he pointed towards me and waved for me to join him. Omar's face lit up in a broad, cheerful grin as he caught sight of me and waited as I walked across to join them. I would have loved nothing more than to run across the hotel lounge and throw my arms around him, and it was only with tremendous effort that I managed to walk as nonchalantly as I could towards them.

"Sauna mish kwais", Omar said slowly to us, indicating that the sauna was not a good place to go at present, going on to add that it was full of hotel guests. The look of disappointment must have shown on our faces as Omar thought for a second or two, gave another slight bow, and an even broader grin as he continued, "Ma'alish. Taalla henna." This Arabic was a bit too much for me, and helping me out Michael translated for me - "Never mind, follow me".

Grabbing my wrist excitedly, I was almost dragged across the floor in his haste not to loose Omar who had almost disappeared down towards the sauna rooms. Instead of turning into the changing room however, he walked straight past and through a large plate glass door into the swimming pool area. For some reason or other, Michael informed me, the pool has been emptied and shut down for months, although the surrounding area was kept clean and tidy, and was in fact used as a sort of extension to the cafeteria with parasoled tables round it. Walking straight past these, we trailed our guide into the deserted changing room.

It was the first time that I had been in there of course, and was surprised to see that it was designed almost exactly ask Omar. Slowly at first, savouring every delicious second of it, I could feel every fiber of my prick as it slid back and forth. It took me a stroke or two before I managed to get myself into the same rhythm as the other two, but once I got it, the pleasure increased a million-fold. It was incredible! So sensuous was it that I almost came after the first couple of strokes, and it was only with a new-found and surprising strength of will that I managed to stop myself shooting my load deep inside Omar. Michael, I managed to see, was having just as much of a problem as I was - he was even biting his lip in an effort to control himself, but was still forcing his cock as far down Omar's throat as he could. This vision proved far too much for me, and losing all attempts at self control, I found myself pumping in and out of Omar with an uncontrollable, vicious and almost painful force. Then I erupted. I didn't just come, I erupted - just like a huge, liquid volcano would do and I emptied myself deep inside Omar. I'd lost all feeling in my legs and I collapsed, exhausted on the bench, my semi-limp prick still buried. Michael then let out a low, almost animal groan and shot his load straight down Omar's willing and very receptive throat.

By this time, both Michael and I were physically and emotionally knackered, and withdrawing ourselves from Omar, collapsed on the floor, struggling to get our breath. Omar, laying on his side on the bench smiled and released a torrent of Arabic at us, none of which either of us could follow. His cock was still hard and I couldn't help but stare fixedly at it as he started to toss himself off. Giving him a moment or two, I knelt forwards and took just the tip of it in my mouth whilst he carried on wanking. Sucking very gently I was rewarded after just a few seconds by his filling my waiting mouth with his come. I was salty, warm and delicious. Managing to swallow most of it, I rolled over and lay on the floor staring at the ceiling, seeing nothing.

Dimly I was aware that Omar had dressed himself and left. Turning to face Michael, I looked at him and smiled.

"Christ!" was all I could manage to say.

"Bloody Hell!" was the sighed reply, "I'm fucking knackered."

Crawling over to him, I put an arm round him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to move again," I whispered.

"Me neither," Michael answered, pulling me closer to him, " I just want to stay here for ever!"

Lifting my head up, I kissed Michael on the neck and pulled him down to the floor. Laying side by side, we turned to face each other, and kissed softly on the lips.

"Everything OK?" I was asked.

"Almost perfect," I answered, "There's only one more thing I want.", and without waiting for an answer kissed him deeply and passionately, embracing him with all the strength I could muster.

We spent some considerable time together in that little cubicle, slowly regaining our strength and simply enjoying each other.

"We'd better make a move, I suppose," Michael eventually said, simultaneously giving me one last kiss and standing up.

Once out of the pool area, we were about to leave the hotel and find a taxi to get home with when I felt a slight tug at my elbow. Turning to see what was happening, there was Omar, holding a tray with two of the biggest, most colourful ice-creams I have ever seen on it.

"Enta kwais!" he said, smiling, and put the glasses on a nearby table.

Bowing playfully in return, grinning broadly, we said in unison, " Shukran, effendi" and sat down to enjoy our treat.

It was late afternoon before we managed to get ourselves home, just in time to greet my father as he turned up with Michael's dad.

"Everything OK, son?" he said, shaking me by the hand and putting an arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah. Perfect thanks. How are you?"

"Fine. Fine. Glad to be back here though. England is cold, wet and windy. I've got some news for you later on, but first let's have a drink shall we?"

We all found a seat and sat relaxing over a cold drink for a while, Michael and I listening to our dads taking about work.

"Oh, by the way, that news I was going to tell you, Tony."

Pricking up my ears and taking an interest in the conversation for the first time, I looked at my father.

"I've been posted to Nigeria for a two-year contract, starting in about three months time."

Looking straight at him, I didn't know what to say and so said nothing except "Oh yes?"

"Well," he went on, "The company have agreed to pay for your schooling whilst I am away and I've been wondering what to do about it."

My heart almost stopped. "Shit!" I thought, "Bollocks!"

"Anyway, how would you like to stay here in Cairo with Michael? I've spoken to his mother and father and they don't mind. But it's down to you. You can go back to UK if you like."

I didn't know where to look, and uncomfortably aware that everyone's undivided attention was focused on me. I felt myself glowing red with embarrassment.

"Well, " started to say, "I would like to, but ........." and my voice trailed off

"Rubbish!" Michael interrupted suddenly, "Of course he would. We've been talking about nothing else for ages but Tony didn't know how to ask you. Isn't that right, dad?"

"Yes. Of course." Michael's father replied, "We'd love it. Of course he can stay here, if he wants."

And that was it. As simple as that. All my worries and fretting over the past days had been sorted in about five seconds flat. Michael and I were to share the same house, and probably for at least two years! I couldn't believe it.

The dinner party later that evening was one of the best I can ever remember. Everyone seemed so happy and content. The conversations were easy-going and relaxed, and even Michael and I were allowed to join in once in a while. Once the conversation turned towards work however, we both got bored very quickly and asked if we could go upstairs to play on the computer.

Having got their agreement, somewhat relieved to get us out of the way, I thought, we went to our room.

Kicking the door shut with his heel, Michael embraced and kissed me.

"Perfect." was the only word he said.

"Mmmmmmmm," was all I could manage in reply.

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