
By Secret Writer

Published on Jul 30, 2014



Cal - part 4

Notes from the author:Hi there, this is my first story for nifty - so please let me know what you think. All constructive comments appreciated. You can contact me at

Sorry this has taken so long to get to you - I've had some 'stuff' getting in the way.

All the usual disclaimers apply, if you shouldn't be reading this then don't. And if you don't like this kind of content, well really, wtf are you doing here?

The previous episodes in this story can be found here:

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By the time I got across to Davey's it was almost 8.30pm. A lot later than I had hoped, the party started an hour and a half ago. I tried the door and it was unlocked, so I walked in. I guess there was around 30 people there, I didn't count them exactly, but it was busy. I looked in to the lounge and kitchen, and didn't see anyone I recognised. Not that I really expected to, as I'd only met three of his friends so far. But I was wondering where Davey was. I went in to his bedroom and closed the door, thankful for the quiet. Scarlett was also hiding out in there. We looked at each other.

"I'm here now, so you need to get used to it." I said, mostly to myself. I dropped my bag at the side of the bed and took a moment to steady my nerves. I hadn't really talked about this with Davey, and even though I'd heard him talking with Kati, I was very aware that I'd just made myself effectively homeless, and didn't actually have a plan if this didn't work out well. Another deep breath, and I ventured out to the hallway, and across to the Kitchen. I needed a drink to help me get through this! Jeez - I really am turning in to my mother! Ha ha ha. I weaved past a couple of groups of strangers, most of whom were looking at me thinking 'who the fuck are you?'. Finally, I made it to the alcohol, and poured myself a glass of champagne. I've never had champagne before, but there wasn't anything else available. I took a mouthful. OK, don't take such big mouthfuls of champagne. But I kinda liked it, and topped up my glass before moving away.

I figured that I should find Davey and give him his birthday present, so I headed into the lounge. Things seemed to be in total party mode in there. There was an actual DJ with decks and stuff, and loads more people - I revise my previous estimate up to about 40 people, but the music wasn't over the top loud. Scanning to room, I didn't recognise anyone, but before I could finish someone grabbed my arm. I turned to see who it was.

"Simon, hi." I said, thankful for the first face I knew.

"Thank fuck you turned up, come on Cal." Nice to see you too I thought.

He dragged me across the lounge towards one corner, where I saw Davey stood with a few people. Kati and Mark I recognised from the bar last night, but the others were all new to me. Simon walked us right up to the group of them.

"He's fucking here Davey! So maybe now you'll cheer the fuck up?"

Davey looked over to where we were stood with a smile that could have lit up the whole city never mind the room, and stepped towards me.

"Thank god for that." I heard Kati saying to someone else. But I wasn't really paying to much attention, as Davey was hugging me. His arms all around me, holding me close, tight. Then even tighter, as the actually lifted me up off the ground.

"Aaargh, ribs Davey!"

"Sorry Cal." He said, as he put me down again.

" pleased to see me or something?" I couldn't help it, my cocky attitude never did know when to shut the fuck up. Davey faked an offhand tone.

"Yeah, whatever." We both burst out laughing. There was the slightest sense of having caused a little scene, but I guess that's OK, it's Davey's party after all.

"So Davey" I started, "I heard it was like your birthday or something, so I bought you a present."

"No way Cal, you didn't have to do that." He looks so adorably happy. Then laughing at his own impatience, "where is it then?"

"It's in my pocket."

"Yeah I bet it is!" I briefly tuned around to face Simon and gave him the finger. Turning back to Davey, I pulled out the tiny but perfectly wrapped (by the lady in the shop) box.

"Here, happy birthday Davey." I handed him the box. He looked a little bemused by it, like there was something odd about it.

"Well open it then" someone shouted, I don't know who. And he did. Well, he started to. He tore off the paper, revealing the pretty fucking fancy box that the necklace was in. I hadn't spotted it earlier, but the shop logo was on the box, and I guess he must have recognised it.

"What the hell Cal, you shouldn't have bought me anything for there, it's way too expensive."

"Well I bought it now haven't I. Go on, open it."

He did. Well, he opened the box, peered inside, then closed it again.

"Seriously, you shouldn't have spent that much money Cal."

But before I could answer, Kati and Simon were demanding to see what was inside. No-one spoke for a few seconds as they looked at the necklace, and then at me, the at Davey, then at me again. Simon looked proper surprised, but happy. Kati just looked stunned. I took the necklace out of the box, and reached up to put it around Davey's neck. He leant down slightly so I could tie the leather together, and while I was there, I whispered to him - "my bag's in the bedroom, hope it's OK if I stay for a while". Davey took my head in his hands, and kissed me. Like proper kissed me, fuck it was hot. And in front of every one as well. Apparently this was a bit of a thing, because several people were just blatantly staring at me now.

"So you like it then?" I asked.

"I love it, Cal. I. Love. ..... It." Bastard, I really thought he was going to say it, that he loved me. Things returned to normal party mode, and people resumed whatever they were doing before that whole little moment. I got a massive high watching people admire the new ankh around Davey's neck, knowing that I had bought it for him, and he was totally excited by it too. At some point I'd obviously put down my glass, and had now lost it to the party masses somewhere. Having checked with Simon where I might find something other than champagne, I headed back to the kitchen.

I was just standing up having retrieved a bottle of single malt from a cupboard when a woman came and stood next to me.

"Hello." She said. "So who are you?" Talk about getting straight to the point.

"Hi, I'm Cal." I didn't really know what else to say.

"You obviously, errrrr, 'know' Davey I see." I think I saw where she was going with this.

"Yes, I do 'know' Davey." I deliberately copied her tone of voice and air quotes around the word 'know'. And then, as is often the way, I went a bit further. After all, what did I have to lose now? "I think he's pretty fucking awesome actually, and Fit As Fuck - don't you?"

"Well I definitely think he's 'pretty fucking awesome' ..." She was definitely mocking me a little, with the air quotes again, but that was OK. "But I don't know about 'fit as fuck'." She continued. "But that's would probably be weird wouldn't it? Thinking that about your own son?"

At that moment, a hole opened up in the floor, swallowing me up, and no-one ever saw me again. At least, that was what I was hoping for. But actually, I just went very, VERY red and ran across the hallway and into the bedroom. The freaky death hound Scarlett just looked at me - as if to say 'what the fuck are you doing Cal?'. OK, so maybe that's just what I was thinking. I mean, really, what the fuck am I doing? I didn't have long to wonder about that before Davey came looking for me.

"So you've met my Mum then?" he said.

"Yeah, look, sorry about that. I dunno what's happening to me, I seem to keep fucking this up."

"Ha ha, don't worry, she's cool. She actually thought it was pretty funny. Come on, meet her properly. And my brother is here too." Davey grabbed my hand and led me around, meeting his Mum, again, who it turns out is called Mary, his brother Ben, and several other friends I'd not met before. In the end , the whole thing was pretty laid back. People started drifting of home, and by 2.00am it was just Davey and me.

Scarlett was again forced to sleep somewhere else, and for the second night in a row, I fell asleep in Davey's arms, and we still hadn't had sex. To be fair, we were both pretty drunk, at least, I know I was. Far, and I mean far too much champagne. But the no sex thing didn't really last that long. Ha ha - like it was ever going to!

Sunday morning, I woke up with Davey still holding me close to him. I looked up and he as awake too. I rolled over so that I was lying on top of him, which was met with a groan of approval. We started kissing, gentle at first, but getting more and more intense. Both hard, my cock grinding against his. My whole body really, smooth and tight, grinding against his amazing firm hairy body. His hands were all over me, running up and down my spine, pressing me tighter against him. I don't remember ever feeling so fucking horny in my whole life. To my slight embarrassment, I started blatantly humping his fit hairy body, rubbing my cock against his abs and chest, and moaning as I did it. His hands moved down to my arse, grabbing, massaging, rubbing. I felt like I was made of electricity, every movement seemed to send sparks through my body. His finger sliding up and down my crack, over my hole, driving me fucking crazy with plain old lust. I'd never really thought about getting fucked before, prison aside, I've always been a total top. I guess I knew that was gonna change with Davey, and fuck, did I want it. As his finger rubbed around my hole I bit my lip and whimpered like a fucking girl as with his other hand Davey took hold of both of our cocks and started to wank us both. I could feel his finger pushing against me, and then the amazing surprise/pleasure/pain mix it slipped inside me.

"Oh fuck!" OK, so I'm maybe not at my most expressive!

"Is that OK Cal? I can take it out if I'm hurting you."

"No, fuck no, please...."

His hand wanking us both faster, as he finger fucks my hole. I knew it was gonna happen. There was no way in the fucking universe I could have even delayed it by even a tiny bit. Like a freight train, my orgasm started building in my balls.

"Ohhhhh, Davey, I'm gonna.......oh fuck......"

Davey was wanking us both faster now, the totally horny feeling of his hard cock against mine, pressed together in his hand. And his finger now all inside me, pressing the magic fucking button that makes me make those little moaning noises. Yeah - there was no way that I wasn't about to spunk. Davey was breathing fast and hard too, I really hoped that he was as close as I was.

"Awww fuck Cal, you're so fucking horny."

And then it hit me. Full on, without warning, I could literally feel my cum being forced along my rock hard cock and blasting out all over the two of us.

"Fuck! Yeah.....fuck, fuck, Davey, fuck......awwwwwwwww!"

Blast after blast - I totally don't think I've ever cum so hard my whole life. And I wasn't alone. As I emptied my balls between Davey and my, he was also doing his best to cover us in cum, shooting a massive load. In our post-fuck semi-coma state, I didn't even care that I was lying in my own spunk as Davey again wrapped is arms around me and held me. Actually, it was pretty fucking nice. I think we both drifted off for a few minutes.

" you think we should shower or something?" Davey was stroking my cropped hair as he talked.

"Yeah, probably." I replied. Not making any attempt to move away.

"Come on then."

Davey turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, taking me with him, so that I was now basically sat on his lap. As he stood up, he picked me up too, carrying me, hands on my arse with my arms around his neck. There was something so perfect about being controlled by him at that moment, but feeling totally safe. The bathroom was actually a giant wet room, and Davey stood my under the shower and flipped on the water. It felt like half of the ceiling was now raining down warm water, and Davey was stood in front of me, grinning.

"What?" I asked.

"I was just looking at you and wondering how I got to have such a pretty boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" I has half serious, we hadn't actually talked about that stuff - even though I was pretty much relying on this being a serious thing.

"OK, so, maybe not boyfriend then, I dunno Cal, I just thought..." Aww, he was so sweet.

"Davey, boyfriend is cool."


We washed, cuddled, and kissed a lot in the shower, but eventually we got out, dressed, and Davey made breakfast. Pancakes, with bacon and eggs. Perfect. After breakfast we took Scarlett out for a walk, and we talked. It was sounds kinda stupid, but it was really nice, just walking and talking, it was easy, and safe.

"You know, I have to go to work in the morning." Davey said.

"Oh, yeah, well, I suppose so. I hadn't really thought about it."

"What about you, you got any plans?" Well, no, actually I didn't have the first fucking clue what I was going to do.

"I dunno. If this is serious, then I should probably stop stealing cars and get a real fucking job." As is so often the case, I just said what was going through my head.

"Yeah, I was going to ask about that." Davey seemed a little uncomfortable.

"What? Me getting a job? Don't worry, I'll pay my way." I was needlessly hostile, I knew it.

"No, Cal, actually, I meant the serious bit. Is this serious? It's just, well, we come from pretty different places, and you're totally fucking hot, and I'm pretty ordinary, and older, and..."

"Ha ha ha! There's no fucking way you're the one freaking out is there? For real!?"

"Well I just don't want to make assumptions Cal. If this is just a bit of fun, then, well, it's amazing. I just want to now where you are." Davey was serious. Fuck. I didn't know the answer. At least, I didn't have the words to give him the answer.

"OK, well, I've never really done this before, so I don't know. But it's not just a bit of fun. I mean, I hope it isn't. I dunno Davey, you're nothing like anyone else I've ever...well, you're very different. And I kinda like it."

"OK then." Davey's smile said far more than his words. He took hold of my hand as we walked. "And about the whole job thing, there's no rush."

"Really, no, I need to do something." There was no way I could sponge off of a guy I hardly know. Davey was being kind, I knew that, but that's not enough.

"That's up to you Cal, but there's no pressure form me."

We walked and talked, and before I knew it, we were back at his front door. The weather was bad for the rest of the day, and frankly I was still pretty hung over from the party. So we spent the afternoon relaxing, lounging on the sofa, on each other. It turns out that Davey has some fancy sounding job that I don't even understand the name of - some kind of financial-modelling-interpretation-transfer-risk-analysys-who-fucking-knows. It sounded like something you get well paid for, but I didn't ask how much. Neither of us were in the mood to eat, so we pretty much just did nothing all day. Scarlett, of course, was constantly hungry, and not happy about staying in all day, so we went out again later. I've spent a LOT of time doing nothing in my life, but I don't think I've ever had so much fun doing it.

Around 10pm Davey said he had to get ready for the morning, and started getting his clothes and stuff sorted. I gotta say I was kinda stupidly surprised when he started polishing his shoes and ironing a shirt. Obviously, that's pretty normal stuff for a job with a suit, I just never figured Davey for a guy with a job with a suit. I guess I was feeling out of my league.

"Come on then, it's a school night - early to bed, I've got to be up by 6.30"

"Early to bed is fine with me" I said, hoping that he had the same idea I did, "but 6.30 in the morning, I dunno about that."

"It's easy, you'll get used to it." I wasn't convinced. Davey took my hand and led me to the bedroom. To his bedroom. Was it our bedroom now? We still hadn't really talked about that. As we got undressed, Scarlett growled her disapproval but left for the kitchen, with Davey closing the door behind her. Already naked, Davey walked around the bed towards me. Pushing me gently backwards, we fell onto the bed, kissing. Oh, that feeling, with Davey on top of me, surrounding me, encompassing me completely. It feels so safe, so happy, and yes, so fucking horny. There was something different about him, an urgency or maybe a confidence that I hadn't seen before - and I knew what it meant. He was going to fuck me. In a moment of genuine surprise, I realised just how much I wanted him to do it. His mouth pulled away from mine, moving to lick and kiss my neck, my ears, my shoulders, as his hands found my nipples and roamed over my chest. My knees drawn up and spread wide, Davey knelt between my legs as he travelled further down my body - pausing at my belly button before covering my abs in yet more kisses. Needless to say, I was rock hard, and so was he. Licking the length of my cock but not swallowing it, my moaning only intensified as he started on my balls, sucking them into his mouth and humming the most amazing vibration with went straight to my cock.

And then he really started, lifting my body up and back, exposing me, he spread my arse and lick the full length.

"Awww fuck Davey" was all I could say as his tongue worked around my tight hole. Licking, probing, jabbing, I was in fucking heaven, and I guess he could probably tell by the endless moaning noises that were standing in for real words. And then his finger, sliding inside me. It was all I could do not to blow a load right then, as I arched up as far as my abs would power me, moaning for more. He soon added another finger, and was fucking me mighty fine with just those, but we both wanted, perhaps needed more. All too soon, his fingers were gone, and I was desperate with the feeling of emptiness. But I didn't have to wait long - I could feel his hard cock sliding against my arse, over my hole, resting right against it. And then the pressure, pushing firmly but slowly.

"Tell me if you want me to slow down Cal." He was so caring, even at this moment. As I tried my best to relax I was able to push against him ever so slightly, and he go the message. As his cock started to enter me, I moaned put loudly again, breathing heavily, and trying to ignore the discomfort. It felt like his cock was just getting bigger and bigger as he filled my so fucking completely. But then he started to fuck me, and wow, did I fucking know it. He was just so powerful, and so in control, and so able to turn me on, it was like being electrocuted, I imagine, because that's never actually happened to me. But I felt on fire.

"Fuck Cal, you feel so amazing, I don't think this will take long." To be honest, I didn't need it to take long. My own body was already getting very hot and hard, tensing in that particular way where you know there's just one, inevitiable outcome.

"Fucking do it Davey, please, I'm gonna fucking cum." That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed, pounding my arse harder and faster, I could see he was close, and I was rapidly losing any sense of control. As my balls got tight, my body flexing involuntarily, I was only able to make a kind of gasping noise as my spunk shot out so fucking hard it hit my face. My orgasm hit hard and fast, my body spasming around Daveys cock, and I could feel him fucking ever more urgently as he unloaded deep inside me.

He lay next to me, taking me in his arms, and I was feeling very, very happy. It seemed like hours as I drifted gently in and out of a light sleep, but Davey broke the silence.

"So, about these 'few days' you're going to be staying here...".

He must have been able to feel me tense up. Somehow I'd thought that I'd be able to not have this conversation.

"Yeah, well, I know we haven't really talked about it but..."

"Is that everything?" he asked? I wasn't really sure what he was talking about.

"All of what?" I asked.

"That bag, is that all of your stuff?" I wasn't able to read Davey at all, which caught me off guard and left me with no idea where he was going with this.

"I, errr, well..."

"It's OK Cal, but I'm not stupid. You do a really good job at making things look OK, but I'm guessing that in that bag is everything you own."

Fuck. I really didn't want this to end, but what could I say. He was going to feel like I was just using him, and he was kinda right. Well, there was a lot more to it than that, but that's what it would look like. I turned to look at him, feeling defeated, and I guess pretty embarrassed too if I'm being honest.

"Hey - I didn't mean to make you feel bad, I was just wondering if we needed to go and pick anything else up. But from the look on your face, I'll guess that we don't."

All I could do was shake my head.

"That's cool - come and meet me after work tomorrow, I'll leave early and we'll hit the shops. As much as I'm very happy with you in no clothes at all, you'll probably want some more at some point."


"Well you are going to live here aren't you? Oh bollocks, sorry, I shouldn't just assume these things, but I thought that you were, and now I see that we haven't actually talked about it at all. I should probably just stop now, before I make things worse and end up looking like a total idiot, but"

I kissed him, not with the hard raw urgency that we'd previously been enjoying, but with genuine love.

"Shut up Davey. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."


More notes from the author:

This feel like it's pretty much the end of a story in the 'Beginnings' category. I hope you've enjoyed it. Let me know if you want more, of Cal and Davey. If not, then I'll probably write something else.

And don't forget, if you enjoy this story (or even if you don't but have found some other stuff you like) then think about supporting the site at


Next: Chapter 5

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