Calebs Love

By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Sep 8, 2002


Author's Note:

Ah yes. The little pre-writing segment known as the "author's note". In this it is my duty to inform you to abide by the usual warnings I put out. No, I don't go through them every time because I just don't think there's a need to. If anyone feels differently, well I just don't care!

That said I will once again get pathetic and complain about my lack of mail after posting part 4. I got all of four emails! From all the mail I've gotten in the past that's pretty pathetic. Now I'm left wondering if I put you guys off with the whole prophecy thing. I would really appreciate it if I got some feedback, good or bad! At least then I know what you guys are thinking. (I'm just using the term "guys" to mean "readers". After all, I know some of you are female! As long as you like the story I don't care what gender you are!) But I like mail as well as the next person so if you have time please drop me a line.

Also, here I go again with switching the viewpoints. I think it's just my writing style. It just works for me so get used to it. I will be using the shortened "POV" to mean "point of view"--Enjoy the story!

Caleb POV:

I didn't really realize where I was when I woke up, for a couple seconds. That didn't matter though because before I even opened my eyes I felt Dylan's arms wrapped around me. It didn't matter where I was as long as his arms were around me. As long as he was holding me I knew everything would be okay.

I turned around so I was facing him. The alarm clock told me it was about ten in the morning. I could barely believe we had slept straight through the night like that, without dinner no less. I carefully tried to pull myself from my lover. So much for that. Before I was even off the bed Dylan opened his eyes and muttered something.

"Good mornin' honey." I greeted Dylan's opening eyes.

"Where you goin'? Dylan muttered.

"I was just going to make breakfast. I bet you're hungry. I definitely am. So just wake up a little more and meet me downstairs." I smiled down at Dylan before kissing him lovingly on the lips. Dylan was not a morning person. I, on the other hand, didn't mind at all.

I made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I was amazed at all the food in the refrigerator. There was all kinds of food all in different stages prepared. Some was already done, some was raw, and some in stages in between. I settled on eggs, bacon, and pancakes with coffee and juice. I heard Dylan coming down the stairs. Dylan must have crept up very quietly behind me because I didn't hear him approach me the rest of the way. Before I knew where he was I felt his arms wrapping around me from behind.

"You know how much I love you Baby?" he asked me, whispering. "You're so beautiful." he was kissing my neck and upper back.

I leaned back against him. "I know you love me. I love you too Dylan." I felt his hand travel slowly down my back. His finger started to message my hole. It felt so good I couldn't help but just sigh and relax even more into him. He tried to push his finger into me and I jumped a little.

"My god Baby, what's wrong? Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry." The words were out of Dylan's mouth probably before he even had time to think them.

"I'm fine Hon. Just a little sore back there. I'm sure..." I started, but was interrupted by Dylan.

"You're sore? I didn't hurt you last night did I? Was I too rough?" I pulled Dylan to me and kissed him hard to silence him.

"You were fine Dylan. Better than fine actually. I'm fine. It's not uncommon to be a little sore after your first time. Don't worry so much." I assured him. The truth was I wouldn't give last night for anything. He had fucked me like an angel. He had been gentle, considerate, and slow. Everything he did showed me just how much he loved me.

He seemed content with what I had said because we were able to sit down and enjoy our breakfast. We ate fairly silently, only trading smiles back and forth at each other. This place seemed so perfect. I almost hated the fact that we would have to leave eventually. I tried not to think of that now. It was, after all, a long way off. Suddenly another thought crossed my mind.

"Dylan what are we going to do today?"

"I think we should go shopping today. Get you some clothes."

"Oh. Okay. That sounds like a plan." I agreed.

"Caleb Let me tell you a little something about the town. This town is kind of like a pagan hideaway. You don't find many people here who aren't pagan. They're very tolerant. That means that this is one of the only places that we can ever act like a couple, and be safe, in public."

"That's pretty cool I guess." I replied. I wasn't exactly sure what he was thinking. I didn't know what he was really talking about. I figured I would find out though so I didn't worry about it.

When we were done with breakfast we started our day. We took a shower together. It was very nice and we both had fun playing, washing, and caressing each other but it was uneventful. We got dressed, got into the SUV, and went into town.

The town really didn't look any different than any other town. It wasn't like one of those small mountain towns you envision with Billy-Bob working at the only restaurant in town. The town was fairly big. A couple fast food places, plenty of business establishments, even a mall. We went to the mall first.

Dylan assured me that we could get everything he wanted for me at the mall. I was skeptical but I just didn't say anything. First we made what Dylan called the "fun trip". That was buying me everyday ordinary clothes. I got jeans, khaki pants, khaki shorts, and mesh shorts as far as bottoms were concerned. As for the tops I just got nice dress shirts for the most part. I also got some tank-top under shirts and a couple tee shirts. Then it was underwear and socks and we were done in that store. I wouldn't have even thought about buying that much but it was like Dylan made my try on everything I said looked nice. Then, of course, he told me just how sexy I looked. I tried to complain several times but he just assured me that money was no object and that if I liked it I could have it. We left the cashier, who I can only assume raked in a commission, in a kind of elated fog. You could have just outright punched the woman and she still would have been smiling.

We were making our way to the other store. Dylan reached out and held my hand. I grimaced and thought he must be crazy. I didn't want him to think there was a problem so I gently squeezed his hand to assure him and then pulled away. He tried to again but I moved my hand away. He stopped.

"Okay Babe what's wrong?" he asked, sounding somewhat annoyed.

"Nothing is wrong Dylan. I just don't think it's a good idea to hold hands like that. I love you but you know how some people are." I answered, thinking I was stating the obvious.

"Babe I told you that doesn't matter here. No one cares."

"Dylan you never know who could see and they could..."

"Caleb just give me your hand!" he exclaimed. I was starting to worry now because he was getting louder and people were looking.

"Dylan you know we can't" I replied, trying to quite him down.

"Fuck that! We can and we will!" he practically yelled. He stepped forward, grabbed me, and, before I realized what he was doing, his lips were pressed to mine. I froze. I was terrified. You can't just do stuff like that in public. People find you and hurt you. They take away the one person you love more than anything in the world. I couldn't loose Dylan... not like Travis. I trembled and started to cry.

He pulled away. "Babe" he said, licking and kissing away my tears. "Why are you crying? Tell me."

"I... I..." I stuttered, trying to get the words out, just above a whisper. "Dylan I can't... loose you. I'm so afraid. They'll... take you away from me. Like... T... T..." and I broke down crying in his arms.

Dylan's arms encircled me and he rubbed my back gently. "Like Travis?" he asked, his tone more gentle than before.

"Yes." I whimpered.

"I'm so sorry Baby." he told me. He led me to a bench only a few feet way. He sat down first and then pulled me down onto his lap. There he continued to stroke my back, comforting me. Goddess, bless my wonderful man. I regained control of myself and pulled back from our hug to see him looking at me with concern and love.

"I really am sorry Babe. I never thought about that. I understand now why you could doubt what I told you. It really is okay though here. You know I wouldn't do it if it wasn't. Don't worry. No one can ever take me away from you." he leaned in and tentatively kissed me on the lips.

I couldn't help it. Dylan was always so smart and confident. He didn't seem to think there was a problem. There was this part of me that just couldn't doubt him. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. Then again, only this time with more passion as I let my tongue slip into his mouth. It was like I was seeing the mall for the first time. I noticed a lot of things that I hadn't noticed before. I noticed that, while straight couples were the main stream, there were plenty of gay couples there. Why hadn't I noticed that before? They were being just as affectionate as straight couples were. I realized Dylan was right. I was in heaven. I felt like I could tell the world that this was my man and, for once, there were no consequences.

"You ready to go finish up now?" he asked. I just nodded.

We went along to finish shopping. Well really to continue shopping because we were far from done. Next we went to a tailor and ordered me two suits. Dylan said I would look wonderful in them. I was kind of indifferent because I never wore a suit in my whole life. I couldn't really imagine when I would need a suit but Dylan assured me that there would be times I would need one.

Next we went to a wiccan supplies store. I was really psyched about it. I had always wanted to go to one and finally I was. As we walked in it looked like the employees were about to change shifts. There was a woman behind the counter and another woman on the other side of it running through instructions and giving her the keys with a message to "lock up" at the end of the day.

"Dylan! I haven't seen you around in a while. How are you doing?" The woman that was leaving asked. I was a little amazed that she knew him on a first name basis.

"I'm doing great! Caleb this is Janet and she's the owner. Janet this is my partner Caleb Redding." Dylan said, taking my hand into his for emphasis.

For a second Janet looked stunned. "Wow Dylan. Oh, I'm so sorry! I mean, I'm happy for you both I really am. It's just that I didn't know you were gay. It's kind of a surprise." she stepped forward though and hugged him. "I'm so happy that you finally found someone Dylan." then she surprised my by hugging me! "And I'm happy for you too but you hurt him and you have to answer to me buddy."

I just giggled. "Don't you worry about that. He's definitely a keeper in my book. I'm around as long as he wants me." I said, looking at him.

"Forever Babe." he said before kissing me gently on the cheek.

"Calm down boys or you might wind up setting off the fire alarm!" she joked. "Seriously though I'm very happy for you and I think you two have what it takes to make it last. I hate to think of what all the poor girls will do when they find out. They'll be heart broken for sure. Or, at the very least, drooling!" she laughed again. "I have to go now though boys. You take care of each other."

"We will" we said almost in unison.

We watched for a second while she retreated to wherever she was going. "Well, aren't you going to introduce me Dylan?" the woman at the counter said.

"Oh. Well, actually, no I'm not!" he said plainly. At first I was very confused. Then after a couple seconds they both burst out laughing. I laughed some too, feeling that it was only appropriate. "I'm sorry about that Elize." Dylan said.

"Caleb this is Elize. She's Janet's daughter and a very good friend of mine. We spent many a summer playing together when we were kids." he said, reminiscing. "And Elize this is Caleb. My boyfriend, my lover, my husband, the light of my life in every way." he said, gazing at me.

"Well it's nice to meet you Caleb. I knew Dylan would meet someone eventually. He's a wonderful man Caleb but I'm sure he was hurting inside, wanting someone, before he met you. I can see that you two love each other very much." she said with a smile. "Now, you wanted to buy something didn't you?"

"Oh yes." Dylan said. "He's going to need at least three robes, a cloak, a book or two, and a medallion."

I was a little surprised because I didn't really know what we were going to be buying. She led us toward the back of the store. There I got four robes; one dark green, one dark blue, and two black. I got a black , knee length, cloak. Then we went to the books. I got a beginner spell book and a blank book to write my own spells or rituals in. Next it was the medallion.

"Now about that medallion. Did you want decorative or no decorative?"

"What's the difference?" I asked.

"Caleb decorative is just like a piece of jewelry. No, we want no decorative. Lets try something in protection Elize." Dylan clarified.

"We followed her toward the middle of the store where the register was. Behind the register, in a locked cabinet, she pulled out a box. She opened the box and there were all sorts of medallions. They had their own little compartments though so none were touching each other.

"Well, what do you think Babe? All of these will give you some extra protection. It's up to you."

"I don't know Dylan. I've never done anything like this before. I don't know anything about medallions. Which one should I choose?" I asked. I didn't have the slightest clue.

"Look at me Caleb." Dylan asked. I looked at him. "Just look at them. I have a feeling that one of them is meant for you. You'll know when you see it. Just look at them."

"Okay." I said. I doubted it would do anything but take up time but I did it to please him more than anything. I looked at the medallions. One by one. I took a good look. Finally my eyes settled on one. The stone was an amazing blue. It was imbedded in a silver circle that extended about a half inch from the stone in all directions. The silver looked almost like a rope winding around the stone. It took my breath away.

"That one." I said pointing at it. "That's the one." I knew it was the one. It was like I had to have it. It may sound weird but it was almost like it was calling to me.

"Ah... the star sapphire." said Elise. "Dylan I'll tell you this is one of the most powerful medallions we have. I don't think he could have made a better choice."

Dylan looked over at me and gave me a bemused smile. "We'll take it."

Now was the moment of truth. We were walking out of the store. I could do it, or I could chicken out. I hadn't talked to Dylan about it yet. I hoped he liked it. I was going to do it.

"Dylan, um, I kind of wanted to get something. But I wanted it to be a surprise. So, well..." I trailed off.

"Here." Dylan said. "Will sixty be enough?" he asked. I just nodded my head. "Truth be told I wanted to get something too. A surprise." he continued.

We agreed to meet back where we were in a half an hour. I was kind of happy when he walked off in another direction. I didn't want him to see what I was about to do. I really did want it to be a surprise.

I walked into a smaller store that specialized in body piercing. I talked a little bit with the man there. I gave him twenty dollars. We went into the back room where the piercings are done. I was shaking as he got out the materials. He advised me to take off my shirt. He sprayed a solution on my left nipple to numb the area. I couldn't believe I was actually going through with it. I was getting my nipple pierced. I had wanted to for a while but I didn't think I would actually do it.

I braced myself for it. I just knew it was going to hurt. The man told me to count backward from twenty. I closed my eyes and began. He did it at fourteen. Yeah, it hurt. I made a small whimper. Then he told me I could open my eyes and just as I did he was cleaning the area with a cotton swab. Looking at it I thought it looked pretty good. It didn't really hurt as much anymore and the pain was getting more and more manageable with every second. I thanked him and looked at my watch. I had just five minutes to get back. It was enough time. When I got back Dylan was already waiting for me.

We glanced at each other suspiciously. Neither of us, as far as the other could tell, had anything more than they had before. We knew better than to ask the other one what they had gotten though. We left for home, or at least where we were staying, even if it wasn't really home.

Dylan POV: I was extremely curious about what Caleb bought. When we parted I had all the packages. Who knows how I got the short end of that stick but, after all, they were Caleb's and I didn't mind. When we met up again he still didn't' t have one package to be seen. Of course, neither did I but he couldn't have gotten the same thing as I did. I hadn' t given him enough money and he said what I gave him would cover it. When we got back we both took the packages upstairs. Caleb came to me when we put everything down and loosely wrapped his arms around me. "Ya know I'm not sore anymore!" he exclaimed. "Is that so?" "Yep." I couldn' t understand why he was telling me this. Well I guessed that he might want some lovin' but I really wanted to know what his surprise was. I gave in to the nagging thought in my head. "So, Babe, when am I gonna get to see this surprise?" "How about now?" he said in his lusty voice. It sent a shiver up my spine. "Now? Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm sure." he said. He took my hand. He led my hand up under his shirt. In silent understanding I started to stroke his chest. He was watching me intently, waiting for a reaction. I made my way over to his nipple. I felt something there. What the hell? Instantly my hand shot out of his shirt and I pulled his shirt up over his body. I deliberately didn't pull it past his eyes. I could tell he was frozen in place and probably about petrified. I looked at his bare chest, and his new nipple ring. The little devil! I so didn't know he had the guts. "Um... you like?" he asked nervously. I felt this urge. All of the sudden, with him standing there, his head covered by his shirt, and his oh-so-sexy chest, I just needed to be with him. I felt like I needed to be inside of him. To feel him, but also to let him know how much I loved him. Instead of really answering him I leaned down and lightly flicked my tongue over the nipple. He whimpered quietly, probably in a mixture of pleasure and pain since it was new. I hadn't thought about the fact that it could hurt. I paused. I lifted the shirt over his head all the way. I pulled him as close to me as I could while my tongue attacked his mouth. He melted into my arms. "Babe, how could I not like?" I managed when we broke the kiss. "Do you have any idea just how sexy that is? I like it a lot! God Caleb... I need you so much." "Oh Dylan. Take me, please." he whimpered out. And take him I did. I always love making love to Caleb. There's something about it that seems so pure, almost innocent. Like what we're doing isn't lustful and crude but a beautiful joining of two people, body and soul. When I'm buried deep inside him I can see it in his eyes. I know that it's the same for him as it is for me. It's like we're in our own world where nothing exists but us and our love. I sensed the moment we would bring each other to a glorious orgasm. At that moment I leaned over and kissed him, my tongue exploring his mouth. It wasn't a hard kiss because he opened himself up to me. It wasn't forced or forceful. I could feel and hear him groaning into my mouth and I was doing just the same. When we both recovered we cuddled together, whispering assurances of our love. I started thinking about our love making. So far only Caleb had been the "bottom". For the first time ever in our relationship I questioned whether or not I would want to. I always figured it would be painful. Of course, Caleb seemed to enjoy it plenty! "Babe?" "Yeah?" Came Caleb's reply, still sounding pretty tired. "Caleb how does it feel?" "How's what feel Hon?" he kind of slurred. "Well, being a bottom." I stated nervously. He turned directly toward me looking somewhat confused. I read the silent question that was written all over his face. "In sex Caleb. When I'm inside of you. How does it feel?" I clarified, trying to be blunt this time. "OH! Hehehe" he giggled. I was laying on my back and he rested his head on my chest, brushing his fingers lightly over the little patches of hair there. "Well Hon, um, at first you feel a sort of fullness. It's an odd feeling but nice too. Then when you touch my prostate it's kind of like, well, I don't know how to describe it!" he said quietly. "You just make me feel so good Dylan. I've never even tried to put it into words. I don't think I can." he said just above a whisper. With that he sighed. I had been rubbing his back but I drew him up closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him. We weren't spooned but it was nice for an occasional change of pace. I fell prey to his hypnotic breathing and, before I noticed it, I was closing my eyes and falling asleep.

Caleb's POV

I was thrilled that Dylan liked the nipple ring. I don't know what I would have done if he didn't like it. After we made love he asked me how it felt. I wondered if he was considering it. He never said anything about it since then. I was sure he would bring it up again if he wanted to so I just let the issue go.

The days just seemed to fly by. Being with Dylan was like a drug for me. I just kept wanting more and more. It was perfect here. A couple days we went swimming in a natural mountain lake, a couple days we went hiking, once we went into town to see a movie. We went into town on some other small ventures too. When we were at the house there was never anything urgent to do. If we were "in the mood" we made love. If we weren't then we just cuddled or whatever.

I was definitely suspicious now. It was about dinner time. He sent me out to the store in town for some fresh lettuce for a salad. I thought it was odd that first of all he had waited this long, secondly that he wanted a salad, and third that he sent me out by myself to get it. I was fairly certain that he had something planned though. I trusted him so I went and got the salad things. It was no big deal.

As I pulled up it looked like all the lights were off. When I walked into the house I could see a soft glow coming from one of the rooms. I plopped the grocery bag onto the kitchen counter before heading to the room. As I walked in I couldn't help but smile.

Dylan had set up a candle lit dinner. It looked delicious and so fancy. The only thing that seemed remotely out of place was that each chair had a white pillow case draped across the seat. I was about to contemplate the thought when I realized Dylan himself was missing from this picture.

My mind was, once again, put at ease when just at that moment I felt his arms snake their way around me. I leaned back against him and sighed.

"Dylan this is so perfect."

"Yeah there's just one problem." he whispered to me.

My eyes practically flew opened. "What problem?" I said, completely worried my whole body tensed.

"Sshhh. Relax Babe." Dylan said, kissing the back of my neck and sending little electric shocks through my body. "It's just that this is all in the way. And I'm sure you have something better underneath." he said, unbuttoning my shirt. I could only smile and I closed my eyes to relax again.

When the shirt was unbuttoned he slipped it off my shoulders. Then I felt Dylan's fingertips flick across my pierced nipple. I gasped loudly in a mixture of surprise and ecstasy. Without even thinking I, as if it was the most natural thing in the world, pushed my ass back into Dylan's crotch.

"Whoa there Babe. Dinner first, desert later." he giggled as he finished undressing me and guided me to my chair.

The food was absolutely excellent. It was broiled flounder with rice pilaf and green beans. So, sure, it wasn't the most fancy meal, but it was good and the ambiance more than made up for it. We didn't speak much during dinner. We were both a little too preoccupied with what was under the table. Above the table we stared lovingly at each other, holding hands most of the time. Under the table our legs and feet played with each other unmercifully. It wasn't playful though. It was totally erotic and by the time we were done eating we were both hard as rocks.

"So do I get my desert now?" I asked innocently when we were both finished.

"Oh, yeah, of course." he said, somewhat distractedly and reached down onto his seat for something. "Here." he stated as he set a mint down next to my plate. I stared at him in disbelief. Well if he could play games, I decided, I could too.

"Oh." I said, faking a look of being totally sad and feeling rejected. I pushed my chair back and silently stood. I hurriedly began to make my way back to our bedroom. I was just leaving the room we had just eaten dinner in when I heard what could only be the sound of Dylan jumping up and his chair clattering to the ground.

"Caleb, Caleb!" I heard the desperation in his call. "Caleb, I was just..." he stopped when he realized my body sort of jerking. I turned around and burst into uncontrollable laughter.

He started laughing too. "You little shit!" he managed to get out. "You had me seriously thinking I had made you sad. It's not funny!" he said, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Oh yeah, like you're totally innocent! Besides you must be deranged if you thought I would give up that easily!" I giggled.

He scooped me up and I clung to him like a monkey; my arms and legs wrapped around his body. We had stopped laughing and I laid up against him, putting my head on his shoulder. I could feel his bare chest against mine. I sighed contentedly as he carried me upstairs. Everything was forgotten for the moment. The dishes, the clean up, the candles that were about burned out, and my clothes. His were already in the hamper because he had taken his off upstairs before I got back.

I closed my eyes and relaxed as he carried me up to our bedroom. He laid me on the bad and laid down himself. He reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube. Then, looking straight into my eyes, he handed it to me.

"Okay" I muttered, unsure. I squeezed some onto my fingers and started to reach behind myself to lube myself up, figuring maybe he didn't want to tonight.

"No Babe." he stated, grabbing my hand. He guided my hand to his backside. I gasped and stared at him, for the second time that night, in disbelief.

"Dylan... are you sure?" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah." he stated, running his hand down the side of my face and to my chest. "I'm sure Baby. I want to feel you in me. Please. Just... go slow."

"Of course I will. I love you so much Dylan." I stated as I leaned in and kissed him. As our tongues intertwined I started to message his ass with the lube. He groaned and I could feel him relaxing more and more by the second. He really did want this.

"How do you want to do this hon? If I'm on my back you'll have more control if it hurts. If you're on you back, well..." there was just no need to finish the statement.

"I know Caleb. I want to be on my back. I trust you. I know you wouldn't hurt me. I'm not worried about that."

That settled it. Dylan was rolled onto his back. I loosened him first with a couple fingers. He seemed to be enjoying it enough. I was very nervous though. I had never done this before and I just didn't want to hurt him or anything. He felt plenty loosened though and I finally just thought that it had to be enough!

"You ready hon?" I asked, figuring he should know.

"Well, I think so." he responded.

I brought his legs up over my shoulders. I watched his face closely as I entered him. He seemed to be doing all right so I kept going until I was all the way in. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the lips and on his forehead.

"Well?" I asked.

"Mmm. Yeah. That is nice." he practically whispered.

I had to stifle a giggle. I knew exactly how he felt. It was nice. I slowly started to move out of him and he made some sort of response noise. Of course I was a little preoccupied with the feelings he was creating for me. It was definitely different than usual. When I went back in I made sure to go for his prostate. He gasped and kind of shivered.

"Oh my god! Baby I never thought it could feel so good... I mean you've touched me there before but..."

"I know." I smiled down at him as I ran my hand down the side of his face and cheek.

So we kept going, both of us experiencing newfound types of pleasure. After a while both of us had a light sheen of sweat covering out bodies. I was definitely close and it seemed he was too. He had his eyes closed and the look on his face was like nothing I had ever seen before. He looked happy, loving, lustful, and all around fulfilled physically.

"Mmm. Uuhh..." he cried out as his orgasm took hold of him. This, of course, set me off and I emptied my seed deep within him with a loud groan.

I collapsed on top of him, totally spent. I felt his arms wrap around me in a gesture that emanated love. He pulled my head back a little and I felt his tongue invade my mouth. Okay, maybe I should say enter because it was far too welcome to be an invasion. Carefully and slowly he rolled us, really me, to the side so I was off of him.

He rolled off of the bed and went to the closet. He started fishing around a little. I just sighed with a degree of disgust at the abrupt end of our post-orgasmic cuddle stage.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to somewhat mask my distress.

He retrieved a small box and didn't reply, instead returning to the bed. "Okay, so sue me." he replied. "I didn't have this part as thoroughly planned out!" he exclaimed playfully.

He was right of course and he had planned a lot for tonight. So I gave in and opened my arms which were soon filled with the warmth of my lover's body. I felt him maneuvering next to my body and thought he had to be going after whatever was in the box.

"Caleb" he began. "I was serious when I told Elize that you are the light of my life. You are in every way. When I first saw you, never did I think that I would find what I can only consider to be my soul mate. You are this wonderful, caring, loving, beautiful man. Every time I look into your eyes it's like you tell me you love me all over again. I have felt more at ease and more happy in the last couple weeks then I can ever remember feeling in my whole life. And..." he said, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss. "I never want that to end. I want to be with you Caleb, for the rest of my life."

I felt something cold and hard slip onto my finger. My rational mind sort of went into overload. A ring. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes and run down my cheeks. Dylan looked back at me with tears of his own showing on his face. "Baby, Caleb, will you marry me?"

Author's Note: Well readers, sorry but I just couldn't resist the cliff-hanger. I kind of felt it was needed. All I am going to say is that in the next chapter you're in for a shocker as some things become painfully clear to both our characters AND the new characters that are Dylan's coven. Yes, you might think I'm evil letting you hang like this. No surprise though, right, because Caleb has to say "yes". .. well, he does right... right? Hehe. It is my duty as a writer to inform you that I am a twisted person and he could just as easily say "no". What you have to ask yourself is just how demented am I. In my head I already know just how this is going to play out. But, unfortunately for you, you'll just have to wait and see until the next chapter. Until then....

Next: Chapter 6

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