Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Nov 19, 2000


Disclaimer: I do not know the orientation of any of the BSB or Nsync. This is purely fiction. Anyone less than 18 should not continue to read. Remember, you can always send me comments or suggestions at

Justin awoke as soon as the light hit his eyes that morning. He had to smile to himself, still not believing what had just happened a few hours ago between him and Nick. To him, he was still experiencing the powerful lust that had taken over his entire body. He had never experienced anything so intoxicating.

His arms were still wrapped around Nick's body. Nick felt so warm. The smooth skin, though now made sticky by the sweat, was still so soft to his touch. He snuggled up closer to Nick until his lips were close to Nick's ears. He pondered saying something to wake Nick up, but decided against it, since he wanted to spend a little more time together. He lightly turned his head to determine the time. Only 6:00 a.m.

Justin happily turned his head back and held Nick a little tighter. He could do this every night for the rest of his life. It felt so right. Images of a nice beautiful family began to fill his mind. He wondered what it would be like. He and Nick would live in a nice, beautiful home and they would adopt two beautiful kids and together, they would raise them. He and Nick would make their own studio, be their own bosses so that they could set their schedule.

Justin smiled to himself, all the while, letting his fingers slide across Nick's chest. If every night were anything like last night, he would die a happy man. Justin was about to close his eyes and fall back asleep when he suddenly felt Nick's body shift underneath his arms.

Justin frowned. Why was Nick waking up so early? Wasn't he at all exhausted?

Nick's body shifted until he now faced Justin. "Good morning," Nick whispered, the sleep still showing on his face.

Justin smiled at that. "You're not a morning person, are you?" His eyes shifted downwards as he said that to sneak a look. They were so heated last night that they didn't even bother to put their boxers back on.

"No," Nick answered. "But when you keep on tickling me with your fingers, it's hard not to stay asleep." Nick's said slowly and quietly.

"Sorry," Justin replied sheepishly. "Wanna go back to sleep. I promise I won't do anything bad."

Nick laughed. "If you say so." He again fell back to sleep, but not changing positions. Justin carefully lifted one leg to place over Nick's legs so that he once again felt Nick's body against his. He smiled again, savoring the closeness. Then, he too fell back to sleep.

Brian and Lance were the first two to wake up. Brian had actually set their alarm clock since they still had practice that day. At 7:30 a.m. sharp he woke up frantically.

"Lance! Lance! We have to get ready for practice! We're gonna be late, man!" Brian freaked.

"Calm down. They can't start with the four of us not there," Lance said calmly, to which Brian started to cool down.

"Come on, then," Brian threw a pillow at Lance. "We shouldn't keep them from getting on with their day." With that, he got up and headed for the shower. Once he and Lance were all dressed, Brian quickly ran to Nick's room to warn Nick that they were late.

Had he known what had happened last night between Justin and Nick, Brian would probably have been more discrete and not have barged into Nick's room.

He didn't actually barge onto the scene. He really just opened the door without knocking, and to his shock, he saw the object of his love completely naked and being held by Justin who was equally naked. All Brian could do was gape. Justin held Nick in a very possessive grip, with both of their bodies facing each other.

Before Brian could cry out, he stepped out of the room and closed the door. After taking a minute to recover, he knocked on the door. He then heard some noise inside the room. "Yes?" he finally heard Nick say.

"Ummm, Nick, you guys might want to get ready. It's almost time for practice," Brian tried to say in his cheeriest voice, although he felt extremely upset at the sight. He knew that they had to act fast in order to win Nick's heart, but he didn't think that Justin would jump at the first chance he got.

"Okay," Nick replied. "We'll be down in a minute."

Inside, Nick had already gotten up and began to search for his underwear.

"Looking for these?" Justin teased as he held Nick's boxers.

Nick's cheeks flushed. "Please Justin, we have to get ready. It's almost time for practice," Nick said as he reached for his boxers.

Justin found it fun and jerked the boxers away from Nick's hands. "Uh-uh. You've got to come here and get it." Justin realized that he too did not wear any boxers, but this gave him the chance to force Nick to see him.

"Please, Justin. We've got to get going. What if someone sees us like this?" Nick pleaded.

"Then what?" Justin said innocently. "You're not ashamed of what me and you did last night?" Justin said, trying to sound very hurt.

"No, that's not it. It's just that . . . " Nick was at a loss for words.

"Fine," Justin muttered, pretending to be angry. "Be that way." With that, he threw Nick's boxers back and headed for the bathroom to shower.

"Justin, I didn't mean it like that. Please," Nick pleaded, but Justin had disappeared into the bathroom.

Feeling a bit sad at making Justin angry, Nick quickly got out of bed and ran for the bathroom. "Justin!" Nick called out as Justin stepped into the shower.

Justin refused to reply.

"Don't do this. I'm sorry. I didn't think it was appropriate to . . . " Nick tried to say.

"No, can it, Nick. I understand that you think of the sex last night as a little fun. I mean, it's so easy for you to have whoever you want. I know that I'm only there as a play thing for you. Believe me, I know that besides giving you powerful orgasms, I have no other purpose." Justin raised his voice. Then, he pulled the curtains on Nick.

"That's not true. It wasn't like that. Don't do this, Just," Nick pleaded while pulling the curtains so that he could face Justin. Nick was surprised when he saw Justin smile from behind the curtain.

"You're not angry, right?" Nick hesitated.

Justin laughed and grabbed Nick's arms. "Not if you help me wash myself. Then I'll forgive you. Come on. There's no time if each of us takes a separate bath."

Before Nick could say anything, Justin leaned forward and pressed his lips against Nick's. But he felt strange. Nick wasn't responding to him like last night.

Justin broke off the kiss. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, Justin. I don't want to, not now." Nick said.

"You mean, it was a one night stand on your part?" Justin asked angrily.

Nick didn't look at Justin. Justin shoved Nick against the wall. "So you f---ed me last night and then you go ahead and just forget about it," Justin hissed, his fingers digging into Nick's flesh. The tears started streaming down his face.

"Justin, don't get so angry. I told you last night that we would never become anything. I don't . . . " Nick tried to say, but Justin slapped Nick's face hard, not really thinking before he did it. Nick reeled over from the impact and hit his head to the wall. When he turned around, a stream of blood trickled down his cheek.

Justin gaped at what he just did. "Oh G-d, Nick, you okay? You're bleeding! I . . . we have to bandage you." Justin was horrified. How had he become so possessive of Nick? They barely made out last night. Besides a little lustful playing between them, they really hadn't done anything.

Then why did Justin feel that Nick belonged to him? He looked at Nick's beautiful face, only to see a sadness in those blue eyes, as if . . . he had been hit before?

Justin turned off the shower and carried Nick out of the bath tub. He dried Nick off and quickly tended to the cut on Nick's forehead. Damn that bath tub.

When they were done, Justin placed a band-aid on Nick's face which to him, was still just as beautiful. They quickly dressed, but in silence. Justin cursed himself. He had moved a step ahead yesterday, only to be pushed back two steps by that incident. Justin tried to keep himself from panicking. He had to control himself a little more.

Brian and Lance were almost finishing up their cereal when Moju stepped into the kitchen. They looked up from their bowls in discomfort.

Moju was the first to break the silence. "I see you guys have another day of practice ahead of you."

Brian and Lance nodded. "Then I guess we won't have the chance to hear your side of the story," Lance suggested, a bit disturbed. He wanted to know what right Moju had of kidnapping Nick and then standing in Nick's house like this without shame.

"How about you?" Brian asked. "What are you gonna do today?"

Moju smiled. "Don't worry. I won't disappear on you. I'll do my work and you'll see me back here tonight."

"Tonight?" both Brian and Lance cried out in annoyance.

Moju smiled innocently. "You seem upset."

Brian was the first to compose himself. "No, we just need to digest this."

"What's the matter, afraid of a little competition?" Moju pressed lightly.

Lance gaped. "What the . . . "

Moju only laughed more. "Don't worry. I won't join this game. I'm not into how many times you can get Nick in bed. Frankly, I think it's degrading."

Brian couldn't help but smile at Moju's comment. Oddly enough, Moju had made him relieved, taking an enormous amount of burden off his chest.

Lance looked at Brian, confused. "I never thought that it was all about . . . sex."

Moju sighed. "But it's the sex that's always on your mind when you're with Nick," he finished off.

They ate in silence until a few minutes later, when Nick and Justin entered the kitchen.

Both were very quiet and Brian found it odd. He also was worried to see Nick's face slightly redder on one side.

"Are you all right, Nick?" Moju voiced his concern when he saw Nick's face.

Nick smiled weakly. "I accidentally tripped and fell and hit my head in the bath tub.

None of the others bought that. Lance was about to question further when Brian stopped him. "You guys should have some cereal before we go to the studio." Brian quickly set three bowls for Moju, Nick and Justin. He quickly sat next to Nick and examined Nick's face while Nick ate.

He looked at Justin, who tried to avert his gaze.

Moju thought it best to change the subject. "Nick, I'm going to have to go to work today and settle some last minute details of the case."

Nick looked up sharply, afraid that Moju might not come back. "Umm, would you like to have dinner tonight? And then, maybe afterwards, you could stay . . . "

"And sleep on that comfortable couch of yours?" Moju teased.

"No, no. There's the other bed." Nick was quick to reply.

"We'll discuss that over dinner tonight." Moju winked at Nick before he headed out the door.

Brian, Lance and Justin all stared in shock. Did Moju and Nick settle on a date for tonight in front of them?

"All right, what's up? What happened to Nick this morning?" Brian asked Justin. They were in the middle of a break and Brian had cornered Justin in the locker room.

Justin stared at Brian, only to see the hurt in his eyes.

"I know something happened, Justin. I saw you guys this morning," Brian admitted.

Justin's eyes glowed with anger. "You have no right to invade on our privacy like that?"

"All I want to know is if you hit him this morning. I don't care about what you guys did last night." Brian's tone was even.

Justin remained silent.

Brian felt the anger rise in him. He couldn't believe it. Justin hit Nick! Why? Didn't Justin say himself that Nick had never done anything to anger him? And now, he had hurt Nick.

Brian glared at Justin. "Damn you!" With that, he stomped off. Justin stared as Brian left. He felt the tears washing over him. How could Brian have known the pain it felt to be rejected by Nick? Brian didn't understand it, but Justin had felt it. It hurt like being stabbed several times in the chest. It hurt so bad he didn't know how to make it go away. But, Justin thought to himself, he wasn't going to let it ruin him. He had always been able to make things change. He could make things happen regardless of what Nick had said earlier. His love was true, wasn't it?

Dance practice went by pretty slowly for Nick as he waited for the evening to come. He was eager about that night. He felt a strange tingling sensation at the pit of his stomach. Brian had approached him a few times. He had invited Brian to the dinner, but for some reason, Brian seemed to know that he preferred to spend some time alone with Moju and didn't push it. Nick felt so grateful for Brian.

Before long, they were excused and Nick rushed home to clean up and prepare. He barely stepped into his home when he saw Moju sitting on the couch, waiting for him.

"I thought you'd never get home," Moju greeted him.

Nick smiled. "You are one sneaky guy."

Moju smiled and walked up to Nick. "Only when I have a purpose to be sneaky."

Nick blushed. "So, what do you want to eat?"

"My tastes are pretty hard to satisfy. Are you up to it?" Moju taunted.

Nick laughed. "Try me. I can cook anything you desire."

"Really?" Moju whispered, staring into Nick's eyes. He held Nick's gaze for about a few minutes. Both were silent. He reached his hand out to caress Nick's cheeks. Nick stopped breathing. His body became tense. "How about some steak?" Moju whispered.

"Ummm, hmmm," Nick replied. His eyes were closed by now, savoring Moju's light touch. Moju placed his other hand on Nick's lower back and pulled him in. Their bodies touched. Nick lifted his face, waiting for Moju. Moju bent down and gently placed his lips on Nick's. They kissed. Moju's movements were calm and gentle. Nick was more passionate and urgent.

Moju felt really hot. He quickly broke the kiss. "Are we gonna eat?"

Nick smiled. "Not if you keep on going at it like this."

Both laughed and entered the kitchen. Moju decided to set the table while Nick cooked. Moju added four candles to make the night more romantic. He dug out of Nick's cellar some red wine. Soon, both were done and dinner was served.

Moju couldn't help but look into Nick's eyes. They were so beautiful. He could understand why anyone who had set eyes on him would want him. He embodied such beauty. Moju had pretended he could be calm in front of Brian and Lance today, but the truth was that he was helplessly devoted to Nick.

"Cheers," Moju raised his glass.

"What shall we toast to?" Nick asked excitedly.

Moju looked at the ceiling, thinking. "A toast to a beautiful night . . . with a beautiful man before me."

Nick blushed. "You're making me nervous."

"It's the truth," Moju smiled. "You should accept it."

When dinner was done, Moju got out of his chair and stood behind Nick's. He began to massage Nick's shoulders. Nick sat back and let Moju work his hands. He needed that, especially after a long day of practice. Nick moaned from pleasure. He closed his eyes and tried to feel Moju's hands on his shoulders, but to his surprise, Moju suddenly stopped.

Nick opened his eyes and was about to turn around when Moju held Nick's face with his hands. "You know, it would be better if you laid down . . . shirtless."

Nick smiled smugly before getting out of his seat and laying on the couch. Moju walked over and gently tugged at his shirt. Nick sighed and removed it and again laid on the couch, belly down. Moju's hands began with his shoulders and slid down his back. Nick moaned even louder. He was about to turn around and pull Moju down when Moju suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Nick asked softly. He was greeted with silence.

"I'm leaving, you know," Moju began.

Nick gulped weakly. "When?"

"Tomorrow," Moju answered calmly. Nick felt weird. It felt like his and Justin's conversation yesterday, only now, he was the one being rejected.

"Look," Moju started again. "I didn't want to give you false hopes. Nick, nothing will ever happen between us. We have totally separate lifestyles and I have other commitments."

Nick felt his tears starting to fall. It was too spooky for him. Was this a punishment for how he treated Justin last night? Nick tried to search for his shirt. But as he reached, he felt Moju's hands grab his.

"Please, Nick. I told you because I didn't want to lie to you. Just think of this as a little summer fling. But for me, I know I'll never forget this night." As Moju said this, he pulled Nick in close, despite Nick's attempts to push him away. He began to kiss away Nick's tears.

Nick struggled. "So you're saying that after you used me to get Richard Banks captured, I have no reason to see you?" Nick got off the couch, hurt by the sudden truth.

Moju grabbed Nick again. "Listen," his voice became a little rougher. "I never intended it to be this way. I didn't want to fall for you, but I did. I love everything about you, Nick--the way you laugh, the way you talk, and . . ." Moju leaned close to Nick so that his lips were to Nick's ears " and the way you kiss."

Before Nick said anything else, Moju forced his lips on Nick's. Nick's body became limp as he let Moju hold him tightly. Pretty soon, Moju picked up Nick and carried him back to the couch, where Nick willingly stayed still, awaiting Moju's next move. Moju stopped the kiss briefly. "At least give me one night to remember, please." Moju whispered seductively into Nick's ears.

Without another word, Nick pulled his right arm so that his fingers played around with the button on his jeans. Then, with one quick motion, he unbuttoned it. Slowly, he grabbed and pulled down the zipper, all the while staring at Moju. Moju smiled, unable to draw his eyes away from Nick's beautiful blue eyes. He put his hands over Nick's hand and helped Nick pull the zipper a little faster. Once done, he pulled Nick's jeans down and off of Nick. His eyes traced Nick's body down to his boxers, still not believing that Nick was finally giving in.

He recalled the night on the island when Nick had struggled so fiercely. Now, the boy had willingly accepted and gave in to their sexual tension. Moju simply stared, captivated. As gently as he could, he hooked his fingers around Nick's boxers and tugged. He pulled the boxers down to reveal Nick's manhood. It was beautiful. Nick remained still, waiting for Moju's attention to drift back to his face. But Moju remained focus on removing the boxers.

Once done, Moju's eyes roamed Nick's body and ultimately rested on his face again. Nick lay naked on the couch allowing Moju the liberties of doing as he pleased. Moju felt himself getting extremely hard just from the sight. Slowly he let his hands trace Nick's body, starting with Nick's chest and moving downward. Nick's skin was so soft. He felt his fingertips burning with desire.

All the while, Nick began to feel aroused. He felt a tingling in his groins again as Moju's fingertips traced his manhood. Once they reached the tip, Nick felt himself hardening. And so did Moju. Moju pulled his fingers back while Nick looked at him, confused. Moju could see the pleasure in Nick's eyes mixed with disappointment. He stood up and quickly did away with all of his clothes.

Finally, he straddled Nick and bent down to kiss him. Nick responded just as passionately. Moju broke the kiss. "Hey, we need a little more space, don't you think?" Moju winked at Nick as they looked at how both of their legs were draped over the end of the couch. Nick smiled sheepishly.

Without another word, Moju picked Nick up and carried him up the stairs.

Brian woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He moaned in pain as he got out of his bed and showered. He had been dreaming about Nick all night. Worse, he knew that Nick and Moju were hitting it off last night. Everything was getting more and more unbearable. It seemed as if Nick had basically returned everybody's love but his. Sometimes, he wondered if Nick thought of him as more of a brother.

Brian knew he had always been protective of Nick. Whenever something happened, he would be the one to settle it. And Nick had always counted on him to make very sound decisions. That was why he left Nick and Moju alone last night. He was afraid, but he couldn't bear to disappoint Nick. How come Nick didn't see that?

Or did he fail to win Nick's heart because he was so level-headed about the whole matter? Lance and Justin went all out. Him? He hadn't even professed his love yet. At this rate, by the time he proposed, Lance or Justin or even Moju would have gotten Nick at the altar.

Brian felt his tears trickling down his face. "Those tears aren't going to help," Brian heard a voice from behind him. He jumped around, only to see his cousin.

"Geez, Kev, you're going to give me a heart attack," Brian cried out, exasperated.

"Geez, Bri, you've used that line already on me. You really need a new look!" Kevin replied smartly. "So," Kevin sat on Brian's bed, "do I have to wrangle it from you? Or are you gonna spit it out yourself? Come on, Bri. Tell me about him."

Brian sighed. "He slept with three men in three days."

"Does it bother you?" Kevin asked.

"Yes! Especially when I'm not one of them," Brian felt himself weakening from his failure.

"You want to be one of those unknown faces?" Kevin asked, shocked.

Brian looked at Kevin quizically. "What do you mean?" Brian demanded.

Kevin smiled. "Simple. Do you think that Nick will fall for someone he has sex with, especially when he's done it so many times that it's not special anymore?"

Brian's eyes widened. "How do you . . . What . . . Where did you . . . ?" Brian couldn't contain his shock.

Kevin laughed. "Don't look so shocked. Nick thinks of me as a surrogate father, so naturally he confides to me." Kevin's expression suddenly becomes serious. "Only because you're my cousin, okay?"

Brian nodded, speechless.

Kevin continued. "Show him that you love him. Give him bigger clues. Don't just give him little 'subtle' hints here and there that make him more confused. And when you feel sexually aroused, don't jump on him like the others do. Let him make the moves. Let him be the one to initiate the advances. And you? Just go with the flow."

Brian couldn't resist. "Has he said anything about me to you, cuz?"

Kevin laughed. "Try that puppy face on him, not me. It won't work on me. And about your question, let's just say that he's less oblivious than you think. To be honest, he's really confused about the way you're treating him." With that, Kevin left.

What was that all about? Brian thought. Surprisingly, he felt like he was struck by lightning. Kevin's words kind of freed him from his shackles. Excitedly, he got out of bed and got ready for more dance practice that day.

When Brian arrived at the dance studio, everybody was already busy chatting. Brian immediately spotted Nick, who was talking to AJ and Howie. Brian could see a tinge of sadness in Nick's eyes. He thought it odd. Did Nick not have the night of his life with that strange, mysterious tall kidnapper? Why was he so sad? Or was he that sad after every love-making session?

Quickly he headed towards Nick's direction. Nick saw him and smiled. Brian thought that a frog jumped out of his throat because he couldn't think of anything witty to say.

"Uh, hi, Nick?" Brian didn't know why his voice was wavering.

"Hi, Rok," Nick answered back. AJ and Howie laughed at Brian and simply left.

Nick turned to look at Brian. "Ummm, you slept well last night?"

Brian nodded. "Yep! Ummm, and you? I mean, how did it go last night?"

Before Brian knew what was happening, a single tear slid down Nick's cheek.

"Nick? What's wrong? Please tell me." Brian pleaded.

"He left. He said that last night would be a beautiful memory for him," Nick tried to control himself.

Brian felt pain. "Oh, G-d. No."

Nick smiled weakly. "I knew it wouldn't have worked out anyways. He had other commitments. And I can't break off with the group to be with him."

Then Nick looked up, letting the tears dry out himself. He tried to smile it off. "It was sort of a nice night."

Brian looked shyly at Nick. "Would you, ummm, like to spend the night at my house. Kevin's also spending some time with me. Maybe we could watch a movie or something. It beats you staying home alone."

Nick looked uncomfortably at Brian. "You sure? I mean, I'll get over it. I don't want to ruin your day."

"No!" Brian immediately cried out, making Nick startled. "You're not going to ruin anything. We'll cook dinner tonight. I have a lot more beds than you. You won't have to share with anybody. Besides, the concert kicks off in less than two weeks. You need to relax and have some fun."

Nick nodded. "In less than two weeks, we're kicking off the first combo concert. I can't believe it."

Me neither, Brian thought. This would only make it harder for him to room with Nick now that they have the Nsync people on the road with them. But he was determined that it not get to him. What mattered was Nick having a good time with him.

Next: Chapter 9

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