Calming Waters

By ngcfan

Published on Dec 2, 2000


Disclaimer: Hello again! This the usual disclaimer. This story is a work of fiction and does not reflect the orientation of the BSB or Nsync. Anyone under 18 should not read. Should anyone have any comments, please please send me an email

Oh, and I want to say thanks to all of you that emailed me. You know who you are. Your email has given me lots of courage and inspiration to write more chapters!!!!

Brian hurriedly ran into his room to grab an extra towel. He was so excited he couldn't keep still. He had managed to temporarily be alone with Nick. The only reason Lance and Justin weren't here were because they had gotten Nick to promise each of them a date the day after. Brian didn't care, as long as he could spend some time with Nick.

And Nick had wanted to go swimming in his pool that night. Kevin had bowed out, saying that he was catching a cold, leaving Brian the chance to stay with Nick. When Brian had finally ran downstairs to the pool, he stopped and took a breath. Nick was standing near the pool looking into the water in his bathing suit. Brian was breath-taken by the view.

Nick then noticed Brian gazing at him and he looked up and smiled. "Your pool looks so cool."

"Yeah, I try to keep it clean." Brian walked around the pool to where Nick stood, all the while never keeping his eyes off Nick. "Uh, you look great."

Nick looked down at his feet shyly. "Thanks." He sat down and swung his legs into the pool.

Brian sat down next to him. He looked over at Nick nervously. He didn't want to pry anything from Nick's love life. He decided to take another route. He swiftly grabbed Nick's shoulders, eliciting a surprised expression from his blond friend. Before Nick's mind could react, Brian pushed Nick into the pool.

Brian's eyes gleamed with mischief. He tried to pull his legs out, but found that Nick's strong arms had latched onto them and pulled him down. And just as Nick had hit the water with a splash, so too did Brian form his own waves in the pool.

When Brian finally surfaced, he found a sight that melted his heart. Nick was smiling. When was the last time that he had seen that heart-warming smile. It was the one thing that had set Nick apart from everyone else.

Before Brian said anything, Nick dove back under the water. Brian snatched Nick's feet before Nick could disappear. Together, they wrestled under the water, each forgetting their own problems for the moment.

After what seemed like hours, Brian and Nick jumped out of the pool still trying to tackle each other down. They landed on the grass nearby laughing.

Brian couldn't believe his luck. He had made Nick laugh! His heart ached for more. Dinner was going to be awesome. He knew it. He didn't fail to notice that he was getting very heated. He could feel the desire building inside of him.

No! He had to stop now feeling that desire. If not, he didn't think he could restrain himself. "Umm, Nick?"

Nick paused in the middle of their playful wrestling. "What, Brian?" he asked in a teasingly sweet voice.

Brian didn't know if he could resist. Mustering up all his courage, he continued, "Let's eat. I'm hungry."

Nick jumped up at the thought, his eyes beaming. "Okay!" With that, he ran into the house, his nose leading the way.

Brian had to laugh at his child-like nature. He quickly grabbed the two towels and headed inside.

He found Nick already in the kitchen pulling out the refrigerated vegetables and meats. "Umm, Nick?"

"Yeah?" Nick answered, still focused on cleaning the vegetables.

"You need to dry up and get some dry clothes!" Brian exclaimed.

Nick smiled. "What? Afraid I'm going to ruin your floor?" he taunted. Brian laughed. "No way. Just didn't want you to get sick and sneeze all over our food. Now go!!!!" Brian's voice was domineering.

Nick rolled his eyes. "You're so ancient."

"You gotta listen to me Nick. You can get sick." After those words escaped his mouth, Brian started to worry. He walked over to Nick and placed his hand on Nick's forehead to see if Nick was running a fever.

Nick smiled. "You're scaring me. I think I would know if I was running a fever."

Brian smiled sheepishly. "Just wanted to make sure. Now you go up there and get some clean clothes in my drawers. There are some thermals in the bottom drawer. I want you to wear them underneath. Then use the hairdryer. It's getting cold."

"Yes, daddy!" Nick laughed before disappearing from the kitchen.

Brian sighed. If he didn't look out for Nick, who would? He smiled, thinking how Nick, despite his rolling eyes, actually listened to him. It always happened that way. Brian would warn and sometimes lecture Nick, and Nick would end up listening to him. He knew he was rather boring, but he cared for Nick deeply. Everyone outside thought of him as crazy, but when it came to Nick, he was as responsible as ever.

It hadn't been five minutes when Nick came back into the kitchen. Brian turned around to see Nick under layers of clothing, his hair neatly combed back. Brian stifled his laughter.

Nick frowned. "You told me to wear all these things!"

"Calm down!" Brian laughed. "Are you that cold? What are you doing with all those layers?"

Nick smiled. "Actually, I brought these clothes down for you. In case you didn't notice, you haven't changed yet. Here . . . " Nick began to peel off the top layer of clothes.

Despite knowing that Nick had clothes underneath, Brian felt himself excited by the sight of Nick. He looked away, disturbed by his arousal.

"Umm, Brian? Are you okay?" Nick's soft voice called out to him gently.

"Yeah, I just . . . " Brian was afraid that Nick would notice. He pretended to go back to washing the vegetables. He felt Nick placing the pajamas on his shoulders. That did it for him. The moment he felt Nick's fingers on his shoulder, his entire body tensed. His breathing became uneven. "I just . . . yeah, let me go change." With that, Brian hurried out of the kitchen up the stairs.

Once he was up the stairs, he sighed in relief. He decided to go settle his, ahem, problem in the bathroom, change and then go back down.

It took him a little longer than expected. Once he was sure that he had calmed down, he made his way back to the kitchen, but not before Kevin had cornered him in his room and warned him that he was a little loud in his desperate cries for Nick in the bathtub. Brian blushed a deep crimson. "Sorry, cuz," he apologized to Kevin.

Kevin smiled. "Don't apologize. I just wanted to let you know that these walls have ears!"

"Do you want to eat with us?" Brian offered.

"You know, Brian, I might take you on that offer!" Kevin smirked. "But I don't think that you guys would appreciate me being there."

Brian smiled sheepishly.

"Just go. Tell him I've eaten, and that I'm sleepy," Kevin smiled understandingly. And then, in a softer voice, "He loves candlelight!" With a wink, Kevin headed back to his room.

Brian had barely gotten off the stairs when he could smell the aroma of Nick's luscious cooking. His mouth began to water. Of all the things that Nick could do, this amazed him the most. He walked into the kitchen just when Nick began to place some dishes on the table. "It's almost done!" Nick's voice rang.

Hastily, Brian ran to find some candles. He knew that at one point in time, he had bought them in case of a big storm. Ahh, he found them in one of the drawers. "Yes!"

Nick looked at him in confusion. "What?"

Brian looked at Nick and showed him the candles. Nick's face turned from confusion to awe. He nodded. Brian took this as his cue and looked for the matches. When done, he found two candle holders and placed them on the table. And no dinner was complete without some wine. True, Nick wasn't the proper age yet, but he didn't care.

Brian was moving so desperately that Nick had to soothe him. "Calm down, Bri! You don't have to be so anxious. It's only a dinner!"

Brian was too excited to hear him. He only slowed down once the table was set perfectly. He pulled out a chair for Nick. "After you."

Nick was so touched he didn't know what to say. Rather, he just sat down. Brian then walked to the other end of the table and sat down. Their eyes met and locked. Brian couldn't look away. This was the first time that Nick had looked at him in such a way that made him feel special.

"Umm, do you want to start first, Bri?" Nick asked.

"No, umm, yeah, well no after you," Brian stuttered.

Nick smiled. "The food has gotten you tongue-tied, hasn't it? I knew I would impress even you!"

"Hey, I'm not that picky!" Brian fussed.

"Yeah, yeah," Nick laughed and stood up. He grabbed Brian's plate and placed some salmon on it. Then he went around all the dishes he made and put a little of each on Brian's plate. Brian was mesmerized. No wonder everyone, even Justin and Lance, were falling so deeply for Nick.

Nick then made his plate and sat back down. He sipped a little of his wine before he started. They ate in silence for about a minute when Nick began to speak again. "The concert's beginning in less than two weeks."

"Yes?" Brian said, dazed.

"Well, I was wondering. If we do share rooms, would you like to . . . " Nick stared into Brian's eyes.

"Yes?" Brian's lips quivered, hoping that he understood correctly.

"share a room with me?" Nick asked.

Brian knew it might scare Nick, but he gave a little shriek. "Yes!! Yes! Yes!"

Nick fell back onto his chair at Brian's burst of happiness, almost not believing that he elicited that from his friend. Brian felt like he was dreaming through the rest of dinner. He talked as if there were no end to the conversation. And Nick? Wow! Nick had been amazing, listening and laughing at his jokes. He knew they might not have been that funny, but Nick made them seem like they were the wildest jokes ever.

Finally, the last bit of wax had all but melted. Nick began to yawn. He was, after all, still a kid that needed his sleep. Brian smiled. "Let's get to sleep. You look like you're about to pass out!"

Nick smiled smugly. "I still have energy." He tried to stifle his yawn.

Brian jumped out of his chair and grabbed Nick. "Come on, let's get you to bed."

Nick refused to budge from his chair. "I like it like this. I don't want to sleep in a cold room all by myself." Nick stubbornly resisted Brian.

Brian paused. "Umm, you don't have to sleep alone." Still, he couldn't decided whether it was right to let Nick sleep in his room. He wouldn't be able to control himself.

To his horror and delight, Nick's eyes beamed. "Cool, I'll meet you in your room then." With that, Nick bounced out of his chair and up to Brian's bedroom.

When Brian finally came up to his room, he found Nick already lying comfortably on his bed. The blankets were disheveled and he was facing the walls. Brian walked up to the bed and gently sat on it.

"It took you long enough," Nick's voice startled Brian.

"You're still awake?" Brian asked dumbly.


"Well go to sleep! Otherwise, you're gonna be crabby tomorrow," Brian stated.

"You are so dull. Can't we just talk?"

"No!" Brian liked this little playful argument.

"Sing to me, then," Nick pressed on.

"How about you sing to me, please?" Brian pleaded back. Silence.

Then, as if the fairies above bestowed some love on him, he heard Nick's beautiful voice.

Remember when we never needed each other. The best of friends like sister and brother. We understood we'd never be alone.

Those days are gone Now I want you so much. The night is long And I need your touch. Don't know what to say Never meant to feel this way Don't wanna be alone tonight.

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time What did I say, what did you do How did I fall in love with you

I hear your voice and I start to tremble Brings back the child that I resemble I cannot pretend That we can still be friends Don't wanna be alone tonight

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time What did I say, what did you do How did I fall in love with you . . .

*How did I fall in love with you --Howie D. *****************

Brian's eyes started to well. Nick stopped singing. His voice was still imprinted in Brian's mind. Brian didn't know what to say. Was he reading too much into the song? Did Nick actually mean what he sang?

"I love that song," Nick whispered into Brian's ears. It's my favorite. Brian gulped, not trusting himself to talk. Then he heard Nick sigh. Brian looked up to meet Nick's gaze.

Nick looked at him concerned. "Why are you crying?"

"Nothing," Brian responded.

Nick continued to gaze at Brian. "You sang it so beautifully. I couldn't do it justice."

"No!" Brian refuted. "I loved the way you sang it just now. I'm just very moved."

Nick wiped a few tears from Brian's face. He smiled. "You were always a softie." With that, he turned off the lamp.

Brian and Nick woke up in barely enough time to just change. The two rushed around the house like two little kids trying to find their clothes under a heap of trash. It wasn't until Kevin stepped into the room and looked at them disapprovingly that they went about their morning in a more methodical way.

Finally, Nick and Brian came down for dinner. Kevin simply stared at them. "You boys will behave, right? Otherwise, no breakfast."

"Come on, Kev! We didn't do so bad. Look, we found clean clothes," Nick argued.

Kevin rolled his eyes and put two clean bowls on the table for them. Brian and Nick greedily jumped at the bowls and ate like hogs. Within minutes, they were so full they couldn't move.

"All right, kids, get out to the car and start it. I'll come out after I wash the dishes." Brian and Nick jumped out of their seats and headed for Nick's Durango.

"Let me drive, Nick," Brian urged.


"Why not?"


"That's no reason!" Brian nudged.

Nick laughed. "You're still tired. Let me. I promise you and Kevin will get there alive."

Brian was about to be aggressive when Kevin walked out. Both of them immediately behaved.

Once at the dance studio, Nick and Brian quickly spotted Lance and Justin. As before, the two approached Nick. Nick tried to smile brightly, but for some reason, every time he saw Lance and Justin, he was reminded of his childhood. He turned around to look at Brian for support, but Brian was gone! He had run off to talk to the other boy-bands members.

Nick sighed and looked back at Justin and Lance who had greeted him enthusiastically. "Hey, Nick!"

"Hi," Nick responded, a bit nervous. He was afraid of his dates with Justin and Lance. Or was it simply the jitters?

Lance smiled brightly. "You haven't forgotten our lunch date today, have you?"

Nick shook his head. "I'm not that bad. . . am I?" Nick looked at the two, unsure.

Lance laughed. "No, you're not that bad. Umm, I just wanted to talk."

Justin had remained quiet this whole time. He had overheard Lance's conversation with Joey, and he knew what Lance had planned during that lunch break. But still, Justin crossed his fingers.

"Do you still want to have dinner with me?" Justin asked, a little timidly.

Nick simply smiled. "Yeah."

With that said and done, all three headed for Fatima and began another day of grueling practice.

Nick sat down nervously as Lance pulled a seat for him.

"Thanks," Nick said softly.

"You're welcome," Lance said as he took the seat opposite of Nick. "It's on me."

Nick nodded. They quickly ordered and sat there in silence.

Lance was the first to break the silence. "I've been thinking really hard . . . about that day, when we . . . "

Nick nodded uncertainly.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I've given it a lot of thought. And I don't want to frighten you more than you already are. I guess you already know that Justin and Brian are committed." Lance looked at Nick to gauge his reaction to that statement. Nick looked at Lance, trying to not look too uncomfortable.

Lance sighed and continued. "I don't want to do this anymore. I think I'm pulling out of this race. I don't want to see you try to hide from me every time we're practicing."

Nick smiled sadly. "I guess that's it, huh?"

Lance gazed at Nick longingly. "I won't forget that day. I guess I never had the chance to tell you, but it was surprisingly exotic. I mean I wouldn't mind it if it happened again."

Nick's cheeks became red. "Thanks, for understanding. I hope we can still be friends?" Nick looked at Lance, hoping.

Lance laughed. "So friends, huh? Never thought I'd get to this point." He then looked serious again. "If you want to talk about anything--your love life, your career stuff--I wouldn't mind, Nick. In fact, I'd be really happy."

Nick smiled. "Okay."

Lance smiled bitterly back at his 'new' friend. He hated that idea. Friends was a term for a failed courtship. But what could he do? He had heard and seen what Justin's plans were, and to be honest, he did not want to think of the consequences. If he forced Nick, then Nick would not even want to talk to him again. That he couldn't stand. He didn't want Nick to think of him as an enemy. AT least this way, he could still make Nick see him in a better light.

Plus, now that he's only a friend, Nick would confess to him his heartaches. He knew it. Nick was very trusting. He would confide in Lance. Maybe, perhaps maybe, Lance can use this to be closer to Nick--and to find out his deepest emotions. And when Nick has no one else to turn to, Lance will be there. He will be there when Nick is most vulnerable, most easy to manipulate.

Lance held his cup of soda up. "To our friendship!"

Nick smiled. "To our friendship!"

Dance practice for the rest of the day was uneventful. Justin noticed that Lance had gotten Nick to open more to him. Sly bastard! Justin thought to himself. What trick did Lance use to get Nick to be so warm to him?

But Justin knew that each had their own technique. Justin wasn't going to worry. He had to think about his plan. He had to concentrate. Tonight was his night to fight. Apparently, Brian and Lance were going to take the safe route. Justin laughed.

He wasn't like them. He didn't leave it up to fate! He had more confidence and more will. And he was more daring than the other two. Perhaps it was his youth. He did not let other people run their own show. He was going to take control. He looked down at his watch. 5:00 pm. He looked at Nick and tried to catch his attention.

Nick saw him and waved. Good! He had planned a very romantic evening. From candlelight to sauna to hotel room. Everything was set perfectly. Nick could not resist this.

With that, he trotted over to Nick who had taken out his towel, ready to shower. Without a warning, he pecked Nick on the lips in front of all the other boy-band members. They looked on in wonder as he headed for the showers.

Nick and Justin were the last to leave the dance studio. They walked out together to Nick's Durango. Nick took out his keys, but Justin quickly snatched them from him. "I'll drive, if you don't mind. Here's a blindfold."

Nick looked at Justin, confused. Justin smiled back. "It's a surprise and I want you to relax and let me take it from here. Okay?"

Nick nodded. "Okay." Justin smiled brightly, leading Nick into the car. He opened the door like a perfect gentleman and helped Nick in, closing the door once Nick was properly seated.

Then Justin plopped into his seat. "No peeking!" he cried out to Nick as Nick smiled. Then Justin stepped on the gas pedal and headed for their destination.

At last, Justin stopped the car in front of his house. He got out and opened the door for Nick, gently supporting Nick so that Nick didn't trip over anything. Slowly, he guided Nick back to his place and opened the door. Then, his hands slid past Nick's neck and nudged on the blindfold.

"Now, you can open your eyes," Justin whispered seductively.

Nick opened and stared in awe. "Justin, this is beautiful!" Nick stared at all the candles that lit Justin's living room. At the far end of the room was a dining table with the food sitting there succulently.

Justin smiled sheepishly. "I may not know how to cook, but I know the best caterers around. Come on." Justin grabbed Nick's hands and led him to the dining table. Together, the two boys shuffled up to the dining table and sat down.

Justin grabbed the wine glasses and began to pour. "You're not the right age!" Nick said.

"So? You're not either! What's your point?" Justin bantered. "Come on! Don't kill the mood."

Nick smiled.

Justin gazed at him suddenly. "I'm sorry about that morning. I was stupid. I didn't know why I hurt you like that."

Nick looked at Justin silently. "It's okay," he said softly.

"You sound a little hurt," Justin commented, a little nervous. "Has anyone . . . umm. . . hurt you before?"

Nick remained silent.

Justin sensed it. Someone had hurt Nick. His mind began to toss over the myriad of possibilities. "Who?" His voice was barely a whisper.

Nick just gazed at Justin sadly. "You don't have to worry. He can't hurt me anymore." Then, Nick fell silent.

"But I want to protect you!" Justin continued, feeling himself being torn from pain at the sight of his love.

Nick smiled gently. "You should worry about yourself. You look rather thin lately. Have you eaten properly?"

Flustered at the change of subject, Justin stumbled through the next words. "I . . . ummm . . . well . . . not exactly."

Nick's eyes roamed the dining table for some breadsticks. He reached over to grab a few and put them on Justin's plate. He then broke one stick in two and lifted it up to Justin's mouth. Justin was speechless as he gazed longingly at Nick. He slowly parted his lips, too awed to refuse.

Justin paid more attention to Nick than to chewing the food. He simply let Nick feed him, his previous thoughts were wiped away. He was being pampered by Nick! He didn't think he could sleep for the next few days.

Justin waited for the next bite. As Nick drew his hands back to Justin's lips, Justin put his mouth over Nick's fingers, sucking on them gently. Nick quickly drew his hand back, blushing. Justin smiled. Nick looked cute when he did that.

Before giving Nick another opportunity to back off, Justin lifted his fingers to touch Nick's cheeks. He slid his seat and pulled Nick until they were facing each other. Justin then got off his seat and straddled Nick's lap. He leaned forward, feeling the heat burning inside him.

"Don't pull back, Nick, please," Justin whispered. "Let it happen." Justin's eyes focused on Nick's face, making sure that Nick did not try to avoid Justin's gaze. When he realized that Nick didn't, Justin pressed his lips against Nick.

Justin pushed harder, trying to access Nick's tongue. Within half a minute, Justin's tongue was inside Nick's mouth. Justin didn't want it to end. It was the best, most passionate kiss he ever experienced with another person.

While keeping Nick's attention on the kiss, Justin slowly slid his arm down Nick's sides towards his pants and felt for the zipper. He quickly undid everything without Nick even knowing. Justin smiled wickedly to himself. He could get used to this. Nick had so much to offer. Of course there was his love. But the sexual gratifications were equally as alluring.

Next: Chapter 10

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