Camp Conversion

By moc.loa@RB81DJG

Published on Jul 22, 2007


CAMP CONVERSION Part 1 Written by Stripscott based on a true account by Nivram

It was time for Summer Camp again and I was really looking forward to it. Since I had passed my 17th birthday, I would be in attendance as a Junior Counsellor for the first time. It was a responsibility which I took particularly seriously and saw as an opportunity to set a good example to all the young campers, particularly those attending for the first time.

In fact, I took most things in life seriously. I had always been a hard worker at school which left very little time for the things which most boys in their late teens expect to enjoy. Needless to say, having had very little to do with girls, I was a total virgin, except for my own personal manipulations when I would dream of what I might sometime get up to with an attractive girl of my imagination. Oh yes! I knew what to do, but just never had the chance to put it into practice.

The thought of any kind of relationship with another male never even crossed my mind. I was aware that such relationships existed, but I wanted girls and saw no apparent attraction in what men might get up to together, sexually. My anticipation of the camp to come certainly did not include any idea that I would undergo my initiation into such practices.

I don't remember much about the journey to the camp site. I do remember checking everything I was taking with me three times before leaving and still being worried that I might have forgotten something. The weather was perfect: bright sunshine in a clear blue sky and an occasional zephyr of breeze; just right for all the outdoor activities that were planned.

When we eventually arrived the camp was very quiet with just a few people to be seen. We were the advance guard. The campers themselves wouldn't be arriving for another week and we had that time in which to set up everything at the camp site. The idea was that the campers would be plunged into the activities from virtually the moment they arrived and be kept involved throughout the eight weeks.

After we'd unloaded our gear, there was a short meeting with the Camp Director who outlined the work of the weeks to come and injected a lot of enthusiasm into all of us. Then we were told who we would be working with and where we would be bunking. I discovered that I was assigned to a Senior Counsellor called Dan and that I would also be sharing a cabin with him.

Dan was 21, two inches taller than me at six foot two and probably weighed about 180 pounds. He was fit. It was clear that he worked out even before we got into the cabin and he took off his tee shirt. His muscles were nicely proportioned and I immediately determined to ask his advice on training regimes. I'd never done much to hone my body, but I hadn't let it run amok either. I'd done exercises and had generally been careful about what I ate. However, I was rather scrawny and weighed about 150 pounds. I knew I could do with improvement.

Still, there wasn't time there and then for a discussion on body toning. The instructions had been, "Get settled in quickly, change into something comfortable for working in this weather and meet back here in half an hour." I made up my bed and quickly slipped into a pair of shorts. I noticed that Dan had done the same. Together we returned to the meeting, ready to get our assignments and set to work.

It would be too long and tedious if I were to try to explain all that we had to do, but it was certainly hectic and strenuous. Most guys wore shorts and those who had donned tee shirts to begin with were soon bare-chested. Some were clad in just bathing suits and I thought that might not be a bad idea for the next day. Sweat was soon running over my skin and dampening the top of my shorts. It dripped from my hair down my face and I was constantly wiping it away.

I started to apply names to faces as I listened to the talk among the other Counsellors and thought I was going to enjoy this Camp even more than I had expected. I anticipated making a lot of new friends and getting to know some of them really well.

This would turn out to be an extremely accurate forecast, but not in the way I envisioned it then.

In keeping with Camp standards, there was a set Lights Out time and this was held too, even though the main Camp hadn't really begun. However, after that first day and all the hard work that everyone had undertaken, there was little need to apply regulations. Almost everyone was totally exhausted and headed back to their cabins early. I know that I had rarely felt so in need of sleep and Dan seemed to be the same. Not long after our evening meal, we headed for our cabin together.

I barely remember slipping into bed and I was asleep within only a few seconds of laying my head on the pillow.

I don't know why I woke, but I opened my eyes and glanced around the cabin, wondering at first where I was. It was dark, but moonlight shone brightly through the window over which we hadn't bothered to draw the curtain. Still tired, I was already drifting back to sleep when it registered that the moonlight had illuminated Dan's bed. It was empty.

Just enough consciousness was left for me to wonder where he might have slipped off to, but then sleep overtook me again and I slept through 'til daybreak. When I opened my eyes once more, sunlight beamed through the window and Dan was tucked up and fast asleep in bed.

I realised that I didn't yet know him well enough to enquire about his nocturnal activities, even had he been awake to answer my question. Anyway, it was none of my business, I told myself. Nevertheless, although I didn't like to admit it, I was curious.

The day's activities soon drove speculation from my mind as I played my part in the next stages of Camp preparation. Due to our efforts the day before and some hard work that morning, we found ourselves ahead of schedule and were able to ease up on the pressure in the afternoon. However, the combination of fresh air and steady labour took its toll yet again and most were not sorry to be heading for their bunks once again that night.

I was just feeling the onset of unconsciousness when movement in the room brought my senses back to alert. Curious, I slightly opened one eye and saw that Dan had got out of his bunk and was quietly crossing the room towards me. I closed my eye quickly and lay there, pretending to be asleep. I sensed that Dan had reached the side of my bunk and was looking down at me. I guessed he was checking to see if I was asleep because, after a moment he moved off again. I risked opening my eye again slightly and saw him almost at the door of the cabin. As I watched, he slowly and silently turned the handle and pulled the door open. Within a moment, he had slipped out and closed the door quietly behind him.

Without thinking, I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. Quickly I opened it and looked out. There was no sign of Dan. In any case, I suddenly thought, how could I go running around the camp at night in my underwear, which was all I had on. I closed the door again and stared at Dan's bed. Two nights in a row he'd slipped off somewhere so last night hadn't been a one-off.

I made a decision. If Dan left the cabin the following night, I would be ready and follow him. I wanted to know what my Senior Counsellor got up to on these nocturnal expeditions.

The following evening I made sure to get into my bunk before Dan came in. I'd put a clean pair of shorts on over my underwear and also wore a tee shirt under the covers which I made sure were pulled right up to my neck. I was also wearing sneakers and socks.

When Dan came in I drowsily said, "Good night," and while he got ready for bed, feigned falling asleep. It was a bit of a struggle not to drop off as it had been another tiring day of work and, after about an hour, I wondered if Dan was actually going to repeat his excursions of the previous two nights. Then I heard movement.

Through slitted eyes I watched Dan get out of bed and pull on shorts, shirt and footwear which he must have left ready on a chair. Then, again, he crossed over to my bed. I shut my eyes firmly and must have given a good imitation of being asleep because Dan was clearly convinced and carefully made his exit from the cabin as before.

The door had barely closed before I was out of bed and scuttling across the room. Opening the door quickly I saw Dan's retreating figure hurrying along the path. Stepping out and closing the door behind me, I hurried in pursuit.

Of course, the camp was deserted at that time of night and I raced along the path. Soon I had Dan in sight just up ahead. The route he was taking seemed to be heading for the lake. I was convinced that he must be going to meet somebody.

After a bit, Dan turned off on a side path which, I knew, led to the boathouse. Perhaps he was going out on the lake for a midnight sail or something. As the boathouse came into sight between the trees, it became clear that it was indeed Dan's destination. As he approached the door, I slipped behind a pile of logs to watch.

Dan produced a key and unlocked the door. Opening it, he took a quick look all around him and then slipped inside. A moment later the light went on. I waited, but I couldn't hear any sounds from within. I was about to move forward when I heard a sound on the path. From my concealed position, I saw two other Senior Counsellors approaching.

As they came out of the shadows of the trees, I recognised them. They were twins, Al and Mike. Although they were a couple of years older than me, they were both shorter by about four inches. Nevertheless, I had noticed that they were well-built and much of their 160 pounds was muscle.

They were whispering together as they approached the boathouse, but I couldn't hear anything they said. After taking that same cautious look round, they too opened the door and joined Dan inside.

Burning with curiosity, I forced myself to stay in hiding for bit longer in case anyone else was due to join the trio, but eventually I couldn't wait any longer. I emerged from cover and flitted across to the boathouse.

The only windows were high up and I couldn't reach them. I listened at the door, but I couldn't hear a thing so I started to make my way round the outside. Turning a corner, I saw a shaft of light shining from what had to be a hole in the wall. As I approached it, I saw that there was a slight crack in the wood where I could take a peek inside.

Cautiously I bent down and put one eye to the crack.

The inside of the boathouse was brightly illuminated and I could see everything clearly. At my first glimpse of the activity inside, I gave a slight gasp.

Clothes were lying about on the floor. Dan was totally stark naked and kneeling in front of the twins. A big dick jutted out from between his legs. He was in the process of pulling down Mike's bathing suit and, as I watched, Mike's erect dick sprang into sight, almost hitting Dan in the face. Dan immediately seized the monster, which was almost as big as his own and closed his mouth around it. My head spun with shock at what was happening before me. I felt giddy.

Al, Mike's twin was standing beside him, bathing suit around his knees and kissing Mike tenderly. Mike's hand was on Al's stiff cock, gently sliding up and down the shaft.

Gradually I took in the scene with a sense of disbelief. The two dicks I could see were circumcised. Al's had to be shortest, although it was still a good six and a half to seven inches long. Dan's man rod was nearer eight inches I guessed.

After a while, Dan pulled off Mike's dick and stood up. Mike knelt to return the favour and Dan bent down so that his and Al's lips met. Mike began to alternate between sucking Dan and Al. His head bobbed up and down on those two steel shafts.

At last, Dan leaned down and pulled Mike to his feet whilst he and Al knelt on either side. They each put their lips to Mike's prominent cock, and began sliding them up and down it's length, Mike groaned as the treatment proceeded. So this was the awful secret of Dan's departure from the cabin! Young men indulging in carnal sex acts with each other! I couldn't believe the depravity.

Nevertheless, I became so mesmerised by the events unfolding in the boathouse that I heard the crack of a twig behind me just too late. As I moved to turn, an arm snaked around my neck and my head was dragged backwards and held tight. My right arm was seized and forced up behind my back in a half-nelson. The pain jolted through me and I cried out. A voice whispered in my left ear.

"So what have we here? A spy? A voyeur? I don't know how much you've seen, but it's too much. I think you'd better join the party so that we can decide what to do with you."

The words were chilling and I wished I was back in the cabin, asleep and unaware. What could they do to someone who now knew about their awful activities?

I began to tremble and struggle at the same time, but my scrawny physique was no match for my captor. I was turned and, in fear, forced back to the boathouse door beyond which three naked and sexually-aroused young men were wondering what the noise had been outside.

Next: Chapter 2

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