Camp Experiment

By L.V.

Published on Jan 5, 2007


Usual disclaimers apply.....

Camp Experiment, part 2

.........."Where the fuck have you two been?" admonished Adrian. He noticed that Haden's fly wasn't completely zipped. He looked back up to Haden, bearing a confused look. "You didn't.."

Haden returned the look of confusion with one of his own. "What are you talking about?" He looked at Brady then back to Adrian.

Adrian shredded off what ever thought came to his mind. "Never mind, let's just get the rest of the shit and get camp set of." He returned to the car and started passing gear to his bewildered buddies.

The three friends set up camp in a secluded spot of the campground. Adrian's dome tent stood prominently in the center of the site. To its left was a make-shift kitchen, bearing a small white plastic table, some chairs, and a propane stove sitting on top of a aluminum stand. A campfire blazed near the kitchen' tent. Seated near it were the guys. Adrian, now topless, sat on the far right of the fire, a stick in his hand; he played with the fire. Brady was grabbing a beer from the blue cooler, sitting closest to the fire. Haden had his muscular back turned towards his friends. He was also topless and his shorts were lowered slightly, revealing a minute view of the top of his tight buns. He had his cock in his hand, obviously pissing onto a nearby tree. Adrian turned from the fire, apparently aware of the actions nearby (also the sounds). He noticed Haden facing the nearest tree, directly in front of him. His eyes scanned Haden's smooth back and rested onto the teasing reveal of his ass. A minor thought came through Adrian's mind. I never realized how well toned Haden was, he thought. Adrian shook the thought from his mind. He slowly took his eyes from his friend's form and looked back at the fire. An annoying itch crept onto his balls. Adrian reached into his jeans( which were slightly open) and frantically scratched the annoyance from his groin. He looked down at his striking manhood; a formidable size boner laid inside. He grabbed at it for a second or two. A diminutive amount of wetness touched his hand. Pre-cum?, he thought. From looking at Haden? Bullshit, utter bullshit. He worked to shred the thought from his mind. He's my friend. Besides, he mused. I rather nut over someone who looks like me then him. I am cuter. A quiet chuckle escaped his throat. Haden must have heard the quiet' chuckle. He turned to Adrian's direction, shaking the remaining piss from his relieved member. He noticed the slight grin on Adrian's striking face, a bemused one came upon his.

"What are you smirking at?" He said. He pulled his shorts up closer to his small waist.

"Just a thought." He turned back to attending the fire. "Just a thought. Don't worry about it."

Haden turned towards him, a continuing look graced his strong face. He walked to Adrian, taking off his shirt. Removing his shirt revealed a body that could be set in marble. There was not one ounce of fat on it, not even on the waist. Haden had the abdominal structure that would make a girl's mouth water and draw envy from less developed boys. His pectoral muscles were smooth and tight; a small amount of hairy fuzz covered the nipples and the middle of his chest. A light trail of leather brown pubic hair lined the middle of his flawless abs, resting beneath his loosened shorts (the button never really worked right). Haden rested the shirt on his right arm; the sculpted bicep adorning it flexed with the duty of holding his shirt. He came to rest in front of Adrian, crotch to face. Adrian glanced for a second at the fascinating bulge beneath his shorts, then he met Haden's hazel green eyes, baring down on him. Adrian's gray eyes continued to look at his friend. "What?" the only words that could be conjured from his mind. "It was just a fucking thought." He looked at the spot that Haden had released his urine to; he pointed a finger to that direction. "I was thinking to myself," a weak grin came on to his face. "you looked funny standing there." He dropped his hand. The pale smirk changed to one of artificial disappointment. "You should start wearing underwear, dude. No one wants to see you butt crack." He raised the same finger to Haden in a admonishing manner. "And before you say it, it's sort of hard to ignore someone pissing to your side so fucking loudly." Adrian placed the stick to his side and leaned back, resting his elbows onto the ground. His lean body displayed in the fire glow.

Adrian was a contrast to Haden. Though his body was as flawless as his friend's, Adrian had a less defined set of abs. Dark hairs lined his stomach; there was more on his stomach then Haden's. Like his friend, Adrian's hairs hid beneath his pants--they were still unbuttoned. His pecs were less defined than Haden's, but none-the-less mouth-watering; a dusting amount of pubes decorated them. Haden looked down at his friend. What ever anger started to bubble from his mind dissipated as soon as it came to mind. He stood back, package shaking in its protective coverings; it seemed to slide to his left leg. He rose his hands in a 'what-the-fuck-ever' motion. "Well, you know I like the 'free spirit' thing." He grabbed his junk' as he gave a cocky smirk to his friend. He looked up and behind his friend. A look of confused annoyance designed his strong features. "Speaking of free spirit'". He nodded to the direction behind Adrian. Adrian turned his lean neck around to look at what perplexed his friend. He started to understand the expression. Before them was Brady. While the his two buddies were conversing about the `odd' look that Adrian gave, Brady had went into the tent and grabbed a strapped tote; it had his cleaning supplies^Å^Å..That was the only thing he was wearing as he traveled to his buddies' location.

It was all that Haden and Adrian could to not drop their mouths from the display. Brady strolled over to Adrian with an un-phased expression. He stopped just four feet from Adrian, with nothing but his cleaning tote on his swimmer's body. Adrian noticed how virtually hairless Brady was; the patch of hair decorating his impressive manhood was nicely trimmed and was literally shaping a frame around it. His fleshy orbs were spotless( not a hair in site). A neatly trimmed point came from the wealth of penial goodness that lined his tight stomach. His un-skinned schlong stood prominently ahead of the pubic framing. One thought came to Adrian's mind, Nice. The thought was quickly exorcised from his mind. Haden took in the framing of his buddy as well, his thoughts were different^Å^Åand vocal.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He said blatantly.

Brady returned the comment with a puzzled, almost angered expression. "What the fuck does it look like?" he shook his cleaning tote a couple of times; his cock shook with it, Adrian secreted noticed.

"What I'm saying is," started Haden, he looked at Adrian as he spoke, then back to Brady. He waved at his impressive birthday suit disapprovingly. "you could have at least worn a towel. We don't need a viewing of what you looked like." A cocky smile graced his face. "Our eyes can't take it." Brady chuckled weakly. "Funny." He looked down at Adrian, who quickly rose his eyes from his crotch to meet his. "I didn't think it was necessary to wear anything to bath in the lake." Brady pointed to the nearby pond. The small waves greeted his acknowledgement with silent approval. "Besides," he returned the cocky smile back to an increasingly perplexed Haden. "It's not like you haven't seem me naked before."

Haden, realizing that he wasn't getting through to his exhibitionistic friend, waved a dismissing hand to his direction and turned to sit next to the fire. Adrian looked at his exposed' friend, shook his head and went to tending to the blaze before him. Brady must have gotten the picture that he wasn't going to get another round of admonishing from Haden, or even Adrian and proceeded to the pond. Adrian took a subterfuge-based look at Brady's flexing buttocks. He noticed how the smooth skin on it expressed the awesome muscularity of Brady's body. He snuck in a brief shot of Brady's personal hole'; there was faint trail of light brown hair lining it. Adrian nervously noticed his mouth watering from the site and a stirring in his loins, which secretly responded to the same aesthetic view.

Brady had made it to the pond. His taut swimmer's build glowed softly in the overhead moonlight. He had sat his cleaning tote onto a nearby rock. The pond had an appearance of a natural swimming pool. Large stones lined the pond's body with just the right amount of greenery outlining its bank. Brady found a shallow spot to set his `bathing room'; the water went up to the waist, giving just the right amount for discretion's sake. He started his decent into the pond, starting slowly from his muscular legs to his flab-less waist. After finding the right spot, Brady awkwardly dove into the water. He rose up from the water, light brown hair glistening in the moonlight. Brady stood waist deep in the water; his smooth torso shined like marble. He brought his hands up to his hair, ran them through it, pushing back the remaining water from his hair, then he turned towards the location of his friends, who were still at the campfire.

"You guys should get in here, the water's great!" yelled Brady. He treaded back to his washing spot and grabbed some cold water-compatible body wash. He started to lather himself, chest first. Whatever elements of nature present had quite a treat, viewing this example of masculine beauty applying soap to his chest. Brady actually started with his neck; he had two of his fingers on both hands slowly apply soap to the strong veins of his neck. He then proceeded to employ the same fingers to lining of his pectorals, lightly caressing his nipples as he did. A slight moan came from his throat as he released his fingers from his nipples to direct them to the definition of his abdominal region. Brady slowly lathered an ab muscle at a time with his fingers. He lingered around belly button for a while, almost playing with the light brown hair that lined it and his stomach muscles. Then, Brady's hands disappeared from view, into the water. A devilish grin graced his face as he worked on the impressive equipment beneath the water. After cleaning what ever the final spot was below his flawless waist, Brady dove into the water. He lingered underneath the liquid body for what seemed three minutes, eyes closed. For an instant, Brady thought there was someone in the water with him, looking at him. He fought the urge to open his eyes (being that it was dark, he wouldn't see anything anyway, let alone anyone), stayed in the water for a second longer, then rose from the liquid body like a nautical god rising to meet the sun. His impressive body shined in the moonlight, nipples sparkling brighter than the rest. Brady rose from the water, expecting nothing but the same beautiful lands of their camp spot and his friends still there, with Haden shaking his head at Brady`s supposed misbehavior. Instead, he was greeted by an equally beautiful sight^Å.Haden's naked form; he still had the disdained look on his face. But it quickly disappeared, revealing an expression of mischief and humor.

Like Brady, Haden swam to the cleaning spot so his college wrestler's body appeared coated in a clear shine as well. His pecs were more defined than Brady's and the water amplified that. His stomach was etched in detail from the moonlight. The light and water darkened the leather brown hair that lined his stomach to almost appearing black. His dusty blonde hair mapped his taut face, lining the sides. Haden removed some of the pestering strands from his face, revealing his hazel green eyes that were surprisingly intensified in the moonlight. He met Brady's face as it rose form the water, but Brady's sky blue eyes were somewhere else. Brady didn't expect to see anyone there, especially his prudish friend; he also didn't expect a smile on his face either. But before Brady saw the smile, he was looking at Haden's taut abs. He then directed his eyes to his friend's chest, where he noticed that there was slightly more strands of hair on it than he had previously seen. I'm impressed, thought Brady. He closed his eyes at the thought then opened them to meet Haden's as he finally made his ascent to rest face to face with Haden.

"Talk about being old-fashion," started his friend. His grin widened. "you could have said something else."

"What do you mean?" quizzed Brady.

"You know. `Come on in. The water's great.' For a guy who is supposed to be so good with the English language--and we need to talk to you about bragging about that----you weren't being creative." Haden was almost beaming.

"Ha ha." stated Brady, dryly. He looked down to the water, directly to where Haden's waist and pelvic region popped out of. "What, did you swim here in those gaudy swim trunks of yours?" An evil, toothy grin beamed at Haden. "Or did your prudish ass actually swim here in the buff?"

Haden didn't respond. Instead, he grabbed Brady's right hand and place it on his crotch. Brady's eyes brightened with surprise when his hand finally rested on what felt like Haden's cock. He reflexively grabbed at it and realized that it was slightly swollen. "What do you think?" said Haden. He returned the same toothy grin back to Brady, who was still returning it with a look of surprise.

.....More to come.

Thanks to all of those who have read this, my first attempt at writing and have left both constructive and glowing reviews about the story. Obviously it isn't finished and there is more to come. If you have any ideas or comments, feel free to contact me at I will welcome any all comments.....they can only help.

Again, to those who've already emailed me, thank you and stay tuned.



Next: Chapter 3

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