Camp Suck

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Aug 29, 2012



It was an eternity until 6/15 when the camp restarted, but the good news was that Bobbie and his parents had consented to send the kids to the Band Camp. The other break was Mayday. At Jon's school, Mayday was a big deal: formal dance, a key baseball game in which Jon was playing second base, and Bobbie's parents had allowed her to come for the weekend. Her dad was a pilot always looking for a reason to fly somewhere so he, his wife and Bobbie flew in saturday morning. Bobbie rightly figured that her 'rents were very protective of their transgendered daughter and wanted to re reassurred that she would be safe for the weekend so they wanted to meet her date. Jon's folks wanted to meet the parents of Jon's first real date with a girl so they drove him out to the airport even though by then he had his driver's license. Bobbie got a tight hug and a chaste kiss, handshakes all around, the adults chatted for a while, and Jon tried to conceal his hardon. Back to Jon's house for lunch, then back to school for the game. He had to get there early so his dad drove Bobbie over to the ball yard. He had a helluva game; got on base every time up, had a double, drove in two runs, and turned a double play. His father took Bobbie home and Jon raced thru his shower and was only twenty minutes behind them. Hopes of spending alone time with his love were squashed when he arrived home. His parents had invited some friends over for cocktails (Jon figured they were just showing Bobbie off and bragging that Jon had a girlfriend and didn't always hang with the guys) but that didn't last long before dinner.

Bobbie looked sensational in a long pale blue formal dress and Jon was pretty spiffy too in his tux. There was a live band in the school gym, Jon got pissed because guys kept cutting in, but of course Bobbie was flattered with all the attention. The highlight of the evening was the election of the May Queen. Bobbie won it, and had a mile wide smile when last year's queen placed a tiara of red roses on her blonde head. Jon started to giggle as they stood on the Dias watching the people clap and cheer. He bent down and said in her ear, "Wouldn't.", they be surprised to find their Queen had a six inch clitoris!"

"Seven inch.", she said. "I'm still a growing girl."

The dance was over at midnight and Jon's curfew was twelve thirty so they had only time for a few kisses. Jon's parents were still up when they got home and were thrilled about the May Queen honor. They made a point of staying up until the kids were in there separate bedrooms with the lights out.

Jon was having a wild dream: he was getting sucked off. Then he became aware that it wasn't a dream! Tossing off the covers he was looking at the back of Bobbie's bobbing head on his cock. He jumped a foot, dove down to find a beatifically smiling Bobbie, and hissed, "Jesus, you nut, you've got to get back to bed before we get killed!" Still grinning she slinked back to her room.

Breakfast over they were in the car, ostensibly to be taking a tour of the town, but a tour of the woods was what the boy had in mind. It took all of fourteen seconds to get naked and wrapped up into a crushing embrace. "Damn!", Jon said, "It took forever to get here."

"Well, if you hadn't chased me out of bed last night you wouldn't be so eager."

Jon: "Yeah, but from the size of that clitty, it looks like you are pretty eager too. What can I do to reduce that swelling?"

"You can take me, I'm yours. Does that sound like a bodice ripper or what? I want your cock in my pussy right now! I've waited far too long for chit chat! But I don't want you to cum. I want to taste that beautiful thing that's staring up at me with one eye..."

She assumed the missionary position, Jon did his thing with the condom and the lube and slipped his rockhard member into her pucker. She was as tight as he remembered, but she didn't wince when he entered. He slowly advanced until he was totally immersed, then lowered himself, lifted her dick pu to her belly, and settled down for a very long, very wet kiss.

"Could you just pop the head of that lovely thing in and out? I just love the feel of my pussy being opened and shut..." He did as requested, but only a few times until he was getting too close to emptying his pent up load. He pulled out in time, waited a few minutes until the tension abated, and nodded to her. "OK, big boy, you just relax and let me swallow that yummy delicacy." She was thougtful, slow and delicate, but in less than a minute he knew he was going to shoot. He warned her as the pressure in his groin relentlessly built up, and built up and WHAM! Ten months of pent up lust exploded in her mouth. She felt his cockhead swell, pulled back enough to have room in her mouth for his boycum, and started swallowing as soon as the first hot gush tickled her tongue. While he moaned and involuntarily thrust his organ into her throat, she heroically swallowed as fast as she could and only lost a few dribbles on her chin. Now it was her turn to grab his face and french kiss some of his jizz back. I wasn't easy because he was panting like a racehorse.

"Stretch out, Honey, because I've waited so long to have your clitty in my face. God, it is bigger! I want it NOW!" Her cock was leaking precum at a firehose rate, and he carefully licked the knob dry. It tasted like honey!

"I know your tricks, I know you are going to try to drive me nuts with not letting me cum, but please, please....give me a relaese. Please?" He didn't hurry, but he didn't tease either. It seemed like seconds, but it was a couple of minutes before she began to whine.

"e. ee. e. eeee. Eee. EEEEEEEYOW!" His hand, cradling her balls felt the first throb and he quickly lifted his head. He loved to watch her squirt and this one was a record breaker! The cum shot halfway up her belly with the first jet, the second hit her chin, the third streaked the left side of her face and the next four were progressively shorter. Then and only then, did he take her cock into his mouth to savor the rest of her prodigious orgasm. God, but that little child could cum a bunch! He leld her tight, and they just stayed there, wrapped up in closeness for what seemed like an eternity of pleasure. "Oh, boy," she said, "we must smell like and orgy! We have to find a place to wash up or our relationship will be washed up when we get back to your house!" She used the full pack of Kleenex from her purse, they found a gas station and did the best they could before going back for lunch.

He watched her dad's plane disappear into a cloud before he could turn away, wondering how how could stand it until June 14 when the Band Camp opened.


Next: Chapter 12

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