Camp Suck

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Apr 30, 2012


The new tent was four girls to three guys with a girl counsellor who was helpful and nice, but definitely into girls and Jon didn't have much contact with her. He did, the first day, ask why all the girl counsellors were showing tampon retreiver strings and were all on their periods at the same time. "It's a ruse, Nancy said, girls get pretty shy when they're OTR so we all put in tampons even though we weren't all having periods, just to make the campers feel comfortable being bare when their periods came."

Jon: "OTR?"

Nancy said, "On The Rag. It seems to have helped because I see lots of girl campers are sporting strings."

Jon kept track of Bobbie and saw her every day, but their camp activities kept them apart more than Jon would have liked. But his new tentmates were good. In particular, he was drawn to Andy. Andy's given name was Andrea, she spent most of the time with the girls, and Jon figured she was probably a lesbian, but she had a gangbuster's body, 10/10 on anybody's scale, a sort of plain face, but alabaster skin without a flaw and a beautiful head of coal black hair. More than that, she had a great sense of humor, a boisterous laugh and she moved like she was on well oiled ballbearings; she sort of floated. The second day they were in a volleyball match with the other tents. Damn, she jumped like a rabbit and jon bumped the ball to her every chance he could so she could spike it for the point. Two hours of that and they left the court soaking wet with sweat. Andy: "Hey, I don't know about you, but I need a shower." So they picked up their towels at the tent and headed for the showers.

They were drying each other's backs off when Andy said: "I don't want to get too personal, but you have a gorgeous penis, and whenever we're around each other, it seems as though it gets hard..."

Jon, scratching his head,: "Well, I thought I was 'way out on the gay end of the scale, but Henry (he pointed to his vertical member) seems to think you're pretty wonderful and I think you're not only wonderful but pretty."

"Same situation," she said, "every time I look at that magnificent penis of yours my pussy gets wet. And I thought I was 100% lesbian. Have you ever felt a hot, wet pussy? He shook his head and she took his hand and put it on her shaved, soaking wet snatch.

"Wow, is that slippery!", he said. He felt her hard clit and his finger fell into her vagina as though it were a vacuum cleaner. "Look at my cock. One little drop of lubricant at the tip and you've got enough to do a small car. Have you ever felt a hard pecker?" She was staring at his dick and without taking her eyes off she shook her head. He picked up her hand and moved it to his cock.

Andy: "Gee, the end is sort of soft, but the rest is hard as a rock." She wrapped her hand around his shaft and gave it a couple of strokes. "That's awesome. It feels like the skin isn't attached. I mean it just slides over the long part. Oh, look, there's lots more of your lubricant now."

Walking back to their tent Jon said: "Hey, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but have you ever had intercourse with a guy?"

Andy: "No, but looking at that lovely organ of yours I've been wondeering how it would feel buried in my pussy. How about you? Have you ever done it with a girl?"

"Nope, I'm a virgin too, and I never thought much about fu..., er, vaginal inteercourse until I met you."

"My pussy is so itchy I can't stand it. I know a little grassy spot so why don't we get dry towels and see if that thing could scratch my itch and make it go away?"

They found the patch of grass behind a wall of thick bushes and Jon started to laugh. "What?", said Andrea. Jon pointed to a bush at the edge of the glade. It was draped with a half dozen condoms hanging from various branches. Andy started to laugh right along with him. She said, "It looks like we aren't the first to stumble onto this place." She lay on her back, Jon donned a rubber and got between her legs. His member couldn't find the opening so she used her hand to guide him in. It took a little pressure and then his cockhead popped in. He could feel the tight ring of her hymen circling his coronal groove. "OK. just, stay there a minute..." He did, and then she lifted her hips and he entered halfway. "It's fine. It's very good now.", she said. So he went in to the hilt and when the top of his glans reached a hard spot she gasped.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?", he said.

"Oh, no. I, I think you just bumped my cervix. Do it some more!" He did, and it felt terrific! Then he felt her vagina contract, and contract again, and again, and again, and her tense body relaxed in a flash. All too soon he felt the pressure in his groin start to build, and build and POW! The first spurt of boycum raced down his cock and he moaned "Ah! AH, O O O oooooo! God damn! "Ohhh, man, that was wonderful." She lifted her head and gave him a warm, long kiss.

"That was so nice, you are so nice, and I know I"ll never forget this, the first time. I've heard other girls say the first time was awful, it hurt, and they didn't like it, but not for me. Ahhhhh, and my pussy doesn't itch anymore. It just feels warm and full."

He and Bobbie found some time together the next afternoon beginning with a very warm, long kiss. They were walking in the woods holding hands when she said: "You have been on my mind so much. Especially at night. And I"ve been thinking how good it would feel to have you in my pussy."

Jon: "It has been on my mind too. It must be mental telepathy. But, not bragging or anything, but my pecker is pretty big and the last thing I would ever want to do would be to hurt you."

Bobbie, giggling, "My mom has a bottle of cologne shaped very much like a penis and I've had that in my pussy a few times so I think we'd be all right." Looking at his vertical cock, she said: "It looks like you think so too. It sure was good advice to always wear our fannypacks so we'd always be prepared to make love. I was thinking, if I were on top, I could sort of be in control of how much of you I could handle. So they found a grassy spot, got naked, she rolled a condom on Jon's leaking cock, lubed him up, climbed on top and guided him to her rosebud. He expected a problem entering but his cock slid in with surprisingly little pressure. And she slid down without any hesitation until he was fully embedded. Then she stopped. "You feel ever so much better and a damnsite longer than that bottle." She began to move up and down on him and her organ slapped down on his belly with every downstroke. Her rhythm began to speed up, her face contorted as though in pain, she began to whine and then, before she exploded, Jon felt her asshole contract and not until the third contraction did she begin to squirt lovejuice. Squeeze, squirt, moan, over and over again and Jon watched in awe as the puddle of cum on his belly became a small lake. Her face finally relaxed, and she said: "Oh thank y.." But he interrupted "Oh, Bobbie, you've got me so close, and I wanna cum so bad, please, please keep stroking my dick!" She had barely started to stroke his rigid member with her "pussy" when she felt herself lifted in the air by his hips heaving off the ground.

"Oh, Sweet Jesus!", he yelled, 'OHHHHHH, Oh, Oh, O, O, oooooOOOOOHHHhhhhhh, o, o,o.", as the cum raced down his urethra with such velocity that it felt more like a string of beads being pulled from his cock than wads of boygoo. He heard a sound nearby and saw a boy stroking his cock feverishly next to a bush. Bobbie collapsed on top of him, her face buried in his neck. Then she began to sob and he felt her tears drip down his neck. "Lordy", he said, "I hurt you, and I would never in the world..."

"No, no." she said, "You didn't hurt me, silly, you filled me with your love, and I'm so happy! I've dreamed about what it would be like to lose my virginity but I nerver realized how good it would make me feel. I guess because I care so much for you..... I love you, I know I do, and I never want to forget this day."

He looked back to the boy, but he was gone except for the strings of cum dripping from the bush. "I'm happy too, and I feel the same way about my first fuc... er, our first true lovemaking. Hey, I don't mean to sound clinical or anything but I just can't get over how a little girl can shoot so much cum!"

"Well, she said, "it's been four whole days since my last orgasm, and again, I think it speaks loudly about how much I feel for you."


Next: Chapter 3

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