Camp Suck

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Sep 3, 2013



Billy found Molly sitting with another girl at lunch so he brought his tray over and sat next to her. The other girl was finished and she left soon afterwards. As they talked, they found they had a lot in common. Both from small towns, both in the school band, both chess players, both were thirteen and had dogs, both were avid readers and were generally quiet types. She thought she might be a music teacher and he was thinking of becoming a verterinarian. Since everybody in camp was LGBT to some degree he asked her where she stood. "I'm sort of mixed up." she said. "I'm attracted to girls, but I think I'd like to be married with kids. Boys our age are generally jerks and they turn me off big time. But you are different. You seem more grown up and civilized."

"Oh yeah, at thirteen how grown up can you be? But you're right, girls seem to grow up faster than boys. How about a swim and more chitchat?"

Molly: "I'd like that, but after the sun cools down. My skin doesn't like a lot of sun. You're lucky. You're a blonde, but you have a tan." So they made a date to meet at the lake at five that afternoon.

They played around in the water with a lot of laughter. She loosened up a lot. Playing tag she slipped on a rock and started to fall. Jon caught her and when he held her, his stiffy poked her in the leg and she recoiled. Then she looked up at him, smiled, and pulled him to her in a hug. "My hero," she said, "I didn't want to get my hair wet. Thank you."

When they got out of the water she stretched out on her tummy and asked him to put sunscreen on her back. He started with the back of her neck and worked down from shoulders to bank to fanny. It was more of a slow sensuous massage than just smearing on a sun blocker. Then he moved to her feet, then ankles. Her legs were held together, but as he moved up her calves, they separated a bit. More so when he got above her knees and started doing her bottom. He took that as an invitation and brushed her pussy with its sparse thatch of fine golden pubic hair. Her snatch was wet, but not water wet but slippery wet. He began to gently stroke it and then slipped his thumb into her love canal. He said, "I've never made love to a girl, but I want to make love to you."

She rolled over and said, "I think it would be sweet to lose our virginity together."

Billy: "I, I've never, uh, tasted a girl, and could I?" She pulled her knees up and spread them apart, smiled and nodded assent. Her labial lips were engorged and parted of their own accord so he began to lick. He remembered from the Camp orientation lecture where the clitoris lay so he concentrated his efforts there.

"Ahh, you found my clitty I'll just give you just four hours to stop that." He put his finger in her vagina and some "in and out" and she squirmed with pleasure. After a couple of minutes she said, "Oh, don't stop, you'd gonna make me cum..." And shortly thereafter she let out an "Eeeeeeee, oh God, I'm cummmmming!" He felt her pussy squeezing her pussy and she kept whining, over and over, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" And then she said "Whew. Wow, I think you made me cum. Now quit, I get so sensitive after I orgasm, but give me a couple of minutes and I can go again."

"Gee, do girls cum again? I mean right after?"

"I don't know about everybody, but I usually can. Come on up and just snuggle with me for a bit." So he did, and they exchanged a few tender kisses. "I hope I tasted good to you 'cause I taste good to me. OK, now I want to feel you in me, but let me get on top. The girls tell me the first time hurts so that way I can quit if it hurts too bad." He pulled a "junior sized" condom from his fanny pack and she said, "That clear stuff dripping from your penis must be what they call precum. I've never tasted that, so let me have a taste before you put that on." She did, smiled, and said, Oh I like that. Sort of sweet and bitter all at once." Then she climbed on, directed his now rubberized dickie to her opening and slowly lowered herself down. He popped in and she stopped for a moment and then he felt the tight ring of her hymen sliding down his member. "Oh, that doesn't hurt at all. You feel good in there." She rose and fell a few times, then pulled his hand up to her pussy. "Rub my clitty some more, please." They were in heaven but after a too few minutes she said, "Oh, jeez, I'm gonna cum again..." He felt her vagina spasming again and that did it.

Quickly he felt the escalation of sensitivity in his cock, and the progressive tightening in his pelvis. Tighter and tighter until it was almost painful and then POW, and he felt the boycum racing down his penis. His pelvis lurched up and his entire three inches was jammed in her snatch. She felt his cock jerking in her depths and knew he had cummed.

"Just hold me tight for a minute, I want this minute to last forever." He did, and was thinking he had been lucky he had unloaded that morning with Jon and he could last awhile making love to this very lovely little girl. When she felt his cock softening, she said, "OK, I can let you go now." He held onto the condom when he pulled out but before he could toss it in the bushes, she said, " Let me look. I've never seen semen before." He gave her the rubber and she looked at she goo in the tip. "I sort of feel sorry for them. Just think, millions of little spermies looking desperately for my egg."

Walking back to camp she said, shyly, "So do you masturbate?"

"We'll, yeah, I mean, my hand has been my only best friend." He said.

"Now you have another better friend," she said, and she held his hand. "Your very,best friend would like to see you again in the morning."


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