Camp Suck

By Kenneth Rodman

Published on Jul 4, 2012



"Well, I don't know exactly what that means, but I haven't been with anybody, and it's been what, five days now?", said Billie. "And I'm horny as hell."

"How about Jackson? He'd be ticked to think you called him a 'no 'count black man', said Jon.

Billie, blushing: "Um, you can't call a physical specimen like that of no account. But it was just an impulse thing, It didn't really mean anything."

"He thought it meant something! He said you gave him a terrific world class sucking off."

Billie took a brochure from a holder by the bulletin board and handed it to Jon. "Lookee here, this is interesting. this camp has a sister camp across the lake called Band Camp. They combine the usual camp activities with half day music teaching. I'm in band as a cellist, and don't I remember you're in your high school band too?"

Jon: "Yeah, 'bonist."

She looked down at his erection and said, "Bonist you are! But don't you play something else too?"

"Trombone.", he said. "You know, you may be onto something here. I don't think we could talk our 'rents into sending us back here again but they might go for something else of teaching value. When we get home, let's do a marketing job and see if they'd buy sending us across the lake next summer."

"Are you going to stand there and yak all day or are you going to stick that leaky thing in my pussy?", said Billie.

"You are a pushy broad, but how could a guy refuse someone so cute? Come on, let's go to the "Condom Garden" and see how they're hangin'.", Said Jon, and as they walked he asked her a question: "Did you ever want to cum together? I mean timewise, like at the same time?"

She said, "That might be pretty intense, but how would we know how to get off at the same station?"

"If you like on your back, I can stroke your clitty while I poke your pussy and we can count off for each other like we were a rocket launch. 10 is like reading the paper, 5 is halfway there, and two means you're about to climax. Dear god, look at all these rubbers! There must be over fifty hanging from the bushes. Boys will be boys. She lay on her back, pulled her knees up and spread them and jon slid his rubber clad lubed cock into her eager cunt. Then he began to stroke her cock with the same rhythm as his penis slid in and out.

"Oh," she said, "That feels so good. I'd forgotten how it is to have your cock buried all the way into my pussy. Four."

Jon: "7. You're getting ahead of me so I'm just going to hold onto your clitty but not jack it until I catch up. OK, four."

"Two," she said. "Hurry, I want to cum!" She tightened her sphincter around his driving cock, he watched her bouncing dick but kept hands off and only a few seconds apart they reached blastoff together. While she moaned and her anus spasmodically squeezed, his penis got evermore sensitive and the pressure in his pelvis reached almost painful intensity.

"Ready of not, here I................ CUM! Oh! O, O, O, oooooooh, o, o, ahhhhh. Whew!" Jon wailed." When he withdrew and took off the condom, it held a goodly load of boycum. "Boy, I still wish I could shoot like you do, but I can't believe anybody has a climax that feels any better. They settled down, held each other and waited for their breathing to slow.

The last tent had only five kids; a rather unattractive boy, two girls who were obviously lesbians and just as obviously lovers, and a beautiful redhead. She had a picture perfect face, lovely head of strawberry blonde hair and a gorgeous bod. The canopener question was "what has been your biggest surprise in camp". Jon's answer was that he had decided he was in fact trisexual and liked sex with boys, girls and transexuals. The redhead, Nancy, said she was surprised at the openness and acceptance of all the different kids with their different wants and needs. Henry, the counsellor's, answer to that was that openness is much easier when everyone was naked. After that, the tent cleared except for Jon, who stayed behind to finish the last few pages of a good book he had been reading, and Nancy, who was painting her toenails. Her foot was pulled up on the side of the bed facing Jon, her pussy was openly speaking to him, his cock was, no

surprise, very erect at the sight, and his curiosity was also aroused, "It's none of my business, but I've seen you around camp and you are always wearing a bra. Why is that?"

"Because I've got ugly boobs and I'm not going to show them off."

"Look, you've got to be the prettiest girl in camp and I can't believe your breasts are not as nice to the eye as the rest of you.", said Jon.

"Oh but I'm flat as a pancake and I have these huge ugly nipples.", she said.

"Aha! It's my lucky day. I love a boyish figure. I guess it's the gay side of me. Please, take off the bra and make my day."

Nancy: "Well, OK, but if you laugh, I'll never speak to you again!"

She had a pair of almost A cup size tits with big dark red nipples about the size of his little toes. "Gorgeous,", he said, "can I kiss one of those lovely things?" When she said yes he knelt between her legs and began to circle the left nipple with his tongue while gently circling the right one with his finger. Both nipples immediately became stony hard and he began sucking and stroking in earnest.

After only a few minutes she had her hands on top of his head and said, "Oh, god, don't stop!" A couple minutes later she began to quiver and said, "I, I think I'm gonna cum. Aieeee, I'm cummmmming! He moved his hand to her slippery snatch and felt it pulsing wildly. When she came back to earth he said, "Look at my penis", which was dripping copious amounts of precum, "and tell me you don't think I enjoyed your yummy breasts."

"I guess you did, but not as much as I enjoyed my orgasm. But my pussy's all itchy and it wants to have another one." She looked back down to his stony erection and said with a giggle, I think I see a way to solve my problem and pay you back at the same time."


Next: Chapter 9

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