Camping With Eric

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Feb 18, 2005



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Eric and I had become the best of Friends during our 8 weeks in the Philadelphia Police academy. we came to depend on each other and help each other during the often difficult times of the training. We both had come from South Philadelphia but had gone to different high schools and lived blocks apart so it was in the Academy that We became fast friends.

I will never forget the first day we meet. We had both shown up at the Academy in our rookie uniforms. blue pants boots a light blue Shirt open at the neck and white T-shirt. I first laid eyes on Eric as he came in the gym there and was looking around. he was so well built with broad shoulders and puffed out well build chest his arms so big the were stretching the sleeve of his shirt. His jet black hair shinning so much and that face of his strong determined and handsome. His boots shinned like mirrors. I am not any kind of queer (or so I thought then) but even I knew this was one hunk of a man. I was just standing there with the group of 50 of Us and then I saw that Eric's eyes came to meet mine he kind of smiled and then nodded his head. Then he looked around confused sort of not know where to sign in. I walked over and introduced myself to him so as to help.

I am Kevin Kelly You look like You could use some help?

Eric smiled and what a handsome set of pure white teeth he showed He said "You look so formulure That's why I was looking at you just now. Oh sorry my name is Eric, Eric Kelly just like Your last name wow what a small world."

I said "Yea how about that both named Kelly and where are you from Eric?

Eric still holding my hand said "From south philly Sacred Heart parish and you Kevin?

"Fuck" I said "I am from the next parish Mt. Carmel. I guess that's why I look so formulure to you we live so close?

Eric had to sign in then and I walked him to the stand after the first classes that day I saw Eric standing at the bus stop as I pulled my car out of the parking lot I pulled up to him and rolled down the window.

"Eric" I called and he turned to see me and smiled then came over to the car I said. " did You take the bus up here?

Eric "Yep sure did Kevin'

I said "Well hop in buddy I am going to south philly too soI'll give you a ride"

He got into my car and flashed me another of his handsome smiles. I had a strange feeling in my body then one I pasted off as just excited to be making a friend in the Academy but one that was strange to me yet good.

The ride across Philadelphia from the Academy took about 45 minutes in the traffic. During the ride We exchanged stories of our lives. Eric had gone into the Marines after high school and now had been taken on the Police force. I had worked at a local gym the three years after high school before getting on the Police force. We decided on that ride to help each other with the book work and what ever else we needed in the Academy. Before dropping Eric off We stopped for a few beers at my Dad's bar. dad and Eric hit it off real well and in fact my Dad had known Eric's Dad from years ago.

We were like two twins all through the Academy. Each night we would be at one or the others home to hit the books together Eric helped me prepare better for the physical training having been a marine. We even worked out together at the Gym I had worked for. My Mom even joked that Eric was becoming the brother I never had.

6 weeks into the Academy Eric on the ride home said he would not be able to hang out with me on the weekend because He had to go up to His parents cabin in the mountains to fix a leek for them and turn the water back on. I guess Eric could see the disappointment on my face and he said. " Look Kevin why don't you come up with me and spend the weekend just the two of us. You'll love it the cabin is way out in the woods and fuck if we wanted to We could go buck naked all weekend. come on a long dude?

As he said this that same strange feeling came back to me the feeling kind of a thrill at the idea? Was I actually getting queer for this guy? I looked at him and smiled and said joking. Right all they would need to fire us from the Academy would be pictures of us two running naked through the woods"

Eric laughed so hard and was slapping his knee then recovered he said in a real sexy voice that again gave me those thrills "Well what they don't know won't hurt them. Come on Kevin come up with me buddy. I hate to be there alone"

As we pulled into the Academy parking lot I said "OK Yea sure and I'll hold you to that running naked in the woods thing too"

Eric was opening His door to get out then turned to me and said again in that low sexy voice "OK Kevin but remember that part has to be our secret"

All day that Friday I wasn't able to give my full attention to the class. My mind was on the weekend Eric and that dam thrill I would get from him? was I going queer for this guy? He was handsome I thought and if I ever was to go queer for a man I guess to be honest I would hope it would be for a hunk like Eric was. I'd seen him naked lots of times in the locker room at the Academy and at the gym. I knew he had a big ass dick on him Eric was not a bashful man nor needed to be. his three years as a Marine I guess cured him of that? He was hung never really hard but even soft I knew it was a monster cock. Then it hit me we had never talked about women like most men do? I knew these past 6 weeks Eric and I were mostly together during our off time so he was not seeing a girl nor was I. These were the thoughts I was having that Friday. After gym that day in the locker room there was just four of us left. As we were done for the day once dressed Eric had to wait for me his ride. the other two guys were at lockers around the bend from us out of sight. I had just came back from the showers and there stood Eric balls ass naked still his cock bigger then I had ever seen it and with this smile on his face. he just looked at me while I dropped my towel to get dressed and then he stepped up to me real close almost touching me and I felt the heat from his powerful chest as he said. " I see You are excited to see me Kevin? he was looking down at my cock I looked and there it was fully hard from those thrills again. i blushed and quickly grabbed my briefs to cover up as I did Eric laughed real low and said. " Look buddy no sweat We are kind of close and i had an Idea. We should head up to the cabin right from here. That way we'll have an extra night up there together."

I was still blushing from my hard on but glad Eric let it go I said "Sounds good but i don't have any cloths other then my uniform with me"

Eric was putting on his briefs bent as he did and i was able to steal a look i saw his cock hard for the first time and wow was I impressed. he was hard because of seeing me and we were going to spend a weekend alone naked in the woods. More thrills. Briefs on Eric didn't fully stand up rather sat on the bench to hide his hard on while he put on his socks and then his pants he made looks over to the other guys as if to say he didn't want them to see him hard.

Eric "Hey no problem I keep some cloths up there' Then in a whisper he said "Besides, We are not going to need a lot of cloths remember the running in the woods naked?

My mind was saying "What the fuck is it with You Kevin more thrills everything this man does gives You a sex thrill." That is what I had come to call them now sex thrills. Also a few times at night alone in bed i found myself beating off and pictures of Eric getting undressed in my mind. Seeing him in just his sweaty white socks or his sweaty jock strap. his chest arms legs and of course his cock. I tried best I could to get these crazy thoughts out of my mind but there they were.

I nodded and smiled saying " Just between us remember?

we both called home and soon we were on the road up to the cabin. it was a good three hour ride and the first half we spend\t doing our academy home work so as Eric said we would have the weekend free to play once the leak was ficed that is. All the things needed were suppose to be there for that. Then the conversation got to Eric's time in the Marines. he had been a Military policemen and was recounting some of his times. One he told me kind of again in that low sexy voice which again was giving me more sex thrills was about when he came up to a car parked on the base in a wooded area. he knew by the ID tags on the bumper the car belong to an officer. he went up to the car expecting to catch him and officer fucking one of the women on the base. What he found was two men in the back seat on on top pants down fucking the other for all he was worth. Eric tapped the window and then had them step out of the car as then were still pulling up thier pants. Eric said He had to admire the horse cock on the one doing the fucking real big.Turns out that when Eric looke at the two ID's they were both officers one a captian the other a major. The two were pleading with him saying if He turned them in both thier careers would be over. These two hard Marine Officers had tears running down thier eyes. Eric said he smiled and just pulled down his zipper, spread his legs and the major was the first todrop to his knees take out Eric's hard cock and start sucking on it for him the Captain was soon next to him sharing erc's hard meat between them.

My own cock was hard hearing and picturing this and it was straining against my pants. I was so fucking turned on by this story and I knew I was wishing I was one of those officers. I swallowed and looking from the road to Eric was able to say " So if a guy wanted to suck your dick you would be OK with that?

Eric looked at me and flashed those perly white teeth saying in that low sexy voice. " I already have done that and i got tosay buddy it was the best blow job I ever had in my life. The old saying a man does it better then a women sure as hell is true. Now this is all between us I would never tell the others about this but hell Kevin we are so close, So really close. Well at least I feel that we are that close?

Maybe I shouldn't have but I felt I had to let him know I trhought we were close too so I put my hand on his knee and squeezed it some saying "OH no Eric we are that close. In fact I've never felt this close to any other friends in my life" I was not expecting this when Eric moved over in the seat so that our two hips now touched while I was driving and he put a hand on my leg too and then one hand was rubbing the back of my neck and in that low sexy voice of his, This drop dead good looking rookie cop said to me " You don't know how relieved I am to hear You say that buddy. I've been thinking of you in that way almost since we meet that first day. I know I am going out on a limb here and You could destroy my Police career on me but kevin I could, I mean I would like for Us to get even more closer? If You know what I mean?

His hand was feeling so good both on my neck and on my leg. My whole body was reacting with goose bumps and thrill galore just from his touch and his voice my cock was hurting from pushing against my uniform pants. I knew that the next few words iwould speak would change everything between us. Saying one thing would mean it would change into a homosexual realstionship my first. Saying the wrong thing would change it to a cold sad none relationship. I was shaking so much and turned on so much I knew I shouldn't be driving any more. I was pulling the car over to the side of the road. Eric saw this and took it all wrong His hands flew off me and he quickly slid over as far as possible to the other side saying " Hey kevin just forget all I said buddy and lets turn around if that's what you want?

The car secured now I turned to Eric. I could see tha panic the poor man was in and i put my hand on his shoulder sqeseing his strong muscle I said " Oh No Eric turning around is not what I want to do buddy. I want to get as close to You as two men can get. I want to know every inch of Your hot hard body like a women would know it and you to know every inch of mine. I've never done anything like this and don't know about all what to do i just know for some reason I have these feelings for you Eric and I am so happy You have them for me too. Hell buddy you saw me today in the locker room I was so major turned on by you."

I wish I had a camera to show the look that came over that handsome face of Eric's his green eyes all aglow. His arms opened to me and I fell into them for the first time, Felt them wrap arond me patting me on my back feeling my back I was feeling so safe so warm and so loved in those strong arms. I kissed Eric's ear then his strong neck tasted his skin for my first time and he was doing the same to me. This most handsome man in the Academy class bar none was now in my arms. he put his red full lips to mine and we kissed our first kiss. I opened my mouth and welcomed his tongue into my mouth. the first male tongue ever and loved the feel of it of Eric's tongue in my mouth. We were going to be gay lovers and tonight.

Eric after a long time of tonguing each other pulled apart kissed my cheek and looking in my eyes said " Kevin We had better get back on the road now. We don't want the State police to catch two Philadelphia Male Rookies Kissing on the side of the road" We both laughed and I got back behind the wheel. Eric playfully punched the dash board saying real load at the top of his lungs " We are going to do it kevin We are going to make love buddy make love all fucking weekend with the man I couldn't stop thinking of for weeks"

I had to laugh my ass off and I felt so good that now it was out in the open and my body was going to be his and his gorgeous body would be all mine. Eric said " We are just 10 minutes from the turn off to the cabin a bar is coming up soon do You want to stop in and have a few beers first talk some and chow down? then We can grab a case of cold ones for the cabin?

I saw the bar coming up and as i pulled in I said " That sounds good my nerves are all a jumble Eric"

As we parked Eric said " I'lltake care of Your nerves later tonight in bed" Those words gave me the thrill again. We entered the bar restaurant and ordered a meal and beers. we got more then a few stares being in Uniforms and all but We were now into each other. Once alone the waiter gone Eric confided in me that the only homosexual experience he had was with thiose two Marine Officers and then with a kid growing up when they would sleep over and beat each others meats in bed. We decide or rather I should say that I asked what all Eric planned to do this weekend so I would know? We talked and more beers came and We decided that We would do everything two men could do so that by the end of our weekend We would have left nothing undone or experienced. I told Eric that The thought of his big cock going into me like that did turn me on his body on top of me fucking me and all but being virgin it was so big and thick from what i had seen in the gym. Eric said mine was big as Well and He was more then a little afraid. We promised to both be slow and easy. Eric told me his measured a good 8 inches long Mine I told him had him beat at 8.2 we laughed and he said I would have to hold back the .2 on him to be fair. We had wanted toleave several times but We each kept getting hard ons from our talks and didn't dare stand up. we changed the subject to the Academy work and at last We were able to leave.

Five minutes down the road was the turn off to the cabin a dirt road totqlly dark even with the high beams on I couldn't do more then 10 miles an hour. It took us a good 20 minutes to reach the cabin. here We were two Rookie cops in full uniforms both over 6 foot tall and both shaking like scared little boys as We walked case of beer each in hand to the cabin door.

At the door eric stopped and turned to me and said " Kevin when We go through this door we will both forever be changed I pray it is all I hope it will be but if You don't like what happens I hope We still will be friends no matter what?

I kissed him on the cheek, This strong handsome hunk of a caring man and knew I would be the one wanting more and more before I even knew what really lay ahead. the cabin was done up really great a large living room with a breakfast bar between the living room and eat in kitchen a half bath in the living room. Steps up to the second floor balcony from which three bed rooms came off of. A rear wide deck over looking the slopping down hill into the woods a full bath on the second floor. On the side of the cain out of sight of the parking area a small deep pool and chairs. the beds were all made up. Eric suggested We use what was his room with its Queen size bed. TV closet desk and two chairs. a window looked out over the side pool.

I was seated at the bar with a beer looking at Eric as he was bent putting the others in the box. His ass was so round and nice in the tight uniform pants. He came up and sat down next to me with a jar in hand from the cabnet. I looked and laughed it was a jar of grease I joked and said " do you think it will be enough to last tonight? Eric joked that tomorrow first thing we would buy the family size. Here sat this handsome man in his unifrom better looking then any holywood star of the day and he was going to be mine. he came from his seat then and sttod close to me his chest pushed out in the uniform shirt he looked into my eyes and began to unbutton my uniform shirt saying " we need to get comforable now kevin" ialso started to unbutton his shirt pulling it out from his pants. the shirts were open and we each took the others off. Eric's upper body was so well defined in his pure white T-shirt so hard I put a hand to his tit, To a man's tick and felt it like I would a women's I ahd to many women but this His breat Eric's was hard and tight in my hand I loved it. He closed his eys His head tilted back as i felt the tit throught the thin shirt. I was putting my hand up from the bottom of his T-shirt feeling for the first time the bare skin of his tight hard ABS. I had admired his ABS so often in the gym during our workouts now iheld them bare in my hand. up to his bare male tits with small puffs of hair around them. Eric pulled the shirt over his head. messing his hair some which I thought looked all the more sexy. I leaned into him and put my mouth to his bare right tit. putting my teeth lightly on the brown tit. Eric moaned and let me know he liked this. He put his right arm up in the air and i was feeling his hair on his arm pit now then i even put my mouth on the hair of his sweaty arm pit and licked them again he moaned. The wonderful tsk of leding the way in this had fallen thankfully to me and something inside me knew I had to make eric love what i was doing so that he would alsoway want me to do this to him. I now licked the skin tasting his flesh between his tits on his breast plate. down his well defined strong ABS my tongue went to the very top of his pants. he Eric was undoing his belt then his fly His uniform pants fell to the floor in a thud around his boots. his cock was hard and wetting up his white briefs. I put my mouth to his cock in those shorts and was holding his cak in my mouth. As I was cupping his big balls and sucking his cock through his briefs i heard Eric say. " You want to do it now kevin suck it bare for me?

I came off looked up into his wonderful green eyes and and nodded Yes. he put a thumb on each side of His briefs and down they came his hard 8 inch cock in full view and all i expected. the head so wide and the rim around his cock head so big. his shaft so thick behing the cock head. the hole the cum hole so fucking wide and even the smell of his cock. i licked my lips and I took his cock into my mouth. I really don't know what iwas expecting but I never dreamed a cock in my mouth Eric's cock even could be so wonderful feel so good taste and smell so good. Steel hard yet with a softness. wet with some pre-cum yet parts dry. the skin feeling so good to my tonuge and lips. the smell of a man like this was so wonderful i knew no matter what i would be wanting this to last and wanting more of it. eric was holding my head now and kind of fucking his cock intomy mouth. I knew He now had me at his command wanting his cock not now ever be able to say it was just something we tried he had to know how much I loved his hard big dick in my mouth. He wanted me to lick his balls. Normally those words "Lick my balls" would have been fighting words now they were what I needed to hear. I held those big balls and I liked my tongue all over them loving them the sweat from them. I felt I had to even things out so I was again sucking that big dick and then pushing a finger against Eric virgin hole. he tensed up some and said " OK kevin go for it buddy but easy put it in my easy buddy I never had a man do this remember" in my finger went. then I pulled out my finger and wet it up in my mouth he smiled at me and I was again sucking smelling his cock and pushing a finger into his hole then two fingers Eric was liking it and said. " Kevin being as You sucked me first dude You can fuck first" I came off him and said ' cool a deal. But let's get these uniforms off"

Eric pulled me to the living room sofa. He and I took off our boots and pants. he came between my legs and took my hard 8 inch cock into his handsome mouth and the thrills of his warm wet mouth and his handsome head of hair bobbing up and down on my meat had me already to cum my load. Eric knew this and came off long enough to say holding my hard cock. " Kevin go ahead man let it fly i'll try to take it all for you man drink your cum" he was back on me I was holding his jet black shinny haird head and fucking my hard dick deep into his mouth I released my first round of cream and he took it all then I fired another load into his mouth and another load fired followed by more cum then i had ever shot in my life. Eric was cuming his load on the floor. I fell exhousted on the sofa. Eric pulled off a sock of his a sweaty white sock and was cleaning up my cock of cum with the sock. then to my surprise he put the sock back on hisw foot and was getting us a beer. handing me a cold beer he said. " I like this kevin and i like wearing your cum on my foot too and tasting it in my mouth call me weird" He smiled.

I said ' Oh no stud You are not weird cause before the night is over i will be wearing a sock covered in your cum too" we were now naked except for our socks in eachothers arms kissing and tasting my cum between us. We talked into the small hours of the night about us about male on male sex. we got into a 69 and I loved that so much I loved his body his cock so much. I was then wearing a sock covered in Eric's cum when we went to bed both still virgins in the rear.

write kevin Kelly NJ and Montreal

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