Campsite Encounter

Published on Jul 30, 1997




by Dave Hedges

Uploaded to Pink Triangle by Andy McDonald

I was on a camping holiday with a couple of mates and we had got to know the group in the next tent to ours. Six of them in total, all blokes, crammed into one large frame tent with a camp bed each. Of the six, Steve was exactly the kind of guy that I'm so very much attracted to ... early twenties, straight blonde hair, blue eyes, solid physique, tight jeans and a bulge between his legs that caused inward groanings every time I snatched a quick glance in that direction. A few of us would regularly visit the next-door tent at the end of each evening, just to spend a bit of time talking and generally having a laugh. Of course, unknown to anyone but myself, I had another motive - it was a great opportunity to spend some more time with this hunk of a guy, and for a little bit of self-indulgence.

Our talking often went on into the early hours, and gradually each member of this next-door group would undress and get into bed, en- abling them to carry on the conversation in comfort. We visitors would stretch ourselves out at the end of the various camp beds, trying not to make things too uncomfortable for the occupants. Needless to say, the position that I occupied was very carefully chosen - not, as you may think, on the bed of this striking young man Steve, but directly across the tent from him quite a distance away. I didn't want to make my feelings for him obvious, but keeping clear of his bed was in it- self a subtle ploy.

I had chosen to sacrifice the closeness of his warm body for a vantage point that gave me a grandstand view as he slowly and care- fully peeled off his clothes each evening, stripping right down until he was wearing just a pair of tight cotton briefs. As much as I would have liked to fix my gaze on him as he gradually revealed more and more of his young body, that would have been far too obvious and I had to be content with casual glances. These glances however, in view of my well chosen position, provided so much stimulation that the images will be fixed in my mind forever. I had been able to engineer a situa- tion that was feeding my desire for this young man's body - and every- one around was oblivious to the fact that I was playing the voyeur and becoming more aroused by the minute.

The highlight of each evening of course was that moment when Steve removed his jeans and revealed those mini briefs, barely covering the extent of his manliness and allowing wisps of golden pubic hair to protrude into view. He would stand up and walk to the end of the camp bed, folding his jeans neatly and placing them with the rest of his clothes. It was always at that point that I risked my longest 'glance' - taking in the full provocative display of his magnificent package. That bulge which had made me quiver when looking at him fully clothed was now even more prominent and inviting. The outline of his gorgeous cock was clearly visible through the thin material of his briefs; the curves of his balls underneath were perfectly formed as the tightness of the fit pulled them upwards. Just one layer of thin material was all that kept me from a full view of his magnificent organ. I could only imagine what lay beneath.

It was obvious from the outside that he was extremely well en- dowed, judging by the sheer volume of this bulge in his pants when he wasn't even aroused. My mind was led to thoughts of the size of his erect cock, and the one thing I wanted in all the world was to move over to him and pull down the front of those briefs and take his flac- cid cock into my mouth. I would let him fall back onto his own bed as I worked my tongue over his sensitive glans and felt his erection forming inside me. Then I would move my mouth up and down over his throbbing shaft until I felt the shuddering of his body in orgasm and the last of his warm come had spurted into me.

All too quickly Steve had climbed into his bed and my fantasy sub- sided for one more evening. Invariably the hour was late, and with no more incentive to keep me there the conversation soon faded and I re- turned with the others to my own tent. Sleep was always the furthest thing from my mind at that time. Each night I would wait for both tents to finally quieten down whilst mentally reviewing the images that had stirred my longings that evening. This re-enactment in my own mind left me unable to control my physical senses, and within seconds I would be overwhelmed by a flood of ecstasy which somehow eased the burden of my repressed feelings.

File downloaded from PINK TRIANGLE BBS -- England's only OUT Gay Board

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