Campus Memories

By Male Lover

Published on Apr 22, 2002


All characters in this story are fictional characters, just as this story.

Please forgive my grammatical errors and I hope you all will like this story. There may not be enough sex in this installment, but I promise you that there will be more as the story picks up. Just be patient with me. Thank you.

If you do, please write me a note at

Title: Campus Memories 1

Jeff got into the lecture hall, at the same time as Aaron pushed the swinging door in the opposite direction. There were hurt written in Aaron's eyes. Aaron looked slightly surprise to bump into Jeff there, but the sad eyes quickly turned into angry ones, staring into Jeff's, before Aaron turned his face away. Before he could do so, Jeff had already noticed tears welling in Aaron's eyes. The eyes displayed a mixture of hurt and anger.

Aaron quickened his pace down the corridor, leaving Jeff behind, before Jeff could say anything.

Jeff just stood there, speechless. He watched Aaron walked away, unsure if he should run after Aaron or not. Jeff could hear laughter inside the hall as his hand was still holding the door opened.

Jeff hesitated, but realised that he did not know Aaron well enough to approach him. He probably should not, although he knew he was partially responsible. He reconsidered, but Aaron was too far ahead for him to do anything. Jeff hoped Aaron would be able to overcome this on his own.

As Jeff stepped into the hall, he immediately had to make way for another figure who rushed out too. It was June. June shot Jeff a bitter stare and snapped at him.

'Asshole!' she yelled at Jeff, who jumped aside, pressing his back to the wall. Jeff was afraid that June would do something that could create more scenes. The way June stood up for Aaron so many times, Jeff and the rest believed that she, no matter how small her figure was among the freshmen, could pull a trick or two. June was that aggressive, as well as emotional. And she was emotional all right at that moment, as she carried her bag out and chased after Aaron.

Jeff was not afraid of her. But Jeff felt bad for what had happened with Aaron, and since that June was the only classmate who cared enough to stand up for Aaron, Jeff preferred not to mess with her.

A small group of students at the far end of the middle rows were jeering her as she snapped at Jeff and stormed off.

'He's a faggot. He can't get it up for you!' someone from the seats shouted. The lecture hall broke into a louder laughter.

Brought up by a tycoon father, Jeffrey Foxx basically had everything served to his and his brothers' needs. Their mother left them when Jeff was only 6. She could not take it anymore with her husband's infidelity. But then again infidelity might be a word too tame to describe the flirtation of Randi Foxx, Jeff's father. Randi Foxx had bedded with many women and young girls before, during and after Jeff was born. Being the only son, Randi inherited a vast wealth from his parents, who had passed away before Jeff was born. Energetic and charismatic, Randi attracted women and business partners alike with his expertise and charm. Randi was still a young man. He got his ex-wife pregnant and married her when he was only 24. 4 years later, she gave 3 sons to Randi, but she had lost her sexual drive. Many nights she knew what her husband was doing out there. And many nights too, he brought the women back, sleeping in another room.

Jeff had a vague memory of his mother. And no matter how little his memory of her was, it became poorer as he grew. All he had left when he turned 18, were photos of her and the tears she cried when she kissed him goodnight on her last night with the family. Jeff was told by his brothers that her mom got the divorce she had wanted and disappeared without anymore contact.

When Jeff was 12, Randi had remarried a young air-stewardess, whom was older than Jeff's oldest brother by only 7 years. Jeff's older brother, Darren, was only 15 when they witnessed the grand ceremony of Randi taking the vow to be eternally faithful to Lucy Demond, a young blonde, with slim but tall figure, and big boobs. Jeff and Ryan were made to call her 'mom', although their brother, Darren, were allowed to address her whichever way he wanted. Darren stuck to the title 'Lucy'. So, from that year onwards, the five, no longer four, of them stayed together in the big mansion, served by more than 30 maids, butler, male servants and bodyguards.

Lucy kept her vow well, as she began to play her role as an exceptional hostess to her husband's party. For the first few parties, the 3 kids were allowed to hang around. But since that the parties were full of adults, young and old, slowly these kids preferred not to be around. They would go to their friends' houses to stay overnight, whenever Lucy called for parties. And she called for parties once a month, even when Randi was not around. But from what the kids knew, the parties began to become smaller and eventually, they became private dinners. Still, the kids preferred not to be around when their parents' friends were invited over.

Once, when there was a dinner to be held in the mansion, Jeff was down with fever and flu. Lucy did not think it was good idea for him to go to his friend's place as usual. Lucy made him take his medicine and stayed in bed. Lucy made him promised to stay in his room and not to go outside, as she did not want the guests to catch his germs. After two hours of sleep, Jeff got up for a drink of water, only to spill water over the carpet. Still feeling thirsty, he left for the kitchen. Before he could make it to the stairs, Jeff was greeted by the sight of his parents having an orgy with 5 naked young men and ladies in the living room - having shameless sex. It was that night, for the first time, Jeff saw his father sucking a thick cock of a young guy, as Randi rode a pussy under him.

Jeff was a handsome boy, blessed with his mom's beauty and his dad's genes of fitness. At the age of 18, he did not have an ounce of fat on his body, even if Jeff did not exercise that much. Jeff played tennis in the mansion's court, joined his dad for golf and swim. The pool was located inside the mansion. Jeff was not built up like a body-builder, but his chests were wide and formed nicely. His stomach was lean, and his whole body was smooth except on his armpits and trimmed pubic hair. He had his mother's green and captivating eyes. His face was sharp, just like his dad's. Jeff had wavy dark hair, just like his dad too.

Even at the age of 42, people still mistook Randi for a guy in his thirties. Since Lucy came into his life, Randi had hired a personal trainer for him and Lucy. Jeff knew how much Lucy and his father would stretch for Damian, the trainer. Damian was a muscular guy, with nice muscles and bulges in all the right places. His training with Mr. and Mrs. Foxx at times would be more than 2 hours, in the gym which was not accessible to others during the training period.

When Jeff was 13, he began to notice the sexual side of his appearance. He began to measure his own cock length, and for a 13-year-old, a 5-inch hard cock was impressive. But Jeff knew his was not as long or thick as Ryan's, but the same as Darren's. Jeff turned out fine for a rich boy, although he was the most pampered.

Darren blended with his dad's business partners well. He was able to impress the seniors with his maturity and communication skill. Ryan was the brain in the house. Jeff was not that outstanding like his brothers. Each of these kids was expected to grow up and take over their dad's business empire. Jeff possessed a balanced qualities of what his brothers had. Just like Randi, all his sons were handsome figures, and Jeff stood out as the best among them. Lucy was not able to carry a baby of her own. So, to comfort her for her loss, Randi pampered her with jewelleries and other luxuries.

Although Jeff was pampered, Jeff did not take advantage of his father's generosity. Jeff simply did not have the interest to spoil himself too much. There was a reason to this. Once, Jeff saw a woman who looked almost like his mother. The woman was a poor woman who lived in a small broken house with her husband and children. Although Jeff was sure she was not, Jeff imagined that his mom lived in such a condition too. Ryan had told him before that their mom did not get a single dime from the divorce, as an agreement to get their father to sign the divorce papers. As such, Jeff did not like enjoying the luxury living that much.

Jeff grew up nicely and turned to be a dashing-looking young prince. 3 days after his fifteen birthday, Jeff was introduced to sex by his 28 years old Mathematics teacher, Miss Alsia Yearwood. Miss Yearwood would insist Jeff stayed back after school for personal tutorial as he was weaker than the others in class. One thing led to another, Miss Yearwood had not only taught him maths, she was teaching him how a man is pleasured, and how to pleasure a woman in return. So, instead of just private classes on mathematics, she was also teaching him the sensual pleasure of the secret lusty feelings. Jeff was already supporting a 6 and a half hard-on by then. He could still remember how Alsia would moan for more as he pumped up her pussy. By the time the year ended, not only Jeff mastered maths well, but he was the one who took control of the fuck he gave her.

Jeff did not know how Darren lost his virginity, but Jeff believed that Darren did not hold it out too long. Just like Jeff, Darren's good look was getting attention from, not only from female classmates but from daughters of Randi's business partners too. Jeff did not know when Darren lost his, but Jeff knew Darren had so, by the time Darren was 14.

Jeff knew when Ryan lost his. Ryan was the better-looking kid, if he was to be compared to Darren. One particular night, when he was 15, Jeff overheard the argument between Randi and Lucy. It was more like Randi was angry with Lucy. Lucy kept quiet the whole time as Randi raised his voice. What he was saying was clear enough for Jeff to hear in the other room. On the night before, Lucy had gone into Ryan's bedroom and had sex with him. It was Ryan's first time. Lucy had seen Ryan's cock size and was immediately in love with Ryan's 7 inches. That night, as Ryan lied down on his bed, Lucy rode him 3 times, before Ryan begged her to stop.

Randi wanted Lucy to stop her acts with his sons. He said he was alright with sex in the house, but he wanted no incest. He even made Lucy promised not to go near Jeff. If not, the marriage would be over. Although Randi was disgusted, Jeff was disappointed. He had fantasised and jerked off for many nights to the images of his mouth on Lucy's breasts. To Jeff, Lucy was no mother. She was just a sex maiden in the house.

Lucy was not a motherly type. She was more of a mistress. She would wear clothes so thin and transparent, there was nothing left for imagination. And her large boobs, without bra, would swing as she walked around the mansion. Randi and the kids knew that she was having good times with the house's male servants, pool boy and bodyguards. Randi did not mind. He was, in fact, turned on to watch his young wife fucked by other men. As for the kids, they did not mind her as well. They enjoyed her exhibitionist display and moreover, she never showed any greed for their family's wealth. She did not ask for more. She just took whatever the family offered. Through the years, Jeff got accustomed in seeing good-looking guys and sexy ladies in his house, pretending to be Lucy or Randi's good friends, who were visiting for a night or nights. Jeff himself was getting too many attention from his female schoolmates in his private school. There were a few who would visit him at home and soon, were naked on his bed, waiting for his hard dick to pleasure them. Once Ryan's date sneaked into his room at night. She ended up giving Jeff blowjobs and sex rides, before going back to Ryan. Jeff was handsome. He knew his asset and definitely used that well to his advantage. Somehow, Jeff suspected Ryan knew, but because Ryan was fond of his little brother, Ryan did not mind.

When Randi told Jeff that he had to go to a U to complete his studies, Jeff dreaded the idea. Darren went to U for only one year before he was called back. Randi needed Darren badly to handle the smaller businesses of the family. As Randi could not trust anyone else, Darren was the best choice.

Ryan could not stand the tension of the house-sex and Lucy, so he preferred some time away. Ryan left for Europe for his studies.

Jeff was not fond of studying. He would be inheriting 1/3 of the family business. That made him feel that he did not have to go through what was not necessary.

So, when Randi insisted, Jeff gave in, but with the condition that he would pick the university of his choice and not his dad's. Randi's mistake was that he agreed. Jeff chose the lesser-known university located on the other coast of America. Jeff wanted a private life before he had to come back for his family's business world. A lesser-known U would mean studying less hard. And it would also mean that he would be able to move around a bit without people knowing who he was.

There were two girls who changed Jeff's love life. When he was 16, he fell for Christina Dursy. Christina was a daughter of Randi's rich client. She had accompanied her father to one of the dinners in Randi's mansion, when she met the three famous sons. All three were interested in her but Christina responded well to Jeff although she was two years older. Their relationship was a secret only they two would know. Just when Jeff thought that he was in a serious relationship, Christina left him three months later. Christina told him that it was not possible for them to be together. When he asked for the reason, she told him that the lifestyles of their world were not destined for love. It would always be for money, power and sex. When Jeff claimed that there were more, Christina agreed. She said they were more money, more power and more sex. Christina left Jeff heart-broken.

During his last year in school, Jeff met another a girl his age whom he thought would be the one to replace Christina. Jessica was just a waitress in a new cafe he hung out with his friends. But she was cold towards him, no matter how much he tried to impress her. Jeff liked her as he could see that she was different from other girls. She was hard-working and smart. But she was giving him a hard time. After 4 months of trying to court her, Jeff gave up.

Jessica did open his eyes when she told him the reason why she was not interested in him. She asked him to open his eyes and look at his friends around him. She asked him to judge which one would still be his friend if it had not been for his family money. Jeff realised that he could not point out even one true friend.

So, in this U, Jeff kept a low profile, but he knew eventually someone would figure out who he was. But that would buy him some time to see who was willing to befriend him, without the family money factor helping.

The whole incident with Aaron Young was something Jeff wished did not happen. Since the first week of classes, Jeff could hide the portfolio of his wealth easily, but not the charismatic charm he inherited from his father. His look easily drew attention. Girls would turn their heads when he walked by. Jeff was a jock. That was not easy to hide.

Jeff did not mind such advantage. For one, he was still hunger for sex action, just like any other healthy young guy. So, his good look gave him easy access to the girls and their pussies. Since the day the semester had started, Jeff had bedded with 4 different girls, and each girl demanded more than one round of sex. 3 of the girls were those Jeff picked up from hanging out together. The other one was his roommate's date. At night, when his roommate, Dean, had fallen asleep after sex, the date would come over to Jeff's bed. Jeff would be awakened with his hard 9-inch in the girl's mouth. Usually Jeff would have a choice over which girl he would like to have sex with, but at such hour, any mouth and pussy were good enough for Jeff, as long as the girl looked hot enough.

Dean Kemal knew his date was screwing his roommate when they thought he was asleep. And he knew that the reason he was able to date such girl was because she knew he was Jeff's roommate. But as long as he was getting a piece of the action, he did not want to complain much. Dean was taking advantage of Jeff as much as Jeff was taking advantage of him.

Jeff saw Aaron a few times, in classes, in canteens, on the field or in the dorm. Aaron was a quiet and shy guy. He was rather a reserve type, often on his own, although there were girls who were more than happy to be accompanying him. Aaron was a good-looking guy, but slim. His smile, adorable as they might be for those who had developed a crush for him, would be easily seen a shy smile. So, it was not abnormal for Jeff not to hear Aaron talking more than a few words when they exchanged their hello's.

Jeff somehow suspected of Aaron's sexual preference. But the rest of the 200 coursemates seemed not to take note of this. Aaron was not at all a sissy type. He was as manly as any football or baseball players. He was straight-acting, but quiet. That drove the girls crazy. They liked his cute look and his act like being the silent type. Aaron would usually sit by himself, but later finding himself surrounded by hopeful girls. And guys too, who wanted to bank on his popularity. Jeff knew that too well, as he himself was the target of those parasite guys, and cool girls. But the girls were disappointed that Aaron did not respond, other than being a perfect gentleman to them.

Other than the polite but shy smiles and a few hello's, Aaron had never approached Jeff for anything. And Jeff was too occupied with his friends and girls to consider befriending Aaron, although Jeff knew that Aaron was a nice guy.

On Friday the week before, Jeff realised that he had to return a red spot book. So, instead of going for a game with his friends, he left for the library. The library was almost empty, due the weekend.

Jeff returned his book and decided to check out other books for awhile, since that he was already in the library. After 15 minutes of browsing, he found a book that could be useful for reference to his weekend assignment. Jeff took the book to the front counter and had it stamped.

As Jeff was about to walk out, a dirt got into his right eye. Jeff cursed and immediately eyed with his left one, for the men's toilet. He realised that he had to go to the first floor or the basement for men's toilet. Jeff rushed up but just to find that the toilet was closed for cleaning. Double curse!

Thank goodness that there was a water cooler nearby. Jeff cupped some cool water with his right palm and rubbed it on his eye. After a few times, Jeff felt better. His eye had no longer felt the stingy discomfort. Jeff wiped his wet face with his shirt, took his book and walked downstairs. But the effect of the rubbing on his eye made him worried that he might get sore eyes as he began to feel irritation. He could not afford to have that problem. He was supposed to meet Kerry that night and he knew he had a good chance to score. Kerry wanted him badly. Nothing was gonna spoil that night for him.

As Jeff walked down the stairs, he decided to make a quick dash to the men's toilet in the basement. He needed to use the mirror. The basement was empty. The lights shined on empty tables and chairs. The silence between the shelves of books in the basement area would make anyone who used that floor, feel spooky. The poor lighting was not helping much to restore confidence for anyone to be alone there. Jeff ignored all those and headed for the toilet.

In a creepy place like this, Jeff would not be surprised if the door made an eerie sound when opened. But it did not.

Jeff walked in. It was a spacious toilet. There were urinals at the wall opposite the entrance. But the urinals were hidden by two rows of sinks in the middle of the room. Mirrors were erected between the rows, blocking the view of the opposite side. There were stalls on the immediate left-hand-side and the far-right of the entrance. There were 4 stalls on the left and 5 more at the far right.

The mirror in front of the entrance was broken. So, Jeff had to move to the further right to look at his eye in the mirror. His eye did not feel as bad as before, but Jeff preferred to make sure.

When Jeff stretched his neck forward to look closer at his eye, Jeff realised one of the stalls on his right, had its door closed. Jeff was not alone. The other doors were not close properly, so Jeff knew they were vacant.

As Jeff continued to check his eye, he heard moans from the stall. It was followed by louder groans. Jeff would have thought someone in there was jerking off. But there were two different voices in the groans. One was very excited and another was softer. There was either fucking or blowjobs going in there. Jeff felt uncomfortable. He had done what he wanted to come in for. There was no reason to hang around in there when there were gays having sex nearby. He decided to get the hell out of there.

But the problem was with the door. The door swung inward, but the handle was not there. Where the handle used to be, there was only rusty marks. The handle had gone missing. The door was tightly shut. To get out, Jeff needed to use his fingernails to peel the door opened. It was not hard, but it took him a few seconds to find the right spots to clenched his nails onto the door and pulled. The door again did not make any sound. Jeff was glad for that. He did not want to bother those guys.

Jeff walked out of the place quickly, up the stairs and out of the library.

It was 3 minutes later when Jeff realised that he had left the book in the toilet. He had placed it on the sink when he was checking his eye. And not only that, he had stuffed his student ID in-between the pages. He needed his ID. He needed the book back.

Jeff dashed back into the library and rushed to the toilet. A quick glance and Jeff saw that the stall was still closed. Whoever the occupants were, they were still in there. But it was quiet. There was no more moaning. Jeff grabbed his book. But before he could turn around and make it to the door, he heard the sound of latch opening. The door opened. If Jeff headed for the door, he would be spotted. He did not want the occupants know that he knew of their secret. Jeff wanted to dash out of the toilet, but there was a problem. The stupid door was difficult to open and Jeff had no time to peel it again.

Jeff headed for the first stall by the entrance and jumped on the toilet seat quietly, as he turned and tried to shut the stall's door. He did not plan to shut it completely as that would catch the guys' attention. A gap was left opened but the door was good enough to cover Jeff who was leaning on the wall behind the door. Anyone outside could view partially of the stall and would think that this stall was empty.

Jeff heard the door opened and then footsteps. But only one person was moving. The footsteps paused.

'No one's here!' Jeff heard him said.

'The next time when I want you, I expect you not to give me any problem! YOU HEARD ME?!' It was a rough voice, with a tone showing irritation and order.

Jeff was surprised. It sounded like someone was a reluctant participant here.

'If you don't, I'll tell everyone your secret, you bloody faggot!' Another yell, but yet the victim had not responded.

Jeff heard footsteps coming closer and then paused. Jeff held his breath. A few moments later, the footsteps were heard walking out the toilet door. Whoever that guy was, he slammed the door on his way out. Jeff stood motionless in his stall. He did not know what he should do. But before he could do anything, he heard weaker footsteps coming out of the opposite stall. The soft footsteps stopped in front of the mirror, and Jeff heard water running. Seconds later, there were some splashing of the water.

The guy seemed to be there for a long time. The longer he was there, the more Jeff was curious to find out who he was. After considering a few times, curiousity killed his cautious to be careful. Jeff quietly placed his feet down from the toilet seat and tried to peep. The guy was standing in front of his stall, staring at himself in the mirror. His face was soaking wet. And Jeff knew who he was. It was Aaron...

Aaron sensed a movement on his left. He turned his head fast enough to catch Jeff peeping at him. Did Jeff know what was going on? How long had he been there? Aaron was stunned. Fear struck Aaron. Would Jeff tell on him? Aaron felt sick to the stomach. He needed air.

As Aaron walked towards the exit, Jeff retreated himself and pushed his stall door closed. Jeff was afraid Aaron would do something to him. He felt eerie thinking of Aaron touching him.

But that was not what Aaron had in mind. He reached for the exit door and peeled it opened. Aaron dashed out, before Jeff could realise that Aaron had no intention of coming near him.

Jeff just did not know what to do. From the conversation, he knew Aaron was the victim. Aaron must had been so afraid of others finding out, that he was easily blackmailed into such an act. Jeff felt bad for Aaron. He really did. But he was also afraid of Aaron. Aaron was gay, and Jeff had not and did not know how to befriend or talk to such a guy. The few close friends of his were all straights.

There was this discomfort of talking to a guy and felt that the guy was eyeing him from head to toe. Jeff knew that many girls and women had done that. It was okay with the ladies. In fact, even when other guys did, Jeff felt it was a compliment too, as long as they kept the distance. And Jeff knew, with Aaron, he could feel that uneasiness if he had to confront Aaron.

Jeff came out of his hiding place. He was all alone in the toilet. He paused outside of his stall and stared at the exit door, wondering if it would re-open and Aaron would walk in again. But that was not his concern right then.

Jeff walked over to the place where Aaron had stood earlier. He looked at himself in the mirror, as he resumed the same position as Aaron's earlier on. Pressing his palms against the sink for support, he gazed into the mirror. Jeff saw disappointment. And confusion. Should he get involved? Jeff felt bad for Aaron but he was too worried about how much he would get involved.

His thoughts kept him occupied for minutes, as the silence around him helped him to replay the rough voice making the threat, and the images of Aaron's stunned look when Aaron saw him. Jeff thought back of the first sight of his dad taking a man's cock in his mouth. From then on, Jeff had caught his careless father a few more times. Jeff had got used to the idea of his dad being a bisexual, although he had wished that his dad was not.

His thoughts were broken when Jeff saw the door opened through the mirror. It was Dean, his roommate. From that moment on, things turned from bad to worse.

'What are you doing here?' Dean asked as Jeff looked at him from the mirror. Jeff thought for a moment that the other guy might be Dean. But the one who was doing Aaron just now had a rougher voice than Dean. So, it could not be him.

'Gotta return a book. And got another one!' Jeff said as he lifted the book in his hand.

'Ok!' Dean replied as he walked over to where Jeff was, and looked at the title. Dean was a mathematics major, so an accounting book would mean nothing to him. 'Well, I'll see you later... I got this stomach ache,' Dean said, rubbing his stomach as he passed by Jeff and headed for a stall.

Jeff just ignored him and wanted to get out. But before Jeff could reach the door, he heard Dean shouted.

'Holy shit! What's this?!'

Jeff stopped his steps. He turned to where the commotion had come from. Jeff's heart skipped a beat. Of all the stalls available, Dean chose the one that Aaron and his assaulter had used earlier.

Dean opened his door, and stepped out.

'Look at this shit I stepped on!' Dean said when he saw Jeff was still there.

Jeff just kept quiet. It'd better not be what he thought it would be.

'What the hell?! Over the wall and floor?? Man! My new sneakers!! Damn!' Dean went on cursing.

Jeff wanted to turn and walk away before he was interrogated by Dean.

'Wait a minute..' Dean said to himself, but Jeff paused, thinking Dean was referring to him.

'Cum?!!! Damn it! Cum on my shoes... Yuuuuuuucks! Oh shit... who jerked off here? And it'ssss stiiiiill fresh!!! Hmmmm....' His angry tone changed to a curious, slow one.

When Dean mentioned the last sentence, Jeff knew how it would look like. Fresh cum, and Jeff was the only one there.

'Oh dude! You like this shit, huh? Jerking off in public area?' Dean turned his head and looked at Jeff.

Dean was not exactly the best roommate one could have. Over the past two weeks, basically Dean had tried to do almost everything to make Jeff look bad. Jeff knew Dean was jealousy that the girls and dormmates liked Jeff better. And knowing Dean, he would not let this chance go away. Dean could spread gossips and news like an experienced broadcaster. That spelt danger for Jeff. Once a gossip had started, it would take months to end. Jeff did not want the girls to have a wrong impression of him.

'I don't think it's cum. Maybe something else,' Jeff tried to lie.

'Hey! I know cum when I see one. I've a dick, remember!!' Dean snapped at me. His eyes alternated between Jeff and the floor and wall in front of him.

Yeah, you should know that, you bloody dickhead, Jeff cursed.

'Ok, fine! Fine! It's cum, but it wasn't me, okay?!' Jeff confessed. But it was not convincing. No one else was around.

'Yeahhhh.. riiiiiight.. whatever you say, Jeff,' Dean said with that wicked grin. Dean was not buying.

'It was the truth!' Jeff raised his voice.

'Whatever.. someone suuuuuure had a good time jerking his dick off here!' Dean said, as he grinned more as his eyes went to Jeff's crotch and back to Jeff's eyes.

'Look! It wasn't me, and it was not a jerk-off. I knew! They were in there just now!' Jeff blasted him, before turning around, to walk away.

'They?! There were people having sex here?' Dean asked.

Jeff changed his mind on moving away when he detected the changing tone of Dean's voice. Perhaps he could still avoid the mess that Dean might cause.

'Yeah! And now, will just believe it wasn't me jerking off here, okay?!' Jeff snapped back.

Dean studied the floor. It looked like there were more than 3 types of shoemarks on the wet floor. One was Dean's. They looked nothing like Jeff's. That meant it was true that two guys were in here. Two guys?

'Ohhh...' Dean muttered.

Jeff smiled. He was happy that Dean would believe him this time.

'Did you see who the faggots are?' Dean turned and asked Jeff.

When Jeff heard the word 'faggots', his smile disappeared. He realised that he had stretched the victory a little too far.

'No!' Jeff turned and walked away.

'No! Wait!!!' Dean shouted.

Jeff tried to hurry out, but Dean caught up before he made it to the staircase. Dean pulled Jeff's arm and made Jeff stopped. Jeff just stared coldly at Dean. Dean wanted to know so badly. It would be a good and hot story to tell the other guys.

'You said you caught them! No... Jeff... Jeff! Be cool... I knew it's not you,' Dean tried to buy Jeff out by suddenly siding Jeff.

Jeff was not interested.

'So, who are they?' Dean asked again.

Jeff just walked away. Dean was getting on his nerve.

Dean caught up.

'Don't you have to go to toilet?' Jeff burst out on Dean, for tailing him.

'Not important anymore, bro!' Dean answered, hurrying along Jeff's side as Jeff climbed up the stairs faster.

'Are they friends we know?' Dean asked, like a busybody journalist who had suddenly spotted a troubled celebrity.

'No,' Jeff answered, but Dean saw through the pathetic lie.

'Wow! We knew them?!' Dean yelped.

Jeff was worried. He knew that Dean knew Aaron, as Aaron stayed in the same dorm as them, although in a different block. Jeff was determined not to reveal Aaron.

But the mistakes kept coming his way.

As they were reached the first floor, Jeff and Dean heard someone calling.

'Hey, young man!' A soft voice was calling.

Jeff and Dean turned to the direction of the voice.

It was the old lady librarian.

Jeff sighed a relief. It was a chance to get away from Dean. Jeff approached the lady, but Dean tagged along. The lady was holding a notepad in her hand.

'You are from the accounting school, right?' she asked as Jeff approached her. Dean was closeby. She must had remembered Jeff's school as he produced his library card to borrow the book.

'Yeah..' Jeff answered, wishing that Dean would leave they two alone.

'You know this guy?' the librarian asked as she held out the notepad. 'He left 15 minutes ago in a hurry. And dropped this. I tried to call him, but he did not hear me.'

On the cover, it was written 'Aaron Young, School of Accounting'.

Jeff panic. Jeff could sense Dean was eager to read the name. Jeff pushed her hand back, hoping that Dean did not see anything.

'Nope! I don't know who he is,' Jeff lied again.

Jeff turned and walked away. He pulled Dean's arm along, but Dean's outstretching neck was slowing Jeff down.

'Are you sure you don't know him?' the librarian asked again, although Jeff had turned his back to her.

'Never heard before!' Jeff answered as he turned his face to her, and gave her a nervous goodbye smile.

The librarian smiled back. She pressed the notepad onto her chests, as she gave up trying. But thank goodness Dean was no longer interested to know, as he preferred to dig the names from Jeff who was walking away. Dean did not mind even if it was only one name revealed.

'I thought maybe you had seen him just now. He came up a few minutes ago from the basement, just like you two,' the librarian continued as she walked away, in the other direction.

'Wait!' Dean yelped as he broke away from Jeff's grip and caught up with her.

'Maybe I know him,' Dean said as he took the notepad from her hand.

Jeff was too late to snatch it away. But Jeff could tell Aaron was in trouble. Dean looked stunned but then slowly his face turned into a wide, wicked grin. Jeff knew there was no way he could control the damage the librarian had done.

By Sunday, dormmates began to eye Aaron differently. Aaron felt it but brushed it off as him being too sensitive. When he tried to join them for games, they would come up with excuses of needing to stop playing, and the groups would disperse. Only a few dormmates sympathised with Aaron over the gossip. But none went near him, in fear of being labelled the same. Aaron kept telling himself that Jeff would not do such a thing to him.

Aaron knew Jeff, and had liked him for his charm. Aaron had found Jeff to be different from many guys of his status. Jeff was not snobbish. And the fact that Jeff was good-looking made Aaron admired him more.

On Monday, Aaron was surrounded by a smaller crowd when he got himself a seat in the morning. But Aaron did not mind. He was not in favour, from the start, of getting the attention for being a popular guy. he knew his popularity was because the girls fancied his boyish goodlooks.

But by the afternoon class, Aaron was sitting all by himself. He began to fear the reason, especially with all the uncomfortable stares he was getting. He turned and saw Jeff, who was sitting in the next row on the other side of the lecture hall. Only when he saw Jeff, Aaron was able to put one and one together.

Aaron felt sick again in his stomach. His eyes searched around for signs, and from where he was viewing, the looks he was getting and the whispers that was going around, told him that he was out-ed. Aaron could not believe it was happening. His eyes looked at Jeff. Aaron's eyes were desperate for an assurance from Jeff, that would tell him that his secret was still safe.

Jeff dared not to look at Aaron in the eyes.

The way Jeff avoided eye contact, and the way Jeff's friends were looking his way with giggles and whispers, told Aaron he was doomed. Aaron swallowed the hard truth. He felt sick. He felt weak. But there was nothing he could do anything about it. Aaron picked up his books and left. He needed to rest. What Aaron did not know was that it was Dean, and not Jeff, the one who had spread the gossip.

For the next few days, Aaron's so-called friends were less distinct about them knowing his secret. There were name-callings, and it turned into more daring insults as the hours passed by.

Jeff sympathised with Aaron and in fact, had tried to tell his friends to cut it off, only to be teased that Jeff might be a gay as well. Jeff realised then that he was not in control at all over the situation.

Girls sighed and commented on the waste of Aaron's goodlooks as they had no chance with him. By then, they knew the reason Aaron did not ask any of them out.

The guys would stay away from Aaron, although they would love to pick on him. But none was daring enough to take on Aaron one to one.

Closeted gays were staying away from Aaron too, because they were scared of the treatment they might get for coming out. Those out-gays shouted support for Aaron, but there were so few of them, compared to the many gay-haters. Besides, most of the supporters were softies, whom Aaron respected, but they were more interested in getting into Aaron's pants.

The only two good things that came out of this ugly week was that one, whoever the assaulter in the toilet was, he had kept his distance away from Aaron. Aaron was no longer bothered by him.

Two, a true friend shines in times of hardship. June Battern came forward and offered her friendship to Aaron. Since then, Aaron would always be seen in the company of her. June was defensive for Aaron. While Aaron preferred to let the things quiet down, June got herself into arguments with the others when they teased Aaron. As June would not accept Aaron's plead for her to cool down, Aaron just let her be. Aaron was actually grateful for June. He was beginning to crack inside. It would have been worse if June had not lend her shoulder.

On Wednesday night, dormmates could hear the heated argument between Aaron and his roommate, Simon Ferk. Simon was a pure anti-gay. Although he had liked Aaron initially, he was brainwashed by his friends. Since Sunday night, when Simon had first heard of the gossip, he had never stayed in the same room with Aaron at night. Simon demanded Aaron to move out.

So, naturally, when Jeff walked into Aaron as Aaron stormed out of the classroom that Friday morning, Jeff knew what it was all about. Jeff felt bad, for he could have done something to help Aaron. But he did not. And from what Jeff had been observing so far, Aaron kept things to himself, including his hurt. Aaron was not the type to fight back, but rather withstood the harsh insults his once-upon-time friends hurled at him.

Jeff knew this was unlike Aaron's character when Aaron was on the field. Jeff had seen Aaron on the field before. Sure, there were a few guys tougher than Aaron, but Aaron could surely run, tackle and score in the football and baseball games. Aaron was aggressive on the field, but in the classroom, he transformed into a private person.

'So, all prepared for tomorrow?' Michelle asked when Jeff took the empty seat beside her.

'Yup,' Jeff answered.

'Nervous?' she inquired. Michelle was a girl that Jeff had dated twice since the U had started, and had sneaked into his room for sex once. She was a smart girl, good in class and in bed too.

'For an opportunity to have dinner with a campus chick? I don't think so,' Jeff answered, chuckling at his own answer.

Accounting club was holding an event on Saturday; desperate to collect fund for its yearly activities. The event was supposed to be held at the end of last academic year, but due to power conflict among the committee members, the project was postponed to the new semester. It was set to be held on the upcoming Saturday. But even that day spelt disaster for the club as it clashed with the state's 3-day weekend. Most of the campus students would be leaving for their hometowns or would not be in campus as they had made plans to visit nearby cities and hot spots.

There would be second-hand books for sale, share-market trial games, subsidised food for sale and more. The event was too be a small one, as the club was short of manpower. The power-struggle within the committee members had divided them into two teams, and neither was willing to assist all the way.

Among the stalls set up for games was one where Jeff was supposed to be involved. It was called 'Hit-And-Dine'. 5 female members of the club were chosen to take part. It would be just like any funfair game when anyone could buy tennis balls and threw the ball at a target. Each candidate would have her turn to sit on a plank. A good shot on the target would automatically make the plank turn where the female candidate would be dropped into a giant bucket of water. But the lucky guy would get to date her for dinner, the humiliated girl.

Only a few years back where the female U students complaint that the game was sexist. The female students felt that they deserved to join the game too. They wanted the ladies to be able to have fun in trying their lucks and date selected male members for dinners too.

Of course, the selected male and female members were those popular guys and girls of the accounting school, who were kind enough, or perhaps persuaded many times, to donate their time for the club's sake. The ladies were told they could simply say no, if their dates wanted to go further, after dinner. And if they felt unsafe, they could just choose to have dinner in a crowded place. It would be their choice. As for the selected guys, they were told to behave.

Jeff was not in the list until the second week of the semester. One of the participants had graduated. In that case, they were short of one male. Jeff was not eager to get involved that way. He could have any girls during and after dinner without getting himself wet.

But he thought over and figured it was a good way to get to know more friends. Besides, Miss Woods, the Accounting tutor, who was also the advisor for the club, had intentionally, although pretended it was not, brushed her hand on his butt when they were discussing this in her private office. This had convinced him to participate. It would seriously help him to score not only in his accounting paper, but also with his hottie 26 years old tutor.

'Lucky bastard!' Barry said, as he joined in Jeff's conversation with Michelle.

Barry Whit was a close friend of Jeff's roommate. Barry could be as irritating as Dean. Barry was a tough guy, and with that body size, aspired to be in the U's football team. He used to play with Aaron too, but had avoided Aaron since last weekend. Jeff had heard that Barry tried to picked on Aaron once that week, but slim Aaron might be, it was humiliating for Barry when Aaron took him down with a punch in his stomach.

Had it not been for June, who witnessed the whole thing, Aaron would have been expelled. The university sympathised with Aaron and let Barry off with a warning. Since then, Barry waited for the perfect timing to even the score.

'Yeah, lucky me!' Jeff mumbled, just as the lecturer walked in and the class started.

That night Michelle helped Jeff to forget about those hurt he had seen and remembered from Aaron's eyes. As her pussy wrapped tight around his thick cock, Jeff moaned and let out his cum and his frustration into her. Michelle bade him goodbye that night, as she took a night bus back to her hometown.

The campus was almost empty. Almost half of the students had disappeared for the weekend.

The turnout was bad. Face it - these were accounting students, not marketing. And with the president and vice president not in proper talking terms, nothing much was done to arouse the interest of the students to come in a big number.

The only popular stall was the one where they sold books. The prices were slashed so much, it would be crazy not to pick up the available choices there.

The food section was crowded only during lunch.

Hardly anyone participated in the games.

The fair was almost a disaster.

But a few minutes before 1pm, when the 'Hit-And-Dine' game was supposed to be on, there was a sudden influx of male students. It was not that many students, but still good enough, considering the poor turn-out for the other events. Male students were eager to try a hand for the girls; Diana, Carolyn, Jesse, Chrissie and Kellie. When the organiser announced the start of that game, male students rushed forward to the counter, only to be fought off by the organisers. It had almost gone out of control. Many reserved their money for Diana, but in the end, a lucky freshie got her for a date, when his third attempt knocked the target and plank down.

An hour later, all girls got their dates for that night.

The male event was to start at 2.30pm. By the time it was supposed to begin, most of the male students had left, mostly disappointed. Only 5 were genuinely happy. Their friends pretended to be happy for them, although they were cursing inside for their lost opportunities. At the same time too, the losers offered their expert advice on how to go all the way with the ladies that night.

One thing that the organisers overlooked, although they should have learnt from the year before, was the ability of the girls to throw the tennis ball as far as the guys could. When the game started, some girls almost cried trying, as the balls they threw could barely reached the target. Some were stronger, but their aims were weak. The game was stretched long, and it was not generating much income.

A few girls tried desperately for Steven Tane. Steven was the second selected male to sit on the plank. Steven was such a hot handsome beefcake that girls did not complain about spending the money on the balls for him. Steven told the organisers not to move the counter back, so that he could help the club to earn more. More girls threw, and him alone generated $200, before a ball threw by Phoebe got him down. That money was good enough to top the solo earnings of the female candidates earlier.

It was 1 hour and 15 minutes later, when it came to Jeff's turn. Most of the girls had exhausted almost all their money. But one look at Jeff was good enough to tell them that it was worthwhile to spend the balance on Jeff. Jeff just sat there, grinning as he watched the desperate girls tried to get him down. Each one could not buy much. So by the time they threw the 3rd ball, the girls had ran out of money. Jeff did not mind. If he was dateless that night, he would hangout with his friends in the city.

The crowd was getting smaller. Even the girls were leaving. There were only around less than 20 students hanging around the stall. The organisers decided to leave Jeff up there on the plank, just in case there was a last minute interest from any girls. Surely there were a few who came late and tried. They failed too.

All of a sudden the crowd stopped chatting as if they saw ghosts. As if there was a disease spreading through, the students there made way as they whispered into each other's ears, pointing towards two figures who were strolling by. Jeff stretched his neck to see who the students were talking about. He saw them - June and Aaron.

As if they had come to the wrong section, Aaron stopped when he saw the crowd's reaction. He pulled June away. Before they could make a U-turn, Barry and Dean who were there, jeered at them.

'Oh look! The lady and the faggot!' Barry teased. The crowd laughed.

Aaron preferred to walk away, but June was obviously not happy. Her face was red.

'Quit that, you assholes!' she snapped at Barry and looked around angrily at those who were still giggling away.

'Oh why? Did we hurt your pussy boy?' Dean cut in. More laughter. There were only a few there who did not find it to be funny. Jeff was one of them. But still the laughter was louder than the disapproving looks. Barry and Dean had the attention they wanted.

'You'd better stopped that, before I.. I...' June said, before regretting. She did not know what she would do.

'Before you will what? Huh? Cry back to your mummy?' Dean added, before looking around for approval from the crowd for his tasteless humour. But the joke was on June and Aaron, so it worked with the majority of the crowd.

Jeff wanted to come down, but Kyle, the organiser told Jeff to stay put, as the game was not over yet. Kyle told Jeff that the mess would be cleared by itself in a shortwhile. They would just wait and see.

'Come on, June.. let's go!' Aaron urged her. His face was showing much discomfort from the commotion.

'Why should we? We have every right to be here!' June yelled, not to Aaron, but to the crowd.

'Better listen to your PRETTY BOY there, June!' Barry shouted.

'Yeah, he's all you'd got. Not that you can get our Jeff here...' Dean added, before the crowd laughed again. It was pretty true about Aaron, as he had that boyish good-look. But it was not true about June. Jeff thought June was cute.

But June felt challenged. And she did not like to leave as a loser.

'Give me 3!' June yelled at the organiser as she walked over to the counter and took out a ten from her pocket. She waved her money at the counter. Everyone was quiet, eyes looking at one another.

'What? Am I not a student here? Don't I get the chance?' June yelled again.

'June!' Aaron came to the counter, to pull her away, but she refused to budge. Aaron was not holding her arm tight enough. With one yank, she pulled her arm away from Aaron.

Kyle looked around. Of course he could not say no. The decision was in his hand. He waved an okay to his helper. The helper placed a basket of 3 balls on the counter, in front of June, before quickly snatching the money from her hand. Obviously he was also terrified by June's anger.

Aaron was uneasy. He felt odd being there. The cause was started by his presence and he should leave. But he could not leave June to the crowd. He was not worried what the crowd would do to her. It was more like what she would do to them. Aaron believed she would scratch the guys' faces with her long nails if she wanted to. But by being there, Aaron felt uncomfortable. He did not even dare to look at Jeff

Jeff knew Aaron was uncomfortable. He began to worry about Aaron.

Jeff's eyes alternated between Aaron and June, who attracted his attention when she swung her hand, throwing the ball.

If aggressiveness was a measurement, it was certainly a poor one in this game. June's throw was powerful, but not her aim. She missed the target by more than one foot. Each throw drew more laughter from the crowd. But each laughter got her even more upset.

'Another twenty!' she yelled as she took out two tens and slammed her hand onto the counter. The crowd continued laughing.

'No, June!' Aaron stressed, but June was not listening. She grabbed the new basket and slammed it down in front of her.

She tried to aim but failed. By the time she threw the fourth ball from her new basket, she was humming mad. Jeff was beginning to worry for her. So was Aaron.

'Hahaha... loser! LOSER!' Barry shouted.

June turned and faced him. Her eyes were filled with so much anger that Barry jumped backwards, but he was still jeering at her. June raised her hand which was holding the fifth ball and threw at Barry instead. Barry ducked. Even if he did not, the ball would not have hit him. June was that bad at aiming!

What June had done, attracted even louder laughter, as Barry and some guys fell back laughing loud, holding to their stomachs.

But Aaron was stunned and uneasy with her last action. So were the organisers. They were worried that June would get the whole club in trouble.

June turned to grab the last ball in her basket. Her eyes seeked out Barry and aimed at him again. Barry was making faces to provoke her to throw.

But Aaron grabbed her hand, before she could throw it. Aaron forced her palm to release the ball and took it away from her. As June struggled to snatch it back, Aaron gripped the ball tightly in his palm. June could tear open Aaron's grip and got really upset. Her feet gave a few hard stamps on the ground, out of anger, before Aaron grabbed her arm and led her out of the crowd.

Jeff, and Kyle, were shocked by the way the event turned out. Jeff began to admire June for her spirit but feared her anger. But he also saw her frustration. That made him feel bad for June.

The crowd was still laughing, much to June's anger, and Aaron could hear her sobbing as he led her out. The crowd made way again for them to go through. Aaron knew she got all emotional because of him. He felt bad for June, but he did not want to make anymore scenes. He needed to take June away from all these.

A few feet away from the counter, before they could walk out of the laughing crowd, Dean shouted.

'Given up? Ohhhhhh! Typical faggots!'

'Yeah.. a gay and a lesbian! What a perfect match!!!' Aaron and June heard Barry shouted.

June was no lesbian. That made Aaron upset. If he did not stand up for her, she would be the next target of their prank.

'Cocksucker!' Louder laughter broke out.

'Carpet licker!'

That did it!

Aaron let go of June's arm and turned to face the crowd. His eyes looked around at them angrily. But laughter did not end. The loudest laughter came from where Barry and Dean were.

The grip on the tennis ball in his right palm tightened. He was getting really pissed off with the guys. Aaron raised his right hand. Barry, Dean and the other guys got alarmed at the threat of Aaron's aim. His eyes were burning anger at them. The laughter died away all of a sudden.

Aaron moved his right shoulder back to gather momentum and lunged it forward as he swung his hand, like he was about to throw a baseball at them. The guys ducked. The crowd yelled in fear.

But Aaron did not throw at them. Instead he turned his body and threw the ball at a high speed to his right.


The ball hit the target, and splash!!! Jeff fell into the bucket of water before Jeff could realise what was happening.

The crowd went silent, as they slowly got up on their feet. Their eyes gazed at the defeated target, before switching to Jeff who struggled to climb out of the water, and then to Aaron who was standing in the middle of the ring of the crowd.

There were immediate whispers and mumbling, breaking the silence.

Aaron just stood there. His eyes looked so hurt, and yet so cold.

When Jeff put his arms over the ledge of the bucket to support himself up, his eyes were still showing signs of shock. One, he was not expecting the ball to fly towards the target. Two, he did not know anyone who could throw that accurate in a distance that far.

Even Barry and Dean were speechless for once. June looked like her pride had been redeemed. She was smiling happy, behind Aaron.

But Aaron's eyes were cold, like they were piercing through Jeff's.

Aaron took a step back, with his eyes still staring at Jeff. The crowd behind him immediately cleared for him to pass through.

As he turned his body around to walk away, Aaron spoke, causing the murmurs to stop. Aaron's eyes were still fixed on Jeff.

'7 tonight. I'll pick you up at the main guardhouse. Don't be late.'

THE END Date: 22 April 2002

I hope you guys like the story so far. Please drop me a note if you do, at

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Stay tuned for the second installment, where I will introduce you to Aaron's past.

Next: Chapter 2

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