Can I Keep You

By JaDe -

Published on Dec 8, 2000


Yep, I am back with another installment of Can I Keep You? is 8th Dec 2000. I won't promise that this installment will be great or anything. It is just to let out my emotions like what Zak had advised. Sometimes things happened for a reason and no matter how much we want to change it, it is not possible. We just have to live with the choices that we made, for better or worse.

This story is dedicated to all those who stood by me when I needed someone. Zak, thanks for being there at 4 am this morning. It meant a lot to me. Hugz and kisses to Jon, hope that we can still be good friends like last time.

All mails to -> JaDe

Can I Keep You? Chapter 4 ------------------------- Last chapter:

Jonathan walked to his suitcase to retrieve some candles, powder and other items. He locked his door before returning to his bed. He lit the black and purple candles around him on the floor. He sat in the middle, taking out some powder from the pouch and lightly sprinkled it into the candle's fire and chanted something as he did it. Then he lit a small root of some plant and waved around the room with it. His eyes turned into a light blue color as he chanted something.

As he blew the candles out, his eyes turned back into a light hazel color. The wisps of smoke faded into nothingness and Jonathan lay down to get some rest before the appearance later that afternoon.

Kevin and Nick were playing a game of one on one. Kevin is good at it but Nick is even better. When Kevin couldn't get rid of Nick blocking him, he tried to cheat by pretending to point at something the other side. When Nick turned that side, Kevin ran forward with the basketball. Nick turned to block him again, just in time to get knocked down by Brian who ran into the court, wanting to play.

"He shoots, he scores. Hah, beat that Nick," Kevin turned around to see to see Nick on the ground and Brian kneeling over him. "NICK!"

AnD nOw...

Kevin rushed towards Nick, falling to his knees next to Nick. "What happened?" Kevin asked Brian. "I ran into him and he fell hitting his head," Brian said, voice rising up in worry. Kevin cradled Nick's head in his lap.

"Nick, wake up. Are you okay?"

After shaking Nick for a while, Nick's eyes started fluttering up. He looked at Kevin and Brian dazely.

"What am I doing here? Am I dead yet? I can't be dead yet! I haven't told Kevin how much I love him yet," Nick cried out.

Brian sat down in surprise, looking at Nick. Kevin's jaw dropped down. 'He loves me?' he thought dazely. Brian finally came out of his daze and shook Nick who was rambling on.

"Nick, chill dude. You are not dead yet. Very much alive actually,"

"Then you guys heard what I had said just now?"

"Everyone heard that," Brian said wryly, waving his hand voguely at the direction of the house where curious faces are peeping out but reluctant to join the three outside. Nick blushed to the roots of his blond hair and covered his face with his hands.

"Erm, I will let you two settle things. BYE!" Brian rushed into the house, leaving the two staring at each other. The silence was deafening. Finally Kevin spoke up.

"So you are in love with me?"

"Yeah, it is okay. I don't expect you to return my feelings. I mean you surely have someone else in mind instead of this kid who had been bugging you all this while..."

Nick was silenced when Kev went and kissed him softly. When Kev finally pull away, there was an amazed look in both of their faces. "WOW," both of them said in unison and burst into relieved laughter.

In the house

"I guess they are together now," Brian said to Chris who just snickered. Justin, Joey and Lance just hooted in glee. They are glad to see two of their best friends hook up finally. They had never suspected that Nick liked Kev but they knew about Kev's pent up love for Nick. Another happy ending for them. JC rushed up to tell Jonathan what had happened. "One of the things I had prayed for had been fufilled," Jonathan breathed out softly.

After that afternoon's spectacle, everyone went about their own way, leaving Nick and Kev in peace to talk things out.

As the clock turned 4am, Brian sat in his room alone, staring up at the ceiling still unable to sleep. He is a bisexual although he hasn't told anyone yet. As the patterns of the ceilings became unrecognisable, he thought about Shawn. Tears came to his eyes and he sat up, wiping them off. His cell phone rang at that moment, startling him out of his deep thoughts.

"Brian?" a voice choked with tears said softly. "Lanie, what is wrong?" Brian said concerned. "I...I just broke up with my boyfriend," Lanie said softly, sniffling a little.

"Oh, girl. Are you okay?"

"Yes, I will be fine..I guess,"

"That is crap. If you were okay, you won't be calling me at 4am in the morning,"

"Sniff, I just needed someone to talk to. To sort out my head,"

"Baby, where are you now?"

"At home,"

"Stay there okay,"

Brian grabbed his backpack, throwing in some clothes and rushed to the door. He penned down a note saying that he will be going to New Hampshire for a while and asked Kevin to try to understand. Slipping the note under Kevin's door, he dialled the local cab for the airport. Luckily there was a late flight to New York, which was leaving at 4.30, and he managed to get a place on board since there weren't that many people there so early in the morning.

New Hampshire

He stood in front of Lanie's house, a few hours later. Dawn had come upon them and he looked up at the house tired. 'I just hope that I don't break a leg climbing that tree,' Brian slowly made his way up a tree. After a lot of scratches and bumps on the head, he finally made it to the window. He peeked in and saw Lanie's head bowed down, laptop that was still switched on in front of her. He pushed up the windowsill and climbed in the room. Lanie sprung up in fright and relaxed when she saw Brian coming in. She sat there, waiting for him to approach her. She just opened her arms and Brian hugged her close, letting her cry until she could cry no more.

Finally she fell asleep, exhausted. Brian carried her to her bed and lay down beside her, hugging her close and sighed. He looked down at the one girl that he had loved for all this time but he never dared to tell her, instead opting to play around with other people. Brian lightly caressed Lanie's cheek, wiping away the streak of drying tears from her eyes. He soon fell asleep too.


Kevin woke up, feeling energised and happy. A smile came to his face when he thought about Nick, his new boyfriend. 'Boyfriend! Who would have thought that it was possible for us to be together'

Kev hummed a tune as he pulled up a pair of jeans to go to the bathroom down the hallway. He stepped on a crisp piece of paper and looked down curiously. Brian's hurried handwriting looked up at him. Kevin picked up the note, growing angrier as he read the note.

"Where do he think he is going? We have so many appearances to make to promote our new album and *N Sync's Christmas album and there he go jetting to New York. What is he doing there anyway?!?!"

Kevin refreshed himself and made his way down to the kitchen where all the others are gathered. Nick looked up at Kev and smiled brightly, beckoning Kev to sit next to him. Kev smiled back absently, cracking his head of what to tell the others. "Baby, what is wrong?" Nick asked. Kevin sighed and just passed Nick the note that Brian had left him.

"What are you going to do?" Nick asked softly as to not draw attention from the others.

"I guess I will just pass the note to Jonathan and Lance and let them handle it,"


"Kev, where is your MIA cousin? Is he coming down soon to join us for breakfast?" asked Joey who was busy stuffing his face with pancakes. Justin looked up from his cereal bowl, curious to know why Brian who was always one of the earliest there not there.

"Erm, he is in New Hampshire,"

"WHAT!!" all 8 voices rang out. Jonathan rubbed his temples while Lance sat there, not saying a word. "What is he doing in New York, Kev?" asked Chris. "I don't know," "He went there with who?" AJ now asked. Kevin just shook his head.

"Please tell me that he will be coming back here today, tonight?" Jonathan said softly, controlling his temper. If Brian wasn't back early, all the executives will be asking Jon where is Brian and a lot of complications will arise.

"I think he will be there for a while. He didn't tell me anything just leaving a note under my door," explained Kevin. Lance got out his cellphone and dialled Brian's number.

New Hampshire

Brian's cellular phone rang, disturbing the sleeping couple on the bed. Brian blearly reached for the phone that was in his backpack by the bed. He picked up the phone to hear Lance. He asked Lance to hold on as he got out of the bed, making sure that Lanie is still sleeping. He walked to the window, talking to Lance.

"What's up?"

"What do you mean what's up? What the hell are you doing in New Hampshire?"

"I had to be here for a friend of mine. She needs me,"

"Don't tell me you went all the way there to be with your girlfriend. You have obligations that you can't throw aside everytime you want to be with your girlfriend,"

"I am not here to play hooky with my girlfriend. But to be a friend that obviously you don't know how to be,"

Brian switched off the phone, turning around to see Lanie staring at him.

"Go back to sleep Lanie,"

"You shouldn't be here, Brian. You should be at where ever you are, promoting your new album, not here with me,"

"I don't care about that. I just want to make sure that you will be okay,"

"Don't you have to be back? It seems that the others are not happy that you are missing in action,"

Brian went back to the bed, sitting down facing Lanie. "I told you before. I will always be here when you need me, no matter what,"

Lanie smiled and looked at Brian with her unique blue-grey eyes which was swollen from crying.

"Where are your parents?"

"Away on business to Taiwan for two months,"

"You are staying here all alone? That is not safe!"

"Don't worry. I am used to it by now,"

"Come with me to Maryland. That way I can be sure about your safety and not worry about you all the time,"

"I can't. What about the rest of the guys?"

"They will be fine with it. Don't worry,"

After much pleading, Lanie agreed. As she packed up her things to bring along with her, Brian called the airport for the next flight out to Maryland. As he finished up with the phone call, he looked at Lanie who was busy packing. At that moment, she looked up. Blue eyes clashed with blue-grey eyes. They stared at each other without words. Finally Lanie turned away.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Coz you look like crap. Go and wash your face to spare me the swollen eyes,"

Lanie stucked out her tongue and went into the adjoining bathroom to wash up. Brian still don't know the details of Lanie's break up which had affected her so. For all the time he had knew her, she had never cried over any of them. So he gathered that this one must be special.


"So what did Brian say?" Howie asked Lance. Lance just shook his head. "I think I blew it," "Did he say when is he coming back?" asked Jonathan. "No, he was angry at me and he switched off the phone,"

All of them gathered around the breakfast table groaned and sat there wondering what to tell the execs. They went to an autograph signing at one of the biggest malls in Maryland. Fans were crying out for Brian when they realised that he was missing. Jon explained that Brian is slightly under the weather therefore he is resting at home. That pacified the crowd a little. Backstreet Boys went into a short rendition of 'Shape of my heart' with JC stepping in for Brian's part. Then *N Sync sang 'This I Promise You'

After that, they went back to the house quietly, tired from signing numerous autographs and running from the crowd. As they went into the den, JC plopped unto the loveseat with Justin leaning against him. Kev and Nick assumed the same position on the floor leaning against the couch. The others made themselves comfortable on the armchairs and couches available.

Chris jumped up asking everyone what they wanted to drink. After getting their orders, he went to the kitchen, which was located at the back of the house. He saw the back of someone whose head is in the fridge, rummaging through it. 'Thieves?' Chris thought and creeped up on the intruder. He grabbed the thing that was nearest to him which was a plastic stirring spoon. He grabbed the intruder's waist. Chris screamed when he saw the girl screamed, startled. Both of them kept quiet and stared at each other suspiciously.

In the idiocy of the moment, Chris can still look at the girl and appreciate how she looks like. Her dark long layered hair was flowing over her shoulder sets off her creamy skin which was topped off with sparkling eyes which were slightly swollen. Her looks wasn't all that spectacular but it was the way she carried herself that makes people take a second look at her.

All the guys rushed into the kitchen after hearing the loud screams. Brian ran down from upstairs, hand clenching the towel that was hanging loosely on his hips.

"Who are you?" the guys asked her, staring at her. "L..Lanie," she stammered, getting nervous in the presence of the ten guys staring at her curiously. Jon looked at her and in that brief second he knew that she would make an impact in all their lives somehow. 'This must be the star in the dark smoke that I saw in my vision last night,' He smiled at her warmly. Brian at that moment, reached the kitchen and skidded to a stop. "Well..hello, guys,"

"Brian, you are back!" Justin said in surprise.

"I wasn't given a lot of choice," Brian said, glaring at Lance. Lance looked down, not knowing what to do. "Sorry," he muttered out. Brian just shrugged and turned to Lanie. "Guys this is my friend. She will be following us for a while to sort things out,"

It was then Joey, Lance, Kevin and JC started to yell. "How can you simply bring someone along like that? Without telling us nevertheless. Do you know what will the execs say if the media get a hold of this? The media will blow this up in our faces, making things out of poportion. Brian stood there stubbornly, not wanting to give out. Lanie had slipped out of the kitchen in the midst of the uproar. Justin followed her, wanting to talk to her.

"I don't want to be the one who make you all quarrel. I will go back to New Hampshire,"

"Don't care about them. They are pig-headed. About JC, that I can handle. Nick can handle Kev and Jon handle Lance. Oops, where is my mannners? Hie, I am Justin Timberlake," Justin reached out to shake Lanie's hand.

"I am Lanie Ryder,"

They sat on the couch, contemplating one another. Soon Kevin and Nick came out, joining them in the den. Lanie looked up at Kev who was being dragged by Nick. "You must be Brian's cousin. He told me a lot about you," Lanie said softly. Kev's eyebrows went up in surprise. Nick smiled brightly at Lanie. They could still hear raised voices in the kitchen.

"So Lanie, tell me how do you know my cousin,"

"I knew him for almost 4 years now since I was 13. I met him while on vacation in Florida,"

Justin, Kev and Nick smiled at her warmly, asking her to go on.

"Then I was still an awkward girl who was approaching her teenage years. I crashed into Brian when I was trying to rollerblade on the sidewalk near the beach there. I didn't recognise him then since I was flustered over hitting a guy to the ground. I guess the rest was history. We became close friends. I was amazed that a 21 year old guy would be interested to be friends with a friend-less 13 year old girl. We had changed phone numbers and to our surprise, we do call each other and keep in contact all this time. He came over my house in New Hampshire whenever he had the time and I called him whenever I needed someone to talk to or when I just miss him,"

"That is so sweet," Nick said softly, looking up at Kev who had softened. Kev was thinking about what Lanie had said. If it was true means she is the girl that Brian had been talking about the whole summer that year. Kev didn't know that Brian is still keeping in contact with her all this while though.

In the kitchen

Brian told them what was going on, not giving out too much details just that Lanie needed him and he wanted to be there for her.

"So what are you going to do about all this?" Brian asked Jon.

"I am okay with it. I can make arrangements so that she could stay with us,"

"Okay, I guess I am okay with it too," JC backed down. He could see that Brian have some feelings for Lanie by the way his eyes softened whenever he mentioned Lanie's name. Lance nodded. Everyone agreed to it except Joey who still frowned.

"That is all sob sob story but I don't buy it. Are you sure that she is not doing this to get to us?"

"What is up your ass?!" Brian yelled at Joey, angered by Joey's words. Joey was startled. Brian never really raised his voice to people before, always the gentleman. "Fine, I can't stop you all from letting her here. But don't expect me to be all goody with her," Joey stomped out of the kitchen. As he passed the den, Lanie was looking at him. He just humphed and continue stomping up the stairs, slamming the door to his room.

Brian's room

"Brian, I am so sorry about all this," Lanie started.

"No, don't be. I want you to be here. Erm, you can take the bed and I will sleep in the couch downstairs,"

"No,it is okay. I mean it is a big bed. I always feel safer when you are with me,"

"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable,"

"I am sure,"

They got ready for bed, tired with the day's events. Dinner was a strain with Joey trying his best to make Lanie's life miserable. The others just kept quiet, not knowing Lanie well enough to do anything.



Brian turned to face Lanie and looked at her face in the dark. "Wanna tell me what happened with you and your ex?"


Justin yawned as he retell JC what Lanie had told them earlier in the den. JC looked at Justin's angelic face and massaged Justin's shoulders. "Wanna go upstairs?" he asked.

"Josh, can you carry me? I am so tired,"

JC bent down and carried Justin in his arms up the stairs, something that he had been doing since the Mickey Mouse days. "Can we ever be like that?" Nick asked Kev as they looked at JC and Justin making their way up the stairs. "You mean you want me to carry you up the stairs?" asked Kev in surprise. Nick burst out laughing. "Not that u idiot. I mean will we be as loving as them," Kev knew what Nick meant by now. "Know that you will always hold a place in my heart no matter what. I had loved you for so long, I would do anything to make this relationship work," Kev said, holding Nick's hand against his heart. Nick started to tear up. "What is wrong baby? Did I do something wrong?" Kev started to worry.

"No,it is just that it is one of the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. I love you," Nick hugged Kev close. "Love you too," Kev stroked Nick's golden head as they lay there comfortably.

"Wanna do something really outrageous?" asked Jon as he walked with Lance down the street. They stopped from time to time to look into the darkened windows of the closed shops.

"Like what?" Lance asked.

"Let's go and bleach our hairs," Jon said gleefully.

"Jon, babe. My hair is ALREADY bleached,"

"Oops, my bad,"

"Why don't we bleach your hair only?"

"Erm, better don't. I don't want to be laughed at,"

"Jon, don't worry bout it," And with that, Lance ran down the street, dragging Jon to the hair saloon that he had seen earlier in the day. Hopefully it is still open. As they reached the hair saloon, the lady was just about to close up. Seeing the two guys, she paused a moment.

"Are you still open? We want to bleach the hair of this one," Lance pointed to Jon who had a horrified look on his face. "I guess I can stay for one more customer," the lady ushered them into her shop.

After some time, they came out with Jon's hair whitish blond. Lance couldn't keep his eyes off Jon as they walked back to their house. Jon bashfully looked down at the floor.



"You look really great,"


"Wait here," Lance went running away, leaving Jon waiting in the dark, puzzled. After half an hour, Lance returned breathless, holding something behind his back. "What is that?" asked Jon.

Lance shyly hand to Jon a stalk of white rose. He had run to the shops, finding for a white rose, which took some time since most of the shops are already closed. Jon took it, feeling happier than he had ever felt before. Both of them continue walking to the house, side by side. Lance slowly reach to hold Jon's hand, which was by his side. Jon was startled but he didn't make any resistance, smiling so widely that it could outshine the sun.

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