Capeside Adventures

By moc.loa@91dutSgnivoC

Published on Jan 8, 2000


Chapter One

The air was unusually moderate in the small town of Capeside. The birds were chirping, the sounds of boats coming in and leaving the harbor echoed throughout the town. Many families walked along the pier trying to soak up this unusually beautiful January day. A young blonde headed guy approaches a young brunette and sits down next to her on the pier.

"Oh Dawson what's up?" Joey asked with confusion not expecting to see Dawson today.

"Nothing much, just can't get over the wonderful weather, its usually in the forties this time of year. What are you up to today?" Dawson asked genuinely interested in his exgirlfriends plans.

"I am just taking a break from helping my sister with the new Bed and Breakfast, it would be great if it were up and running this weekend, we could generate allot of business." Joey stated disappointed by her families financial situation.

"Who says that it couldn't be." Dawson asked sincerely

"Yeah, that's funny Dawson, how do you expect that we get this thing up and running in three days. We'd have to get the necessary permits, generate customers, and oh there is the minor problem of workers." Joey sarcastically stated

"Well if it isn't Romeo and Juliet basking in the ray of sunlight on this beautiful day." they heard of voice say moving towards them

"Well, Pacey, I didn't know you knew that daytime existed." Joey sarcastically responded

"No its just that at night things get more interesting" Pacey shot back at Joey

"Yeah, I could see where you would have a better go at things in the dark." Joey barked back keeping the verbal battle going

"O.K., calm down guys. Pacey, what are you doing for the rest of this week? Schools still out till next Monday, any plans?" Dawson questioned

"Well, besides catching up on some much needed beauty sleep, I can't think of a single thing that I might be doing." Pacey humorously said

"Great, meet us at Joey's in about two hours, we have a surprise." Dawson slyly remarked

"Sure, why not, nothing else to do but scope out the visiting chicks and they're getting older each year." Pacey said pointing to an older woman walking past them

"Oh, come on Pacey, isn't that more your age." Joey said hitting a nerve in Pacey.

"Just meet us there in two hours" Dawson interrupted by grabbing Joey's arms and walking away from Pacey before they could continue with the nagging

"Where are we going" Joey asked Dawson as they walked in a hurried pace away from Pacey.

"You said you needed workers" Dawson smiled towards Joey

Two hours later in the front yard of Joey Potters house:

Four young people were sitting at a picnic table in the middle of the yard

"Can any of you tell me what a young able bodied young man like myself is doing here on this glorious day waiting for two people who are late I might add to surprise us with whatever harebrained scheme Dawson has cooked up this time?" Pacey asked the group.

"Maybe their getting back together" Andie McPhee said always trying to find the great side of every story, even though her own story is full of very bad things.

"Yeah, that would be great, another year of the Dawson and Joey saga" Jen Linley chimed in with her slightly depressing since of humor

"Aw come on Jen they're cute together" Jack chimed in. Being the only openly gay male in Capeside, Jack has had a tough go at it himself

" Oh yeah Jack, my brother called and was wondering what time he should pick you up tonight" Pacey humorously joked trying to change the subject.

"Why would I go for that Witter when I could have you?" Jack shot back

"Sorry Jack, one failed McPhee relationship is all a guy can handle." Pacey stated shooting a glance at Andie who shyly looked away in the opposite direction.

"Well maybe they could tell us why were all here." Andie said after noticing Dawson and Joey walking in their direction, Dawson was carrying a bag.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting, we have a present for each of you" Dawson said opening the bag and handing each of them a black tshirt that said on the chest "Potters Place"

"What is this merchandise from a nonexistent gift shop" Pacey smirked

"Nope, just tshirts that can double as uniforms" Dawson stuttered out hoping that noone picked up on the last part.

"Uniforms?" they all shouted in unison

"No way Dawson, I am still trying to get my energy up for when practice starts back on Monday" Jack stated

"Yeah, and ever since I became capesides answer to a valley girl, i haven't had much time to do anything" Jen added

"What about me, I have all those responsibilities with the Student Disciplinary Committee that I have to handle" Andie put in her complaint to add with the rest

"Work?" Pacey questioned

"Look guys, Joey and her sister really need your help in getting this place up in running for the weekend rush that is going to be generated this weekend, they could really use that extra financial boost. And besides, can you think of anything better to do on your last few days of academic freedom than by helping out a friend in need?" Dawson stated trying to gain sympathy from the masses

"I would think of it as a personal favor guys." Joey added with a little more sincereness "Besides if everything goes well we can actually afford to pay you." she tried to bring home the hard sell

"Well at least the pom pom twins won't be here" Jen stated

"I guess discipline can wait" Andie added

"Much needed exercise" Jack said finally giving in

"Work?" Pacey still had an amazed look on his face

"Great, since were all cooperating, Pacey, you and Jack take your truck and go and get this list of supplies from town. Jen, you and Andie get to work on the interior decorating of each room. Me and Joey will work and get the kitchen in strong standing. Its going to be hard, but I think we can do it." Dawson stated as each person headed off to do what their job was.

Jack and Pacey headed off towards Pacey's truck. " Do you wanna drive?" Pacey asked Jack. " Really?" Jack questioned giving Pacey an odd stare. "Yeah, trust me I am sure the old man would much prefer it if someone else drove, considering the less time I spend behind the wheel, the safer Capeside is for all residents." Pacey joked tossing Jack the keys. Jack moved towards the drivers side, and Pacey to the passengers side. When they met in the middle, they bumped into each other accidentally. "Sorry" Jack stated. "Don't be" Was Paceys reply while giving Jack an odd stare

Jack was slightly confused, but knew that there bumping into each other could have only been an accident, but he couldn't understand why that slight contact had caused such an arousing state in his pants. Thousands of different scenarios were rushing through Jacks head as he stepped behind the wheel of the truck. There was no way that Pacey could have meant it the way that Jack thought he heard it. Pacey had been with his sister, although Jack had also been with Joey at one time, and he had known that he was gay for some time now. Jack was staring off into space as Pacey shook him back into reality. " It usually works best when you crank the truck", Pacey laughed as Jack jumped at the touch from Pacey. "Oh yeah," was all Jack could say as he cranked the truck and moved out of Joey's driveway.

"So, why did you join the football team?" Pacey asked trying to strike up conversation. "I don't know," Jack said keeping his eye on the road trying not to make eye contact with Pacey. "You don't know, what did you just wake up one morning and decide that you wanted to get your head bashed in every ten seconds by a 250 pound linebacker" Pacey joked. "Maybe it was just a way to try and prove my masculinity to the school, a way to be accepted even though I am gay, and ever since I joined the team, I actually am starting to feel like I belong." Jack said all of his words coming straight from the heart. For the first time he felt like he had someone that he could open up too. He didn't understand it, but he was suddenly growing quite fond of the time he was spending with Pacey. Pacey placed his hand on Jacks "I don't think you have to prove your masculinity to anyone," Pacey said while glancing lovingly into Jacks eyes. Jack swerved the truck and almost lost control before bringing the truck back onto the road. "Whoa, I don't think the town would like it if they had to spring tax payers money to buy a new police truck." Pacey stated slightly scared of the fact that they had almost been killed. "Sorry, you just surprised me that's all" Jack answered. "Well, I am full of surprises"

Pacey wickedly stated.

**** Well, that is the first installment of the Capeside Adventures. I know it wasn't the most erotically stimulating piece, but I am attempting to build a story line here so bear with me. This is a compilation of stories involving the teenagers from the hit WB series Dawson's Creek. (Like you hadn't already realized that). I am going to include all of the characters, and even bring in some new ones. Each chapter will be complete with suspense and sexual encounters of the homosexual nature. (Jen, Joey, and Andie won't be getting any in these stories) Please send any suggestions to me at

Dawson's Creek and all of the characters and setting are trademarks of and copyright The Warner Bros. Television Network.

Next: Chapter 2

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