Capeside Adventures

By moc.loa@91dutSgnivoC

Published on Jan 10, 2000


***This is Chapter 2 in the ongoing sage known as the Capeside Adventures. Each story is a continuation of the previous story, so if you haven't read Capeside Adventures 1, I suggest you do so now.

Dawson's Creek and all of the characters and setting are trademarks of and copyright The Warner Bros. Television Network.

Capeside Adventures Chapter 2

Jack and Pacey sat silently in truck afraid of speaking a word to each other, not knowing what the other was thinking. Jack couldn't believe that Pacey Witter was actually hitting on him, not that he minded, but it was very unexpected to say the least.

"You're awfully quiet," Pacey broke the silence and a little of the tension between the two. Jack jumped at the sound of Pacey's voice, almost as if it awakened him from a distant day dream.

"Just thinking" was all that Jack could manage for a response.

"About?" Pacey questioned worried that he had driven a wedge between him and Jack with his actions.

"What did you mean when you said you were full of surprises?" Jack blurted out wanting to know what Pacey's words had meant. "I mean it was almost as if you were hitting on me." Jack spat out slightly laughing, thinking that he might have heard Pacey wrong.

"Would it have been so bad if I was hitting on you?" Pacey questioned hoping for a positive response.

Jack thought as he drove, he knew what response he wanted to give to Pacey's question, but he was worried that Pacey could just be playing mind games like he usually does. Pacey couldn't possibly be gay, it just wouldn't make sense. "I guess not" was what Jack finally came up with as the proper response.

"You seem shocked." Pacey said

"A little shocked, surprised, bewildered." Jack uttered

"Whoa, the PSATs were a week ago, shouldn't be practicing after the test"

Pacey stated trying to add humor to an uncomfortable situation.

"Are you gay?" Jack finally asked the question that had been building up inside of him for a while.

"I have asked myself that question many times. I have yet to come up with a definitive answer, but at the very least I am bisexual. I don't know if I am ready to become gay at the moment." Pacey spat out trying to be as honest as possible with Jack

After Pacey told Jack the truth, he looked out the window and noticed that they were about 10 miles outside of town and heading out of the state. They had been so preoccupied by their conversation that they hadn't realized that they were just driving and hadn't stopped when they needed too. "Maybe we should be going back to town now" Pacey Joked "What?" Jack stated and then noticed what Pacey was talking about. He had been to preoccupied by the conversation that he had driven way beyond the city limits of Capeside. Jack did a U-turn in the middle of the road and started heading back to Capeside. After he started back he realized that the low fuel light was on. "This might be a bad time, but were out of gas." Jack told Pacey he couldn't believe the bad luck they were having. "What?" Pacey shouted as the truck started to stall and eventually stopped running. Jack pulled the truck to the side of the road.

"Well, we have two options" Pacey told Jack, "we could either start walking the ten or so miles back into town, or wait till my dad decides that the truck isn't back and comes looking for us, I for one prefer the later."

"We could be here all night." Jack looked at Pacey as he spoke

"So." Pacey said as he leaned over and gently applied his lips to Jacks.

The chemistry was unbelievable. As the kiss grew hotter, Pacey started to insert his tongue into Jack's mouth massaging Jack's tongue with his own. Pacey placed his hand on the back of Jack's neck for support so the kiss could continue. Jack started rubbing Pacey's chest as they kissed passionately. Pacey finally decided to break the kiss and gently separated his mouth from Jacks. Jack sat there with his eyes still closed trying to get everything he could from the kiss.

"Wow, that was awesome." Jack said still in utter shock

"Yeah, I told you I was full of surprises." Pacey joked with Jack.

"I think we should just wait here for someone to find us, I mean, it would be pointless to start walking now, it would take us hours, and it will be dark soon. Besides, there is allot of sleeping room in the back seat just in case we get tired." Jack said in one breath, not trying to make himself sound to eager, but he wanted more now that he had gotten a taste of Pacey Witter.

***** Sorry for leaving you hanging, but this will allow me to start the next chapter off with a bang. I have gotten some good responses from the readers, and I hope to hear from each of you, and I will try to answer all of your emails. This is my first time of writing any kind of a story, so if it starts to get boring just let me know and I will spice things up a bit. I am trying to go for the whole romance thing and not just sex. I enjoy reading those stories allot more than the quickies. Keep the emails coming and keep reading, I hope to continue this for a long time.

Next: Chapter 3

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