Captured Coach

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 15, 2021


I wish I had had a hidden camera in coach's office when I called him in the middle of the week. Instead, all I could do was imagine his face going from angry, to scared, and wherever else it went. I also imagined he had his hand on his cock, desperately wanting to get free of his cage. And of course, I imagined some of those young swimmers hanging out. I was calling him to set up the weekend. "Hey handsome. Dan the Red Cup Man here." I could imagine him wondering how I got the number for his desk phone before he realized it was either Sean or Todd. "What do you want? Can't you just leave me alone?" "Well, I COULD, but then you'd have that cage on and... you know, you CAN remove them if you don't have the key, but... can you imagine a metal cutter down on your cock." He paused. "You're a real sicko, Dan." "Ha ha. Well, I get inspired by hot guys and I found one. But to get back to your question: no, I don't think I CAN, stud. I don't know how much jizz I shot thinking about you this week, but... it was a fucking lot." "I guess I should be complimented," he grumbled. "Well, it gave me a standard for the weekend. And that's why I'm calling you." I could hear the sigh. "You DO want the cage to come off, don't ya? Even to just get a little relief?" "You're gonna put it back on, aren't you?" "YOU BET, STUD. You'll learn to live with it." "fuck," I heard him whisper. "So, for the weekend. I'm coming by to pick you up, about 5:30 Friday. You better bring some decent clothes. No jacket or anything like that, but I plan to take you out at some point. " "TAKE ME OUT? WHAT? To show your friends your new...." he gulped. "conquest?" "Have I conquered you? Are you giving up?" "FUCK NO" "Well, then, maybe I'm just showing off the guy I'm working on. Anyway, there's not much to discuss here. Then bring some gym clothes too. And you better pick tight stuff because... if you don't, remember, I got my 'dude bros' to help me. "NO! You're not... PLEASE DON'T HAVE SHANE AND TODD." "Well, that's a little late Rick. Maybe next time I'll discuss it with you before I invite them, maybe not. We're not at the point of making joint guest lists yet. They're not all who's coming " I had to move my face from the phone. I thought this was brilliant. "WHAT ? Who else?" "Oh, I don't know. I just told them to bring a few guys who'd be interested in seeing their coach being dominated. Again he sighed. "PLEASE. CAN'T YOU JUST MAKE IT THE TWO OF US? I GOTTA WORK WITH THESE KIDS." "Oh, trust me stud. Once they see what you go through, they'll respect you even more. OH - a mutual friend of ours, the lovely Ramon is coming too. Not with them, but later." I imagined that my sweet blond got a bit of a woody hearing that. And it was true. "I can't believe you're doing this to me," he almost cried. "You can handle it muffin. You're gonna have to. So, you'll be ready on Friday?" Another pause. "Yes." Then I drove a point home. "You're gonna have to start learning to end that with another word." "I'm NOT calling you Sir." "Ha ha. You will. Maybe we'll make a bet on it. See you Friday hot buns."

Coach didn't disappoint me. I was waiting outside the natatorium when he exited the building. OH MY, was he HOT. He was wearing chinos, an untucked white button down, one of those athletic jackets (I learned later that it was one he wore when he was a diver at university), and a red baseball cap. I THOUGHT I saw him smile when he saw me, but he wiped that away almost immediately. Rather than walk to him, I didn't move. He had to come to me. When he did, the first thing he said was "If I wore what you wanted, will you let me out of the cage, PLEASE?" I smiled. "You're gonna be released from the cage, Rick. I'm not a promise breaker. You're just gonna have to be patient. Now, let's walk. I couldn't part as close to the building as I wanted, so we'll just have to hoof it. I was especially proud of that little trick. There had been no problem in getting parking close to the building, but... even though it was Friday afternoon/evening, there were people around, and they'd see Coach, see him with another man, and of course, fuel questions. If they asked any of his swimmers after the weekend, well... I was enjoying the sense of how I was just manipulating him. When we got to the car, I had him toss his bag into the backseat. That's when he saw the handcuffs on the dashboard. "Put em on. It's not hard." "COME ON! You're not gonna make me wear those, are you?" "You know, Rick? I think that every time you give me trouble this weekend, I'm gonna extend the time you wear the cage. I have a plan in mind, and I could keep on moving it, oh, to keep it on you for another half hour or so and of course, well, if we run out of time this weekend... it'll just have to stay on until I see you next time." He sighed in desperation, picked up the cuffs and locked them. He saw my smile. "You love what you're doing to me, don't you?" "Sure do," I answered. "Got lots more planned. Sooooooooo, I thought we'd stop and get a quick drink and then head to my place. Get ya settled in for the night, play our first game. "WHAT game? Are you gonna do...." his voice dropped "What you did last time?" "That WAS hot wasn't it, stud? But no, I got other games planned for this weekend. " As I pulled into a spot near the bar, I unlocked his cuffs. "This... this is a gay bar." I laughed. "Did you think we were going to a strip club?" "But.. but... people might recognize me." I shrugged my shoulders. "Deal with it. " I took his forearm and shoved. "GET IN" At that hour, the place wasn't too crowded. That's what I wanted. Coach didn't see anyone who knew him, nor did I see anyone I knew, but people were getting a look at our faces. I, of course, was known all over the community. You could see the looks that said "I KNOW I've seen him." I ordered a couple of beers, one for each of us (I still had to drive). I looked at him, smiling. "Take off the cap. You know I like your hair." I could see from his face that he didn't want to do it, but he did. "Give it to me. I'll give it back to you at the end of the weekend. For now, I wanna see my blond boy." He blushed. "Could you please not call me that? I'm not your boy." "You call Ramon your boy." I could tell I wasn't supposed to know that, and he struggled for a response. "My relationship with Ramon is different from the one I have with you." "Yeah, you fuck Ramon." He went silent. He knew what I was gonna say. "And after this weekend, that'll stop because I'll be fucking both of you." He put down his beer. "LOOK. I've gone along with this shit and... NO MORE. You're not fucking me. " I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok. There's a hardware store down the block . You can probably buy the tools you need to get it off you, but... they may want to see what the problem is so they can give you the right ones. And take my word for it: it's impossible to do it alone. You'll need a second pair of hands." He blanched when he realized I was right. "Please. Anything else. Not fucking." "Anything I want. Now let's go. I wanna get one game underway before we go have supper."

"I suppose you want me to go to the basement," was what Coach muttered when we got back to my house. "Nah, not tonight, stud, not tonight." I helped take off his jacket, which was a mistake on his part, because as I did, I got hold of his arms and pulled them behind him. "WHAT? What are you doing now?" He knew right away. My tongue went right to the spot on his neck where I knew he was most sensitive. His moans began instantly. They were probably enhanced because of the cage, but in any event, they were sweet, and they encouraged me. He pulled at my grip, but he had very little chance against me. I had surprised Rick, and in his oversensitized state, he had even less of a chance. My mouth covered his ear, and I whispered "You're fucking hot. You're even hotter shaved, but you're also real, REAL pretty rick. SO FUCKING PRETTY. I think you're even prettier than Ramon... which makes you even more fuckable." "NO. NO. OH GOD NO...." came out of his mouth before I slipped one hand into that button down shirt and began work on a nipple. I kept up tonguing his ear. "Oh, you feel so good smooth, and a little stubbly. The hair's growing back." I tightened my grip. "GOOD. When it's long enough, I'll take it again." I began pinching his nipple and just enjoying him moan. This was only the start of what was going to happen that night. I had told him we weren't going downstairs, and we weren't. I whispered "I'm gonna let you go and you're gonna do what you're told, cause if you're not.... remember who's got the key. We clear." "We're clear." He answered. "I didn't hear that." I nibbled his ear lobe. "We're clear.... SIR" That Sir felt like it was ripped out of his chest and I didn't care. Now that I had it, I let him go. "Like last time. STRIP." He gulped. I'm not sure what he expected but he should've expected having to get naked. When he was stripped down, I did a 360 check of his body. Yeah, there was stubble coming in, but that was ok: not enough to start another shave yet. I hadn't given him a chance to see what was around the area where we were "playing" so he didn't see the small, fat butt plug. It was only about 3 inches, and that's all I wanted in him... for now. I lubed it and slipped it in, twisting as it went. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT.." "Ha ha. You better not stud. It's not that big and, trust me, you're gonna have to get used to a LOT bigger going up there. Now sit." I pointed to a chair. It was at that point that he saw the ropes, the nipple clamps, the paddle, the hitachi, and the sinkers, all laid out nicely on a table, as if I were about to do construction - which I sort of was. I yanked his wrists behind him and began tying. "Please. Is this all really necessary? Just fuck me and get it over with." "Ha ha," I answered. "If all I wanted was a good fuck, I'd take one of your boys. " I finished the tie before I announced. "Shane and Todd tell me they're bringing five or six guys tomorrow. "FUCK. WHAT? OH SHIT." He pulled at the ropes now. I was getting so damn hard watching his hot smooth blond body try to break out. Every now and then, I saw his cock quiver. "You a once a day jerker or more, stud?" I asked him, as I picked up the clamps. "THAT'S NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS" I smiled. He WAS a defiant one. Just what I liked. "Oh, it will be. Trust me. I'm gonna assume once a day by the size of your balls. Those sweet, unshaven balls, heh heh." He heard the shaving word and gulped. "Please not that..." He closed his eyes when I picked up the paddle and gently ran it under his sacks. "Not gonna use this though. Not yet. I have another game in mind. It begins with... these." I attached each of the clamps to one of his nipples, and his howl told me this was a new first for him. "PLEASE. They hurt! PLEASE..." "Making you forget the cage, muffin?" He didn't answer, he just moaned. "Now, this is what we're gonna do. Right now, I have a specific time in mind for when I'm gonna unlock ya, and how long I'm gonna keep the cage off. I'm gonna start adding these weights to the chain. Every weight gives you another hour of freedom before I lock you up again. Starting... now." I added the first sinker to the chains. He screamed. "I have duct tape, stud. You keep screaming, and I'll use it. So, you ready for the second one?" He took a deep breath and looked at me. He said defiantly "Bring it on, creep." I did. Now there were two, and instead of screaming, he seemed to be tearing up. I opened MY jeans and popped out my dick so he could see how hard I was. "I'd make you taste it but... I'm not ready to trust those sweet lips of yours for anything but a kiss yet. So.... stud, what do you way to a third one?" Again, he gritted his teeth. "I say 'is that all you got'?" his eyes motioned over to my cock. I just smiled. There was a big difference between the short 3 in him, and the hard 8 he was gonna get. I added the third weight. He winced, and his head went back . "I'm bored. Let me see you dance". He laughed. "Yeah right. Did you forget you have me tied up, dumbass?" "Ha ha. Great comeback smartass. But speaking of asses, let me see it dance on the plug. Wiggle." He looked at me and smiled. He didn't speak but he mouthed the words "fuck you." I just went for the fourth weight and this time, I DID take the paddle to his balls and began a light rhythmic tapping. A whispered "fuck you," became an out and out "OH FUCK PLEASE . STOP." When I didn't stop, he added. "Please stop SIR" I stopped the paddling but I held it on his balls. "You had enough? You tapping out with four?" His face was contorted, but his cock was swollen. "Yes SIR. Enough. I GIVE. ENOUGH." I shook my head as I started taking the weights off. "Eventually, I'll get you to 8 or 9. One for each inch of my... all I got." "OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH" he couldn't help himself as the clamps came off. "I think it's time for you to... experience my all you got. " "NO PLEASE SIR PLEASE. I top. I don't bottom. It... It hurts." "You're handling the plug really well. " "You're bigger Sir. MUCH bigger. " "I am. You have no idea. Now, let's go or I'll put those clamps back on and drag you to the bedroom."

You know how a man kind of sags when he's feeling defeated, or beaten? I got that kind of feeling when I started leading Rick to the bedroom. I LOVED it. I knew he'd recover his gumption by Saturday, when his beloved swimmers were coming to visit and we were going to play "Catch the Coach" in the woods out back, but for now... I wanted him just the way he was: nice and compliant. No struggles when I put him on his belly, untied the ropes and re-attached chains that were on the bed already. Since he was on his belly, I used the ankle restraints too. I could hear him almost softly sobbing. I rubbed his earlobe. "You put up a good fight Rick. You should be proud of that. And this beautiful, beautiful ass. OH GOD have I wanted this." I twisted the butt plug and slowly pulled it out. "Please. Go easy Sir. Please." "When was the last time you got topped, Coach?" He didn't answer. I put my hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it. "Holy shit. Am I about to take your cherry?" More sobbing. "Yes sir. No one's ever been in there. " "HOT DAMN. Such a hot, pretty boy and a VIRGIN. FUCK." I could barely restrain myself. I wanted to shove everything into his ass right away and make him suffer. My plan had me doing otherwise, though, and instead, I lubed him up real well. I couldn't very well lube myself. I was so hard I was afraid that I'd explode. Instead, I tried very hard by thinking of the most unappetizing sex I had ever had, to get my cock down just a little. It worked. And I began sliding in. He moaned, but he took about the amount of my cock that corresponded to the butt plug with no trouble. I slid my hands under his hips and pushed his ass up. "I don't know if this'll make it any easier stud, but here goes." I slid in another inch. "PLEASE SIR NO MORE. IT HURTS. " "Heh heh. You don't want to lose your credits for the weights, boy, do you?" "What do you mean Sir?" "I mean... you got 4 extra hours of release from the weights. Now, for every inch of my cock you don't take, I'm taking back one of those hours. "SIR. That's unfair. OWWWWWWWWWWW" I slid in another inch. "Life is unfair, stud. If life were fair, you'd have a rich john keeping you as his boy, fucking your mouth and ass every day and you'd be his arm candy at every fucking international event there was." I pushed in another inch. "But that's not the case. You're an assistant swimming coach, and you've got a new topman who sometimes has to fight to pay for this barn of a fucking house, and you're losing your cherry to him. BITCH." As I spat out bitch, the rest of my cock penetrated Rick. He didn't say anything. He just moaned. And he continued to moan as I slid my cock back a little. I didn't care if he hurt, I didn't care if he liked it. I was rock hard, and that's what I cared about. I came about 2/3 of the way out and then I PLUNGED in.. HARD. "OH FUCK! OH FUCK SIR. OH FUCK." "Ha ha. Get used to it bottom boy. Heh heh. Wait till your swimmers hear me calling you bottom boy. You're gonna have to live with that." "Please sir. Take my ass but... don't do that to me." I began sliding in slowly. "All depends muffin. All depends on how you behave for the rest of the weekend. " I stopped. "GOD you have a hot ass. I've had cherries. I've never had one as hot as yours." It was true, literally and figuratively. His ass was hot, temperature wise. I wondered how hot I could make it with a spanking or a flogging, but that was for the future. Instead, I began getting into the rhythm I used all the time. "Feel that, fuckboy? That's how I fuck Ramon. That's how I'm gonna fuck him the next time. And you're gonna WATCH." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR" . He seemed to like that idea. I began to formulate an idea of fucking the two of them . One after the other. Or making them fight for my cock. There were SO MANY possibilities. I continued to pound his cheeks. I sped up a little because I didn't need to get too fast. I was that close. So close. So fucking close. Then. I was there. I let go. My jizz began going up his ass. I felt him tighten, not because he was trying to please me (he was too new at this to do that), but because of his... whatever. I will admit, I've dumped bigger loads: I don't know about you other Tops, but when I fuck a guy for the first time, and I know I wanna fuck him again, I don't shoot as much as I normally do. And I WAS going to fuck him again this weekend. I had taken him from behind and I was gonna take him from the front too. Probably Sunday. We would see. For now, though, I finished up. I smacked my cock against his cheeks. Then I took the plug and shoved it back in. "You're gonna hold my babies for the night, manbitch. All through dinner. So get up, get some of that jizz off you, and get dressed again. You sleep with me tonight. "yes sir," he whispered resignedly. I was a bit concerned. I wanted him in "fight mode" for Saturday. I needn't have worried. Come back. You'll see.

Next: Chapter 4

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