Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 26, 2021


First, an apology to the careful, polite readers out there. One of you sent me a very gentle email, informing me that SEALS are part of the Navy, and NOT the army. To call Derrick "soldier" was incorrect, and would rattle the careful reader who likes this type of story. If I did that I apologize right now. The reader is correct, and I thank him for the kind correction. I will refer to Derrick and the other SEALS as "sailor " going forward; however, as I hope you will see, and enjoy, there are many other names that Derrick is going to be called. Now, to the story. As they walked to Lord Garth's quarters, Derrick did his best to assess the situation. It did not look good. He assumed Lord Garth was armed, but with what, he did not know? Could he disarm him in a fight? Possibly; but there were four guards walking with him, and they kept the metal chain on his neck pulled tight. He didn't know where he was, where the other SEALS were , or if they were even still alive, and Lord Garth clearly knew about his father. He needed more information before he did anything. "Best to be docile... for now" he thought.

After they had proceeded down a long corridor, they came to a heavy door, locked by a device that required the input of a security code. Two of the guards turned Derrick around so he couldn't see Lord Garth's fingers operate the device. When the door swung open, they led him in.

Lord Garth did not have a large bedroom, or a suite: that door led to an entire wing of the compound. Derrick saw at least two dozen men, in various uniforms, doing different things. "We will go to my sitting room" Lord Garth said to the guards with them. He reached for the end of the chain around Derrick's neck. "Come. There is someone I wish for you to meet." Now, Derrick did look around to get a sense of the wing. He really couldn't see much: most of the doors were closed. It was fairly quiet, and he wasn't sure if his mind were playing tricks on him, or if the sounds he heard were the voices of his fellow SEALS.

"I would like you to meet my son, Derrick." Lord Garth smiled as they entered the sitting room. There was a tall young man standing in the corner, his back to him. His dark curly hair reminded him of someone.

The young man turned around, and smiled. "YAKOV!" Derrick cried out in astonishment, as the young man came forward, smiling. "Yes, Derrick, it is I. He began walking forward, and stopped a few feet in front of the captive. "Why are you here? Are you, are you...." Yakov laughed. "Yes, Derrick, this is my father. " He saw Lord Garth smile. "I may be able to help with the confusion, Derrick. My son and I are close: VERY close. He inherited much from me, including his... let's call them predilections. And he mentioned to me, his affection for a fellow SEAL - blond, with green eyes. He was also very disappointed that he was NOT selected to participate in this mission that you are on. " He laughed. "Mission. What a quaint way to call a plan to make handsome prisoners available to interested parties. I was advised of the capture, and frankly, was not very interested. BUT... the description of the available captives included yours and spoke of the "blond hair and emerald eyes," and the nickname "Golden Emerald." Now, THIS was interesting to me. First, because of my history with your father, of which you will learn in due course. Also, my son's birthday was coming up shortly, and I had no idea what to get him as a gift."

"So... you bought me for your SON?" Lord Garth smiled. "You may even be quicker than your father. It must be the bloodlines from the Asian witch that is your mother." Derrick didn't flinch at the use of the word "witch." He had heard Mayumi describe herself as such, more than once. And as he was listening, he felt a slight stirring in his loins: he was Yakov's PROPERTY? " "Now, I am going to turn you over to my son, to do with as he wishes; however, he also has an assignment from his father. I wish to speak with YOUR father. And I know that you can get in touch with him. We confiscated your electronics, and we know that there is a way to reach him, but it is coded. " He paused. "You will tell us the code." "I WILL TELL YOU NOTHING." Garth smiled. "Spoken like the son of Golden Wolf. A regular chip off the old block. We shall see if you are correct. You know, Derrick, you father once told me 'no' and 'never'. Both turned out to be incorrect." Derrick looked at him. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Garth only laughed. "You will find out. You will find out." He smiled and turned to his son. He handed him the chain. "I wish you a Happy Birthday Yakov. Do not disappoint me." "Thank you father. You always know what I want. And I will do my best to provide what you have asked.

Yakov led Derrick by the chain through several other rooms. "Where are you taking me Yakov?" Yakov smiled. "To MY end of the wing, derrick." We will talk, before we begin. I am sure you have questions. " Yakov brought Derrick to a room that looked very much like the one in which he had been imprisoned. This time, he was seated, in what appeared to be a standard chair, with a long, narrow back. His spine could rest against it, but there was no further space. Yakov attached the chain to a hook in the wall. "At some point, I hope we will not need that chain. But for now.... "

He pulled up a seat. "So, to begin, you are ....." Yakov told him where he was. Derrick had heard of the city, but had very little idea of where they were. "Your mission. HA HA. Our people have infiltrated your military at all levels. The commanders? Trained by my father. Left in the SEALS for this very moment: " He paused. "Surely you have heard of men who have a passion for seafood, referring to sailors. And what is more desirable, than a muscular, attractive SEAL." Derrick pulled at the chain. "WAIT. Are you telling me...." Yakov smiled. "Indeed I am. And from what I can tell, Derrick, the thought is not that unappealing to you.." Derrick was trying, with all his might, to resist his infatuation with Yakov, but it was not working. It didn't help when Yakov got up and rubbed Derrick's earlobe. "Just like Mayumi used to do, to relax you Derrick. Only with stronger fingers." Derrick again closed his eyes. He had told Yakov about that spot when they were fooling around. And it WAS true. If he had bad dreams, or had had a bad day, his mother's massaging of his earlobes always calmed him down. "Now, I do not want to disappoint my father, and he very much wants to talk to yours." "WHY?" Yakov shrugged his shoulders. "My father is a private man. He has his reasons, but he has not shared them with me. But my task is to get that information from you. And I will because... " He smiled as he moved his hands to Derrick's nipples "I would like to enjoy you, unencumbered by tasks. "KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME." Derrick tried to get up and felt the pull of the chain. "AGGGGGGGH." "That is fine, derrick. You WILL come around in due time. But for now.." He smiled as he loosened the neck chain. "If you keep in mind that if you lay a hand on me, you will be dead in less than a minute, you will do what you're told. You are to strip. Completely." Derrick looked away. He had no other options and peeled off the t shirt, and then dropped the fatigue pants. Yakov smiled when he saw Derrick naked. So sweet. Such a beautiful boy." He reattached the neck chain. "Raise your hands above your head, please." Derrick sighed, and did what he was told. He felt a set of restraints get attached to them, and then pulled up. Yakov then wound five coils of rope around his middle, securing him to the back of the chair. He tied Derrick's thighss, and then pulled his ankles back far, spreading his legs. Derrick saw the smile on his face as Yakov did the next thing: he took what appeared to be a rubber cuff, and slid it down Derrick's penis. Finally, he took another rubber cuff, and squeezing Derrick's balls to the point where Derrick winced, painfully, he pulled his balls through that cuff. "Now the way this will operate, Derrick, is very simple. Your arm restraints are attached to a device that I will now turn on. Every hour, a winch will pull your arms upward by one inch. Similarly..." He smiled as he ran a cord through the contraption on Derrick's balls and cock. Yakov took the cord, and pulled it taught, attaching it to a pole about two feet from where Derrick was seated. "This will remain, and when I come in to check on you... I will play this cord, as if it were a guitar string. And...." He smiled broader. "Each time I visit, I will add something else to your ordeal. And rest assured, today is just the start. I have MANY other ideas for playing with my new toy." He got up and stood behind Derrick. He rubbed both of his earlobes, and whispered. "My handsome golden emerald is back. " His fingers moved to Derrick's nipples, and he heard Derrick suck in his breath. "What did you tell me? I never knew how sensitive they were? " "FUCK YOU." "Ha ha ha ha ha. I believe, Derrick, you thought that eventually, that is what you would do to me. Not so, handsome.." Yakov went to a switch and turned on the device, as he walked out of the room.

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Mayumi woke out of a sound sleep. She was sweating, and her breathing was quick and short. Whatever she had been dreaming, was gone. She focused, and got enough of it, to have a sense of what it was. When she did, she shook her husband. "WOLF. WOLF. WAKE UP. WAKE UP. It's Derrick. He's in trouble. DERRICK IS IN TROUBLE WOLF!" "Huh? HUH? WHAT? What happened?" "Wolf... I know you don't trust my dreams, but they're always right. Derrick is in a bad spot. VERY bad. They're going to hurt him. He needs your help. " Wolf was shaking the sleep out of his head. " May, he's on a mission. I know the captains. He'll be fine. You're just worrying like the good mother that you are." "NO WOLF. NO!!!!! This is bad. This is really bad. I have feelings of deception, of betrayal and.... "OH. The pain!" As she said that, the winch had just pulled Derrick's arms up a second inch, and Yakov had come back to the room to "play the guitar" as he put it." "May, listen. I can see you're not going back to sleep..." "NO WOLF. I know you SEALS have a code. I KNOW you do. So do mothers with their sons. He wouldn't reach out to you. He did to me. DO SOMETHING. FIND OUT SOMETHING." Wolf got out of bed. He and Mayumi slept naked, and he reached for a robe to cover himself. His cock was "generous," and his rigorous exercise routine meant that he retained the six pack he had developed as a young SEAL. He reached into a side drawer in his bed table, and pulled out his SECOND phone. This one, not so much a phone as a miniature computer, had a coded number for reaching his son. He had only used it three times in the past. When he used it, it was a signal to Derrick to respond, in code, immediately: to stop whatever he was doing, and to get in touch. He pressed the code. No answer. "Ok, the boy needs a minute." he thought. He tried again in five minutes. Again, no answer. Now he began to get concerned. He tried a third time. Again, no answer. Mayumi may have been right. He began walking around the room, thinking of what he could do. Each time he called, Derrick's secret phone, kept in Lord Garth's bedroom, buzzed and glowed. Garth smiled. He did not know how to respond to the call- his son was working on that - but now he knew , his ultimate quarry was looking for his son.

"AGGGGGGH. PLEASE. PLEASE DON'T PULL SO HARD YAKOV" Derrick was in extreme pain. The winch had pulled his arms up so far, he was having trouble keeping contact with the seat of the chair. And much to his embarrassment, each time Yakov came in, wearing one less item of clothing and pulled the cord on his cock, it grew harder. Yakov seemed to be growing as well. He was wearing only a loin cloth at this point: his shirt was gone, as was everything else. "JUST LOOK AT THAT FINE COCK OF YOURS. MMMMM. Paired with a fine ass. What a delicious combination." "YAKOV PLEASE. IF THIS IS ABOUT FUCKING ME, JUST FUCK ME. " Yakov smiled. "But I've told you derrick. HAVING you is only part of this. I owe my father some information." "YOU WONT GET IT. OOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Yakov pulled on the cord hard. "We shall see, Derrick, we shall see." For the first time, Derrick began to feel frightened. Yakov had threatened him with additional forms of torture, and now, he took out the first one. They didn't look like much: Derrick thought of the clips they used to attach large piles of documents at headquarters. He had other thoughts though, after Yakov had attached one to each of his nipples. "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK." "Hurts doesn't it, derrick? Yakov smiled. "Now, if I do this..." He bounced his finger up and down on each one, and Derrick moaned, as his cock grew even longer. "Hmmm. SO much more material to work with down there, derrick. Maybe we need another cuff?" "No. NO. PLEASE. PLEASE YAKOV... AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH." Yakov pulled the cord hard. "I think we'll switch the arm winch off for a while. This seems to be doing fine. Perhaps with a half hour of concentrated thought about this, you'll consider what I've requested." Derrick began to whimper. He tried to use the mind control techniques his mother had taught him, and he kept on repeating "I AM A SEAL. I AM A SEAL" to himself, but it wasn't doing any good. The repeated "twangs" Yakov made on the cord, followed by the flicking of the clamps on his nipples, were getting to him. "PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. PLEASE... PLEASE..." Yakov didn't answer. He smiled. "We're just getting started." He turned because there was a knock at the door. He went and Derrick saw over Yakov's shoulder that his father was there. He was handing Yakov a small black object. They laughed. Lord Garth patted Yakov on the shoulder, and left. Yakov came back, pulled up a seat, smiling. "You're familiar with how blood rushes back to a site where access was restricted, do you not, Derrick?" Through gritted teeth, he spat out "OF COURSE I DO. We learned that at the academy." "Well, I'm just mentioning it, because I'm giving you the option of having me remove the clamps or not. It's up to you." Yakov smiled and flicked them both. "YES. YES. PLEASE TAKE THEM OFF YAKOV. PLEASE." Yakov grinned. "Hereafter, when you ask me for something , you will call me SIR" " He flicked the clamps. "Still want them off?" Derrick moaned. His hair was matted with sweat, his body was covered in it, and he could smell the odor of fear, coming from his body. "YES. YES SIR. PLEASE TAKE THEM OFF SIR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH." Yakov had done what he asked. "I have some good news, and some bad news for you Derrick. First, the good news: I'm going to end the torture for tonight, in less than an hour. " Whimpering, Derrick whispered. "Thank you. Thank you Sir." "We will continue tomorrow. But now, the bad news." He held out the black object. He saw it was his private phone and it was glowing. There were three red lights. Three messages from his father. "Looks like someone has been trying to get in touch with you. HOW do you like that?" "Who... who told him I was captured? WHO TOLD HIM? He didn't know anything?" "Oh, my father's guess is that it was your mom: his words were "That Asian witch bitch?" Derrick gathered a wad of spit and spewed it at Yakov. He smiled, wiped it from his cheek, and rubbed it between his hands. Then he began to slowly drag his hands across Derrick's cock. "OH SHIT. OH GOD. OHHHHHHHHH" "Hee hee. You are going to be SO much fun in bed tonight Derrick. I cannot wait. But we'll have to empty you first, and for that.... " Yakov left the room for a minute and came back. He had a translucent tube, and a vibrator with a suction cup attached to it. The tube had a suction cup connector .

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"Aftab... Aftab. It's Wolf. How are you old man?" Wolf was on his computer, trying to reach a contact in the middle east. Aftab knew EVERYTHING. He heard everything, and what he chose to remember was only what might profit him. Still, he and Wolf had become friends when Wolf had rescued him from one of the work camps where the then warlord had imprisoned him. "WOLF. I have not heard from you since the good old days. I hope things are well for you, but I assume if you are contacting me at - what time is it for you, 3 in the morning? They are not? No, Aftab, they're not. I'm calling to see if maybe you have some information that can help me. Wolf laid out that he had tried to contact his son, and couldn't get through. That, and his wife's dreams, and the mysterious mission that Derrick had gone on. He gave as much information as he could. "Hmm. AH. Yes. Now I remember something. Not much, but something. Your friend, your friend Lord Garth? Wolf spat. "MY FRIEND? " "Ha ha. I speak metaphorically, Wolf. Please do not shoot the messenger. There was much talk of him planning to do something very special for his son's birthday. His son... what's his name ... YAKOV. That is it. "OH NO. WOLF... " Mayumi was listening and she told him what Derrick had confided in her about a SEAL named Yakov, how he had a huge crush, and he had "done something," but he didn't want to tell his father. "Well, this may bring it together. There was also talk of.... oh, I don't remember how they put it - but of a flesh market, where the prize was a young man with blond hair and green eyes - apparently a favorite of Yakov's." Wolf winced when he saw the wry smile on Aftab's face. "What is it that they say about the apple not falling far from the tree?" Wolf felt his blood going cold. He looked at Mayumi and they figured it out: Derrick was in Lord Garth's hands. He was using Derrick, as "bait" to get to Wolf. "Aftab... have there been any reports of SEAL activity, or... anything of a military nature?" "Hmmmm. It was not widely reported, and in fact, not officially at all, but there was word of a military tribunal convening to deal with an attempted coup. Americans were said to be involved. " "FUCK. " slipped out of Mayumi's mouth. "Thank you Aftab. I may need to call you again." Aftab smiled. "As always, Wolf, the first call is free. For the second, there will be a reasonable fee." "As always" Wolf smiled. "Thank you Aftab." He ended the connection, and turned to his wife. "That bastard has our son. " "He does Wolf. But he has him because... he wants you."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Yakov put the sleeve over Derrick's extended cock. "Before I take you to bed, Derrick, I want you empty. The only one of us who will find release in bed is me." He smiled. "And I will find it, in you." Derrick shuddered as Yakov brought the vibrator closer. He smiled as he pushed the head on Derrick's balls, and Derrick moaned . "This is the lowest setting Derrick. It can get much, MUCH more stressful." The sounds coming out of Derrick were a mixture of moans and whimpers. None of his training, official or unofficial, has prepared him for this. He closed his eyes, but he heard the vibrator turning faster. Yakov had moved the setting up one notch, as he locked the suction cup to the holder on the tube. The top of the vibrator just touched Derrick's cockhead. The suction cup made it possible for Yakov to operate it while he stood up and walked behind Derrick. He slid his hands to his captives nipples and rubbed them. He whispered. "I am the man who discovered how sensitive these are, was I not, Derrick?" Derrick squeaked out, weakly. "Yes. Yes you were." "And I am the first man to have ever played with these" He rubbed both of Derrick's earlobes "OH yes Sir. Yes... Yes you were." Then Yakov moved his fingers back to Derrick's nipples, and his mouth over his ear. "And I am the first man who is going to fuck your ass." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" And Derrick shot a load out of the tube, all over himself, the floor, everything. Yakov smiled. "And now, we can proceed to bed."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In his weakened state, Derrick was no match for Yakov, who tied his wrists and thighs to the bed. His legs were spread wide. Now, Yakov dropped his clothes. Spent though he was, Derrick couldn't keep his eyes off of Yakov's developed body. His lean physique showed his six pack - something Derrick's body didn't show (his father had told him it wasn't until he was 40 that his showed. Now, it showed REAL well). Naked, his long, narrow cock showed also. He smiled as he climbed on the bed, on top of Derrick. "We could have so much fun together Derrick." Derrick sealed his lips closed as Yakov kissed him. He moved his lips to Derrick's ear, then his neck, then he ran his tongue down Derrick's sternum. "This fight between our fathers... why do we have to be involved at all? " Derrick was gasping. "I.. I don't know. I don't know anything about a fight?" Yakov smiled. "You don't? You Americans. You keep everything so private. Perhaps your father will tell you more when he comes to rescue you." "MY FATHER WON'T COME. HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE I AM." "Ha ha. YET, Derrick, YET. " Yakov began to run his finger around Derrick's balls. "You know, I remember academy. You were such a star in everything, bur strategic planning. " "You were the star in that class, Yakov." "I was.. Indeed I was. " He pushed Derrick's legs in the air. "What a shame there wasn't an official class on beautiful asses. You would have won that one for sure.. The way I'm going to win this ass now." "I've... I've never been fucked Yakov. Please be gentle. I mean... I'm sorry. SIR" "If you want gentle, Derrick, then you'll answer your father's call. And you'll give me those codes. " Derrick swallowed.. Hard. He was going to get fucked. He WANTED to get fucked. Now, his choice was brutally, or gently. He sobbed softly as he whispered. "42. 56. 12. 19. 8." "You break too easily Derrick. It"s because you are a virgin. Your mother did not tell you everything. Men are NEVER gentle. " With that, Yakov RAMMED his full 10 inches into Derrick all at once. Derrick's scream was so loud that Garth heard it in his section of the wing. He smiled. "I'm glad my son likes his present." Indeed, Yakov did. He had never fucked an ass as tight as Derrick's : had he ever had virgin MAN pussy? Pussy, yes. Man pussy? He could not recall that. Nor could he recall a man moaning in pleasure the way Derrick did. He truly seemed to enjoy the brutal way Yakov was taking him: sliding in hard, pulling out slowly, and then another brutal, fast PUSH as hard as he could. He saw Derrick's recovery time was quick: something to keep in mind, as Derrick's cock grew. "Do you like how that feel's Derrick? Do you like my cock in you?" "OH YES SIR. YES SIR. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.... " Derrick had thought about what it might feel like. He had no idea it would feel this good. He smiled as Yakov came inside of him. His mother had told him: the myth is that the first time is never good. It CAN be if you're both in the right frame of mind. They were. Yes, he was a SEAL, but living with his father, Derrick had grown up to be willful, strong... and subservient. Meeting a man who took control the way Yakov did: it was perfect. He LOVED the fucking. He loved when they were done, how Yakov tied his hands in front of him, and then got another neck chain. It was long enough to allow Derrick to move in bed, but if he needed, for example, to go to the bathroom, he would need Yakov's permission, and the chain unlocked. "Now, one more thing Derrick. You are already getting hard again. And there is NO cumming in this bed unless it is by me. " He took the cylinder he had used on Derrick before and put it back on his cock. "No friction, no climax. It is as simple as that." He kissed Derrick's temple. "Sleep well my pretty toy. We will have more fun tomorrow." Yakov planned to give his father the coordinate numbers for the phone in the morning. He didn't need to. Wolf had contacted Aftab a second time, and had wired 25,000.00 to Aftab's secret bank account. Ten minutes later, he had Garth's computer address, and fifteen minutes later, he was staring at Garth, over a secure connection. "WOLF! It has been too long? When can I expect to see you? "

Next: Chapter 3

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