Captured Seal Derrick

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 8, 2021


Derrick held on to his father while his father slept. He knew the travel time had been difficult, and then, to come to this. He sat up against a wall, right next to his father, as if he were a watchdog. He'd die before he let Garth do what he had just done to his father. derrick didn't have his mother's gifts, so he could not penetrate into his father's dreams. Had he been able to do so, he would have realized that this was not the first time Wolf had been taken by Garth. His soft, almost peaceful snores didn't reveal the dream of how he had been captured in battle, and sold to Lord Garth's father, to be given to the then Prince Garth as a gift. Nor did they reveal how Prince Garth had "trained" his new slave, every day, with forced workouts and torment. Prince Garth had not made a secret of what he wanted, but he also had told Wolf he would not take his pleasure unless and until Wolf submitted. He kept his word. Sort of. Wolf was dreaming about the time when, after Garth had gotten tired of waiting, he had taken him to his private rooms, had him stripped, bound, and then tormented him with tit torture, nipple torture, edging, tickling, and the vibrators - all the vibrators - until one day, in the middle of Garth edging him and tormenting his nipples while he was chained down and stretched, Wolf had yelled. "NO MORE. NO MORE. I GIVE. I SUBMIT I SUBMIT. " He recalled in his dream how Garth had laughed, and then lifted Wolf's legs high in the air. He bent them, chained them to Wolf's forearms, and then had his way with his tongue, his cock, and then again, and again. Three times. He had fucked him three times in that session, whipping Wolf's cock along the way to discourage any climax on Wolf's part. When he DID permit Wolf to jerk off, it was while he was wearing nipple clamps, weighted down, and a vibrator up his ass.

derrick knew none of this, so as his father's snores became moans, derrick wondered what his dream was. He didn't want to disturb him though, because his sleep was so peaceful. Instead, he thought back to what he had just done. derrick realized that there was no one in the world he loved more than his father. His father "probably" didn't know he preferred men, and if he did know, he never said anything to derrick about it. When Garth and Yakov had ordered him to suck his father's cock, he knew that they intended it as a punishment for both of them. derrick knew that, for him, it was a mix of pleasure and punishment. He couldn't know that for his father, it was a combination of the two as well. After he had escaped from Garth's encampment, and while he and Mayumi were getting settled in, Wolf had not retired from the SEALS. He "kept it outside of the house," but being Garth's sex slave for the 4 months he had been, had opened a new window for him. He loved Mayumi, and the conception of derrick had been an accident, after one of their impulsive rolls in the hay. Away from home, however, there was more than one man who would speak of "the man with the beautiful golden hair," who growled like a wolf when he came, and who enjoyed being taken more than anyone else they had ever slept with.

When Wolf began to moan with more force, derrick shook his shoulder. "Father? Father? Please... please wake up." The SEAL training hadn't left and Wolf woke up in a defensive position, ready to defend himself, until he saw his son. "DERRICK! OH THANK GOD DERRICK! I was afraid that they'd separate us if I slept, and..." "No one is separating us father. Not while I can breathe." His father smiled. He recalled how he had said that to derrick one night when he was a young boy, and he had a "nightmare" about being kidnapped. derrick had woken, more aroused than scared, but Wolf had head the gasp from the bed he shared with Mayumi, and ran in. derrick had to think fast: he didn't have the words to tell his father that he was enjoying what his dream captor had been doing to him. Now, more than 20 years later, Wolf wasn't telling his son that he was recalling how good it felt when Garth had finally taken him. Nor did he tell him what Garth had said, as the troops took Wolf back home "Remember, my handsome beast. Submission is forever. You will ALWAYS belong to me." "Are you ok, derrick? Are you ok with what happened? Because it's ok." "Father, I'm fine. I really am. I just hope... " He was close to tears. "I hope you don't think less of me for doing it." "Hey, derrick." Wolf sat up. "That wouldn't be possible. My son: a SEAL. A fighter. More than I could have hoped for, ever. You analyzed the situation and you did what did the most good for the most people, even if you put your own good on the line." derrick was about to tell his father more of his story, but an image of his mother popped up in his head, shaking her finger at him the way she did when she caught him about to do something wrong when he was a kid. "Have they hurt you derrick?" "I don't have any scars father. I've been tortured. Sexually tortured. But no, no cuts, no beatings, nothing like that. I've been well fed, I've been given water... I've just been brought to Yakov's bed every night. " He paused. "I've had to be the woman." Wolf shook his head "Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. You saw that it's a case of 'like father like son.'" He rumpled derrick's hair, and noticed that it WAS, indeed, clean and well kept. "We'll figure out a way out of here. The two of us: we can take on anything."

They heard a door open, and then Garth's footsteps resounded off the walls. Yakov walked in a pair of very soft slippers, so they didn't hear that. derrick's senses were sharp enough though, that he could smell Yakov as he walked with his father. "Gentlemen. I hope you've had a chance to get some sleep Wolf." Through gritted teeth he answered. "Seems you don't need a bed to do what you do, Garth. I can sleep anywhere the same way you can..." "Fuck a handsome man, Wolf," he snickered and Yakov laughed out loud. "It was quite a performance you two put on. VERY... stimulating, wouldn't you say, Yakov?" "Indeed" his son answered. "Well, you two will join us for dinner tonight. First though, I believe that Yakov has plans for you, derrick, and I have plans for you, Wolf, including making sure that funk is washed from you. We were able to find suitable clothing as well. " He smiled. "Finding western style attire for two men in as good shape as the two of you was challenging, but we have done it. Dinner will be in 3 hours. Plenty of time to relax or, in our case Wolf." he smiled. "To get reacquainted. Let us go." As they walked off, derrick was certain he heard his father mutter "yes sir" to Garth. He had never heard his father use SIR to any man, not even his former commanding officer. "Let's go derrick. I have a very interesting game to play this afternoon. Something I adapted from a Western movie about cowboys.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx When they got to Yakov's suite of rooms, he ordered derrick to strip naked and to get on the bed, his hands above his head. He operated a winch, and attached a set of restraints to derrick's wrists. "You've used these before, what's so new?" derrick taunted and Yakov smiled. "Not in the combination I have planned for you. " He pulled out a long string of what looked like rope. It dripped water. "Rawhide. Not easy to find in this country, but my father has his ways. " "Indeed he does," derrick spat out. Yakov tied one end of the rawhide around the base of derrick's balls. "What I learned from the movie, is that as rawhide dries, it shrinks. It was the preferred way of castrating a steer." He saw the look of panic on derrick's face, and gloated. "I do not intend to castrate you derrick. You would become too fat and not nearly as interesting as you are now. However..." He took the other end of the rawhide rope, and tied it off to the winch holding derrick's wrists. "Now, as the rope dries, things will get very uncomfortable for you. And the winch will, as you have experienced, pull up three inches every half hour. This will continue until I hear my two favorite words of English from you: "Fuck me."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx While this was happening, wolf was stepping out of the modern shower in Garth's suite. He dried himself off, and when he came out of the bathroom complex, into the bedroom, he saw Garth's bed, identical to where he had been tortured and broken, with restraints positioned on the bed. "Time to get reacquainted wolf. DO keep in mind that if you try to do anything foolish, you will NOT succeed in killing me, there are trained assassins at the entrance, and of course... we have your son." "BASTARD" he muttered. "I was hoping for another word. In fact, two." wolf steamed. He formed fists with his hands and as Garth folded his arms, he felt his cock growing in front of him. He knew Garth could see it. "Yes sir." Garth spread him out, in the same manner he had spread him out those many years ago. When he was immobile, Garth stripped, and joined wolf on the bed. He began stroking his torso. "You have kept yourself so fit and so handsome wolf. I should have pursued you sooner..." His well manicured nails found wolf's nipples, and they began to play over them. "You have me. Let my son go. Please, Sir." "I have already told you wolf, you will have to negotiate that with my son. HE is derrick's owner, not me. " His head dropped and he began to chew wolf's tits. "MMMM. I think they may be tastier. I think I prefer aged beef to lamb." wolf's cock was growing harder, but he blurted out. "YOU DIDN'T FUCK MY SON DID YOU, GARTH?" Garth laughed. "In fact, I have not done ANYTHING physical to your son. I did not want him to be disappointed when my inexperienced son took him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Garth reached down and cupped wolf's balls. "In fact, it was NOT the first time my son has taken yours you know . It is funny how history repeats itself." As he squeezed wolf's balls, the captive man asked. "What are you talking about? What do you mean about it not being the first time?" Garth smiled. "Your son is gay, wolf. It's always the father who knows it last. "FUCK YOU. HE'S AS GAY AS I AM. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH." Garth had squeezed his balls to bring him back in line. "Then I would say he's fairly gay, wolf.. " He smiled. "I know about many of your exploits when on duty. You would be surprised how highly you are regarded as a bed mate." He let go of wolf's balls. "Or perhaps you would NOT be surprised. My understanding is that you became arrogant as you got older, and you had the cover of Mayumi." He smiled. "But I would be guilty of unclean hands if I didn't say that I have become more arrogant as well. A father comparing himself favorably to his son, sex wise. Ha ha ha. Now if that is not the height of arrogance, I do not know what is." He looked at wolf. "I'm somewhat surprised. You came to see me, and you forgot what I like." He ran his hand through wolf's chest hair. "Perhaps because of Mayumi's bloodlines, derrick seems to be quite smooth. A perfect pairing for my hirsute son. But you wolf... you disappoint me. It is your arrogance again." "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" He saw Garth take a sheep shearing tool from a side chest. "MUCH more dangerous than a simple barber's clipper, wolf, but so much more effective. Especially with a handful of testicle." He began shaving wolf's chest, using the shearer in one hand, and rolling wolf's balls in the other. All wolf could think of was how he could explain his bare chest to his son. And how would he find out if Garth were telling the truth? He thought back to the blow job that derrick had given him. That was NOT the work of an amateur. He closed his eyes. No wonder derrick always looked frightened around him. And the whispering between derrick and his mother. "Now, my sweet wolf. It is time you were bred."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx It was just about that time that the combination of the pressure on his arms, and the tightening of the rawhide, did in derrick. "YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I GIVE. FUCK ME YAKOV FUCK ME. MAKE ME YOUR AMERICAN BITCH." Yakov grinned. "Well, that was a bit more than I expected, but you made your point. " derrick's legs were already raised, and Yakov paused. "A light snack before dinner," and he dug his tongue into derrick's ass, wetting him, getting him ready for his cock, which followed, snaking into derrick's ass, using him like the bitch derrick had just said he was. "My father always teases me because I prefer lamb to beef derrick." He began sliding back and forth faster. "He offered me your father, but I have what I want... " He pounded even faster. "An extremely hot blond boy with beautiful eyes, who's WHAT?" derrick screamed. "YOUR BITCH SIR." Yakov laughed as he came. "Just like your father, is MY father's bitch."

In Garth's suite, he didn't need to use the kind of paraphernalia Yakov used. "What did I tell you before you left me wolf?" wolf was whimpering from the tit play and the ear play he had received from Garth. "That I'd always be your slave." "And I'm right... aren't I?" "yes sir." wolf prepared himself for his second fucking in less than four hours. Garth seemed to enjoy this, even more than their first "reunion." "I will have to cage you of course, wolf. Not quite yet, but soon. Yakov and I have some very interesting past times ahead for our visitors." His cock plunged into wolf, and wolf closed his eyes and recalled that first time, and how painful it was. Now, it was pure pleasure. He began to drip cum. He tried to concentrate, and to NOT give Garth the satisfaction of a contactless orgasm. He didn't succeed. He blew his load just before Garth did. "AH. Remember how we had perfected simultaneous orgasm my friend? That was close. We shall get there." He smiled. "Perhaps you will need to clean yourself up before dinner." After wolf had, Garth spoke to him. "I am meeting my son so that we can plan for our after dinner entertainment. My guards will provide you with your clothing. And you will be summoned when the meal is ready."

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They had found derrick a blue and white striped rugby shirt and jeans, and for wolf, a short sleeve black dress shirt and a pair of cream colored chinos: they were dressed not that differently than they had been when they'd go with Mayumi for a family dinner on Sunday night at one of the chain restaurants- derrick had loved the greasy Mexican food of places like Taco Bell when he was younger, and his father used the excuse that "it's what my son likes" to join him, once a week. Mayumi always brought her own food. The restaurant didn't mind because they were good customers, and between them, wolf and derrick would frequently order as much food as five other customers. "I am so glad that our families could meet" Garth smiled as he raised a wine glass. derrick was looking to his father for guidance. When he saw wolf raise his glass, he did as well. "Ah, it is SO good to see a father leading his son along the way. It happens so infrequently these days. Do you not agree, wolf? For the second time, derrick heard his father refer to Garth as "Sir." derrick was hungry. He had told the truth when he said that he had been fed well, but this food was special. He didn't recognize much of it, but it tasted good. As a SEAL, he had gone hungry more than once, and had eaten things he wished he hadn't, more than once. He recognized this food as lamb though - perhaps mutton - and it was delicious as were the vegetables, and the wonderful, honey soaked dessert. He blushed at one point when Yakov, his fingers covered with honey, had held out his hand to derrick and said "Lick them. Clean them." he was even more amazed that, without thinking, he did it. He didn't look his father's way after that. "So gentlemen, we have a game to play with you after that meal. It is called "tit tension." Have you ever heard of it?" There was no response and he laughed. "Of course you haven't! I do believe that derrick and I have invented it. Let us go. This time, we will be going to the torture chamber." wolf sighed, and got up. derrick followed. He felt Yakov's hand on the back of his neck. "You will do fine. I know you will. We may even have a case of you doing better than your father. " When they got to the torture chamber, they were instructed to remove their shirts. That was all the clothing they needed to lose. Then, Garth chained wolf's wrists to a wall opposite a wall where Yakov chained derrick. "Now, the way this game is played gentlemen... we start with nipple clamps.." "BASTARD. " wolf screamed. "JUST DO IT TO ME. LEAVE DERRICK ALONE." "Father, it's ok. They've used them. I'll be fine." He winced as they were attached. He wished he could be as stoic as his father. "Now, the way this game is played is... Yakov and I will begin to add lead weights to these clamps, until one of you wiggles his fingers in surrender. Whoever surrenders, will suck the cock of his owner, while the other watches. And...." a big smile played over his face. "You will both be gagged, and blindfolded. There will be NO COLLUSION as your ex president once said. " wolf and derrick felt the gag being put in their mouths and then the blindfolds, tight and dark, were placed over their eyes. "Yakov. Let us begin." The first weight was a heavy one, and a single one. Each of Garth and Yakov placed it at the center of the chain. The moans from the two SEALS reverberated. When the moans died down, Garth said. "Let us continue." This time the weights were smaller, but there were two, each of them placed two links down from the center weight. Again, muffled screams came out of both of them. derrick tried to put his mind elsewhere. He didn't have to concern himself with closing his eyes of course, and he repeated to himself, over and over "reject pain. Reject pain." Then the next set of weights were added, this time between the first three. Now each SEAL had five weights on the chain. wolf pushed his mind elsewhere. He knew he could handle the pain. Instead, his thoughts went to his son: his son was gay, and he had been ashamed to tell his father. How could he let himself create that kind of environment? He was heartbroken. His heartbreak was interrupted, though, as they added two more weights, smaller ones, further down from the first pair. NOW, the pain was breaking through. derrick tried to call up his mother. He tried, but he kept on getting a mixed image, or at least he thought it was. The pain must be making me hallucinate" he thought, because he kept on seeing his mother holding a small baby, and talking to him about being 'my sweet baby Yakov. " "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" or "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" came out of him , as two more weights were added. Geez, how many were there, seven? He had lost count. He had heard very little sound from his father. Was he ok? Was he handling this? wolf was thinking the same thing as his son . He was also regretting not teaching his son how to handle physical pain better. Mayumi had declared that hurting her son, intentionally or not, was off limits. He had no idea how much of it the SEALS taught these days: they hadn't taught it when he was an active SEAL. "SHIT! He thought, as the next two weights were added. How much more of this could he take? With those two, the pain had broken through his barrier and he was hurting. He was hurting big time. "FUCK. " He thought. "If I'm hurting like this, derrick... derrick is hurting. He began waving his fingers in submission. "AH. We have a completion Yakov. Let us remove the blindfold, so that the victor can see the vanquished. Both blindfolds were taken off. There was a look of confusion in both of derrick and wolf's eyes. "You both surrendered at almost precisely the same interval. It was too close to declare a winner. So you are both victors, and you are both vanquished. Hence, I shall declare my son and I the winners. " He began removing the weights from the clamp chain on wolf, and Yakov did the same to derrick. "Removing these chains, will be much more painful than the weights. Trust me. Yakov.. Three.. two... one.." This time, the muffled screams woke at least two people in the house, and in his vision, he saw Mayumi throw the baby to the floor yelling "HOW DARE YOU HURT YOUR BROTHER LIKE THAT?" did he see Yakov wince when the baby fell on the floor? He seemed to , but it was too fast to tell. "So, gentlemen, you will BOTH be sucking dick tonight. We have seen how well derrick does, and now.. he will see how well his father does too." Both SEALS were released and brought to the center of the room. They were put on their knees, in front of their DOMS. Yakov whispered to his father. "Now THAT is a splendid idea. Yakov has suggested that, to break the tie, we will declare the one who brings his partner to climax first, shall be the winner. He will get to watch the other fucked tomorrow." "OPEN BIG BOY" Yakov yelled to derrick and he heard Mayumi's voice whispering "No. Don't bite. It's not time yet." Garth needed to do nothing to get wolf to open his mouth. And now, instead of the sounds of screaming and pain, there was the sound of slurping, of sucking, of pleasure, coming from the room. As Garth poured his jizz down wolf's throat, he smiled and said to Yakov and to derrick: "It will be good to see how my son handles his birthright." He pulled wolf's head up to stare at him and he said "And of course, to see how YOUR son handles his. "

Next: Chapter 6

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