Caravan Park Speedo Boy

By Gayspeedoguy

Published on May 30, 2011



*Hi guys, here is the second story in the Caravan Park Speedo boy series I hope you enjoy the story. Please email me our feedback as it keeps me going! *

In early January 1992 I had just turned 16 and was staying at Kurrimine Beach in North Queensland Australia with my mother. The day of my birthday I had fooled around with a guy called Kevin and hadn't been able to get it out of my mind since. I had seen Kevin around the Caravan Park a few times since then with a girl hanging off his arm! I was devastated, the night we fooled around I had gone back to the caravan and played with my cock all night while Mum was sleeping. I kept replaying what had happened in my mind over and over in my mind and spent the rest of the night (until the sun came up) thinking about all the stuff we would do over the next few weeks. The following day Mum and I went to the restaurant at the pub for dinner. When we walked in I spotted Kevin sitting at one of the tables by the door with a woman. I guessed she was his sister or a friend so I didn't think a lot of it. I sat facing him from the other side of the room looking at him. I had dressed in my green footy shorts and a white tight t-shirt, perfect for a holiday at the beach. When I sat there looking at him I wished I had worn jocks as I knew it wouldn't be long before I was hard as a rock. Australian footy shorts are very short and made from a nylon material so they look awesome on a guys cock, but are not at all forgiving of an erection.

While mum and I were sitting at the table eating dinner and talking I kept looking at Kevin and his friend, there was something that was bothering me about them but I couldn't put my finger on it. She was a good looking girl with long brown hair and a big bust and they were just sitting around talking and eating like Mum and I were. I sat there thinking about and staring at him, it took some time but I realised, he wasn't looking at me! I had been sitting there looking at him for about 45 minutes and he hadn't even glanced at me the entire time! There were not that many people in the room so it wasn't like he didn't know I was there. What the hell is wrong with this guy, I found myself sitting there thinking about what I had done wrong the night before. Was he angry with me because I didn't suck him off ? How could I? He was sitting on the floor sucking on my cock, After I came he still had my cock in his mouth. I was upset, Mum was sitting there looking at me with an odd look on her face. I realised that she must have asked me something but I was too self-involved to even hear her "Sorry Mum, I was a million miles away". That's OK Jamie, are you all right?" she said, she looked worried, Shit How long had she been looking at me I thought. "Yeah Mum, just thinking about Cameron coming for a visit next week." "Good" She said "you need to spend more time with your friends".

I tried to listen to what Mum was talking about but every time I looked up from my plate I would see him and see him not looking at me. Just as mum and I got up to leave I looked over at Kevin again only to see his hand on her leg. As I stood there looking at them his hand went up her leg, under her skirt and into her vagina. I was crushed, I knew he wasn't my boyfriend but I didn't know he had cheated on his girlfriend! I spent the rest of the night sitting on the beach going from crying in sadness to crying from anger. I felt betrayed and used, I wished I had never met him and wished Cameron was here to talk to. Something occurred to me, had I cheated on Cameron? We had never talked about our feelings for each other but I knew I loved his dick if nothing else. Cameron always said he was "hetro from the get go" but he thought with me if was different. He said that he liked it when I touched his dick. The first time we fooled around he has thought about a girl sucking him off but the last few times he said he didn't. He said he thought about me going down on him when he was along in his room and it got him off.

I sat on the beach for hours thinking about Kevin and Cameron. I was only 16 but I had adult problems. Cameron was a virgin (with girls) but we had the understanding that if he met a girl that he wanted to fuck he would be able to, I knew he didn't want to fool around with other guys so I didn't think he would be upset if I fooled around with another guy (OK guys). The more I thought about it the better I felt, I assumed Kevin was a prick who had cheated on his girlfriend and that if it wasn't with me it would have been with someone else. I think it was the shock of seeing him with her and the fact that I didn't know he was bi at the time. I thought about if I would have still don't it if I had known he had a girl friend and I decided I would have so what was a crying about? As I sat on the beach in my footy shorts and t-shirt I started thinking about Cameron again, that boy had the best looking cock I had ever seen. His dick was 9.5 inches long, that's right 9 ½ inches at 16 years of age. It was thicker at the bottom then at the tip making it look like an old tree, he had started to grow one of two pubes but there wasn't a lot to speak of. He was uncut so as the shaft of his cock got skinnier at the top his nice thick mushroom head looked like the top of a tree, the helmet, aside from tasting awesome, had a nice purple colour to it.

Thinking about Cameron's awesome cock got mine hard and I sat there with my hand up the let of my footy shorts rubbing my cock in my speedos. As a teenager I had been hard in public many many times and was good at hiding it but I think the events of the night had made me decide I didn't care about hiding my erection at the moment, so I took it out the leg of my speedo and the leg of my footy shorts. At 11 o'clock at night there was not anyone walking along the beach at Kurrimine so I knew I would be ok, from where I was I would be able to see anyone coming from either side and I was hidden from the road by the mangroves so I got bold and took my footy shorts off and took my teen balls out of my speedo. I sat there on the sand in my speedos and t-shirt feeling something I had never felt before, the wind from the water on my balls felt awesome and I started pumping away at my cock. I was thinking about all the dicks I had seen thus far in my life but kept coming back to Cameroon's. I wondered what he was doing at that moment, I guessed he might have been lying in his bed at this time of night with a firm grip on his own monster cock and thinking about me sucking on it for him. Thinking of his laying on his single bed under his window pumping his cock under his sheet got me where I was going and I let my load spill on the sand. All I wanted then was to sleep so I got up, put my shorts on and went back to the van.

Not a lot happened over the next few days, I got lazy and spent a lot of time sitting around on the beach or swimming in the pool, I met a few of the younger kids in the park and spent some time playing table tennis with them or running around the park from van to van eating different meals with each of their families.

Finally the day came, It was the fifth of January and Cameron's Mum had to go back to work, she didn't like leaving him at home as they lived at South Johnstone about 25 minutes out of town by car, as Cameron was too young to drive he would be stuck at the house so she was happy to let him come down to spend the week with me so he wouldn't just be sitting around watching TV for the week. His mum dropped him off on Sunday afternoon and thanked Mum for taking him for the week. Cameron didn't make eye contact with me while his mum was there but stood talking too out mums and saying he would be good and do what he was told, he would eat everything I eat (oh really?) and go to bed when he was told (I hoped that went for me when I told him too!). After a while Mum offered his Mother a cuppa tea and they went into the van. Cameron said good bye to his mum and gave her a kiss and we headed down to the beach.

Cameron looked awesome. He had let his red hair grow just a little over the school holidays so it was about an inch long, he always kept it shaved at school so I wasn't used to seeing so much of it. He was wearing a black tight fitting t-shirt with a pair of dark blue board shorts. I was disappointed he wasn't wearing anything sexy like bike shorts or footy shorts but was happy to see that his t-short only hung as low as the waistband of his shorts and they were tight enough to see his bulge so I didn't say anything. Cameron said his Mum had given him $40 spending money for the week, I had $50 birthday money from my Grandfather so we decided to spend some on a snack from the shop down the beach. It took about 25 minutes to walk down to the shop and we ended up talking about what we has been doing since we had seen each other, he told me about the shows I had been missing on TV like E-Street', Neighbours' and `A County Practice'. He told me how hot some chick or other was on Neighbours and how he wished he would bang her.

Once we got about half way to the shop we sat on a pipe that ran under the sand and came out down the beach when the tide was out. As we sat there looking out to see I told Cameron about Kevin and what we had done together. Everyone else was talking further up the beach but Cameron kept looking behind us to make sure no one was coming. Every time he looked back he would look past me to the ocean. I sat there telling him about going to his room, how his bulge looked in his yellow speedos and how it looked when he got it out for me, He said nothing. I told him about seeing him fingering his girlfriend in the hotel and he just shook his head. I told him how I felt like I had cheated on him with Kevin and told him I was sorry, he didn't say anything. I told him I pulled myself off on the beach thinking about his cock and he smiled at me. "I don't like dicks man, I need boobs and a nice cunt" he look looking at me "but I like fooling around with you, I think about you a lot when I have a wank, I love the way you suck me off and the way you always look at my cock the crooked smile you get on your face when I know you're thinking about taking it all in our mouth, I'm glad you still want to suck me off even though I don't touch your dick, and I'm looking forward to this week end seeing what we do and where we and up." We got up and walked the rest of the way to the shop talking about nothing in particular both of us lost in our own thoughts.

Once we got to the shop we were served by a busty girl behind the counter in a hair of high cut Denham shorts, and bikini top, Cameron took one look at her and looked away, he stood beside me talking to her while only looking at the menu, we ordered our hot chips and went outside to wait for them to be ready. The entire time we sat there he looked either at me or out at the ocean, there were guys and girls walking around in bathers and without shirts on and I couldn't stop looking at the guys and the bulges in their speedos but he didn't even look at the girls! I couldn't work him out, he always looked at girls! When we got our chips and were walking back to the caravan park I asked him if he thought the girl in the shop was hot, he said "I didn't notice Jamie". I looked at him, "come on man, she had awesome tits!" He looked at me "I thought you didn't like tits man?" "I don't I said, "But you do". He stopped and looked down at the sand "I didn't want to look at girls because I wanted to see how we went this week, I know you're in love with me and I wanted to see if I could be in love with you too". I had to try to stop myself from laughing, "dude, I'm not in love with you, It's all lust, your very sexy and I think about your dick all the time, but I know you like girls and that ok, as long as I can always play with your dick!"

He didn't say anything for a while so we walked in silence, I knew why he thought I was in love with him, I did call him all the time and every time we were together I would stare at his cock but that was just me wanting to suck him off! I would have loved to know what he was thinking I didn't want to freak him out and I thought it was awesome that he wanted to see `how we went this week' but I knew what would happen as soon as he cum he would roll over and go to sleep and wouldn't talk about anything sexual until he was hard again, it's how it worked, I was happy with it, sucking it a few times a week gave me enough to get me off in between.

When we got back to the van Mum was in a fluster, she said that her father had had a turn and she had to go back to town for a few days to look after him, she said she spoke to Cameron's mother and she was OK with us staying in the van together if we wanted to as otherwise we would have to go and stay at her house and she didn't think that was a good idea being so far out of town. She said she would come out every few days to make sure we were ok, she also said if we wanted to come home we could call her anytime and she would come and get us. Mum said she was going to miss her bus if she didn't hurry and gave us our final instructions. There was money in the freezer and all the emergency contact numbers where in the pad on the table along with change for the pay phone in in the van parks reception. She gave me a hug and was gone out the door with her bag. I sat on the edge of the bed wishing I had gone with her but I knew that Grandma and Grandads house was very small and I knew how Grandma got when he had one of his turns and I knew it was better I wasn't there.

I sat on the bed very upset and Cameron came over and sat next to me, he didn't say anything and put his arm around my back, I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he whispered to me "It will be ok man". He sat there rubbing my back and lent his head against mine. I don't know if it was because I was upset or just him being so caring but I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss him, I turned my head and he lifted his, for a second we were looking into each other's eyes, as I went to make my move he closed his eyes and I knew this meant I was ok for launch. I leaned in and kissed him closed mouth on the lips, he didn't open his mouth and I didn't want to push him so I just gave him a peck on the lips and moved back. I sat there waiting to see what he would do, I knew if he freaked out he would want to go home and that would be the end of this week at the beach together. He just sat there with his eyes closed and his lips slightly apart, after a second or two he licked his lips and opened his eyes. He sat there looking at me and finally smiled. "glad you're feeling better" he said.

I told him he should unpack his bag and he jumped up to get it, he started pulling stuff out of the bag and I was glad to see 2 pairs of speedos and a few pairs of footy shorts. I thought to myself "wow, he had doubled his speedo collection". He had a few t-shirts, jocks and socks. I picked up his new pair of speedos and said "These are new, want to model them for me?" He didn't say anything, just snatched them off me, walked to the other end of the van (about 4 steps) and turned around. In full view he dropped his pants and jocks and put on the new black speedos. While his shorts were down I got a good view of his bum. He didn't show me his bum much as he was worried I would have wanted to fuck him, I knew this would never happen so I had never talked to him about it. At that moment, with him in that hot van seeing his bare hairless arse, there was nothing I wanted more then to bend him over and fuck him for all he was worth. I was hard as a rock by the time he walked back over to me with his new speedo on. I told him to take off his shirt and he did a little strip tease for me ending in him draping the t-shirt over my head. Very cute I thought as I ripped it off.

Cameron was standing there looking down at me as I sat on the edge of the bed doing my inspection on the bulge in his new speedos. He had listened to what I told him about putting his cock pointing straight down to make it look even bigger. In his new speedos I was able to see his dick head and it had me hard as a rock. "Wow man, that's so fucking hot!" I reached out and rubbed my hand over the bulge at the front of his speedo with one hand and reached up and rubbed his belly. I left his belly and moved my hand around to his back. While I kissed the front of his speedo I went for broke and moved my hand down to his bum. I got to the waist band when he said "Nar man, not now". I respected that he had that boundary and moved on. He was getting very hard in his speedo so I thought it was best to let the beast out of its lycra cage. I pulled the string out and tugged on the top of the front of his speedo then reached in for my prize. When I grabbed it I saw a shiver go through Cameron's body. I told him to lay down on the bed with me. I stood up and took my shorts and shirt off and laid next to him on the bed. He didn't say anything but smiled when I laid with my head down by his cock. His dick was pointed at my face, I could smell it, it smelt like sweat. Once when he took it out it had smelt like piss, when I said I wasn't going to put it in my mouth like that he went for a shower and came back still hard as a rock. Since that day he was always clean for me.

We were lying in bed together top to toe his cock was inches from my face and my teen cock was inches from Cameron's face. I looked down at him and he was looking at it but didn't make a move towards it. I studied Cameron's cock again, I wanted this thing more than I had ever wanted anything in my life. I reached out my hand and clasped it around his throbbing cock. I put it to my lips and put the head in my mouth. I moved my tongue all over the head of his cock. Cameron bucked his pelvis at me and forced his dick further into my mouth. When he pushed it into me I tried to swallow it take it, it worked, I got a fair bit of it in and started working it up and down. Cameron lent forward and his forehead touched on the head of my dick. He moved back a bit, and I reached my hand under and cupped his balls. Cameron said he was going to cum so I worked my way back to the head of his cock and worked my tongue all over the head again. As I worked it I felt an explosion of cum in my mouth. I swallowed every drop of worked the head of his cock until he pulled it out of my mouth.

When he was done I rolled onto my back while still lying beside him and pulled my own cock out of my speedo. He leaned on one elbow and watched as I pulled myself off. I looked at him, inched away from my teen dick and said "want to return the favour?" He didn't take his eyes off it and said, "not this time mate, I'm not ready" so I just looked over at his dick and pulled myself off. When I sprayed my belly with cum he sat there looking at it on my belly, he reached out and rubbed it into my belly. I got up and got dressed and went for a shower, when I got to the side of the van on my way to the shower block I looked through the window to see what he was doing I seen him sitting there on the bed licking his finger. It was at that moment I knew I would get him to at least try to suck on my cock.

This was the first of many experiences Cameron and I had at the Beach that week, stay tuned for more! If you want to read more about Jamie and Cameron email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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