Career Change

By moc.liamtoh@4sivadl

Published on Mar 16, 2010



Career Change by Laura Lynn Davis F/F, F/F, Slavery

I was a little scared but I accepted the assignment anyway. I was just out of training and couldn't afford to turn down an assignment because I found it distasteful. My assignment was to frequent a lesbian bar named Leathergrrl in order to meet an Asian woman named April Wu. I didn't know why the Agency was interested in her and I knew better than to ask. My assignment was to attract her attention by playing the part of a submissive lesbian new to the area. The fact that I was blonde, athletic, and rather pretty played a large part in my selection. As did the fact that I was actually new to the area and completely unattached. My name for the assignment was Hanna Stevens and I was supposed to be looking for a job after being laid off from a that had just gone under. I made my first visit on a Tuesday night. I had a couple of drinks, circulated around, and even danced with a couple of women. Then I skipped a night. I went back on Thursday and the next two nights after that without seeing anyone who fit April's description. I was under strict orders not to even mention her name. I did my best to play the part. On Thursday I was wearing sweats, having just come from the gym. I danced with a cute redheaded domme who slipped her hands into my sweat pants and into my panties. She fondled

my buttocks while we danced and I was shocked to realize that I enjoyed having her hands on my bare ass. After the third or fourth dance she took me out thought the back door and pushed me up against the wall. While she was kissing me I told myself I was just playing a part. I told myself the same thing when she pulled my sweat pants and panties down around my ankles and went down on me. I stared up at the sky and moaned with pleasure while she explored me with her tongue. It

was my first time with another woman and my first orgasm that I hadn't induced myself. The whole experience left me shaken and I almost didn't go back on Friday.

In fact, I almost backed out of the assignment. But that would have ended my career before it got started so I talked myself into going back. I didn' t see the redhead that night nor did I see her on Saturday. I later learned it was because she was pilot with a charter service, flying Learjets, and was out of town. I stayed away on Sunday and went back late in the evening on Monday. I was sitting at the bar when a beautiful Asian tomboy stepped up next to me and said, "Hi, I'm April Wu. Can I buy you a drink?" As she spoke she put her hand on my knee. I was wearing shorts, a cropped tank top, and running shoes. I shivered as her hand moved onto my thigh. "I'm Hanna Stevens. Thanks, I could use another. Vodka, rocks." She stroked my thigh as we chatted. I fed her my cover story in dribs and drabs. I learned that she was the daughter of a rich Chinese business man with connections all over the world. She ran his local office for him. We danced and drank and talked and although nothing was ever said by the end of the evening it was understood that I was with April. She was an interesting person and I was fascinated with her. Shortly after one a.m. she glanced at her watch and said, "Time to go." She stood up and held out her hand. I stood up and took her hand and let her walk me out to my car. She kissed me and pointed out her black Lexus. "Follow me to my place." It never occurred to me not to obey. She lived in a luxury condo down near the river. When the elevator doors closed she smiled at me and said, "Take your clothes off." I obeyed without hesitation. I was scared and nervous but I wanted to be naked for her. She lived on the top floor, in one of two penthouse condos. I carried my clothes in my left hand and followed her down the hall to her door. I left my things on a table in the foyer and she took my hand and led me on a tour of her condo. It was luxurious beyond anything I'd ever seen. We wound up in her rooftop garden. She kissed me and fondled me and masturbated me to orgasm while I whimpered and moaned with pleasure. Then she took me over her knee and spanked me with a leather strap until I was sobbing. Finally, she put me on my knees and smiled as she fondled my bare tits. "Okay, Hanna Stevens or should I say Jane Wilson, it's time to make a choice. Stay with the Agency or stay with me. As my slave." I stared at her in shock and she laughed. "I've known who you were since before we met. I wasn't going to bother with you but then I saw how pretty you are, how truly submissive, and I couldn't resist. So what's it to be?" I got to my feet and whispered, "I can't stay with you. I'm not a slave! I'm not!" I ran back inside, found my clothes and got dressed. I was crying when I got onto the elevator. I went to my apartment and almost called my supervisor. But I didn't. I went to bed and spent the night tossing and turning. I stumbled out of bed at 6:00 a.m. and took a long hot shower. Then I put on my best suit and drove down to the local office. I spent an hour with my supervisor explaining what had happened. Then I submitted my resignation. I drove straight to April's from the office. When he met me at the elevator she was wearing a short silk robe that showed off her slim, beautiful legs. When I told her what I'd done she called me a stupid cunt and told me to get out. She laughed at my expression and said, "What? You thought I wanted you because you were pretty and submissive? I can have a dozen women more beautiful than you by just snapping my fingers. You were going to be my spy in the agency you dumb whore." As she spoke a young woman opened the condo door. She was very young, maybe eighteen or nineteen, and extremely beautiful. She was nude and wore a gold collar around her neck. "Mistress, please come back to bed." She pouted prettily until April slipped one arm around her waist. I turned and pushed the button for the elevator. I heard them laughing as the doors closed behind me. So there I was, twenty-three and my career with the Agency was over. I'd discovered that I was submissive with other women and liked it. But now I had no job, no income, and I knew the Agency would blacklist me and I'd never find another job with any branch of the federal government and probably not with any state or local government either. Not knowing what else to do, I went back to Leathergrrl that night. The redhead, whose name was Stacy, came in that night. She bought me a drink and I told her about the fiasco. She smiled and slowly unbuttoned my shirt. She chuckled when she discovered that my bra hooked in front. She unsnapped it and fondled my bare tits openly while I sat there blushing. Then she said, "I could use a pretty house girl. But you have to pass a test first." She reached into her pocket and brought out a sterilized packet of acupuncture needles. She tossed them on the table and said, "Put one through each nipple." I took a long sip of my drink. I was delaying because I was scared. After a moment Stacy smiled. "Do you want me to do it?" I hesitated, then nodded. "Can you hold still or do you need to be restrained?" I took a deep breath. "I can hold still." I wasn't sure I could but I didn 't want to seem like a total coward. She pushed my shirt open further and cut my bra off with a small pocket knife. Then she cupped my left breast and teased my nipple erect. I stared into her eyes to avoid watching what she was doing. A half-dozen women had gathered around to watch. She grabbed the

tip of my nipple and drove the needle through with one strong push. I bit my lip to keep from screaming. Tears streamed down my face. She smiled and said, "Good girl." I sat there, crying silently, while she cupped my right breast and teased my nipple. This time she had to bend and suck it for a moment to get it erect. And this time I couldn't help a short yelp of pain as the needle penetrated my nipple. Then it was done. I sat there, crying, while dabbed some vodka onto my nipples to clean the wounds. The vodka stung like the devil, bringing a renewed wave of tears. She kissed me and told me I was a good girl.

Then she buttoned my shirt while I sat there crying. So I agreed to become her live-in house girl and slave. She wanted me to agree to a year but I talked her down to six months. All of my personal possessions were in the trunk of my car since I'd had to vacate the apartment the Agency had been renting for me. We had another couple of drinks and danced a few times. The pain in my nipples kept me alert and energized. We left Leathergrrl shortly after midnight. I followed Stacy to her place, an older house out near the airport. It was close enough to be convenient but not close enough to be in the flight path. It was an old farmhouse that had been a near-ruin when she bought it. She'd begun renovating it almost immediately and at the time she `acquired' me she'd been working on it for a year and was about half finished. The old barn behind her house served as garage and workshop. She opened the double door with her remote and motioned for me to park on the left. I pulled into the garage and parked. When I got out of the car she was waiting. "We'll bring your things in tomorrow." She took me inside and I sat on a stool while she removed the needles and cleaned my nipples with alcohol. When she was done she kissed me and said, "Take your clothes off, slave. You won't wear clothes in the house, ever." I slipped out of my clothes and she took me on a tour, proudly showing off the rooms she'd finished already - kitchen, living room, dining room downstairs bath, and one bedroom. It was very impressive. My nipples still hurt and I whimpered when she fondled my tits after we went to bed. But she obviously enjoyed hearing me whimper because she continued to play with them while she bucked me with a strap-on. The pain mixed with the pleasure and I came with an explosive rush, screaming with pleasure as she pinched my sore nipples. Afterward, we lay quietly, drenched with sweat, and she fondled me gently.

"You liked the pain, didn't you?" I nodded. "Yes. I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me I would, but I did." She kissed me. "You're my pretty pain slut. Now go to sleep. I have a flight in the morning." She was up at five a.m. and gone by six. She fondled me for a moment while she told me she'd be back in the evening. "I've left a note for you - chores for you to do. Stay naked and be a good girl." I nodded sleepily and arched my back, pressing my cunt against her hand. She chuckled and promised to fuck me hard when she got home. I masturbated myself to orgasm after she left and then went back to sleep. I woke up again about 8:30 and took a shower before going downstairs. I found it strangely satisfying not to have to agonize over what to wear. The house was pleasantly warm and I didn't mind being nude. I found Stacy's note on the kitchen table. I was to do the laundry, dust and vacuum, and mow the lawn. She said the yard was private enough for me to work outside in the nude but I could wear shorts and a t-shirt if I wished. She also mentioned that a woman named Maria would arrive at 1:00 p.m. to cut my hair and give me a full bikini wax. "She has my permission to punish you if necessary but she'd doesn't have my permission to use you sexually. In other words, she can whip your pretty ass but she can't fondle it. Be a good girl." I made some toast and poured myself a cup of coffee. I sat at the kitchen table and read the morning paper while I ate. Then I got to work. I made our bed and straightened up the bedroom, gathering all of Stacy's discarded clothing. What could be washed went into the clothes basket and that which needed dry cleaning was folded and put aside. I put the laundry in and while the washer was running I dusted and vacuumed the finished rooms. Heeding Stacy's warnings about nails and debris I stayed out of those rooms where she was working. After putting the laundry into the dryer I slipped on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and went outside. I sat on the steps while I put my running shoes on. Then I got the riding mower out and mowed the lawn. It took me a few minutes to get the damn thing started but once it was running I didn't have any problems. Well I did murder some flowers before I got the hang of it but that was minor. After a while, lulled by the warm sun, I slipped my t-shirt off and then my shorts. Of course then I had to stop and put some SPF40 suntan lotion on places that had never been exposed to the sun. But I finished mowing just before Maria arrived. She had a remote that opened the gate at the bottom of the driveway. I scampered into the house through the back door and waited for her to ring the bell. When I opened the door she smiled and said, "Hi, I 'm Maria. You must be Jane. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand and said, "Nice to meet you, too." If she was surprised to see me nude she didn't show it. She was a small Hispanic woman in her mid thirties. I sat on a chair, straddling it, while she cut my hair. She cut it very short, remarking that Stacy preferred the tomboy look. She didn't bother with a smock since I was naked. After she was done cutting my hair she trimmed my pubic hair and then removed it with warm wax and strips of cheesecloth. It hurt like hell. The result was surprisingly, shockingly erotic. She had me roll over onto my belly while she made sure to get every trace of hair below my navel. I blushed when she casually spread my buttocks to get the stray hairs around my anus, pulling each with a pair of tweezers. She left the peach fuzz on my buttocks and thighs, saying that it would bleach out in the sun and contrast nicely with my tan. I glanced at her and remarked that I wasn't that tan. She grinned. "You will be." She packed up and left and I went to take a shower. She promised to tell Stacy that I'd been a good girl. Stacy called me about five p.m. and said she'd be home in an hour. She told me to pick out a pretty sun dress and she'd take me out to dinner. "A sun dress and sandals, nothing else." I rubbed a coco butter lotion into every inch of skin that I could reach and was waiting by the door when Stacy came in. My sun dress was laid out on the bed for her approval. She glanced at me when she came in and said, " You should be on your knees. I'll let it go this time but next time you'll be whipped." I shivered at her casual tone, realizing, for the first time I think, that I really was a slave. "When ever I enter a room you should drop to your knees and wait to be released." I sank to my knees and she ruffled my hair. " I'm going to take a shower. Come with me." She showered and washed her hair. When she was done I dried her with a fresh towel and the dried her hair for her. She told me about the flight while she was getting dressed. She approved of my choice of sun dress and told me to put in on. I slipped it on and then put my sandals on and followed her out to the car. We had dinner at a steak place downtown. My sun dress was very short and showed off my thighs. After dinner, Stacy took me dancing at a lesbian bar near the university. I blushed when she lifted my dress and openly fondled my bare ass. But I liked it, liked being owned, liked being exposed whether I wanted it or not. I discoverer that being a slave, with no decisions to make, removed almost all of the stress associated with modern life. There was

some anxiety, and stress, over pleasing Stacy but it was minor compared to what had disappeared. Stacy was a stern mistress but fair. She punished me when and I deserved it but she wasn't a sadist. She did inflict some gratuitous pain to test her control, and my limits, but she wasn't cruel. The worst time was when she bent me over a saw horse and tied me tightly, spreading my buttocks with duct tape. I screamed when she pushed a hot acupuncture needle into the tender area around my anus. She pushed it in a good ½ inch and left it. Another followed as soon as my scream had faded to sobs. After three, I screamed the safe word, MOMMMY, but she just chuckled. She pushed another needle in and I screamed and screamed. I felt an enormous sense of betrayal because she' d ignored the safe word. I was sobbing like a baby when she removed the needles and released me. She told me never to fully trust anyone, even her, and then she held me while I cried until I couldn't cry anymore. When I stopped she kissed me and asked, "What are you?" I sniffed and whispered, "A slave. I'm a slave." She stroked me gently and whispered, "Don't you ever forget it. I own you this isn't a game. There are no safe words." She kissed me again and told me I was a pretty bitch. I sighed as she spread my legs and slipped a finger into my cunt. A few minutes later I was screaming again, this time with pleasure, as she brought me to orgasm time after time. Later, in the bedroom, I went to her on my belly and licked her feet in abject submission. "What are you?" I paused and whispered, "I'm a slave. Your slave. Your pretty bitch." Then I continued to lick her feet until she patted the mattress and said, " Up here, now." That night, she slipped into the strap-on and patted me on the knee. "Roll over onto your belly and spread your buttocks." I cried but I obeyed. She greased the dildo and then greased my anus while I cried softly. Then she sodomized me for the first time. She made me lace my hands together behind my neck to keep me from masturbating. I lay there, staring at the wall, while she bucked me in my ass with long, hard strokes. The dildo pounding against her clit brought her to at least two orgasms while she bucked me. When she was done she tied my wrists behind my back to prevent me from masturbating while she was asleep. I cried and promised I wouldn't masturbate without permission. She kissed me and said, "I know but I'd prefer to have you on your belly, helpless, for this one night." I realized when she spread me again and slipped a butt plug into my ass. I cried myself to sleep. Sometime around three a.m. I woke up and had to urinate. I managed it, straddling the toilet while I peed. When I returned to bed she stroked my buttocks for several minutes and then slipped her hand between my legs and masturbated me to orgasm. I thanked her after I came but she was already snoring gently. She began to teach me the skills that her father had taught her. She let me wear jeans, a work shirt, and work boots while we worked to renovate the rest of the house. I learned the rudiments of carpentry, how to hang drywall and tape a joint. I learned how to apply joint compound and how to sand it with a minimum of effort. She taught me how to paint and hang wallpaper and any number of other useful skills. I enjoyed every moment of it. Even when she took me across her knee after I made a stupid mistake for the second time. She never spanked me for a first mistake but a second got my jeans pulled down while she applied the flat of her hand to my bare bottom. If I made the same mistake a third time it merited a trip to the barn and a good strapping on my bare ass. Then I'd spend the night on my knees in the barn. When she didn't have a flight we worked like slaves. At night, we'd fall into bed and if we weren't too tired she'd fuck my brains out. If we were tired she'd let me go down on her. Sometimes, we'd fall asleep in the middle of sex. Not often, but sometimes. I learned the best ways to please her with my tongue and enjoyed doing so. Time passed quickly and before we knew it October had rolled around. My six months were up on the 20th. She took me out to dinner, to Dino's on the 19th. I wore a little black silk slip dress she'd brought back from Denver. It was cool enough to tempt my nipples into trying to poke holes through the silk. I wore black thigh-highs and a pair of black strappy sandals with a

medium heel. It was the first time I'd been dressed up in almost a year. Stacy was wearing a black Ralph Lauren pants suit and looked very attractive. We had a nice dinner accompanied by a very nice bottle of French Merlot. After dinner she put a black leather collar on the table. It was hand-stitched English leather. She put a small jewelry box inside the circle of the collar. I opened it and saw two delicate gold rings. "For your nipples."

I picked up the collar and turned it in my hands while she watched calmly.

"What's my alternative?" She smiled. "I'll take you to Leathergirl, strip you, and put you up on a table and sell you to the highest bidder." I grinned at her. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'm happy where I am." I slipped the collar around my neck and fastened it. It fit snugly but not too snugly. I locked the tiny lock and sat back in my chair. "I guess you're stuck with me." She did take me to Leathergrrl that night and she did strip me, but only to dance. I danced naked for almost an hour. Then she took me home and bucked my brains out until nearly dawn. We slept until the afternoon and then she took me to have my nipples pierced. The job was done by Maria's younger sister. Despite six months of being nude most of the time I still blushed when Stacy had me strip in front of Maria and Louisa. Louisa pierced my nipples the old fashioned way with clamps and needles. The pain was exquisite and they all smiled when I cried. On subsequent visits Louisa pierced my clit, my clit hood, my inner and outer labia, and my navel. The stud through the base of my clit keeps me in an almost constant state of sexual arousal, something that Stacy highly approves of. She's paid to have my pubic hair permanently removed through laser treatments. She's had the word SLAVE' tattooed on my left ankle and she's talked about having me branded. But, so far, crying and begging has kept her from having it done. We celebrated her thirtieth birthday by flying down to Baja for a week. We spent almost the entire week on the beach naked and came back with fantastic tans. The most erotic moment came when a pretty Swedish girl named Elfina came walking down the beach. She was blonde and topless and her small tits were perfect as was the rest of her slender body. She had a lovely golden tan and the only imperfection I could see was a small scar on her right knee. Elfina turned out to be just sixteen so Stacy wouldn't let me play with her. But Elfina sat with us and asked a lot of questions, most of which Stacy answered truthfully. A few times she just shook her head and smiled but she answered almost everything Elfina asked. Stacy thought we made a pretty pair since both of us were blonde and slender and pretty. But Elfina is stunningly beautiful while I'm merely pretty. Stacy told her to call when she turned eighteen. That night, Elfina came to our bungalow while Stacy was over at the main lodge checking on flights. She came back and caught me on my knees with my tongue buried in Elfina's tight little cunt. Stacy strung me up by my wrists, gagged me, and whipped me until I was covered with welts, front and back, from my tits to my upper thighs. Elfina watched, smiling, the entire time. She wasn't smiling when Stacy grabbed her wrist and marched her back to her mother. Elfina was over her mother's lap when Stacy left. The next day, just before we left, Elfina's mother brought her over and made her apologize to us. Then the mother, Erika, nodded at me and asked, " Did you punish her, too?" Stacy unzipped my sun dress and let it drop around my ankles. Erika smiled when she saw the welts that criss-crossed my body. "Very good!" She glanced at Elfina. "You'll look like that before we leave." Elfina was crying as they went out the door but she glanced back, smiled, and winked and I know we'll see her again in a couple of years. On the flight down Stacy had seemed rather nervous but on the flight back she was clearly terrified. And she finally admitted that she hated to fly as a passenger. She clearly believed that her fear was a weakness so she'd tried to hide it. I held her hand and talked to her to distract her until the plane was off the ground. I slipped my hand under her tank top and rubbed her belly gently as the plane taxied out onto the runway. She glanced at me when I unhooked her bra and fondled her firm tits. She wasn't used to not being in control. She made a face and whispered, "Remind me to whip you when we get home." I smiled and nodded and continued to fondle her. She did whip me when we got home but it was worth it. Her fear made her seem more human and added to her stature rather than detracting from it. I accepted my whipping with pride. It's been almost eighteen months and I'm still with Stacy, still very happy in my slavery. I recently discovered that she's been putting money into the bank for me every month. And paying into an IRA. I got whipped for snooping but, again, it was worth it. Especially when she bucked my brains out with a new strap-on she'd bought in Kansas City, one that was thicker and longer than the old one. The renovations are done and she's talking about selling the house and buying another one to do it all over again. When I groaned in mock dismay she patted my bare ass and said, "I can sell you, too, and do it all over again with a prettier slut. Maybe Elfina?" I dropped to my knees in mock terror and begged her not to sell me. Well, it was 90% mock terror. I just turned twenty-five and I'm lean and tanned, the last of my baby fat burned off. I'm buff and nicely muscled thanks to hard work and equally hard workouts that Stacy instituted late last year. She's looking a house further out in the country, a place where we can run nude along trails through the woods. I don't think of myself as a lesbian even though it's been nearly two years since I've had sex with a man. I'm quite content with Stacy. Content with the sex and content in my slavery. Occasionally, when she's exasperated with me she'll threaten to sell me, or put me out on the street to whore, but she's only kidding. At least I think she's only kidding. She finally made up her mind and a few weeks ago I was strapped to a post and branded on my hip. Louisa performed the honors, branding a stylized Gothic letter S' deep into my thigh, just below my hip. I screamed my guts out as she held the branding iron against my flesh, burning it in a good 1/8th inch. I was gagged but my screams were still audible. It took me a good two weeks to fully recover. But now that it's done I'm proud of it. It shows even when I'm allowed to wear a bathing suit on a rare trip to a public

beach. I don't know what the future holds. I think Stacy and I will be together for a long time. But I'm not sure of that and the little bit of uncertainty keeps me on my toes. Will Elfina ever call? Who knows? I kind of hope she won't because she's too damn beautiful. On the other hand, I'd love to have the opportunity to have sex with her for the same reason. And I'd love to see the slut on her pretty knees, with tears in her eyes, as she's broken to

slavery. Stacy made a remark to the effect that we'd be worth more as a pair than we would be separately. Maybe someday Elfina and I will stand naked on a table at Leathergrrl while Stacy sells our pretty butts to the highest bidder. It's a scary thought but, at the same time, arousing when I think of what would have to happen before we found ourselves on that table.

The End

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