Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 20, 2006


The following story contains detailed descriptions of sex acts between guys of varying ages. The story is loosely based on experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. Jordan Bentley's character is based roughly on ME. Although there may be some references to lesbian acts, the story's main focus will be on the male characters. Also, some sex acts would not be considered "safe sex". In fiction there is no harm. Just don't confuse fiction with fact...In the REAL world, ALWAYS practice safe sex. I hope you guys enjoy the latest episode.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Eleven

The next morning found the ship at sea, on the way to our next port...Ocho Rios, Jamaica. We had enjoyed excellent weather throughout the five days of the cruise. However, as I'm sure you have noticed, we have spent a LOT of time in our cabins enjoying "Alternative Activities".

The five of us were enjoying the usual delicious breakfast buffet this morning, since we were in our swimsuits and cover-ups. I tried not to look at Julie TOO much. I didn't want to make her self conscious, knowing what she had experienced yesterday in the Cayman Islands spa. She appeared to be fairly relaxed and chatted freely. Apparently, she wasn't suffering the guilt that Mike had felt after his initial experience back in Key West.

When the gals excused themselves to go to the ladies room, and Gerald had strolled over to get a copy of the ships activities for the day, Mike leaned over and whispered to me, not wanting any other passengers to overhear, "Jordon, could I come by your cabin a little later and...Talk to you about...err...about 'something'?"

"Sure Pal," I answered, curious as to what he had in mind, but when I asked him, he just smiled shyly and said, "You'll see. I'll like it!"

"OooKaay," I replied. I was definitely interested in his mysterious request, but saw that he wasn't going to elaborate any further. Besides, Gerald reappeared with a schedule of planned activities.

"You guys have anything planned for the day?" He asked innocently. "There are a couple of dance classes being offered in the lounge at 10 and there's a wine and cheese tasting event in the forward lounge at 3."

"I'd like to hit the wine and cheese tasting," I said. "Those are usually pretty good. Maybe the five of us can make it."

The ladies returned then, and were also in favor of the 3 o'clock event, so we all agreed to meet there. "Julie and I are gonna make the 10 o'clock aerobics class," Betty announced. Mike looked over at me and raised an eyebrow.

I got the message and nodded yes. The erotic story Gerald told and our short but intense romp last night had left me ready for more. I was hoping Mike had something like that in mind. Guess I would find out at 10.

We all headed up on deck and soaked up some early sun. I kept glancing at my watch...was 10 o'clock EVER going to get here?

Finally, at 9:30, the girls left to ready themselves for the aerobics class.

Gerald said he was going to check out the dance instructors in the lounge and see if there were any prospects. Mike and I headed for our respective cabins to shower and get read for...whatever!

When I answered the knock on my door, Mike stepped in wearing just a brief pair of running shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. I couldn't wait to find out what he had in mind.

"Jordan...I'm horny!" he blurted out. "Ever since Gerald told us about the Blackjack dealer, I've been busting a nut to get over here and see if you wanted to maybe...ahh...well...if you wanted another round. I can't get enough of it, now that you showed me how good it feels."

I could see the tent his cock was making in his shorts, so I reached for it and stroked the firm pole. "Does this answer your question?" I asked as I felt his dick throb through the cloth of his shorts.

"Oooooh...Ahhh...Y...yeah...I g...guess it does," He murmured sexily as he reached for the lump between my legs.

I yanked his shorts down and he kicked them off. He unzipped and stripped off MY shorts as our lips met in a hot tongue battling kiss.

Mike broke the kiss, in order to pull his shirt over his head. Taking advantage of the situation, I dropped to my knees and swallowed his cock, putting both hands around on his ass and squeezing.

"Ahhh, God...No fair...No fair," he gasped as my mouth sent shivers through his body. He was having trouble getting the shirt off with the distraction I was providing. Finally he managed to discard the uncooperative garment and his hands went behind my neck, then curled in my hair as he fucked my mouth.

I could taste his precum and realized he was on his horse and would pop his nuts very quickly. He realized it too, and pulled his dripping dick out of my mouth with a loud pop.

"Oh, NO you don't," He warned. "You're not gonna make me cum this quick. I want it to last longer. "Bed...Bed...I want the bed! I want your cock too." He put his hands under me and lifted me up, turning me and giving me a shove toward the bed. I was naked by the time we reached it.

We spent some time just exploring each other's body...stroking, licking, kissing every inch of exposed skin. Our breathing was becoming ragged and a little hoarse as our passion soared.

I was laying on my side, facing Mike. Our mouths were together, tongues fighting to overpower the other's and seek out all the pleasure spots inside. I was gently stroking his cock and he was mirroring my actions. We weren't trying to get one another off just yet, but merely stoking the fires to keep our level of passion steady.

Finally, as if by mutual consent, we reversed out positions so that we were now laying head to foot. I felt Mike's rough tongue swipe across the sensitive head of my cock and my body shuddered from the sensation. I took his beautiful dick into my mouth. Rather than closing my lips tightly around his shaft, instead I kept them open. I ran my tongue around the underside of his smooth shaft while breathing heavily on it.

"Unnggghh...Mmmmmppphh...!" Mike was squirming from this new sensation and moaned around my cock. Following my example, he started duplicating my actions and brought a muffled groan from my lips.

Suddenly, Mike pulled off my cock and said, "Wait, Jordan, Wait...I'm getting too close already. Don't make me cum yet...I want to ask you something."

I let his dick slip out of my mouth to ask, "What's on your mind Babe...Don't you want to finish this way?"

"No...No...I...Ahh...I want to try something. Jordon...I...I want you want you to FUCK me!"

I raised up on one elbow to look at him. "Oh, Babe! Are you serious? Are you SURE you want to try that?" My pulse rate skyrocketed. I would like nothing better than to plow his cute little bubble butt.

"Ever since you let me fuck YOU, and Gerald telling us about letting Vincent fuck Him, I've been wondering how it would feel. I know how good it felt to be in was wonderful. Now...Now, I'd like to see how it feels to be on the receiving end. Would you show me, Jordon? I told you I wanted to learn EVERYTHING!"

"Babe, I'd LOVE to fuck your sweet ass. I've been thinking about it too. You realize it will probably be pretty painful at first, especially if you're tense. I know it hurt, the first time Gerald fucked ME. He warned me it would...and it DID."

"Yeah, I...I kinda figured it might, but I've thought about it and I really want to do it."

"Gerald was right about another thing too...He told me that, once I managed to take it, I would LOVE it, and want more of it."

"What do we...How do we do this?" Mike asked eagerly.

"Why don't we try to get you as relaxed as possible," I suggested. We were still in the head to feet position, so I turned around and took possession of his mouth again and gently pinched his nipples, then put my arms around him. Mike responded immediately, returning the kiss enthusiastically.

I guided him into the 69 position again, this time with me on bottom and him over me resting on his knees and elbows. I had a perfect view of his scrotum and the smooth perineum leading to the pink rosebud between his ass cheeks..

While sucking him slowly, I ran my hands over his butt, then slid one into his crack. I ran my fingers up and down the hairless valley, gradually approaching the tightly closed hole. When my finger passed over the wrinkled little eye, Mike moaned around my cock and wiggled his ass.

I repeated this several times, bringing more moans and wiggling. I let his cock slip out of my mouth and ran my tongue over his ball-sac, causing it to draw up even tighter. When it was wet with my saliva, I opened my mouth and engulfed the entire sac, gently rolling the nice sized orbs around.

"Oh..Oh, God...Oh, God...Ohhhhhh...Jesus!" Mike gasped as he came up off my cock. "Jordan...Jordan...Oh, God Jordan, that's...that's...I never...never..." He could seem to finish a sentence. He gave up and went back down on my dick, bobbing rapidly.

I used both hands to spread his ass cheeks and knew I was about to do something I the farthest reaches on my imagination, thought I would EVER even consider...I was going to rim another guy!

Mike smelled of soap and water, with no unpleasant odor. I think that would have turned me off. I moved in and ran my tongue from the back of his ball-sac to the bottom of his crack. I felt his body tense, then jerk as my tongue touched the tight little rosebud, circled around it, then started probing for entry.

"Urrrgggghh...Jordan! Wha...Wha...Oh my GOD! What are you...Ohhhhh...I can't believe you're doing it...and it''s...I never believed anyone would ever do that! Oh, Yess...Yess...Please don't stop!" Mike had temporarily forgotten about sucking me. At the moment his mind was totally concentrated on the sensations emanating from his ass.

I tried to get as much of my tongue inside his spasming hole as I could. His hips were gyrating wildly and I had my hands full...literally...trying to maintain contact. I wiggled my tongue and moved my face from side to side. My mouth was mashed as tight in his crack as possible and I started tongue-fucking his hole.

Mike's knees gave out from the erotic sensations and he collapsed onto my chest. I continued driving my tongue in and out as fast as I could. Finally, his weight was beginning to make it hard for me to breath.

I rolled him over to the side, and pulled out from under him. He lay there as if paralyzed, but I wasn't through yet. I grabbed him and yanked and prodded him until I had him up on his hands and knees. We were sideways on the bed and his feet hung over the edge.

I dropped to my knees, grabbed and spread his ass again and dove back in, licking him from his balls to the top of his crack. I was able to reach between his widespread legs and grasp his throbbing cock. As I again plunged my tongue into his wet tunnel, I began to jack his dick in time with my tongue-fuck.

Mike was babbling now, only unintelligible sounds coming from his slack mouth. He arched his back and rotated his hips, completely surrendering to the ultimate pleasure.

When I felt his dick begin to pulsate, I stopped my anal ministrations and grabbed his cock at the base. Squeezing hard, I was able to delay his climax. I had other ideas of how he was going to cum this time.

I stood up and popped him on his cute upturned ass, resulting in a surprised yelp. "I think we have you relaxed pretty good. I do believe it's time to move on to the next step. Why don't you hand me that tube of KY and a condom."

Mike surprised me by saying, "No condom, Jordan. I know you're clean and I want to feel YOU, not latex taking my cherry." He handed me the KY and then said, "Go ahead...I'm ready for it...Give it to me!"

I squeezed out a generous portion of gel on my fingers and applied it to the outside of his fairly relaxed hole, then slid a finger in. Mike hissed and arched his back, raising his butt up to force more of the finger in. With the KY paving the way, I had no trouble getting my finger all the way in.

I moved it around a few times then pulled out and re entered with two fingers. His tunnel was slick and accepted the second finger, then a third with ease. I spread the KY around as much as I could, then pulled out, making Mike groan. I quickly spread a thick coat on my dick, the gel squishing through my fingers.

"Ohhh...That sounds so good," Mike whispered. "Go ahead...Put it in me...I can't wait...I want you in me Jordan!"

"OK, Babe...It's time! Here we go. Tell me if the pain is too much and I'll stop. There's no's gonna happen...your sweet little ass is gonna get my hard cock in it!"

I rubbed my dick up and down his crack, then around the outside of his rosebud. Finally, putting one hand on his lower back, I held my rigid spear with the other and guided it to the entrance of his hole.

"Push out for me Babe," I instructed, "It'll make it easier to get in." Mike did as told and I began applying pressure. It was a thrilling sight to see his hole stretch as the head of my dick demanded entry. I saw his butt clench and pulled back, not wanting to hurt him any more than absolutely necessary.

I repeated the shallow probing several more times and could see his hole slowly giving in to the intruder banging at the door. With one last push, the head of my cock popped in. Mike hissed and his ass tried to expel me, but it was too late...the gates had been breached.

"Easy Babe...Easy," I coaxed, "You've got the head in you. That was the hardest part. Just be still and I promise you, it will be better soon." I chuckled to myself as I realized I sounded just like Gerald a few nights ago when it was ME cringing in pain from the first dick to plow my ass. "How does it feel?"

"It still hurts, but not as much. Try and put a little more in."

I put one hand on each of his hips and pushed gently. I felt a couple more inches slide in, before I felt him hiss. I stopped and waited, until he looked back and nodded. This time, I pushed and my dick slid the rest of the way in. I let out a deep breath when I felt my pubic bush rub against his butt.

"Oh, sweet Baby...Your ass is MINE! You took it ALL. You are so tight I feel like I want to cum already. Don't...Don't move! Let your ass adjust to me. Just be still so I can get over the urge to blow my load in you too quick."

"Urrrgggghh...Damn! What did you JAM in there, a Volkswagen BUS? I feel like your cock is tickling my tonsils! I can feel your balls rubbing against mine...I can't believe I ate the WHOLE thing!"

I laughed, "That's not a Volkswagen bus...and it's certainly not gonna go away by taking a couple of pills." His reference to the popular German import and the well known anti-acid product struck me so funny I started coughing form laughing so hard. This in turn made my dick throb in his ass, which made him clench his ass, which almost made me lose it.

"Enough with the catchy remarks," I said, "Are you ready for some serious fucking?"

"Ready, willing, and definitely able SIR," he replied, "So...What the hell are you waiting for?"

I pulled out slowly to the edge of his tunnel, then just as slowly pushed back in. Both of us let out a big sigh. Mike raised his ass and pushed back, trying to get more cock in him. I tortured him by pulling back so that he couldn't get the depth he wanted. I was making short, quick plunges that were driving him crazy.

"Ahh...Ahh...C'mon dammit...give me some DICK, Jordan...I want EVERY inch, buried to the hilt...PLEASE...Give it to me."

"You asked for it, my little butter butt...your wish is my command." I pulled out to the edge again and wound up. When I shot forward, my pelvic bone slammed against his ass and knocked him a few feet forward.

"OH YEAH...THAT'S what I'm talkin' 'bout," He shouted. "More...More...Just like that...All of it...Uunnnggghh...Uunnnggghhh...Oh Yes...NOW you're doin' it! Mmmmpppphh...Mnnnnnnn...Mmmmmpppphh!

Watching his ass cheeks shudder as I slammed my dick against them was a sight to behold. I was really turned on watching my cock piston in and out and seeing his hole pucker out as I withdrew, then sink in as I plowed home.

"Ohhhh, Babe...your ass is so fine...I love fucking are so are so wet...feels like a warm velvet glove squeezing my dick!"

I was rapidly approaching the point of no return but I wanted to make sure I got Mike off too. I reached around his hips with my right hand and found his hard cock. I started jerking him off as I fucked him deep and fast.

"I'm gonna cum soon Babe," I told him. "I want you to cum too...will you cum for me...come on...cum for me!"

Mike's voice was hoarse as he moaned "Oh...Oh...Yess...Yess...I'm just about there...Keep fucking me...You're gonna make me...Oh, God...I'm gonna blow my nuts...Just...Just...There...THERE...Now...Oh, YESSS...NOWWWW!"

I felt his ass clench around my cock. At the same time his cock swelled in my hand and throbbed as the first shot of cum exploded around my fingers and onto the sheet beneath us. The initial burst was followed by several more, each seemingly MORE powerful than the previous one.

His ass muscles spasmed with his climax, triggering my own. I yelled as the 'little death' overtook me. "Ooooooo...Aarrrgggghh...Uunnnggghh...Uunnnggghh...Yesss...Cumming...Cumming Babe...You're making me cum!"

"Oh, God," Mike gasped," I can feel you cumming...I can feel your hot cum flooding my ass!"

We continued to buck and hump madly as our mutual release brought loud moans. I hoped the walls of the cabin were soundproofed enough to muffle the sounds of sex.

When we couldn't hold our bodies upright any longer, we collapsed, my body laying on top of Mike, my leaking cock still buried in his ass. I tried to use my elbows and knees to keep some of my weight off him. Tremors shook his body, which made his ass milk my sensitive cock.

"I feel like my dick is buried in a furnace," I whispered. "I can't believe how hot your sweet ass feels on it."

"Feels like I've got a hot poker skewering my ass," he croaked.

I rolled off Mike and laid on my side. He snuggled close, spooning his body against mine. My soft cock was nestled warmly between the cheeks of his ass. We drifted off in this position, totally exhausted.

When I awoke and glanced at the clock, I shook Mike. "Hey...Sleepyhead! Wake up...It's past noon. Gerald, Betty and Julie must be wondering where we are."

Mike turned over onto his back sleepy-eyed and said, "We made a mess of the bed sheets," referring to the sticky cum from his climax and the additional cum that had leaked out of his ass while we slept. "Your cabin attendant is really gonna wonder about you."

"He already thinks I'm the stud of the ship. He told me he's had to change the sheets more than triple the normal amount of times. He's getting used to it."

"Far as I'm ARE the stud of the ship," Mike said grinning.

"Aww...I'll bet you say that to ALL the guys you let fuck you," I said, imitating Mike's put-on country-hick voice. "I'm glad I could accommodate you!" Payback time for his comments the other day when I let him fuck ME.

Mike's realized that he'd been had and let out with a guffaw. "Oh...MAN! That's LOW!"

"Right," I remarked, "What goes around, comes bite you on the ass." To emphasize my point, I leaned over just as he was about to get out of bed and bit him on the ass.

"Ouch!" He yelled jumping up laughing and rubbing his tender ass. "OK...OK...I give!"

We enjoyed a leisurely shower, punctuated with kisses and caresses. After dressing, we headed to the dining room to look up the rest of our group. Tomorrow would see us in Ocho Rios and its' waterfalls.

End Of Part Eleven. Part Twelve to follow soon. We have two more days left on the cruise. It MAY take more than two more parts to finish the story. Comments welcome at

Next: Chapter 12: Caribbean Cruise 12

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