Caribbean Cruise Series

By Ghettorod

Published on Aug 25, 2006


This story contains detailed descriptions of sex between males of different ages. Although there may be references to Lesbian sex occasionally, the focus of the story remains on the men. The story is loosely based on some of the experiences I enjoyed on my first cruise. The character of Jordan Bentley is loosely based on ME. Since it is mostly fiction, some sexual acts do not portray safe sex. I urge everyone to always practice safe sex.

I have appreciated the many comments I have received from several of you readers. I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Caribbean Cruise: Part Thirteen

We had docked in Ocho Rios, Jamaica during the early morning hours. The five of us were scheduled to climb the Falls shortly, and I felt a surge of excitement.

I strolled leisurely into the dining room for breakfast and found Gerald, Betty, and Mike already seated. "Isn't Julie joining us?" I asked.

Mike replied, "Oh, she'll be here shortly. She wanted to stop by the ship's store for some sun block."

I sat down and gave my order to the waiter. When he had departed, I exclaimed "Well! Are we all ready for some adventure today?"

"More than you know!" Gerald piped up. Betty was grinning also. Even Mike had a smile. Gerald went on to say, "Are you still up for our little 'get together' later?"

"I sure am," I answered. It was getting easier to discuss these things around Betty now, since she was well aware of our plans. "I just hope climbing the falls doesn't wear us out."

Betty spoke up, saying, "I've already told Mike I will make sure Julie is 'Occupied' for a while, so you three studs can enjoy some fun."

I looked at Gerald, who gave me the old subtle wink. He and I knew exactly how Betty planned to keep Julie 'occupied'. I knew Betty had not mentioned the details to Mike, who was still clueless.

Betty excused herself to run to the ladies room, leaving us three guys alone. Mike looked ready to burst at the seams. I asked him if there was something on his mind.

"I gotta tell you guys," He whispered. "Julie's over her period. Last night she was all over me. I've never seen her so hot! I guess it's because she hasn't been getting any lately."

Gerald almost choked and I kicked him under the table. Little did Mike know just WHAT Julie had been getting lately.

Mike went on, " Boy...she went down on me like NEVER before. I told her I was about to cum and she actually told me she wanted to taste my cum. I couldn't believe it...I came so hard, I thought I was gonna pass out. She even told me she had been thinking about...about...ANAL SEX! Wow!"

Gerald and I laughed at his exuberance. It was good to see him so happy. A thought occurred to me and I asked, "So, Mike...are you sure you're still interested in this three-way with Gerald and me?"

"Yeah, I am," He answered. "I mean...I love Julie and can't wait to see if she's serious about the anal thing. BUT...I've discovered a whole new world of pleasure. I can't help it...I still want to have fun now and then with other guys. I know this feeling isn't gonna change after we're back home. I've enjoyed sex with you Jordan...and even have to admit I enjoyed the sex in the bookstore...only those were with just ONE guy. The thought of being with TWO guys at the same time fascinates me."

"I am very curious about how it would be with YOU, Gerald," Mike continued...blushing again. "I mean...Jordan has told me about you two being together and how much he enjoys it, I want to know how it feels with you too."

"Well...I AM flattered," Gerald replied. "If you haven't figured it out yet, I am DYING to get into your hot pants!" This brought another full blush from Mike.

We looked up to see Betty returning with Julie> As they joined us, Betty said, "Would you guys mind if Julie and I abandon you three after the Falls?

We have some girly things we'd like to do.

I noticed Julie's cheeks turn a little red. Mike's eyes lit up and he grinned at me. Gerald winked at Mike and me. "Oh, No, we don't mind," The three of us spoke almost as one, then broke out laughing.

The tour bus picked us up at 8AM on the dock and whisked us away to the entrance to the famous Falls. We were shown to a building that contained showers and lockers to change into our swimsuits.

While we were changing, Gerald managed to whisper to me that Julie had agreed to some further exploration of her newly awakened libido. "Betty will take Julie back first, then you, Mike and I will follow later and head for YOUR cabin. We hurried to join the rest of the tour.

There were about twenty of us in the group and we were met by our guide who would accompany us on our climb. The falls rose about two hundred feet and were a series of stair-steps, each measuring about thirty feet. We would be climbing beside the roaring water, on a series of rocks. We had been warned to wear some sort of sand shoe or other rubber soled shoe, since the rocks tended to be very slippery.

The trip up the falls took about two hours. We stopped several times, not only to rest, but to allow for pictures to be taken where the falls stair-stepped into several shallow pools. We all were thoroughly soaked and enjoyed a little horseplay.

All too soon, the climb was over and we were driven back to the changing area in small golf carts. Even though we had all enjoyed our excursion, Gerald, Mike, and I were anxious to get back to the ship for our afternoon 'excursions'.

We all had a quick lunch at a corner restaurant, sampling some of the local dishes. The girls left first and we hung back, to let them get to the ship and to Gerald and Betty's cabin.

When we felt enough time had passed, Gerald looked at Mike and me. "Ready guys? Let's go have some FUNNN!"

We boarded the ship and headed for my cabin. We were like three kids, playing grab-ass in the deserted passageways. By the time we arrived at my door, we all were sprouting wood. I had trouble fitting the key into my door, since Gerald had a firm grip on my dick and was massaging it.

Mike took the opportunity to check out Gerald's equipment, grasping the hard rod tenting the front of his shorts. "Mmmmm...I've been waiting to get a feel of that cock when it's hard. Can't wait to see it."

In spite of the distractions, I finally managed to get the door open and the three of us spilled into the room and began a race to see who could get naked first. Clothes flew all over the room and we came together in a group hug. Hands immediately went to the nearest cock, checking out the firmness and then switching to another throbbing member.

Gerald pressed his lips against mine and ran his tongue around the edges, until I opened up and sucked his tongue inside. Mike dropped to his knees and took a moment to stare at the two hard dicks in front of his face. It was like he couldn't decide which one to taste first. He settled on Gerald's and I heard him gasp into my open mouth as he felt the hot mouth close around his dick.

Mike sucked Gerald for a few minutes, then took MY rod in and gave it the royal treatment. Gerald's tongue was dueling with mine as Mike stroked him while continuing to bob on my cock.

After Mike had Gerald and I squirming, he rose and moved in for a kiss of his own. Gerald and I alternated giving him some tongue, while we stroked his cock and fondled his balls.

We broke apart long enough to go to the bed and arrange ourselves into a triangle, head to foot. Gerald took my dick into his mouth, while I latched onto Mike's prong. Mike in turn, fastened his mouth to Gerald's cock and the room was filled with the sounds of cocks being sucked and multiple moans and groans.

I felt Gerald's finger probe my ass, running up and down the crack, then circling the rosebud. I moaned around Mike's dick and started playing with his ass. I could hear Gerald moan and figured Mike was duplicating the efforts on Gerald's ass.

Not wanting to leave anyone out, we changed positions. I now was sucking Gerald, Mike was sucking me, and Gerald was taking care of Mike. The action was getting hot and heavy.

Between the sucking and finger-fucking we weren't going to last long. I heard Mike moan louder and he sucked me faster. I knew he was about to cum and I redoubled my efforts on Gerald's throbbing cock. I swallowed him to the base and jammed my finger as deep into his ass as I could as I tasted the first of his seed erupt into my mouth.

This made me loose it and I started cumming into Mike's mouth. I felt him finger-fuck my ass faster as his mouth sucked my dick rapidly drawing every drop he could get.

Finally, Mike came off my cock long enough to groan, "Ahhh, Gerald...That's it, I'm cumming Man...suck me! His hips jerked as his climax spurted into Gerald's sucking mouth. "Unnnggghhh...Ohhh, MAN! What a mouth...Mmmmmm...take all of it."

When we were sure there was no more nectar to drain, we rolled apart, gasping for breath. Our cocks were still semi hard and glistened with the saliva from our partner's mouth.

"Damn," I croaked, "That was intense!"

Mike was still breathing heavily. "That's for SURE. Man, have one HELL of a huge cock!"

"All the better for you to suck Babe!" Gerald replied. "I sure enjoyed the taste of your cock and your cum is sweet as honey."

We jumped in the shower, one at a time. The two not in the shower started getting each other ready for the next round. By the time all three of us were nice and clean, our cocks were raging and ready.

"OK," Gerald announced, "I'm ready for some tight ass! Who wants to go first?"

Both Mike and I raised our hands, then started laughing. We decided to draw straws, and using toothpicks, I drew the honor.

I quickly got the lube out and greased up my hole liberally, while Gerald smeared some on his cock. I pushed Mike down on the bed and put him in a lip-lock that curled our toes. I left his sexy mouth and sucked my way down to his hard cock, taking it into my mouth.

My ass was raised in the air and Gerald quickly moved behind me on his knees and rubbed his slick cock up and down my crack. I moaned and wiggled my ass, until I felt him center his pole on my hole and start pressing in. I was so ready to get fucked, my ass opened easily and took all of him in one motion. His balls rubbed against mine as he sighed and held his hips tight against my ass.

I bobbed on Mike's cock as Gerald began a slow fuck. I could feel every inch as he slowly slid in and pulled back. I rotated my hips and squeezed down on his dick as it withdrew, then relaxed as he shoved it back in. Every time his hips slammed into my butt, it caused me to take more of Mike's cock in my throat.

We went at it for ten or fifteen minutes, until Gerald withdrew. "Mmmmppph..." I groaned unhappily

"Mike, get around here and take over for a while. I'm gonna wash off and feed Jordan some from THIS end.

Mike pulled his dick from my mouth and quickly positioned himself behind me.

He was so excited, he rammed his dick into me all at once. Thank goodness Gerald had loosened me up, and I took all of it without any trouble. "Ooooommmmph...Damn guy, you sure are ready," I joked. "Well then...fuck me Babe...fuck me.

About that time, Gerald returned and stood by the edge of the bed. I turned slightly and swallowed his cock to the root. "Oooooo...SOMEBODY is getting fucked royally. Mmmmmm...that's it know how I like it!"

When I heard Mike's breathing speed up, I knew he was getting close. "Hold on there, studly," I said. "So far you two have been getting the best of MY expense. NOW it's MY turn. I want some ass too."

We drew straws again and Mike 'won'. He dropped to his hands and knees and I lubed his ass up while Gerald sucked my cock. When I had loosened him up with three fingers, Gerald took my cock in his hand and placed it against Mike's hole. I pushed and slowly slid in as Mike groaned.

I began fucking the young hottie slowly at first, but began to speed up as the pleasure increased. Gerald moved around in front and fed his dick into Mike's open mouth. My hips were slapping against his toned ass cheeks that quivered with each stroke. Gerald grunted as Mike's mouth swallowed more of his big dick.

I fucked Mike until I was getting close to cumming, but I didn't want to finish just yet, so I stopped. I could feel his ass clenching on my dick and the pleasure was almost too much. Gerald was fucking his mouth and I could see that he was also about to blow.

"Hey, Gerald, don't you want to get into this hot ass before you shoot?" I slowly pulled out of Mike and motioned for Gerald to move around and take my place. As I headed into the bathroom to wash my cock clean, I heard Mike gasp.

"Ohhhh...that is really filling me up," he whispered. I could see that Gerald was holding Mike's hips as he rotated his own hips in a circular motion. I knew Gerald's cock was bigger and thicker than mine, so Mike was feeling like a telephone pole was being crammed up his ass.

I walked over to the two and watched Gerald move his cock back and forth a little at a time. He only had about 3/4's of his dick in Mike and was trying to let him get used to the huge rod boring into him. It was a real turn on actually seeing a hard cock going in and out of that sweet ass I had just been in myself.

"Ummmm...Ooooooo...Take it slow...but don't stop!" Mike hissed. "I want all of it...just give me a little at a time." He wiggled his butt, trying to ease the pain. I remembered how much Gerald's cock had hurt when he first put it in me, and I knew what mike was experiencing. It was a good thing I had already stretched his hole with MY cock. Even still, he was not ready to take all of Gerald's member yet.

"Don't try to rush it Babe," Gerald cautioned. "It'll be in you all the way soon enough. Your ass is so tight, I'm having a real hard time holding off." He was sliding about 6 of his 8 inches in and out slowly now, and I could see Mike starting to relax and move back against the thrusts.

"Ahhhh, God...that's starting to feel good," Mike groaned. "Give me some more of it." He raised his hips to allow a different angle and I could see Gerald's cock bottom out and his hips bump against the sexy youngster's quivering ass.

"Mmmmmm....OooKaaay...You've got it all Babe. You've got 8 hard inches of cock in your sweet ass. Just let me soak it in you for a minute. Ohhhhh...Dammmnnn, that feels good!" Gerald punctuated this with a sharp slap on the butt he was buried in, causing Mike to jerk and grunt as he felt the monster cock throb inside him.

I was standing beside the bed, still fascinated by watching Mike getting fucked by Gerald. My own cock was dripping with need and I started stroking it.

Mike saw this and reached out and took it in his hand, pulling me around so that he could get it in his mouth. I groaned loudly at the warm sensation as his hot mouth sucked my dick and he fondled my balls.

When Gerald started a slow fuck, Mike's body shuddered. I wanted to suck Mike too, so I pulled out and scooted under his body until I could get his dangling cock in my mouth. I felt him go back down on me and we sucked each other rapidly as Gerald sped up his fucking.

I had a wonderful view of Gerald's cock plowing mike's sweet ass as I sucked harder. Mike was groaning continually now, and Gerald's breathing was getting rapid also. I bucked my hips up, driving my cock deeper into Mike's mouth as I felt my climax approaching. I tried to let him know, but I had a mouth full of throbbing cock, so I could only moaned louder.

My cock erupted, sending scalding hot cum into Mike's sucking mouth. He groaned and sucked faster taking all I had to offer. I felt his dick start to swell and I urged him to let me have it. I put my hands on his hips and pulled him as deep into my mouth as I could. After two or three more seconds, Mike exploded in a huge climax of his own.

This made the walls of his ass clench, squeezing Gerald's cock and sending him over the edge. "Ahhh...Yesss...Yesss...You're making me cum Babe," he croaked, "I'm cumming...Cumming...gonna fill your sweet ass with my cum...Oooo...Oooo...Ummmm...Ummmm...You got it's all yours!"

Mike rotated his ass milking Gerald's dick, which made his still-hard cock plow in and out of my mouth. I get a tight lip-lock on his prick and he bobbed on my own pole until I started seeing stars.

The three of us collapsed into a tight bundle of arms and legs. Cocks popped out of mouths and asses with wet slurping sounds, as we lay there in total bliss from our intense passion.

Finally, we fell apart and lay across the bed. Mike was squeezed in between Gerald and me and my softening dick was pleasantly lodged between the tight cheeks of his ass. Mike and Gerald were kissing deeply. I nuzzled the back of Mike's neck and squeezed his ass with my hand.

After a few minutes, Mike reversed his position and offered his soft lips to me. We lost ourselves in the moment, while Gerald reached between us and stroked our sensitive cocks.

When we were totally satiated, we took turns in the shower. Once we were dressed, we decided to head to the lounge by the main swimming pool and relax with a few drinks. Gerald and I knew that Betty and Julie might still be 'occupied' and wanted to give them plenty of time.

We had been seated and were on our second round of drinks when the two gals showed up. Both look as exhausted as the three of us. Betty had a smile on her lips that could mean only one thing...BINGO! I knew Gerald would soon have all the sordid details and I couldn't wait to hear them. Julie had a flush on her cheeks and had trouble looking us in the eye, but she was also smiling.

It was getting late, so we all headed for our respective cabins to get ready for the evening meal. I hoped that I would be able to get Gerald alone long enough to find out if Betty had shared her story. I was sure Gerald would share all the details of OUR afternoon. It promised to be an interesting evening.

End Of Part Thirteen. Part Fourteen To Follow Soon. Comments still welcome at

Next: Chapter 14: Caribbean Cruise 14

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