Carols New Trainees

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Feb 6, 2023



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2005 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to if you have suggestions for future stories.

Carol's New Trainee's 3



One night Carol was sitting up in bed enjoying a cigarette after fucking Nadine in the ass. She had her right arm resting around Nadine's shoulders so that she was toying with her right nipple when she asked Nadine to tell her about how she had been turned out.

Nadine cuddled up in her lover's arms and enjoyed the feeling of her sweaty body and the soft feeling of her right breast pressed against her cheek as she thought about what she was about to tell her.

She said, "It all started when I had been selected to work on staff at the summer camp I had spent several summers as a visiting camper. I was fifteen-years-old. You know, a skinny, flat chested girl, eager to please everyone in order to be accepted and I was about to spend three months there for the first time.

I had been given a list of things I could bring along. I managed to put everything in a duffle bag and one gym bag. The camp was a three hour bus ride into the mountains. After greeting us and assigning us the cabins we would be living in we gathered at the main lodge to get instructions.

We were assigned jobs and told to get our areas cleaned up for the first group of campers. Most of the new girls were assigned to work in the kitchen but I was lucky enough to be sharing a cabin with an older girl that was in charge of the craft studio.

Our cabin was behind the craft studio and isolated from most of the camp. Her name was Gail. She was a twenty-year- old and would be entering her last year of college in the fall. At about five-foot four she was a little chubby with short brown hair and eyes. She was also known to be a bit of a tomboy. The official camp uniform consisted of tennis shoes; dark shorts and T-shirts emblazoned with the camp name across the front but Gail just looked a too comfortable in the outfit.

Gail had apparently selected me as her helper during the bus ride to the camp. I had no idea at the time what it was about me that appealed to her. We spent the next couple of days cleaning out the craft studio and arranging things for the onslaught of campers that were soon to arrive.

Animals must have gotten into the studio during the winter and nested there to escape the cold. The place had to be swept out and then scrubbed with strong detergent from top to bottom. Then we had to carry supplies from the warehouse and either set them out or locked them up for future campers to use. Once we finished in there we were asked to help clean up the warehouse and kitchen. During the evenings all of us got together to learn camp songs and get into the sprit of the camp that we were suppose to impart on the campers. Each of us was expected to take part in the nightly skits until the campers would take over and do the skits they had been taught during the day.

Gail liked to put a flannel long sleeved shirt over her T- shirt when she was not working hard. After the camp was in order we had a little party before the campers were to arrive in the morning. Alcohol was strictly forbidden but you know that is just a challenge to a group of young horny girls. Someone had smuggled in some wine and it was shared by all who were brave enough to do so. At fifteen I had not drunk much wine before, it only took a couple of cups to make me a little light headed.

When the party broke up and Gail led me back to our cabin by flashlight I was a little giddy. Our cots were placed against opposite walls. I peeled off my uniform and crawled into my cot. I was about to drift off to sleep when I heard Gail moaning. I thought she was sick.

"Are you OK Gail?"

She laughed and said, "I feel great. I'm just Jilling off."

I didn't know what she was talking about. "What is that?"

Gail told me, "That means I was using my fingers to masturbate myself. You know, using my fingers to play with the clit until I climax. You better get used to the sound because I Jill myself off every night so I can fall asleep. How often do you masturbate?"

I told her the truth. I had only tried doing it a few times and I didn't get much out of it.

Gail laughed and said, "You must be doing it wrong girl. I'll have to show you how some time soon."

The next day the buses arrived shortly before lunch. The girl's were placed in groups of ten and were assigned cabins. Each cabin was given a color with and animal on the front below the camp name. That way the staff could tell if a camper was not with her proper group. Each cabin was given a councilor to look after the girls. They were told the dos and don'ts of the camp and then they were marched off to the kitchen to be fed.

The first day is orientation for them. They were brought to the craft studio and told that they would have classes during the day and if they liked they could work on projects after dinner until the community campfire that preceded bed time each night.

That night the staff put on their skits and led them in a sing-along. After the councilors led their group off to their cabins Gail and I helped put out the fire and clean up the place before heading to our cabin to get our toilet bags and towels before hiking off to the showers.

The staff had their own showers and the girl's were load and playful. Several made rude remarks to Gail about her new girlfriend. She had plenty of retorts for them. I was terribly embarrassed by the language and nasty comments being tossed around. We walked back to our cabin together because Gail had the flashlight.

When we were in the cabin and the single bare light-bulb was turned off Gail was back to masturbating. She told me to use my flashlight to shine on her so that I could watch her Jill herself off.

I picked up my little flashlight and directed the narrow beam towards her cot. She was naked on top of her cot. I was embarrassed and titillated at the same time.

I kept the light on her while she used her fingers to rub her clitoris like crazy. She told me to watch her carefully so that I would learn how to do it right. From the look on her face you might assume that she was in pain. She would open her eyes and look at me then close them tightly. The narrow cot was squeaking and she sat with her back against the wall of the cabin and her feet were on the side of the cot. Her knees were spread widely as she played with her pussy. She had a lot more hair between her legs than I had at that time. Eventually Gail she let out a satisfied moan, her feet slipped off of the cot and I saw that her fingers shinned in the beam of the flashlight. After Gail recovered she reached for her flashlight she kept stuck into her tennis shoe and shinned at me. She told me to do the same thing and she would watch and tell me what to do.

I was afraid to do it but I was eager to please her and I wanted to find out if I could cum like her. I slept in pajamas so I unbuttoned them and took them off. I had to stand up to pull the draw string of the bottoms. I sat on my cot facing her and put my feet on the side of the cot like she had before starting to rub my pussy. I thought "If she laughs at me I'd just die."

Gail used nasty language to tell me to do things like "Stick you finger into your cunt. Rub your little love button harder bitch!" At first her words shocked me but after I got use to her language I started liking it. I don't know how long I played with myself but the feeling kept feeling better. At some point it felt like I was out of breath and I thought I might have peed. The feeling went through my body like I had just touched an electrical wire. My feet slipped off of the cot.

Gail got off of her cot and crossed the small distance of the cabin and knelt between my legs and helped me. She used her fingers to masturbate me again. I was so weak afterwards I felt like my limbs were made of led. She used her right hand to masturbate my clit with her face so close I could feel her breath on my virgin opening.

After my second climax she returned to her cot. I felt foolish sitting there in a cool cabin naked. I put my pajamas back on and got under the old wool Army blanket. I was exhausted and fell quickly into a deep sleep.

Almost every night after that Gail taught me some new way of making lesbian love. The next night she pulled my cot over next to hers and didn't bother putting on fresh undies before turning out the light. "Tonight I am going to eat your cunt dear." She pulled my pajamas off of me and held my legs up while she kissed my pussy. I was carried away by the thrill of her mouth on my clitoris. She used her tongue to probe my cunt. I loved the way she made me feel. I lifted my hips off the cot and moaned my acceptance. It was not long before I was climaxing all over her face.

Gail rolled over onto her cot and pulled me with her. I knew what she wanted. I could smell her cunt even before I got between her legs. "It's your turn honey now show me what you've learned". I licked her hair and some of it got in my mouth. I had to pluck the out before I could go back to licking her. She wrapped her legs around my head and locked her ankles. I was trapped. I could not have gotten away even if I had wanted to do so. Not that I had any desire to do so. I was in seventh heaven sucking her nasty smelling cunt. What had come over me?

The camp director was known to make surprise inspections to make sure the staff was keeping their cabins clean too so in the morning, we separated our cots so if anyone came to our cabin they would not know what we had done last night.

I fell in love with Gail. I would do anything she asked. For almost the entire three months we were never apart for very long. Gail was thrilled that my breasts were growing during that time. She told me that they grew because she was sucking them every night. They were so sensitive that the T-shirt rubbing against them was enough to make me horny.

Every two weeks a new group of girls arrived. The time between the departure of one group and the arrival of the next group was spent cleaning up the camp and restocking supplies. The one night the camp was empty of campers the staff would have a party.

Management slacked off and let the girls drink a little more. The amount of lesbian activity became more obvious to me. I even saw girls at the party masturbating each other. I was in love with Gail but didn't want her to do those things to me in public.

One morning Gail told me after breakfast that she had to go to town with the director to get some more craft supplies. I wanted to go with her but she told me someone had to look after the studio while she was gone.

I was busy all day keeping an eye on the campers. I was concerned about Gail being gone so long. After closing up the studio for dinner I kept an eye on the road. I heard the old Ford truck coming up the road long before it rounded the curve on dirt road before coming into sight. When I saw the director driving the truck I thought Gail was not in the truck.

Then as the truck approached I saw Gail lift her head and look over the steering wheel. She sat back on the passenger side of the truck and wiped her mouth. The director moved around too. I figured she was pulling up her shorts. The knowledge that Gail had been sucking the pussy of another woman broke my heart.

I was afraid to confront her with what I saw for fear that she would reject me. The last few days at camp were hard on me. Gail still wanted to have sex every night but it was not the same anymore. I knew that I was not the only person she was having sex with and I was unable to accept it. I thought that when we got back home she would probably never call me as she had promised.

To my surprise she did call me a couple of days after school started. She wanted me to visit her at college. I was thrilled to think I was going to visit a college dorm. I felt so grown up. She picked me up in her car and met my parents and assured them that she would look after me.

The party she took me to was a wild thing. Girls were drinking and before long they were striping off their clothes. I thought I was going to be Gail's date. But I found out that a couple of her friends were going to be part of out party. They were hot to suck the pussy of a young high school girl and Gail had promised to produce one for them to play with. They were all over me striping my clothes off and sucking my breasts, cunt and even my asshole. I was sobbing brokenheartedly while sucking their pussies. I never wanted to see Gail again.

Carol wrapped Nadine in her arms and caressed her while kissing away the tears that ran down her cheeks. "You're mine now darling and I will never use you that way unless I feel it would be good for you." Nadine was left to wonder what she meant by that.

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