Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Mar 31, 2005


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

For the first of Dave's adventures see "Carried Away" Nifty Archives (Authoritarian).

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

Please support Nifty Archives.

My car suddenly shot forward, wheels kicking up dust and gravel, as Erik gunned the motor and pushed the accelerator almost to the floor. I wasn't prepared for his surprise take-off, so my body slammed against the car door as we roared out of the parking lot and headed back toward the freeway. The heavy backpacks of the two hitchhikers that I had picked up (and who were now in control of my car) hit me from the other side, almost pinning me against the door.

"Hey," Chad, the other hitchhiker, said to his buddy, "watch out or you're gonna knock our little fag right out of the car."

"Maybe it's the best thing that could happen," Erik replied ominously, but then added: "Course then you'd never get your blowjob, and let me tells ya, that little homo behind you got the best lips I ever had wrapped around my cock. I swear he's like a vacuum: sucks the fuckin' cum right out of ya."

"Well, buddy," Chad said, turning around and looking at me like I was another one of his duffle bags, "I'm more than ready for that." Then he winked at me and said: "Hey queer, look what I got for ya."

Clearly he expected me to look over the front seat, which I quickly did, not wanting another backhand to my already sore face. When I looked, I did a double take. The huge bulge in Chad's jeans was even bigger than Erik's. It looked like there was even a wet spot forming right in the middle of his crotch. I unconsciously licked my lips, causing Chad to laugh.

"Hey, dude," Chad remarked to Erik, "he looks like he's already plugged in and ready to go." Then to me: "Ya like what ya see? You better, because pretty soon I'm gonna ram this baby right down your fag throat."

"Yeah?" said Erik, "ya better watch out man because he was checkin' out yer ass before and he looked might hungry. He might just stick his fag cock right between that seat and up your chute." Erik laughed uproariously.

"Fuck," Chad said, "the only place he's gonna see my ass is over his face . . . Yeah," he said, looking at me speculatively. "I always wanted to get my hole licked out, but none of them bitches we been with wanna do it. I'll bet Danny-boy here is just waitin' ta dig in. That right, fag? You like to eat out my ass? Ain't had a chance to wash up for damn near a week now. It's gotta be just the way ya like it."

Once again I thought about the gang bang with Nick, how those bikers took turns sitting on my face. I hated it at first but then . . .

"Somethin' wrong with your hearing, fag? I asked you a question." Chad looked like he was starting to get pissed.

"Ah, I could probably do that for you sometime, Chad. I . . ."

He cut me off, holding a big fist out at me. "You damn well better do it unless ya want me to take that pretty little face of yours and shove it up your pussy. And trust me, queer, I'll do it."

"Yes, sir," I blurted out, startled by his aggressiveness, "Um, I'll do it, sure."

"Hey, man," Erik said, "you ever been called "Sir" before? Maybe our little buddy here is finally startin' to learn his place."

"Yeah, dude," Chad laughed holding up his big fist again, "this here is a real good teacher."

We got on the freeway, heading north. I managed to shift the duffle bags so that I had a little more space to sit. I cautiously looked at the jean vests they had tossed on the back seat with their leather jackets. I didn't know anything about gang colors, but they both had some kind of club insignia or emblem stitched on `em. I was about to ask what they meant, but quickly thought better of it. Those guys acted like land mines. One wrong step and they blew up right in your face. I couldn't help but wonder whether they belonged in a line up somewhere . . .

"Hey shithead," Erik said, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "Gi' me another one of them beers. You want another one, dude?"

"Damn right," Chad grunted. "Keep `em coming, queer."

Between the three of us we had already killed the first twelve pack. I only had two, which means that Erik and Chad each had five, working now on number six. Erik seemed to be in control of the car so far, but the way he was guzzling down the brew . . .? They kept throwing the empties in the back seat, making a little game about whether they could hit me in the process. They mostly succeeded and I smelled like I had just taken a beer bath.

My bladder was starting to feel real uncomfortable. I wondered how the two up front were doing since they were way ahead of me. Sure enough when a "Rest Stop" sign popped up Erik swerved to the right, almost clipping the sign in the process. He rolled through a ditch and came out on the ramp cutting off an elderly couple who slammed on their breaks just seconds before hitting us.

"Shit," Erik commented as if nothing had happened, "I gotta piss like a son-of-a-bitch."

"Right with ya," Chad reported.

"Yesssss," I thought. We do agree on something.

There were only a few cars at the "Rest Stop". Erik pulled into a parking slot almost directly opposite the bathrooms.

"Fuck," Chad said, "look at the racks on those two. Man, I'd like to juggle them around. Whatdaya say, buddy?" He was pointing out two chicks with big hair and bigger tits, sitting at one of the picnic tables, smoking and looking bored.

"Dude, let's go for it. First we piss, then we fuck." Then he turned to me. " And you, Danny-boy, you stay right the fuck where you are unless ya want some more pain."

"But Erik," I whined, "I gotta go bad too. I can't hold it much longer. Please . . ."

Erik laughed. "Well, ya better hold it unless ya wanna piss in the trunk . . . Come to think of it, that's probably the best place for you right now."

I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. While Chad grabbed the rest of the Bud and started walking (none to steadily) towards the picnic area, Erik walked around, opened my door, hauled me out, and led me around to the back of the car. When I saw that he was serious about locking me in the trunk I started to protest.

"Shut the fuck up!" Erik hissed. "Now get your ass in there. We're gonna go fuck those bitches. If ya don't make any noise I'll let ya go piss as soon as we get back." With that he opened the trunk and shoved me in. "Be a good little fag now and don't wet your panties," he laughed as he slammed the door s hut, locking me in the dark, stuffy trunk.

At first I was in an absolute panic. I had no idea how long they would be gone. And what if they decided not to let me out when they got back? Would I smother to death? Would I drown in my own piss? Shit! Why did I stop for those two assholes!

I lost track of how long I was there in the dark--it seemed like days. And all the time my bladder threatened to let loose a flood of smelly yellow juice. I was in absolute agony, turning over and over in my mind whether or not I should just relieve myself and be done with it.

Just when I was at the point of surrendering to that irresistible call of nature, the trunk opened and daylight and fresh air rushed in. For a moment I was blinded. Then I heard laughing, not just guys but girls. As I found out later, Erik and Chad had scored with "the sluts" (thank you Bud Lite?). As they were getting ready to leave, my buddies had told the girls about their "little friend" locked in the trunk. The girls, of course wouldn't believe it without seeing for themselves, so Erik and Chad, being gentlemen, offered to show them the living proof.

Now I had another reason for wanting to die. I curled up into a ball, mortified by being discovered in such a position. The laughter continued. The girls couldn't believe that anyone would let himself be locked in a car trunk (they didn't know Erik like I did!) They looked at me like some kind of pet--a dog or cat, let's say.

"Who is he?" the blond asked. "Did he come with the car?" More laughing.

"Yeah, Marcie," Erik chuckled. "You could say that. He did come with the car. But right now he looks like he's gotta do his business . . . Alright, `Out, boy,'" Erik ordered. "Go piss on that tree over there."

When I painfully climbed out of the trunk I could see that Erik was serious, and that if I didn't do what he said there would be hell to pay. But how could I piss in public? Thank God there wasn't anyone else around. But the girls were there . . . I just couldn't.

Erik gave me a shove and ordered more forcefully: "Do it now, or I'll have to whip ya!"

Defeated and ready to piss in my pants (which would be far worse), I ran over to the tree with all four of them laughing at me.

"Oh, no," Erik shouted. "You stand where we can see you. I gotta see if you learned to do it right."

"Oh my God!" Marcie squealed. "He's got his thing out! I can't believe it! H e's gotta be a retard. Jamie, look at `im, he's really doing it!"

"Shit!" Jamie said, disgusted. "He's some kind of a freak. Nobody normal does that!"

"Why is he listening to you?" Marcie said, unable, apparently, to believe what she was seeing.

"He's a damn faggot," Chad piped up. "He gets off when we tell him what to do. Wanna see him wank off?"

"Eeeeuuuu, no!" Marcie said. "That's way too gross!"

She was right about that, I thought dimly, but hey: letting yourself be fucked over by some scruffy stranger was pretty gross too.

"Ya sure ya don't wanna see him wank?" Chad teased. "I'll bet ya do."

"No, Chad!" both girls screamed together, sounding like a couple of pre-teens. Chad and Erik both laughed hysterically.

My whole body felt like one big blush. When I reached the tree I started to go behind it, but Erik wouldn't allow me even that much dignity. He seemed determined to totally humiliate me. After he hollered at me, I slunk back into full view of my tormentors, yanked down my zipper and let go. They were clapping and whistling the whole time.

I felt like I pissed for a full five minutes. When I was finished a wave of relief swept over me followed immediately by overwhelming shame at what I had been forced to do. (And if they had told me to jack off . . .?) This had to be the all-time low of my whole life, standing there watching the tree drip with my piss, my ears filled with mocking laughter. Anger flared up inside me. Nobody should have to put up with something like this: NOBODY! I would get those two smug bastards, somehow I would get them for this . . . but not now. I was too weak, to ashamed. I slunk back toward the parking lot.

By the time I reached the car I had already been forgotten. Erik and Chad had gone back to mauling titties and otherwise slobbering over their conquests. For a minute I thought they were ready to go another round, but then Jamie said that they had to go, that it was getting late. Without another word the girls walked off toward their car, apparently satisfied with all the entertainment.

"Now for being so good," Erik said to me, "we got a little treat for you, boy. Let's take a walk over to the bathrooms." He was talking to me now like I WAS a dog!

I was totally confused as my captors led me to the bathroom. Why now? We had all done what we stopped here for, hadn't we? But apparently there was something more.

The men's restroom was empty when the three of us went inside. It was none too clean: A typical "Rest Stop" bathroom, used daily by hundreds of travelers. The smell of urine was heavy in the air.

"Now get down on your knees, boy," Erik commanded. I did as I was told, kneeling on the grimy floor as Erik and Chad whispered something I couldn't make out and then giggled a little before both stepped up to me.

"Okay, fag, here's your treat," Erik said. "We both fucked those bitches and got pussy slop all over our cocks. Now you get to clean it off!"

For some perverse reason my cock jumped at this new degradation. The anger I had felt just a few moments ago was now being replaced by lust. I almost orgasmed at the thought of what I was being ordered to do: suck their dirty cocks and clean the fuck juice off them. With my heart beating hard in my chest and blood pumping to my cock, I reached out and pulled down the zipper, first of Erik and then of Chad. I reached inside and slowly fished out each cock. "Fished"

was a good term, because that's the way they smelled. I hesitated.

"Come on, cunt," Erik said, "we ain't got all day. Besides, somebody could walk in and see you down their suckin' cock. How would that make ya feel?"

The mere threat of another public humiliation together with my lust was enough to make me open my mouth and envelop Erik's cock. I heard his satisfied laugh as my warm mouth closed over his smelly dick. I started to gag.

"By the way, in case you were wondering, that's Jamie's slop yer cleanin' at the moment. Now go at it."

Erik's cock was limp as it entered my mouth, but my licking and sucking soon changed that. As I cleaned the sour pussy juice off that cock, it began to expand and lengthen. I felt that strange power a cocksucker has to "wake up" a sleeping cock!

Now I began to get into my work. I had already thoroughly cleaned Erik's entire dick but that wasn't enough--for either of us. I was now giving him another blowjob and he was loving it. Once again I heard those encouraging moans and felt those big controlling hands grab my head. For one second I looked over at Chad and saw the hungry look in his eyes. He was about to get a "taste" of my services for the first time. That look set me on fire. I wanted another cock even before I finished with my first!

But Erik wasn't about to share me just yet. He wanted to shoot a load and apparently he wanted to do it fast. He didn't slow down and speed up the way he had done before. He had begun a series of powerful thrusts, going in deep and then pulling out until just the head of his cock was in my mouth. We were working perfectly together to get him off as soon as possible. He was enjoying long-dicking me, going in as far and as hard as he could, getting the maximum enjoyment out of my warm, sucking hole; and I was feeling the excitement of having a huge, throbbing piece of manmeat entirely filling up my mouth and throat. I had gagged terribly at first, but now it was starting to subside. I started looking forward to that inevitable climax when that cock exploded deep inside me, letting lose its burden of delicious cream while I listened to the soft cries of satisfaction coming from the hunk that was using me to get himself off.

Just the thought of what was happening--the taste, the smells, the feel of that amazing cock--made me blast again, sending another torrent of cum down my already soggy pants. At exactly the same moment I felt Erik reach his climax and start shooting spurt after spurt of warm jizz. I captured every drop, savoring it's flavor before swallowing it all down.

"Make sure you got every drop," Erik ordered. "I don't want no sticky shit in my briefs. Otherwise your gonna be real sorry." His words were hard but I could tell that he totally approved of what I had done for him, and derived a strange sense of elation from his satisfaction even while I hated how badly he had humiliated me.

I no more finished cleaning the last streaks of cum from Erik's dick and putting it back inside his briefs (he insisted that I do that) when another determined pair of hands grabbed my head and turned it in a new direction. It was Chad, demanding my undivided attention.

This was the first time I actually saw Chad's dick and it was a beauty. About an inch longer than Erik's and uncut, with the foreskin completely covering the head. I swallowed it eagerly. Again I was attacked by that sharp taste of stale pussy and started gagging but quickly regained control of myself.

I circled my tongue around and around to clean away that taste as soon as possible. I was anxious to play with his foreskin and to see how he reacted to my tongue gently pushing and exploring under that silken membrane. I figured that there would be cheese, and lots of it, since Chad said he hadn't showered in a week. Far from being repulsed by this cheese, I now positively hungered for it. I ran my tongue around and around under the foreskin discovering and swallowing every morsel of Chad cheese.

Again the recipient of my services expressed his approval in no uncertain terms. "Fuck, Erik! This cunt is a pro. I swear he knows more about how to take care of a guy's cock than both of them sluts put together. Besides," he laughed, "I can treat the bastard as rough as I want to . . . Ah, yeah, you little faggot, that's it. Yeah, more tongue, get down real deep under that skin, clean out all that fuckin' cheese . . . O shit, I'm gonna cum! Slow down, slow down, I really want to enjoy this." He held his hands tightly around my head, taking complete control of the blowjob and working it at his own pace.

"Told ya," Erik said, "he's a natural. Wait till Wade and Jeff try him out. Shit, they're gonna go wild."

"Yeah, man," Chad said lazily, enjoying my hot hole to the max. Those dudes don't know what they're missing. Oh, shit, oh yeah," Chad groaned, "here it comes! Take it all," he said, pushing his huge dick down into my throat. Since it was a bit thinner than Erik's, I was able to handle it pretty well and took it all the way in.

I just had time to start wondering who Wade and Jeff were when the bathroom door opened and two teenage guys came in. The were both wearing baggy shorts, muscle shirts and baseball caps. Their bronze skin and bleached hair pointed to lots of outdoor activities. Maybe they were skaters. They froze when they saw the action taking place right in the middle of the bathroom floor. I was going to pull out, but Chad was not about to let me get away now. He held my head in a grip of iron as he fired spurt after spurt straight down my throat. Then pulling out he winked at the teens and fired three more rounds of slimy cum all over my face.

"Oh, gross, dude! What the fuck's goin' on in here?" one of the teens said, obviously knowing but needing something to say to cover his shock.

"Ya see," Erik said calmly, "this here is a faggot. We was hitchhiking and he picked us up. Tried to put a few moves on us so we had to show him his place. Right now he's where he belongs, on his knees suckin' cock. And trust me man, this fag is good. He knows how to please a man. Hey you wanna try him?" I was embarrassed and horrified that Erik and Chad seemed completely uninhibited when it came to having sex in public and even inviting others to become participants.

The two young guys, both about 18 and both well-built, looked like they wanted it but were hesitant. "Man, I don't know," the first one said. "Isn't that a homo thing? Shit look at that queer, he's all covered with your jizz. He's disgusting."

"Well, I'll tell ya," Erik continued. "We just finished fuckin' two bitches and we got him to clean us up. Take it from me, you ain't never been sucked until you get a fag to wrap his lips around your log. And ya don't have to treat `im real nice the way you do the chicks. Hell, he gets off on abuse. Ain't that right, faggot?"

"Um, yes, sir," I said, without any hesitation. Of course my soaking wet pants probably convinced them more than my words. I saw the first guy's doubting face turn slowly to curiosity and then to lust. I noticed that his package had noticeably expanded.

"Okay, man, I always wondered what it would be like to have a guy do it to ya. " He turned to his buddy and said: "Let's go for it, Steve." With that he grabbed my hair with surprising violence and spit right in my face. "Now listen to me, fucker," he said. "I ain't no queer like you. You got a real privilege here. I got me some grade A cock and you're gonna treat it right. Now le'me see what you can do. Go ahead, faggot, make me cum." I heard Erik and Chad chuckle approvingly in the background.

Far from discouraging me, the scornful words of this young man, several years my junior, actually made me want to prove myself to him. I reached up to pull out his cock, but he pushed my hand away. "Don't touch me you filthy fag. No hands. Just use your mouth and tongue." With that he took out his cock, a good seven inches cut, and slapped it across my face, smearing his precum across my cheeks. "Ya want this, you fuckin' freak? Come and get it."

The kid amused himself and his buddy by keeping his cock just out of reach while I humiliated myself trying to catch it with my mouth and tongue. "Look at how badly the fucker wants my meat," he laughed. "Think I should let him have it?" With that he grabbed my head again, held me still, and plunged his seven incher right into my gaping mouth hole.

I wanted to give this kid a really good experience of cocksucking so I used all the tricks I had learned in the past weeks. I pulled in my cheeks to increase contact with his pole so that it felt more like a cunt. I licked his entire shaft up and down, swirled around the large head and tickled under his crown. I soon had him groaning in pleasure.

"Fuck, Steve, man, this motherfucker's got somethin' goin' here. Ahhhhh, shit, it feels so good. Yeah, keep doin' that, FUUUUUK!" This young stud was primed for action and a quick shot. I brought him off in less than five minutes. Seeing how his buddy enjoyed himself, Steve crowded in and took his turn. His cock was real long but fairly thin with a large, bulbous head. I was able to swallow most of it on the first try. He bellowed out his pleasure as the rest of his sausage disappeared down my clinging throat.

"Will ya look at that," the first kid said over Steve's groans. "Look at his fuckin' throat. It's bulging where your cock went in; fuck, that is way cool."

"Damn," Steve was saying, "it's so tight and warm, feels like his throat is jacking my cock all over."

"Hey kid," Erik interrupted impatiently, "let's wrap it up. We gotta get rollin' and we need the fag just in case we get horny again." Chad snickered.

"I'm right there, dude," Steve hollered, "just a few more strokes and I'll be . . .UHHHH, shit! Here it comes you queer motherfucker! Oh, fuck, that feels soooo good!"

Steve kept his spurting cock buried to the hilt as he fired wad after wad of teen cum down my throat. He pressed my face against his pubes and held me there until his cock started to wilt. I gently cleaned the excess cum off his cock and then let him go.

Steve was puffing as he slowly came down off his high. "Man, that was sweet!"

he shouted enthusiastically. "Thanks for sharing your cocksucker, dudes."

The two teens then went to urinals and pissed while continuing to boast to one another about how much cum they had shot and how they had fucked-up the queer. I was left still kneeling on the middle of the floor, my face covered with cum and my jaw feeling like it was permanently dislocated from the rough treatment I got. I was suddenly hauled to my feet.

"Okay, cumface, get your ass moving," Erik said. We got another two hours to Santa Maria and then you're really gonna have a ball."

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 20: Carried Away Again 3

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