Carried Away

By moc.loa@975lliHtrA

Published on Aug 27, 2004


Disclaimer: This story is basically a fantasy involving humiliation, mild violence, and sexual activity between young men. If you find such material offensive or in violation of the laws of your state/country, please don't read any further.

(c) Art M. Hill All rights reserved (2004). If you enjoy this story, please email me.

I was sitting in Starbuck's at the mall with my friend Allen. We'd had a great day, swimming, eating a picnic lunch, and now waiting for the next showing of Spider Man II. All of that changed, however, when I heard a familiar voice behind me which turned out to be that of one of my chief tormentors, Nick Moran.

Nick was alone, so I thought maybe, just maybe, I could avoid getting into some humiliating situation with him, especially in front of Allen.

I tried being friendly: "How about joining us for some coffee? We're waiting to see Spider Man II," I offered.

"What a coincidence," Nick said, "so am I. I'm supposed to meet some of my buddies here in a little while, including Chris" he said with a smirk on his face.

His smile broadened as he saw me begin to blush. I proceeded to introduce Nick to Allen. "Nice meeting you Nick," said Allen. "Give me a minute Dave," he continued, "I want to check out a few videos. I'll be right back." Allen took off in the direction of Blockbuster's.

"Alone at last," Nick chuckled. "I hear you had a bitchin' time last night, especially on your way home."

"Nick, leave me alone, will you. I never did anything to you so why don't you lay off."

"Never did anything to me?" Nick said, looking astonished. "Well now, let's start with the way you treat me in English. Did I give you permission to use my feet to get off?" he mocked. "Well, did I?"

"No," I said quietly.

"You're damn right I didn't!" Nick answered. "I couldn't believe it. When I first put my feet up on the back of your seat you looked like you were gonna cream in your pants. So I decided to put you to a little test. Man you went wild when I rubbed my sneakers against your face. How pathetic is that? I figured then that you were just a little perv and I could do anything that I wanted to you. And that's what I'm gonna do. Unless you think you can stop me," he threatened.

Of course there was no contest. Nick outweighed me by at least 25 lbs. He was a football jock, and worked out every day. He could probably crush me like a matchstick if he wanted to. That didn't mean I was afraid to fight, but it did mean I was realistic. If I was gonna risk getting a broken nose or black eye then I want to have a remote chance of winning.

When I said nothing, Nick took that for agreement. "Good," he said. "I figured you for a coward. Fags always are. Okay, follow me."

"Nick," I started to protest, "I gotta meet Allen for the movie. It's gonna start soon."

"Stay cool, man, " Nick answered, "what I got in mind ain't gonna take long-- unless you keep standin' here, that is."

Reluctantly, I followed Nick. Why wasn't I surprised when he led me directly to the men's room?

"Into the stall, faggot," Nick ordered roughly. Luckily no one else was in the can, that is, at the moment.

Nick forced me to sit down on the toilet and ordered me to pull down his zipper and open his boxers. "I heard that you begged to suck off Chuck and Larry last night, but you were so dirty they turned ya down. Well, little piggy, you look pretty clean tonight so you can chow down all you want. Just ask real nice and it's all yours."

Hearing the determination in Nick's voice and knowing that I wouldn't get out of there without doing what he wanted, I decided to do the submission routine that was becoming more and more familiar to me.

"Please Nick," I said, "ever since I got to feel your big feet on my face, I wanted more. I wanted to rub my face in your crotch, smell that great smell, pull down your zipper and suck that big beautiful cock of yours right into my mouth. Please, Nick, I need your cock. I promise if you give it to me I'll make you feel real good." (Where the hell did all that come from?! This time around I felt like I really meant it.) Even Nick looked surprised. Then he looked disgusted.

"Jeez," he said, "you really are a perv. I should beat the shit out of you, but man, who can pass up a BJ, especially when the cocksucker asks so nice? Okay perv, get at it, and make it good."

I got that tight feeling in my stomach again and my cock got hard almost immediately. For the first time I was really going to live out one of my fantasy. I had dreamed about it often enough. Now I was gripped by both fear and lust that the opportunity was at hand. I didn't wait any longer.

Nick's slim waste was directly in front of my face and his cock bulge was growing with anticipation. I ran my face over the warm smooth fabric of his jeans and inhaled deeply. I felt like I was in heaven; like where I really belonged. I placed my hands on his thighs and massaged the hard muscles there. Then I moved them back to his hard jean-covered ass and pulled him toward me so that I was buried even deeper in his musky crotch. I could have stayed there forever, but Nick's impatient movements made me realize that he wanted me to get down to business. "Take your faggy hands offa' me fucker and start sucking. Otherwise you're gonna get a knee right through your jaw."

That was enough to get me moving. I pulled down his zipper and met up with his tented briefs. They fascinated me since they were black silk bikini-style, something I'd never seen before. They had a wet spot right in the middle. I brushed my face across it getting slimed from his precum. I started sucking his dick right through the material of his briefs as he groaned his approval.

"Yeah, fag, that's it! You're doin' just fine" he said, as he grabbed my head and took control of the blow job. "Now," he panted, "pull down those fuckin briefs and let me feel that hot mouth of yours right on my dick."

I pulled down the waist band of his briefs under his big balls and started licking up and down his big shaft. Then I turned my attention to his nuts, which had already started to pull up. I took each one in and sucked gently while the sticky precum leaked from his cock onto the top of my head. Finally he'd had enough.

"Okay, get on that cock, fucker," he bellowed, "I'm almost there!"

For a second I froze, not knowing who else might be in the bathroom. But it was too late to turn back, even if I could. I grasped his pulsing cock, opened my mouth as widely as I could and started pulling it into my wet hole. Nick helped me by putting more and more pressure on the back of my head until his cock hit the back of my mouth. This was the part I feared, having heard how hard it was to deep throat without choking to death. Nick spared me that part since he was so hot that he began to spurt before he got a chance to ram his cock in any further.

"AHHHHHH, YEEEEEHHH!" he shouted. I was sure he could be heard all over the mall. "Ohhhhhhh, Fuuuck!" he continued, somewhat quieter now. Meanwhile, I struggled with the flood of cum that pumped out of his cock in a steady stream.

This was a totally new experience for me and it excited me tremendously. I didn't even realize that I had just slimed my briefs and pants with my own orgasm. My whole attention was fixed on swallowing the thick, warm sperm that kept squirting out of Nick's cock. Didn't this guy ever cum? Seemed like it took him forever to stop. But it was giving me a chance to taste the essence of Nick and I started liking it more and more. Some crazy thought in the back of my head made me think of hazelnut cream with a touch of salt. Nah, it wasn't that sweet! But I was definitely liking it from the very beginning.

Nick continued to thrust, making sure that I took every drop of his load.

Finally we both started coming down from the frenzy that had locked up together. "Not bad," Nick panted. "Guess you've done this a lot, huh?"

"Ah, no," I blushed, with cum still coating my lips. "This was my first time, " I admitted.

"Well, shit," he laughed, seeing the truth in my face. "Then you're a natural, boy." Then another thought struck him. "Hey, I kinda de-virginized you didn't I? I took your mouth cherry. Whatdaya think about that faggot?"

I looked stunned at him, not really understanding what he was talking about.

"That's okay," he grinned. "Man, you can only get better. I think you and I will be seein' more of each other." Then he grabbed me by the collar. "We ain 't friends or nothin' like that, so you keep your damn paws off of me. But I need to get my rock off real often and a nice warm hole is a lot better than a fuckin' hand. Next time I go all the way in, so you better be ready. Start opening up that throat cause I'm gonna fill it up real soon," he laughed.

I quickly washed my face and combed my hair while he took a piss. A moment later I followed him back into the mall.

He started to walk off. "See ya in the movies, sucker," he said, showing me all of his white teeth.

I found Allen in one of the mall's video stores, browsing down the shelves. " Hey," he said, looking at his watch, "we better get going if we're gonna get decent seats for the movie. Ready?"

"Allen, um, would you mind if I didn't go tonight?"

"Not go!" Allen said, looking both surprised and disappointed. "We've been waiting all day to get into this flick. Besides, we put out $18 bucks. What's the matter with you?"

"I'm, ah, not feeling good, Allen. I think maybe it was that Chinese food. It hit my stomach the wrong way. Or maybe I'm getting a cold. I don't know. I just don't feel well."

Now Allen looked annoyed as well as surprised. "Man you sure been weirding out on me lately. First you show up last night after midnight covered with mud and some kind of slime. By the way, you never told me about that . . . And now you cop out on the film. What's goin' on Dave?"

"Like I said, it's a long story. It's kind of hard to talk about."

"Man, I'm like your best friend," Allen countered. "You can tell me anything."

"I appreciate that, man, and I will tell you, just not tonight. You go and enjoy the flick. I'll call ya tomorrow and maybe we'll have a long talk. Okay?"

"Yeah, I guess so," Allen said sulking. "But you better spill it or your toast." We jostled each other a bit and we were both smiling as I left.

I got home exhausted from the activity of the day and the stress of the evening. I just wanted to take a nice hot shower, watch a little TV, and then zonk out.

As I was showering I thought about how backing out of the movie would probably confirm in Nick's mind that I really was a coward. Then he would probably be even more of a bully.

It sure was weird. I was obviously attracted to the guy, yet he intimidated me. He had a really sexy body, a cute face, and even his aggressive, self-confident attitude turned me on. But I didn't want him embarrassing me in public, especially in front of Allen. I also knew that the whole thing was my own fault. Nick was right. I started it by getting turned on by his feet when he stuck them up on the back of my chair. Then I totally lost control. I had to figure out what was going on . . . but not right now. All I wanted to do now was relax and forget about what had happened. I went into the bathroom and started the shower.

As I let the water run over my body, visions of Nick came swarming into my head. He had been wearing a loose fitting football jersey over tight, ripped jeans stuffed into work boots. He had on a backwards baseball cap that nicely covered his tussled medium length dirty blond hair. In all he was the picture of aggressive male virility . . . Besides the fact that I could still taste his salty (hazelnut?) cum in my mouth. I looked down and saw that my cock was rock hard again. Just a few strokes and it would blast off.

I resisted the urge and turned on the cold spigot on the shower. This had the immediate effect of wilting my boner and breaking up my lustful thoughts. I quickly hopped out of the shower and toweled dry. Then I put on a fresh pair of briefs and settled on the bed for one of my favorite shows: CSI. Maybe I should become a criminal investigator, get into forensic science. Yeah. Sounded like a really exciting career . . . as long as I could keep my cock under control. Although I tried to follow the story, I was soon sound asleep.

I woke up late on Sunday and gave the folks an excuse as to why I wasn't going to church with them. "I got a bad case of the runs ma, and you know they don' t have any bathrooms in church. I'm just gonna have some juice and stuff and rest up. See you later." They must have seen the condition of my face from last night and mistook it for a fever.

"Yeah, son, you don't look too good," dad said. We'll see you later. Stay in bed."

After mom asked me if I wanted anything and I said it was okay, that I could get it for myself, they finally left.

"Oh, I got a surprise for you," mom said as she walked out the door. Bob called. He's going to be home for a few days next week. I'm sure you two will have a lot of catching up to do."

I was surprised by mom's last words about my brother Bob coming home. He was five years older than I was. After he graduated from college he had enlisted in the marines and was planning on sticking it out for awhile. He was hard as nails and he always slightly intimidated me. Although we were brothers, we weren 't really buddies, being different ages and running with different sets of friends having different interests. A number of times I tried to get closer to him, but he just shrugged it off, like he didn't want to be bothered with a little brother. This was now complicating things on top of the problems I was having with Chris, Nick and the others.

Bob, who was now 23, was totally straight. He was also a homophobe as I could tell from the remarks he used to make when he was still at home. He boasted about how he and some of his frat brothers had "taught that fag a lesson" or " kicked the balls off some perv." No way did I want him to find out now that I might fit into one of those categories.

I was hoping that since Bob would only be home for a few days and would probably spend most of his time with his old friends that he wouldn't find out about the new turn my life had taken recently.

Even though, as I said, Bob and I weren't exactly friends, I really admired him and wanted him--someday--to be proud to call me his brother. All that, of course, would change, probably forever, if he knew that I just sucked this guy off at a mall and that I could still taste his cum. No, sir: no self-respecting marine would be seen within a fuckin' mile of any cocksucker.

So I couldn't let Bob find out. That should be easy enough, shouldn't it?

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 7

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