Carter and the Biker Boy

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on Aug 1, 2022


The following story is purely fiction involving fictional individuals of different ages being engaged in sexual acts. Please do not read any further if you believe that this topic may offend you. If you are under the age of 18 or reside in a location where it is not legal to read these stories, then please hit the back button and leave now.

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Carter and the biker boy

Chapter 31

I woke up the following morning to my phone ringing. It was my mom calling me to tell me that on campus learning had been cancelled for the day, and instead we had to do e-learning from home. As I looked outside to the dreary gray skies, I noticed that the street alongside my room was vacant of cars, with nearly a foot of fresh snow on the car parked across the street in front of my neighbor's house, which explained why classes on campus were cancelled.

Since I didn't have to attend classes "live", I decided to just log in to see what homework was posted for each class. Luckily I didn't have a lot of homework to do, so instead of getting started on the homework, I opted to go back to bed, since I was quite tired from being up late last night.

My immediate response before going back to bed was to look at my phone for messages from Parker. My heart sank a bit when I didn't see a text from him. Usually on days like these where we had to do e-learning instead of in class learning, he would always text me and want to come down or invite me up to his house. But today was different. I wanted to text him like normal, but I didn't. Instead, I crawled back into bed, and waited for Mom to come home.

Moments later I heard her walk in the back door of the house, so of course I got up to see how her night went. I wasn't too surprised to see my Tio Javier and Javy come in behind her, as they'd come over with my Tio's truck to plow the driveway and shovel the sidewalk. Both of them hugged me and almost instantly made me cold as their heavy winter coats were freezing on the outside.

I just listened as Mom and Tio talked. We all agreed that we missed Mexico and wished that we could go back. Of course Javy was very much in agreement with was being discussed, and even my Tio told him that he had a good reason to return, "a ver tu novia" (to see your girlfriend), which of course Javy laughed and Tio Javier had a smile from ear to ear, seemingly happy that at last his oldest son had a girlfriend and had "become a man at last" by being with the cute little Mexican chica named Sofia.

At least Javy seemed happier, and now was being super nice and respectful of me. He even asked me how Parker and Big T were doing and if they had a good break. I just nodded my head and told him that they were doing fine. He also asked me if I had signed up for the swim team, which I told him that I had, and practices were supposed to start on Monday. He wished me luck and told me that he would be playing on an indoor soccer league at the indoor soccer complex on the east side of town for the remainder of the winter months. I wished him luck as well. All too quickly Javy and Tio Javier left to plow snow at his customer's houses and it was just Mom and me together.

"Buenos dias mi amor, how did you sleep last night?" Mom asked.

"Buenos dias, mama. Y tu trabajo? Estabas ocupada anoche?" I asked if she was busy at work, but other than a few older people with chest pains, it was an easy night. She then asked me about Parker.

"Has Parker contacted you yet?" she inquired with sincerity and optimism in her voice.

"No, not yet. I might try texting him later." I tried to keep it together, but Mom knew I was hurting.

"Don't worry, mi amor. Give him time. He will come back to you. You are a good boy, and I know he loves you. Okay, mi amor, I must get some sleep. Have a good morning and I'll talk to you later today. Besos." With that, she hugged and kissed me and was then off to sleep.

Later in the day after finishing my homework, I did try texting Parker. Once again, I got no response, which only served to frustrate me more as the time passed.

Moments later though, I got a text from Chase, with news about swimming practice.

< Hey Carter, you're still joining the swim team, right?

< Hey Chase! Yes, I am. When does practices start?

< Great, I'm going to be working with the freshmen team. Monday, at the pool, 3:30. Bring your speedo, goggles, and a towel. See u then.

< Um, great, thanks...

So now I had committed to being on our school's swim team. It was cool to know that Chase would be helping out with our team during practice. Chase is cool and he's always treated me well. Of course thoughts of summer swimming at Dylan's pool with Chase and their friends that one evening brought back memories of what happened at Dylan's birthday party. It also brought back memories of the summer and time spent with Dylan. It made me wonder where Dylan was now, and if he would be back at school. So boldly, since I'd just had a conversation with Chase, I took a chance and asked him about Dylan.

< Got a quick question...

< Sure bro, what's up?

< Have you heard anything from or about Dylan?

A few minutes passed and I instantly regretted sending the text. Then I got his long response:

< Yeah. I shouldn't discuss it on here, as I have more to tell you in person. The last I heard is that Dylan spent some time after his birthday party in a.... hospital, shall we say. He got out before school started again but is no longer going to Harlem. He may or may not be going to a school here in the Rockford area -- we really don't know. All I know is he can't be around Noah, you, or Parker for a while, at least until he graduates. He goes to counseling once or twice a week. Probably going to see him when I get the okay from his parents and counselor.

< thanks for the update. I just wanted to know and hoped he was doing well.

< no problem. We can talk more later in person, K, bro?

< yeah, thanks.

It was sort of a relief to hear what was going on with Dylan. What wasn't a relief was that I had to wear a Speedo for swim practice. I still had the one from San Antonio, so at least I didn't have to buy one. But to wear one at school swim practice? Hmm. Oh well, at least I won't be the only one, right? After Mom left for work, I finished my homework and had enough time to watch a movie on Hulu. Just before bedtime I sent Parker a text.

< Good night, babe. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sorry. I still love you.

He did not respond.

I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit my pillow. A dreamless sleep ensued, and it felt like moments after falling asleep that my alarm went off. The next day was much like the days to follow at school. Parker avoided me by eating at another table away from Big T and me. He raced out of Mr. Olsen's class to avoid walking with me to gym class, and of course he didn't even make eye contact with me in class.

It bothered me greatly, and it must have been quite noticeable, because after class as I was heading out Mr. Olsen stopped me.

"Carter, got a second?" he quickly asked before I left.

"Sure Mr. Olsen, what's going on?" I inquired, uncertain what he was going to ask.

"Look, I won't keep you long," he began. "I know you have another class, and I'll give you a pass if you need it. But I've noticed that you and Parker haven't been talking much like you used to talk. In fact, I've noticed a big change in Parker's grades. I know I'm not really supposed to discuss this with another student, but if I can, since you and him are really good friends, have you noticed a change with him?"

I didn't know what to say. I know what I WANTED to say, but I didn't really feel comfortable in coming out to him. So I just mentioned something about his family.

"I think his parents are having issues, but I can't be sure. He's been avoiding me as well, and I've tried to talk to him, but he won't talk to me at all."

"Well Carter I can certainly understand family issues with parents. Trust me on that one. And if there is anything else between two really good friends, just remember I'm available to talk about anything in confidence, okay? It's just that you and Parker are two of my favorite students, and I hate to see you guys being bothered by something. So feel free, please. You know my office hours, right?"

"Yes, Mr. Olsen. I appreciate your concern. I had better get to gym class." I replied, hoping that I could get out of his room fast enough before I started to cry.

It didn't work.

Mr. Olsen noticed, and in a kind voice asked me if I wanted to talk about it in his office.

I nodded my head and followed him to his office, where he turned on the light and shut the door.

"Sit down, please." He pointed to the simple wooden chair that didn't look comfortable at all. I sat down, put my backpack on the floor next to the chair with tears in my eyes. He handed me a tissue and then asked me what was weighing heavy on my mind. I don't know why I said what I said, and I'm not sure exactly what I said but it went something like this:

"I don't know where to begin, but all I can tell you is that Parker is my best friend and I did something over Christmas break that betrayed his trust in me, and he's not going forgiving me."

Mr. Olsen nodded his head and smiled. "Let me guess. This involves a girl. You made a move on his girlfriend?"

I began to tremble, and almost shake. "No sir, it doesn't involve a girl. I, um, well, I uh.." And I stopped for a moment, speechless. The words couldn't come, but once again the tears began to flow. I looked up at the bulletin board on the wall behind his chair. A rainbow bumper sticker was pinned to the brown cork, just above a sign that read "Peace" and another that simply said: "All are welcome here."

The dam broke. Tears were followed by more tears and then the words came I never thought I'd admit to saying to another adult.

"I'm...I'm.." The last three letters were stuck in my throat. Fear of saying them, going down the wrong path of no return stopped my dead in my tracks. I wanted to, then I didn't. But something told me that he would understand. It was like I heard a voice in my head tell me it would be okay to tell him. So I took a deep breath, looked at the bumper sticker again. Fighting back tears, my mind told my voice it was okay, so with all the trust in the world focused on saying those three letters, I glanced from the bumper sticker to the floor, the slowly raised up my eyes and with tears staining my cheeks and still stinging in my eyes, I calmy spoke.

"I'm gay, Mr. Olsen. Parker and I are, well we were... and now we're not." Tears of relief began streaming from my eyes. Then more tears. After what seemed like five minutes pass, I felt Mr. Olsen's hand on my shoulder. His soft voice and comforting words finally calmed me to the point where I stopped crying.

"Carter, it's okay. Look, saying those words are a big step in a process that will help you accept and love yourself for who you are. It's okay. You're welcome here and don't worry, what you've told me here stays here. You're a wonderful, smart young man who is very courageous. You will not hear me say a word to Parker or anyone else in school, okay?"

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I could not believe that another teacher at school would be so understanding. We talked for the better part of the hour, and before leaving he gave me his card (again) along with a pass from gym class and reassured me of the confidential conversation we'd just had. He then told me that he hoped that Parker would forgive me for what happened in Mexico and offered information about a club at school that I didn't know about.

"Look, we have an LGBTQ organization here, and meet once a week. Here is our information and it's a place where you can feel like you belong, and you can bring up any issue that bothers you here." I thanked him for listening to me, and I honestly felt better, even though the chasm that had formed between Parker and me was still there.

On the way home from school, Mom asked me how my day went. I tried telling her it went fine, but she sensed something was off. I felt the tears come again. By the time we got home and sat in the living room, I had told her about my coming out experience with Mr. Olsen. She just nodded her head and told me she was happy that I talked to someone at school who would understand and also said that she'd been praying that Parker would forgive me. We ate dinner together, and as usual she headed off to work while I finished homework and finally got ready for bed.

As I laid in bed reflecting back on the day, I realized that I'd taken a huge step in becoming who I was today. It was stressful, it was a huge nerve-wracking time, but I guess in this adventure called life, it was a step I've known I'd have to take sooner or later. But it was awesome to have someone like Mr. Olsen who now understands me.

That was huge.

As I turned off my light, plugged my phone in without getting any texts from Parker, I closed my eyes and prayed to God that someday Parker would forgive me and eventually come back to me.

It was finally Friday morning. I was looking forward to Mom and I spending some time shopping this weekend as I needed some swim goggles before practice started on Monday. The day went pretty well, and I even smiled when I left Mr. Olsen's class and told him to have a good weekend before I headed to gym class. That's when things got weird.

We got dressed like normal and headed to the gym. After doing warm up exercises we divided up into groups around the wrestling mats. Thankfully, Parker was not in my group. We had to work on wrestling moves and such for the first half. I was paired up with this other kid, Aidan, who was about my size, maybe a little taller and skinnier. I didn't like him because he smelled like cigarette smoke, and his long hair almost gave him the appearance of a hippy from the `60's or 70's -- although I couldn't be sure. So when the coach blew his whistle and told us to form a circle around the ring on the wrestling mat, I was glad to be done practicing with Aidan the Hippy. If only I'd known what was coming up next, I'd have gladly still be smelling the stale cigarette smoke that clung to Aidan the hippy's hair and gym clothes.

After four other groups of two guys had wrestled each other, there was only ten minutes left in class. I was so very much waiting to get home and get the weekend started. My mind was wandering and wasn't thinking very much at all class when I heard the coach's voice, loud and clear.

"Five minutes left in class. Final group to wrestle today is... Nelson and Michaels. On the mat in the center, pronto. Michaels, on your knees, Nelson on top."

I about died. I felt my blood racing through my veins, my knees getting weak. Although Parker and I had wrestled before at his house, I knew he had gained a lot of experience being on the team, and just having him touch me would have me fall flat on the mat in submission.

I surprised myself. As the whistle blew, I quickly got out of Parker's hold. We took turns rolling around and just when he thought he had me pinned, I busted out. I nearly had him pinned, and then he bucked me off. I began to sweat profusely as it suddenly seemed really hot in the gym. In the distance, I could hear guys cheering me on, others cheering Parker on. But what got me pissed and angered and that ignited a fire from deep within was hearing someone -- I recognized their voice -- distinctly saying as they laughed "look at the two fags wrestling". Deep down I found energy I didn't think I had and before I knew it, I was on top of Parker, my right arm wrapped around his muscular left leg as I kept him down to hear the coach's hand slap on the mat in slow motion just as he uttered the word "pinned".

I looked down at Parker and our eyes met momentarily as a drop of sweat fell from my chin and landed near his throat. With tired, wobbly legs, I stood up as the coach rose my right hand in victory. Parker's eyes were now closed in defeat. I reached down to offer to pull him up, but he never looked up to accept my offer, instead he rolled over on to his belly and slowly pushed himself up. I was mobbed by Big T and few other friends as we headed to the locker room. Parker walked back alone, his head down.

I so desperately wanted to go to him, but he stopped at his locker which was nearly ten lockers away from mine. I dressed, and left with Big T. As we walked to the bus stop, T asked me the question I was afraid he'd ask sooner or later.

"Man Carter, what's up with your boy Parker? He's like your best friend and now you guys don't talk. What's going on between you two?"

I was speechless and thought for several minutes contemplating how to answer that question. Thankfully, Aidan the Hippy came up and congratulated me on beating Parker.

"Damn dude, you did pretty good beating Nelson. He's on the wrestling team and all. Fuckin' a man, high five!"

So of course I gave him a high five, but as much as I tried to be happy for beating Parker, I couldn't get it out of my mind at how sad he was that I beat him and how sad he looked period.

That evening I tried texting him again, but once again he refused to return my text. Once again I was frustrated that I was still being punished for what I did in Mexico. Before falling asleep, I asked God again to bring Parker back to me.

Saturday came and as promised, Mom took me shopping. We went to the best sporting good's store in town where I did find a good pair of swim goggles. After we left that store, Mom needed to go to a woman's clothing store. While she was in there I walked over to a bookstore a few stores down. Mom told me she would text me when she was done.

The book store was pretty cool. They had the Stephen King book I was looking for, and as I sat in a chair next to the shelf where the books were, one of the store employees asked me I needed any help. He looked to be my age, maybe a little older and with his long blond hair tied up in a pony tail, his tight knit plaid short sleeve shirt showcased his well built upper body and strong arms. He was also wearing a pair of black casual pants, which also were probably tighter than they should have been, but they showed off his bubble butt quite well. He must have noticed me checking him out because he smiled as our eyes met.

"Great choice there, to buy Stephen King's "If it Bleeds". It's a great book. But you probably knew that already, right?" He smiled a beautiful smile at me, I blushed and almost found myself at a loss for words.

"Yes, I um, sure, and oh, do you know... when his next book will be released" I stammered, trying to gain my composure.

"Oh, are you talking about `Fairy Tale'?" he asked with confidence again, showing his knowledge of books.

"Yes, that's the one." I replied, finally finding my voice.

Looking on his hand held device that the store gave him, he then told me he couldn't find the release date but told me he could text me if I really wanted to know, and pre-order the book. He told me he could take my name, number and such and have one held for me when it came in. So I did. His name was Preston and after he took my information he said he'd be in touch with me soon. He then took me to the register where I paid for "If it Bleeds". He thanked me for my purchase and told me he'd be in contact with me soon. I smiled and thanked him and left the store not thinking about Mom or when she'd be ready to go.

Shortly after leaving the store Mom did text me and told me that she was ready to go. She actually picked me up as I was walking toward the store where she was shopping, and we were soon on the way home.

"Why are you smiling, mi amor? Happy to find a new Stephen King book, I see. Algo mas?" she asked, so of course I let her know about another new book coming out in the fall and that a cute boy named Preston was going to text me to let me know the release date. She noticed my smile and quickly replied with a response that surprised me.

"I knew there was something else that you saw in that store. I can read you like a book, Angel. So another cute boy? That's fine but remember who you are still in love with and had better still be hoping to win back his trust in you." She almost warned me. "Yes, it's okay to appreciate and give boys your number, but if you still love Parker, you won't let another Cristian to come along."

She was right. I told her so and then I just let it go, let the fantasy of wanting to see Preston naked and all. And despite the stirring in my briefs, I just thought about Parker, which only made me more uncomfortable in my seat and darn happy when we got home. Since Mom told me she didn't have to work this weekend I thought that perhaps we'd go get dinner together, but then she told me that once again she had a date.

"Angel, I want you to know that tonight I'm going out for dinner again, and so are you okay being home alone? Try again to text Parker. Maybe enough time has passed and once again he'll come to his senses and forgive you. If not, I don't want anyone else in the house, unless it's your friend T Grande, or whatever you call him, Okay?"

I laughed when she called Big T `T Grande' and thought that just maybe I'd call him and see what he was up to. While she got ready for her date, I figured I'd just go in my room and read until she left. I was about an hour into the new book when she told me she was going to shower.

"Mama, when am I going to meet your new boyfriend? Is this the same guy you went out with before we went to Mexico?"

"Si mi amor, in fact he is going to pick me up here tonight, and I am already running late, so if he comes to the door, you can let him in, okay?"

"Si Mama, okay... I guess." I put emphasis on the word guess, stretching out in a defiant tone of voice, as if I'd do it only because I had to. So finally I would get to meet her new man. I was surprised in a way that she finally would bring him to the house, and essentially force me to meet him as he come up to the door. What would he think if he saw me, especially if he thought I was gay, would he turn around and leave, or break up with my mom? Now I got nervous. I'd have to be on my best behavior for sure. I went back to my bedroom and laid down on my stomach, trying to focus on the last page I'd read to get my mind off the impending door bell, hoping that this mystery man would be late.

No such luck. Two minutes later the doorbell rang. I knew if I didn't get up and answer the door I'd be in trouble. With each step from my room through the living room to the front door my nervousness increased. I twisted the lock, turned the knob. I wanted desperately to shut it and go back to my room. I slowly opened the door.

The storm door window was fogged up, and it was impossible to make out the figure who appeared to be holding something in his hands. I unlocked the storm door, slowly opened the door, and about fainted.

"Mr. Olsen? What are you...wait, are you here for... my mom?"

"Hi Carter. Yes, I'm here to see your mom. We have a date tonight. I'm guessing that she didn't tell you?" I was still ready to faint. This could not be. I thought that Mr. Olsen was married, because of his son, the boy on the bike with him at the park, right? And then I realized that he was standing on the front porch, in the cold.

"Oh, I'm sorry, please come in. Where are my manners!? Yes, I mean, no, Mom didn't tell me, but this is, wow. Um, would you like to sit down? Mom is still getting ready."

"Sure, thanks. How's your weekend going?" he asked, and the fear of our conversation in his office now all of a sudden scared me to my bones and I got really nervous and felt like I was going to throw up.

"Um, well, uh, it's going pretty good. I got a new book today." As soon as I said it I realized that I sounded like a five year old kid showing off a new toy. Now I really felt like puking. But, just as he'd been at school, Mr. Olsen was calm, and interested in what I had to say.

"Oh, cool. That's awesome that you love to read. What book did you buy?" he asked, with sincerity in his voice.

"Well, I got a new Stephen King book, `If it Bleeds' and so far it's pretty good." I was relaxing a little now, since talking about a new King book was something that really interested me.

"Awesome! I take it you like his books?" he inquired.

"Yes, he's my favorite author." I replied, figuring the conversation would stop there.

"Excellent! He's mine, as well!" he stated. "So what's your favorite King book, if I may ask?"

"Oh that's easy -- I really liked 11/22/63, you know the one about Kennedy's assassination."

"Really? That's mine too!" he smiled, and I smiled, my eyes obviously lighting up like a kid seeing presents under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning."

"Yes!" I replied, and we talked for like five minutes about the story until Mom came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of jeans and a gray sweatshirt. She had makeup on, her hair was pulled back and she was wearing the perfume she'd bought in Mexico.

"Well hello John, I see you and Carter have already met." All three of us laughed. She was beaming, like I'd not seen her smile in a long time. Mr. Olsen gave her the dozen of red roses he had been holding, which made her smile even more. "Thank you so much! These are beautiful! I'll go put them in water and let you two talk."

I thought that maybe he'd bring it up again to me and Mom that it was okay to him that I was gay, and then I got a little nervous and looked down at the carpeting again, yeah the pensive hole in the carpeting again. Mr. Olsen picked up on my mood right away. He put his hand on my shoulder again and whispered so Mom would hear him.

"Hey buddy, what we talked about in my office is just between you and me, okay?" I looked up and smiled, feeling as if a ton of rocks was removed from my back.

"Thanks" I whispered back, smiling, which prompted a wink from Mr. Olsen.

Mom came back into the room with her coat on and told me that they were going out for dinner and then maybe a movie. She then told me that if I needed anything to be sure and text her or Tia Rosa or Tio Javier.

"I will Mom. You guys have a good night." I then got up and as customary in my Mexican family, I shook Mr. Olsen's hand and told him good night, then gave Mama a hug and a kiss. They said their goodbye's again, and walked out into the cold January night, closing the door behind them.

I went back to my room and began reading my book again. I just couldn't concentrate on it though, thinking about the reality that my favorite teacher was actually dating my mom.

The more I thought about it the more I felt like it would be really cool if they kept dating each other. What if they were to get married? I then told myself not to jump to conclusions. Mr. Olsen had a son younger than me, and would he want his son to have a gay half-brother? I then got a little sad, and eventually stopped thinking about it. I also decided that no matter what, I would trust Mr. Olsen and not tell anyone at school that he was dating my Mom.

Minutes later my phone buzzed, and I got excited thinking that it might be Parker. I reached for my phone with anticipation, but just as quick as I got excited, it faded as I noticed it was from Big T asking if I wanted to come over to his house and play video games. Since I couldn't leave, I invited him over and of course he said yes.

We had a fun night of Mario Kart, Minecraft, and Tombstone pizzas, followed up by vanilla ice cream sundaes. T left around eleven pm, and by then I was too tired to read, so I showered and went to bed just about midnight.

As I was just about ready to drift off to sleep, my mind replayed the events of the day, and I realized that this was the best day I'd had since Parker walked out of our relationship. After saying my prayers, I still prayed that God would bring Parker back into my life. Somehow I now felt confident that my prayer would be answered any day now, and soon Parker and I would be back together. I took a deep breath, turned off the lamp on my night stand and fell into one of the best nights of sleep I'd had since Mexico.

****** The rest of the weekend went by and soon it was Monday once again. Sunday Mom and I had talked about Mr. Olsen. Since they knew each other from high school, it was amazing that they met up again and started dating. Apparently he had been married for almost ten years to Jake's (his son) mom, but she cheated on him and asked him for a divorce. Mom and him agreed to take things slow, and he did tell her that he thought I was a "very nice young man and a pleasure to have in his class". He must not have said anything else to her because she never said that he knew about me.

Honestly it had been a while since I'd seen Mom this happy.

Before leaving for school, I had to make sure I had all of my swim things, as well as regular shorts and a tee shirt, with my good tennis shoes. Mom dropped me off like normal and wished me a great day and told me to text her when swim practice was over.

The school day flew by, and despite Parker still not talking to me, the day went by well. I stayed in the locker room after gym class and waited around until I saw Chase walk in.

"Hey Carter, ready for swim practice?" he smiled and slapped me gently on my shoulder as he walked by.

"Hey Chase, yes I am. Where do we change?" he then told me to follow him to the locker room that was by the pool. I'd never been in there, so he told me to get changed into my speedo, bring my goggles and towel and head to the bleachers on the north side of the pool.

A few other freshmen students that I didn't know came into the locker room and were soon naked like me, and yes, got dressed in their Speedos. I tried not to look at their skimpy swimsuits, but it wasn't easy. As we walked to the far end of the bleachers where Chase was standing, it now became evident that we were part of a joke, as the junior varsity and varsity swim team were not wearing Speedos, in fact they were wearing boxer-brief like trunks, and they actually whistled and began laughing as we walked past them on our way to the spot on the bleachers.

"Great job of keeping the tradition up, Chase" one of the guys yelled out. Chase was laughing and we realized we'd been had. My face must have turned red, as was a couple of other kids who were trying to hide the front of their suits with their hands.

"No problem boys, and don't you worry, these guys are going to work their butts off and beat you all at meet time, right guys?" a few of us said we would, but then Chase repeated it louder.

"I can't hear you, freshies. LOUDER!" he said, encouraging us to reply louder.

"YES WE WILL COACH CHASE!" we all said louder, which elicited applause and a collective "YES" from the upper classmen.

Coach Williams then came out from the locker room door and began to talk to us. I don't remember much of what he said other than practice would consist of a lot of lap swims of each stroke: the butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and then freestyle. We would also spend equal amount of time in the weight room, focusing on core exercises which would help us gain strength and stamina to last in the pool. He told us it would be a lot of work for the first four weeks, but once meets began, we'd be in great shape for the first meet. He specifically talked to our freshman group and told us to be ready for the most intense workout program we'd probably ever been a part of, and that expect to spend at least two hours a night practicing. He then reminded us about grades, and how we had to maintain passing grades to remain on the team. I then did a mental check of my grades from the first two quarters and realized that I actually had a collective 3.9 GPA, which was actually better than I thought I'd done.

I was very excited and despite wearing a Speedo like my other Freshmen teammates, I focused really hard on making sure I got the strokes right as we lumbered back in forth in the pool for what seemed like an hour. In fact, I felt like I was sweating in the cool water of the pool. It felt great.

Finally practice was over, and we headed to the locker room. The JV and varsity guys were already undressing and were going to shower. I couldn't help but look at them as they walked past me naked, carrying their towels at their side. Some of them looked to be half hard, while others had dicks that looked to be smaller than mine. Whatever the reason, of course as I took my Speedo off, I felt my dick get almost instantly hard. I got so embarrassed until I look down the line of guys in my class to see if they were looking at me and several of them also had boners. Either way, I quickly dried off and grabbed my CK briefs and quickly tried to put then on before anyone noticed.

Obviously I wasn't quick enough as the guy next to me spoke.

"So I see you enjoyed practice too, huh?" he jokingly said with a half-smile on his face. I looked over to see he was still naked and was getting hard just like me. I couldn't help but look and then began to laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so. At least it's just not me. I'm Carter" I offered, and he replied.

"Hey Carter, I'm Spencer, but you can call me Spence." He held out a hand that was bigger than mine and we shook hands. "Crazy joke on us with the Speedos, huh?"

"Yeah, that was embarrassing but yet pretty good, huh?" I laughed back, "I met Chase over the summer at a friend's pool and he suggested I join the team. He told me last week we had to wear Speedos. Isn't that crazy?" Spence laughed and then turned to the guy next to him.

"Angelo, did you know about the joke about the Speedos? Your brother is a senior on the team, right?" Angelo looked up. He almost reminded me of Javy with his dark black soccer boy long hair style.

"Nope. Dom never told me about this. Guess he thought it would be funny. Do we have to wear these all of the time?" About that time, Chase walked by, towel in his hand, stark naked. For the first time I saw Chase's dick and full set of balls, surrounded by a dark patch of pubes.

"In case you guys want to know, yes, you'll be wearing your Speedos until the first meet, when you get your team trunks." I couldn't help but look down to what I swore was getting bigger. "So keep swimming hard, er rather practicing hard each day so you boys can get your trunks to hide your junk." We heard jeers and whistles coming from the seniors as he put emphasis on `get your trunks to hide your junk' which echoed through the locker room. He was limp, but it was huge. As he walked down the locker room to the showers, Spence and Angelo must have been thinking the same thing because Angelo said quietly, "man I'm jealous" as he looked down at his smallish dick. Spence just said, "Uh Huh!" and I just sort of smiled and snorted at the thought of Chase's big package.

We finished getting dressed and the three of us left the locker room together. As we walked out I noticed Parker walking out of the regular locker room as well, his air pods were in and he paid no attention to me as the three of us walked towards the exit. I texted my Mom, and she replied that she was on her way to pick me up.

As the three of us talked about practice and how we'd be working out with weights, I began to realize that despite being super tired, I thoroughly enjoyed practice. This was going to be good and knowing that I'd made two new friends today made it even better. We knew it was going to be a lot of hard work, but also knew the hard work would be worth it. Finally I could get ripped and be in really good shape doing something I thought I'd enjoy. I was very excited as the three of us talked.

Angelo and Spence left together as soon as Angelo's brother Dom showed up.

Suddenly it was just Parker and I waiting by the doors. He didn't look at me or look up from his phone. I tried to ignore him as well, but my swimming practice induced high feeling was deflated by the refusal of my best friend/boy friend to acknowledge my being. I walked out in the cold and dark early January evening and got into the warmth of our car.

Mom and I talked about my first day, and she listened to me as I described most of what transpired in practice. She was happy that I'd made a few new friends. We didn't discuss Parker at all but did talk about Mr. Olsen. All too quickly she left for work.

I got my homework done as fast and thorough as I usually did. I was exhausted, but before saying my prayers and turning off the lamp on my night stand, I sent Parker one last text, asking him if he was ever going to forgive me. I didn't think I'd get a response, and I vowed that would be the last text I would send him until he responded.

So you can imagine the jolt of energy that flowed through me when my phone buzzed, and the screen lit up.

< Hmmm...

Moments later I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

Next: Chapter 32

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