Carter and the Biker Boy

By moc.loa@ctnitsua

Published on May 15, 2024


The following story is purely fiction involving fictional individuals of different ages being engaged in sexual acts. Please do not read any further if you believe that this topic may offend you. If you are under the age of 18 or reside in a location where it is not legal to read these stories, then please hit the back button and leave now.

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Carter and the Biker Boy

Chapter 42 Parker was broken. He essentially collapsed on the sofa, his face red, his eyes swollen from crying and the anger of fighting with his parents. I'd never seen him so despondent. I felt like a bolt of lightning had torn through my body, the fear of Parker being forced to come out to his parents. It made me so upset, nervous, sad, and scared for Parker's future. How would he respond to his dad's accusation? Not only did his news bother me to no end but I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest with the news of his dad accepting the job in Colorado.

Mom was doing her best to console both of us. She had been talking to both of us, but I honestly didn't remember even hearing a word she said. I didn't think she realized our lethargic state of mind until she asked us a question and neither of us responded.

"Chicos! Estoy hablando a ustedes!" (Boys, I'm talking to you!) Parker responded right away, actually remembering what Mom had asked him.

"Lo siento Senora, I'm sorry. Um, yeah, I'm going to need to go home at some point. I can only imagine that my dad is going to be drunk off his ass very shortly, and I'm sure he'll be passed out before long. I just can't deal with him, and I know I'm going to have to eventually. But I just do not want to move to Colorado. I don't what to leave here, and most of all, I don't want to lose you guys." He resumed crying again -- his face was now in his hands, covering up his wet eyes.

"Aye Parker, we don't want you to go to Colorado either. I know you have been a wonderful friend and boyfriend to mijo Angel. But you're going to have to speak with your parents and be truthful with them. I can tell you that as a mother, we have a sense about our children that lets us know what's going on in their lives. Before Carter told me about himself, I had an idea. I can't say that I hoped he wouldn't be who he is, all we want for our children is for them to be happy and to be loved and accepted by everyone they have in their lives. I might be wrong, but I would bet that tu mama ya sabe de ti, or it's possible she might have an idea. I can't say that your dad knew or had an idea, but it shouldn't come as a huge shock. As parents, we know more about our kids than what they think we do."

I looked at Mom, still feeling the same way, totally miserable. But her admission to Parker that she had an idea about me prompted a response from me.

"You knew about me? Do you really think Mrs. Nelson knows about Parker?"

"Mijo, I had an idea, yes. Sure, I had hoped that you would be interested in girls, but seeing how happy you are with Parker, and how good of a boy you've become, I wouldn't change anything about you or want you to be anyone different than who you are. And Parker, I feel the same way about you as I do about Angel. I honestly would be so happy knowing someday that you and Angel will be together for the rest of your lives. I know that's a long shot when you boys are so young, but just know that no matter what, I love you like a son and know that you're always welcome here. I know John feels the same way about both of you boys. He speaks so highly about both of you and is so grateful for the work you've both done on his house project."

"Gracias, mama. That means so much to me." I got up and gave my mom a huge hug and kiss.

"Thank you, Senora Michaels. I love you too and thank you so much for being so understanding and accepting. You truly are a great mom. Carter is so lucky to have you as his mom! And yes, I know I should go talk to my mom. I just hope my dad has either calmed down or passed out by the time I get home."

"Es de nada, Parker. Your very welcome. Just know that we are always here for you. And no matter what, if your parents kick you out or your father gets verbally or physically abusive, you do not have to be in that situation. There is help, and we are here to provide you with a safe haven. Okay?"

"Si, Senora. I appreciate you being here for me. I guess I need to have that talk with my mom." Parker was about to text his mom, but she beat him to it. "Mom wants to know if I'm okay."

He texted her back that he was. "She said it's okay to come home. Dad has passed out drunk and won't be a bother. I guess I should go."

Both Mom and I gave Parker a huge hug before he left the house. I thought he'd driven to my house, but he actually walked, as he needed to try and clear his head before getting to my house. Mom offered to give him a ride home, but he said he needed to figure out what to say to his mom. We told each other good night and I told him to text me and let me know how the conversation with his mom turned out. He promised he would. Instead of walking back home along the street, he took the bike path through Martin Park to get to his house.

Mom and I stayed up another hour talking about the unfortunate events of the day and the night. We both felt horrible about what Parker went through during the argument with his parents. She reassured me that if either Parker or I needed to talk about what the outcome would be with Parker's parents and his dad's new job in Colorado, that we could talk to her or John.

I thanked her, and after we both realized that it was almost midnight, we decided it was time to get some sleep.

Parker had not yet texted me by 12:30, and I fell asleep shortly after.

That night my dreams were horrible. I don't remember much of the details, but one vivid part of one of the dreams entailed Parker and me on a school bus that was driven by a real scary dude that eventually lost control of the bus while we were driving in the mountains somewhere, and I woke up just before the bus crashed into a ravine after the bus driver lost control and we were spiraling downward after the bus left the road.

It seemed like only seconds after falling back asleep that I heard my mom calling my name to wake up.

"Angel, tu amigo Antonio is here (she called LT Antonio) to go running. Are you going to get up?" With totally weary eyes that felt like someone had thrown sand in them, I noticed it was already 5:30 in the morning.

"Si, mama. Tell him I'll be up in a minute." All too quickly I got up out of bed, my little friend was wide awake and was trying to peak out of the waist band of my CK briefs. It took me a few minutes but finally I was able to get him to go down enough to go pee. I threw on my running shorts, socks and running shoes, and went out to greet LT.

"Morning, man. How are you?" LT was sitting on the sofa; a half drank water bottle in his hand.

"I'd say I'm doing better than you, Michaels. You okay?"

"Um, yeah, know... great." I was bad at lying. LT knew me better and knew that there was something going on.

"You still want to run? Where's Parker?"

"Yeah, let's run. I haven't heard from him this morning, but I do know that he got in a huge fight with his parents last night." I wasn't yet awake enough to realize that I'd better watch what I said to Tony, otherwise he'd wind up knowing more of the truth about Parker and me than we would want him to know just yet.

We decided to just go ahead and run without Parker. I tried to concentrate on running, but it was almost a lost cause. LT was close to a half block ahead of me for most of the run. When we got to the halfway point, you know, up on the ridge above the lake, where we would always stop at the park bench to drink water and sometimes talk? Well, Tony was waiting there for me.

"You sure you're okay, man?" He asked me again, drenched with sweat and trying to catch his breath.

I tried to remain calm, catching my breath in the damp, humid early morning late July day. Hearing the birds sing their early morning songs, seeing the Bee Balm and Queen Ann's Lace wildflowers in bloom, their purple and white lacy flowers blanketing both sides of the path. It should have been a moment of calmness, of three friends excited to shave a few seconds off their time, running for their PR. With our lives ahead of us, so much excitement lay ahead.

But as excited as one of us was to be getting his life together despite the losses in his own life, two of us now felt like our young lives were crumbling to pieces in front of our very eyes. Just yesterday, we all shared that exuberance of a full life ahead of us, especially Parker and me -- the idea that we would be together for a long time. I wanted to remain positive, stay happy, and pretend that nothing was bothering me. But with the double whammy of negative outcomes yesterday, I was seconds away from breaking down in front of my friend who had no idea what really truly had me on the verge of losing my composure.

"Michaels, come on man. You know you can talk to me. You've been there for me. You know I'm here for you. There's no one else around us. Let's sit down and talk." We approached the park bench and sat down, both of us now staring blankly out across the still lake. An occasional ripple started to form, stirred up by the first breeze of the otherwise calm morning.

I was reeling inside. Just like the bus that'd fallen off the cliff in my nightmare last night, I felt like I ran too close to the edge of the limestone cliff near the very bike path we were on. I was desperately trying to hold on to anything to keep from falling into the abyss below me -- the deep fathoms of the icy cold lake eager to steal the very life and soul out of me. I didn't know how much I could divulge to LT to help him understand my pain.

"It's Parker's news, right?" he calmly began. I nodded my head in agreement, my face buried in my hands.

"Dude, it's going to be okay. You guys can keep in touch with each other. You can, like text him every day if you want. Think of it like you're going away to college, to different colleges, right? You guys will always be friends." He reached out and put his right hand on my left shoulder, gently massaging my damp shirt. I wanted to tell him he was right. In his mind he felt like I could take solace with his advice and his calming words. But I knew there was no way he would understand my sadness unless he knew...

I searched for the right words. My brain and body full of endorphins from the run despite the struggle to maintain a respectable pace. Tell Lean Tony the truth or continue to lead him on thinking that Parker and I were just best friends. Did I owe Tony the truth? Would it jeopardize my friendship with him, even if at one time he told me nothing would come between our friendship?

Tired of waiting for my response, or becoming increasingly worried about my well-being, Tony reached down searching for the right small piece of limestone to throw into the lake. Picking up a piece the size of a grape, he coiled his arm back and tossed the stone high into the air, only to have the stone fall about fifteen feet from us into the murky depths of the lake below.

"I bet you can throw farther than that." Tony challenged me.

I didn't break my trance, still staring at the rocks below, halfway still contemplating the best response, halfway searching for that grape sized stone of my own. Three stones each later, my third stone landed about ten feet further than his.

Somehow throwing something as insignificant as a grape sized piece of limestone further than my friend helped me feel just a little better.

More ripples started to form on the surface of the lake as a slight breeze began to blow, evident by the swaying back and forth of the Bee Balm, and the coolness on my sweat covered biceps. Tony asked me again.

"You're going to miss Parker, right? You going to be okay?" I nodded my head up and down, first muttering yes, but then shaking my head back and forth, choking out a no.

"I feel like I'm missing something. Am I? I mean, maybe I've not had a friend as close to me as like you and Parker are. Dude, you're literally my best friend ever, but I guess if you had to move away from here, yeah, I'd be sad, but at least we could keep in touch, you know? So what is it? It's not like you guys are...?" He then hesitated. And then: "Or are know?" I knew what he meant.

Despite still being sweaty from the run, I felt a chill come over me. I could not lie to my friend.

With the floodgates about to open up again, something inside me, a strength from an unknown source, one that came from being proud of who I was, one that told me to be confident, to fight for what I believed in, a strength that told me to believe in myself to finish a race, to swim my best, to not be ashamed of who I was told me that if Tony truly was my friend, he would understand and accept me for who I was.

"Yes, I am gay. Parker is my boyfriend." There. I said it. I waited for the storm. I waited for him to get up and walk away from me. I prepared for the worst. And at first, my fears were justified.

"Oh hell no! No fucking way! You've got to be kidding me? You and Parker are boyfriends? What the fuck Carter?"

He stood up from the bench and walked away from me, looking like he wanted to turn around and start running back home. He took several steps, standing there for a few minutes as if he was searching for answers or plotting my death or something sinister. He took a deep breath, then turned around and walked back to me. I honestly was afraid to know what was going to happen next. I quickly felt a jolt of fear and braced myself for the worst: rejection by my friend who just told me I was his best friend. The idea of losing two of the most important friends in my life would totally have a devastating effect on me. Once again I buried my face in my hands as my nerves and every muscle in my body tensed up preparing to go into fight or flight mode. At that moment the only sounds my ears heard were the sound of Tony's shoes crunching on the limestone as he approached the bench.

He sighed heavily, then sat down on the bench next to me.

"Michaels, I told you before that you're my best friend and I meant it. Best friends accept each other for who they are, regardless. You accepted me when I was at my worst. You've helped me in ways that you'll never know just by being there for me." He paused, as if he was having a hard time saying what he wanted to say next. "You... um... well dang it Michaels, because of you I'm alive today. So you know what? I have in the past, and I always will in the future love you like the brother I've never had, and that means that as my brother, I will always accept you for you. I will always have your back. It doesn't bother me that you and Parker are together and are a couple. You guys are my best friends and you know what? Something deep inside told me that you guys might be gay. So please bro, don't worry, okay? I don't ever want to lose your friendship. We're bro's for life, okay?"

I felt a huge wave of relief come over me. I lifted my head up to look at Tony as he was looking out across the lake watching a pair of Canadian geese take off from the north end of the lake and fly south towards the river. We both smiled as I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Thanks, LT. That means so much to me. It's been a hard and difficult day and night." I softly spoke. "I just don't know what I'm going to do if he moves to Colorado."

"Move with him! I hear Colorado is really nice." LT offered as a solution that I immediately shot down.

"I heard that too, but there's just no way I can move to Colorado, I mean, yeah, I want to be with him, but I can't leave my mom and grandparents and all. Plus, dude, I'd not have you around to keep an eye on." Tony laughed and nodded his head.

"No doubt. You got a good point there, Michaels. So you think Parker's going to be okay?"

I thought a minute or two and although I'd made a pact with Parker not to out him to anyone, I realized that by telling LT about Parker and me being a couple, that I guess it would be okay to tell him about his dad confronting him.

"I'm very worried about Parker. So not only does he not want to go to Colorado, neither does his mom. But the biggest problem, is that so do you remember at my party when Javy said something about Parker being my novio?"

"Um, not really."

"Well, in case you didn't know, in Spanish, novio means boyfriend."


"Well, my little cousin heard him and blurted out `Carter has a boyfriend?' in front everyone. I didn't think Parker's parents caught on to it, as it's been a week or so and they didn't say anything to him, until last night."

"Oh no..."

"Yeah, oh no is right. Parker's dad was drinking heavily. He point blank asked Parker when they were arguing if he was gay."

"So what did he say?"

"He left. He came to my house and was crying and was very upset, obviously. His parents were arguing like crazy, so he got out of there. His mom texted him about an hour later and asked him to come home. I didn't hear back from him last night, so I'm sure he's had a very rough night."

"Oh that sucks. Sorry man. Hopefully you'll hear from him soon." I agreed with him. We also decided to start our run back to the house, since we would be expected to go to the house to work with John, as this was going to be the busiest week trying to get everything wrapped up.

The run back was good, and once again, LT beat me home. We agreed to meet back at my house in an hour. I had sent a text to John asking him to pick us up, which he said he would. I was getting worried since I had yet to hear from him by noon. Finally, we had just finished with lunch when he sent me a text.

< Hey babe, tell John I'm sorry I can't make it today.

< Are you okay?

< not really but I'll be okay. Mom knows. Dad... did not speak to either of us. He said nothing.

< Sorry. Um, thought I'd better tell you something.

< ?

< I came out to LT.


< He knows now about us.


< It's cool. Long talk at the park bench during the run. He knew something was up.

< U sure?

< Well he didn't kill me so I guess it's cool. LOL

< K.

< Can I see you today/tonight?

< I hope so. We have to talk, I can tell u more tonight.

< K. gotta get back to work. Love you.

< (kissing emoji) love you too.

So at least Parker survived the night. Now I couldn't wait to see him tonight.

The rest of the day working at the house went well. John compiled a list of things, mainly odds and ends that needed to be finished by the end of the week. Later in the day, Tio Javier and Javy, along with a couple of other Mexican guys that I didn't know showed up to start the landscaping.

John dropped LT off at his apartment and then pulled into the driveway of my house.

"So buddy, your mom told me about what's going on with Parker. How are you doing?"

"Well, it's been a tough day. Essentially I had to come out to LT this morning on our run."

"Oh no! How did that come about?" I went on to tell him about how it unfolded.

"I'm guessing everything is good, you guys got along fine at the house. I never would have guessed that you told him." I told him that at first he was very upset, but then calmed down and then I told him about the conversation we had.

"I'm doing better, but now I'm worried about Parker. Did Mom tell you what his dad asked him?" He said she did not, so I told him pretty much word for word what Mr. Nelson said to Parker, and how the argument went. John thought for a moment before responding.

"I'm sorry to hear that Parker was put in that situation so that he was more or less forced to come out to his dad. It's one thing to have an argument about not wanting to do something as serious as moving out of state and away from your friends, but to be confronted about something as personal and serious as divulging your sexuality, that's difficult. So when is Parker going to talk to you about what he and his mom talked about, later tonight you said?"

"Yes, tonight. I have a bad feeling though."

"Okay, what is the bad feeling about?"

"I'm just afraid that his parents will split up." I told John that they almost split up earlier but tried to make it work. Now that his mom doesn't want to move, I wouldn't be surprised if they get a divorce." John agreed, adding that sometimes divorce isn't a bad thing, as strange as that may sound.

"There are times when two people just can no longer get along. So the question then becomes this: Are we better off living apart, i.e. divorced, or can we make this work? Many times if it reaches that point, divorce is the best option, especially when there's no ability to come to a compromise. I am so sorry that you've had to go through all of this. I know it is tough to have the prospect of losing your best friend, but when it's your boyfriend, then it makes it all the worse. Well, you know you and Parker both can call me anytime, right?" I told him that I appreciated knowing that, and that I'd be sure to let Parker know. I thanked John, and seconds later, he pulled out of the driveway and was gone.

Sure enough, I was right. After dinner, Parker came over and the two of us decided to walk about one mile to Shorewood park. We sat at one of the park benches that's near the river and talked for the better part of almost two hours.

Parker's mom told him that if his dad was not going to change his mind about Colorado, then she was not going to give in to his demand about moving. She vehemently disagreed about the idea of moving. If his dad did not change his mind, then she said it was time for them to go their separate ways.

His dad had gotten up early and left before his mom and Parker woke up, so they had no idea what he was his decision was, if it had changed at all.

Parker did end up confirming what his mom had long since expected, that Parker was indeed gay. They had a very tearful conversation, but in the end his mom reassured him that no matter what, he would always be her son, and she would never abandon him. He felt that the confession to her about who he was did prompt a good discussion between them, in fact it was the best conversation that they'd had in a long time.

Of course the topic of our relationship came up. His mom asked him if he loved me, and of course he said that he did. She then acknowledged that it made a lot of sense of how much time we spent together. She was fine with that and told him that she did like me a lot since I always showed respect towards her and Parker's dad. The bottom line was that of course she wanted what's best for her son.

Sadly though, she did reiterate that unless Mr. Nelson changed his mind, it would pretty much spell the end of their marriage. When he told me this, I felt very sad for Parker. I didn't tell him this though, but if it meant that he would not move, I'd be extremely happy.

"So if your parents do separate or divorce, do you think you'll be able to stay living in the house where you're at now? I asked.

"I would think so, but Mom really didn't say one way or another. She's got so much on her mind right now that I think she's just trying to make it through this day and tomorrow. It's a lot to process." I agreed, and then had to ask if his mom was truly okay with us being together, you know, like did she blame me for anything.

"No, she doesn't blame you for anything at all. She thinks you're great, and an awesome friend to me and she does like your mom too. It was weird though that she had an idea about me being gay." I agreed with him that it was. "She called it a mom's intuition. I mean I thought that I hid who I was pretty good and all but get this: she must have known something from back when Luis and I were together back in Texas. But she's cool with it, oddly enough. She just told me to be careful, do not think I can be a macho dude and go and sleep around with as many guys as I want because that's how I can get a disease like HIV. I told her that I'm happy with you, and you're the only guy I want to be with. She did ask if we were active, you know, and I told her that we were. It just about made me cringe to tell her, but she handled it well. She did say that my dad might not handle it well at all and that he might try to take my car away, but she told me she wouldn't let him. Getting me the car was actually her idea, so for now I'll be able to keep it."

"So when will your dad make a decision?" I had to ask.

"As far as going to Colorado, or staying together with mom and me?" I replied that both situations were on my mind.

"I would suppose by the weekend." Parker replied, and a melancholy mood washed over both us.

It was time to head back to my house, so we took our time walking back to my house. We kissed goodnight near the garage side door out of the light. I told Parker to let me know when he got home.

I felt a little better, but my mind was still swimming with emotions and unanswered questions. Even after Parker let me know he made it home, I was still troubled by everything that had transpired over the last twenty four hours. I fell asleep quickly, and thankfully slept a dream and nightmare free sleep.

The next day was more routine. We finished working at the house around four pm, and it was neat to see the lawn and landscape starting to shape up as well. John estimated that we only had a day left with mainly clean up and cleaning windows, etc. before the house would be totally done. In two days he was going to meet with the realtor to list the house. As much as we'd enjoyed the project immensely, the four of us were very happy to say that it was almost completely done.

Friday arrived and as we had planned, the house was ready, landscaping included. Javy and Tio Javier and his crew had worked until late in the evening every night this week to get the yard into tip top shape. John was extremely happy. We all were in awe at the difference in the before and after pictures, feeling like we were on an episode of a rehabbing show on HGTV or something, and of course we were so proud of our accomplishments.

The realtor who sold John the house was amazed at the transformation as well. She showed John some information on houses that had recently sold in the neighborhood and told him about how much he should ask for the house. When they agreed on the price, she told John she wanted to show the house to a client this afternoon, and that she would not list the house until the client saw the house. John agreed, and told LT, Parker, and me that we would go to lunch and wait for the agent to call him back. Since we were now officially done with the house, John took us to a bar and grill restaurant not far from the home improvement stores on Highway 173 just a mile north of our school. He told us to order whatever we wanted, that this would be our reward for a job well done. I ordered chicken fajitas, LT ordered a ½ pound hamburger and fries, as did Parker. We had a great lunch, each of us sharing stories about the house and what we'd learned over the last month helping John. He had no sooner paid for our lunch when he got a call from the realtor.

"You're not going to believe this John. My client who has been looking for a house this size and in this neighborhood, absolutely loves your house. When I told her what your asking price is, and get this, this is the best part... she agreed to give you five thousand dollars more than your asking price to not list the house and she wants to make sure that she can close on the house by the end of the month -- in ten days. What do you think?"

John normally is pretty even keel emotions-wise, but as we stood in the parking lot, we were in shock at his response after he ended the conversation with the realtor.

"Boys! I can't believe this! The house for the most part has just sold, in less than an hour after showing it to one person! Can you guys believe this!?" He was giving us high fives and smiling bigger than I'd ever seen him smile before. For a moment, we forgot all about what had transpired over the past few days. Right now, all that mattered was that we celebrate the fruits of our labor working on the house.

Later that afternoon John signed the contract with the buyer. As agreed at signing time, the closing on the house would take place at the end of the month. Apparently the buyer had kids that needed to be in the house before August first so that her kids could be in our school district. Obviously, with the generous offer, John was definitely willing to do whatever was necessary to make the sale happen.

So as happy as we were with the sale of the house, when Parker got home after dropping LT and me off at our houses, he came home to find the evidence of his father's decision. Unfortunately, he found out that his dad must have come home during the day, knowing that no one would be home. He had taken his personal things, left a note stating that he was leaving for Colorado to start his new job and would not be back for at least a month.

Parker was devastated. He texted me and said he would be back over in a few minutes. I could tell he had been crying.

He tried to smile as he came up to the door of the house.

"Well, I guess Dad made his decision. Can I come in?" Of course I let him in.

"Uh oh. What happened?" I asked, the harsh reality of the issue with his dad slapping both of us in the face harder than a cold January day.

"He left. He chose Colorado over Mom and me." He broke down, tears now running down his tanned cheeks. I grabbed him and we embraced. The scent of his sweat normally an aphrodisiac now spoke of a tattered and broken soul in need of comfort. "I can't believe he did this to us."

We stood in the living room while I held him, telling him it would be okay. He still had me, he had his mom, and had my mom, John, and LT to be there for him. I knew it wasn't the same. Trust me. Growing up without a dad it totally sucked. Thankfully John has been there for me over the past year and has been more of a dad to me than my Tio Javier has been. But I felt so bad for Parker. I really did.

When Mom came home from work we were still sitting in the living room. Parker was in a trance, just staring down at that darn worn spot in the carpeting.

"Aye mi amor, lo siento mucho de tu papa. Claro que si es muy dificil. I know it's hard and we feel bad, but we love you here, and you'll always have a home here to come to, okay?" "Gracias, Senora." Parker got up to give my mom a hug, and as they hugged he broke down again and started crying. His phone buzzed. It was a text from his mom. "I guess I had better go home. Mom just got home. I'll call you later." We hugged and I gave him a kiss on his cheek. I wanted him, to just hold him and make him feel better. But in this moment, his broken soul needed to be strong for his mom. I waved as he drove off.

Later on that evening Parker let me know that his dad had indeed left. Not once did he mention anything about the argument he had with Parker, nor did he ask him the same question again, according to his mom. They mutually agreed upon a trial separation, and his dad did agree to continue to give financial support to his mom and Parker.

Parker and his mom had a long conversation about his dad and their relationship. Basically, she had a pretty good idea that he had not been faithful to her. Not just once, either. So it came down to the point where she had had enough with him and they both mutually agreed that it was time to move on. Ironically, his mom had a feeling this would eventually transpire, so she focused on her career to make sure she would be able to make it on her own.

"He will pay dearly for this, be sure of that dear." Parker later quoted what his mom told him. "I'll give him six months, which is generous as hell, but when we split for good, you will still be taken care of. And honey, it's up to you if you want anything to do with your father. He said some really harsh words that night he confronted you. I'm sorry but no one is going to mistreat my son, gay or straight. You know I love you to the moon and back." He told his mom that he loved her so much as well, and he thanked her for being so supportive of him.

For the next few weeks, we tried to regain some sort of normalcy. A new norm of sorts set in for Parker without his dad around. It did seem somewhat normal since his dad had spent time working in Colorado before, but there was always the weekends that he would come back home for a visit. Not the case this time around.

Our morning runs continued. We had a few days before cross country practice was going to start again, but for us it would be no big deal since we'd been running practically every morning. Since we would be eventually having an actual meet at Rock Cut State Park as part of our school meets hosted by Harlem, we thought it would be a great idea to actually run the course.

So on a humid late July morning at sunrise, we climbed out of Parker's Rav 4 at the parking lot near the west end of the park to stretch and get our run on. The park was so quiet and peaceful. By the time we reached the lake, we were already drenched with sweat. We continued to follow the trail around the lake, which ran through the campground. Running through the campground gave me an idea.

The run was challenging, but we felt great about our times, even LT. Parker finished first, me second, and LT came in a distant third. It was definitely a good test for us. We would be in great shape for the start of practice.

We dropped LT off at his apartment, then went to Parker's house. He invited me in to play the PS5 for the afternoon. But of course we wound up wrestling on the mat in his basement, wearing only our sweaty jock straps that we started wearing during our runs. Mine was a black Calvin Klein, Parker's was a red one from Locker Gear, a brand he found on a website that sells jocks. It was such a turn on wrestling him in just our jocks, and despite still being sweaty from the run, we eventually wound up kissing, then taking each other in our mouths, the salty sweatiness serving only to fuel the passion between us. We didn't last long, but a second round happened in the shower, and then again in the hot tub.

Finally we got around to playing video games. I told Parker my idea about camping out at Rock Cut and he was all for it. Since Parker had a tent, we talked to our moms about going out there tomorrow evening. They both agreed, so after getting everything we needed for the night, we found a great spot about fifty yards from the lake, on the edge of the woods.

The night was perfect for camping out. Since it had rained earlier in the day, the clouds cleared out as a cold front settled in the area. We had brought a small charcoal grill with us, so of course we grilled a couple of hamburgers and hot dogs. With a bag of Doritos and Lays potato chips, we had a feast on the old brown picnic table. A couple of brownies later, we were stuffed. Near sunset, we started a fire in the fire pit, and before long were hungry for s'mores.

"This is amazing. What a great idea, babe." Parker commented as we sat next to each other in our folding chairs. "All that's missing are the mountains and it would be just like..." he then realized that he was thinking about Colorado, which made him think about his dad. "...but you know what, this is perfect. Just being here with you. Thanks for this. We needed this." I agreed.

"It's great thinking that we've got the campground to ourselves, too. I think the rain scared campers away, don't you think?"

"Yes, I agree. It's awesome. I'm so happy being here, just us. I know LT would have liked to come out here. Do you regret not telling him?" I shook my head no.

"Because otherwise he might have gotten weirded out if we did this." We kissed, then started smiling and laughing mid-kiss. "And we wouldn't be able to do this later." I whispered my idea in Parker's ear. He nodded in agreement.

"I can't wait for midnight!"

We spent the remainder of the evening up to that point talking about our young lives, you know, about certain points in our childhoods, what had transpired since we met, the things we'd done. We talked about the house, and John. The upcoming school year was on our minds as well. We'd be sophomores. No longer freshmen, we both agreed that it would be a good year.

Then we talked about the idea of being out at school. We both agreed for the time being, we would be fluid about the idea. If it happened, it happened.

The fire started to die down, becoming glowing embers, radiating a comforting heat even though it was a warm late July night. It seamed safe enough to walk away from the fire for a bit, so we ventured away from the site.

After a short walk, we found the place I'd spoke about to Parker earlier. The clearing in the woods made a perfect spot for us to put the blanket down on the damp grass and look up at the sky. Sure enough, with a cloudless sky, the stars shone brightly in the heavens above. Parker went first. Gazing up above, he took a deep breath and focused on the tiny lights as I slowly pulled his shorts down far enough to begin. First using my tongue to lick his hairy sack, I slowly bathed his balls one at a time with my mouth. He was now harder than ever, drops of precum oozed from his swollen head. Licking up from the base, I engulfed the entire head and shaft in my mouth in one motion, causing him to moan in delight as his fingers were now caressing my hair.

I took my time, enjoying the moment, enjoying the taste, enjoying making my boyfriend happy. I took him to the edge at least twice, then when I could no longer wait, I slowly brought him up to the edge again, and gave him a mind blowing orgasm that flooded my mouth with his seed. What seemed to be an endless stream, his orgasm slowly subsided as his body shook in sheer ecstasy.

"Oh my God babe, that was...amazing. Now it's my turn."

Replicating my effort, the results were almost exactly the same. Gazing up at the heavens above while he sucked me with the fervor of someone dying of thirst, it definitely ranked up there as one of the best blow jobs I'd ever had. It felt like I was shooting a gallon of cum down Parker's throat, and like him, my body shook and spasmed; my toes curled.

We both laid there for a few minutes, watching the stars. Several satellites trekked south across the sky, and we both almost freaked when we heard and saw a UPS jet fly over very low, heading into the Rockford Airport.

Later as we lay next to each other naked in the sleeping bags we'd zipped together, we managed to complete another round. Finally spent and exhausted, we fell into a deep, amazing, and dream-free sleep.

We woke up the next morning around six o'clock. We'd told LT we needed a day off from running, so it felt good to sleep in. So good in fact that of course we took care of our morning wood in the same manner as the night before. I so loved waking up next to my boyfriend. By the time we ate a quick breakfast of some bagels and cream cheese, we packed up the sleeping bags, our supplies and tent. By ten o' clock we were leaving the campground.

It was the last day of July. We'd had a crazy, eventful, roller coaster ride of a month. Thankfully the month would end on a good note, or so we hoped. Camping out at the park on the next to last day was a perfect way to close out the month. John would be closing on the house in a little over an hour. Assuming all would go well, he was planning to take all of us, including LT, his aunt, Parker, his mom, Jake, me, and Mom out to Gino's for dinner as an appreciation of our contributions on the house.

Fortunately for everyone involved, the house closing went perfectly. We all met for dinner at Gino's as planned. The dinner was amazing as always. I had my usual lasagna; Parker had the same. LT had spaghetti, and his aunt had tortellini. Mom and John both had steaks and Parker's mom had fettucine alfredo with shrimp. The adults also had wine, and we had cokes. When dinner was over and we were enjoying our complimentary spumoni ice cream for dessert, John asked for our attention. Of course we all stopped talking and he began.

"I just wanted to let you all know how appreciative I am for everything that you all have contributed to helping me complete the house project in record time and thanks to the buyer, well under budget. For that reason, I have a small token of my appreciation for Tony, Parker, and Carter." He handed each of us an envelope. We opened our envelopes at the same time.

Inside was a thank you card expressing John's gratitude and appreciation for our hard work and focus each day helping him complete the house project. Oh, and there was also a check for five hundred dollars!!! The three of us couldn't stop smiling as we thanked him for his generosity.

Of course Mom, LT's aunt, and Parker's mom were also very appreciative of John giving us each a check. The bonus check was above and beyond the wages that he had paid each of us each week. All in all, I had made close to one thousand dollars working for him. It felt like a lot of money, more than I'd ever had. It definitely was a satisfying feeling for a job that was well done, not to mention the skills I'd learned helping John.

We all left Gino's incredibly full and very happy. LT and his Aunt left to do some shopping, Parker and his mom agreed to go for a walk with us on the bike path. So while our moms talked with John, Parker and I listened to Jake talk about his video game experience and how he was looking forward to going camping again. We did tell him about our night at Rock Cut, OF COURSE leaving out quite a bit of information that he just didn't need to know. He was genuinely interested in cross country and even swimming and wrestling. He definitely is a cool kid. When John and Jake dropped us off, we thanked John for a great night and of course for the bonus check and for the opportunity to help him on the house.

"I want to invite you both to go camping with Jake and I up to Wildcat Mountain State Park on the weekend of the eleventh. Will you both be able to go with us?"

"Sure! That sounds like a great time." Mom smiled and responded first. "Just remember that I've not gone camping before, so you'll have to help me out, okay?" Jake piped up first, eager as always to please.

"Yeah Teresa, I'll help you and I'm sure Dad will help too, won't you Dad?" John nodded and smiled.

"Sure Mom, I'll help. It's so much fun! You'll enjoy it!" I added.

"Well, it's going to be a special weekend, as the Perseid meteor shower is supposed to peak that weekend so pray for a clear sky. Jake, remember last year how cool it was?"

"Yeah! It was so cool Dad! Teresa, Carter, you're gonna love it! It's like way cool! It'll be the greatest weekend of your life!" Always happy and optimistic, Jake exuberantly answered John with the optimism only a boy could answer.

And a wonderful weekend it would be indeed. I felt it and couldn't wait for the next ten days to go by.

Next: Chapter 43

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