Castaways Series

By moc.loa@ku81tirB

Published on Feb 27, 2004


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The contents of this story are fictional. Any resemblance of the characters to any other persons is strictly coincidental. Certain characters engage in sexual acts, which may or may not be legal in the state or country in which you the reader may reside. Any reader with objections to graphic descriptions of sexual encounters between males who may not have reached the legal age of consent, or whose local, regional, state or national jurisprudence prohibits such descriptions, should not read further.

The Castaways...

Chapter 3. Copyright by rick19uk...11th February 2004

My name is David and I am serving as a cabin boy on the good ship "The Morning Star". I am one month short of my fifteenth birthday and have been onboard this ship for six months. I have been at sea since I was eleven serving on my first ship "The Kingfisher" until` six months ago. It sank in a huge and terrible storm in the North Sea and if it hadn't been for the new cabin boy Jeffrey I would have drowned. He is a very strong swimmer and was able to save me when both of us, and a lot of deck cargo, were swept over the side by an enormous wave. It was very fortuitous that Jeffrey was swept over-side with me because I knocked myself out when I banged my head. He pulled himself and I onto a huge floating packing case and tied us onto it till a fishing boat rescued us many hours later. In short, after our rescue, we were recruited very quickly onto our present ship from the seaman's mission we were staying in after our arrival at The Port of London.

My uncle was the boson aboard The Kingfisher and it was he who got me my berth there, he was a very fatherly fellow and looked after me aboard ship. I am very sad at his apparent loss in the shipwreck. I enjoyed my life aboard Kingfisher and also the fun I had playing with the other cabin boy who was already aboard when I joined the ship. His name was Douglas and was rather good-looking being about 2 years older than me. We had great fun running up and down the rigging playing tag for which I might add we often got into trouble because of the risks we took in order to "tag" each other. I suppose seventy-five feet up a mast can be very dangerous for two reckless boys. We also had some wonderful times in our bunk when he began to teach me how to wank, as he called it. It all came about one night when we were in a storm and we took water on board and our cabin became flooded. I think I had been onboard about one year and had been sharing his cabin ever since I joined ship.

The night of which I speak and because his bunk was the lower one it got very wet and we had to strip the bedding and put it to dry. Once everyone had taken a turn at the bilge pumps we were able to turn in and that's when we moved my dry bedding down onto his bunk and got in together. I had been asleep for a short while when I was awakened to Douglas humping me like a dog and pressing his large hard cock against me. His humping had ridden my nightshirt up, and his cock was slipping up and down my arse crack when I suddenly felt wet appear there. I shouted at him that he was a dirty bastard and that he had pissed up my arse. This outburst of course awoke him and he began to babble that he hadn't pissed on me, but had "cum" on me during what he described as being a "wet dream". I was of course extremely curious and began to ask what he was talking about, at this point he got out of the bunk and lit the lantern. He wiped his hand over my arsehole and brought it up for me to see and sure enough what he had on his fingers was sticky and slimy. He told me I would begin to produce "cum" very soon too and then quite boldly got hold of my own small but by this time very hard dick. He then demonstrated how to take hold of the foreskin and roll it back forth to produce what proved to be very thrilling sensations. I was from that point onwards, like a fish on the end of a line, I was totally hooked. We "did it" together at every available opportunity and it was just as I had celebrated my thirteenth birthday when I began to produce my own "cum". Douglas said it was a late birthday present because he was the one wanking me when it happened. I had also noticed that my own dick and balls had begun grow at an astonishing rate and I hoped I would soon be as big as Douglas; I had hair there too.

About eighteen months afterwards, Douglas had fallen off the gangplank whilst we were berthed in Hull and had broken his leg. He went home to recover and that is the last I have ever seen of him. We did one short run to Holland with just me onboard as cabin boy after he left, but before Jeffrey joined the ship. The first time I saw the new boy I was in complete awe, he is beautiful and much to my embarrassment I immediately began to grow down there. I couldn't wait to find out if he played. My impression of him was that he was a little snooty because he spoke with a rather posh accent and had brought a lot of books with him. My guess was that he was about thirteen or fourteen. I can read a little but I am not very good because as a small child, I had only ever been to the primary school and Sunday school and what I had learnt there had been quite basic I suppose. Oh well! If we get on together he will perhaps teach me to read better and he may also let me borrow some of his books. I was thinking this as I lay wedged and snuggled in my bunk on Jeffrey's second night aboard. I had only just fallen asleep when I was roughly shaken awake by one of the seamen, he told me to get up, wake the new kid then get ourselves on deck as it looked as if we may be abandoning ship. He also said we should wrap up warm.

The gale, which had forced us to our bunks, had worsened and was now a very fierce storm that was raging out of control. The noise from above was incredibly frightening as I made my way to Jeffrey's cabin and woke him up. I didn't tell him we would be abandoning ship, as I didn't want to scare him. We got ourselves up top and almost as soon as we came out of the companionway we were swept up by this huge freezing cold wave. That is as much as I remember until I awoke tied and clutched tightly by Jeffrey with us perched on top of one of the enormous packing cases that had been swept off the deck along with us. He had saved me and as I began to get my wits about me I moved my head from his lap and clutched onto him in as tight a hold as I could get.

As we approached The Falkland Islands the winds began to be quite fierce and we were proceeding along under reduced sail. David and I couldn't help but become quite scared after the events that had overtaken us whilst aboard Kingfisher as we sailed the North Sea. I know that my dreams were quite vivid and frightening which meant I wasn't sleeping too well and had large dark rings around my eyes. The first officer whom I now called Jack when we were in private, picked up on my state and began to invite all three of us to his cabin several evenings a week. He bade us to take coffee with us and we would sit around in his cosy cabin drinking it whilst he regaled us with stories of his life at sea as both man and boy. The coffee was delicious and we would very seldom be allowed to partake of it otherwise. He showed us how to use short, cut lengths of sugar cane to stir it with, thus rendering it deliciously sweet. The effect a hot drink had on us was also very calming and David and I found that we began to sleep very much better.

A thing that irked the three of us was that because the wind was quite fierce which caused the ship to rock and sway a great deal, we were no longer able to burn off our excess energies running up and down the rigging at our favourite pastime, playing the game of tag. We had all three become firm favourites of the crew and we found out they took bets on the winner of our dangerous game. I think that it was this very same excess of energy that led to our extremely rampant nocturnal activities. We had managed to get hold of a pack of gaming cards and we regularly played a game of forfeit once we were shut in our cabin at night. Brian was the instigator of the first really daring one when I had lost and had to pay forfeit. He just turned and said, "your forfeit Jeffrey is to come here onto your knees and take my cock into your mouth". I was extremely shocked and in trepidation, slowly made my way over and sank to my knees, whereupon he took hold of the back of my head and forced me down onto his dick. The taste, which I was dreading, was really not what I imagined but was in fact very pleasant; within a very short time he was thrusting into my mouth. I had been being used thus for a minute or two when I felt David's warm lips sliding onto my own hard cock and it all very quickly turned into a three way suck fest. That is how we found out about the very wonderful and erotic activity of sucking each other off.

Within a few more short weeks we found ourselves rounding Cape Horn and entering a living hell. The wind and waves were truly a nightmare with it howling through the rigging and huge waves battering the ship and threatening to swamp us. None of us got any hot food for nearly two weeks but survived on foul water and weevil filled ships biscuits. These last, which had to banged hard to dislodge the weevils turned my stomach, its amazing however, what hunger will encourage one to do. We even saw rats on deck, which illustrates the dire straits in which we found ourselves.

"Shooting the sun" was only possible for two days during the whole two weeks it took to round The Horn. Jack put me through my paces taking star sightings whenever they were visible and we were both delighted to see his tutelage had sunk in. The relief everyone felt as we left Cape Horn behind and entered the South Seas was cause for celebration and it was at this time we enjoyed our first hot food for the past two weeks. We were in heaven. I couldn't wait to get my "shot" of the noonday sun and plot my first practice course of the Pacific Ocean. I knew that my first priority on getting back to England would be to buy my very own sextant if I earned enough of a share from the voyage.

The weeks passed and we sailed into evermore-balmier climes causing the mood aboard ship to lighten considerably. The carpenter and his men had repaired a cracked mast and done hundreds of other small repairs that were necessary after our eight weeks or so sailing through very rough weather indeed. Jack heaped praise on the builders of the ship and extolled the extreme virtues of stout English oak. He had given us all, over the months, a very firm grounding of his knowledge of English maritime history and had also drummed it into us why we the English, were the masters of the sea at that time. He was very proud of our countries achievements in gaining The British Empire and could see it growing ever more and more. He without doubt instilled national pride into us and pressed home the fact that we were also involved in our empire building quest due to the very nature of the voyage in which we were all partaking. He was very bitter over the French involvement in our recent struggle and subsequent loss of the American colonies and further instilled into our brains that the "bloody French" were our natural enemies and that we should never trust them as long as we lived. The defeat at Yorktown in 1781 would never have happened if our supply ships had not been impeded by those damnable frogs.

We had been at sea for nearly eleven months when "land ho" was hailed from the masthead and we all eagerly crowded the rail to get our first view of these magical islands. It wasn't in fact till late the following afternoon that we were able to clearly discern shapes on the green and very verdant looking humps that rose from the sea in the near distance. The captain decided we should anchor some 2 miles offshore for the night and we watched in some trepidation as armed seamen took position for the night to guard the rails of the ship. The night however passed uneventfully save for our usual nocturnal fun and as morning came, it was with extreme excitement we arose and set about our duties.

The captain had ordered just topsails hoisted and we proceeded to slowly approach the mouth of the twin coral arms that encircled the island. As we neared we saw strange looking canoes take to the sea and begin to approach us, they were filled with smoky skinned naked men, boys and maidens. Brightly coloured beads, large necklaces of flowers and other items adorned their bodies and we did notice that most of the men either carried clubs or had them nearby. The other fact that sat strongly and made the greatest of impressions on us was the laughter and general good spirit that pervaded the whole atmosphere as they drew ever nearer. We three boys, and I have no doubt that many of the seamen, couldn't help but notice the size of the appendages on the men and boys and I know that many were leering at the naked bosoms of the maidens. Our eyes were popping from our heads at this sight and I wondered if it was only me that was growing "down there". I know I noticed more than one of the native boys with a large, fat, and hard dick.

As the canoes drew alongside the captain ordered that none of the natives be allowed aboard with the exception of the obvious leaders amongst their men folk. A few of the swimmers in our crew were brave enough to leap overboard as the anchor was dropped and begin to frolic around the canoes that contained the maidens, these same, quickly joined our crewmen in the water and the whole day was a truly gala experience. It was after the captain and officers struggled to make themselves understood with the leaders who had been allowed aboard, that it began to be generally understood that we were invited ashore to their village and were to partake in a feast.

It was a truly wondrous experience, and we gorged on strange looking vegetables and fruit, and many suckling pigs, which had been roasted over open fire-pits. We ate using our fingers, off large leaves with fat running off our chins as we devoured all before us. The banquet was followed by war-like dances by the native men and dancing and singing by the maidens around a great fire. We were also given coconut shells filled with a foamy sour tasting beer. We boys didn't like it and eventually found ourselves some way away from the village. We had been encouraged to follow the naked native boys who showed us how they shimmied up palm trees and lopped off coconuts, which fell with resounding thumps to the earth. These same, they eagerly set about with their pangas and in very short order had them stripped of the outer skins with the tops chopped off. They offered them to us in order that we may drink the delicious coconut milk contained within.

We spent about a month at the island catching wild pigs and pickling them into barrels of brine. We also filled our water casks with wonderfully sweet fresh water that cascaded from the hills into the lagoon below. A goodly supply of the delicious coconuts were loaded, as well as a goodly supply of fruit and a strange fruit called breadfruit that when cooked looked like bread. Yams and other fruits along with the breadfruit had become the staple diet of we three boys all washed down with the delicious milk from the coconuts. We fished on a daily basis catching many strange but equally delicious fish. The cook salted them down and stored them in casks for later consumption at sea. We had great fun with the native boys who took us further round the island and eventually persuaded us to divest ourselves of our clothes and swim as they did, in our birthday suits. We had many games of water tag, having as our target each other's dick. This invariably resulted in most of us being hard at some point during the game, which didn't go unnoticed by either party.

On several of these occasions we were allowed ashore overnight and with us joining five or six of the native boys camped by a large fire some way from the village. We quickly shed our clothes and diving into the sea took to our favourite game of dick tag, very often hanging on to any dick we found to be hard. This invariably resulted in a mass wank session round the fire where we three European boys were put to shame by the size of the dicks these native boys possessed. A native boy was the first one to suck when he sat next to me one evening, reached for my dick and began to play with it where it was quickly rock hard. He just shifted himself around, ducked his head and proceeded to devour my dick producing the by now familiar and delicious sensations. He began to turn me around and pull my head to his dick and this was the point at which we learnt another exciting game which we three, soon named "the sixty nine" game. He had the most enormous dick and the longest foreskin I had ever seen and it was with an aching jaw that we brought each other to orgasm, It was with thoughts of his long foreskin that after our little game of sixty nine I invented a new game.

He and I lay facing each other and were soon rock hard again. I grasped his dick in one hand and with the other rolled his foreskin back placing my dick, tip to tip with his. I then managed to roll his foreskin back over to cover my tip and then I wanked us both in this manner till we both shot our cum making both our dicks quite messy. The experience however, was truly amazing and I determined to try this with David who also had quite a generous foreskin. Another game we witnessed was enacted by two of the native boys but at the time held little appeal to we three Europeans. It involved one of the boys knelt onto all fours with his arse in the air, the other boy after spreading some spit around his arsehole and onto his own dick, proceeded to hump him just like any animal from the farmyard would do. The boy who was bent over appeared to be in no pain at all with the others boy's very large dick up his arse, but in fact seemed to enjoy it immensely. They must have rutted for over half an hour and it was incredibly erotic to see his dick sliding in and out, hear their grunts, and see the boy on top with his hand wrapped under the other boy wanking him as if there was to be no tomorrow. I will remember these wonderful large dicks with their low hanging balls and the copious cum for as long as I live.

The four weeks soon went by and we three were devastated as the anchor was pulled up and with canoes all around us full of tearful naked maidens and boys, we made our way from the lagoon and sailed northwest onto our next landfall. We had all gained weight and the scurvy which was making its presence felt before our island visit was no longer in evidence and with our water replenished, plenty of delicious fresh food aboard, it was with an eventual light heart that the island dropped from view beyond the horizon. David's natural dark looks and the amount of naked swimming and games we had played had left him almost as dark as the native boys. Brian and I were a delicious honey gold colour and we all three exuded extreme health and vitality.

Another month found us still at sea with large thunderheads massing on the horizon. The captain, whom with Jack had sailed these seas before, took on a worried expression and proceeded to order all loose items be securely tied down with extra care taken on battening the hatches. The sails with the exception of the topgallants were secured and firmly tied as well. In fact he seemed to be taking extreme precautions against the impending storm and the issuance of orders regarding life lines brought grandfathers words crashing to my mind, this, along with the dark and horrible memories of our fateful time on The North Sea.

When the storm eventually hit us it was a shrieking banshee of howling wind, huge crashing waves and hell on earth. After the first day the repaired mast gave way and went crashing over the side taking rigging with it and several unfortunate seamen to their deaths. The remaining men set about hacking the debris away as it was acting like a great sheet anchor and making our already perilous progress downright suicidal unless we got rid of its dragging and hampering effect on our forwards motion. It was eventually cleared and as the last vestiges of it disappeared over the side we could feel the ship leap and begin to settle into an easier motion. During the night the wind picked up even fiercer and the ship was being tossed like a cork on a pond with us onboard faring little better. We three boys cowered in fear in our cabin and wept uncontrollably with our arms wrapped tightly around each other. We felt it before we heard it. The ship gave a mighty leap and a split second later, we heard the ripping, tearing, and grating noise of what we later learned, was us, tearing the bottom out on a coral reef. The wind was still howling with the sea crashing about us as we felt the ship begin to settle onto the sharp teeth of the coral.

All hell had broken out on deck and it was in vain we tried to open our door to escape from what we feared would ultimately be our watery grave. The noise continued and our fear rose until about half an hour after striking the reef we heard Jack on the other side of our door trying to clear wreckage away to affect our release. He shouted to us that he was going back on deck to get an axe and as the minutes turned into hours and the activity on deck had ceased long ago it was with relief we felt that the wind was dying and the motion of the ship no longer being the violent hell it had been earlier. By what we thought was morning (we had no port light in our cabin) all appeared calm and we began to shout and pound on our cabin door again, but alas, to no avail. There was no activity or voices to be heard at all, and it was with heavy hearts we sat and pondered our fate in the guttering glow from our lantern. We had so far, survived the terrible storm and were at least dry if very thirsty and hungry.

Next: Chapter 4: Castaways 4

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