Cat Next Door

By Chaos Wolf

Published on May 25, 2005


Disclaimer: The following is an erotic story of a homosexual nature. Please do not read if you are a minor or if it is illegal where you live to do so. Remember to think smart and use protection. The following is the seventh chapter in my "The Cat Next Door" series. If this sounds like something you want to read, be my guest and read. If not, go back and look for another story to read.

The Cat Next Door, Chapter 7

Spring semester began with the reopening of the dorms. It was a warm day so I wore shorts. My tail swayed and an occasional cool breeze caressed my fur. My fellow dorm denizens welcomed me back and I returned the favor. One guy, Skyler, blurbed "Hey Cat Man, how was your Christmas." I turned and said, "Not bad at all. I went with Jorge to his grandparents' place in San Antonio. It was very pleasurable." His elbow lightly jabbed into my ribs and said, "I bet so if you catch my drift." He then motioned with his right hand the act of jacking off. I regretted using the word pleasurable, but it was the truth. I sighed as I fondly remember Enrique's manhood thrusting its way into my mouth. I said, "It was. I have to go now." Skyler said, "Sure." He then went off in the direction of his room and I did too.

Danny was already there when I entered. He hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. We then sat in our chairs and leaned back exchanging stories. Danny said, "We didn't do much. On Christmas, we slept in for several hours until nearly ten in the morning. We then opened up gifts and went out for brunch. So what did you do. I heard your parents left town and you spent the holidays with Jorge." Now, Danny was a great friend and I could regale him with my exploits. I said, "I sure did. I went to San Antonio with him. I met his family. His grandmother didn't want me making tamales. She was afraid of people catching something." Danny said, "That sucks. What did you do?" I continued, "Me and Jorge left the house and walked around outside. That's when things got a little frisky." My roommate crept closer, his hand went to his crotch. I then told him, "I met his twin cousins Enrique and Miguel. Jorge and I saw them walk off. We followed them behind the tool shed and heard Enrique giving his bro a blowjob. Miguel was moaning in Spanish and Jorge translated the arousing words. Our cover was blown because ants started to crawl on his hand. They had us suck them. Man, that was wild. I was sucking Enrique and Jorge was sucking Miguel. Enrique wasn't as long as Jorge, but he was a bit thicker. He was just as uncut, but his foreskin hung barely covered the head unlike Jorge's which completely covered his." I sighed. What a fond memory.

Danny listened to every word like he was going to be quizzed on what I said. He said "Cool. I'm glad you had fun more fun than I did." I replied, "Don't beat up yourself over it. I bet if I had stayed home I wouldn't have gone with Jorge and thus wouldn't have met his sexy cousins. You could have hung out with the other guys." Danny said, "Yea, but Garrett and Simon never seemed to have the time to be with me when I had free time and Mike was equally busy." I walked over to him and rubbed my head against him saying, "Don't worry now. You're back in the dorm. Time for the six of us to hang out like usual."

That weekend, we went out to a diner near campus. You know the type, those eateries that seemed trapped in the 1950's which serve burgers and shakes. Jorge and I shared a chocolate shake, but had our own entrees because we were wanting two different things. I wanted a cheese burger and he wanted chicken fried steak. Garrett Chang relished a tuna melt and Simon ate a chef salad. Mike ended up eating a club sandwich and Danny had a chicken sandwich. Mike ordered a banana-strawberry shake and asked Danny, "Hey Danny, do you want to share?" My roommate answered, "Me? Sure." Our server brought the shake and two straws were placed inside the tall cold glass. They began sucking in the ice cream treat. Jorge and I looked at each other, Garrett and Simon looked at each other, then we all looked at Danny and Mike. They sure looked like they were enjoying the company of each other. Well if they were, they were. If not, then that was okay too. It was amazing that out of a group of six guys, they were the only unattached ones.

The first big event of the semester was Spring Salutes. This event was a time when all the clubs got together on the Academic Mall to let new students know about themselves and to a lesser extent, make money. Me and the rest of our chapter of Psi Chi, the National Honor Society of Psychology, were selling hot dogs and lemonade. With a staff of roughly 20 students, we had plenty of help. After the debacle with Jorge's family, I decided to help collect the money. Everyone of my friends were with their own groups. Every group seemed to be doing quite well and then I looked straight ahead. I saw the table for the Guild of Urban Teachers. There were only three people there: two girls and one guy. They had poster detailing their group, some applications, and a box with them. They seemed to be invisible to everyone. People just passed them by on their way to a table belonging to a club that was selling jewelry. I felt bad. Here we were with lots of people at our table and people very interested in us while they were the compete opposite. After my shift, I went to their table and asked what were they selling. Their eyes lit up and one of the girls asked, "You must be that Joey Birch guy." Bonus points for not bringing up my appearance. I said, "I am. So what do you have here?" The other girl said, "Books for young children to high school students." I nodded and said, "Mind if I take a look?" The three looked eager as I proceeded to check out their wares. I then found a copy of The Velveteen Rabbit. I had heard of this book, but never had a copy of my own. I held up the book and asked, "How much?" The three talked about it and said, "One Dollar." I reached for my wallet and gave them the dollar and took the book back to my room. Most guys have their wallets in their back pocket, but I carry mine in my side pocket. I have enough going on back there. As if dealing with a tail wasn't bad enough. Thank God almost all the chairs in most of the classrooms had a gap in the back. For someone like me, this is a blessing so I don't have to position my tail to sit down comfortably. Anyhow, I learned eventually that I was the only one who bought something from the GUT.

The university was already gearing up for next semester. They revealed plans for a new dorm building to handle those on the waiting list. We only had one dorm building wich was two stories. This new dorm would be situated on the block next to it. It also said that it was hearing proposals from various food service providers.

Don't get me started on the providers we already have. The food is fare, but I've heard increasing complaints about consumables from pudding to pizza. While I find the food tolerable, I can understand. I am feline after all. We are the pinnacle of picky eaters. Our food service provider was getting nervous. Would they be dumped?

It started in February. The first Wednesday, there appeared ice cream. I had never seen ice cream before, only frozen yogurt that some call frogurt. There was a tub of vanilla next to a tub of chocolate. Next to them were containers of sprinkles. Trying to buy votes, eh? I served myself ice cream, but I don't get a vote. No student does. The administration votes on stuff like this after getting recommendations. This ice cream tribute occurred ever Wednesday.

That Saturday, I went home in the afternoon. The following day, dad would need help with the plumbing. Rain was predicted for the evening, but what manifested wasn't to be taken lightly. Evening TV was a bore and with my computer back home, I couldn't play any computer games. I was stuck with watching lameo TV programs on the little black and white TV we had stored in the closet. My mom wasn't hungry so me and Dad ate chicken and mashed potatoes. After about an hour, my mom got hungry all of the sudden and asked for Dad to get something. He left and it soon began to rain. It must have been like a shower in the bathroom because it got heavy all of a sudden. We waited and waited. Mom said, "I'm worried about your Dad." We went outside to keep an eye on him and already the streets were flooding.

The memory of being rain soaked still permeated in my mind. We soon saw my dad's car appear and stop at the intersection east of our house. The main street is to our left, for your information. My mom said, "Go give him my cell." I groaned and put on my raincoat. I sloshed in my boots into the damp ground and kept my caterwauling to low levels. I went up to Dad and he said, "Go back home." So I did. Mom then told me, "Did he get the food?" I groaned and went back. Dad swore and said, "What now?" I said, "Mom wants to know if you got the food." He swore again and countered, "She will have to wait." Forgive my dad, he doesn't swear much, but stuff like this gets on his nerves. I went back and that was the final time. The waterworks shut off and Dad pulled up the driveway thirty minutes later.

My modeling job is still going strong. There was another model, very familiar, getting ready to pose in underwear. His name was Jacob. As I was changing into pajamas, he said, "Hey Joey, mind if I ask you something?" I said, "Sure?" He said, "I was wondering if you and Jorge would like to come with me over to a furmeet I'm having at my house. It'd mean a lot to me since it's my birthday." I said, "I'll consider it." Jacob said, "Please do. You'll be a hoot. If you do decide to come over, bring your sax. You do know how to play Happy Birthday?" As we headed out to pose for our pictures I said, "No sweat." After the shoot, he gave me an invitation.

When I got back to the dorm, I read the invitation to Jorge. It said, "You're invited to a furmeet birthday party to celebrate Jacob McCloskey turning the big two oh. Bring fursuits if ya have them." It then listed when and where the party was as well as a contact number. "A furmeet? What's that?" I told Jorge, "From what Jacob tells me, it's a meeting of people who are a part of the furry genre." Jorge said, "I see. He wants you to attend because you're a real life fur, right?" I said, "That's part of it, but we're coworkers and he'd like me to be there. He told me to bring you along. He does know that you and I are boyfriends." Jorge smiled, "Only because he caught us in an awkward position."

It certainly was an awkward moment. Jorge and I were planning to go out for the evening and I told him to drop me off at Carmichael Cameraworks where I model. He would pick me up and we'd go to eat. It was a late shoot involving nearly all the models. I was tired, but a meal was a meal so our date was still on. I walked out and spotted Jorge's car. I walked there and I heard the door unlock. I then opened it and Jorge smiled, "Ready gato?" I sighed, "I guess." He placed his arm around me and asked, "What's wrong Joey?" I replied, "Long day. I'm drained." He said, "I guess I need to get you perky." His hand reached for my groin as he laid my seat back so I could lean. He unzipped my pants and then rubbed my underwear. Jorge opened the fly and took out my furred dick. He lowed the furry foreskin and began sucking me. I placed my hand over his shoulder gently. He slowly carried out his task. We were unfazed by everything as if we were all that was. There then was a knock at the window. Was it some cop? We looked out the window. Jorge's mouth was wet with fresh semen and mine was round in shock. It was Jacob. I zipped up and Jacob got in the car. He said, "Why are you sucking Joey out here? It's too public don't ya think. Is it just some thrill?" There was only one thing to say. I said with a twitch of my whiskers, "This is Jorge. He is my novio, my boyfriend, and he's sucking me because he wants to." Jacob said, "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice that, but would you rather me catch you or a cop?" He had a point. We waved goodbye to Jacob and we left.

It was a fond memory, one that sent shivers of pleasure through me. I chuckled, "Yea. So you're in?" He said, "Let's do it." Wasting no time, I called Jacob. He said, "You didn't waste anytime did you Joey?" I said, "Not really." I just wanted to make sure I reserved a spot before it was too late." Jacob replied, "Whatever you say. See you then."

Two weeks later, we attended his party at his house. It was strange. I knew none of these people and the only connection I had to them was the fact that I knew Jacob. Some had large bags with them. What could be in them? Jorge had no idea either. A few were mystified by my appearance, but I knew why. We entered and found stacks of pizzas of all kinds from supreme to all meat to extra cheese. Next to them were sodas of various kinds. Jacob said, "Not yet dudes. Time for the games." I asked, "Games? What kind of games?" Jacob said, "Video Games. Board games would take to long and party games such as Charades are boring. Come on."

Jorge and I sat down next to each other and his other fur friends took up spots around the large den. Jacob stood before us and said, "Thank you guys for coming to my birthday party and before we get to the games, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves. Be sure to state your fursona too." Jorge and I could introduce ourselves, but what was a fursona? Fortunately, I didn't have long to find out. Soon it was my turn. I stood up before them and said, "My name is Joey Birch and I work with Jacob at Carmichael Cameraworks. I don't have a fursona really." One guy asked, "Then why are you wearing a fursuit?" I said, "This isn't a fursuit. There was an accident before I was born and when I was five, I became a humanoid feline. Nonbelievers can go ahead and feel me." The guy who asked came up and felt my arm, turned back to the others and said, "Feels real to me." A girl said, "That tail's moving too smoothly to be operated by machine. The ears, the mouth, everything's just too natural.After all, my dad does own a costume store." Another girl said, "Think so Elizabeth?" Elizabeth said, "Trust me. If not, then go have a hands on experience." I walked up the girl and showed her my hands. They were furred like cat paws except shaped like human hands. I then retracted my claws. Elizabeth said, "See! Show me a machine that can do the same." Jacob rang a bell and said, "Okay furs, just simmer down and let's get on with the introductions." Jorge stood up and said, "I'm Jorge Rodriguez and I'm Joey's boyfriend. I don't have a fursona, but I love Joey despite him not being human." With the introductions over, we started the games.

First up was Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. Melee. The coolest thing about this game was that there was already a tournament mode built in and thankfully there was enough people to fill up enough slots. I've played that game now and then at my cousin's house, so I knew how to play. Afterwards, we played Mario Kart. Other games included Tetris, Mario Party, amongst others. We then ate. I piled my plate with four slices and got a large cup of root beer. Jacob called out, "Movie time." We all went back to the den to watch two fur related animated movies. Jacob then said, "Suit up furs. It's time to cut the cake." Everyone who had brought their fursuit put them on and Jorge and I helped bring in the cake. We did all the work, but we were glad to help. His birthday cake was grand and shaped like the moon because his fursona was that of a wolf. I held the mouthpiece to my lips and I played along while everyone else sang Happy Birthday to Jacob. He then lifted his suit's head off and blew the candles. We served cake to everyone and those wearing suits took off their suit's gloves so that they could grasp the plate and fork. Those wearing suits ate carefully. If I was wearing a suit that cost hundreds of dollars I wouldn't want to ruin it either. Food in my fur just means extra effort in washing myself. Food in their faux fur means expensive cleaning.

We were at Jacob's house for hours and when we had dessert, it was very late. We said our goodbyes and we thanked Jorge in inviting us. Jorge and I went back to the dorm exhausted. We entered my room, washed up, took off our clothes, got into my bed, and dozed right off without a word.

Hey readers. This month of May marks one year of writing stories for I'd like to take a moment and thank everyone who has read my stories.

I would appreciate any comments you may have, but please keep insults or flames to a minimum. I'll try to respond to everyone, but no promises. Please mention the title of the story so I know what you are referring to. I have a group which you can find at You can also email me at:

Next: Chapter 8

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