Catfish and the Wrestlers

By Bob

Published on Jan 3, 2023


This story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

I'm not cut out to be a celebrity detective shadowing noted people. Celebrity is the last thing I want. I like to be quiet. I like to get my job done without anyone knowing I've been at work. I was surprised when Nigel Malloy and Max Greenburg appeared at my door. They had a problem.

No one knows who Nigel or Max are, but lots of people know Buster, the Boston Bruin, and Ali Baba, the Turkish Terror. They are professional wrestlers, stars on the pro wrestling circuit. Both are giants and are noted for both their huge muscular bodies and remarkable almost thong-like shorts that barely cover their private parts.

They were masters of the "I can almost see his cock" school of wrestling fame. They were both hair balls. Buster has a copper colored main of hair and matching beard that made him look Lion like. He didn't shave at all, so the curly reddish-blond hair was continuous from his head to toes. Ali had pitch black hair that was much more prominent since you could see it better. In both cases their bushes merged with their belly hair so they could expose some bush and still be technically decent.

I guess they could have used body paint shorts and it would have been more revealing, but their actual shorts were pretty hot. At any moment it looked as if their impressive endowments would burst their fabric confines, and they would be naked in front of their admiring fans. Entrapped in the shorts you could see the outlines of three lumps, apricot sized balls and the cock head.

I had met them years earlier at a match in a private club. They gave private exhibitions to men who were willing to pay big bucks. In this case the showing a birthday present to friend of mine, Henry Mills. Henry was a wealthy banker who had a very private gay life. His lover, George, paid $10,000.00 for the wrestlers to appear at the Metro Club. In theory the Metro was an elite health club. Its membership was entirely gay. It had a relaxed dress code so most of the members went naked.

I was a charity member of the club. I couldn't afford the dues, but I had the equivalent of the dues and the initiation fee hanging between my legs. I'm a scrawny, hairy guy, but being horse hung has it's advantages. Several members of the Metro Cub were friends and it was their goal to provide something to look at for the other members. Not to put too fine a line on it, but I'm not exactly a Puritan, and had no problem being eye candy. I got along with most of the members really well.

Henry's birthday party was in an exercise room converted into wrestling area. I guess there were 20 or 25 nude men there. Technically nudity was only allowed in the pool, locker and shower rooms, but a towel draped around your neck was acceptable as clothing. Once and a while, they classified a cock ring as clothes. The wrestlers were going to do a Greco-Roman wrestling exhibition.

The crowd enthusiastically applaused when the two men entered. They were bigger close up than on television and wore their trademark shorts. I had no idea what the match would be like. It started when they sang Happy Birthday to Henry. Buster was an Irish tenor and Ali was a bass and they had unexpectedly good voices.

First, they did one match of Olympic style wrestling. They were good. I think this was to show to those who knew the difference that they knew their stuff. In spite of their size both men were quick and agile. They weren't pretty, or over inflated like many of the steroid enhanced wrestlers, but they were every inch men. After the first bout they took a short break and mingled with the audience.

I was in a dark corner of the room. Ali saw me, looked at my cock and winked. I smiled and he came over.

"You've got a beauty there," he remarked.

"Thanks. We all get the cards we're dealt."

He leaned close to me. "No one told us this was a naked group," he whispered. "I take it no one would object of we got naked too?"

"No problem at all."

He leaned closer and one hand fondled my cock. "I'd guess no one would object if were showed hard?" I smiled. Ali continued, "Are these guys lookers, suckers or fuckers?"

"All of them look, all suck, and I don't know about fucking yet," I said.

"How many have you fucked?" he whispered.

"I don't kiss and tell, but my cock has met five or six of the members' prostates. They're the guys who could take it and smile afterwards."

Ali smiled and returned to the mats to get ready for the next match. Buster and Ali went into the locker room and when they returned they were both nude. There was more applause. The second bout was technically an academic style match, but it was enhanced by erections.

At the end of the match Ali stood in front of the audience, "Now men, Buster and I have been pals for years, but we're always looking for new talent. Who would any of you like to join us for a match?"

"By the way boys," Buster added in his strong Boston accent, "We're here for fun. We know how strong we are. Mind you, we aren't going to loose, but I can guarantee you're going to have a good time."

They were both semi erect and standing in front of Henry. Henry leaned over and sucked Ali's cock.

"Go to it Birthday Boy!" someone yelled.

"As my pal Buster said, we're all going to have a good time!" Ali reiterated. Everyone got the message.

A guy named Hal and a younger man named Denny rose to the bait. Hal was a beefy and well endowed building contractor. Denny was some sort of politician's aid. He had been a college level football player. He was furry and had compact genitals. His balls and cock head formed a nice cluster under his thick bush. Both men were reticent and I had never played with either. I figured they were shy or lacked nerve. The Metro Club had no little nooks to go to for one-on-one sex, so you tended to have an audience. The locker rooms and showers were anything goes areas, but no one complained if you got inspired elsewhere in the building.

I assumed Ali and Buster were so attractive the men were willing to take a risk. They did a tag team match, Ali and Denny verses Buster and Hal. It turns out naked wrestling with a sex god guarantees an erection. Fortunately Denny and Hal were so excited they didn't care. The two amateurs knew something about wrestling and they did respectably. They didn't win, but they did well. Ali and Buster were generous in victory. Buster and Hal 69ed briefly and Denny got to suck on Ali's member as they got some new volunteers.

I was volunteered for the next match along with Henry's lover, George. George was a small, rather delicate interior designer. He was successful and socially prominent. George was shaved from head to toe. He was a little taller than me, but I was as hairy as he was smooth. The match up had a barbarians and the virgins aspect to it. I had known George for a while and there was not a cell in his body that was virgin. The first time I fucked him I realized there was room for a second cock in his commodious hole.

Fortunately for us, Henry was turned on by watching George get fucked. The first time I fucked George, he gave Henry a detailed description of what he was feeling as I fucked him as Henry watched. Henry liked to spray us with his cum.

Since we were so miss matched, Ali and Buster oiled us so it would be more like a greased pig contest than a wrestling match. Everyone was very much with the program now and there was general approval when Buster lubricated George's ass. Ali lubricated mine, but I got some oil and did his asshole too. That caused hoots of laughter. That was when I discovered that Ali was a good sport. He had no problem at all with my fingers up his hole.

Our match was played for comic effect and sexual release. I'm not sure who won, since the room dissolved into fornicating groups. Buster screwed George in front of Henry. Henry fed George his cock as Buster pounded George's willing ass. Buster gave Henry a birthday blow job and took Henry's load. The party broke up.

I went to the shower to clean up. Hal and Denny were there. Ali and Buster joined us and the two victorious wrestlers got to fuck the losers. Neither Hal nor Denny were bottoms, but they knew the rules and knew what to expect. It would be a tight fit.

My locker was near by and I got some lube and a bottle of fresh poppers out. Hal didn't think he needed the poppers, but it was a really tight fit. He finally took a snort and Buster's beer can type cock slipped in. It took a while,but Buster eventually found the groove. Hal was a good bottom by the time the wrestler filled his ass with his cream. I was helping Hal deal with it.

Denny had much the same experience with Ali. Wrestler meat and wrestler cum solved any problem he had with getting fucked. All Denny and Hal needed was enough inspiration.

After the event at the Metro Club I ran into Buster and Ali every year or two when they visited Richmond. Each meeting was social and sexual. I hadn't expected to meet them in a professional capacity. It was hard to believe these two men couldn't solve their own problems. The looked like they could have arm wrestled King Kong and come out on top.

The came to see me at my office. They were with a third wrestler, Konrad the Kraut. His real name was Dave Miller. Buster explained the problem. "We're having a blackmail problem," Ali explained. "Someone is taking pictures and selling them for cash. They are threatening to expose someof the men who attend our special exhibitions."

"Are they trying to sell the pictures to you, or the men?" I asked.

"As far as we can tell it's to us," Ali said, "but We're not sure about that. It would hurt our career some, but not as badly as the men we entertain. I would bet they are hitting on the marks too."

"Do you have repeat customers or men in your entourage who could be doing it?" I asked.

"Obviously we do, but we don't know who," Konrad said. "Wrestling matches are high intensity events. It's all orchestrated of course, but if you are distracted and miss a move, you can get hurt badly. My partner was looking and fell, dislocating his shoulder."

"You think it's a they and not a he?"

"For tag team matches I am in a group with Hercules the Hunk and Apollo Steel," Konrad explained.

"Ali's usually paired with Gorilla Man Gus and the Missing Link. We don't think we have any staff that overlaps, but we're not sure," Buster said. "If you could join out staff, you could look while we wrestle. We were talking and decided you are the most unimpressive physical specimen we're run into. We don't think anyone would be looking at you when we're performing."

"We have an unusual schedule. Buster and I work a month and then take a month off," Ali said. "Konrad and his partner Vic the Viking are working while we rest."

"It's easy to lose your edge and get sloppy if you work too much. We need some rest time," Buster said. "We usually have a guy we call the towel boy. He takes care of little things that fall through the cracks."

"Towels, lubricant, poppers and the like," Ali said. "You may not believe this, but our volunteers are pre selected. The Towel Boy checks them out, finds their limits and makes sure they are well lubricated before the match. We avoid problems that way."

Week later I was Willy the Towel Boy for Buster Enterprises. Buster employed a small group. Lenny was the business manager; Tommy the travel manager, and Fred, who did costumes and lighting. They all seemed slightly surly. Our first gig for the month was in suburban Philadelphia at a private home. It was in the former stables of the home which had been converted into an apartment and exercise facility.

The sponsor of the event was named Douglas and he had a personal trainer, Hadley, who seemed to run the show. Ali and I met with them to get the low down. The group was to be small, ten men only and Hadley and another guy who wasn't there yet were to be the volunteers. Douglas wanted it to be a non nude event, but the wrestlers were to have a wardrobe malfunction.

"You know that costs extra?" Ali asked.

"Yes, but if we end up naked at the end of the bouts, do I get a discount?" Douglas asked.

"You sure as shit do!" Ali answered with a wink in his eye. "This is a real pretty room. It might get a bit sticky once we get it going."

"Do I pay extra for orgasms?" Douglas asked.

"Hell no," Ali said. "That's part of the basic service."

Douglas smiled. He went off to the main house leaving Hadley to handle the details. The apartment had a large exercise area for a living room, and that was big enough for our needs. It also had a gym style shower.

"This building was a gym for Douglas' sons. They are grown and live in Europe now, so it makes a big and drafty apartment for me," Hadley explained. A man entered the room. He was the other volunteer, Bud. Hadley was a sleek Greyhound of a man; Bud was a Saint Bernard.

Ali explained I was going to be getting them ready for the matches. "I was hoping you would do that," Bud said.

Ali laughed. "We use to do that, but I get excited easily. By the time we got to the match we were worn out!" he said. "Willy here will clue you in. That will make the actual match more exciting." Bud was satisfied with that answer.

Ali left me with the two men. "Well boys, what is your poison," I asked. "Ali and Buster are pretty versatile. What do you want and what can you do?"

"Sexually?" Hadley asked.

"Yep. Are you a sucker, fucker, suckee or fuckee?"

"All of the above," Bud said without hesitation. Hadley hesitated.

"Let me be frank," he said. "Douglas is more of a watcher than a doer. He wants to watch me getting fucked. It's not my thing, but Douglas pays the bills."

"Buster and Ali can fake it," I said.

Hadley laughed without any cheer. "Douglas is an up close and personal watcher. He will be way too close."

"His tongue will be in the hole too?" I asked.

This time Hadley laughed for real. "Don't get me wrong, Douglas is a good man and has been good to me. He just has his quirks. I certainly have had some fun with him and his friends."

"Well, if you don't have fun with Ali and Buster, it's you, not them. They are good guys," I said. "I'll try to get Buster to take you. He has a huge knob, but once he's popped in the shaft is thiner and comfortable." I paused. "I was hoping you guys would get naked. I'd like to feel out your holes."

"Do you get naked too?" Bud asked.

I nodded. "Maybe we could try out the showers?" I suggested. They agreed. Once we were naked in the showers, both men relaxed. I am a short hairball, but a well hung hairball. Bud had a six inch fireplug. He had been in good shape once, but had gone somewhat to pot. Hadley was suited for the cover of a sports magazine. He had a seven inch snake.

Much to my surprise Hadley got to my cock before Bud and tried to swallow it whole. That I took as a good sign. My cock is big but graceless. If he liked mine, he'd like the wrestlers' organs. A little later I finger fucked both of them. Bud was nice and open. His prostate was in easy reaching distance. Hadley's ass was bear trap like tight. Gave him a snort of Amyl and opened him right up. I did what I could to relax his sphincter and found his prostate.

As long as I had a finger on his prostate, I could have driven a Mac truck up Hadley's ass and he would have been happy. His prostate wasn't exactly virgin but it was an under utilized organ. I'm good at finger fucking, but a rock hard, oozing cock attached to a sex crazed wrestler would do things Hadley never even dreamed about.

Buster and Ali wore wrist bands that held some amyl ampules. If Hadley had a problem, they could give him a snort and they'd be giving his prostate a sperm bath before he knew what hit him.

The event went well. Most of Douglas' friends were older men who loved the show. Some were downright elderly, but they could still watch. They were most appreciative. Not only did Douglas get to watch Hadley getting fucked, he was close enough to take his spewing sperm. He liked it so much he took Bud's seed too.

I watched the audience carefully and saw no evidence of a camera. Tommy and Fred were there, but they weren't doing anything that could be classified as photographing the match. I helped take down the lights and found something there. It was small and was attached to the side of a light. I'm not much on high tech surveillance but I realized this was a camera. It was also wireless, so the operator wouldn't have needed to be in the room. It attached to the light with a magnet so it would have been easy to mount. I would need to look and see where the light had been aimed at our next event.

After the match several members of the audience shared the shower with the wrestlers. Fred, the costume and light guy, joined in the festivities. The wrestlers were sexually generous, but not as generous as Fred. Ali and Buster were friendly but a bit intimidating. I think every one got a poke up Freds's ass. He clearly wasn't hiding a camera on his body. I did a quick body cavity search of Fred and there was no camera up his ass. His attitude got better with each inch of my cock in his ass. He was a nice guy by the time my bush touched his hole.

The next day we were off to a health club in Center City Philly. In the old days it would have been a bath house, but it was expensive and classy. It was in an old, not too impressive warehouse near the Delaware, but inside it was ultra modern. The Olde Philadelphia Spa and Resort was classy and discriminating. There were no just plain guys there. Everyone was into health and fitness with a side order of sex. The doorman came pretty close to refusing to let me in on aesthetic grounds, but Buster cleared that up. This time I helped set up the lights. I found two cameras this time, but they were on different lights than the day before. The lights were numbered and the numbers didn't match. I also had my eyes peeled for laptops, but none were in evidence.

I tried to connect with Lenny, Tommy and Fred but they were all business. Apparently Fred needed a cock in his ass to warm up. I later found out my predecessor had been friendly with them, but not with Ali and Buster. He had been tricking with the audience and charging. For Buster Enterprises sex was free, never part of the wrestling match. It was fine if the wrestlers or the audience got carried away with the moment. Men are horny and nature will take its course. A client got mad when he found out there were private fees involved. My salary was good for working half time, and the fringe benefits were great.

Ali suspected my predecessor needed the extra money for some expensive personal habits and needs. The previous Towel Boy was always broke, even while he was making $200.00 to $400.00 a night on the side. There was no mystery to me where the money went. It was possible he shared some of his drugs with the other men in the crew. I was a dry well when it comes to drugs, but it was an angle I needed to look into.

For the match at the spa Gorilla Man Gus and the Missing Link joined us for tag team bouts. I hit it off with them right off the bat. I have been accused of being the missing link, and they recognized a relationship. Ali and Buster looked like Fred Astaire and Noel Coward compared to Gus and Link. Gus was Greek and Link was half Armenian and half Abominable Snow Man. They were sweet guys under the wrestler machismo.

For the Olde Philadelphia Spa this was to be a freak show. That didn't bother the wrestlers at all. When God passed out masculine characteristics our tag teams had double the usual dose. "I'll be really surprised," Buster said, "if we don't end up with a bunch of shaved and manscaped guys begging to get fucked. If they have to get fucked in front of all their pals, begging for our cream in their ass or in the mouth, that will be fine with them."

I wasn't sure Buster was right, but he knew the audience well.

Next: Chapter 2

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