Newsgroups: Organization: CompuServe, Inc. (1-800-689-0736) Lines: 21 Message-ID: 44j9lk$ig2$
When I was about 14, I was in my room, laying on the bed, with a sock over my dick jacking off. I thought I was the only one home, but had closed the door anyway.Suddenly, to my deep mortification, the door opens and there stands my 18 year old sister. There was no way to hide what I was doing so I just stopped dead still, and laid there holding my sock-covered dick. It took her a moment to realize what she interrupted, but she said "Sorry" and closed the door. Later, when I walked out of my room, she said "Did you finish what you were doing?" I was speechless. She said "It's nothing to be embarrassed about, everybody does it." I wanted to ask, "Even you?" but couldn't get my nerve up. She said "No wonder you go through so many socks," and laughed. She said it in such a way that I even thought it was funny, and we both laughed out loud. I tried after that to catch her masturbating, but never did. On occasion , when I would spend time in my room, she would say something like "Don't forget to pick up your socks." When she would say this while I was jacking off, it would make me really hot that she knew what I was doing. jacking off (door locked) it would make me hot that she knew what