Caught in Johnnys Storm

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 12, 2005


The Fantastic Four are copywritten materials of Marvel Comics.

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Caught In Johnny's Storm by Banky Edwards


I honestly can't tell you how I got to where I did that night. `Where I did' meaning Johnny Storm's bedroom. I remembered going to the after award show party and having a little too many Car Bombs to celebrate my winning a Grammy for Best New Artist. I remembered talking to lots of celebrities and music producers. I even remembered talking to the attractive hunk that was Johnny Storm. But, everything after that was a blank.

An introduction is in order. My name is Cassidy Grosset. I just turned twenty one and just released a CD called `Plucking A Heartstring'. And, before you even think it, no, I'm not one of those bubblegum pop stars. I write my own lyrics, arrange and play my own music and, for a while, managed myself. I got discovered playing at a restaurant I was working at and boom. In about six months, I went from living in a crappy apartment in Bumfuck, Nowhere and being a struggling artist to having a nice loft in New York City and being known nationwide. Hell, I couldn't even walk onto the street without being recognized.

Not that I necessarily enjoyed that. I mean, fame is nice, yes. But, that's not what it's all about. I just want my music to be heard. Just because I succeeded in being heard doesn't mean I'm better than anyone else. I know there are people out there that have better lyrics than me or can play guitar better than me. But, to me, it's just about being heard. And, I suppose that's why I'm writing this.

When I woke up, I knew that I wasn't at home. First off, my room is red and has somewhat of an Asiatic theme to it. My bed is a dark mahogany four post. I only say that because it was custom made and kinda one of a kind. This room was light with tan wallpaper and a cheery feel about it. The first thing I noticed was a framed picture of a flower vase, something I would never have hanging up in my room. Second thing I noticed, it was morning. That meant that, wherever I was, I had been there all night. And, that was no good. Third and final thing I noticed, there was a body wrapped around me.

I quickly flipped over and found out who I was in bed with. "Holy fuck!" I screamed, falling out of the bed in the process. A head popped out from the side of the bed, glancing down at me. "Good morning to you, too," he chirped, smiling pleasantly. I clutched my head, trying to decide if the pounding was from my collision with the floor or my hangover. I detangled myself from the sheets, then realized that I was naked and quickly snatched them up. "Oh, I recognize that sheet grab," the man in the bed grinned. "I'm assuming that you were too drunk to remember what went on here, right?"

"Whatever happened was a mistake," I replied, looking around the room for my clothes. Johnny caught my glances. "They're in the main room," he said, obviously amused with himself. "They didn't make it to the bed,"

"Thanks," I sneered, somewhat annoyed. The bright sunlight was bothering my eyes and this idiot was irking me very badly. I mean... this hunky, muscular, bright-eyed, gorgeous... what the hell am I saying? He was pissing me off. I brushed my light brown hair out of my eyes and behind my ear, dragging the silk sheets along with me. I heard the motorbike star hop out of bed behind me, but I paid him no mind. I found my after-party outfit strewn across the entire room. The shirt was on the couch, the pants were on the television, one shoe was on the coffee table and so on. I couldn't, however, find my underwear.

"Looking for these?"

I whipped around to see Johnny standing in the doorframe, stark naked, with my boxer briefs dangling from his finger. I flew across the room, blushing, and reached for them. Johnny, being a good three inches taller than me, held them out of my reach, smiling. "Now, now. Let's not be rude," he chuckled. "How about... you kiss me like you did last night and I'll give them to you?"

"How about you go suck a dick?"

"If I could, I just might," he replied. "But, that's more your thing, isn't it?"

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm normally a very nice, very calm and very composed person. Not the kind of person to wake up next to someone they had just met. It kind of made me snippy. And, the fact that Johnny was acting like we had known each other for years was also rubbing me the wrong way.

"Look, you fucking asshole. I don't know what we did last night, but I guarantee you that it was only because of the alcohol," I shot back. "I don't know you, nor do I particularly care to. You're an egotistical, manipulating dumb jock and if I never see you again, it will be too soon. Keep the fucking drawers if they mean that much to you."

I slid into my pants and shoes, not bothering to put a shirt on. If we were in a hotel, which I knew we were, I'd have plenty of time to dress before anyone saw me. "Cass!" Johnny called. I ignored him as I barged out into the hallway. "Cassidy!" I was halfway down the hall when he caught up to me, wearing my underwear. I gawked down at his muscular thighs clad in briefs that were probably two sizes two small. "What the fuck are you doing wearing my underwear?" I screeched.

"You said I could have them!" he replied, chuckling. "Besides, I only put them on so I could come out here and get you to come back,"

"Why? So you could fuck me again?"

His mouth cracked into a grin. "You do remember!"

I groaned and shoved him away, continuing on my rampage down the hall. I pulled out my cell phone and began to dial for someone to pick me up. "Cassidy! Don't be snippy! I was just as drunk as you were!" Johnny called. I swung around, gritting my teeth. "Do you realize what this could do to my career?!?" I yelled. "What do you think will happen when people find out that I got shit faced and slept with Johnny Storm, Dirtbike Manwhore?"

"Is that really what the call me?" he laughed, strutting up to me. I rolled my eyes and began to turn away, but he grabbed me by my wrist. He turned me around and quickly pressed his lips to mine. I struggled, not wanting to be in public doing this, but eventually gave in. Johnny was simply too strong and too sexy to resist. When he finally backed off, my fury was gone. "Come back inside?" he asked quietly. I looked at his chiseled features for a second before I pulled my fist back and socked him right in the jaw.

"Fuck. You."

Johnny held his jaw, still smiling. "Is this about you not being out?"

"No, this is about you being a fucking prick and taking advantage of me," I shot back, pressing the button for the elevator. "And, I swear to god, Johnny Storm, if you tell a soul, I will make sure you never hop in another space shuttle again,"

The doors dinged open and I hopped inside, pulling my shirt over my head. Johnny stood and watched until the doors cut him off. I placed my head in my hands, not believing what I had done. I mean, sleeping with Astro Boy, the biggest whore around? Honestly, Cassidy, what were you thinking? Once in the lobby, I pulled out my cell and dialed, hoping to reach my manager. No luck. I tried her assistant. No luck. I called my usual chauffeur, but then remembered he was on vacation. Fuck. I refused to call a taxi in the city as the drive to Upper Manhattan would take forever and a day. Subway was out. And, I sure as hell wasn't walking. I began to realize that maybe I had no alternative...

I found myself back upstairs, knocking on Johnny's door. He opened it, smiling from ear to ear. "You couldn't resist coming back, could you?"

"I didn't have a choice," I replied. "I can't get home,"

"Well, then come on in," he said. "Make yourself comfortable. Kick off your shoes. Order some room service. Maybe take a hot shower with yours truly."

"Don't push it,"

"I'm not pushing it..." he replied. "Yet."

"Johnny Storm!"

"I'm just saying that you and I had relations last night and we're both a little rank and a shower would solve that problem!" he yelled, halfway laughing. "And, since there is a worldwide water crisis, we might as well take a shower together,"

I paused. "That is the lamest thing I've ever heard."

Johnny nodded. "Yeah, it's one of my less successful lines. But, that shouldn't stop you from joining me,"

There was a long silence before I replied. "As long as you don't try anything funny,"

He gasped melodramatically. "Me? I would never,"

Not necessarily knowing why I had chosen to, I followed Johnny into the grand bathroom, stripping as he turned on the water. "I hope you don't mind, but I like my showers hot," he said over his shoulder. I saw his eyes drop to my ass in the mirror. "Not at all,"

Johnny shucked off my baby blue boxer briefs and stepped into the steaming shower. I couldn't help but marvel at his body. I mean, everyone knows that Johnny is a playboy and effectively so. He was walking muscle, something that a lot of people seemed to like. Such as myself. Well, let me take that back. I wasn't sure if I was attracted to Johnny. Sure, I had slept with him, but I didn't know if that meant anything other than he was good at seducing drunk people.

"Are you coming in or are you going to stand there all day?"

I snapped out of my trance and slid into the shower, standing dangerously close to the Adonis in front of me. I felt him shift, so I put my hand on his chest. "No funny business," I repeated. Johnny rolled his eyes. "I'm reaching for the soap. Not you,"

I blushed as he maneuvered around me, brushing against me ever so slightly. Johnny held out the shower gel, pouring some into my hand and then doing the same himself. As we lathered individually, I began to pay attention to our surroundings. The shower was large enough for four or five people, but Johnny and I were basically on top of each other. He had his back to me, giving me plenty of time to stare at his perfectly shaped ass.

"Would you like to assist?"

I looked up. "Sorry?"

"I can't exactly reach my entire back," he elaborated. "Would you mind?"

I began to warn him again, but stopped myself, hearing the sincere tone in Johnny's voice. "Of course not,"

I added more soap before placing my hands on Johnny's smooth back. He sighed at my touch, letting his head fall to one side. My fingers brushed over his lat muscles, then moved down between his shoulder blades and into the crevice of his spine. I washed him in silence, not sure if speaking was necessary. Of course, one can only wash for so long before it turns into more of a massage. I ran my hands over Johnny's back for about ten minutes before he turned around, smiling. "Your turn,"

I didn't object, but turned and allowed him to soap me up just as I had done him. My head lolled forward as I lost myself in the feelings of euphoria. The combination of hot water and Johnny's caressing hands made me relax. I was so relaxed, in fact, that I didn't even notice Johnny getting closer and closer to me. However, when his manhood came in contact with my ass, I opened my eyes. "Johnny..."

He shushed me, but not abrasively. I obeyed, saying nothing. Johnny's hands moved from my back down to my waist and around to my stomach, almost slithering. At the same time, he leaned into me until his entire torso was touching mine. I could feel his breath on my shoulder as he hovered over me. Unconsciously, I leaned my head the other way, allowing him to proceed. Johnny took the opportunity and moved in, kissing my skin tenderly. I inhaled sharply, clasping his hands in mine.

Johnny's kisses moved from my shoulder to my neck and up to my jaw. Unable to fight the temptation, I turned my head so the next kiss met my lips. I could feel Johnny smile, despite our lip lock. When I felt his tongue prying for access, I gladly allowed. Now, I know what you're thinking. Yes, fifteen minutes prior I had punched him in his face and told him to fuck off. But, you try resisting him.

Needless to say, the situation was causing a little excitement in our respective nether regions. Johnny's erection was trapped between our bodies, but mine was free and raging. Without even looking, Johnny's hand slid down my stomach and wrapped delicately around my cock. I moaned in our kiss, jumping at the sensation.

"Johnny Storm!"

My head snapped up, causing me to bang noses with the equally surprised Johnny. I just barely stifled a grunt of pain, seeing as I wasn't sure who this person was. "Sue?"

I could see the blurry figure outside of the shower glass. She had her hands on her hips, obviously annoyed. "Why didn't you meet me for lunch today, like we planned?"

Johnny glanced at me. "Um, something came up,"

"You could have called, you know," the mystery woman replied. "Cole wasn't very happy,"

Johnny's cool disposition flew out the window. "Cole? What do you mean?"

Sue sighed. "I flew him in as a surprise and brought him to lunch,"

"Is he here?" Johnny asked quickly. "In the hotel?"

"No, he's with Richard and Ben,"

Johnny let out a sigh of relief, but it didn't last long. "Is there someone in there with you?"

"No!" he basically yelled. "Look, Sue. I'll meet you downstairs in about half an hour, okay?"

"I guess." She sounded suspicious and rightfully so, but left us alone. I turned to Johnny, scanning his face for clues. "Who's Cole?"


"Johnny, who is Cole?"

He pursed his lips. "My boyfriend,"


Well, that's part one! I'm still working on Part 2, so if you have any suggestions, get them to me!

Next: Chapter 2

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