Caught My College Roommate

By Randy Peters

Published on Jan 21, 2016


As of January 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between two adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Please read the previous parts if you haven't already! :)

Caught My College Roommate (Part 9)

Kevin grabbed some shower stuff and threw it into his gym bag. He also grabbed a couple water bottles he had on his desk, some small towels, and a combo lock. "Alright, I think I have everything. Let's get out of here."

I was really nervous. Excited, but nervous. I was going to the gym for the first time, and I was going with someone who practically spent his life there. At least, compared to me. I guess it was better than going with someone else that had no experience, but it was intimidating to have Kevin, who was already fit and had pretty much reached his goals, showing me, a beginner, what to do.

As we walked, I heard him talking to me, and I nodded and pretended to listen, but I was too busy starting at his body in the fitting workout clothes. I was going to have trouble doing the exercises, too, but I'd imagine Kevin would have ways of getting me to focus and actually work at it. I was excited to see what those would be, and my cock was showing it. I looked down and noticed it bulging out a bit in my shorts and it made me blush. Kevin must have noticed that, and he looked down too.

"Hey, he's not the one we're trying to get worked up, here! We're trying to get the rest of your muscles to grow!" He chuckled and I chuckled back, still blushing. "I think this is it up here. Are you ready?"

"Honestly... no, but you're going to make me do it anyway."

"Yep! You asked me to help you get into shape, so I will! Let's go, roomie!"

I smiled and followed him into the gym. It was bright and shiny with rows of machines filling the floor. It was really intimidating, but I had a trusty guide who would help me wade through the terror and find my way. We showed our ID cards and went in.

"There are so many things... how do you decide what to do?"

"It's all about targeting. Every exercise deals with a specific muscle group so you just need to decide what group you want to work on and tailor your routine to that. Sometimes they make sense to do together, sometimes you just need to do what you have time for, and sometimes you're feeling pumped and do a little bit of everything. Or a lot of everything!"

"Wow... alright. Where do we start?"

"I think, first, we should just go through the exercises you'll be most likely to use. There are some basics that are good for everyone, so I'll just take you around and we'll take care of those first. Then, if there's anything you really want to focus on, we'll add a few more."

"I just want muscles like yours."

"Haha, fair enough. It'll take a long time to get you to this stage, remember I've been doing this for years and you're just getting started. And when I say you'll have to work hard, I really mean it. I didn't get looking like this by half-assing it."

"Yeah, I understand. You'll help me."

"Yep! Alright, we'll start with arms. Come on over here."

I followed Kevin to the side of the gym away from the entrance. When we got there I stood in shock at the sight before me, a long row of all kinds of weights, all the way from 5 pounds to well over 100. "That's a lot..."

"Hey, don't get freaked out. I know there's a lot of stuff here, but you have to keep in mind there are all kinds of people who go here, guys who are just starting out, like you, guys who have been keeping fit for a while, like me, and the fanatics who really want to bulk up and be massive walls of muscle. Obviously neither of us wants to be like that."

"No way! First, that's gross, and second, it would take all day every day!"

"Yeah, pretty much. Now, come on, I want to show you the basics. First, for your biceps. You have your basic curls. We'll use light weights just so you can get a feel for the exercises." He grabbed a couple of the 5 pound weights and handed them to me. "You can either do this one arm at a time, or both arms together, but since you're just starting it's best to do one until you're used to it." He grabbed a heavier one, 40 pounds, for himself. I was more nervous now. "Watch me and do what I do."

I watched Kevin as he lifted the weight up, and my eyes instantly moved to his bulging bicep. It swelled almost as big as his fist when he lifted the weight. After a few lifts he waved his other hand in front of me. "Hey, are you paying attention?"

"Oh, sorry. I just..."

"Yeah, I know. You can't keep your eyes off my sexy body." He chuckled and I blushed. "You can see it whenever you want! Right now you need to focus on the exercising! I know, if you don't focus now, I'll walk around fully clothed for a week!"

That snapped me out of it. He demonstrated again and I watched carefully and started replicating his movements. My arms didn't get nearly as big, but I could feel them flexing a little and I knew I was following his motions. "Is this good?"

"Yeah, that's it. Arms are probably the easiest thing to do. Here, there are a couple other things we can do." He walked over to an inclined bench and put his shoulder over it with his arm straight down. He pulled his arm up, similar to how he was doing it standing up, but he let his arm go down all the way instead of sticking it straight forward. "This just adds a little more motion to the curl. Give it a try."

I leaned over the bench like he did and pulled my arm up. It felt a little more intense than the first kind. "This is a little harder."

"Yeah, but just a little. It's a good one to do if you're feeling more energized or if you just want to do more arm workouts. There's one more." He put the dumbbell down and went to the corner and grabbed a long barbell. "This is one you can do for both arms at once, it's a little easier than having two separate dumbbells in your hands." He curled the same way as with the dumbbell, but with both arms instead of just one. "Grab the one at the top and give it a try."

I took the one on the top - the lightest one, 20 pounds - and followed Kevin. Both of my arms flexed and since it was heavier than the single weight they pumped up a little more. I smiled at Kevin and he smiled back. "This feels good!"

"Why do you think I've been doing it for so long?" He smiled at me and put his barbell down, came over, and rubbed my back. "Now wait until you really get into it. You'll feel great!"

I smiled as he rubbed my back, then I looked down and my shorts were sticking straight out. "You'd better stop touching me until we're done, roomie!"

"That might be hard with some of these exercises! You won't be used to them and you may need a steady hand to keep you from toppling over and knocking yourself out! But I'll keep the touching to a minimum so we can keep him mostly under control!"

I blushed, lowered my arms and looked at him. "What's next?"

"Let's stay over here and do a few chest exercises. Let me take that and you can lie down on this bench."

I slid onto the bench and looked up at the ceiling. "This is weird."

"You'll get used to it. Now lift your arms up straight." I raised them and held them open. "I'm going to put the barbell in them, all you need to do is lower it toward your chest then raise it again. Alright?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

He placed the barbell in my hands and I pulled it down to my chest and pushed it up again. "Is this right?"

"Close, let me help you steady it a little." He guided the barbell straight down and back up. "See, you need to keep it straight so you can work with the supporting muscles. Otherwise you'll be wobbly every time you try to do it."

"Got it. I'll get that over time, right?"

"As long as you focus on the form, yeah. I'll show you one more." He took the barbell and put it back, then handed me the light dumbbells and grabbed a couple heavier ones for himself. "Watch me first, then you try it." He got on the bench, held the dumbbells to his sides, then lifted them straight over his body. He held them there for a second then put them back down. He repeated it a few times so I could watch, then he put the dumbbells down on the ground. "Did you see that alright?"

"Yeah, I did. Let me try." I got back on the bench and held the weights out like he did. My arms wobbled as I pulled them together, so on the next one I focused and worked at keeping them straight.

"There you go, just like that! Make sure they're straight and they line up." He guided them a little bit to make sure I was getting the form right. "Yeah, that's good. Keep that up and you'll be there in no time!"

"Haha... you really think so?"

"Well, everyone builds muscle differently, but you are already kinda fit so it shouldn't take you quite so long to start seeing a difference. Since you'll be packing it on rather than trying to lose weight at the same time, you'll see everything get bigger sooner."

"Oh, ok. I guess that makes sense." I got up and put the dumbbells down. "What else is there?"

Kevin racked his weight as well, and he pointed to some of the machines. "We can go through a few machines next, then I think we'll call it a day. We can plan a real workout for another time, we don't want to get too exhausted for your first time out, and we don't want to go too long so we can get back to the room to meet Hank."

"Yeah, you're right. Alright, let's go." We walked over to a big machine with a bunch of pulleys and weight stacks and a bar hanging down on one side. It was pretty intimidating, but Kevin seemed really comfortable with it.

"This thing can let you do a bunch of different exercises, but we'll focus on a few specific ones. First, the pulldown. This will help with your back." He set the weight up and sat down, then grabbed the bar and pulled it down to his chest. I watched him do it a few times then he lowered the weight and got up. "You give it a try. Just keep your back straight and lean out a little."

I sat down, grabbed the bar, leaned back and pulled. I felt the muscles in my back pulling as I drew the bar closer. "Wow, I've never felt those muscles do anything before! At least, not like this."

"You'll probably come across quite a bit of that! It happens when you start working out and you activate muscles you didn't know you had, or use them in a different way. You'll get used to it, and eventually no muscle will feel weird when something happens."

"Ok, cool." I let the bar go up and released it when it was at the top. "That seems easy enough."

"Here, on the other side, we can use this rope for your triceps." He adjusted the weight and started pulling down on the rope, and I saw the backs of his arms bulge out as it reached the bottom. "You'll do this and the curls on the same day to work all of your arms. Go ahead and try." He ajdusted the weight down and handed me the rope.

I pulled on it and struggled a little, and my arms looked weird as I was doing it. "This isn't right, is it."

"No, here, let me help." He stood behind me and grabbed my forearms. "Start pulling, and I'll guide you." I pulled on the rope and he moved my forearms straight down while keeping the tops tight against my sides. "Your forearms and hands should be the only things moving, everything else should stay still, like this."

"Oh, I get it. Let me try." He let go and I moved just my forearms and I felt my triceps working. "That feels different!"

"Yeah, I see it working now. Great!" He smiled at me and I lost focus for a second and the rope slipped out of my hands, and I fell back as the weights slammed down on the machine. "Woah!"

Kevin jumped behind me and caught me before I fell. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Y...yeah, I'm fine. Whoops!"

"You have to be careful, you don't want to lose focus while you're working with weights. Especially the free ones. The machines have some safeguards to make it easier to work out without getting hurt, but even they aren't foolproof."

I put my head down and sighed. "Focus. Right. This is going to be hard."

He rubbed my back and looked into my eyes. "You're just learning, so it's not unusual to think you'll never get it. You will. I started out just like you, believe it or not. I was a little clumsy and didn't really get comfortable for a while. I didn't have a person to step me through things, though, so at least you have that going for you."

"Yeah, thanks again for this. I really do appreciate it. And I promise I'll work at it and get better and focus!"

"That's what I want to hear!" He guided me over to another machine. It had a big plate in front of a seat. "This one is for your legs. You just sit down and push the plate out with your feet. Here, watch me." He sat, adjusted the weight, threw his feet up on the plate, and held handles on the sides. Then he pushed the plate out and I saw his legs ripple and bulge as he extended them. He pulled his legs back into his chest, breathing heavily, then repeated it a few times. "Like that!" He jumped down and lowered the weight for me. "Go on, give it a shot."

I sat down and awkwardly got my legs up against the plate. "Your feet weren't straight, right?"

"No, here." He positioned my feet a little angled out to each side. "Like this, with the toes out and the heels closer. Yeah, that's good. Now push."

I pushed the plate out as I held the handles, and I felt myself slipping. "This is hard to stay in place!" I gripped tighter and pushed my back against the seat and pushed the plate out again. "Oh, I think I got it!"

"Yeah, that's better! Keep that up!" I pushed a few more times and he rubbed my shoulder. "Ok, that's enough. Get out of there." I happily obliged.

"Phew, that's a hard one."

"Yeah, it can take some getting used to. But you'll be surprised how quickly you'll move up with it and how much weight you'll be able to use eventually!"

"Let's stick to beginner stuff first. I don't want to get ahead of myself."

"Of course. Alright, I think one more and then we'll finish. I have a couple more things I can show you, but we don't need weights so I'll do them in the room with you." He walked over to this machine with handles above a seat. "This will work on your shoulders." He sat down and pushed the handles straight up then back down. It looked easy for him, but then again, all of this looked easy for him. I had a feeling he wasn't pushing himself because he was just trying to show me how to do everything, so that probably had something to do with it. "Now you try." He lowered the weight and I sat down.

I pushed up a few times and looked at him. "This seems easy."

"Here, let me raise the weight a little, and you'll see." He raised the weight a few notches. "Try now."

I pushed up and started breathing heavily, and after only a few tries I started to feel my muscles shake. I saw Kevin's hand move under the handle and he helped me guide it down, and I let my arms fall to the side. "Ahh, that was hard!"

"See, even changing the weight a little can make it a lot tougher. I'm trying to show you how to do the exercise first, then I'll push you to do as much as you can handle. Are you going to complain it's too easy next time?"

"No, I won't." I frowned at him.

"Well, it won't matter. I'll be able to tell if you're able to handle it or if you need to work harder. You'd better not try to fake it!"

"I won't. I promise! I want to do this and I need your help!"

"That's what I want to hear." He smiled and motioned for me to get up. "That's enough for now, we need to get back and get changed. We should probably rinse off, too." Kevin grabbed his stuff and we headed out. "You should get your own gym bag and lock in case you ever come by yourself. I mean, you probably won't need much, just enough to keep your valuable stuff in a locker, or to keep your other clothes if you need to change into your gear here."

"Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. I don't want to go without you for a while, though."

"You can come and do cardio, at least. It's better than nothing, and it's all stuff you'd need to do by yourself anyway."

"Good point. We'll go out looking later. Maybe tonight, or just another day."

We walked back and talked a little about what we would work on next time we went to the gym. We figured it was most important to work my legs, chest and back, and we'd work on everything else when I needed a break from those. He made it sound pretty easy, but I was still a little nervous about the whole thing. I was sure once I went a few times and got into it I'd be fine, but for now I was just my paranoid self worrying about something that probably didn't need worrying. We finally got back to the dorm and headed up to our room, and we checked the time.

Kevin looked at his laptop and sighed. "Man, it's 1:30 already. Where did the time go?"

"I guess we were too busy having fun, weren't we? I know I was! Ow!" I moved my arm and felt a twinge of soreness. "I was, at least. Not so much now."

Kevin came over and felt my arm and shoulder. "I think I might have made you push too hard with that last exercise. Here, let's get in the shower. The warm water will help." He stripped and headed out to the shower, turned it on, and let it warm up.

I slipped my clothes off and walked down the hall to join him. I reached into the shower and felt it. "I think that feels alright."

"Do you think you can handle it a little warmer? The hotter we can make it, the better for your muscles."

I turned the handle a little more and reached my hand in. "Ahh... it's a little warm, but I think I'll be ok."

"Alright. I'll get in first." Kevin stepped in and I watched as the stream of water flowed over his body. It slid down his back and swept through his crack, eventually getting all the way down and covering him completely. He turned around and I saw his chest and stomach glisten, and the water flowed down from his partially hard cock. "Are you going to join me, or just keep staring?"

"Uh, sorry. You're just so hot!" I walked into the shower andhe stepped back to let me under the shower. I gasped as the hot water covered my body, but as I adjusted it felt really good on my sore muscles. "Wow, that's great."

"Here, let me help you a little more." I felt Kevin's strong hands gripping my shoulders, and he started to massage them, gently at first, then a little more forcefully. I started to moan and relaxed my body just enough for him to massage my muscles more easily while still keeping my body upright.

"Oh, wow... That feels so much better!" He started to knead my back a little, then reached his hands forward and rubbed just above my chest. It felt so good that I gasped again. Then he moved his hands back up to the top of my shoulders and worked his way down my arms, carefully rubbing the back to get my triceps, then moving to the front to rub my biceps. "Yes, please, don't stop!" He repeated the process on each of my muscles once more, making sure to get every bit of my shoulders and arms, then he wrapped his arms around me and sweetly kissed my neck.

"How is that, Josh?"

"Man, it feels so much better... I'm still a little sore, but you were right. Between the warm water and your amazing massage skills, I'm alright now."

"Glad I could help! Now, come on, let's..."

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! Someone was knocking at the door.

"Uh, Kevin... did we..."

CLICK! "Oh, hey, it's unlocked. Guys? It's Hank!"

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Next: Chapter 10

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