Cave-In at the Hwy 63 Tunnel

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 7, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Cave-in at the Hwy 63 Tunnel Part Three By Chris

Lacey started to cry in earnest and she cried for the rest of the day. She was already missing Brook so much. She knew that she had fallen hard for this young lady, harder than she had ever fallen for any of her other girlfriends. This was the real one. The next day she spent with her friend Melanie, playing with her kids and just talking it out with her. When she got home she felt better but not to much better.

She called up one of her fellow teachers who had gotten a part time job with the school system teaching GED classes a couple of nights a week. There was another opening, so she had the teacher put in a good word for her. Within the week, she was teaching the class a couple of nights a week. This gave her some spending money and also kept her mind busy. During the day, she worked on her house. There was always something to be repaired or painted, not to mention the yard work.

About two weeks after Brook had left; Lacey was awakened by her cell phone at two in the morning. She fumbled around until she found it on her nightstand.

"Hello." Lacey said into the phone.

"Guess who," was the cheerful response.

"Let me see, could it be my baby!" Lacey inquired.

"Yes, have you missed me?" Brook asked.

"You know I have. Where are you?"

"Would you believe Rome, Italy?" Brook said.

"Oh god, I'd love to go there one day." Lacey squealed. "I have always dreamed of seeing all the history there."

"I wish you were here with me now and not mother, I think we have hit every shopping place in the city." Brook said.

"Well, maybe one day we can go back. How did you get away from your mom to call?" Lacey asked.

"She and my father had to go to a dinner and I begged out. I told them I wasn't feeling well and wanted to rest. So I got to stay in the motel

suite. As soon as they were out the door, I called. Did I wake you up?"

"Yea, but it's cool. I can sleep late tomorrow; now all I want to do is to talk to you." Lacey said as she propped herself up with pillows.

"Me too, I'm not sure when I can call again, what I thought was going to be a short trip has turned out to be a around the world trip. My father has plan stops all along the way to see if he can drum up more business. His

company has made inroads into Europe and now he was Asia too. But let's forget about that; tell me what you have been doing." Brook said.

Lacey told her about her part time job and how she was working on the house. Then Lacey made Brook tell her all about her trip so far. Brook said that it was enjoyable for the most part and she and her parents had reconnected a little bit, so that was good. But she was also mentioning how much she enjoyed staying with Lacey for that week. Brook said that she intended to come there to live when the trip was over. Lacey cautioned her to play it cool but she also knew that in this case Brook wasn't going to listen to anything that she had to say about the matter. She was determined to do it her way and Lacey just had to hope that it worked out okay. Brook also told her that she was sending packages to her house but that she couldn't open them until Brook got there. Lacey told her not to get her anything and to that Brook replied that not all of it was for her. They talked for about three hours, then Brook's parents came back and Brook had to say her goodbyes quickly and get into bed.

It was another week before Lacey was awakened from her sleep by the phone. Brook was in Japan and she told Lacey that there would be a big package delivered to her soon. This one she could open as the people delivering it would be setting it up also. Lacey, of course, inquired as to what it was but she got no answer. This conversation didn't last as long but it was nice talking to her baby again. Lacey got to talk to Brook a couple of more time before the package arrived from Japan and it wasn't just a package, it was several. It was a new stereo system and a wide screen TV. There was also a note attached that the delivery people gave to her.


Before you get your panties in a wad and I know that you will, the TV and stereo are also for me. Remember I plan on living there too and I like to watch movies on a big screen. So relax and enjoy the TV and stereo until I get back, then you will have to fight me over the controls.

Lave ya,


Lacey smiled as she read the letter, Brook knew her for sure, but that wouldn't stop her from chewing on her rear when she got the chance. Brook went on to Australia after Japan and then from there she was supposed to be coming home. Lacey was getting anxious for Brook to return home but which home would she be going to, her parents or here with her. That was the question that she needed an answer to and so far Brook hadn't said where she would be staying. Lacey knew where Brook wanted to go but would she be allowed to.

As the days leading up to when Brook was to return, Lacey found it hard to concentrate on anything. All she could think of was Brook and she had stopped calling. She wanted to call her but decided to wait a few more days. The day that Brook was suppose to arrive back home, Lacey expected a call but she got none. The next day came and went but still no call came from her baby. On the third day, Lacey couldn't stand it anymore, she had to call.

"Hey girl, I can't talk right now, I'll talk to you later, bye." Brook said and she hung up before Lacey could utter a single word.

This hurt Lacey at first as she just wanted to talk to her baby, but as she thought about it she began to get pissed off. She knew that Brook was young but still she didn't need to talk to her that way. The more she thought about it the more she got pissed off. She knew that Brook might have been with her mother or father when she called but that didn't explain why she didn't call for three days after she got home. Lacey went about cleaning her

house as she got more and more pissed off. She was about to the point of crying when she heard the doorbell. Lacey really didn't want to talk to anyone but she threw the cleaning rag she was using down on the bathroom counter and went to the door. She didn't bother to straighten her hair or check how she was looking as she opened the door. When the door was opened, she found that she was looking at a smiling Brook.

"I told you that I would talk to you later." Brook said as she rushed into Lacey's arms, kissing her lips and face.

Lacey felt all the anger that she was feeling go away as Brook kissed her in the doorway. Lacey wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her tightly. She held her as tight as she could, not wanting to let Brook go ever again. Slowly Brook stopped kissing her and she whispered into Lacey's ear, "I can't breathe."

"Oh god baby, I'm sorry." Lacey said as she released her.

"That's okay; it felt nice to be held that tight. I know you really missed me now." Brook said.

"Oh you know I did baby." Lacey said, "Come on in, and you can tell me about your trip. How long can you stay? When do you need to go back? How did it go with your parents?"

"Hey one question at a time." Brook said as she took Lacey's hand and walked into the house.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I have been waiting for days for you to call and I was getting worried. I was afraid that I wouldn't ever see you again."

Lacey told her.

"I know but I had to work some things out and I knew that you wouldn't let me do what I knew I had to do. So I couldn't risk calling you. I dying of thirst so let me get something to drink and we'll go out on the patio and talk. I will tell you everything and I think that all your questions will be answered." Brook told her.

Lacey took her into the kitchen and she poured them both some ice tea and she took Brook out to the patio. They sat down on the bench that sat under the big oak tree. The shade and the slight breeze made it very comfortable. Lacey watched as Brook sipped her tea and composed her thoughts. Lacey was beginning to get anxious as to what Brook had to say when Brook took a deep breath and then she started to tell Lacey her story.

"I guess the best place to start is at the end of the trip. When we got home, I knew that I had to do something. My parents had talked during the whole trip about what they wanted me to study at the university and what I would do once I finished school. I let them do the talking but I knew that I

had to find my own way in this world. When the trip ended and we were home, I knew that the time had come. I had to speak my peace before they both went off again. The next morning after we had breakfast, I told them that I had something to talk to them about. We all sat down and they were on the couch in front of me. I had my speech all planned out but as I looked

at them, I forgot everything I was going to say so I blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. I told them that I was a lesbian and that I was in love with you." Brook said and then she paused.

"Oh shit, you didn't, did you?" Lacey said as her hand went to her mouth and she could see her career going down the tubes.

"Yep, afraid so," Brook said.

"I'm afraid to ask what happened next." Lacey said.

'I think World War III would be the best way to describe what happened then. They both started cussing and threatened to have you thrown into jail. I stopped that but then they told me that I would never leave the house again. They would keep me there until I turned twenty one or some such nonsense. We hollered at each other for the rest of the day. I kept telling them that I had my own life to live and they had never cared about me before so why were they trying to start now. They tried to say that they had been good parents to me but then I pointed out that they were never home so how could they say that they were good parents. They never came to any of the school functions at my school, they sent someone to video tape them and I dared them to say that they had watched any of the videos. This went on for two days. We would fight and cuss, with neither

of us giving an inch. Finally this morning I sat them down and started over. I got them calm and then I tried again. I told them that while I wasn't a legal adult yet, I wanted to try life on my own. I told them that you were a good person and that you would look out for me. You wouldn't let anything bad happen. They could visit me anytime they wanted but that I was moving here to live with you. I wanted a place where I could come home to and that there

would be someone waiting there that truly loved me, someone that wanted me there, someone that wouldn't always be on some damn trip. I think that was what got to them as they knew that they were always gone. That was their life but it wasn't mine. I told them again that I wanted to live with you and that I was going upstairs to pack what things that I needed and then I was going to leave. I got up and I swear my legs were shaking. As I left the

room, I heard them talking. When I got to my bedroom, I was so scared I didn't know what to do. I got a suitcase and put some panties and bras in it

and I shut it up. I looked at my closet and saw all the clothes and decided that they were part of my old life and not my new one. I turned and picked up my suitcase and left my bedroom. When I got downstairs, I found my mother and father at the front door. I didn't know if they were blocking it or what but I kept walking toward it. My heart was in my throat by this time

and I thought that I was going to piss my panties right then and there. But as I got to them, my mother head out her arms and I put my suitcase down and we hugged. I then hugged my father and I walked out of the house. When I got here and the cops weren't surrounding the house I knew that we were safe."

"Shit, you got balls girl." Was all Lacey could think to say.

"No, I got a pussy and it's all yours. Like I told my mother and father, you would take care of me, so here I am, yours to do as you please." Brook said as she put down her tea and slid over to Lacey who pulled her into her lap. Lacey wrapped her arms around her and held her tight as she began to rock her. She looked down at Brook's face and she saw the tears begin to flow and then the sobs came.

"Cry it out baby, let it out. You've had a hard few days. I'm here for you and I'm never letting you go." Lacey said as she kissed Brook forehand and then face. Finally her lips found Brook's lips and they kissed. It was a

kiss that lingered on and on.

"Oh god, I'm so tired, so fucking tired." Brook said in barely a whisper as she hid her head into Lacey's breasts.

"How long has it been since you've had a good night's sleep?" Lacey asked her.

"I don't know. I couldn't sleep while I was fighting with my parents or the days before that as I was planning on how to tell them about us." Brook whispered.

"Let's get you to bed, you need to sleep." Lacey said as she eased Brook off her lap and then she got up. She helped Brook up and she half carried and half walked Brook to their bedroom. She stood Brook up and slowly stripped her of her clothes. She then pulled the covers down and helped a suddenly exhausted Brook into bed. Lacey then stripped and climbed in beside of her.

"Make love to me." Brook told her.

"I will baby, over and over again." Lacey said as she guided Brook's

mouth to her right nipple. She felt Brook begin to suckle as she ran her fingers through her hair. The sucking was hard at first but then it eased to

a gentle suck and Lacey knew that Brook was asleep. Lacey laid there and caressed Brook's body as she slept. She started to cry as she thought about all the stress and strain that Brook had been under and she vowed to take care of her baby forever. Lacey slept for about two hours herself as she hadn't been sleeping all that well. When she woke, she eased Brook off her nipple and after making sure that Brook was still sleeping, she slipped off the bed.

She went out to Brook's car and got her suitcase and brought in inside and on into the bedroom. She quietly put Brook's panties and bras and she had a bunch of both, into an empty drawer. She stayed and watched Brook sleep for a few minutes before leaving. She checked on Brook every once in a

while as the afternoon turned into evening. She wasn't sure whether to wake her and get her to eat something or let her sleep. She finally decided to let her sleep for as long as she needed. Then about the time that Lacey was going to go to bed, she heard the toilet flush. A few moments later Brook appeared in the kitchen door. She was still as naked as the day she was born

and her hair was going everywhere but she looked beautiful to Lacey.

"Take a seat baby and let me get you something to eat." Lacey said as she went to her and gave her a light kiss.

"Why did you let me sleep all day?" Brook asked as she let Lacey guide her to a chair at the table.

"Because you needed the sleep baby, you told your mother that I would take care of you and I plan on doing just that." Lacey said as she went to the fridge. "Now what do you want to eat? I'm going to feed you something so tell me what you want."

"A fried cheese sandwich would be nice if it's not too much trouble." Brook said.

"Ah, my specialty, a fried cheese sandwich is coming up." Lacey said as she got the cheese and butter out and also some milk. She poured them both a glass of milk and then she put a pan on the stove.

"I think I'll have one myself." Lacey said even though she wasn't really hungry but she hated to eat alone and she didn't want Brook to do that either.

"So how do you feel?" Lacey asked as she started to fry the sandwiches.

"Tired, I slept all day and I'm still tired." Brook said and Lacey saw that there was a worried look on her face as if she was afraid that she sick

or something.

"Baby, you have been through hell for the past few days and add to that little if any sleep and that would wear anyone out. I bet by morning, you will be feeling a lot better. Lacey said as she came over and gave Brook a kiss on the top of her head. This brought a smile to Brook's face. Lacey then made idle chatter as she finished up the sandwiches. She put Brook's sandwich in front of her and Brook looked at the sandwich and looked like she wasn't going to eat.

"Eat up baby, it'll hurt my feelings if you don't eat any of the sandwich after all the work I put into it." Lacey said and then she laughed a little.

This caused Brook to giggle a bit.

"Well, if you put it that way." Brook said and she picked up the sandwich. She took a bite and smiled. Then she almost inhaled the sandwich as Lacey only had taken a bite or two when she saw that Brook was finished with her samdwich.

"God girl, you are famished. I bet you haven't eaten in days either have you?" Lacey said as she got up and went to the fridge.

"Not much," Brook admitted.

"Well I'm fixing you another sandwich." Lacey said as she got the cheese and butter back out.

"No, one is enough. Any more and it will just add fat to my hips and

belly." Brook said.

"Well I like the fat on those hips and belly so be quiet." Lacey said as she put another sandwich on the frying pan. When it was done, she reheated her sandwich and she placed the other sandwich in front of Brook.

"Thank you," Brook said as she took another bite and then a drink of

her milk. This time she ate the sandwich slowly but she ate every bite. When

they had finished their sandwiches, Lacey put the dishes away. She then took Brook outside and they sat out in the warm night air. Lacey pulled Brook in tight against her body and she could feel Brook soft warm flesh against her own naked flesh. They talked about what they would do the rest of the summer, they only had a month left before Lacey had to get ready to go back to teaching and Brook started classes at the university. Once that occurred, they both knew that they would be busy but they also knew that they would take the time to be with each other. At the end of the day, they both would be laying in the same bed. When Lacey felt Brook shiver, she took her back into the house and on to the bedroom. They lay down and kissed for a few minutes before Brook found Lacey's breast and they fell asleep.

As Lacey began to wake up the next morning, she felt a sudden rush of pleasure surging through her body. It seemed to overwhelm her and she cried out in pleasure. Her pussy was in control of all her senses and she let go of everything. She felt her girlcum and pee flow from her body and splash

onto her thighs and then back onto her pussy. She knew she was waking up to a massive orgasm and she knew who was responsible for it. As she came down, she felt Brook licking madly at her clit and she felt fingers deep within her pussy. The fingers were fucking her fast and hard and Brook's mouth was attached to her clit. She pushed her hips up off the bed forcing her pussy into Brook's mouth. She felt Brook's tongue going hard on her clit

and she knew that a second orgasm was coming fast. She tried to hold it off as Brook licked away at her clit and Brook's fingers were going deep into her pussy.

"Oh god baby, that feels good!" Lacey cried out to Brook and she felt Brook suck her clit into her mouth.

When she felt Brook's tongue tease her sensitive clit as she sucked, it was all that she could take.

"Oh fuck! I cumminggg..." Lacey cried. She felt the last of her girlcum ad pee squirt out and she felt Brook sucking it up. Lacey let her body go and she enjoyed the pleasure that was going through her body. She closed her eyes and just let Brook lick her up.

When she was able to open her eyes again, she looked down at Brook who was gently licking her pussy, going up and down her slit. Her face and hair was soaked and she looked as happy as she could be. Lacey reached down and pulled her up on top of her. She kissed her and tasted her own salty cum

and pee on Brook's lips. She kissed her passionately letting her tongue go into Brook's mouth and she ran it around her tongue. When the kiss ended, Lacey kissed all around Brook's face. She could taste her pee and cum and she tried to kiss it all up.

"I think I was a little messy this morning." Lacey said as she kissed Brook's lips again.

"I know and I loved every last drop." Brook said beaming.

"I bet you did and now it's your turn." Lacey said as she began to slide down in the bad. Brook lifted her self up on her elbows and knees allowing Lacey to move easier. When Lacey got to Brook's breasts, she moved her mouth to the right and sucked in Brook's left nipple. She heard Brook let out a moan. As she sucked on this nipple, she brought her hands up

and cupped both of Brook's breasts. She caressed them with her hands as she went back and forth between her breasts. She sucked and bit gently on the nipples as Brook moaned and groaned. Lacey felt Brook lower her hips and she felt her wet pussy touch her thigh. She could feel Brook start to rub against her and she knew that Brook was dieing to get off. So she gave a

last bite to each nipple and then a soft kiss to each. She then kissed her way down Brook's body. When she got to Brook's pubic hair, she could smell her musky aroma. This made her mouth water so she quickly made her way on down. She looked up at Brook's swollen pink lips and she could see the moisture coming from between her lips. Lacey put her hands on Brook's ass cheeks and she pulled her down. Lacey stuck out her tongue and began to lick

up and down Brook's outer lips.

"Lacey that feels so god damn good, please don't ever stop." Brook cried out to her.

"I don't plan too!" Lacey said as she stopped only long enough to say that, then she went back to licking only now she was barely parting Brook's pussy lips with her tongue. With every stroke of her tongue she went deeper and deeper until she had her whole tongue inside of Brook's pussy. She heard

a deep moan from Brook and she tasted a little of her pee leaking out. Lacey

knew that when Brook came she was going to get flooded. Lacey moved her tongue in and around Brook's pussy and she used her fingers to part her lips

so that she could go even deeper. She licked and sucked as she moved her tongue around. She kept away from Brook's clit for a while as she wanted Brook to have a real hard orgasm. She continued to lick and suck for a bit more then she moved her index finger inside of Brook's pussy and started to fuck her with it. She went in deep as she licked around the finger. When her

finger was nice and slippery, she removed it and got a moan from Brook but got a louder one when the finger reappeared at Brook's asshole. She moved the fingertip around the rim as her tongue went back to Brook's pussy. Then she placed the finger at the center of Brook's rosebud. She slowly pushed it

in and she felt Brook relax her asshole to let it enter her. She pushed it all the way in and then back out. She then pushed it back in and started to fuck

Brook's asshole with it. Lacey then moved her mouth to Brook clit and she sucked the swollen bud into her mouth. She sucked hard and she felt Brook quiver with excitement. Her orgasm was not long off. Lacey started to fuck her asshole harder and faster as her tongue started to lick at Brook's clit.

She licked hard and fast as Brook pushed her hips down onto her mouth.

"Fuck!" Brook cried as the orgasm came crashing down on her. Lacey droved her finger deep into her asshole and she felt Brook's asshole clamp down. Lacey moved her mouth down to Brook's pussy and she felt Brook's girlcum begin to shoot out and then the pee followed. Lacey sucked and drank in what she could but a lot went onto her face and hair. Lacy continued to lick and suck long after Brook's body ran out of girlcum and pee to give her. Lacey moved her mouth back to Brook's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. Brook gave out a muffled moan as she had collapsed down onto the bed. Lacey licked and sucked on it until Brook had another small climax. Brook let out another small squirt and Lacey drank that up before she removed her finger from Brook's asshole and she slipped from under her. The sheets were soaked from both of their fluids but neither of them cared. Lacey gave a kiss to both of Brook's ass cheeks and then she came up in the bed and she lay down beside of Brook. She kissed her face and lips until Brook came back around.

"Oh god, I made a mess of you." Brook said as she saw Lacey's wet face and hair.

'Yep, we're even now." Lacey said with a smile and she gave Brook a long slow kiss.

"I think we both need a shower." Lacey said as the kiss ended.

"I think we do and then breakfast. I'm starving to death." Brook said as she started to get up.

They went to the bathroom and Brook started the shower as Lacey played with her ass. Brook giggle as Lacey did this and she gave it a wiggle to keep Lacey's hands on it. But then the water got warm and they both jumped in and they let the water wash their skin clean.

"So what you want to do today?" Lacey asked as they cleaned up the breakfast dishes.

"I don't know. I want to do something but then again I don't want to do much. Does that make any sense?" Brook asked.

"Yea it does let me think a minute and see if I can come up with anything." Lacey said and she did understand what Brook was saying. She tried to come up with a few things but Brook shot them all down. She was quickly running out of ideas when a last one came to her.

"Why don't we go for a little hike up in the mountains? You could use the fresh air and the exercise will do us both good." Lacey said.

"Hmm... that isn't a bad idea. But not a hard hike, okay." Brook said.

"I think I know just where to go, let's go get dressed." Lacey said as she headed toward the bedroom.

It took Lacey about an hour to drive to where she wanted to start the hike. They got out and Brook had on Lacey's extra pair of hiking boots on. Lacey tried again to get Brook another pair but Brook insisted on putting on

two pairs of socks and wear Lacey's boots. The hike was slightly uphill but it was for the most part it was a level trail as the circled around the mountain. There were trails the branched off the one that they were on which went up the mountain and a couple that went down the mountain. After they had hiked for a couple of hours, they came to a mountain stream. Lacey then guided them along the stream until they came to a waterfall that poured into

a small pool of water. There were trees all around that kept the hot sun away.

"Well what do you think?" Lacey asked.

"It's beautiful." Brook said as she took a long drink from her water

bottle that they brought along.

"I think so too. I love this place and the best part is that no one ever comes here. We are completely alone, which means we can skinny dip." Lacey said as she pulled her tee shirt off.

"Oh god, you're serious." Brook said as her eyes opened wide.

"Yes I'm serious. I do this every time I come here." Lacey said as she sat down and pulled her boots and socks off. "You coming with me or are you just going to stand there like a lump on a log."

Brook took a look around before she replied, "I coming but if we get

caught by anyone, you're dead meat."

Lacey stood up and she pulled her sport bra off and then she pushed down her shorts and panties, leaving her naked. Lacey paused a second until she saw that Brook was going to undress and she walked to the edge of the pool of water and started to walk in. Lacey kept smiling as she felt the icy

cold water go up her legs. Once she got to where she was waist deep, she turned and dropped down. The cold water almost took her breath away and when she came up, she was gasping for air. She looked over at Brook and saw that she was down to her panties and bra. She watched as the bra came off and her nipples would have gotten hard had then not already been hard from the cold water. Brook dropped her panties down and she was naked.

"Come on in, the water feels great." Lacey called out to her. And she watched as Brook approached the water. She saw her put her right foot into the water and then jerk it back out.

"Shit that water is cold!" Brook called to her. "I thought you said it feel great."

"It does once you get use to it." Lacey said.

"I don't know." Brook said as she took a step back.

"Either you come in on your own or I'll come and throw you in." Lacey called back.

"You wouldn't dare." Brook said. Lacey immediately started toward her. "Oh no you don't I'll come in." Brook called to Lacey but Lacey kept coming toward her.

"To late now, you dared me." Lacey said smiling as she came out of the water.

Brook started to turn to run but being naked, there wasn't anywhere to run and Lacey knew it. It took Brook a little longer to realize that but by then Lacey was to her.

"Don't you dare." Brook said as Lacey grabbed her wrists.

"Yes I dare!" Lacey said laughing as she pulled Brook toward the water. Brook pulled against her but not too hard.

"Please go slowly!" Brook pleaded.

"It's better to get it over with quickly." Lacey said as their feet touched the cold water.

"Oh shit this is cold!" Brook cried and she pulled back a little harder but she still went with Lacey. She got Brook to waist level and Brook was shivering but she was also giggling.

"Now do I push up under or do you want to do it yourself." Lacey asked.

"Let me do it but give me a moment." Brook said.

"Okay," Lacey said as she released Brook's wrists. Brook hesitated for a second and then she took the plunge.

"Fuck that's cold!" Brook said as she came up gasping for air.

"Now go right back down. You'll get use to the cold water quicker." Lacey told Brook as she swam toward her.

"Okay," Brook said as she slowly went back down into the water. When

Lacey got to her she was shivering a bit so she wrapped her arms around her and she could feel Brook's nipples poke into her breasts.

"Your nipples are hard as a rock." Lacey said with a giggle,

"I wonder why?" Brook said with a giggle and then she added, "Yours aren't so soft either."

"Nope, I bet for the same reason." Lacey said as she laughed a bit and then she took Brook's face into her hands. Lacey closed her eyes as she moved in for a kiss. When their lips touched, Lacey's body seemed to warm right up. They kissed for a few minutes and then Lacey broke away and she called out to Brook, "Your it!"

She started to swim away but before she knew it Brook had caught her and dunked her under. Lacey came up sputtering out water only to feel Brook push her back under and she heard her laughing like the young woman she was. Lacey quickly realized that Brook was a much better swimmer than she was. So she broke away and then went under on her own and caught Brook by the waist and pulled her under. They both came up laughing and gasping for air. They both seemed to have called for an unspoken truce as they caught their breaths. They both feign toward each other a couple of times but it was Brook that took the first chance and she dived for Lacey. Lacey got out of the way and caught Brook from behind. She pulled her in tight and started to kiss the back of her neck.

"Hey no fair," Brook said as she let out a moan.

"I know," Lacey said as she continued to kiss the back of Brook's neck and her hands came up and cupped Brook's breasts. She squeezed them and then she brought her fingers up and she pinched Brook's hard nipples.

"Oh that feels good." Brook moaned and Lacey kissed and sucked on Brook's neck moving around to the right side of her neck. Lacey pinched the nipples a little harder and then she spun Brook around. She kissed her hard as her right hand went down to Brook's pussy. She started the caress Brook's outer lips as her tongue slipped into Brook's mouth. Brook sucked hard on her tongue as Lacey's fingers parted her lips and went in deep. She began to fuck Brook's pussy with her fingers as her palm rubbed hard against her clit. Brook began to hump against Lacey's hand and she had to break off the kissing. She put her forehead against Lacey's shoulder as Lacey worked her pussy and clit. Soon she had Brook moaning and she went to her clit, rubbing it hard. Brook was gasping for air as she came and Lacey could feel her girlcum and pee squirt from Brook's pussy.

"Oh god that felt good." Brook said as she lay against Lacey.

"I know it did and I have lots more for you." Lacey told her as she gave her a little kiss.

"Let's go get a bite of lunch and maybe another swim before we have to head back." Lacey told her as she pulled her toward the bank.

They set out a blanket that was in Brook's knapsack and Lacey got out their lunch which consisted of peanut butter sandwiches and a cool coke. When they had finished their lunch, they laid out in the sun until they got good and hot. At this point, they headed back into the icy water. This time Brook was ready for the coldness of the water and she beat Lacey in. They swam a while and Lacey was really able to see just what a good swimmer that she was. She strokes were beautiful and seeing her cute ass pop up in the water set her pussy afire. Lacey then turned over on her back and just floated for a while.

"Oh shit, something just bit me on the ass!" Lacey cried as she turned over and tried to swim away from what ever bit her. She then heard Brook laughing hysterically.

"You turd! I'm going to get you for that." Lacey said as she set out for Brook.

"You got to catch me first." Brook said as she started to swim away.

Lacey knew that Brook was too good a swimmer for her to catch her if

she didn't want to be caught. So Lacey began to herd her toward the waterfall. Brook was just keeping out of reach and she was looking back at Lacey more than she was looking at where she was going. It took a few minutes but Lacey finally had her trapped which was a good thing as her arms and legs were giving out. She may have been in better shape than Brook but the fact that Brook was three times the swimmer than she was more than made up for that fact.

"I got you trapped now." Lacey said as Brook ran up against the rock

wall as the water fell down on top of her.

"Yea, but what you going to do about it?" Brook said.

"This," Lacey said as she stood up in the chest deep water. She pulled Brook to her roughly and she kissed her hard. She wrapped her arms around Brook and held her tight as they kissed and the water from the waterfall fell upon them. Lacey felt Brook's hands go to her ass and she felt Brook squeeze them. She then felt Brook's fingers go between she ass cheeks and caress her asshole. This made her moan into Brook's mouth. Brook forced her tongue into Lacey's mouth and Lacey sucked on it. Lacey felt one of Brook's fingers probe her asshole as the other one went to her pussy. Lacey felt one of Brook's fingers push into her asshole as another forced it way between her pussy lips and entered her pussy. Lacey let out a loud moan and lifted her feet off the ground and put her knees on Brook's hips. Between her legs and the bouncy of the water she was able to hold herself up. She began to move her hips up and down pushing against Brook's fingers. She tried to keep kissing Brook but it was hard, especially when she felt a second finger enter her pussy. Lacey placed her forehead on Brook's shoulder and she grunted as Brook fucked both of her holes. Lacey grunted and moaned as Brook's fingers worked her holes. When Brook lowered her mouth to one of her rock hard nipples that were just out of the cold water, she thought she was going to pass out. Brook's warm mouth on her cold nipple was great. When Brook had that nice and warm, Brook went to the other one. This sent Lacey over the edge and she had her orgasm and it was a powerful one. She shook and cried as the girlcum squirted out of her.

"That was nice but I though I was suppose to be doing something to you." Lacey said when she got her breathing back under control.

"You still can." Brook said with a shy grin.

"Good idea." Lacey said as she spun Brook around and pushed Brook over to a ledge. She helped Brook up so that she was on her stomach with her ass just out of the water and her legs hanging down.

Lacey lowered herself down and she kissed each of Brook's ass cheeks. She then used her fingers to park her crack. She saw Brook's cute little pink rosebud winking back at her. She moved her head in and she kissed Brook on her asshole that brought forth a loud moan. Lacey kept on kissing Brook's asshole as she slipped her fingers down to Brook's pussy and started to stroke the outer lips. She moved her fingers up and down the slit and on every few strokes she would tease Brook's clit. She could feel Brook's pussy

begin to moisten up and her fingers started to slip between the lips. Lacey then made her tongue into a point and she placed it at Brook's asshole. Lacey felt Brook relax her asshole as she pushed her tongue into her ass.

"Lacey that feels so damn good." Brook cooed to her.

Lacey pushed her tongue on in as deep as she could and then she moved it around. She could feel Brook asshole clamp down on it and that thrilled her to no end. Lacey brought her tongue out and she pushed it back in. She started to fuck Brook's asshole as two of her fingers slipped into Brook's pussy. She began to fuck her as her tongue fucked Brook's asshole. She moved her tongue in and out as her fingers picked up speed fucking her pussy. Brook let out more moans and Lacey felt Brook's pussy begin to tighten down on her fingers. Lacey pushed deeper with in fingers and began to fuck Brook hard as her orgasm approached. Just as she felt Brook start to cum Lacey withdrew her tongue from Brook's asshole and replaced her fingers with her mouth. She sucked on Brook's clit making her cum that much harder and then she felt Brook's first squirt and she moved down to suck it up. She drank down all of Brook's girlcum and then a little pee as it squirted out of her. As Brook recovered from her orgasm, Lacey moved her mouth to Brook's ass and she gave a semi-hard bite to each cheek.

"Ohhh..." Brook cried after each bite but she also spasm again as another orgasm went through her. Lacey rose up and saw that she had left two sets of teeth marks on Brook's ass, but she hadn't bit hard enough to bruise her at all.

"That was nice." Brook said as she slid off the ledge and into Lacey's arms.

"I kind of enjoyed it myself." Lacey said as she kissed her.

They kissed awhile before heading for the shore and they got dressed. They took their time getting back to the car. It was dark by the time that they got home, so they took a quick shower and headed straight toward the bed. They were both worn out from the day of hiking and swimming, not to mention the lovemaking. They talked and caressed each other until Brook signaled that she was ready for sleep by latching onto one

of Lacey's nipples and she began to gently suck.

"So what are we going to do for today." Brook asked at breakfast.

"Well whatever it is, we'll have to be done by five, I have to teach my GED classes the next two nights.

"Oh yea, I forgot you told me about that. Hey, I know what we can do

today." Brooks said.

"What baby?" Lacey asked.

"You have all those packages that I sent to you don't you?" Brook asked.

"Of course, they're in the spare bedroom." Lacey replied.

"Good, then we are going to have Christmas in July." Brook said excitedly. Lacey then found herself being pulled up from her seat and toward the bedroom.

"Damn, I sent more things than I thought." Brook said as she opened the door to see about twenty packages of various sizes.

"Yea you did, the delivery guy was beginning to hit on me. The poor guy was coming here about twice a week for a while there." Lacey said with a laugh.

"Well, he can't have you." Brook said a little defensive.

"Nope, you done got me." Lacey said as she gave Brook a little kiss on the cheek.

"Now for the presents but there is one thing that I want us to do as

we open them." Brook said.

"What's that?" Lacey asked a little apprehensively.

"We have to model what we open." Brook said.

"I'm not much of a model but I'll give it a try." Lacey replied.

"Cool, this will be so much fun." Brook said as she looked through the packages and found one that she was looking for.

"The first one is for you." Brook said as she handed Lacey the package.

Lacey went and got a little knife first and then she sat in the chair in the room as Brook sat on the bed. She began to open the package and when she got it opened she found a chic pair of Italian jeans and a blouse to match.

"These are beautiful." Lacey said as she got up and slipped off her robe and she put the blouse on and then she put on the jeans. They were tight but just the right size.

"Ohh... sexy!" Brook said as she whistled at her.

"Thank you!" Lacey said as she felt herself blush. She never thought

of herself as beautiful but Brook did make her feel that way.

Brook opened the next package and she pulled out a similar pair of jeans and blouse. She put them on and she looked just as sexy in her outfit.

Next came a pair leather shoes from Italy, with Brooks' being short heels and Lacey's being flats. They both went though a number of outfits from all around the world that Brook had stopped at. Brook did have more for herself than she had for Lacey but that was cool with Lacey as she enjoyed Brook showing off her clothes. She had jeans, blouses, dresses and she got them both a silk robe from Japan. When Lacey put hers on and she wrapped it about herself, she about died. It felt so sexy against her skin.

"I love this. Thank you so much." Lacey said as she had her arms wrapped around herself and she strolled around the room.

"I'm glad that you like it. If you look, there is another one in the box." Brook told her and Lacey went back to the box and indeed found another robe under some of the packing material.

"One was more than enough but I love this one too." Lacey said as she took the first one off and put the second one on. "Thank you." Lacey said as

she came over and kissed Brook on the lips. The kiss lingered for a little while and when it ended, they both had to catch their breaths.

"We are down to the last two. What's in them?" Lacey asked.

"These are special, one we open today and the other we save for another day." Brook said and Lacey could see Brook's cheeks start to glow. She knew then that they were related to sex.

"Sounds very interesting," Lacey said with a sexy wink.

"I think it will be but before I show you what I have, you have to do something for me." Brook said.

"Sure, anything." Lacey replied.

"Come with me." Brook said as she got up and led Lacey into the living room and she sat her on the couch.

"Now I'm going to put this tie from my robe around your eyes so you won't see anything." Brook said as she pulled it from her robe and she went to the back of the couch. Lacey sat back and let Brook tie the tie around her eyes. "Can you see anything?" Brook asked.

"Nope," Lacey said and she truly couldn't.

"Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back." Brook called to as she left the room. A couple of minutes later she heard Brook re-enter the room but she didn't say anything and was there for only a minute or so before she

left again. Lacey waited patiently as Brook did whatever she was going to do. Lacey had to admit that her curiosity was growing by the minute as she waited. After what seemed like forever but was probably about twenty minutes, she heard Brook enter the living room.

"You can take off the blindfold now." Brook said in a sweet sexy voice.

Lacey reached behind her head and untied the blindfold and she kept her eyes closed for a moment before opening them. When her eyes refocused, what she saw took her breath away. Brook was standing there in what had to be the cutes schoolgirl outfit that she had ever seen and she was carrying some of Lacey's school books. Her hair had a white ribbon that came from behind her head and tied on top. She then had on a pure white top that was buttoned to the top and she had a little red checkered tie on. Lacey's eyes went on down to a matching schoolgirl skirt that was shorter than most. It came down to about mid-thigh. Lacey's eyes went on down Brook's shapely thighs to her white socks that came to mid calf. On her feet

was a pair of shinny black patient leather shoes. Lacey felt her pussy moisten and her nipples getting hard. Brook came forward and twirled around and her skirt flared up and Lacey saw that Brook had a pair of white cotton panties. Brook then turned her back to Lacey and "accidentally" dropped one of her books.

"Oops," She said as she bent over slowly and Lacey watched the back of her skirt go up her thighs until Brook's panties were in plain view. Brook stayed in that position as she put the other books on top of the one that she "dropped" and she slowly rose up. Lacey felt her pussy spasm as she had a small climax, without the benefit of anyone touching it.

"Do you like your little schoolgirl?" Brook asked sweetly.

"Oh yes baby."

"Would you like to fuck your little schoolgirl?" Brook asked just as


"Definitely," Lacey said lustfully.

"Would you like to fuck her brains out?" Brook asked as she came over to Lacey and she again turned her back to Lacey and she bent over and placed her books on the table. Lacey couldn't stand it as she reached out and caressed Brook's ass through the cotton material of her panties.

"Shame on you!" Brook said as she slapped Lacey's hand away and she stood back up. Lacey had to smile as Brook played her part perfectly.

"I think that you'll need this." Brook said as she went to the side of the couch and got the strap-on with the cock that Lacey had used on her before attached. She also had the lube that would be needed. She demurely brought the strap-on and lube to Lacey and gave it to her. Lacey stood up and threw off her robe and she stepped into the harness. She got it nice and

tight, and then she sat back down on the couch. She pulled Brook over until she was standing right in front of her.

"Your schoolgirl is ready to be fucked anyway you want and as often as you want." Brook said now in her own voice as she was too excited now to stay in character but Lacey hardly noticed how she said the words and she knew what Brook was telling her.

"Come here and straddle my legs." Lacey told her and Brook started to reach up and remove her panties.

"No leave them on." Lacey told her and Brook gave her a questioning look but she did as she was told. Lacey slipped her hips down a bit and she pulled Brook toward her until her skirt covered the fake cock.

Lacey reached up under the skirt and she ran her fingers along Brook's pussy and she could feel Brook's moisture coming through the cotton material of the panties. Lacey knew that Brook was just as excited as she was. She kept rubbing Brook's pussy until she saw her close her eyes and moan. Lacey knew that she was ready then. She quickly left Brook's pussy and that made Brook groan. She took the lube and poured some onto the palm of her hand and she coated the fake cock real well. She then pulled Brook's panties to the side uncovering her pussy. She rubbed the rest of the

lube that was on her hand on Brook's pussy but she was so wet that her fingers were left with more of Brook's pussy juice on them than lube got on Brook's pussy.

"Now lower yourself down on me." Lacey said quietly to Brook as she held the panties to the side.

Brook slowly lowered her hips until Lacey felt the head of the cock touch her pussy. Brook hesitated a second then she went on down. With her fingers holding the panties to the side, Lacey could feel Brook's pussy lips

expand as the head of the cock pressed inside of her pussy. The head popped in and Brook stopped for a second and then she went on down until she was sitting on Lacey's lap and the cock was all the way inside of her. Lacey let go of the panties and she pulled Brook to her and hugged her tight, then she kissed her.

"I'm so fucking hot!" Brook whispered to Lacey as the kiss ended.

"Me too!" Lacey replied.

Lacey moved her hands down and she placed them on Brook's hips over her skirt. She lifted Brook up a bit and then pressed her back down. She then lifted her again and pushed her back down. Brook quickly got the message and she started to use her legs to move her hips up and down. She started slowly and Lacey could feel the end of the fake cock press against her clit on each stroke. Lacey moved her hands to Brook's ass and she caressed them through the material of Brook's panties. Brook was moving faster on her own now and Lacey watched as Brook's face showed her concentration and her pleasure. Lacey continued to caress Brook's ass for a few minutes then they went to Brook's breasts and she squeezed them through the material of her blouse and bra. Lacey was so fucking hot that she couldn't stand it. She could hear the squishing sounds that Brook was making as she went up and down on Lacey's fake cock. That aroused her even more; even through she couldn't see anything because of Brook's skirt. Brook

kept increasing her speed and Lacey began to push her hips up as Brook went down. They went at this for a while and Lacey climaxed before Brook did. She jerked and pushed her hips up hard as she came and that caused Brook to cum too. They both were crying out their pleasure as they came and Lacey felt both of their girlcum mixed with a little pee squirting out on her legs

and couch. Lacey wrapped her arms round Brook and pulled her in tight against her body.

"That felt good." Brook said as she moved her hips around with the cock still deep within her pussy.

"Yes it did, I love your little outfit, and I could fuck you all day with it." Lacey said.

"I up for it if you are." Brook said as she pulled back and kissed Lacey on the lips.

"You sure?' Lacey asked.

"Oh yea, I'm sure." Brook replied with a wink.

"Cool, then get off of me, I have something else in mind." Lacey said as she kissed Brook.

Brook slowly rose up and the cock popped from her pussy. Lacey took a second to put Brook's panties back in place before she helped Brook off the couch. She then got up and took Brook by the hand and led her into the kitchen. She pulled a chair out of the way and she gently pushed Brook over the table so that her ass was sticking out and her skirt was just at the bottom of her panties. Lacey then went behind of her. She got down on her knees and she kissed her way up Brook's left thigh to where the skirt and panty were. She then went to the back of the other thigh and kissed her way up until she got to the leg of the panty. Lacey heard Brook cooing and she knew that Brook was getting excited again. Lacey lifted the skirt up and

folded it over Brook's back. She kissed each of Brook's ass cheeks through the cotton material. She then reached up and pulled the panties down until they were at mid thigh. Lacey looked over Brook's ass and then her red and swollen pussy lips that were peeking from between her legs. Lacey came up and kissed each cheek again and then she bit the right ass cheek first leaving her teeth marks and that got an "Ohh" from Brook. She went to the left ass cheek and kissed it and again she gave it a love bite. Brook then "Ohh..." again but she didn't complain so Lacey gave both cheeks another bite. Brook moaned again and she wiggled her butt. Lacey moved her mouth on around Brook's ass and continued to bit her leaving bite marks along the way. When she had Brook's ass about covered, brook surprised her by saying, "One more bite only a little harder this time."

Lacey went to the center of Brook's ass and sucked on the edge of her right ass cheek before biting down real hard.

"Fuck," Brook said and Lacey felt a little squirt come from Brook's pussy.

Lacey went to the same place on the other cheek. She took a mouth full and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hard for a moment then she bit down hard.

"Ohh fuck." Brook cried out and a longer squirt came from Brook's pussy and Lacey felt her shiver. Lacey knew that Brook just had a small climax from the bites.

Lacey moved her mouth down and she licked up the left over juices from Brook's pussy. It was a little salty but she sucked it all up.

"Fuck me!" Brook cried out to her.

Lacey got up and she had to spread her legs a bit to get he cock head in the right position. She pressed it the opening of Brook's pussy and in one quick push, she drove it home. Brook let out a loud grunt as the cock penetrated her pussy. Lacey took Brook by the hips and she started to fuck her hard. Her pussy was nice and relaxed from the earlier fucking so the cock slid in and out of her easily. Lacey moved her hips rapidly and she watched as the cock went in and out of Brooks' pussy. She could see the teeth marks of Brook's ass and that excited her more. Brook was pushing back against Lacey as the cock went in and out of her pussy. Brook was moaning and groaning as Lacey fucked her hard. Lacey felt the end of the cock pressing against her clit and it was feeling good. Lacey caressed Brook's ass and back as she fucked her. Lacey moved a finger to Brook's asshole and she pressed it in.

"Yes, finger me." Brook cried out as Lacey pushed her finger in deeper into her asshole. Lacey could feel the cock going in and out of Brook's pussy as she fingered her ass. Lacey pushed harder with her hips driving the cock deep into Brook pussy and soon Brook was moaning constantly.

"I'm cumminggg..." Brook finally cried out and Lacey felt her asshole clamp down on her finger.

"Fuck!" Lacey cried as she came herself and she lay down on top of Brook. She held on to Brook as they both recovered from their orgasm.

"That was good." Brook finally said as she was the first to recover.

"Glad that you liked it." Lacey said as she got up and she pulled the cock from Brook's pussy. As the cock came out, she saw Brook wince a bit. "I

think I know someone who's going to have a sore pussy tonight." Lacey said.

"Yea, but it feels good now." Brook said with a smile. "But now it's your turn to bend over this table."

"Oh, it is, is it?" Lacey said with a smile.

"Yes it is, not the question is, but do you want me in or out of my uniform." Brook asked.

"In," Lacey said with a shy smile.

"Good," Brook said as she dropped down to her knees and she began to

unhook the harness. She then finished taking off her panties and she put the harness on. Then to Lacey's pleasant surprise, Brook put her panties back on, pulling them up to her thighs. She gave Lacey a wink as she turned her around and bent her over the table.

Lacey felt the cock at her entrance, and then she felt it drive into

her in one stroke. Lacey let out a grunt but she liked the feeling of being filled so quickly. She felt Brook grab her hips and she started to fuck her.

Lacey could feel Brook's skirt brush against her ass on each stroke. Even thought she couldn't see Brook in her outfit fucking her but she could see it all the same in her mind. Brook was giving her pussy a workout with the fake

cock. It drove in deep and then it went back out pulling on her lips. Brook then drove it back in deep. In and out the cock went and she moaned and encouraged Brook to keep fucking her. She pushed her hips back against Brook as she felt a finger at her ass. She relaxed her asshole and she felt the finger enter her. She felt Brook's finger go in deep and she told Brook to fuck her asshole good. Soon she felt her pussy begin to spasm and then she felt her orgasm hit. She cried out to Brook, "Oh baby I'm cumminggg..." she then felt Brook collapse on top of her and she felt her breathing hard and she knew that she had cum too.

"That was nice." Lacey told Brook as they showered. They were both soaked in sweat from the lovemaking that they had done.

"It was nice; I just wished that you didn't have to go to work tonight." Brook said.

"I know but I have to."

"It's cool; I can go into town and get me some more jeans for school." Brook said as they got out of the shower.

Later that night as they cuddled in bed, Lacey knew she wanted to talk to Brook but she didn't know how to bring the subject up. She knew that

she was distracted and she knew it as Brook talked.

"So what's on your mind? I know something is, you haven't paid a bit

attention to be tonight." Brook said.

"I've been paying attention to you." Lacey said but she knew she was

lying. Brook gave her a look that said that she wasn't fooling anyone.

"Okay you got me. I do want to ask you something and I want your honest answer." Lacey said.

"Shoot and I will answer honestly." Brook said as she propped herself up on her elbow.

"You don't think that I'm a pervert by having you dress up as a schoolgirl, do you?" Lacey asked seriously.

Brook instantly burst out laughing and this bothered Lacey a moment as she was very serious. "I sorry, I didn't mean to laugh but it is a silly question. But to answer the question seriously, no I don't think that you are a pervert. This is just a game that we play. I know that you aren't into kids,

you're just into me. And the fact that I was wearing a school uniform when we met has more to do with your wanting me to dress that way than anything else. It's just a fantasy, that's all. Let me ask you something? Do you think that I'm weird that I like for you to bite me and I love to make you cum first thing in the morning when I know that you are full of pee and it will all come out."

"Okay so we both are a little weird, and I like to do the same to you so we're even." Lacey said.

"Yea, we're both into weird things and each other so that makes up a


"Yes it does, baby." Lacey said as she hugged Brook to her body and held her tight, she felt better now.

The next morning, Brook did wake up with a slightly sore pussy but Lacey fixed that by a little gentle licking. As sensitive as Brook was it didn't take Lacey long to get her to cum and Lacey enjoyed all the girlcum and pee that Brook could give her and seeing how it was the first thing in the morning, she gave her lots of both. Brook then returned the favor with the same results. They relaxed the rest of the day, watching the big screen TV that Brook had gotten them and then Lacey went off to her summer job. They spent the rest of the month that they had left just enjoying themselves and making love as often as they could. Then the week before Lacey was to go back to school, she took Brook on a camping trip. Lacey was scared that Brook would be turned off by having to sleep in a sleeping bag and roughing it but Brook assured her that they had done worse than that when they were trapped in the tunnel so this would be a breeze. And Brook turned out to be right, she did enjoy the trip but she did draw the line at fishing and cleaning the fish. Lacey would have loved to have had a fishing buddy but considering the Brook was going along with the trip and seemed to be enjoying it so she knew she couldn't complain. Beside it gave her some peace and quiet as Brook could be very talkative when she wanted to be.

Lacey started back to teaching about a week before Brook had to start her classes at the university. The first few days were always busy for

Lacey as she got her classes in order and she got firm control of her children. She would come home tired and Brook always made her sit and rest as she cooked their supper or as often as not, she ran out and picked it up.

Lacey had pretty much given up on Brook spending her money on her. She could influence Brook on most things but that was one that Brook paid her no


"I'm worried about something?" Brook said on Friday night after Lacey's first week back teaching and they were lying in bed.

"What's that baby?" Lacey said as she caressed Brook's face that was

lying on her chest.

"You're back in school and I'll be starting school Monday and I know

that the classes that I will be taking at the university will be much harder

than high school was." Brook said and then she hesitated a second.

"Yea, we're both are going to be busy. But what is bothering you?" Lacey asked.

"Well..." Brook said and then she hesitated and Lacey noticed that she was blushing.

"You're afraid that we won't have as much time to make love and we'll grow apart." Lacey stated.

"Well, yes." Brook said.

"First off, I think that we'll be busy but we won't be that busy. We'll always have time for that. And secondly, our relationship isn't just based on sex is it, at least it isn't for me. I like being with you and listening to you talk. I love you for what you have here, (and Lacey placed her finger just under Brook's left breast where her heart was) and here (Lacey placed her finger on Brook's forehead), and not for this (Lacey placed her finger on Brook's pussy and then her breasts.) I'm in love with you baby, all of you."

"I love you the same way." Brook said satisfied with Lacey's answer.

"I'm also going to let you in on a secret of mine." Lacey told her.

"What's that?" Brook said as she rose up to see what Lacey had to saw.

"All I have to do is look at your naked body and I get horny." Lacey

told her and Brook just beamed with joy.

"I'll be sure to remember that." Brook said as she kissed Lacey.

"I bet you will." Lacey said with a little laugh.

They then cuddled and went to sleep and when they woke, they made love.

They both did get busy after Brook started school but as Lacey had said, they always made time for each other. They didn't make love as often as they did before school started but it was close. They were both gifted with large sexual appetites and they satisfied that appetite with only each other.

With Lacey's encouragement, Brook did extend her hand out to her parents and it took a while but they found a way to love each other. It was always a distant relationship and never as close as what Lacey had with her parents but it was better than it was as Brook was growing up. Her parents began to stop by the house when they were in town and they accepted Lacey as Brook's lover and friend. That took longer to do, but they did do it. Lacey and Brook grew closer as the years went by and while Brook always depended on Lacey for advise, she became a strong woman in her own right.

The End.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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