Chalet Du Bieber

By Vox Veritas

Published on Jan 9, 2013


Disclaimer: The following story does not imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Zayn Malik looked down at his phone in anticipation. He was waiting for a text from Justin Bieber himself. It had been many months of secretly loving his music and now it had grown into a heavy crush. When they had briefly met Justin said something about a ski trip and Zayn was immediately enthusiastic about the idea. Justin had given him the details and now he just needed that final text for the go-ahead that the trip was still on.

"Don't worry mate, he'll text any minute," Harry Styles said as he took a bite of an apple.

Immediately as he looked back at Harry he got the buzz of his phone in his hand. It was Justin. He took one look and read the text message.

"good to go! be at the ski shack by tomorrow at 1"

Zayn almost became giddy with joy from the text. He immediately dug into his pocket for the instructions.

"So, here's what we need to do..." he said to Harry.

It had been a relatively easy journey there while Harry and Zayn stood on the steps and knocked on the door. It was colder outside than he was used to, but the wooden shack looked warm when looking inside the window. The door opened quickly and Justin stood with a bright smile on his face.

"Come on in boys," he said. With one hand he grabbed Zayn's bag and carried it inside. Harry lugged his bag in right afterward.

Zayn blushed at just the sight of Justin. He was wearing his usual stylish outfit along with a backwards hat, which always turned Zayn on. As he walked in with his bag, Harry gave Zayn a cheeky look, noticing that Zayn was intimidated by Justin.

"This place is huge!" Harry said as he admired the large ski shack.

"It's pricey to rent but worth it," Bieber said.

Harry brought his hand across the furniture and sat on the soft couch in front of the fire.

"Toasty!" Harry said.

Justin noticed that Zayn was being shy.

"What do you think Zayn-brain, pretty swanky eh?" Justin teased.

"Definitely," Zayn said as he shuffled his feet.

He finally looked up into Justin's eyes and was mesmerized by his boyish charm. He felt a tingle in his pants as Justin playfully punched his shoulder. Zayn smiled in the slightest as he realized that Justin might be flirting with him. His heart grew at the prospect, since Justin would be his dream guy.

"Don't you think it's a bit odd that it is just the three of us?" Harry asked.

"There's going to be a few people coming tomorrow too, but I think we should have plenty of room. There are two rooms but there are couches too," Justin said back.

"Cool," Harry replied.

Zayn admired Justin as he smiled back at him and flipped on the music player. He began to dance to the music in front of the two boys while talking at the same time.

"If you're hungry we have food, plus we should check out the rental area, it's not too far and there's some cool food joints there too."

"Ah, great," Zayn finally said.

Justin flipped off the music.

"There's time later to dance but for now we should hit the slopes before dark. You guys ready?"

"I am!" Harry said.

Zayn zoned out a bit while practically drooling over Justin but managed to come up with a reply.

"Let's do it," Zayn said as Justin led the way out of the Chalet.

By the time the boys got back to the chalet their legs were tired, their cheeks were rosy, and each of them was slightly sweaty. Zayn was relatively new to skiing so his legs hurt even more. He limped on in and took off his coat.

"Man it's cold in here, we need the fire going," Justin said as he flicked the switch to turn it on.

"Are you doing okay Zayn?" Harry asked as he noticed his walking was slow.

"Almost," Zayn said while leaning over to the couch.

"Here, lay down," Justin said.

"What?" Zayn asked.

He had to confirm that his ears weren't deceiving him. By the time he could get a response, Justin playfully pushed him back onto the couch. He was on his back and Justin had carefully grabbed one of his legs.

"Okay I'm going to lift now, are you ready for it?"

Zayn nodded his head. Justin lifted the leg slowly as Zayn felt the muscles in his thigh stretch, feeling the mixture of good and slightly pain. Justin expertly took the second leg and lifted it again slowly, repeating the process. The stretching feeling of his butt and thighs felt good but just that the fact that Justin was touching him made Zayn warm enough and grow a slight erection.

Harry watched awkwardly as his band-mate was being stretched by another teen idol.

"I'm next, right? You can rub my arse!" Harry joked.

Justin continued stretching Zayn's sore legs and remained gentle the whole time.

"How are the inner thighs?" Justin asked.

He rubbed inward on Zayn's leg slightly while Zayn ran out of words entirely to respond.

"Um...good...?" Zayn said as Justin continued rubbing.

Justin tapped a little on Zayn's leg to show that he was done and got up from the sofa. Zayn looked carefully and saw Justin was slightly bulging from his tight pants but that he adjusted to hide it.

"Let's have a few drinks," Justin said as he checked the liquor cabinet.

By the time the night was extending on, each of them had shared stories and a few laughs and began yawning. All of the exercise had done its toll.

"I think I'll have to retire for the night," Harry said. He lightly slapped both boys on the back and began to grab his stuff to put it in one of the rooms. He closed the door behind him. This left Zayn and Justin alone in front of fire.

Justin bit his lip nervously.

"So are you, um, going to be on the couch tonight or do you want the room?"

Zayn wasn't quite sure how to respond but figured he would toy around with the idea.

"How large is the room?"

"It's actually a decent size," Justin replied.

"Is it large enough for two people?" Zayn asked while finishing his beverage nervously.

Justin smiled lightly.

"Grab your stuff, I think we can do okay."

Both found the bathrooms and brushed their teeth. Each of them had changed into their night clothes, with Zayn in boxers and a t-shirt and Justin wearing pajama bottoms with a t-shirt. Justin decided to give Zayn the short bed and he would sleep on blankets he had laid on the floor.

Zayn crawled into the bed as his dick was half hard at just being in the same room as Justin. The idea that they would be sleeping almost right next to each other turned him on. By the time Zayn was all tucked into the bed Justin had turned out the light.

He could hear Justin as he crawled over, slightly next to him. The bed wasn't high at all and he could almost feel Justin's heat next to him.

"Zayn...did you have fun today?" Justin's smooth voice said in the dark.

"I had a lot of fun, Justin. I'm loving the fact that I came," Zayn replied.

Justin paused for a moment and they both sat in silence.

"Did I make you awkward when I stretched your legs earlier?"

" felt...good," Zayn admitted.

Very slowly Justin moved his hand over and touched Zayn's arm while he laid in the bed.

Zayn shuddered at the feeling but knew this was the moment. He moved slowly over in the dark and off of the bed and laid next to Justin. They touched each other quietly as Zayn found Justin's mouth and kissed it. He put his hands on Justin's chest as he felt Justin exploring downwards.

Justin felt the bulge in Zayn's boxers and he squeezed it.

Zayn thrust his hips forward as he continued rolling his tongue in Justin's mouth. The two moved closer as Zayn brought his hands down, feeling Justin's erection in his pajama bottoms. He started at the bottom near Justin's balls and moved his way up the shaft touching the head.

Bieber broke the kiss for a moment.

"Take off your boxers," he said.

Zayn lifted his hips and slowly peeled down his boxers. He tossed them aside and laid in nothing but a t-shirt, his stiffy pointing towards Justin.

Bieber reached out and felt upwards on Zayn's thighs, finding his prize once again touching Zayn's naked cock. He slowly stroked it as they began to kiss once again.

Justin moved enough to have his clothed crotch rub against Zayn's naked dick. Zayn was now on his back with Justin over him in push-up position. Each time Justin thrust into him Zayn could feel precum begin to leak out of his stiff dick. He spread his legs wide and matched the thrusts of Justin.

Zayn carefully put his fingers inside the waist-band of Justin's pajama bottoms on each side as Justin continued thrusting. Zayn lowered them slowly and his heart raced as he felt Justin's naked dick touch his own.

Zayn put his hands on Justin's cute butt as they continued the erotic thrusting while making out. Zayn rubbed each cheek carefully as Justin leaned forward and began to lift up Zayn's shirt. Zayn moved his arms up over his head as Justin lifted the shirt right off.

Zayn put his hands back onto Justin's ass, feeling each plump cheek. Meanwhile, Justin leaned down lower and licked each of Zayn's nipples. Zayn was fully naked, legs wide, and receiving the thrusts of Justin's hardness against his own leaking cock.

Zayn felt his orgasm coming but couldn't let it stop. Justin's heavy breathing and touching made him feel too good as he felt that familiar feeling.

"Keep going," Zayn said.

Without warning Zayn's dick began to spurt ropes of cum up onto his tight abs and chest. Each time Justin thrust forward he felt more cum out of his hard cock. Justin leaned in for a kiss as Zayn's orgasm reached its height, the warm liquid lubricating between the two of them.

Zayn's thrusting slowed as Justin's did also.

"Come in my mouth," Zayn said.

Justin slipped off his pajama bottoms and shirt entirely and moved up so each knee was on the side of Zayn's head. He was completely naked now. His slippery member touched Zayn's lips as the boy opened his mouth. He put the head of Justin's dick in his mouth and sucked it for a moment.

With one hand Justin began to stroke his own member carefully as Zayn moved his tongue around the head. He even licked lower and found Justin's ball sac and licked it lightly. With his free hands he touched Justin's butt. Zayn's hands roamed slightly and with one finger he began to massage Justin's hole slightly.

"Oh right there," Justin said.

Justin began to shoot and Zayn felt the hot cum touch his mouth. Justin continued stroking as his dick leaked warm juice into Zayn's mouth and onto his tongue. Zayn tasted the sweet and salty liquid as he felt Justin's hole squeeze around his finger.

Justin finished his last few strokes and moved next to Zayn, breathing heavy from the powerful orgasm. Justin was now on his side, his hand on his head. Zayn could smell Justin's scent and even his underarm deodorant as they lay closely to each other.

He leaned over and kissed Justin slowly, the two of them sharing the taste of each other. Zayn wiped his face slightly since Justin hadn't been entirely accurate. It didn't matter.

Zayn hugged Justin closely and they both felt the warmth of the naked touch as they intertwined. Zayn felt complete as he held Justin close. Justin slowly drifted off to sleep in his new lover's arms without a worry in the world.

Next: Chapter 2

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